View Full Version : You want Conspiracy? The World is Flat!

11-15-2012, 03:09 PM

Let me learn ya...
In 1*956, Samuel Shelton founded a society that subscribed to a theory about the shap*e of the Earth -- namely, that it's flat. Shelton based his theory upon what he called common sense and personal observation. He called the scientific evidence for a globe-shaped Earth "dogmatic," meaning scientists were making this claim without adequate evidence. Later, when people showed him pictures of the Earth taken by satellites, Shelton claimed the photos were fake. He and the members of his society continued to support the idea that the Earth is flat and that those who disagree are part of a conspiracy to keep the truth about the Earth hidden.

You want conspiracy? A mysterious fire in 2011 destroyed much of the groups records. Coincidence?

How many of you have actually been in space? Can you honestly tell me every single picture of the earth is not fake? Not part of a conspiracy from the Illuminati?

Here is some science, that disproves the notion of a non-flat earth.

:D Brittany Murphy WHO? This is the real important stuff....

11-15-2012, 03:11 PM
A poem.

The world is flat
Bitch no it ain't
The world is round

11-15-2012, 03:11 PM
The world is flat
Bitch no it ain't
The world is round

I like your flow but clearly you are brainwashed by the Illuminati and their symbols.

11-15-2012, 03:46 PM
A poem.

The world is flat
Bitch no it ain't
The world is round
That was beautiful, I shed a tear.

11-15-2012, 04:14 PM
That was beautiful, I shed a tear.
Was it round??

11-15-2012, 05:36 PM
:D Brittany Murphy WHO? This is the real important stuff....

Name of chick in your profile pic please. :D

11-15-2012, 05:47 PM
Yui Aragaki

Google Image is awesome.



I NEED TO PAY A VISIT TO JAPAN. :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:

11-15-2012, 06:24 PM
So we're gonna take one ridiculous conspiracy theory to make every conspiracy theory ridiculous?

Is that what we're doing here?

Problem with that is only an extremely small percentage of people actually support the belief that the world is flat...

If CNN conducted a "quick" poll... you think 70% of it's voters would agree that the world is flat?




Opinion polls about 9/11 conspiracy theories


And how great is this?

New York Times / CBS News have conducted a number of polls on the Iraq War that have included the question:

"Was Saddam personally involved in 9/11?"

April 2003 responses: 53% said Yes, 38% said No.
October 2005 responses: 33% said Yes, 55% said No.
September 2006 responses: 31% said Yes, 57% said No.
September 2007 responses: 33% said Yes, 58% said No.

Seriously? In 2007 33% still said yes. :facepalm

11-15-2012, 06:48 PM

11-15-2012, 06:55 PM
So we're gonna take one ridiculous conspiracy theory to make every conspiracy theory ridiculous?

Is that what we're doing here?

Problem with that is only an extremely small percentage of people actually support the belief that the world is flat...

If CNN conducted a "quick" poll... you think 70% of it's voters would agree that the world is flat?

You can't reason with sheep.. Just save the time and effort

11-15-2012, 07:35 PM
You can't reason with sheep.. Just save the time and effort

So apparently you think the Brittany Murphy mold murder conspiracy makes tons of sense and should be discussed? :lol

11-15-2012, 07:38 PM
What do you think of Area 51? In all seriousness....not meaning to mock. When i was younger that was a huge deal, and it seemed like the documents that became unearthed under freedom of information (because they were old) felt like they referenced something. You know, the old UFO files.

Totally seriousness, not making fun and apoligizing in advance if you think that kind of speculation is stupid.

11-15-2012, 07:51 PM
So we're gonna take one ridiculous conspiracy theory to make every conspiracy theory ridiculous?

Is that what we're doing here?

Problem with that is only an extremely small percentage of people actually support the belief that the world is flat...

If CNN conducted a "quick" poll... you think 70% of it's voters would agree that the world is flat?

I don't think the point is to equate the conspiracy theories, but to demonstrate that even in the light of real obvious evidence contrary to the theory people are willing to believe anything.

Take a second to reflect. It is incredibly obvious to anyone that isn't a flat earther to see that it is an incredibly flawed concept. However people that prescribe to the theory believe they have a world view that is completely consistent with reality. So even with evidence to the contrary they are quite capable of ignoring or rearranging evidences to fit with their beliefs but they don't consciously know they are doing it. No matter how loose or wrong their "facts" are, they are unable to see it. now ask yourself a question, is it possible, that even a fraction of your beliefs are based on faulty evidence or logic? are you subconsciously dismissing something to maintain your beliefs?

The answer is yes, because we all do it. But people need to recognize they are doing this. That is the important bit. So many conspiracy theorists are just as sheep like as the people they refer to as sheep - or even more so if they erroneously call someone a sheep simply because they are in the out-group and not because they blindly follow some else's idea (as long as it is counter to the mainstream).

11-15-2012, 07:54 PM
You guys have it all wrong.

The Earth is hollow.

And Hitler together with much of the Nazi empire escaped to the inside of the Earth and they continue building an Aryan utopia there, ready to take over the world when we mess up.

11-15-2012, 08:43 PM
You guys have it all wrong.

The Earth is hollow.

And Hitler together with much of the Nazi empire escaped to the inside of the Earth and they continue building an Aryan utopia there, ready to take over the world when we mess up.
been reading up on this theory lately. crazy.

11-15-2012, 09:22 PM
The Earth's hollow and Hitler found an entrance to it in the south pole and escaped there at the end of world war 2. Ancient aliens also landed and posed as gods early in our history too which explains why most religions have the same general facts and most gods are depicted/described in basic terms that could be used to explain space ships and the like.

There's some real interesting stuff out there. I don't believe any of them but I don't rule them out as crackpot either.
I do believe we were more technological in the past than what is recorded these days. There's the common belief that because we're more modern we must be so much smarter and our ancestors were dumb but that's not really true. There's alot of historical artifacts that don't fit with the time period that their dated from.

11-15-2012, 10:36 PM
This morning when I was halfway done with breakfast I looked down and my half eaten toast somewhat resemble the Nazi symbol :confusedshrug:

11-15-2012, 11:17 PM
This morning when I was halfway done with breakfast I looked down and my half eaten toast somewhat resemble the Nazi symbol :confusedshrug:
fvck you

11-15-2012, 11:29 PM
You guys have it all wrong.

The Earth is hollow.

And Hitler together with much of the Nazi empire escaped to the inside of the Earth and they continue building an Aryan utopia there, ready to take over the world when we mess up.

I'm not really afraid of the leadership of a 123 year old Hitler. :confusedshrug:

11-16-2012, 07:06 PM
another funny one is the phantom time hypothesis where people believe the middle ages never actually happened.


09-20-2016, 10:45 PM
Do you believe in a Hollow Earth Theory?

09-21-2016, 12:13 AM
Do you believe in a Hollow Earth Theory?
sure. but then a branch of the illuminati filled it with magma in the middle of the night. gotta keep up with reality now, lebron23. :no:


btw, did anybody know that we're all riding on a huge eggshell? well, half of one anyway.

apparently the earth's crust, which is what we're all living on, is only 18 miles thick, or half the thickness of an eggshell if the earth itself was the size an egg.

below that is the flexible, hot mantle, which is about 1,800 miles thick.

and then comes the earth's core, about 2,100 miles thick, and reaching temperatures up to 11,000

09-21-2016, 05:28 AM
[QUOTE=gigantes]sure. but then a branch of the illuminati filled it with magma in the middle of the night. gotta keep up with reality now, lebron23. :no:


btw, did anybody know that we're all riding on a huge eggshell? well, half of one anyway.

apparently the earth's crust, which is what we're all living on, is only 18 miles thick, or half the thickness of an eggshell if the earth itself was the size an egg.

below that is the flexible, hot mantle, which is about 1,800 miles thick.

and then comes the earth's core, about 2,100 miles thick, and reaching temperatures up to 11,000

09-21-2016, 12:02 PM
another funny one is the phantom time hypothesis where people believe the middle ages never actually happened.


I did a history minor, and one of my history teachers once talked about this theory briefly.

He explained that he didn't think that this theory was plausible, but he also explained that the period between the Fall of Rome (approx 350 A.D.) and the start of the Christian crusades (approx 1000 A.D.) is a bit of a mystery in terms of what was happening in Europe. The amount of sources of information available from this period is ridiculously low compared to the ages before and after it. This of course doesn't mean that this period didn't exist, but he understood why this gap of information could lead to conspiracy theories. He probably exaggerated a bit, but he said we know more about what was happening in Europe during some single decades of the Roman era than we do about what was happening in Europe during some complete centuries of the period +/- 350-1000 A.D. In terms of information, the period between the Roman era and the start of the crusades is a bit of a blur.

Hope I got the point across a little, English is not my native language.

09-21-2016, 12:39 PM
IIRC most of europe during 350 - 1000AD was comprised of various germanic and celtic tribes with oral (not written) traditions.

so, not surprising to me that there would be that gap.