View Full Version : Royce White prepared to walk away from NBA

11-16-2012, 07:00 PM
Per ESPN: "Royce White told ESPN he will meet with GM and is prepared to walk away from NBA"


11-16-2012, 07:02 PM
Is any of his money even guaranteed as a non lotto pick?

11-16-2012, 07:02 PM
No place for him in the NBA anyways let him walk and be happy

11-16-2012, 07:02 PM
:( You gotta fight it Royce!

11-16-2012, 07:02 PM
:biggums: :biggums:

are you serious? you dont bluff with the GMs of the NBA.

11-16-2012, 07:03 PM
I'm trying to be sensitive to his mental state, but I don't know why he just can't suck it up and get on the plane. Didn't he fly a lot for college basketball too?

We're talking about providing for his life here. Why can't he just take flight?

11-16-2012, 07:03 PM
gtfo then, you got people that would kill to be in the NBA and you are throwing it away.

11-16-2012, 07:07 PM
Wow. What's he gonna do now? Make music? :facepalm

11-16-2012, 07:09 PM
Is any of his money even guaranteed as a non lotto pick?
First two years are guaranteed for all 1st round picks that sign their rookie contracts. Year 3 and 4 are team options.

I don't think the Rockets will be picking up his team option. :lol

11-16-2012, 07:10 PM
This dude needs to be on meds.

11-16-2012, 07:14 PM
First two years are guaranteed for all 1st round picks that sign their rookie contracts. Year 3 and 4 are team options.

I don't think the Rockets will be picking up his team option. :lol

White gets a rookie contract worth $2.8 million in the first two guaranteed seasons, with the team holding options for a third and fourth season.

$5.6 million bucks for two weeks of whining on Twitter? I'll take that deal!

11-16-2012, 07:16 PM
What a waste of a pick. :facepalm

11-16-2012, 07:18 PM
Well, I hope he's serious. Because if the Rockets release him, no NBA team will ever touch him again.

11-16-2012, 07:24 PM
Woj sums up the situation perfectly:

link (http://sports.yahoo.com/news/nba--royce-white-s-battle-with-rockets-over-aniexty-disorder-could-cost-him-nba-career-16011709.html)

11-16-2012, 07:25 PM
First two years are guaranteed for all 1st round picks that sign their rookie contracts. Year 3 and 4 are team options.

I don't think the Rockets will be picking up his team option. :lol
If he voluntarily walked away, wouldn't the contract be forfeited or something?

11-16-2012, 07:27 PM
We all have no idea what is really going on there.

Like people will act crazy for a judge or jury to avoid a harsh sentence in court, he might just act crazy to avoid being put on a court. I

11-16-2012, 07:28 PM
Lame ass...I'm quite certain Houston can void his contract. I think they'd be insane to pay him anything outside his first year.

He's an idiot. It's his fault. It's not about flying. He just wants everything handed to him and he's a prick in how he goes about everything.

11-16-2012, 07:28 PM
Lame ass...I'm quite certain Houston can void his contract. I think they'd be insane to pay him anything outside his first year.

He's an idiot. It's his fault. It's not about flying. He just wants everything handed to him and he's a prick in how he goes about everything.

I don't think they can void it unless they insured it, which I'm assuming they didn't.

11-16-2012, 07:29 PM
People don't understand Royce here. OCD isn't rational, so stop acting like he is purposefully acting like this just to be a dick.

Burgz V2
11-16-2012, 07:31 PM
extremely talented player. it's a shame.

shocked at some of the comments on here. understandable if you're a Rockets fan to be upset but otherwise there are somethings bigger than basketball and millions. This would actually turn a lot of heads, not only in the sports world and bring attention to his illness/disorder

11-16-2012, 07:33 PM
There are a variety of conditions that limit people from the NBA, mostly physical.

His happens to be mental. Does that mean he did anything wrong? No. I don't blame him for trying.

It's just obvious a team shouldn't try to make it work because he's not cut out for the NBA life.

11-16-2012, 07:37 PM
Very talented player.

But he handled this whole thing poorly and rather petulantly, and you can't really shelve all the blame on his psychological problems, considering his track record in the past...

11-16-2012, 07:48 PM
Royce is a complete clown. He acts like he is the first person ever to have anxiety issues to play in the NBA. He is constantly throwing around his disorder into everyone's face as an excuse for what he does and the plays the victim card. He is a joke and doesn't deserve to be in the NBA.

11-16-2012, 07:49 PM
Royce is a complete clown. He acts like he is the first person ever to have anxiety issues to play in the NBA. He is constantly throwing around his disorder into everyone's face as an excuse for what he does and the plays the victim card. He is a joke and doesn't deserve to be in the NBA.
hes been a joke since high school.

11-16-2012, 07:51 PM
hes been a joke since high school.
I know, I followed him ever since his early days at DeLaSalle

11-16-2012, 08:03 PM
I just realized, that Royce White was taken with the 16 pick. That was the pick Rockets got from the Knicks for taking Jared Jeffries back in 2010.

:roll: So deserved.......f-ck you Morey. :D Now that trade was a complete bust for Rockets. :banana:

11-16-2012, 08:05 PM
Kid's a joke. Gets a multi-million rookie deal, complains to the media (real professional, Royce) and then threatens to quit the NBA publicly?

No one cares Royce, piss off. Sorry Houston fans, you took a gamble and it didn't pay off this time :(

11-16-2012, 08:06 PM
You sure he has anxiety issues, and not just a straight up cry baby?

11-16-2012, 08:07 PM
Did he expect for the planes to drive him to every game?

11-16-2012, 08:10 PM
Kid's a joke. Gets a multi-million rookie deal, complains to the media (real professional, Royce) and then threatens to quit the NBA publicly?

No one cares Royce, piss off. Sorry Houston fans, you took a gamble and it didn't pay off this time :(

We (fans) took a gamble?

In what way? We didn't draft him, the organization did.

11-16-2012, 08:19 PM
If he voluntarily walked away, wouldn't the contract be forfeited or something?
I think the team could make the case, but I doubt they'd try. Your organization doesn't want to be known as one that tries to use loopholes to get out of contracts. Future stars would remember and perhaps not sign with you in the future.

11-16-2012, 08:34 PM
Did he expect for the planes to drive him to every game?
Well the rockets had already organized for him to get driven for road games when possible. So I don't think his flying issue is the problem

11-16-2012, 08:40 PM
We (fans) took a gamble?

In what way? We didn't draft him, the organization did.

I never said the FANS took a gamble.. I was merely saying sorry to Houston fans that the team took a gamble and it didn't pay off.

11-16-2012, 08:44 PM
I think the team could make the case, but I doubt they'd try. Your organization doesn't want to be known as one that tries to use loopholes to get out of contracts. Future stars would remember and perhaps not sign with you in the future.
I see, thanks. Not very familiar with the whole process and details of nba contracts.

Well the rockets had already organized for him to get driven for road games when possible. So I don't think his flying issue is the problem
He was complaining about the lack of playing time, and claimed the Rockets were using his disability as a reason for not playing him....lol. I think he basically implied something like how not getting playing time was causing him to have more anxiety. :rolleyes:

11-16-2012, 08:47 PM
the plane ride is a part of being in a team, not being there is a bad thing for team chemistry. plus I assume they sometimes watch tape and go over plays while on a plane

Human Error
11-16-2012, 08:53 PM
This is not a soccer A match where it is held only like once a month so you could make it on a bus, this is NBA where you have to play 4 games in 5 days in East and West at times. If he cannot get on an airplane then he has no business playing in the NBA, and he has nof earned the right to ask for any kind of special treatment. It was a mistake to take it to the public and try to make the organization who took him look into betrayers. Bye Royce and good luck with your new career.

11-16-2012, 08:53 PM
I think the team could make the case, but I doubt they'd try. Your organization doesn't want to be known as one that tries to use loopholes to get out of contracts. Future stars would remember and perhaps not sign with you in the future.

not true at all.

A contract works both ways. They can keep the existing contract as the Rockets never said they didn't want to pay him the money as long as White honored his side of it. If White does not attend to practice or attend the games, he will be suspended with out pay and fined which could offset his contract plus more. No NBA player will doubt Houston's actions as how can and player or union expect Rockets pay for a contract that doesn't get honored by the player?

11-16-2012, 09:11 PM
He's a whiny fat bitch. Let him quit.

People act like he can be a star in the league; I'm not sure if he can even be a starter on a good team. And, yes, I did watch him at Iowa State. Too much trouble over something probably not worth it.

11-16-2012, 09:17 PM
People don't understand Royce here. OCD isn't rational, so stop acting like he is purposefully acting like this just to be a dick.

I have OCD. And White is a ****ing baby and a dick.

OCD doesn't make you delusional or an idiot. In fact, there are some doctors that say most people with OCD are intelligent...just their brain moves too fast or thinks too much about certain things.

If you have OCD, you are FULLY AWARE you have OCD. If you wash your hands 30 times a day, you KNOW your hands are clean, you just can't help it. MUCH different than someone who is delusional and thinks their hands are actually dirty.

OCD is very manageable because when you have it, you are aware of your condition and being aware is the biggest step when it comes to mental disorders.

He just seems like a whiny, emotional baby who is trying to blame them because he doesn't want to take the extra steps necessary. As far as his college career...maybe he was pampered and catered to in college because he was a star. In the NBA, he's just another rookie...a dime a dozen.

11-16-2012, 09:20 PM

Give a roster spot to someone that actually wants it then you cry baby.

If it's not due to the anxiety, but rather the playing time then I hope they void his contract... If it is actually due to the anxiety then I doubt they will be able to void the contract.

11-16-2012, 09:25 PM
not true at all.

A contract works both ways. They can keep the existing contract as the Rockets never said they didn't want to pay him the money as long as White honored his side of it. If White does not attend to practice or attend the games, he will be suspended with out pay and fined which could offset his contract plus more. No NBA player will doubt Houston's actions as how can and player or union expect Rockets pay for a contract that doesn't get honored by the player?

11-16-2012, 09:26 PM
Anxiety is a very real disorder and it's tough to deal with (I know from experience), but if you're in the NBA and making millions, you've gotta find a way to deal with it. He's missing out on a huge opportunity.

And he's just acting like a dick. Anxiety is no excuse for that.

11-16-2012, 09:26 PM

Give a roster spot to someone that actually wants it then you cry baby.

If it's not due to the anxiety, but rather the playing time then I hope they void his contract... If it is actually due to the anxiety then I doubt they will be able to void the contract.
walking away from the nba equals retiring. rockets won't pay him a dime if he retires.

11-16-2012, 09:30 PM
Anxiety is a very real disorder and it's tough to deal with (I know from experience), but if you're in the NBA and making millions, you've gotta find a way to deal with it. He's missing out on a huge opportunity.

And he's just acting like a dick. Anxiety is no excuse for that.

Yup. Anxiety IS a bitch (I have a bit of that, too) but it is, BY FAR, the most easily treated mental "disorder" there is. Most doctors don't even like to call it a "disorder" because EVERYONE has some form of anxiety...just others are more susceptible and have higher levels of it.

11-16-2012, 09:30 PM
Drama Queen.

Of course he won't walk away from millions of dollars. Money > anxiety disorder

Burgz V2
11-16-2012, 10:14 PM
why are people even mad at this? you people are sick, the man has a disorder that forces him to be IRRATIONAL about things like flying and travelling. there HAVE been superstars in professional sports who have dealt with it, albeit with the help of their teams (ie. Dennis Bergkamp). If you are a Rockets fan then fine, you guys wasted a pick and should eb mad about that. everyone else i smdh at you

if the Rockets wont help then it might be the best thing he can do to walk away

this is bigger than sports, those calling him a bitch have clearly never met someone with this problem. This is a win for those trying to create awareness because it shows that even money and fame can be lost in the process.

11-16-2012, 10:22 PM
why are people even mad at this? you people are sick, the man has a disorder that forces him to be IRRATIONAL about things like flying and travelling. there HAVE been superstars in professional sports who have dealt with it, albeit with the help of their teams (ie. Dennis Bergkamp). If you are a Rockets fan then fine, you guys wasted a pick and should eb mad about that. everyone else i smdh at you

if the Rockets wont help then it might be the best thing he can do to walk away

this is bigger than sports, those calling him a bitch have clearly never met someone with this problem. This is a win for those trying to create awareness because it shows that even money and fame can be lost in the process.
I think you should read up on the current situation. :confusedshrug: Atm, flying isn't even the issue. Royce has shown little cooperation. Instead, he's constantly on twitter having twitter wars with trolls and such, as well as mouthing off about his organization. Instead of promoting the cause of people with mental illnesses, he's actually making it so that nobody will want to draft a player with issues in the near future.

The "help" Royce wants the rockets to give is playing time, and not being sent to the d league.

11-16-2012, 10:22 PM
He shouldn't get any money the dude didn't even try, quiting after 2 weeks and playing like 2 summer leauge games thats embarrasing, you gotta love people who have all the physical gifts and just let them go to crap and don't even make a remote effort to try.

11-16-2012, 10:23 PM
why are people even mad at this? you people are sick, the man has a disorder that forces him to be IRRATIONAL about things like flying and travelling. there HAVE been superstars in professional sports who have dealt with it, albeit with the help of their teams (ie. Dennis Bergkamp). If you are a Rockets fan then fine, you guys wasted a pick and should eb mad about that. everyone else i smdh at you

if the Rockets wont help then it might be the best thing he can do to walk away

this is bigger than sports, those calling him a bitch have clearly never met someone with this problem. This is a win for those trying to create awareness because it shows that even money and fame can be lost in the process.
:applause: :applause: :applause:

11-16-2012, 10:32 PM
he need to deal with his anxiety Nick Diaz style, shits bout to be legal coming to a state near u

11-16-2012, 10:39 PM
Maybe White can talk to Rick Carlisle, who also seems to have picked up some mental illness, cause he keeps playing Troy Murphy 25-30 minutes every night.:facepalm

11-16-2012, 11:08 PM
I just hope he doesn't get paid

11-16-2012, 11:08 PM
I'm trying to be sensitive to his mental state, but I don't know why he just can't suck it up and get on the plane. Didn't he fly a lot for college basketball too?

We're talking about providing for his life here. Why can't he just take flight?

His condition is definitely real but IMO the dude seems like a little bitch with a soggy ******. Houston is offering him a therapist to work with him to help him get over his OCD and other assorted issues that lead to his fear of flying, he's acting as if that's not enough and that they need to specifically cater to him in every possible. He's not some top tier guy that a team can't survive without, hell he wasn't even a lottery pick, he's got all the opportunity in the world right now and a chance to make enough money to set himself up for life, also he's being offered help for his issues and he's basically spitting into the hand of the Rockets....that outstretched hand won't be there for very long.

Dude thinks they "owe him" something, no they don't, nobody owes you shit, either get your shit together and go work it out, take as much time as you need in therapy or GTFO and go flip burgers with your goofy, unstable ass.

11-16-2012, 11:15 PM
why are people even mad at this? you people are sick, the man has a disorder that forces him to be IRRATIONAL about things like flying and travelling. there HAVE been superstars in professional sports who have dealt with it, albeit with the help of their teams (ie. Dennis Bergkamp). If you are a Rockets fan then fine, you guys wasted a pick and should eb mad about that. everyone else i smdh at you

if the Rockets wont help then it might be the best thing he can do to walk away

this is bigger than sports, those calling him a bitch have clearly never met someone with this problem. This is a win for those trying to create awareness because it shows that even money and fame can be lost in the process.

Houston has offered therapy and counseling on their own dime, they've offered to work with him to a certain extent regarding the travel issue, yet this dude keeps going on Twitter and flaming the organization as a whole. What do you honestly expect them or any organization to do? Babysit this guy 24-7? Yes, he's got a mental illness, lots of people in America have mental illnesses, not all of them are being offered top-notch professional therapy on someone else's dime, let alone claiming that "not enough is being done."

Like it or not, he's got to take some responsibility for himself, period. He's a grown ass man with a problem, the grown-ass man response is to get help and stick with therapy to help you progress beyond your issues, so far this guy seems content just to besmirch the entire Rockets organization and he seems to be the limiting factor when it comes to the success of treating his own issues. In this world, short of your mom and dad and other close family, ain't nobody give a **** about you or your problems if you aren't willing to handle them yourself.

This guy has value to the Rockets due to his talent as a basketball player, they made a sizable investment in him through a 1st round draft pick and thus have the incentive to help him be successful but they're not going to flip the entire organization upside down to wait on bended knee for one guy who doesn't even figure into their regular rotation.

Bottomline, if he flushes out of Houston, no other potential employer outside of basketball will give a single flying **** about helping this guy get over his mental issues. This is his best opportunity right now and he's ****ing it up.

11-16-2012, 11:18 PM
I think you should read up on the current situation. :confusedshrug: Atm, flying isn't even the issue. Royce has shown little cooperation. Instead, he's constantly on twitter having twitter wars with trolls and such, as well as mouthing off about his organization. Instead of promoting the cause of people with mental illnesses, he's actually making it so that nobody will want to draft a player with issues in the near future.

The "help" Royce wants the rockets to give is playing time, and not being sent to the d league.

This, he's not helping "his cause", he's making it so that teams won't get within 10 miles of a guy with a similar mental illness in the future. At a certain point you have to stop blaming his condition and consider whether or not this guy has the general judgment overall to be a worthwhile addition to the team. You can be mentally ill and still decide to act out like an absolute non-cooperative asshole.

Burgz V2
11-16-2012, 11:19 PM
I think you should read up on the current situation. :confusedshrug: Atm, flying isn't even the issue. Royce has shown little cooperation. Instead, he's constantly on twitter having twitter wars with trolls and such, as well as mouthing off about his organization. Instead of promoting the cause of people with mental illnesses, he's actually making it so that nobody will want to draft a player with issues in the near future.

The "help" Royce wants the rockets to give is playing time, and not being sent to the d league.

what does it matter? its only basketball! You completely missed the point. He does those things because of his disorder, he acts confrontational because he is IRRATIONAL. who cares if he's mouthing off, they are legally responsible, they gave him the contract, he signed it, end of story. if they dont like it then maybe their front office should do their homework and stay away in the first place. he has a right to say those things and he makes a good point most of the time. his anxiety is not ONLY about flying, maybe youre the one who needs to do some research

11-16-2012, 11:21 PM
why are people even mad at this? you people are sick, the man has a disorder that forces him to be IRRATIONAL about things like flying and travelling. there HAVE been superstars in professional sports who have dealt with it, albeit with the help of their teams (ie. Dennis Bergkamp). If you are a Rockets fan then fine, you guys wasted a pick and should eb mad about that. everyone else i smdh at you

if the Rockets wont help then it might be the best thing he can do to walk away

this is bigger than sports, those calling him a bitch have clearly never met someone with this problem. This is a win for those trying to create awareness because it shows that even money and fame can be lost in the process.
You need to read about what's going on right now and what Royce has been saying on Twitter. The Rockets are trying, they gave him a therapist, which he refused to go to, etc. Royce has even admitted he's not willing to meet them half way. He's acting like a complete idiot.

Read this article (http://sports.yahoo.com/news/nba--royce-white-s-battle-with-rockets-over-aniexty-disorder-could-cost-him-nba-career-16011709.html) to see how ridiculous it's gotten.

11-16-2012, 11:21 PM
Anxiety is a very real disorder and it's tough to deal with (I know from experience), but if you're in the NBA and making millions, you've gotta find a way to deal with it. He's missing out on a huge opportunity.

And he's just acting like a dick. Anxiety is no excuse for that.

The thing is, he's been offered help, he's been offered a program of therapy reinforced by the Rockets organization and at least some willingness on their part to cater to some of his special needs but yet that doesn't seem to be enough for him. It's like the dude on the street corner who asks you for some "gas money" because his car broke down, you hand him $5 out of your own pocket and he looks at you with spite in his eye because you didn't give him $10.

He needs to man up and take responsibility for his own issues, if he needs to take a few months off to get his shit together, he needs to go and meet with the Rockets and work that out professionally with the organization instead of taking everything to Twitter and lobbing grenades at the organization from afar.

11-16-2012, 11:24 PM
what does it matter? its only basketball! You completely missed the point. He does those things because of his disorder, he acts confrontational because he is IRRATIONAL. who cares if he's mouthing off, they are legally responsible, they gave him the contract, he signed it, end of story. if they dont like it then maybe their front office should do their homework and stay away in the first place. he has a right to say those things and he makes a good point most of the time. his anxiety is not ONLY about flying, maybe youre the one who needs to do some research
He signed the contract, he needs to honor it. If he knew he wasn't going to be able to, he should have told teams not to draft him. He also shouldn't blast the Rockets for fining him when he doesn't show up to work. I'm sorry but this isn't the way adults act at their job.

Honestly this seems to come down to him being mad at lack of PT and using his anxiety as a crutch. He needs to do his job, or quit.

11-16-2012, 11:26 PM
what does it matter? its only basketball! You completely missed the point. He does those things because of his disorder, he acts confrontational because he is IRRATIONAL. who cares if he's mouthing off, they are legally responsible, they gave him the contract, he signed it, end of story. if they dont like it then maybe their front office should do their homework and stay away in the first place. he has a right to say those things and he makes a good point most of the time. his anxiety is not ONLY about flying, maybe youre the one who needs to do some research

This is idiotic. He has the right to say whatever he wants, however the Houston organization isn't under any requirement to tolerate it, especially if he's not fulfilling his end of the contract. That's the crazy thing about contracts that you may not be familiar with, they go BOTH ways and require of something from both parties.

At some point he's got to take responsibility for himself, the Rockets are under absolutely no requirement to tolerate his inane blabbering and attacks on Twitter, if he can't hack it, he needs to go take some job flipping burgers where his employer really WON'T give a crap about his "issues" and won't hesitate to fire him in a heartbeat for acting like a jackass.

This dude is being offered help and slapping it away, he's trying to blame the world for his own ****ed up issues, if he's not willing to accept help and put effort into the therapy, then that is on him.

11-16-2012, 11:30 PM
Read this article (http://sports.yahoo.com/news/nba--royce-white-s-battle-with-rockets-over-aniexty-disorder-could-cost-him-nba-career-16011709.html) to see how ridiculous it's gotten.

I literally laughed at this part

White has turned down NBA D-League assignments, missed practices and conditioning workouts and tried to convince Rockets officials that his anxiety order would be much, much better if they would simply play him in games.

11-16-2012, 11:39 PM
**** anyone who says that the Rockets are somehow failing this guy, they've gone above and beyond what any employer should do in regards to issues such as White's.

This isn't a dismissal of mental illness. This isn't a belittling of his struggle. This is simply a fact. As he rails against the Rockets' insistence that he meet with one of their doctors when he's failing to honor his contract to show up for practices and games, he's losing sight that this is the one organization that's invested in his mental health and development as a player.

If Houston gives up on him, White will struggle to find another team willing to make even close to the commitment – if any at all. White has turned down NBA D-League assignments, missed practices and conditioning workouts and tried to convince Rockets officials that his anxiety order would be much, much better if they would simply play him in games. This isn't a negotiation, and never will be.

Houston redid White's contract so it could pay for White's RVs and car services on trips, because of his fear of flying. The Rockets have let him come and go this season without fining him. They owe him that patience and understanding, but they don't owe him playing time. It's earned in the NBA, the way three Houston rookies are trying to earn it.

White wanted separate transportation to get to training camp, and it was offered him. He didn't take it. The Rockets redid his contract and agreed to pay for the RV travel to bring him to selected games. They sent a vehicle to pick him up for the drive to training camp, and he didn't get into it. The list goes on and on, and it's November of his rookie season.

Most teams in the NBA would never give White this kind of special treatment. "He isn't good enough – and I'm not sure anyone would be good enough – to have a completely different set of guidelines for him," one GM told me. "I would've already cut him."

When meetings with Rockets coaches and officials couldn't get White the minutes he wanted, when a demotion to Rio Grande and the bus trips of the minors had been broached, White stopped showing up to the team's facility for practices and games last week. Maybe it was a coincidence, but White is losing the benefit of the doubt.

Dude just seems like he's trying to milk his illness for every drop its worth to skip that whole boring competitive "prove yourself before getting playing time" stage and just stay out on the court all the time. He has issues flying but also has issues with going down to the developmental league where he would be taking buses everywhere. As this dude's bullshit piles up, he's losing a lot of credibility in the process.

11-16-2012, 11:40 PM
Thank god the Celtics didnt draft him. There was a lot of rumours going on before draft day that White was prepared to join the C's

11-16-2012, 11:57 PM
Thank god the Celtics didnt draft him. There was a lot of rumours going on before draft day that White was prepared to join the C's

Lmao KG would have ate this dude alive.

11-17-2012, 12:57 AM
Anxiety sucks.

11-17-2012, 01:12 AM
I like how he's threatening to leave like he's some amazing prospect or something the dude can't even crack NBA game time.

11-17-2012, 01:28 AM
I can sympathize with ppl who suffer from serious anxiety but I can never imagine throwing away a once in a lifetime opportunity that is the NBA even if anxiety is really bad. This guy is seriously troubled...walking away from being set financially for life.

11-17-2012, 02:12 AM

11-17-2012, 02:36 AM
wait so the reason he's not showing up and saying its because his anxiety is he's not getting any PT? i just read that Woj article and thats what he's implying, right?

i still can't understand how any level of anxiety couldn't be dealt with enough to fly, even if you have to be sedated. i mean if it matters enough i'm sure you could get around that issue to do it especially when you have a organization catering to your needs. Rockets are suckers for doing him all of those favors :facepalm

11-17-2012, 02:38 AM
Rockets got trolled :applause: :roll: :roll: :roll:

11-17-2012, 02:39 AM
When did his disorder/s get diagnosed? Seems like it was really late the way he uses them as a crutch so much, within the last few years.

Being "special needs" combined with being a superstar basketball player your whole life, you'd have to be an insanely grounded person to not come out of that situation with a gigantic sense of entitlement.

Where's his family? A mentor, agent, something. He got along fine at Iowa State, talk to Fred Hoiberg or whomever it was that kept him together there. Someone's got to sit this kid down and talk some sense into him. HE LEFT SCHOOL EARLY, he wanted this. The hell'd he expect?

11-17-2012, 02:41 AM
Will you guys STOP TRYING TO RATIONALIZE HIS BEHAVIOR?!??!?!? :banghead: You're not getting what having OCD is like, which is fine because you don't have it, but try to be more understanding please!

11-17-2012, 02:49 AM
Someone should molest his mom and kick her in the face while she's in fetal position, maybe that will knock the anxiety out of him

11-17-2012, 02:53 AM
Will you guys STOP TRYING TO RATIONALIZE HIS BEHAVIOR?!??!?!? :banghead: You're not getting what having OCD is like, which is fine because you don't have it, but try to be more understanding please!

OCD makes you act irrationally and obsessively, it doesn't turn you into a total dickhead. One of the traits of OCD is that people are aware of their condition and their various behaviors, what White is doing is simply trying to exploit his condition by being a total asshole to the world, slapping away any offers at help and using his "condition" as a perpetual "get out of jail free card."

I have a friend who has suffered with some major OCD issues and while he would put on and take off his seatbelt about ten times before we could get going or readjust his napkins at dinner several times and move his utensils all about, he was never a complete dick and didn't act out in a bi-polar fashion.

11-17-2012, 02:57 AM
**** anyone who says that the Rockets are somehow failing this guy, they've gone above and beyond what any employer should do in regards to issues such as White's.

Dude just seems like he's trying to milk his illness for every drop its worth to skip that whole boring competitive "prove yourself before getting playing time" stage and just stay out on the court all the time. He has issues flying but also has issues with going down to the developmental league where he would be taking buses everywhere. As this dude's bullshit piles up, he's losing a lot of credibility in the process.

Yeah. Just because some people don't appreciate his illness doesn't excuse him from being so immature.

longtime lurker
11-17-2012, 03:00 AM
Well this ended before it even started.....

11-17-2012, 03:00 AM
White doesn't just have OCD. He has generalized anxiety disorder too, which is the more serious problem.

11-17-2012, 03:04 AM
Will you guys STOP TRYING TO RATIONALIZE HIS BEHAVIOR?!??!?!? :banghead: You're not getting what having OCD is like, which is fine because you don't have it, but try to be more understanding please!

I understand anxiety very well. However, this sounds like it's very severe. You say it's OCD? Is it? All anyone knows is he has anxiety. No one said anything about OCD. Why can't he get help for this?

11-17-2012, 03:07 AM
OCD makes you act irrationally and obsessively, it doesn't turn you into a total dickhead. One of the traits of OCD is that people are aware of their condition and their various behaviors, what White is doing is simply trying to exploit his condition by being a total asshole to the world, slapping away any offers at help and using his "condition" as a perpetual "get out of jail free card."

I have a friend who has suffered with some major OCD issues and while he would put on and take off his seatbelt about ten times before we could get going or readjust his napkins at dinner several times and move his utensils all about, he was never a complete dick and didn't act out in a bi-polar fashion.
I have OCD bro, and it manifests itself in many ways people don't understand (including me lol). I feel like I have to wash my hands constantly, for things that most people wouldn't, I get things stuck in my head and can't stop thinking about them even if they're unpleasant thoughts, etc. I also am often way too afraid to do anything about my problems and am usually very afraid/panicky about things that trigger my OCD. I'm just saying that we don't know all that is going on inside of Royce White's head right now.

All Net
11-17-2012, 03:09 AM
damn shame but with his issues he shouldn't be in the NBA anyway.

11-17-2012, 03:11 AM
I have OCD bro, and it manifests itself in many ways people don't understand (including me lol). I feel like I have to wash my hands constantly, for things that most people wouldn't, I get things stuck in my head and can't stop thinking about them even if they're unpleasant thoughts, etc. I also am often way too afraid to do anything about my problems and am usually very afraid/panicky about things that trigger my OCD. I'm just saying that we don't know all that is going on inside of Royce White's head right now.And what would happen at your job if you pulled the shit White is? You'd get fired. No one (ok, no one that's not an asshole) is trying to delegitimize his problems. But this is the job he chose. If he can't handle it because of his problems he should do something else.

The Rockets have bent over backwards for this dude.

11-17-2012, 03:20 AM
And what would happen at your job if you pulled the shit White is? You'd get fired. No one (ok, no one that's not an asshole) is trying to delegitimize his problems. But this is the job he chose. If he can't handle it because of his problems he should do something else.

The Rockets have bent over backwards for this dude.
I'm still in college lol and I don't have a job atm. And you're right, I'd get fired, I'm just saying people shouldn't expect White's behavior to be rational in regards to his anxiety issues.

11-17-2012, 03:29 AM
I have OCD bro, and it manifests itself in many ways people don't understand (including me lol). I feel like I have to wash my hands constantly, for things that most people wouldn't, I get things stuck in my head and can't stop thinking about them even if they're unpleasant thoughts, etc. I also am often way too afraid to do anything about my problems and am usually very afraid/panicky about things that trigger my OCD. I'm just saying that we don't know all that is going on inside of Royce White's head right now.

You have my sympathy, but the real world demands that you find a way to deal with your shit, if you acted out the way White has in pretty much every other job,your ass would have canned weeks ago. You got average everyday joe's struggling from the same issues or worse and they either find ways to hold their shit together and keep their professional life mostly clear of issues or they wind up homeless on a street corner talking to a brick wall.

When it comes to mental illness, the biggest issue is not getting the proper help and treatment, with treatment involved, pretty much any problem, while not completely eliminated, can at least be managed. The Rockets organization has gone all out to help White, offering him treatment and making special concessions that they wouldn't make for virtually any other player, they've gone about 75% of the way and have asked him to meet them about 25% and focus on the therapy and getting his issues under wrap, he's basically refused to do so.

Mental illness is a tragic thing, everyone's got family or friends that suffer from various types of mental illness and it can be incredibly frustrating to watch someone you care about deeply to struggle with these issues but at some point that individual has to take responsibility for their own treatment, they have to be proactive and a willing partner in helping make the treatment work, when they aren't and refuse to do so, there's really little that can be done for them. Until White makes the decision that he's ready to accept help and accept treatment, he's going to continue to struggle.

The worst part for him is that he's combining a slate of mental issues with the typical immaturity of a 20ish year old who fell into a whole bunch of success and now has the typical hanger-on's and posse's to worry about along with all the other shit on his plate, pressures of fame...etc, its a bad combination.

11-17-2012, 03:35 AM
You have my sympathy, but the real world demands that you find a way to deal with your shit, if you acted out the way White has in pretty much every other job,your ass would have canned weeks ago. You got average everyday joe's struggling from the same issues or worse and they either find ways to hold their shit together and keep their professional life mostly clear of issues or they wind up homeless on a street corner talking to a brick wall.

When it comes to mental illness, the biggest issue is not getting the proper help and treatment, with treatment involved, pretty much any problem, while not completely eliminated, can at least be managed. The Rockets organization has gone all out to help White, offering him treatment and making special concessions that they wouldn't make for virtually any other player, they've gone about 75% of the way and have asked him to meet them about 25% and focus on the therapy and getting his issues under wrap, he's basically refused to do so.

Mental illness is a tragic thing, everyone's got family or friends that suffer from various types of mental illness and it can be incredibly frustrating to watch someone you care about deeply to struggle with these issues but at some point that individual has to take responsibility for their own treatment, they have to be proactive and a willing partner in helping make the treatment work, when they aren't and refuse to do so, there's really little that can be done for them. Until White makes the decision that he's ready to accept help and accept treatment, he's going to continue to struggle.

The worst part for him is that he's combining a slate of mental issues with the typical immaturity of a 20ish year old who fell into a whole bunch of success and now has the typical hanger-on's and posse's to worry about along with all the other shit on his plate, pressures of fame...etc, its a bad combination.
Great post :applause:
I'm not saying White is acting admirably, and I need to read more of what he has said for myself, but as someone with problems similar to his, I try to keep myself from blaming him and writing it off as him being a douchebag.

11-17-2012, 03:43 AM
Read Adrian Woj's article on this kid. The Rockets have made all kinds of special arrangements for him and he's just being a little shithead. He's trying to act like the Rockets are discriminating against him because of his mental issues and not the fact that he just isn't that good. Total douche, I hope his contract is voided.


Timmy D for MVP
11-17-2012, 03:51 AM
If he came to this decision organically then it's the correct one. If he had time to think about it, and decided he needs to consider walking then it's the proper course of action for him.

The Rockets knew what they were getting into. Now they can let him walk.

11-17-2012, 04:37 AM
Is any of his money even guaranteed as a non lotto pick?
all 1st rounders are guaranteed $.

shame white can't get thru this and get to playing. rockets knew about it though and rolled the dice. i wonder if an nba player has ever just straight up quit before?

11-17-2012, 06:35 AM
I'm still in college lol and I don't have a job atm. And you're right, I'd get fired, I'm just saying people shouldn't expect White's behavior to be rational in regards to his anxiety issues.

Exactly. I have high anxiety, depression, PTSD, panic attacks, social phobia. The way i see the world in my head is confusing and scary and you make little shortcuts and allowances to allow yourself to cope with situations that other people dont even think about.

What Royce is going through and how he has dealt with it is completely irrational and can come accross selfish and nonsensical, it just isn't true.

11-17-2012, 06:47 AM
Exactly. I have high anxiety, depression, PTSD, panic attacks, social phobia. The way i see the world in my head is confusing and scary and you make little shortcuts and allowances to allow yourself to cope with situations that other people dont even think about.

What Royce is going through and how he has dealt with it is completely irrational and can come accross selfish and nonsensical, it just isn't true.Yes it is. He chose this career path. He left school early to pursue it. Stop giving the dude excuses. It really does suck that his problems are going to keep him from capitalizing on the path he chose, BUT HE CHOSE IT. Stop ignoring that and lending bullshit credence to his crutch. It's not a debilitating illness. People live their lives with it and much worse every single day w/ employers telling them not to let the door hit your ass on the way out.

11-17-2012, 06:47 AM
I have anxiety issues and you know what I do..I suck it up. Some days are very hard and others are easier. I don't buy everything this guy is saying.

11-17-2012, 06:56 AM
i hope he loses all his money and gets the worst career injury there possibly can be. ****kiing fakkit.

11-17-2012, 07:07 AM
Yup. Anxiety IS a bitch (I have a bit of that, too) but it is, BY FAR, the most easily treated mental "disorder" there is. Most doctors don't even like to call it a "disorder" because EVERYONE has some form of anxiety...just others are more susceptible and have higher levels of it.

wat u talkin bout son?

I don't think you understand what anxiety is or you think that having "a bit of it" makes you an expert. People have anxiety attacks and curl up into balls.

Getting on a plane is not the end of the world, true. But getting ****ed in the ass is not the end of the world, either. I want you to imagine getting ****ed in the ass for a moment. Everyone, stop and imagine that. Then realize how badly you don't want that to happen (assuming.) Fear of flying can be that serious. Now, it's ultimately up to him whether or not he chooses to grin and bear it, but it's not an easy decision.


11-17-2012, 07:15 AM
You have my sympathy, but the real world demands that you find a way to deal with your shit,

I think we need to truly have sympathy and not hold everyone to the same standard. We need to realize that people are different and have different strengths and weaknesses.

People will adapt to any situation. They will adapt to terrible situations, too. The thing is, when you force someone to adapt there is a chance they swallow it and become very bitter.

The whole sink or swim attitude, I believe, makes people into sociopaths because they say okay... I'll play your game, but when I finally get power, I'm going to make your life hell. And that's not what we want.

Nobody who had the level of anxiety would try to work a "normal" job, and if it suddenly happened in the middle of their life, you would hope people would be understanding. I have had family members with mental illness/psychosis who had bosses that dealt with it.

It's more like if someone was an extremely talented artist with severe anxiety. Would people put up with his shit? This dude was 16th pick in the draft. He's an extremely rare case.


11-17-2012, 07:16 AM
wat u talkin bout son?

I don't think you understand what anxiety is or you think that having "a bit of it" makes you an expert. People have anxiety attacks and curl up into balls.

Getting on a plane is not the end of the world, true. But getting ****ed in the ass is not the end of the world, either. I want you to imagine getting ****ed in the ass for a moment. Everyone, stop and imagine that. Then realize how badly you don't want that to happen (assuming.) Fear of flying can be that serious. Now, it's ultimately up to him whether or not he chooses to grin and bear it, but it's not an easy decision.

-SmakGetting anally raped is in nowhere near the same universe as facing an anxiety disorder that involves a fear of flying. You're a ****ing moron. I hope you aren't any older than twelve.

11-17-2012, 07:17 AM
I have anxiety issues and you know what I do..I suck it up. Some days are very hard and others are easier. I don't buy everything this guy is saying.

No one person can compare their anxiety issues to another. Some have it more severe, some have it mildly. Telling those affected to "suck it up" is how society reacts to it, but we often judge or react indifferently to things we don't understand or don't know. I face my fears to whatever I can possibly withstand, and i can tell you that Royce does the same. The way society assesses your progress or standard to be, is alot different to the individual with the problem.o Someone who doesnt undersand it might expect you to give a speech in front of a group of people, where your level of coping might be just to get up and stand in front of the people. I hope this gives a better understanding.

11-17-2012, 07:20 AM
Getting anally raped is in nowhere near the same universe as facing an anxiety disorder that involves a fear of flying. You're a ****ing moron. I hope you aren't any older than twelve.

It might be. Depends on the individual.

Id like to ask you something, what makes a person successful in your eyes?

11-17-2012, 07:22 AM
It might be. Depends on the individual.

Id like to ask you something, what makes a person successful in your eyes?This is a completely illogical rebuttal in my opinion and I have absolutely no interest in continuing this discussion. You mother****ers are living in a bubble.

11-17-2012, 07:26 AM
This is a completely illogical rebuttal in my opinion and I have absolutely no interest in continuing this discussion. You mother****ers are living in a bubble.

If I was to say to you that your a failure and lesser of a human being, after you just witnessed watching someone getting killed right before your eyes, you turn to alcoholism and you start being late for work and not coping. How would you feel? Would you view those people judging you as narrowminded and a little insensitive?

I think you know the answer, and I guarantee you would have a list of things similar to me.

11-17-2012, 07:30 AM
If I was to say to you that your a failure and lesser of a human being, after you just witnessed watching someone getting killed right before your eyes, you turn to alcoholism and you start being late for work and not coping. How would you feel? Would you view those people judging you as narrowminded and a little insensitive?

I think you know the answer, and I guarantee you would have a list of things similar to me.What the hell are you talking about? I wouldn't jump on twitter and complain about my employer not sucking my toes after they'd gone insanely out of their way to make things work.

Read my posts in this thread, I'm not doubting Royce White has real issues. He's not making stuff up or whatever. Royce White chose this career path. If his problems unfortunately stop him from capitalizing on that path, find a new one.

And if you people think this is at all comparable to getting raped you're just ****ing stupid.

11-17-2012, 07:40 AM
What the hell are you talking about? I wouldn't jump on twitter and complain about my employer not sucking my toes after they'd gone insanely out of their way to make things work.

Read my posts in this thread, I'm not doubting Royce White has real issues. He's not making stuff up or whatever. Royce White chose this career path. If his problems unfortunately stop him from capitalizing on that path, find a new one.

You did point out that we live in a bubble, as if we dont know what the real world is? :facepalm :rolleyes:

He also had a passion for the game from a young age, in which he felt that he could somehow work around his issues and play in the NBA. He didn't choose to suffer from it, and therefore make the NBA accountable. Its not quite the same as a normal job, your talking about a job in the NBA that brings upon sometimes unwanted fame, and media/public scrutiny-things that no player growing up really wants and certainly arent even thought of until they hit college. White just happened to be very good at basketball and had a passion for it, a professional basketball player isnt necessarily chosen, really come down to talent and desire.

11-17-2012, 07:45 AM
Poido, if you don't mind my asking what gave you PTSD? Military? Or was that thing with seeing someone get killed not an example and actually something you experienced? Regardless, I'm sorry you have to deal with this and hope you have lots of help from your family and friends.

11-17-2012, 07:48 AM
You did point out that we live in a bubble, as if we dont know what the real world is? :facepalm :rolleyes:

He also had a passion for the game from a young age, in which he felt that he could somehow work around his issues and play in the NBA. He didn't choose to suffer from it, and therefore make the NBA accountable. Its not quite the same as a normal job, your talking about a job in the NBA that brings upon sometimes unwanted fame, and media/public scrutiny-things that no player growing up really wants and certainly arent even thought of until they hit college. White just happened to be very good at basketball and had a passion for it, a professional basketball player isnt necessarily chosen, really come down to talent and desire.The bubble's impenetrable.

If you're in the NBA there is absolutely no such thing as "unwanted fame." Don't want the fame? Finish your degree and go sell insurance. You don't have to keep playing basketball just because you're good at basketball.

Look up the dude's high school history. He was a major story in Minnesota from the time he was like 15. He's not new to the game of being a major story. And even if he wasn't, is he from a different ****ing planet? He's suddenly unaware that pro athletes are scrutinized by the media? The dude didn't get plucked out of Middle Earth.

THIS IS THE JOB HE PICKED. Stop making excuses.

11-17-2012, 07:57 AM
I agree with that people that said we shouldn't judge him. We don't know how he feels. At the end of the day, Rockets took a risk and lost. That's all, they knew the risk existed.

I don't see anything wrong with Royce White.. if he could play, why wouldn't he? Why would he do all these shiit? I genuinely believe his phobia of planes. Although saying he needs playtime is kinda BS, that and twitter outrage is where he went wrong. Perhaps the classes offered by Houston is still too much for him to take right now, he just needed more time? Anyways, just speculation. End of day, Rockets gamble, lost.

They saw the possibility of this happening, so no way this contract gets voided. Fine him for lack of performance? That's only if the contract specifically says so. If an NBA player just travels with the team and makes himself available, he can't be fined, even if he intentionally sabotage the games. But for Royce, since his problem had been open since day 1, they probably made provisions for it e.g. not to fine him if he misses game due to him not taking the flight. That should be the 1st thing his agent negotiates.

Lastly, for people who say he shouldn't pursue a career in NBA since the beginning if he can't fly: come on man, you do what you have to do to get those money. If Rockets offered me a $5 mill contract now I'd take it, despite knowing I'll get my shiit knocked out in the NBA. I could care less. To me those $5 million allows me to set my life straight.

11-17-2012, 08:01 AM
As human beings, some of you have really disappointed me in here. This only truly proves how serious mental issues are. Can't possibly give up more than this.

11-17-2012, 08:15 AM
Other than the wanting minutes bit, this almost sounds like fear of failure. He's self-sabotaging himself because the big fish from the small pond just got tossed into an ocean full of sharks, and now he's got to prove he can swim. That voice in his head is his own worst enemy, and it's telling him he isn't good enough, so he projects and blames everyone else.

11-17-2012, 08:30 AM
Other than the wanting minutes bit, this almost sounds like fear of failure. He's self-sabotaging himself because the big fish from the small pond just got tossed into an ocean full of sharks, and now he's got to prove he can swim. That voice in his head is his own worst enemy, and it's telling him he isn't good enough, so he projects and blames everyone else.
What? Isn't he suffering me social anxiety / panic attacks? Believe it goes far beyond just fear of flying and stuff.

11-17-2012, 08:46 AM
Poido, if you don't mind my asking what gave you PTSD? Military? Or was that thing with seeing someone get killed not an example and actually something you experienced? Regardless, I'm sorry you have to deal with this and hope you have lots of help from your family and friends.

Thanks man, I was and yes. I'd rather not talk about it and just leave it at that.

Absolutely, family and friends have been very supportive, thanks for asking.
PTSD is just a continuous nightmare, and triggers like a bitch. Hey, better than being dead, Ill rep you for your support. :applause:

11-17-2012, 09:00 AM
What? Isn't he suffering me social anxiety / panic attacks? Believe it goes far beyond just fear of flying and stuff.

Fear of failure coupled with anxiety imo. Nothing to do with flying.

11-17-2012, 09:42 AM
Thanks man, I was and yes. I'd rather not talk about it and just leave it at that.

Absolutely, family and friends have been very supportive, thanks for asking.
PTSD is just a continuous nightmare, and triggers like a bitch. Hey, better than being dead, Ill rep you for your support. :applause:

11-17-2012, 10:02 AM

Neurological research by Allan Schore and others using EEG-fMRI neuroimaging suggests that though it may first be manifest following a turbulent flight, fear of flying is not the result of a sensitizing event. The underlying problem is inadequate development of ability to regulate emotion when facing uncertainty, except through feeling in control or able to escape. According to Schore, the ability to adequately regulate emotion fails to develop when relationship with caregivers is not characterized by attunement and empathy. Chronic stress and emotional dysregulation during the first two years of life inhibits development of the right prefrontal orbito cortex, and hinders the integration of the emotional control system. This renders the right prefrontal orbito cortex incapable of carrying out its executive role in the regulation of emotion.[3] This view point is contentious for many fearful flyers and it tends to anger those when explained to them - it puts the blame with parents and suggests they have to accept this idea to beat their fear.


11-17-2012, 12:07 PM
Will you guys STOP TRYING TO RATIONALIZE HIS BEHAVIOR?!??!?!? :banghead: You're not getting what having OCD is like, which is fine because you don't have it, but try to be more understanding please!
Ya, must of been his anxiety issues that made him assault a security guard and steal laptops when he was enrolled at the UofMinnesota:roll:

11-17-2012, 12:41 PM
This entire debacle pretty much guarantees that NBA teams aren't gong to waste their picks on players with mental disorders in the future. White has inadvertently made sure that talented players just like him are going to go undrafted because no team will want to deal with both the costs and the negative PR that's coming from this.

11-17-2012, 12:54 PM
Woj's article absolutely kills this subject. Perfect perspective.

If you don't want to read it, it basically says this:
White is lashing out because he isn't getting playing time and the transportation situation still hasn't been 100% worked out.
He claims that if he gets more playing time, then his disorder won't be as much of a problem.
Woj's issue with that is you have to earn your spot in an NBA rotation. It's not negotiable, and while it's honorable that White wants to fight this fight he needs to realize that his chance to have one of the best platforms to raise awareness he needs to buckle down and earn his spot.

11-17-2012, 12:55 PM
This entire debacle pretty much guarantees that NBA teams aren't gong to waste their picks on players with mental disorders in the future. White has inadvertently made sure that talented players just like him are going to go undrafted because no team will want to deal with both the costs and the negative PR that's coming from this.
That's what i'm disappointed about. When I first saw that video and read about his story I was excited about the fact that he was gonna bring a lot of public awareness about an illness that not a lot of people are educated about. But the way he is carrying and representing himself is putting even more of a negative view towards it because he's connecting his immaturity and other issues WITH anxiety as if they are one in the same. And people who don't know the difference are now looking at us like we're all bi-polar or shizo's or something. :facepalm

longtime lurker
11-17-2012, 12:59 PM
I can tell by some of the posts in this thread that some of these posters haven't had a real job. After a certain point you can't keep treating adults with kid gloves, White needs to meet the Rockets half way here.

11-17-2012, 01:01 PM
Ya, must of been his anxiety issues that made him assault a security guard and steal laptops when he was enrolled at the UofMinnesota:roll:

Exactly. He's no saint, anxiety issues or not. Dude's had well documented character issues apart from his anxiety disorder for a while now.

I love his game on the court, but the way he's been handling this situation has been pathetic. It seems like he's using his disorder as an excuse to be lazy and act entitled.

He either needs to step up, attend practices, and play in the D-League and EARN his way into the rotation or get his contract voided.

11-17-2012, 01:01 PM
This entire debacle pretty much guarantees that NBA teams aren't gong to waste their picks on players with mental disorders in the future. White has inadvertently made sure that talented players just like him are going to go undrafted because no team will want to deal with both the costs and the negative PR that's coming from this.

Like DStebb said, Woj's article gets it right. But this point here puts it to bed.

Everything this guy is fighting for, he's killing all by himself.

Who uses Twitter? Someone should honestly (and without being prickish) tell him. In fact, just quote SpecialQue.

11-17-2012, 01:16 PM
Just an unfortunate situation. No one truly knows whats going on in his head and how he perceives his treatment, it sounds illogical but depression and severe anxiety can warp your sense of reality

11-17-2012, 01:37 PM

11-17-2012, 03:32 PM
Well it's a damn unfortunate case if he does. I don't know what the guy is thinking in his head... I don't know if Basketball is something he is super passionate about or just good at because you would think he would be willing to fight his fears if he had the opportunity to play in the NBA... But sometimes it is just too much for people to handle. People will say suck it up or get someone else in... and quite frankly yea that's what he has to do but nobody knows what this guy is feeling so to judge him is ignorant. I don't see why he has to travel by plane though... you'd think the Rockets knew the risk... used a first rounder on him... that they would be ready to make special accommodations for him... But if not then they just threw away a pick. Seems kind of wasteful to me... but at the same time I get where they are coming from... he may just be too much trouble to be worth it. Very sad.

11-17-2012, 03:58 PM
the rockets should trade him, unless no teams want him

11-17-2012, 04:24 PM
the rockets should trade him, unless no teams want him
What team would want him? The Rockets were the only team willing to take a chance on him and it's backfired. There are zero teams in the league that will take him. Did you read the article? The Rockets met every demand he made but he wouldn't budge. This is really about playing time. He's trying to convince them that if they play him then his anxiety will lessen. So no, no team wants him.

11-17-2012, 04:26 PM
This is sad. Dude is about throw away his whole NBA career. Hopefully someone can knock some sense into him. This is turning into a waste of a pick.

11-17-2012, 05:07 PM
Well it's a damn unfortunate case if he does. I don't know what the guy is thinking in his head... I don't know if Basketball is something he is super passionate about or just good at because you would think he would be willing to fight his fears if he had the opportunity to play in the NBA... But sometimes it is just too much for people to handle. People will say suck it up or get someone else in... and quite frankly yea that's what he has to do but nobody knows what this guy is feeling so to judge him is ignorant. I don't see why he has to travel by plane though... you'd think the Rockets knew the risk... used a first rounder on him... that they would be ready to make special accommodations for him... But if not then they just threw away a pick. Seems kind of wasteful to me... but at the same time I get where they are coming from... he may just be too much trouble to be worth it. Very sad.

Please go back a page or two and read the WoJ article. The Rockets are bending over backwards trying to accommodate him, and making exceptions for him that are unprecedented. He's just refusing to accept the help they're offering and instead wants to immediately jump into professional NBA games.

11-17-2012, 10:29 PM

Globetrotters offering him employment when he quits NBA.

Seriously this guy should just quit NBA, he is too much of a hassle, demands way too much and seems way too immature.

11-21-2012, 03:42 AM
Walking away from a multi million dollar career playing basketball.... because you have a fear of flying? I can't possibly begin to understand this. He needs to do everything in his power to come to grips with his fear or he's going to end up pissing away a promising career.

11-21-2012, 04:54 AM
I understand where he is coming from. The rockets have a bunch of scrubs playing. And pretty High picks like White and Motiejunas are not even getting any minutes. IF they are not going to play them then they should trade them. Both are and will be pretty good players. I think that is obvious, they are not scrubs.
Toronto should give a shot at Motiejunas. Imagine Valanciunas and Motiejunas playing together. They would complement each other well. And for all the dumb ****s that are called NBA experts - Motiejunas is a PF not a C. Get it right. IF a player is 7'0 that doesn't mean he is necessary a fking Center.

11-21-2012, 04:56 AM
rockets want him to go to the d-league to get some burn, he aint listening...

11-21-2012, 04:57 AM
If he ever comes back there is no reason he shouldn't be plaing 20-25 mins a game theres no reason he shouldn't be backing up Parsons/Patterson hes more talented than every single person on the roster not named Harden, but he needs to stop being a biatch