View Full Version : LeBron hits the practice court for

12-07-2012, 05:12 AM

[QUOTE]LeBron went thru an extended workout after the game on the practice court. Said Knicks

12-07-2012, 05:15 AM

Bron played great. He should have taken Wade and Bosh with him lol

Copying Kobe big time.... I guess hes trying to learn from a true student of the game.

Too bad theres no gym that can replace DWades knees LeBron...

12-07-2012, 05:17 AM
Lebron's supporting cast is ****ing pathetic. He is the only player in Miami that has heart and talent.

12-07-2012, 05:20 AM
More like Wade should be doing that

12-07-2012, 05:20 AM
Copying Kobe big time.... I guess hes trying to learn from a true student of the game.

Too bad theres no gym that can replace DWades knees LeBron...

Do you think that Kobe is the first person to do this? I don't even have to check, I'm certain that Jordan did this. I bet Reggie Miller did it too. He's a 3 time MVP and world champion. When is it going to be enough for you?

12-07-2012, 05:22 AM
Copying Kobe big time.... I guess hes trying to learn from a true student of the game.

Too bad theres no gym that can replace DWades knees LeBron...

How is that copying Kobe? lmao

Do you really believe Kobe is the first do to that?

Burgz V2
12-07-2012, 05:27 AM
Copying Kobe big time.... I guess hes trying to learn from a true student of the game.

Too bad theres no gym that can replace DWades knees LeBron...

Copying Kobe?


12-07-2012, 05:31 AM
Kobes been known to do this on many instances...

Im sure LeBron didnt watch Oscar Robinson, Larry Bird, etc. He sees one of his peers, one whos pedigree is greater than his own, and is taking a page from his book.

12-07-2012, 05:33 AM
LeBron is such a cornball.

Always trying to stunt on Kobe.

12-07-2012, 05:36 AM
There is nothing he could have done better except been to the future and seen what his teammates would have played/shot like and how the Knicks would have played/shot like... hence preparing himself to go for 50+ FG attempts himself or something to try and win the game himself...

But it sure sends a message to his teammates: [I]

12-07-2012, 05:37 AM
I like that he's setting an example. Wade must be in the club right now.

12-07-2012, 05:40 AM
Copying Kobe big time.... I guess hes trying to learn from a true student of the game.

Too bad theres no gym that can replace DWades knees LeBron...
Too much rep given out in the last 24 hours.

Copying Kobe?

Kill yourself.

Lebron is no rapist.

12-07-2012, 05:44 AM
LeBron is such a cornball.

Always trying to stunt on Kobe.

*insert new player* is such a cornball.

Always trying to stunt on Lebron.

Kobe is such a cornball.

Always trying to stunt on Jordan/Reggie etc.

Jordan is such a cornball.

Always trying to stunt on Magic/Bird.

Magic/Bird are such cornballs.

Always trying to stunt on Dr. J/West

Dr. J/West are such cornballs.

Always trying to stunt on Oscar/Baylor etc.

Oscar/Baylor etc. are such cornballs.

and so it continues.................. and so does your ignorance....

12-07-2012, 05:51 AM
Copying Kobe?

Kill yourself.

Lebron is no rapist.

This ain't funnystuff.


12-07-2012, 05:57 AM
i dont get why lebron went to practice...he played fine, should have made bosh and wade go practice

12-07-2012, 06:02 AM
i dont get why lebron went to practice...he played fine, should have made bosh and wade go practice

This comment i think explains it the best:

The very best players in the world are always trying to get better. Never satisfied with where they are at. This is why guys like Kobe (who gets in a workout as early as 5am before practices) and Lebron continue to get better and why other guys who are bless with talent never leave their mark on the league.

Hard work beats Talent when Talent does not work Hard Enough…

It works like leading by example aswell, sending a message to his teammates.... especially when it is done directly after such a game where only Lebron himself was playing the hardest/to his ability and the rest was just traffic cones....

12-07-2012, 06:11 AM
Bean taught him well

12-07-2012, 06:24 AM
i dont get why lebron went to practice...he played fine, should have made bosh and wade go practice

to lead and show his team that they still need to be better.

12-07-2012, 06:39 AM
Bean taught him well

Its not just Kobe though and it certainly didnt start there, but Kobe sure is an excellent example indeed

12-07-2012, 06:44 AM
I dont understand some fans.Of course he is imitating kobe just like kobe imitated the older generation.Game is evolving thats what you supposed to do.

I see no problem with that.I know some fans are too delusional to understand that but lebron and kobe are both legends every legend learned from each other.

All Net
12-07-2012, 07:11 AM
Wade and bosh should of been there not lebron.

12-07-2012, 07:14 AM
i dont get why lebron went to practice...he played fine, should have made bosh and wade go practice
it's kind of an underhanded way of saying to his teammates:

i'm doing extended practice even tho i played great. wtf about you?

12-07-2012, 07:43 AM
Kobe, Lebron, called it "working on their game", i call it attention whores with bruised egos.

12-07-2012, 07:49 AM
Sounds like some stupid publicity stunt. He played fantastic, no need to put unnecessary stress on your body after a productive and intense output. His team-mates should be the ones putting in work, and I understand sending a message and all, but he should've went with a different approach.

But, at least there was an approach. Heat fans should hope it delivers.

12-07-2012, 07:51 AM
[QUOTE=pauk]There is nothing he could have done better except been to the future and seen what his teammates would have played/shot like and how the Knicks would have played/shot like... hence preparing himself to go for 50+ FG attempts himself or something to try and win the game himself...

But it sure sends a message to his teammates: [I]

12-07-2012, 07:53 AM
But why when Kobe does it he's trying to get a good public image then?
He had a shitty game when he did it.

12-07-2012, 07:58 AM
Well Lebron isnt the problem for the Heat, this aint likely to help much.

12-07-2012, 07:58 AM
Copying Kobe big time.... I guess hes trying to learn from a true student of the game.


12-07-2012, 08:24 AM
Well Lebron isnt the problem for the Heat, this aint likely to help much.

Because he is sending a message to his team mates. It is called leading.

12-07-2012, 08:28 AM
Wade has more important things to do.

Like sex parties.

12-07-2012, 09:22 AM
Its not Lebrons fault the team is playing below its standards. Wade really needs to step up.

12-07-2012, 10:09 AM
lol wtf copying Kobe my ass. There's a difference here, Lebron had a good game and Kobe had a bad game shooting 38% seeking attention. Lebron is trying to send a subliminal message to his superstar team mate who is playing like sh!t out there.

12-07-2012, 10:14 AM
lol wtf copying Kobe my ass. There's a difference here, Lebron had a good game and Kobe had a bad game shooting 38% seeking attention. Lebron is trying to send a subliminal message to his superstar team mate who is playing like sh!t out there.
Why? Is he too much of a pansy to say it to their faces? :lol

Kobe made a little sense, he had a bad game. Lebron was just copying without even bothering about the context of both situations.

12-07-2012, 10:32 AM
What would this accomplish? He's not the problem, Wade is.

12-07-2012, 12:54 PM
Lebron's supporting cast is ****ing pathetic. He is the only player in Miami that has heart and talent.

You gone loco boy.

Mr. Jabbar
12-07-2012, 12:59 PM
Impersonating godbe are we? Also copying kobe in having to carry SCRUB "superstars" this past few games.

12-07-2012, 01:04 PM
I can tell that some people here have never been leaders of any sort. Of course Lebron's play was not the problem last night, but if you are the leader you have to accept the responsibility and "lead" the process of rectifying the situation. It's always better to lead by example than simply by words.

Could you imagine if Lebron had simply gone to a group of grown men, many of whom are older than he is, and said, "Look guys. I'm busting my hump out there. You all did nothing. You all need to put forth some extra effort and play better, especially you, Wade"? That would not work.

On the other hand, seeing your best player who gave his all and played well blaming himself for a loss then putting in extra work sets an example. That's more inclined to light a fire under the rest of the team to say, Man...He played well and he's doing extra things to get better. I need to do be doing the same thing." And it's not even really about improving your "skill set" or your "game" per se. It's really about changing your mind to play harder.

12-07-2012, 01:10 PM
I can tell that some people here have never been leaders of any sort. Of course Lebron's play was not the problem last night, but if you are the leader you have to accept the responsibility and "lead" the process of rectifying the situation. It's always better to lead by example than simply by words.

Could you imagine if Lebron had simply gone to a group of grown men, many of whom are older than he is, and said, "Look guys. I'm busting my hump out there. You all did nothing. You all need to put forth some extra effort and play better, especially you, Wade"? That would not work.

On the other hand, seeing your best player who gave his all and played well blaming himself for a loss then putting in extra work sets an example. That's more inclined to light a fire under the rest of the team to say, Man...He played well and he's doing extra things to get better. I need to do be doing the same thing." And it's not even really about improving your "skill set" or your "game" per se. It's really about changing your mind to play harder.
Yes because they don't know Lebron and they don't know it was just more Lebron marketing.

Lebron a leader lol that's as bad as saying he have a post game.

Yao Ming's Foot
12-07-2012, 01:13 PM
I can tell that some people here have never been leaders of any sort. Of course Lebron's play was not the problem last night, but if you are the leader you have to accept the responsibility and "lead" the process of rectifying the situation. It's always better to lead by example than simply by words.

Could you imagine if Lebron had simply gone to a group of grown men, many of whom are older than he is, and said, "Look guys. I'm busting my hump out there. You all did nothing. You all need to put forth some extra effort and play better, especially you, Wade"? That would not work.

On the other hand, seeing your best player who gave his all and played well blaming himself for a loss then putting in extra work sets an example. That's more inclined to light a fire under the rest of the team to say, Man...He played well and he's doing extra things to get better. I need to do be doing the same thing." And it's not even really about improving your "skill set" or your "game" per se. It's really about changing your mind to play harder.

Its possible to lead by example AND words. I never understand how Lebron's leadership is deemed the standard when he is still playing championship catch-up too much more "harsh" leaders in NBA history.

12-07-2012, 01:19 PM
poor lebron.

12-07-2012, 01:54 PM
Its possible to lead by example AND words. I never understand how Lebron's leadership is deemed the standard when he is still playing championship catch-up too much more "harsh" leaders in NBA history.

Who said it was the standard? If that were implied in my post it definitely wasn't intentional. In my post I made it abundantly clear that leading by example is better than "simply by words." So I was not excluding words as being effective. As a matter of fact, words are a given in leadership. It just should not be the only way to lead. Words will always be there, but again I hold fast to the principle that leading by example is the best. People are more inclined to follow you when they see you practicing what you preach.

Also, on many successful past great teams you had the "harsh" leader as well as the more mellow leader to counter that. They were able to balance each other out. That's what the 90's Bulls had with MJ and Pippen. I don't know what other type of leadership the Heat has outside of Lebron. Maybe Wade is the "harsh" taskmaster, but his performance last night would not allow him to take that approach.

12-07-2012, 02:04 PM
the past two years this guy seems to have getting more and more mature. Had a terrific game but still lost and doesn't point fingers at anyone. Just goes out and tries to get better.

I really think Shane Battier, Juwan Howard and the other vets he played with have a lot to do with it. I read on twitter that Lebron and Battier get huge scouting reports normally only given to coaches that are quite extensive. While other guys get the standard cheat sheet version. Scary when the best player in the game only wants to get better. Scary for the opposition indeed.

12-07-2012, 03:15 PM
Kobe, Lebron, called it "working on their game", i call it attention whores with bruised egos.

Yea, if someone kicks my ass and I want to practice, I'm not gonna tell them I practiced. I'm gonna save it for the next time I see them.


12-07-2012, 04:43 PM
it's kind of an underhanded way of saying to his teammates:

i'm doing extended practice even tho i played great. wtf about you?

spot on

12-07-2012, 04:50 PM
i always thought every player practices everyday even in season

12-07-2012, 05:25 PM
If Wade keeps this decline up anyone think that Lebron leaves in 2014? Lebron is all about winning and having a then 32 year old Wade with declining skills and injury problems taking up a max contract on a team with no center is not the best situation for winning.

12-07-2012, 05:50 PM
lo this fool thinks he is kobe? lol

12-07-2012, 06:00 PM
Lebron's supporting cast is ****ing pathetic. He is the only player in Miami that has heart and talent.

Lebron's supporting cast is purposely taking nights off because it's the regular season.

12-07-2012, 07:02 PM
Good for him. Hope he worked on his free throws. He really needs to improve in that area.

12-07-2012, 08:00 PM
lebron is a beta. thats why he doesn't have the balls to call out his teammates to practice.

12-07-2012, 08:02 PM
How is that copying Kobe? lmao

Do you really believe Kobe is the first do to that?
I guess you must have missed the "Kobe invented working out" thread.

Jesus, as much as it sounds like it, I can't believe that this isn't even a joke.

12-07-2012, 08:19 PM
Wanna be Kobe

12-07-2012, 08:40 PM
Copying Kobe big time.... I guess hes trying to learn from a true student of the game.

Too bad theres no gym that can replace DWades knees LeBron...

Kobe did it on the actual court in front of all the camera people, and journalists, and sports television network people, which is very different from what Lebron just did.