View Full Version : Prime Steve Francis vs Russell Westbrook

12-08-2012, 06:04 AM
Both have very similar skillsets

Who's the better player:

Steve Francis in his prime or Russell Westbrook?

12-08-2012, 06:33 AM
Francis was somewhat of a better rebounder in his prime, but Westbrook is a better playmaker and even a scorer aswell i think... When speaking of athleticism Francis probably matches Westbrook on the dunking part, but Westbrook is more gifted athlete overall (mostly due to his speed/quickness)... Defensively they are pretty much the same...

Westbrook i feel holds an edge overall over a prime Francis

Stephon Marbury is a better comparison to Westbrook (Stephon was better than Francis), all very similar style players at similar size/position... including Derrick Rose...

1. Prime Rose
2. Prime Westbrook/Marbury
3. Prime Francis

12-08-2012, 08:31 AM

12-08-2012, 10:31 AM
Westbrook for sure. Francis was a very good PG and a better rebounder but that's about it and I'm a big Francis homer.

12-08-2012, 11:46 AM

12-08-2012, 12:02 PM
The thing is Francis came into the league at 22 while Westbrook just turned 24 and has 5 years of experience.

I think that gives Westbrook the edge because of the years to develop

Francis true prime was as quick as his decline.

Overall talent-wise Francis was better than Westbrook is right now.

12-08-2012, 12:21 PM
Westbrook is a more athletic Gilbert Arenas.

12-08-2012, 12:27 PM
I don't know why this discussion comes up. It's not close. I don't know if Francis was more talented, but I know he wasn't half as good.

He's less of a PG than Westbrook is. He doesn't have Westbrook's will. It's not close.

Marbury is not much of a good comparison. Marbury is absolutely a PG. He became obsessed with being a star, but he was always a PG. Even when he was ballhogging, he was a PG. Westbrook is a combo guard. Their styles aren't similar. Marbury was 1v1ing every play. Westbrook doesn't wait for that; he attacks the rim and puts the defense on its heels.

12-08-2012, 12:36 PM
I am no huge Westbrook fan but this isn't even close. Lemme see, would you rather have a guy who dribbles out 23 seconds of the shot clock or a dude who can actually make a play? It's a pretty simple answer. Yes a comparison to Marbury would be more suitable and although I actually liked Marbury the few years he was good (cause he was pretty damn good and light years better than francis) I think that Westbrook will be rembered as better than Marbury and will probably win a championship.

12-08-2012, 01:07 PM
I am no huge Westbrook fan but this isn't even close. Lemme see, would you rather have a guy who dribbles out 23 seconds of the shot clock or a dude who can actually make a play? It's a pretty simple answer. Yes a comparison to Marbury would be more suitable and although I actually liked Marbury the few years he was good (cause he was pretty damn good and light years better than francis) I think that Westbrook will be rembered as better than Marbury and will probably win a championship.
That pretty much echoes what I was going to say. It's Westbrook, easily.

12-08-2012, 01:10 PM
Westbrook is a more athletic Gilbert Arenas.


Westbrook has no where near close to the shooting ability of Gilbert Arenas

12-08-2012, 01:17 PM
Westbrook. He has a great motor that helps him on the court. Francis, with similar quickness and hops didn't have that motor.

12-08-2012, 02:43 PM
I am no huge Westbrook fan but this isn't even close. Lemme see, would you rather have a guy who dribbles out 23 seconds of the shot clock or a dude who can actually make a play? It's a pretty simple answer. Yes a comparison to Marbury would be more suitable and although I actually liked Marbury the few years he was good (cause he was pretty damn good and light years better than francis) I think that Westbrook will be rembered as better than Marbury and will probably win a championship.

Their styles of play aren't similar at all.

12-08-2012, 03:01 PM
its westbrook already... and he hasnt even reached his prime. he probably won't for another few years. he is improving every year and already is either the best or in the discussion as the best pg in the league.

francis was damn exciting... but like already a few have said, he could have and SHOULD have been so much better for much longer.

12-08-2012, 03:44 PM
The question though is a PRIME Steve Francis which I don't think he's being compared as. It's easy to pick Westbrook due to current situation. Had Steve Francis played with the second best player in the game, let's a say a Kobe Bryant at his prime, I think he'd be viewed alot differently. Put Westbrook in Francis's situation and I don't think he'd be heralded nearly as high.

Just last year you guys were ready to crucify Westbrook, I don't see him as all too different this year.

12-08-2012, 04:34 PM
How can you ask this question. Half of the people on this board didn't even have pubs when Francis was playing.

Of course they will say westbrook is better.

Right now, they are about the same. I see them going through the same career path.

Francis, westbrook, marbury, all in the same line of thought

12-08-2012, 04:39 PM
How can you ask this question. Half of the people on this board didn't even have pubs when Francis was playing.

Of course they will say westbrook is better.

Right now, they are about the same. I see them going through the same career path.

Francis, westbrook, marbury, all in the same line of thought

i did and he was never a factor that Westbrook is now.

12-08-2012, 04:41 PM
How can you ask this question. Half of the people on this board didn't even have pubs when Francis was playing.

Of course they will say westbrook is better.

Right now, they are about the same. I see them going through the same career path.

Francis, westbrook, marbury, all in the same line of thought
I'm 40 years old and saw all these dudes in college. One of my friends was at Maryland w/ Francis. No they're not the same and Westbrook is far better than Francis ever was.