View Full Version : The Sandy Hook Hoax (VIDEO)

12-19-2012, 03:00 PM

Thoughts on the validity of this conspiracy?

12-19-2012, 03:07 PM

Thoughts on the validity of this conspiracy?

damn i dont know how to respond to that.lol....i mean i think the video is a little exaggerated.innocent kids were killed we have facts to prove that.but idk...idk.lol

12-19-2012, 03:15 PM
there is seriously a conspiracy for everything. There's still people out there who believe the Holocaust didn't happen

12-19-2012, 04:18 PM
there is seriously a conspiracy for everything. There's still people out there who believe the Holocaust didn't happen
There books even written about it. I think it happened but i dont trust the numbers.

12-19-2012, 04:57 PM
Okay but seriously... this really creeps me out.


What the f*ck is this?

is this real life?

Did I just see what I think I saw.

Somebody please tell me what just happened there.

12-19-2012, 05:06 PM
I think it happened

:coleman: Are you serious?

12-19-2012, 05:38 PM
Thoughts on the validity of this conspiracy?
Is this a serious question?

Mr Know It All
12-19-2012, 06:56 PM
there is seriously a conspiracy for everything. There's still people out there who believe the Holocaust didn't happen

The validity of the use of gas chambers and the numbers have been seriously put into question by legitimate historians and experts. Only skinheads and morons say "The Holocaust didn't happen" but the real question is "What is the Holocaust?". In many countries, including my own, Canada, you can be arrested and deported for daring to question it. That should tell you all you need to know about the issue.

12-19-2012, 06:58 PM
Okay but seriously... this really creeps me out.


What the f*ck is this?

is this real life?

Did I just see what I think I saw.

Somebody please tell me what just happened there.

ya this is pretty strange. You can clearly tell he's trying to get himself 'into character' before he started speaking

Mr Know It All
12-19-2012, 07:05 PM
This is quite silly though. The fact that "Sandy Hook" appears on a map in The Dark Knight Rises is pure coincidence, and why would the conspirators risk these lazy people putting that together anyway?

"Hey, we're trying to systematically disarm the country to empower our New World Order by faking shooting tragedies. But, just for fun, let's leave little hints in this blockbuster film because...well because it's fun."

And the reptiles proceed to laugh in unison in their underground lair. Sons of bitches.

We saw with Casey Anthony that people grieve in very different ways. Some people want to laugh and try to be as upbeat as possible in order to spare themselves the suffering of a lost loved one. Again, that piece of "evidence" means nothing.

12-19-2012, 07:23 PM
Okay but seriously... this really creeps me out.


What the f*ck is this?

is this real life?

Did I just see what I think I saw.

Somebody please tell me what just happened there.
that looks much worse than it really is I am sure, people act very strange both in front of cameras and during crazy tragedy, you're just not the same person, and everyone acts different when something that emotonial happens.

the alternative is that EVERYONE in that room is in on it, and that EVERYONE involved with the school and shooting is an actor as well, which is absolutely absurd and impossible to believe...

12-19-2012, 08:14 PM
ya this is pretty strange. You can clearly tell he's trying to get himself 'into character' before he started speaking

No, no he's not.

Not everyone grieves in exactly the same way. Many people do stuff like this in moments of grief to try and dissociate themselves from the powerful emotions that are about to overcome them, or just when they're nervous (he's about to be broadcast world wide). Go to a funeral some time. You'll see people acting in all sorts of different ways. They're not part of some larger conspiracy.

There's nothing to this. At all. It's stupid. Anyone who attempts to prove this is some sort of conspiracy is an idiot. Period, end of story.

12-19-2012, 09:08 PM
I'll watch the video but I'll give my view. Our government has created public disasters before, there's no greater way to suppress the people by creating a horrible incident to convince the people that a change is needed. Action-reaction, if the government has a problem with a certain issue just create a huge mess in which the government can easily suppress the issue without anyone objecting. Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, 9/11, etc

Are the gun shooting incidents in Denver and in Sandy part of a plan to ban gun control?

Oh BTW, there's an interesting theory on the Denver dude.. If I can find it I'll try to post it here, it has to do with Bankers lol..

12-19-2012, 09:13 PM
No, no he's not.

Not everyone grieves in exactly the same way. Many people do stuff like this in moments of grief to try and dissociate themselves from the powerful emotions that are about to overcome them, or just when they're nervous (he's about to be broadcast world wide). Go to a funeral some time. You'll see people acting in all sorts of different ways. They're not part of some larger conspiracy.

There's nothing to this. At all. It's stupid. Anyone who attempts to prove this is some sort of conspiracy is an idiot. Period, end of story.

Go away.

This is obviously a thread for conspiracy theorists. If you don't like what is being said here, then stfu and go talk about Lindsay Lohan getting arrested again for being a dumb b*tch with no friends who can give her a ride. It's all in the headlines. I mean if you only believe what you are being told, then I'm sure that is something that is important for you to ponder on.

Leave us alone. We hate your kind around here.

12-19-2012, 09:18 PM
I'm sorry but that is the lamest most poor excuse explanation for something so f*ckin obvious. Dude are you really that dense ... seriously, that is stage acting at it's finest.

That is not the only proof of acting; you got that one girl who was completely oblivious to it all and acted like there was no shooting, and then there's the 2 doctors who look like FBI agents. If I can find the videos, I'll dig it up.

I would expect more emotions coming out of the people actually on the scene rather than the parents who were just probably afraid their kids were shot. Revisit the old videos, it looks like some of them don't even give a sh*t. And these are kids 6-7 years old.

12-19-2012, 09:25 PM
Go away.

This is obviously a thread for conspiracy theorists. If you don't like what is being said here, then stfu and go talk about Lindsay Lohan getting arrested again for being a dumb b*tch with no friends who can give her a ride. It's all in the headlines. I mean if you only believe what you are being told, then I'm sure that is something that is important for you to ponder on.

Leave us alone. We hate your kind around here.

My kind?

The rational kind?

12-19-2012, 09:33 PM
My kind?

The rational kind?


The dense kind. The kind that doesn't see things a bit deeper and just goes along with what is being told. You have a brain dude, use it.

You're not even being rational; you're just being a brain washed self medicated sheep, y'know, the kind that just accepts all truths coming out of the news media and government.

If it's not "official" then it is not true; but really, if you are smart, you will know what is usually true is really the opposite of what is official.

To take a position of authority and proclaim there is no conspiracy is really operating from a position of ignorance. Why ..

One simple reason: you don't know every government secret out there, so how do you know for sure there is no conspiracy ..

At least the conspiracy theorists start with a rational premise of they don't know for sure, so let's start with the hypotheticals.

12-19-2012, 09:49 PM
Think for yourself...question authority.

I'm open to most conspiracy theories, but this shit about the government staging these shootings is way out there. Is the government exploiting these tragedies to push their gun control agenda? Most likely, but I don't think they're staging these shootings. That's really far fetched imo.

The government is shady as **** though. Why anyone trusts them is beyond me.

12-19-2012, 09:51 PM
This one sold me.


12-19-2012, 10:12 PM
One simple reason: you don't know every government secret out there, so how do you know for sure there is no conspiracy ..


The perfect conspiracy nut question. You can't prove something doesn't exist, so there's no answer, which validates the wingnut position.

12-19-2012, 10:18 PM

The perfect conspiracy nut question. You can't prove something doesn't exist, so there's no answer, which validates the wingnut position.

I don't necessarily believe in the conspiracy theory but I don't trust our government.. never.

We have a brutal foreign policy and the military does some brutal stuff overseas, I wouldn't doubt that the government is pushing hard for gun control as you can't have a police state with an armed population..

12-19-2012, 10:20 PM
I don't necessarily believe in the conspiracy theory but I don't trust our government.. never.

We have a brutal foreign policy and the military does some brutal stuff overseas, I wouldn't doubt that the government is pushing hard for gun control as you can't have a police state with an armed population..

Even if true, do you actually think the government would kill 20 frickin CHILDREN to push this agenda?

I mean, let's use our brains here, people.

12-19-2012, 10:25 PM
so if this is fake then what happened to the kids that actually died?

12-19-2012, 10:25 PM
Even if true, do you actually think the government would kill 20 frickin CHILDREN to push this agenda?

I mean, let's use our brains here, people.

It's harsh but it makes the emotions that much more intense and it pushes their agenda even further.. It seems to be working as well?

But there's also a bizarre theory that no kids were murdered and it was all stage.

12-19-2012, 10:27 PM
so if this is fake then what happened to the kids that actually died?

It could be two things
1) The shootings did happen but the killer could have been brainwashed to go batshit on those poor kids..
2) The whole thing could have been staged with actors and stuff. I just saw that theory with the OP's link and with some other youtube videos.

12-19-2012, 10:32 PM
It could be two things
1) The shootings did happen but the killer could have been brainwashed to go batshit on those poor kids..
2) The whole thing could have been staged with actors and stuff. I just saw that theory with the OP's link and with some other youtube videos.

This seems to be the main theory. But what I'm saying is, how can you stage these kids as actors? Their pictures have been shown on every single news channel and online articles. They can't just be actors

12-19-2012, 10:33 PM
Even if true, do you actually think the government would kill 20 frickin CHILDREN to push this agenda?

I mean, let's use our brains here, people.

It's far fetched, but the government has no moral values, so I wouldn't completely rule it out.

I think the most realistic theory is that the government is just exploiting this tragedy to push their agenda. Staging the shooting just seems like it would be nearly impossible to pull off.

12-19-2012, 10:35 PM
It's far fetched, but the government has no moral values, so I wouldn't completely rule it out.

I think the most realistic theory is that the government is just exploiting this tragedy to push their agenda. Staging the shooting just seems like it would be nearly impossible to pull off.

Sure they're using it to push an agenda. And that's their right. They certainly weren't involved in killing these kids.

12-19-2012, 11:28 PM
A few things that don't add up to me when considering the possibility of this being a conspiracy.

1. Why would they pick a place that appears in The Dark Knight Rises to deliberately drop a hint and raise suspicion on their scheme?
2. If the father was an actor, surely he would have been prepped and trained to be as stoic as possible. Why would he jeopardize blowing his cover by laughing? Clearly he was just simply a man trying to adjust and clear the sadness out of his head before he spoke.
3. Gun control is a very slow process, and shootings cause more guns to be pumped into society. All that's being talked about in government right now is the banning of assault rifles, not guns altogether.

so if this is fake then what happened to the kids that actually died?

It's not that the deaths are fake. It's that the shooter's guilt is a fake. The hoax theory suggests is that the government orchestrated the whole thing.

12-19-2012, 11:36 PM

The perfect conspiracy nut question. You can't prove something doesn't exist, so there's no answer, which validates the wingnut position.


It is a position of rationality: if you do not know every secret within in the US government, then how can you proclaim there are no conspiracies?

A conspiracy is digging for answers; it is a position of not knowing (which is the logical correct position); it is asking questions because it sees anamolies. It is rational and logical.

Your position, "OH HELL NAWZ, YOU CAN'T BE QUESTIONING!!" is retarded, ignorant, illogical, and plain out stupid.

Your premise is wrong. Not knowing and asking further questions is the logical position because, guess what, we don't know sh*t.

Mr Know It All
12-20-2012, 02:13 AM
If these rampant conspiracy theories prove anything it's that people are becoming more and more distrustful of government. Whether you want to look at poor economic times or other factors it's up to you, but the reaction certainly is telling.

That's the best thing about this recent 2012 paranoia bullshit. At least it will be definitively proven to be absolutely insane on December 21st (or maybe by the New Year depending on how stupid your opinion on the subject is).

Patrick Chewing
12-20-2012, 02:26 AM
So we have a few clowns here crying conspiracy, but can you people honestly answer the most important question that is about to be thrown to you? Are you ready?

You say it's a conspiracy. And I ask you, for what purpose???

Please do not respond back with Gun Control. The 2nd Amendment will live on forever. There are too many guns in the hands of many good Americans to threaten with a crooked government.

12-20-2012, 02:31 AM
This is quite silly though. The fact that "Sandy Hook" appears on a map in The Dark Knight Rises is pure coincidence,

"You're a detective now. ... You don't have room to believe in coincidence"

Patrick Chewing
12-20-2012, 02:38 AM
"You're a detective now. ... You don't have room to believe in coincidence"


12-20-2012, 03:15 AM
When it comes down to conspiracy theories, I always weigh the risk vs. reward. What would the government gain from such an incident, and what is the risk if people find out.

The truth is, in almost every recent conspiracy theory, the risks simply outweigh rewards. For example, the government could use this tragedy at Sandy Hook to implement more gun control over it's citizens... but if this plot were ever discovered, the country would literally rip itself apart. If word that our government murdered 27 innocent people including 20 children as a political plow, the country would fall straight into a civil war.

Burgz V2
12-20-2012, 07:03 AM
this is one of the dumbest things ive ever heard of

shame on all those that think its true, more shame on those making the initial claims

12-20-2012, 08:09 AM
This one sold me.


such bullshit :facepalm

12-20-2012, 10:36 AM

It is a position of rationality: if you do not know every secret within in the US government, then how can you proclaim there are no conspiracies?

A conspiracy is digging for answers; it is a position of not knowing (which is the logical correct position); it is asking questions because it sees anamolies. It is rational and logical.

Your position, "OH HELL NAWZ, YOU CAN'T BE QUESTIONING!!" is retarded, ignorant, illogical, and plain out stupid.

Your premise is wrong. Not knowing and asking further questions is the logical position because, guess what, we don't know sh*t.

Where did I say you shouldn't question? Sure you should. But when you look you look at this situation you'll see there is nothing there. Nothing, except a f*cked up kid who took his Mom's guns and went a shot a bunch of innocent kids. F*cked up sh!t happens in this world, and it's not always a conspiracy.

Like I get it... creating conspiracy theories is really no different than creating religion. Religion puts everything in order in a very chaotic world. It puts people's mind at ease... the idea that there is some divine plan for us laid out by a supernatural being is so much easier for the human mind to come to terms with than it is for us to think that we're part of this chaotic universe where things happen for seemingly no reason at all.

Conspiracies are the same. It's easier for the mind to grasp that this was some large planned event that some anonymous great minds have perfectly shaped, rather than that this was some random event perpetrated by some messed up individual that could have happened to anyone (or anyone's kids) at any point in time.

Sometimes there are no answers as to 'why'. Sorry, pal.

12-20-2012, 10:39 AM
If these rampant conspiracy theories prove anything it's that people are becoming more and more distrustful of government. Whether you want to look at poor economic times or other factors it's up to you, but the reaction certainly is telling.

That's the best thing about this recent 2012 paranoia bullshit. At least it will be definitively proven to be absolutely insane on December 21st (or maybe by the New Year depending on how stupid your opinion on the subject is).

I think these people have always existed, it's just that the internet gives them the power to voice their opinions, and more people to connect to to re-affirm their messed up ideas.

Before the internet you'd have to tune into some late night Sci-Fi channel conspiracy show to get your fix. Now you can log on to any number of websites and get re-affirmation at any moment.

12-20-2012, 10:40 AM
So we have a few clowns here crying conspiracy, but can you people honestly answer the most important question that is about to be thrown to you? Are you ready?

You say it's a conspiracy. And I ask you, for what purpose???

Please do not respond back with Gun Control. The 2nd Amendment will live on forever. There are too many guns in the hands of many good Americans to threaten with a crooked government.

thats a logical question i ask every conspiracy, whats the motive? they never have one, which is why i know there delusional, immature minds.

its sad how gullible people are, using one persons emotions 4 days after the murder to determine if the whole event is a hoax, is beyond stupid. When did we start thinking without a reasonable doubt and just jump to conclusions? do you know that the dad that is smiling and preparing, is also preparing to address on live national television about his family? like everyone could go on live national television and speak about a tragedy that effected there family without getting ready to.

and the coroner that is smiling. you think coroners are effected by deaths? they see dead bodys everyday, so they would not be emotionally desturbed, and a again, to be infront of 10 cameras and to address the entire nation live, could make you crack a smile since your not use to the attention

all these reasons are definitely more rational to believe then the government pulling a hoax for an unknown motive.:facepalm

if we applied conspiracy theorists thought process in our justice system, 95 percent of all prisoners would truely be innocent.

Mr Know It All
12-20-2012, 03:30 PM
I think these people have always existed, it's just that the internet gives them the power to voice their opinions, and more people to connect to to re-affirm their messed up ideas.

Before the internet you'd have to tune into some late night Sci-Fi channel conspiracy show to get your fix. Now you can log on to any number of websites and get re-affirmation at any moment.

This is very true also. But it is revealing that conspiracy theories usually attract the far-left or far-right, and hard economic times often give rise to these movements in themselves. To expand on the point about the internet, the wealth of information is also extremely valuable to conspiracy theorists. As they have mountains of documents to misconstrue, people to misrepresent, statistics to manipulate for their own agenda.

I'll close my thoughts on this matter by uttering some words of wisdom from one of my favorite characters.

"Well, I hate to break it to you, but there is no big lie. There is no system, the universe is indifferent." - Don Draper

12-20-2012, 03:40 PM
seriously, people who believe this are ****ing stupid. first off, with the dark knight conspiracy thing, what would they POSSIBLY gain from putting "Sandy Hook" on a map that nobody was really even able to read? like, what's the purpose? to let the world know what's going to happen? no, because it doesn't explain anything and it's there for like a second in extremely small writing. that and the fact that it's a ****ing BATMAN movie for christ's sake :facepalm

and about the people being actors and the fact that there are pictures of people smiling at the scene as somehow being proof that it's a setup: have you never tried to comfort a child? if so, you'd know the best way to do that is to try to make them smile or laugh, and it's not hard to make a child smile or laugh. and if they WERE actors and it was all a "photo op" like on a "movie set" why in the entire **** would they make them smile? how's that a good photo op for this tragic event? that's nonsensical.

wanna hear a pretty good theory? i ****ed up kid who was extremely shy, a little mentally ill and played too many video games knew his mom had an impressive gun collection and decided to take some of her guns and go on a rampage. UNFORTUNATELY that's not hard to believe. at all.

i know it might be comforting for some of you to believe that there's a reason everything happens but there are some ****ed up people and things just happen

Timmy D for MVP
12-20-2012, 07:27 PM
You conspiracy theorists fascinate me! Really honestly you do. I'd like to maybe write an alternate history book someday exploring conspiracies, their origins, and the mind state of those who push them. Almost like a history of conspiracies, you'd be surprised at how prevalent they have been throughout history, even if the logic is often busted. It's an interesting subject to me.

Add it to my list of great book ideas I will probably never get around to exploring in my life.

Timmy D for MVP
12-20-2012, 07:30 PM
seriously, people who believe this are ****ing stupid. first off, with the dark knight conspiracy thing, what would they POSSIBLY gain from putting "Sandy Hook" on a map that nobody was really even able to read? like, what's the purpose? to let the world know what's going to happen? no, because it doesn't explain anything and it's there for like a second in extremely small writing. that and the fact that it's a ****ing BATMAN movie for christ's sake :facepalm

and about the people being actors and the fact that there are pictures of people smiling at the scene as somehow being proof that it's a setup: have you never tried to comfort a child? if so, you'd know the best way to do that is to try to make them smile or laugh, and it's not hard to make a child smile or laugh. and if they WERE actors and it was all a "photo op" like on a "movie set" why in the entire **** would they make them smile? how's that a good photo op for this tragic event? that's nonsensical.

wanna hear a pretty good theory? i ****ed up kid who was extremely shy, a little mentally ill and played too many video games knew his mom had an impressive gun collection and decided to take some of her guns and go on a rampage. UNFORTUNATELY that's not hard to believe. at all.

i know it might be comforting for some of you to believe that there's a reason everything happens but there are some ****ed up people and things just happen

a) Absolutely. It is absolutely ridiculous to assume everyone grieves the same. I have been to two funerals, one very somber for someone I didn't really even know, and one that was quite jovial for a funeral. That one was for my own grandfather who was a beloved man. According to their logic, that one would seem more likely to be a set up? No. That's how we dealt with it.

b) What the **** do video games have to do with anything?

12-20-2012, 07:36 PM
Do I think it was a hoax? not at all.

Do I think that video of the guy laughing before starting to talk to the camera was weird? Definitely, but it doesn't really prove anything other than it was just weird.

12-20-2012, 07:37 PM
"You're a detective now. ... You don't have room to believe in coincidence"

I've given out too much rep, but i'll get you tomorrow.

12-20-2012, 07:39 PM
Do I think it was a hoax? not at all.

Do I think that video of the guy laughing before starting to talk to the camera was weird? Definitely, but it doesn't really prove anything other than it was just weird.


Bizarre stuff. Not saying there is a conspiracy, but seriously, WTF?!

12-20-2012, 07:46 PM
the guy laughing before starting to talk to the camera :eek: :confusedshrug:

12-20-2012, 07:57 PM
This is what I get when I google his name....


12-20-2012, 08:00 PM
these conspiracy theories are lame.

so we were were hit by a false flag attack so Halliburton and other weapons manufacturers could make tons of profit but now we are attacking our own civilians to take weapons that come nowhere close to being as powerful as what they sell our military out of willing buyers hands?

is that it?

12-20-2012, 08:21 PM
these conspiracy theories are lame.

so we were were hit by a false flag attack so Halliburton and other weapons manufacturers could make tons of profit but now we are attacking our own civilians to take weapons that come nowhere close to being as powerful as what they sell our military out of willing buyers hands?

is that it?

Can't have a police state and an armed state at the same time?

If someone can correct me I heard that the department of homeland security purchased 1.6billion rounds of ammo for domestic purposes.. I know someone is going to scream it's for security purposes but that is just frightening.

But you're right about Halliburton.

12-20-2012, 08:36 PM
Do I think it was a hoax? not at all.

Do I think that video of the guy laughing before starting to talk to the camera was weird? Definitely, but it doesn't really prove anything other than it was just weird.

People deal with grief in different ways. He was about to speak in front of about 100 TV reporters being broadcast all over the world. He was probably nervous.

Patrick Chewing
12-20-2012, 08:38 PM
Piers Morgan will be interviewing another Dad tonight from Sandy Hook. You conspiracy ph@ggots can tune in if you'd like.

12-20-2012, 09:03 PM
People deal with grief in different ways. He was about to speak in front of about 100 TV reporters being broadcast all over the world. He was probably nervous.

Isn't it kind of strange to speak to 100 TV reporters immediately after your child is gunned down in school?

and on top of that...

Laugh and Smile.

I couldn't sleep very well last night because of that damn video... I was literally sick to my stomach. Not only because of the video, but because so many people are willing to write this off as "people deal with grief differently".

Yea,... I don't think I'll ever speak of anything conspiracy related again.

Apparently there are two types of people in the world... Conspiracy Nuts & Sheep.

You're either one or the other.

I'll play along and be a sheep...

Probably start a new account here too:

My new name will be Cypher.


12-20-2012, 09:21 PM
Isn't it kind of strange to speak to 100 TV reporters immediately after your child is gunned down in school?

and on top of that...

Laugh and Smile.

I couldn't sleep very well last night because of that damn video... I was literally sick to my stomach. Not only because of the video, but because so many people are willing to write this off as "people deal with grief differently".

Yea,... I don't think I'll ever speak of anything conspiracy related again.

Apparently there are two types of people in the world... Conspiracy Nuts & Sheep.

You're either one or the other.

I'll play along and be a sheep...

Probably start a new account here too:

My new name will be Cypher.


Yes, its strange. But people do strange things in moments of high stress, and that doesn't mean he's an actor.

People do stuff like this to dissociate themselves with the grief that their feeling. How many funerals have you been to? Is everyone there acting exactly the same way? Is everyone bawling and crying? The answer is no, they aren't.

I also enjoy that people who don't instantly fall for a conspiracy are 'sheep', as if those who believe such things aren't also following a mob mentality.

12-20-2012, 11:00 PM
Only one way to find out, dig up the bodies.

12-20-2012, 11:06 PM
Before seeing this video of him earlier smiling, I figured he was fishy. I said this guy seems strange like he's faking it. After seeing the video I realized it was even more strange. But, were ALL human beings. We ALL cope with shit in different ways. Who are WE to tell others how to act or behave to deal with stress and in grief? We can't.

12-20-2012, 11:49 PM
I wouldn't doubt that the government is pushing hard for gun control as you can't have a police state with an armed population..

Saddam Hussein did pretty well in Iraq despite virtually every house having an AK-47.

12-20-2012, 11:55 PM
u yankees are crazy

12-20-2012, 11:57 PM
although i saw that robbie parker interview on the day and thought wTF are u even talking to the media? was REALLY weird
put it down to being a typical yank craving attention, even in that circumstance

12-21-2012, 03:16 AM
The latest conspiracy theory, I see... Can't say I'm surprised.

Conspiracy people, ask yourselves a question... Why, if this whole thing was faked, why would whoever is behind it (the government, I presume) send an actor to speak to the media and act weirdly when it would be completely appropriate and, frankly, expected for the parents not to talk to the media at all following a horrific event like this one? Why not just dodge this potential bullet and even save the hassle of hiring some bad actor when no one even expects this kind of half-assed speech in the first place?

As usual with these concocted theories, it doesn't pass the smell test.

As for the parent, I can't say I'm shocked that such a random tragedy resulted in relatives acting strangely. I doubt the thing had even sunk in on him at this stage of the grieving process. The fact that some people's first reaction to an odd aside in a situation like this one is to conclude the government is the puppet master is far stranger than the way this guy is acting. It can't just be something strange without a deeper meaning.

Timmy D for MVP
12-21-2012, 03:34 PM
The latest conspiracy theory, I see... Can't say I'm surprised.

Conspiracy people, ask yourselves a question... Why, if this whole thing was faked, why would whoever is behind it (the government, I presume) send an actor to speak to the media and act weirdly when it would be completely appropriate and, frankly, expected for the parents not to talk to the media at all following a horrific event like this one? Why not just dodge this potential bullet and even save the hassle of hiring some bad actor when no one even expects this kind of half-assed speech in the first place?

As usual with these concocted theories, it doesn't pass the smell test.

As for the parent, I can't say I'm shocked that such a random tragedy resulted in relatives acting strangely. I doubt the thing had even sunk in on him at this stage of the grieving process. The fact that some people's first reaction to an odd aside in a situation like this one is to conclude the government is the puppet master. It can't just be something strange without a deeper meaning.

But, The Dark Knight! And the cars parked funny! And coincidences that require the most complicated, convoluted explanation ever!

12-21-2012, 03:40 PM
But, The Dark Knight! And the cars parked funny! And coincidences that require the most complicated, convoluted explanation ever!

And most importantly... This:


12-21-2012, 04:06 PM
So, what do you wanna say, Riddler?
Those are Devil Horns or whatever, and what does it mean?

12-21-2012, 04:08 PM

What if I stick my thumb out?



Am I still doing the hand gesture the right way?

12-21-2012, 04:15 PM
So, what do you wanna say, Riddler?
Those are Devil Horns or whatever, and what does it mean?

Nothing... I just saw somebody post this in another forum.

Thought you guys might like it.

12-21-2012, 04:34 PM
So, what do you wanna say, Riddler?
Those are Devil Horns or whatever, and what does it mean?

Hook em Horns???

12-21-2012, 08:04 PM

12-21-2012, 08:18 PM
a) Absolutely. It is absolutely ridiculous to assume everyone grieves the same. I have been to two funerals, one very somber for someone I didn't really even know, and one that was quite jovial for a funeral. That one was for my own grandfather who was a beloved man. According to their logic, that one would seem more likely to be a set up? No. That's how we dealt with it.

b) What the **** do video games have to do with anything?
all i really meant by that is that the kid probably stayed in too much doing his own thing instead of going out and socializing and making friends

12-21-2012, 08:24 PM
Oh also, the Denver International Airport is built on top of a secret underground complex from which the Illuminati/Free Masons/NWO/Lizard People (?) rule the world. And there are neat little clues in the murals at the airport! So that people on the internet could figure it out!! Because this sinister organization wants people to know about them?

06-21-2013, 12:36 PM


06-21-2013, 02:10 PM
Donation pages of deceased made days before shooting.


06-22-2013, 11:51 AM
