View Full Version : Global Research finally concludes their report on Sandy Hook

12-27-2012, 06:13 AM
One of the most well respected independent researchers on earth finally concludes their report on the shooting that occurred in Newton, Conn.

One thing that stood out for me was this:

"Where is the Photo and Video Evidence?

Photographic and video evidence is at once profuse yet lacking in terms of its capacity to demonstrate that a mass shooting took place on the scale described by authorities. For example, in an era of ubiquitous video surveillance of public buildings especially no visual evidence of Lanza’s violent entry has emerged. And while studio snapshots of the Sandy Hook victims abound there is little if any eyewitness testimony of anyone who’s observed the corpses except for Carver and his staff, and they appear almost as confused about the conditions of the deceased as any layperson watching televised coverage of the event. Nor are there any routine eyewitness, photo or video evidence of the crime scene’s aftermath—broken glass, blasted security locks and doors, bullet casings and holes, bloodied walls and floors—all of which are common in such investigations and reportage."

For the naysayers (aka sheeps), I suggest you read up on this and really think about the inconsistencies in all of the reports characterizing the traumatic event.

Like I said, if there is no concrete proof, then there is no crime: all the courts in the world rely on the factual evidences to convict a criminal, so why should Sandy Hook be any different .. in fact, even all the so called "eye witnesses" look like robotic actors spitting out script lines, so it is hard to believe anything coming out of this based on reports by the media (who we know aren't 100% honest to begin with).

Fool me once (911), shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.

Sandy Hook Report By Global Research (http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-sandy-hook-school-massacre-unanswered-questions-and-missing-information/5316776)

12-27-2012, 06:54 AM
globalresearch.ca is one of the most respected research centers on earth? :roll:
Here is another fine example of their research findings:

Washington’s New World Order Weapons Have the Ability to Trigger Climate Change

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky

The important debate on global warming under UN auspices provides but a partial picture of climate change; in addition to the devastating impacts of greenhouse gas emissions on the ozone layer, the World’s climate can now be modified as part of a new generation of sophisticated “non-lethal weapons.” Both the Americans and the Russians have developed capabilities to manipulate the World’s climate.

In the US, the technology is being perfected under the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) as part of the (“Star Wars”) Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI). Recent scientific evidence suggests that HAARP is fully operational and has the ability of potentially triggering floods, droughts, hurricanes and earthquakes. From a military standpoint, HAARP is a weapon of mass destruction. Potentially, it constitutes an instrument of conquest capable of selectively destabilising agricultural and ecological systems of entire regions.

12-27-2012, 09:42 AM
My daughters school doesn't have cameras all over. Most schools don't. That's asinine right away. Parents were shown their children, do you think 20 different sets of parents wouldn't notice that there were no bullet wounds and not complain to the three billion media people around? And were they expecting the parents to come out and describe bullet wounds?

This is so ****ing stupid. What goes through people's minds that kids get murdered and they want to turn it into a mystery story?

12-27-2012, 09:46 AM
My daughters school doesn't have cameras all over. Most schools don't. That's asinine right away. Parents were shown their children, do you think 20 different sets of parents wouldn't notice that there were no bullet wounds and not complain to the three billion media people around? And were they expecting the parents to come out and describe bullet wounds?

This is so ****ing stupid. What goes through people's minds that kids get murdered and they want to turn it into a mystery story?

If you look at the authors other articles he is just a typical conspiracy goon.

12-27-2012, 09:50 AM
If you look at the authors other articles he is just a typical conspiracy goon.
i'm talking more about the idiots on our board who think these people losing their kids is fodder for them to search youtube for conspiracies. It would actually be nice if this was a conspiracy because it would be less scary. Unfortunately it's a random thing that could happen again.

12-27-2012, 10:02 AM
i'm talking more about the idiots on our board who think these people losing their kids is fodder for them to search youtube for conspiracies. It would actually be nice if this was a conspiracy because it would be less scary. Unfortunately it's a random thing that could happen again.

I'm pretty sure OP is a troll. Although he is quite the disgusting human being regardless of whether or not he is trolling. Behind every joke there is some truth.

12-27-2012, 10:13 AM

[QUOTE]On the morning of December 14, Veronique was at the medical center where she works as an oncology nurse when she received an automated text message alerting her that there was a reported shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. At first, she thought it might have been a false alarm, like a fake bomb threat. But then a patient following the events on her iPhone urged her to go.
Veronique drove at 80 miles per hour to the school, praying that her car

12-27-2012, 10:36 AM
Essentially, that was the first thing I asked. Where is the video evidence of the shootings? Has anyone seen it? Wouldn't that be the first thing police/FBI look at to make sure there weren't multiple shooters and Lanza wasn't framed?

Also, not sure about Newtown, But Aurora is clearly not what they say. Seems extremely unlikely Holmes did that at all. Evidence is pointing to him being framed........

12-27-2012, 11:10 AM
i wonder if OP needs photo/video evidence of his girl ****ing her new guy to believe it.

12-27-2012, 11:12 AM
And while studio snapshots of the Sandy Hook victims

stopped reading after this, obviously biased "research"

12-27-2012, 01:44 PM
The difference between you guys and me is simply this: I have an open mind to conspiracy theories and you don't.

All you have to do is open your mind to a cover up and all the anamolies will connect right before your very eyes; but if you close off the idea, then of course you won't ever exercise the idea there is more to it.

A lot of people say we need to leave the families alone in time of mourning, but what they don't realize is that there are plenty of traumatic experiences where families are in mourning, and in those instances, families were interviewed and investigated because it was important to dig up as much information to figure out what really went on.

So yes, it really is an anamoly the investigative reporting is being black balled in this case.

The only parent that was allowed to be interviewed was this guy. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urrRcgB581w)

I sh*t you not. That is the only concrete legitimate interview being released to the pubic. The rest of the parents are being black balled, including all actual witnesses to the crime.

Don't you think that is a bit odd ...

Instead of giving out out excuses based on your emotions (oh why don't we leave these poor people alone, they are too traumatized to remember anything), why don't you guys do what any professional investigator would do: ask for the proof.

Simple premise. No proof, no crime. Remember? Or have we traveled back to the dark ages and have forgotten what constitutes as true and what does not.

12-27-2012, 01:48 PM
My daughters school doesn't have cameras all over. Most schools don't. That's asinine right away. Parents were shown their children, do you think 20 different sets of parents wouldn't notice that there were no bullet wounds and not complain to the three billion media people around? And were they expecting the parents to come out and describe bullet wounds?

This is so ****ing stupid. What goes through people's minds that kids get murdered and they want to turn it into a mystery story?

The school has a security system with a camera to buzz students in.

12-27-2012, 01:59 PM
The school has a security system with a camera to buzz students in.

Unless you're a total ****ing idiot this is not a topic you should be trolling about. It's not funny. Little kids got shot and killed. Pick a different topic to troll and stop being such a total ****tard.

12-27-2012, 02:01 PM
Unless you're a total ****ing idiot this is not a topic you should be trolling about. It's not funny. Little kids got shot and killed. Pick a different topic to troll and stop being such a total ****tard.

What the f*ck is your problem dude.

You asked if there were security cameras, and I said yes.

Don't need to go all bi polar on me.

Again, you're crying like an emotional little girl. All I'm asking for is proof.

12-27-2012, 02:10 PM
The difference between you guys and me is simply this: I have an open mind to conspiracy theories and you don't.
but don't forget "and lack the necessary reasoning tools to tell the difference between one and the other."

kind of too bad, since you've said some stuff (non conspiracy-related) that made good sense, such as 'the ISH rep system is a bit of a popularity contest' (paraphrasing).

12-27-2012, 02:21 PM
but don't forget "and lack the necessary reasoning tools to tell the difference between one and the other."

kind of too bad, since you've said some stuff (non conspiracy-related) that made good sense, such as 'the ISH rep system is a bit of a popularity contest' (paraphrasing).

How much more rational can a person be by asking for proof? Where are the video evidences .. the traumatic witnesses other than child paid actors .. pictures of the evacuation of 600 students (not the one released with 10 students lined up that has been proven to be a drill the day before) .. heck show me a bullet hole or even the broken windows .. anything.

In a court of law, this case would be purely circumstantial.

12-27-2012, 02:26 PM
How much more rational can a person be by asking for proof? Where are the video evidences .. the traumatic witnesses other than child paid actors .. pictures of the evacuation of 600 students (not the one released with 10 students lined up that has been proven to be a drill the day before) .. heck show me a bullet hole or even the broken windows .. anything.

In a court of law, this case would be purely circumstantial.
You'd really like to see video of children getting murdered? I mean, is it really hard for you to understand why that footage isn't being released to the public?

12-27-2012, 02:27 PM
How much more rational can a person be by asking for proof?
by drawing logical inferences based on one's ability to reasonably imagine the salient events of a situation and compare & contrast it with similar situations and with hypothetical situations on the whole.

12-27-2012, 02:29 PM
As someone who lives about 35 minutes from Newtown, I can assure you that this shit is real, smh...:facepalm

12-27-2012, 02:31 PM
You'd really like to see video of children getting murdered? I mean, is it really hard for you to understand why that footage isn't being released to the public?

No dumbsh*t.

Maybe a few legitimate interviews or two; how about some photos of the evacuation of 600 children and not 10 in a single file line that was taken a day before and supposedly a drill; how about the camera shot of Adam Lanza at the door (yes there is a security camera), and of course, where the f*ck is that janitor who supposedly saved over a hundred kids .. shouldn't he be on Oprah doing interviews and sh*t.

Simple sh*t like that.

12-27-2012, 02:31 PM
You'd really like to see video of children getting murdered? I mean, is it really hard for you to understand why that footage isn't being released to the public?

Personally, I can't rest until I see the video of every last student slaughtered and every living student balling their eyes out on camera. Then, and only then, will I start considering the possibility that this isn't a conspiracy


12-27-2012, 02:32 PM
As someone who lives about 35 minutes from Newtown, I can assure you that this shit is real, smh...:facepalm

Don't give a sh*t. I'm asking for PROOF; we've already heard enough second hand accounts of people who know someone who has a cousin that has a friend that happens to be there.

12-27-2012, 02:34 PM

Wow you truly are dense.

12-27-2012, 02:34 PM
Don't give a sh*t. I'm asking for PROOF; we've already heard enough second hand accounts of people who know someone who has a cousin that has a friend that happens to be there.
You are the biggest of douchebags.

12-27-2012, 02:35 PM
Wow you truly are dense.

12-27-2012, 02:36 PM
No dumbsh*t.

Maybe a few legitimate interviews or two; how about some photos of the evacuation of 600 children and not 10 in a single file line that was taken a day before and supposedly a drill; how about the camera shot of Adam Lanza at the door (yes there is a security camera), and of course, where the f*ck is that janitor who supposedly saved over a hundred kids .. shouldn't he be on Oprah doing interviews and sh*t.

Simple sh*t like that.
Bullshit. You and every other conspiracy theorist would try to poke holes in anything. It's never enough for conspiracy theorists, they will always try to discredit everything, they will never be satisfied short of seeing every single dead body.

After the shit you've been spewing on here, don't try to act like a bullet hole or a single grainy security photo of Lanza would change your mind. You'd just come up with new crazy theories to discredit that evidence.

12-27-2012, 02:38 PM
The difference between you guys and me is simply this: I have an open mind to conspiracy theories and you don't.

All you have to do is open your mind to a cover up and all the anamolies will connect right before your very eyes; but if you close off the idea, then of course you won't ever exercise the idea there is more to it.

A lot of people say we need to leave the families alone in time of mourning, but what they don't realize is that there are plenty of traumatic experiences where families are in mourning, and in those instances, families were interviewed and investigated because it was important to dig up as much information to figure out what really went on.

So yes, it really is an anamoly the investigative reporting is being black balled in this case.

The only parent that was allowed to be interviewed was this guy. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urrRcgB581w)

I sh*t you not. That is the only concrete legitimate interview being released to the pubic. The rest of the parents are being black balled, including all actual witnesses to the crime.

Don't you think that is a bit odd ...

Instead of giving out out excuses based on your emotions (oh why don't we leave these poor people alone, they are too traumatized to remember anything), why don't you guys do what any professional investigator would do: ask for the proof.

Simple premise. No proof, no crime. Remember? Or have we traveled back to the dark ages and have forgotten what constitutes as true and what does not.
you are clearly an idiot. Recent studies have shown that people who believe in these extreme conspiracy theories (and climate change deniers) tend to be very gullible and willing to accept flawed logic to support their preexisting POV. Basically, guys like you and dooms have a mental disorder. Gotta love you calling this loon one of the most respected researchers. WTF is wrong with you? Get outside and interact with reality.

12-27-2012, 02:41 PM
you are clearly an idiot. Recent studies have shown that people who believe in these extreme conspiracy theories (and climate change deniers) tend to be very gullible and willing to accept flawed logic to support their preexisting POV. Basically, guys like you and dooms have a mental disorder. Gotta love you calling this loon one of the most respected researchers. WTF is wrong with you? Get outside and interact with reality.
Don't lump Dooms in with this guy. Dooms is actually a nice guy outside of the conspiracy theory stuff. This dude clearly is not.

12-27-2012, 02:42 PM
Bullshit. You and every other conspiracy theorist would try to poke holes in anything. It's never enough for conspiracy theorists, they will always try to discredit everything, they will never be satisfied short of seeing every single dead body.

After the shit you've been spewing on here, don't try to act like a bullet hole or a single grainy security photo of Lanza would change your mind. You'd just come up with new crazy theories to discredit that evidence.

I never said I wanted to see dead bodies.

Show me the proof. Period.

12-27-2012, 02:44 PM
Just out of curiosity I looked into a few of the 'discrepancies' of the Sandy Hook shooting. Rambo fits in with these nuts link (http://theconservativetreehouse.com/2012/12/16/sandy-hook-shooting-discrepancies-not-conspiracies-yet/)

You can easily debunk each point he makes with logic. Just give it a rest.

12-27-2012, 02:45 PM
Anyways losers. If you want me to shut up, give me the proof.

I am a rational adult: I don't just take things at face value no matter if it is the media, friends, families, government, etc.

I question EVERYTHING.

No proof. No facts.

12-27-2012, 02:45 PM
I never said I wanted to see dead bodies.

Show me the proof. Period.
You may have never technically said these exact words, but you sure as hell implied it.

12-27-2012, 02:45 PM
Anyways losers. If you want me to shut up, give me the proof.

I am a rational adult: I don't just take things at face value no matter if it is the media, friends, families, government, etc.

I question EVERYTHING.

No proof. No facts.
Are you religious?

12-27-2012, 02:49 PM
Don't lump Dooms in with this guy. Dooms is actually a nice guy outside of the conspiracy theory stuff. This dude clearly is not.
yea, but is he as ugly as boozehound?

12-27-2012, 02:51 PM
You may have never technically said these exact words, but you sure as hell implied it.

Stop putting words in my mouth. You are reaching a new low by making up sh*t. And guess what, clowns like you don't faze me because I am holding on to one simple premise: where is the proof ..

You can't argue that no matter how you try to straw your way out by appeasing to some girly emotions. F*ck you and your sensitive homies.

If it's anything, the victims would be thanking me for actually trying to find answers, not take it up the ass and believe whatever is being told.

12-27-2012, 02:52 PM
Stop putting words in my mouth. You are reaching a new low by making up sh*t. And guess not, clowns like you don't faze me because I am holding on to one simple premise: where is the proof ..

You can't argue that no matter how you try to straw your out by appeasing to some dumbass emotions. F*ck you and your dense homies.
So when we ask you for videos/pictures supporting your claims, what would you say.

Where is the proof? Where is the proof?

12-27-2012, 02:54 PM
Anyways losers. If you want me to shut up, give me the proof.

I am a rational adult: I don't just take things at face value no matter if it is the media, friends, families, government, etc.

I question EVERYTHING.

No proof. No facts.

12-27-2012, 02:55 PM
The school has a security system with a camera to buzz students in.

That doesn't mean this camera is recorded, that there are other cameras in the school, or how many cameras might be in the school.

12-27-2012, 02:55 PM
Stop putting words in my mouth. You are reaching a new low by making up sh*t. And guess what, clowns like you don't faze me because I am holding on to one simple premise: where is the proof ..

20 dead kids.

12-27-2012, 03:03 PM
How much more rational can a person be by asking for proof?

Let's pretend that you are a rational person with an open mind and not a sheep who falls for any conspiracy you hear about.

Tell us how this conspiracy works and who is in on it.

So far you believe that all the children interviewed on TV are paid actors. So all them are in on it as well as their parents. So that's 20 or so people right?

A. (20) paid actors and their parents

Did these actors go to that school? Because that would be wierd right? I bunch of kids who didn't go to that school being interviewed on TV. So what? They took a bunch of kids from that school and trained them to be actors?
So How many people does that add? At least a couple of drama coaches.

So does the extended families of these actors? Cousins, Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents? Do they know the young children are paid actors? We can assume the training was kept secret, but young children are not the best at operational security.

So perhaps 25 people so far.

Who else would have to be in on it?
Victims families?
Ryan Lanza?
The entire police force?
Medical examiners?
Are reporters in on or just dupes?
Who runs this? Feds?

Please enlighten us, how does a conspiracy like this work and what groups would need to complicit for it to work. Then tell us how people get recruited into it. Do the Feds tell the Newton police force, we're going to kill 20 children in your town and you need to get on board?

If you could tell us how it works, you will open a lot of minds.

12-27-2012, 03:07 PM
20 dead kids.

Crime of the scene.

Explain the inconsistencies of the first responders knowing it was Adam before they arrived on the scene.

Explain why the car is not registered to his mom but to a known criminal.

Explain why they are using photos of a drill the day before instead of actual evacuation photos of 600 students.

Explain why a newspaper did an interview with the principle on the day she was supposed to be dead.

Explain why there are no video footage when the school (being in the upper class neighborhood) has plenty of security cameras.

Explain why all the interviews done so far of children and that one father have been proven nothing more than actors reading off of script lines.

Explain why there are no interviews of witnesses on the crime scene when there are already plenty of interviews of little children (so the excuse we should not interview children is moot since they have already been interviewed).

Those are all facts. I will link if need be.

12-27-2012, 03:08 PM
Let's pretend that you are a rational person with an open mind and not a sheep who falls for any conspiracy you hear about.

Tell us how this conspiracy works and who is in on it.

So far you believe that all the children interviewed on TV are paid actors. So all them are in on it as well as their parents. So that's 20 or so people right?

A. (20) paid actors and their parents

Did these actors go to that school? Because that would be wierd right? I bunch of kids who didn't go to that school being interviewed on TV. So what? They took a bunch of kids from that school and trained them to be actors?
So How many people does that add? At least a couple of drama coaches.

So does the extended families of these actors? Cousins, Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents? Do they know the young children are paid actors? We can assume the training was kept secret, but young children are not the best at operational security.

So perhaps 25 people so far.

Who else would have to be in on it?
Victims families?
Ryan Lanza?
The entire police force?
Medical examiners?
Are reporters in on or just dupes?
Who runs this? Feds?

Please enlighten us, how does a conspiracy like this work and what groups would need to complicit for it to work. Then tell us how people get recruited into it. Do the Feds tell the Newton police force, we're going to kill 20 children in your town and you need to get on board?

If you could tell us how it works, you will open a lot of minds.

You are making sh*t more hypothetical than it already is. I'm just riding on the media and the initial reports and pointing out the inconsistencies.

If it's anyone who is a nutcase, you sir should get the cake.

12-27-2012, 03:09 PM
IF a conspiracy of this size could be orchestrated faking video footage or even pics of dead bodies would be the easiest aspect of the conspiracy to pull off.

Asking for video footage or whatever is just a conspiracy nuts way of avoiding reality. You give them that and the first thing they'll do is say it was faked.

Look at the size of the media contingent on hand in Sandy Hook surely someone would have come up with one credible thing that says this didn't happen and yet nothing. Only people who say it didn't happen are people who actually were nowhere near the place.

12-27-2012, 03:13 PM
IF a conspiracy of this size could be orchestrated faking video footage or even pics of dead bodies would be the easiest aspect of the conspiracy to pull off.

Asking for video footage or whatever is just a conspiracy nuts way of avoiding reality. You give them that and the first thing they'll do is say it was faked.

Look at the size of the media contingent on hand in Sandy Hook surely someone would have come up with one credible thing that says this didn't happen and yet nothing. Only people who say it didn't happen are people who actually were nowhere near the place.
exactly..do you have any idea how hard it would be to keep this many people silent?

12-27-2012, 03:15 PM
Explain why they are using photos of a drill the day before instead of actual evacuation photos of 600 students.

Explain why there are no video footage when the school (being in the upper class neighborhood) has plenty of security cameras.

Please not this again. Why on Earth would they release the photos? The families have gone through enough bullshit and forcing the pictures of their kids and friends to be shown to the whole country is absurd. Nobody (except apparently you) wants to see this shit. Stop asking for this. We are not the peoples court, we are just outsiders looking into a horrible situation. Releasing videos and pictures will do nothing except put extra stress and trauma on the victims.

12-27-2012, 03:16 PM
**** Jeff for taking negs away before this thread was made :mad:

12-27-2012, 03:17 PM
IF a conspiracy of this size could be orchestrated faking video footage or even pics of dead bodies would be the easiest aspect of the conspiracy to pull off.

Asking for video footage or whatever is just a conspiracy nuts way of avoiding reality. You give them that and the first thing they'll do is say it was faked.

Look at the size of the media contingent on hand in Sandy Hook surely someone would have come up with one credible thing that says this didn't happen and yet nothing. Only people who say it didn't happen are people who actually were nowhere near the place.


More hypotheticals.

My premise is sound.


I won't argue this anymore. Give me the proof and I'll shut up.

12-27-2012, 03:18 PM

More hypotheticals.

My premise is sound.


I won't argue this anymore. Give me the proof and I'll shut up.
You keep acting like we have access to the information any more than you do. Let it go bro.

How about you give US proof that you are right? Not just shitty arguments that don't make any sense.

12-27-2012, 03:20 PM
Let's see:


1. Video footage - check
2. Witnesses - check
3. Crime scene photos - check

Sandy Hook

1. Video footage - none
2. Witnesses - none (all are paid actors)
3. Crime scene photos - none

12-27-2012, 03:21 PM
You keep acting like we have access to the information any more than you do. Let it go bro.

How about you give US proof that you are right? Not just shitty arguments that don't make any sense.

Fair enough.

12-27-2012, 03:21 PM
Yeah, the burden of proof is always on the conspiracy theorist nutjobs, which they always fail to accomplish. Are you new to this, OP?

12-27-2012, 03:24 PM
Let's see:


1. Video footage - check
2. Witnesses - check
3. Crime scene photos - check

Sandy Hook

1. Video footage - none
2. Witnesses - none (all are paid actors)
3. Crime scene photos - none

Not trying to make Columbine seem less horrific, but


1. High School - check
2. pre 9/11 - check
3. 12 deaths -check

Sandy Hook

1. Elementary School - check
2. post 9/11 - check
3. 20+ deaths - check

12-27-2012, 03:24 PM
Let's see:


1. Video footage - check
2. Witnesses - check
3. Crime scene photos - check

Sandy Hook

1. Video footage - none
2. Witnesses - none (all are paid actors)
3. Crime scene photos - none
how do you not realize that this is an active and ongoing investigation? That shit will eventually come out as some asshole uses FIA to get it. But its an active investigation, so you are just going to have to wait.

I find it hilariously sad that you honestly think that all of the impacted children who survived, teachers, and their extended families are all paid actors. Was the school a hollywood set as well? There isnt actually a Sandyhook elementary? It boggles the mind that your head can be so far up your own stupid ass.

12-27-2012, 03:25 PM
Yeah, the burden of proof is always on the conspiracy theorist nutjobs, which they always fail to accomplish. Are you new to this, OP?


Investigative journalism is simply finding inconsistencies and asking questions. The position is they don't know anything hence they are asking questions.

The burden of proof should be on the media and those who claim they have the official answers. If they have all the answers, then surely they can explain the inconsistencies. Simple logic.

12-27-2012, 03:27 PM

Investigative journalism is simply finding inconsistencies and asking questions. The position is they don't know anything hence they are asking questions.

The burden of proof should be on the media and those who claim they have the official answers. If they have all the answers, then surely they can explain the inconsistencies. Simple logic.
But they have nothing to prove. They are stating what happened. If you think otherwise, then the burden of proof lies with you. I don't know why you can't understand simple concepts.

And you are not simply asking questions. You are calling everyone who disagrees with you close-minded and dense.

12-27-2012, 03:28 PM
I'm done posting about this bullshit.

12-27-2012, 03:30 PM
how do you not realize that this is an active and ongoing investigation? That shit will eventually come out as some asshole uses FIA to get it. But its an active investigation, so you are just going to have to wait.

I find it hilariously sad that you honestly think that all of the impacted children who survived, teachers, and their extended families are all paid actors. Was the school a hollywood set as well? There isnt actually a Sandyhook elementary? It boggles the mind that your head can be so far up your own stupid ass.


12-27-2012, 03:31 PM
Don't give a sh*t. I'm asking for PROOF; we've already heard enough second hand accounts of people who know someone who has a cousin that has a friend that happens to be there.

Knowing people that lost family members and covering their shifts would maybe count as proof :rolleyes:

12-27-2012, 03:33 PM
wtf is wrong with you? and the idiot you posted? Have you never had to gather yourself before talking? So, whose dead bodies are they burying?

12-27-2012, 03:36 PM
But they have nothing to prove. They are stating what happened. If you think otherwise, then the burden of proof lies with you. I don't know why you can't understand simple concepts.

And you are not simply asking questions. You are calling everyone who disagrees with you close-minded and dense.

If what they are stating is what happens, and I find inconsistencies in their official statement, then the burden of proof is on them.

Just like how an investigator would ask questions at a crime scene when the witnesses statements do not fit with the ongoing investigation. The burden of proof is on the person making the statement to clarify their position. Not the investigator.

12-27-2012, 03:37 PM
wtf is wrong with you? and the idiot you posted? Have you never had to gather yourself before talking? So, whose dead bodies are they burying?

Then watch this.


12-27-2012, 03:41 PM
I dont think there is a conspiracy here. I havent heard anything that is soo odd that i literally laugh out loud. (like throwing Bin Laden's body in the bottom of the ocean).

I believe I am open minded enough to listen if I did hear something that didnt make sense.

I just want to say to the OP. Make sure you have REAL questions. The fact that no video tape has been shown yet means nothing. Its only been about a week since the event happened

give them a minute...

and to other people. I dont think you approach any 2 stories the same way. I often here people try to lump one conspiracy in with another and dismiss them all as the same thing when they are not the same thing at all.

each event is different and we cant have same blanket close minded response that everyone who asks these questions is always crazy.

but as far as this goes? I dont see any conspiracy

12-27-2012, 03:43 PM
If what they are stating is what happens, and I find inconsistencies in their official statement, then the burden of proof is on them.

Just like how an investigator would ask questions at a crime scene when the witnesses statements do not fit with the ongoing investigation. The burden of proof is on the person making the statement to clarify their position. Not the investigator.

You're the one making claims here. The burden is on you, son.

You're also not an investigative journalist, nor are you an investigator.

12-27-2012, 03:44 PM
If what they are stating is what happens, and I find inconsistencies in their official statement, then the burden of proof is on them.

Just like how an investigator would ask questions at a crime scene when the witnesses statements do not fit with the ongoing investigation. The burden of proof is on the person making the statement to clarify their position. Not the investigator.

You're so wrong. The burden is on the investigator.

Innocent until proven guilty.

12-27-2012, 03:46 PM
I dont think there is a conspiracy here. I havent heard anything that is soo odd that i literally laugh out loud. (like throwing Bin Laden's body in the bottom of the ocean).

I believe I am open minded enough to listen if I did hear something that didnt make sense.

I just want to say to the OP. Make sure you have REAL questions. The fact that no video tape has been shown yet means nothing. Its only been about a week since the event happened

give them a minute...

and to other people. I dont think you approach any 2 stories the same way. I often here people try to lump one conspiracy in with another and dismiss them all as the same thing when they are not the same thing at all.

each event is different and we cant have same blanket close minded response that everyone who asks these questions is always crazy.

but as far as this goes? I dont see any conspiracy

This is a fair response.

Like I said, my position has always been I do not know anything and am only asking for proof.

The shooting may or may not have occurred, but still, I need the proof to be fully satisfied with the official story.

I still find it disturbing so many are willing to take what the media says as undeniable truth when they have proven themselves to be anything but truthful in huge events like this.

12-27-2012, 03:48 PM
You're the one making claims here. The burden is on you, son.

You're also not an investigative journalist, nor are you an investigator.

I am an investigator and this is just in, your mom is blowing the neighbor next door.

12-27-2012, 05:00 PM
You are making sh*t more hypothetical than it already is. I'm just riding on the media and the initial reports and pointing out the inconsistencies.

If it's anyone who is a nutcase, you sir should get the cake.

Then make it less hypothetical. I want you to build your case.

According to you, we have children who are paid trained actors on TV. How many people would be part of the conspiracy based on your evidence?
We don't need specifics just a range.

Would you need the whole police force of Newtown, CT in on it? Or just a few?

Build your case.

12-27-2012, 05:04 PM
I am an investigator and this is just in, your mom is blowing the neighbor next door.

What first-hand information do you possess, about Sandy Hook?

12-27-2012, 05:15 PM
What first-hand information do you possess, about Sandy Hook?


My job is done. Just putting out the idea there is more to it than what was initially reported.

*End thread.

12-27-2012, 05:17 PM
The funniest thing about these conspiracy theory clowns is that they come up with the most outlandish, intricate, and logistically impossible theories imaginable yet they can never answer the most basic of questions- who was involved and what do they gain.

Ask them to give you a list of names or agencies and detail how they put together such far-reaching plans without any red flags going up or why they would go through the trouble in the first place, and they give you nothing.

The OP is no different. We're supposed to believe that who knows enlisted an entire town, the state government, the president (unless he's the devious mastermind behind it all. Machiavelli would be proud :oldlol: ) as well as law enforcement, the media, etc to pull off a hoax, why... because they want to take away military assault rifles from soccer moms?

You really need to be more specific.

12-27-2012, 05:22 PM

*End thread.

12-27-2012, 05:24 PM

My job is done. Just putting out the idea there is more to it than what was initially reported.

*End thread.

Except you did way more than "Just put the idea out there".

Explain why all the interviews done so far of children and that one father have been proven nothing more than actors reading off of script lines.

That's a statement of fact, when it's - at it's absolute best - speculation.

12-27-2012, 05:27 PM
The funniest thing about these conspiracy theory clowns is that they come up with the most outlandish, intricate, and logistically impossible theories imaginable yet they can never answer the most basic of questions- who was involved and what do they gain.

Ask them to give you a list of names or agencies and detail how they put together such far-reaching plans without any red flags going up or why they would go through the trouble in the first place, and they give you nothing.

The OP is no different. We're supposed to believe that who knows enlisted an entire town, the state government, the president (unless he's the devious mastermind behind it all. Machiavelli would be proud :oldlol: ) as well as law enforcement, the media, etc to pull off a hoax, why... because they want to take away military assault rifles from soccer moms?

You really need to be more specific.

The purpose of an investigation is to find anamolies and ask questions. Period.

He poses the questions; the answers can only come from those being investigated since they were present at the time of the crime or have inside information.

The investigator can only dig; he cannot come up with the answers himself unless it was given to him.

12-27-2012, 05:28 PM
The purpose of an investigation is to find anamolies and ask questions. Period.

It poses the questions; the burden of proof is on those being investigated.

Really think you should use your investigative skills to figure out what it is an investigator does.

12-27-2012, 05:30 PM
The purpose of an investigation is to find anamolies and ask questions. Period.

It poses the questions; the burden of proof is on those being investigated.

No, you're incorrect.

12-27-2012, 05:34 PM
An incident happens, the police/media report whatever they report, then conspiracy theorists crawl out of their burrows to claim some outlandish conspiracy is actually occurring and being orchestrated by some entity, usually the government. Burden's on the person making that outlandish claim to prove that it holds any water at all.

12-27-2012, 05:35 PM
An incident happens, the police/media report whatever they report, then conspiracy theorists claim some outlandish conspiracy is actually occurring and being orchestrated by some entity, usually the government. Burden's on the person making that outlandish claim.

If the media/police report has inconsistencies, then the burden is on the initial report. For example, if the school has 600 students, then why release a photo of a drill of 10 students holding hands taken the day before the event. Why not be consistent and take actual photos of the evacuation of 600 students instead since they are releasing this information regardless.

12-27-2012, 05:39 PM
You've only claimed that there are inconsistencies. I see no shred of evidence. And the burden still lies on the investigator to dig into these alleged inconsistencies and find some actual proof to back up their claims of conspiracy.

12-27-2012, 05:40 PM
The purpose of an investigation is to find anamolies and ask questions. Period.

Really? :oldlol:

So If I'm a detective put in charge of solving a murder, instead of working to find the perpetrator of the crime and his motive, I should instead pose ridiculous conspiracy theories with no basis in anything beyond my overactive imagination and ignorance and then just called it a day?

Chief: Any leads on the killer or any idea what his motives were for committing the crime?
Me: Nope. I'm just here to pose stupid question and get you thinking. /Investigation :pimp:

Looks about right.

12-27-2012, 05:40 PM
If the media/police report has inconsistencies, then the burden is on the initial report. For example, if the school has 600 students, then why release a photo of a drill of 10 students holding hands taken the day before the event. Why not be consistent and take actual photos of the evacuation of 600 students instead since they are releasing this information regardless.
because the ****ing media builds stories. Thats what they do. They wanted to run something on the site/channel/etc. and had a damn photo from the school. So they ran it. Why do media outlets show stock/related photos for all sorts of events? Because they have it on hand and they dont have an actual photo of the event.

12-27-2012, 05:42 PM
Really? :oldlol:

So If I'm a detective put in charge of solving a murder, instead of working to find the perpetrator of the crime and his motive, I should instead pose ridiculous conspiracy theories with no basis in anything beyond my overactive imagination and ignorance and then just called it a day?

Chief: Any leads on the killer or any idea what his motives were for committing the crime?
Me: Nope. I'm just here to pose stupid question and get you thinking. /Investigation :pimp:

Looks about right.

Yeah, he's saying that planting a seed of doubt based on second-hand rumors and what-ifs is sufficient proof of a claim. Unfortunately, that's not how it works outside of the conspiracy theory realm.

12-27-2012, 05:48 PM
because the ****ing media builds stories. Thats what they do. They wanted to run something on the site/channel/etc. and had a damn photo from the school. So they ran it. Why do media outlets show stock/related photos for all sorts of events? Because they have it on hand and they dont have an actual photo of the event.

Then why not take the media with a grain of salt ...

My premise is simple: there are inconsistencies worth questioning. I do not know all the answers, so I would like to know more.

Your premise is: I already know all the answers because the media said so (although I do not believe them fully), so everyone who thinks otherwise is purely delusional (even though I don't happen to fully believe my premise in the first place).

12-27-2012, 05:55 PM
Then why not take the media with a grain of salt ...

My premise is simple: there are inconsistencies worth questioning. I do not know all the answers, so I would like to know more.

Your premise is: I already know all the answers because the media said so (although I do not believe them fully), so everyone who thinks otherwise is purely delusional (even though I don't happen to fully believe my premise in the first place).
thanks for telling me my premise ****face. My premise is actually, we (the public) dont know, the media doesnt know, the police are trying to find out, and we will actually never know, because the one person with the answers is dead at his own hand.

Your inconsistencies are with the media's slapdash reporting. Whoopdedo, we know that already. That what we get with 24/7 multibillion $ profit industry pushing out an entertainment product. I dont see how any of that casts doubt on the most basic facts. You're ridiculous denial of the slaughter of these kids is extremely offensive, particularly since it is not founded on any tangible evidence.

12-27-2012, 05:57 PM
Then why not take the media with a grain of salt ...

My premise is simple: there are inconsistencies worth questioning. I do not know all the answers, so I would like to know more.

Your premise is: I already know all the answers because the media said so (although I do not believe them fully), so everyone who thinks otherwise is purely delusional (even though I don't happen to fully believe my premise in the first place).

Before you focus on inconsistencies, let's focus on what is known?

Were 20 children murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, CT?

12-27-2012, 05:58 PM
Let me ask you this, IamRAMBO24... do you have a certificate proving you're not a donkey brain?


12-27-2012, 05:59 PM
Let me ask you this, IamRAMBO24... do you have a certificate proving you're not a donkey brain?


Trump card

12-27-2012, 06:00 PM
thanks for telling me my premise ****face. My premise is actually, we (the public) dont know, the media doesnt know, the police are trying to find out, and we will actually never know, because the one person with the answers is dead at his own hand.

Your inconsistencies are with the media's slapdash reporting. Whoopdedo, we know that already. That what we get with 24/7 multibillion $ profit industry pushing out an entertainment product. I dont see how any of that casts doubt on the most basic facts. You're ridiculous denial of the slaughter of these kids is extremely offensive, particularly since it is not founded on any tangible evidence.

Offensive to you .. Boo Hoo ..

There are many things I find offensive in this forum (pictures of naked NBA players are one for sure *shutters), but you know what, this is a discussion forum and there are many things we might not all agree with.

Tell you what, if you get one of those family members of the victims to come here and tell me to shut up, I will.

I don't think I really care if I offend some overly sensitive ISH poster.

12-27-2012, 06:01 PM
Let me ask you this, IamRAMBO24... do you have a certificate proving you're not a donkey brain?



12-27-2012, 06:08 PM
Offensive to you .. Boo Hoo ..

There are many things I find offensive in this forum (pictures of naked NBA players are one for sure *shutters), but you know what, this is a discussion forum and there are many things we might not all agree with.

Tell you what, if you get one of those family members of the victims to come here and tell me to shut up, I will.

I don't think I really care if I offend some overly sensitive ISH poster.
thanks for ignoring the bulk of my post to focus on the least important line. Again, the failure of our crappy media to properly report and fact check leads you to the parsimonious explanation that clearly the whole thing is, in fact, a hoax perpetrated by .....? Those kids never actually existed, but were plants from birth to enact this? The people who were behind this imported an entire schoolsworth of teachers and students to pull it off? and no one noticed? Yep, clearly you are the person in the thread with the critical thinking skills and overall superior intellect. Shutters.... ha. What a foolbox you are.

12-27-2012, 06:10 PM
Before you focus on inconsistencies, let's focus on what is known?

Were 20 children murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, CT?Not according to him because he has yet to see evidence that it took place.

12-27-2012, 06:10 PM
thanks for ignoring the bulk of my post to focus on the least important line. Again, the failure of our crappy media to properly report and fact check leads you to the parsimonious explanation that clearly the whole thing is, in fact, a hoax perpetrated by .....? Those kids never actually existed, but were plants from birth to enact this? The people who were behind this imported an entire schoolsworth of teachers and students to pull it off? and no one noticed? Yep, clearly you are the person in the thread with the critical thinking skills and overall superior intellect. Shutters.... ha. What a foolbox you are.

Those are your hypotheticals. I have none. I am merely questioning the inconsistencies in the media/police reports.

12-27-2012, 07:03 PM
Those are your hypotheticals. I have none. I am merely questioning the inconsistencies in the media/police reports.
wait. So, you have no hypotheses? Null or alternative? No actual ideas on this (clearly you do, since you have said repeatedly that the witnesses and grieving parents are all actors. That, right there, is a hypothesis. So, now we need a null hypothesis, and then some expectations that would falsify that alternative hypothesis.). All you actually have is some errors in some of the thousands of media reports on this?

12-27-2012, 09:42 PM
Rambo, can you produce such a certificate that says you don't have donkey-brains?

12-27-2012, 11:15 PM
Those are your hypotheticals. I have none. I am merely questioning the inconsistencies in the media/police reports.
You were most definitely not "merely questioning;" you were making direct accusations, now you're backpedalling to a more defendable position.

12-27-2012, 11:23 PM
You were most definitely not "merely questioning;" you were making direct accusations, now you're backpedalling to a more defendable position.

My premise has always been:

There are inconsistencies in the reports coming from the media/police reports. I do not know anything but one thing I do know for sure is we do not know all the truth. Whether or not some of the truths will be revealed as more evidences are released I do not know, but the inconsistencies are too contradictory to ignore: for example, the license plate of the car do not belong to the mother of the killer but someone else, the interview of the principle on the day she was supposed to be dead, the lack of video evidence when the school has already outlined their security which includes a camera to buzz in visitors, etc. Too many inconsistencies, not to mention, all the child actors, including Rob Parker who has been caught on film trying to cough up a fake emotion (with no tears I might add).

12-27-2012, 11:57 PM
What evidence do you have that they are actors?

12-28-2012, 12:07 AM
My premise has always been:

There are inconsistencies in the reports coming from the media/police reports. I do not know anything but one thing I do know for sure is we do not know all the truth. Whether or not some of the truths will be revealed as more evidences are released I do not know, but the inconsistencies are too contradictory to ignore: for example, the license plate of the car do not belong to the mother of the killer but someone else, the interview of the principle on the day she was supposed to be dead, the lack of video evidence when the school has already outlined their security which includes a camera to buzz in visitors, etc. Too many inconsistencies, not to mention, all the child actors, including Rob Parker who has been caught on film trying to cough up a fake emotion (with no tears I might add).

Were 20 elementary school children murdered or not?

12-28-2012, 12:26 AM
Were 20 elementary school children murdered or not?

Yes, based on emotions and the sensitivity of the subject, I will conclude yes they have been murdered; the problem I have are the events surrounding the murders that I find not consistent with the conclusion: fake actors, fake photos, fake interviews, etc.

12-28-2012, 12:35 AM
sometimes i wonder if these guys are trolling for attention.

12-28-2012, 12:40 AM
Yes, based on emotions and the sensitivity of the subject, I will conclude yes they have been murdered; the problem I have are the events surrounding the murders that I find not consistent with the conclusion: fake actors, fake photos, fake interviews, etc.

have they put out a formal report yet?

I dont think they have... At least let the officials put out a formal report of the results of their investigation

if you still feel like you have unanswered question you can address them that way.

It just seems awfully early to be making these kinds of judgements

12-28-2012, 01:06 AM
have they put out a formal report yet?

I dont think they have... At least let the officials put out a formal report of the results of their investigation

if you still feel like you have unanswered question you can address them that way.

It just seems awfully early to be making these kinds of judgements
read the title and there is your answer. FINALLY?!? after a week? Plus he refers to this nutjob as a worldwide-respected researcher.

Dude was ready to believe it was fake as soon as he heard about it. He has made how many threads this past week about minutiea related to the shootings?

12-28-2012, 01:45 AM
sometimes i wonder if these guys are trolling for attention.

I think it's either that or boredom. They seem to actively look for things that they can construe as indicators of a conspiracy. They should just read a good fiction mystery novel and quench their thirst for fantasy that way.

12-28-2012, 03:12 AM
I'd like to see an actual case with actual evidence to support it, and not some wacky, convoluted mess of a conspiracy theory that would have about 0 chance of working without falling completely apart. You make it sound like they did such a clumsy job of staging the whole thing and yet you don't have any evidence of it actually being staged. Claiming they're terrible actors is not evidence, it's just you seeing what you want to see. You want this to be a conspiracy so they're lousy actors to you. Why would they go with lousy actors in the first place? How would that even work? You can't just plant actors there without people realizing that those people never attended that school, so the whole school would have to be involved in this along with many other people. Fake photos? You want this to be a conspiracy, so they're faked photos. If it was staged, then they could have staged countless photos and videos, so even if they did have a video of the ordeal, then you could easily say that the video was staged. Whether there's a video or not, you can claim it's still staged.

Just look at the Columbine shooting. There were myths surrounding it and it took years for some of the inaccuracies to be cleared up.

12-28-2012, 04:48 AM
Yes, based on emotions and the sensitivity of the subject, I will conclude yes they have been murdered; the problem I have are the events surrounding the murders that I find not consistent with the conclusion: fake actors, fake photos, fake interviews, etc.

It feels like you have never been on the scene of an event where major shit is going down.

I used to work in news. It's damn near a given that a lot of bad info will whip around early in breaking story. News is a highly competitive business. The insatiable need to be the first outfit to break the newest info often causes bad reporting in a breaking news situation. A situation like Sandy Hook is prone to suffering from shoddy reporting.

I've worked school shootings, police chases, man hunts with f-ing dogs tracking fools in the woods, drownings, multiple homicide scenes, car wrecks, fires, surgeries, cancer survivor stories etc. Anywhere there was death and destruction, I had the pleasure of filming and editing it.

There were two things that I found to be true during my time at a news station.

One, information is fluid. This is especially true in a breaking news/live setting. Rumors are easy to start and hard to end. There were a number of times the initial information on the scene ending up being very different than the actual events. It takes time to filter through everything and when you are on live tv you can't do it as well.

I knew one woman who found out just before she was to go on air to talk about surviving cancer that it had come back. She had it as at the same time as her 8 year old kid the first time through. She made it. He didn't. This woman upon hearing the horrible news she had to start up with chemo again could do nothing but laugh and carry on as if she had just been at an amusement park. Meanwhile, her daughter was devastated, crying, and pissed that her mother seemingly didn't care.

Whats the point of that story? Its that people react a variety of ways when they encounter tragedy. To automatically assume a man is an actor b/c you think a short laugh shows he was trying to get into character is silly. I have seen plenty of people react with laughter to all sorts of horrible news. Its a coping mechanism. Nothing more. The guy was overwhelmed by the moment. It happens.

12-28-2012, 05:01 AM
Holy shit why are people taking this guy seriously:oldlol:

The only reason I respond to these kinds of threads (I think I mentioned it in another thread too) is that other people who might not know or understand these kinds of things will be sucked into it. What OP believes is irrelevant to me, but it is dangerous to leave his public nonsense unchecked.

12-28-2012, 05:04 AM
I remember when I had to tell my mom that her mom died for some reason i had an awkward smile on my face.

12-28-2012, 05:39 AM
Yes, based on emotions and the sensitivity of the subject, I will conclude yes they have been murdered; the problem I have are the events surrounding the murders that I find not consistent with the conclusion: fake actors, fake photos, fake interviews, etc.

So 20 children were killed.

The official story is that a single disturbed and increasingly violent young man used his mother's weapons to kill them.

You say that is false. So I challenge you to start to build your conspiracy. Lay your case out. Let's hear it. You keep claiming others don't have the courage to investigate this. But you hide behind nipicking "inconsistencies" on the margins of the issue without addressing the core events. If you weren't a coward, you'd address the main issue. Give us one coherent conspiracy that withstand any basic scrutiny. Or confess that you're a ****ing fraud.

12-28-2012, 05:46 AM
So 20 children were killed.

The official story is that a single disturbed and increasingly violent young man used his mother's weapons to kill them.

You say that is false. So I challenge you to start to build your conspiracy. Lay your case out. Let's hear it. You keep claiming others don't have the courage to investigate this. But you hide behind nipicking "inconsistencies" on the margins of the issue without addressing the core events. If you weren't a coward, you'd address the main issue. Give us one coherent conspiracy that withstand any basic scrutiny. Or confess that you're a ****ing fraud.

It's the trees.

12-28-2012, 10:04 AM
My premise has always been:

There are inconsistencies in the reports coming from the media/police reports. I do not know anything but one thing I do know for sure is we do not know all the truth. Whether or not some of the truths will be revealed as more evidences are released I do not know, but the inconsistencies are too contradictory to ignore: for example, the license plate of the car do not belong to the mother of the killer but someone else, the interview of the principle on the day she was supposed to be dead, the lack of video evidence when the school has already outlined their security which includes a camera to buzz in visitors, etc. Too many inconsistencies, not to mention, all the child actors, including Rob Parker who has been caught on film trying to cough up a fake emotion (with no tears I might add).

The school has a camera to buzz in visitors.

This does not mean this camera was recorded.

Re the bolded: Hilarious, given that you don't have any hypothesis.