View Full Version : Amar'e: "I've never been taught defense in my whole career"

no pun intended
01-03-2013, 08:56 PM
"Just having a defensive coach for the first time in my career is going to help," Stoudemire said. "I've never been taught defense in my whole career. To now have a coach that actually teaches defense and teaches strategies and knows positioning and posture and how to guard different plays is going to be helpful. I'm going to take it as a challenge, accept the challenge and try to improve as a player."


:lol @ D'Antoni

01-03-2013, 08:58 PM
It shows in his game.
Don't blame D'Antoni.
Amare should blame himself for being the softest PF of all time and one of the most overrated players of all time.

Amare - Nash = Trash

01-03-2013, 09:04 PM
He was also never taught to read or write. Maybe someday he will learn to teach himself or reach for help beyond his head coach. That is what great players do but Amare has had too much pride and pride brings people down.

01-03-2013, 09:06 PM

Damn, this is why i read and watch interviews of athletes. There is always some hilarious sh*t being said.

01-03-2013, 09:07 PM
Amare Stoudemire, you are a god damn adult and your telling me you've never once took it upon yourself to learn defensive postures and positioning?

Perhaps this is why fundamentals are so lost with the players of today :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

01-03-2013, 09:11 PM
So let me get this straight, Amare has been paid over 100 million in his career thus far, and not ONCE has he taken it upon himself to effectively learn 50 percent of what his job entails?

50 percent! Half of the job that he's being paid multi-millions for...and he's never been "taught it"?

That's a f***ing joke.

01-03-2013, 09:12 PM
So let me get this straight, Amare has been paid over 100 million in his career thus far, and not ONCE he's taken it upon himself to effectively learn 50 percent of what his job entails?

50 percent! Half of the job that he's being paid multi-millions for...and he's never been "taught it"?

That's a f***ing joke.

u mad?

01-03-2013, 09:12 PM
Knicks should trade him for anything with a pulse. Or not. Pulse optional.

01-03-2013, 09:13 PM
They say, it's never too late to go back to school. I guess it's never too late to learn defense, even at the age of 30. :lol

01-03-2013, 09:14 PM

u mad?

Am I mad?


01-03-2013, 09:14 PM
A little too candid of a comment by STAT here, although he didn't say he never tried to play defense, to be fair.

01-03-2013, 09:22 PM
I can't think of many things I was taught about basketball, either. You can't really do a defensive drill...

you can move your feet and all that, but you need actual instincts to be a good defender. Either that or you just have to be an immovable object.

Really, you can either be a disruptive guy or the type of guy that is always going to be there when you shoot. I don't think Amare can be the second one because I don't think he has the discipline to just stand in front of someone and hope they miss. The funny thing about that, is THAT'S GOOD D. But most people get depressed when they get scored on.

I think Amare can be a disruptive guy, though, someone who aggressively goes after people, but again you can't be afraid to be scored on.

The thing about defense is it'll never be as high pressure as offense. Sure, someone can say DUNKED ON U HA.... but they are the one with the ball. Everyone is watching them. There aren't really many "pro tips" for defense... just really simple shit that you should have learned in grade school.

Or, stuff you might pick up from watching pros. When I was younger, I would sprint the court, but now I can tell by the way things are looking if someone is gonna just jack a shot, so I stay back on D. Little things like that are important.


01-03-2013, 09:22 PM

01-03-2013, 09:23 PM
I doubt Noah was ever taught to shoot ethier but he seems to be doing fine with it, what a garbage excuse. Defense is about effort, hearth and good anticaption do the first two have to do with coaching?

01-03-2013, 09:56 PM
There's things about defense that you can't really coach. Sure you can have the best fundamentals and footwork but there's things like drive and instinct that can't be taught.

01-03-2013, 10:06 PM
He was brought up in the league under D'antoni who cares less about defense.

01-03-2013, 11:05 PM
I'm pretty sure everyone here, after leaving their job, don't go to the cinema,or play some games, or watch tv, or whatever, they just spend their free time trying to be a better employee.

Patrick Chewing
01-03-2013, 11:14 PM
Amare - Nash = Trash

Simpleton. Amar'e + Felton = MVP status

01-03-2013, 11:17 PM
Simpleton. Amar'e + Felton = MVP status
Don't mind thebigveto, bro. He's learning impaired :lol

01-04-2013, 12:41 AM
Just a bit of info for those who don't know: Amar'e has said this exact shit before.

He hates defense.

01-04-2013, 12:58 AM
This is like the 3rd ****ing time Amare said this his entire career. If he have a shit he would've learned by now. Were talking about NBA players here. The hardest working athletes in Amurica, Amare could speak fluid German in 6 months if he fully commited which he is FULLY capable of

01-04-2013, 01:05 AM
You don't f*cking say!?

Yao Ming's Foot
01-04-2013, 01:09 AM
I'm pretty sure everyone here, after leaving their job, don't go to the cinema,or play some games, or watch tv, or whatever, they just spend their free time trying to be a better employee.

Not everybody flips burgers. Why do you think people get paid more the more experience they have?

01-04-2013, 01:30 AM
I'm pretty sure everyone here, after leaving their job, don't go to the cinema,or play some games, or watch tv, or whatever, they just spend their free time trying to be a better employee.

Dumbest comment ever.

01-04-2013, 02:29 AM
It was a pretty dumb thinly veiled shot at D'antoni, but I'm sure Amare managed to piss off every other coach he's had in his career as well... and embarrass himself in the ways already described in this thread

01-04-2013, 02:45 AM
I've learned to expect amar'e to say stupid things because he is empirically a big dum-dum.

01-04-2013, 02:52 AM
Did that idiot actually get a face tat?!

01-04-2013, 03:02 AM

All Net
01-04-2013, 03:06 AM
Don't need a coach to coach you D...

01-04-2013, 03:09 AM
It's funny when people throw out the word "instincts" in sports...

There are no damn instincts. It's all reaction time, reflexes, anticipation, and muscle memory.

01-04-2013, 03:11 AM
Excerpt from an interview with Jalen Rose a little while back:


I played for the Phoenix Suns. 2007. My last season. As were playing against the San Antonio Spurs. And I remember us coming to our first practice before Game 1. And we brought it in. And we were excited about our playoffs getting started. And Coach D'Antoni put in some film. It was Steve behind the back. Amare slam dunk. Shawn Marion with the block. Raja Bell with the charge. It was a highlight film of our team. They have showed me making a shot on there, and I was barely even playing.

So after that he as like all right, we're going to run and down, go through our set plays and whatnot, and we're going to get out of here.

And I looked at Kurt Thomas. I hit him with an elbow. I'm like hold on. I gotta say something.

So I did my Arnold Horshack from "Welcome Back, Kotter."

I'm like "ooh, ooh, ooh, hey coach. I gotta ask a question. Are we going to talk about how we're going to defend Tim Duncan on the post? Are we going to talk about Manu Ginobili in pick and roll? Keeping Tony Parker out of the paint?"

He looked at me in front of the entire team and coaching staff and said: "We're not worried about what they do. If we play to the best of our abilities, and do what we're supposed to do, there is no way they can beat us. We don't mind if Tim goes off. If Tim goes off, that means everybody else is quiet."

So, people gave us a pass. And we were a great team. And Robert Horry did knock my guy Steve Nash into the scoreboard. And Amare Stoudemire and Boris Diaw got up off the bench and I should have been paying attention and being a vet, and grabbed Amare -- maybe I'd have a ring to this day.

They walked out on the floor, they get suspended late in the series, and we did lose that game.

But we really lost the series in Game 1. When the guy that couldn't beat us by himself -- Tim Duncan -- he only had 40 and 20 in Game 1. [Ed. note: Actually 33 and 16.]

So that's really when we lost the series.

01-04-2013, 03:42 AM
There are no damn instincts. It's all reaction time, reflexes, anticipation, and muscle memory.
Simply put, instincts.

01-04-2013, 03:49 AM
Excerpt from an interview with Jalen Rose a little while back:



01-04-2013, 03:52 AM
Jalen Rose is a troll -- no rings, no defense, except for when he succeeded in injuring Kobe on purpose.

01-04-2013, 04:14 AM
Amar'e, you've had 11 seasons in the NBA. Hire a damn defensive coach for yourself rather than acting like it is the teams' faults for not giving you one :facepalm

01-04-2013, 04:31 AM
This guy is a joke of a professional and a cop out. He's just lazy. Of course he's been though man, what does he want, a class like they do for kids? Hand Down Man Down? lol

01-04-2013, 06:10 AM
he always said that in his suns career, amare cant play defense

01-04-2013, 06:26 AM
I'm pretty sure everyone here, after leaving their job, don't go to the cinema,or play some games, or watch tv, or whatever, they just spend their free time trying to be a better employee.

Well I guess this clearly shows what kind a person you are. Someone I will never hire, only good for dead end jobs with little prospect.

01-04-2013, 06:44 AM
he learned lying in Israel

01-04-2013, 09:25 AM
Well I guess this clearly shows what kind a person you are. Someone I will never hire, only good for dead end jobs with little prospect.
The only thing you hire is cheap prostitutes.

01-04-2013, 09:30 AM
So let me get this straight, Amare has been paid over 100 million in his career thus far, and not ONCE has he taken it upon himself to effectively learn 50 percent of what his job entails?

50 percent! Half of the job that he's being paid multi-millions for...and he's never been "taught it"?

That's a f***ing joke.

If you teach yourself something do you say you've been "taught it?" I'm not getting your point.

01-04-2013, 09:31 AM
Amar'e either tried to take a shot at D'Antoni or praise Woodson in some roundabout way and just wound up sounding dumb. Amare's main problem when he speaks is he thinks hes' super eloquent and he's really really not.

01-04-2013, 10:32 AM
But I remember Amare saying the exact same thing when Terry Porter took over as Suns head coach after D'Antoni...

01-04-2013, 11:29 AM
But I remember Amare saying the exact same thing when Terry Porter took over as Suns head coach after D'Antoni...

I do too :)

When he worked with Hakeem this summer he worked on defense with him as well. 2 weeks of both post training and defense.

plUto or bUst
01-04-2013, 11:32 AM
It's never Amare's fault. :facepalm

01-04-2013, 12:01 PM
Well in Amare's defense... He could be referring to team defense. Anybody can get on the court and defend, but offensive plays are designed to confuse and catch defenders off guard. If you are not thought to defend simple plays like the pick n roll then u will be eaten alive by a well-functioning offense.

01-04-2013, 12:05 PM
isnt it widely known that d'antoni doesnt give a crap about defense?

01-04-2013, 12:42 PM
isnt it widely known that d'antoni doesnt give a crap about defense?

Come on. D'Antoni goes over it for 30 minutes every day.

01-04-2013, 12:49 PM
Well in Amare's defense... He could be referring to team defense. Anybody can get on the court and defend, but offensive plays are designed to confuse and catch defenders off guard. If you are not thought to defend simple plays like the pick n roll then u will be eaten alive by a well-functioning offense.

Damn you're a flash from the past

01-04-2013, 01:43 PM
defense is part of his game :oldlol:


The Iron Fist
01-04-2013, 01:48 PM
He was also never taught to read or write. n.
So what's with all the stupid tattoos in a thousand different fonts? Are those the words he knows?

01-04-2013, 01:58 PM
Does he actually think that he needed to tell us this? We already knew this Amare. You have never played defense ever. Anyone that has seen you play knows this.

01-04-2013, 03:13 PM
Simply put, instincts.

You're an idiot. Take a psychology class. Instincts are automatic functions that cannot be controlled. Such as teaching your offspring to hunt, spinning a web for food, or automatically turning your body so you land on your feet when you're falling.

Humans do not have any of these innate abilities. If we did, babies would not be useless beings that just consume and sh*t all day until they get old enough to start doing things for themselves.

01-04-2013, 03:31 PM
we heard this bullcrap already years ago :oldlol:


"I want to be Ron Artest," Stoudemire said, explaining the focus of his recent work on defense, along with efficiency in his offensive moves. "I want to be that guy you fear when you see him guarding you."

:oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol:

01-04-2013, 03:42 PM
Well in Amare's defense... He could be referring to team defense. Anybody can get on the court and defend, but offensive plays are designed to confuse and catch defenders off guard. If you are not thought to defend simple plays like the pick n roll then u will be eaten alive by a well-functioning offense.

Agreed but I refuse to believe Amare has never been taught team defense. No film sessions? No assistants whose focus is defense? I wish he would stop saying these things because it makes him look like the bigger idiot he actually is.

01-04-2013, 03:47 PM

Kenny Smith: "A Ben Wallace clone"

Amare himself: "Defense is a part of my game"


01-04-2013, 03:47 PM
Agreed but I refuse to believe Amare has never been taught team defense. No film sessions? No assistants whose focus is defense? I wish he would stop saying these things because it makes him look like the bigger idiot he actually is.

[B][QUOTE][B]It was fair,

01-04-2013, 03:49 PM
It's a huge cop out. You either like to play D or you don't. If you have any pride and intensity at all, you wouldn't want to be burned all game long. He should be ashamed to be such a lousy defender with his kind of athleticism.

01-04-2013, 04:02 PM
that was in 2008

Good find. :roll:

01-04-2013, 04:24 PM
If you teach yourself something do you say you've been "taught it?" I'm not getting your point.

My point is that he is blaming others for not teaching him, instead of taking it upon himself to learn something that is 50 percent of the job description he's getting paid millions for.

01-04-2013, 04:28 PM
My point is that he is blaming others for not teaching him, instead of taking it upon himself to learn something that is 50 percent of the job description he's getting paid millions for.

what can he do if his coach doesnt teach defense?
of course he can try to figure it out himself but if he hasnt been taught, he hasnt been taught period.

01-04-2013, 04:32 PM
what can he do if his coach doesnt teach defense?
of course he can try to figure it out himself but if he hasnt been taught, he hasnt been taught period.

This isn't an 18 year old kid here...this is a grown-ass man who's been in the league for 11 fricking years.

He was capable of hiring Hakeem last off-season to work on his post-game, wasn't he? That was his decision to do so, not his NBA coaches.

Why couldn't he do the same for his defense, when it's obvious it's the weakest facet of his game?

01-04-2013, 04:38 PM
This isn't an 18 year old kid here...this is a grown-ass man who's been in the league for 12 fricking years.

He was capable of hiring Hakeem last off-season to work on his post-game, wasn't he? That was his decision to do so, not his NBA coaches.

Why couldn't he do the same for his defense, when it's obvious it's the weakest facet of his game?

for 10 out of those 12 years he had a coach who's mantra is: if we do what we do, the other team cant keep up, so dont worry about defense.
if your coach tells you to not worry about defense, instead learn how to play in the offensive system really well... basically saying time is better spent praticing the mid-range j than preparing defensive rotations?

01-04-2013, 05:02 PM
This isn't an 18 year old kid here...this is a grown-ass man who's been in the league for 11 fricking years.

He was capable of hiring Hakeem last off-season to work on his post-game, wasn't he? That was his decision to do so, not his NBA coaches.

Why couldn't he do the same for his defense, when it's obvious it's the weakest facet of his game?

lets be 100% honest about this situation. His boss told him to focus on offense because that is what best serves his team. He does that and becomes an All-NBA player. You are going to fault him for listening to his coach and his organization?

01-04-2013, 05:16 PM
Anyone defending Amare on this is flailing.

Stop being stupid.

01-04-2013, 05:24 PM
for 10 out of those 12 years he had a coach who's mantra is: if we do what we do, the other team cant keep up, so dont worry about defense.
if your coach tells you to not worry about defense, instead learn how to play in the offensive system really well... basically saying time is better spent praticing the mid-range j than preparing defensive rotations?

Not really buying that excuse. I have a hard time believing D'antoni told the team to not worry about defense. Why were Shawn Marion and Raja Bell such good defenders under D'antoni? When defense is half of the game and you're playing mostly man to man defense, how do you not learn how to move your feet and stay in front of people, or body someone up in the post? It's not the coaches fault. Now, team defense is another story, that you might blame on your coaches, but Amare's problem is not just team defense, it's all aspects of defense.

01-04-2013, 05:27 PM
Not really buying that excuse. I have a hard time believing D'antoni told the team to not worry about defense. Why were Shawn Marion and Raja Bell such good defenders under D'antoni? When defense is half of the game and you're playing mostly man to man defense, how do you not learn how to move your feet and stay in front of people, or body someone up in the post? It's not the coaches fault. Now, team defense is another story, that you might blame on your coaches, but Amare's problem is not just team defense, it's all aspects of defense.

he was constantly guarding centers and told to gamble on 1 on 1 defense in order to speed the pace up. How is he going to develop any defensive instincts plays ONLY out of position and being told to let the other team get layups? Not once was he allowed to play his natural position.

01-04-2013, 05:31 PM
Not really buying that excuse. I have a hard time believing D'antoni told the team to not worry about defense. Why were Shawn Marion and Raja Bell such good defenders under D'antoni? When defense is half of the game and you're playing mostly man to man defense, how do you not learn how to move your feet and stay in front of people, or body someone up in the post? It's not the coaches fault. Now, team defense is another story, that you might blame on your coaches, but Amare's problem is not just team defense, it's all aspects of defense.

No one is listening to you. Let's just use this an excuse to rip D'Antoni again.

01-04-2013, 09:15 PM
Not really buying that excuse. I have a hard time believing D'antoni told the team to not worry about defense. Why were Shawn Marion and Raja Bell such good defenders under D'antoni? When defense is half of the game and you're playing mostly man to man defense, how do you not learn how to move your feet and stay in front of people, or body someone up in the post? It's not the coaches fault. Now, team defense is another story, that you might blame on your coaches, but Amare's problem is not just team defense, it's all aspects of defense.
Suns were never great defenders as a team...you know why? Run N Gun, aka lets score and even when the other team has the ball, lets play offense.

If you dont believe me, take it from Jalen rose who played with the suns, he said this(ima paraphrase) :" dantoni told us our offensive strategies against san antonio, but when i asked him what we were gona do for defense, he told us not worry about that"

He said it on live tv on espn, i am sure you can find it online. Raja belll is a good defender instinctively, his output is not to be used as a gague for dantonis non-existant defensive strategies. Have you ever been part of a team that had bad leadership? Then you would notice the strengths of individuals flourishing despite the lack of guidance. You would also see the unattended flaws of individuals and the team as a whole because they are not being given the proper attention.

01-04-2013, 09:34 PM
Suns were never great defenders as a team...you know why? Run N Gun, aka lets score and even when the other team has the ball, lets play offense.

If you dont believe me, take it from Jalen rose who played with the suns, he said this(ima paraphrase) :" dantoni told us our offensive strategies against san antonio, but when i asked him what we were gona do for defense, he told us not worry about that"

He said it on live tv on espn, i am sure you can find it online. Raja belll is a good defender instinctively, his output is not to be used as a gague for dantonis non-existant defensive strategies. Have you ever been part of a team that had bad leadership? Then you would notice the strengths of individuals flourishing despite the lack of guidance. You would also see the unattended flaws of individuals and the team as a whole because they are not being given the proper attention.
Dantoni's argument was no one was gonna stop Tim Duncan from scoring. And I really believe that. I feel if that Sun's team focused on defense first they wouldn't have had a chance to win it all. They would have got killed with players like Amare and Nash . I don't care what scheme you draw up for Amare he wasn't guarding prime Duncan. Trying to outscore was really the key in attempting to upset the dynasty Spurs. And they came close multiple times. And one year it was actually proven to be rigged because of Tim Donaghy.

01-04-2013, 09:38 PM
what can he do if his coach doesnt teach defense?
of course he can try to figure it out himself but if he hasnt been taught, he hasnt been taught period.
He can approach them...

La Frescobaldi
01-04-2013, 09:42 PM
I forget but didn't somebody get a 30 30 not too long ago? Wait... wasn't he lined up against somebody on the Knicks? trying to remember just how that was....

01-04-2013, 09:59 PM
I forget but didn't somebody get a 30 30 not too long ago? Wait... wasn't he lined up against somebody on the Knicks? trying to remember just how that was....
And what impact has Love made other than on the box score?

01-05-2013, 01:35 AM
In no defense of Amare. Those that say that defense is all about effort, really need to get real.

I've had the complaint and seen many others that have realized that Amare is simply a stupid defender. Not calling him stupid, but he doesn't know what to do in situations. I've seen people argue that he's got no peripheral vision due to the surgery on his eyes.

The fact is defense is about effort, but also knowledge of position, focus, anticipation, foot speed, recovery speed, different attributes for shot blockers, quick hands, knowing how to defend your man and helping on ball, ball denial takes a lot of technique, post D takes a lot of technique, PnR D takes a lot of technique, and of course Amare's biggest weakness (but one that can be learned as easy as anything else) knowledge of rotations and assignments. As well as knowledge of your assignments behavior and skillset. Great defenders study their assignments and the team's overall habits game by game.

01-05-2013, 02:36 AM
Suns were never great defenders as a team...you know why? Run N Gun, aka lets score and even when the other team has the ball, lets play offense.

If you dont believe me, take it from Jalen rose who played with the suns, he said this(ima paraphrase) :" dantoni told us our offensive strategies against san antonio, but when i asked him what we were gona do for defense, he told us not worry about that"

He said it on live tv on espn, i am sure you can find it online. Raja belll is a good defender instinctively, his output is not to be used as a gague for dantonis non-existant defensive strategies. Have you ever been part of a team that had bad leadership? Then you would notice the strengths of individuals flourishing despite the lack of guidance. You would also see the unattended flaws of individuals and the team as a whole because they are not being given the proper attention.

We all know D'antoni doesn't preach defense. Whether or not he said not to worry about it, his teams were never good defensive teams. That is well known. The point is, Bell and Marion were great defenders, even while Phoenix played lousy team defense, Amare wasn't. Instinct and heart play a big part in being a good defender and coaches can't teach that. Some players are defensive minded and some aren't. Amare plays passively on defense, that's not the coaches fault.

La Frescobaldi
01-05-2013, 02:59 PM
I can't think of many things I was taught about basketball, either. You can't really do a defensive drill...

you can move your feet and all that, but you need actual instincts to be a good defender. Either that or you just have to be an immovable object.

Really, you can either be a disruptive guy or the type of guy that is always going to be there when you shoot. I don't think Amare can be the second one because I don't think he has the discipline to just stand in front of someone and hope they miss. The funny thing about that, is THAT'S GOOD D. But most people get depressed when they get scored on.

I think Amare can be a disruptive guy, though, someone who aggressively goes after people, but again you can't be afraid to be scored on.

The thing about defense is it'll never be as high pressure as offense. Sure, someone can say DUNKED ON U HA.... but they are the one with the ball. Everyone is watching them. There aren't really many "pro tips" for defense... just really simple shit that you should have learned in grade school.

Or, stuff you might pick up from watching pros. When I was younger, I would sprint the court, but now I can tell by the way things are looking if someone is gonna just jack a shot, so I stay back on D. Little things like that are important.



google basketball defense drills. 3.5 million hits.


Defense drills are the main part of winning basketball teams in the practice gym. at every level of play from pee wee to NBA, "-smak".

01-05-2013, 03:15 PM
I thought the Lakers hiring of Pringles was turrible, he wouldn't recognize a defensive move if it kicked him in the balls.

La Frescobaldi
01-05-2013, 03:33 PM
I thought the Lakers hiring of Pringles was turrible, he wouldn't recognize a defensive move if it kicked him in the balls.
and if it did he wouldn't feel it since they ain't his ?

01-05-2013, 08:49 PM

01-05-2013, 08:50 PM
Read more: Knicks' Stoudemire says he meant no harm to D'Antoni with 'defense' comments http://www.nypost.com/p/blogs/knicksblog/stoudemire_meant_no_harm_to_antoni_4ylKmBLO7Hvs759 WAP0mrO#ixzz2H9UGpcOf

Actually thats what I think about too, he has no reason to fire at Mike D'Antoni.