View Full Version : Report: Cleveland Cavaliers eyeing LeBron James in 2014 free agency

01-14-2013, 06:00 PM

Is Dan Gilbert is a forgiving man?

01-14-2013, 06:01 PM
Pretty funny, most Cavs fans say they'll never forgive him and he ain't coming back and they don't want him, but the truth is a statue would already be built if he comes back.

01-14-2013, 06:02 PM
Report: RBA eyes the possibility of never watching another NBA game again.

01-14-2013, 06:03 PM
So he's just gonna burn bridges w/ Wade, Riley and the city of Miami? Come on man, he's not coming back.

Can we stop w/ these threads? :oldlol:

01-14-2013, 06:03 PM

Is Dan Gilbert is a forgiving man?

How would you feel about this?

01-14-2013, 06:04 PM
LeBron to LA. He's only staying in MIA if the Heat don't sign Wade.

01-14-2013, 06:06 PM
He's going to Brooklyn, he's friends with Jay Z and he wears Yankee hats (wait, that's NY. I mean the Knicks). :lol

God Bless Ya Cav fans, you deal with the rumors...

01-14-2013, 06:07 PM
Wade would have to really fall off for this to happen. I don't see LeBron turning Riley down to stay.

01-14-2013, 06:09 PM
Report: RBA eyes the possibility of never watching another NBA game again.

01-14-2013, 06:13 PM
How would you feel about this?
Like this http://www.the-coli.com/images/smilies/why.png http://www.the-coli.com/images/smilies/stopit.png then like this http://www.the-coli.com/images/smilies/ehh.pnghttp://www.the-coli.com/images/smilies/manny.png

On one hand I'll understand if they pursue him because obviously them pursuing him puts us in position to win but on the other hand it would be a very awkward return. I expect the front office isn't actually pursuing him though, and that these reports are just shock-value articles made by journalists who ran out of material, I don't see Dan Gilbert being the type of guy that will open the door back for Lebron.

01-14-2013, 06:14 PM
He's going to Brooklyn, he's friends with Jay Z and he wears Yankee hats (wait, that's NY. I mean the Knicks). :lol

God Bless Ya Cav fans, you deal with the rumors...
Nonstop rumors for his seven years in Cleveland apparently weren't enough for some Cavs fans. Time to move forward, guys.

01-14-2013, 06:20 PM
Note: i don't know what he's doing but "i can't imagine him screwing Miami" - i'm sorry have you not been paying attention? He ****ed over his hometown in a televised prime time special. You don't think he'd leave Miami who would forget he was there ten seconds after he left?

01-14-2013, 06:20 PM
This makes the Cavs look pathetic.

It's like being dumped by your first love in middle school and then deciding to stay single all through highschool just incase she decides she wants you back

01-14-2013, 06:21 PM
Note: i don't know what he's doing but "i can't imagine him screwing Miami" - i'm sorry have you not been paying attention? He ****ed over his hometown in a televised prime time special. You don't think he'd leave Miami who would forget he was there ten seconds after he left?
inb4 someone with no knowledge of the region goes to the "he's from Akron, not Cleveland" card.

01-14-2013, 06:22 PM
This makes the Cavs look pathetic.

It's like being dumped by your first love in middle school and then deciding to stay single all through highschool just incase she decides she wants you back
How do baseless rumors without a single credible source make the franchise look pathetic?

Although, I agree, if they were really preparing for a run at James, it would be completely pathetic.

01-14-2013, 06:25 PM
inb4 someone with no knowledge of the region goes to the "he's from Akron, not Cleveland" card.

Cleveland is certainly different from Akron in LeBron's eyes...You remember that GQ article?

[QUOTE] The author compared LeBron

01-14-2013, 06:27 PM
Cleveland is certainly different from Akron in LeBron's eyes...You remember that GQ article?
Silly then. Silly now.

Residents of Akron consider the Cavs just as much their "hometown team" as residents of Cleveland. In fact, the whole northeast Ohio region is considered Cavs/Browns/Indians country.

01-14-2013, 06:28 PM
Cleveland is certainly different from Akron in LeBron's eyes...You remember that GQ article?

inb4 people think they know Lebron better than he knows himself. :oldlol:

01-14-2013, 06:31 PM
inb4 people know think they know Lebron better than he knows himself. :oldlol:
It's not about what James thinks. It is about the way the franchise is looked at by the majority in these areas. That is something I know about...

Which is why it didn't surprise me when Akron took down the sign that read "Home of LeBron James" following The Decision.


01-14-2013, 06:35 PM
It's not about what James thinks. It is about the way the franchise is looked at by the majority in these areas. That is something I know about...

Which is why it didn't surprise me when Akron took down the sign that read "Home of LeBron James" following The Decision.


And most the people from Akron, as reported, dont really give a shit. In fact, they "forgave" him.


01-14-2013, 06:35 PM
I just want him to go somewhere where people will actually cheer at a game like they care and mean it.

I love the game of basketball because it is indoors, can get crazy and loud, and produces emotion. Watching him in Miami is like watching him in an opera house. I bet if you asked him behind closed doors, he'd say he misses an emotional home crowd.

I want to see the bedlam of him back in Cleveland for a home game (would be freaking insane) or to NY. The Garden would be insane, and he would eat that ---t up.

Just get out of Miami and get to a sports town.

01-14-2013, 06:37 PM
And most the people from Akron, as reported, dont really give a shit. In fact, they "forgave" him.

Reading comprehension.

It isn't about what James thinks or what a councilman thinks. This discussion is whether or not the Cavs are considered Akron's "hometown team." And, they are. I don't need an article telling me that. I know it to be the case.

Btw, did you happen to read the comments to that story? lol

01-14-2013, 06:39 PM
Oh you know Cleveland, no hard feelings right? :oldlol:

01-14-2013, 06:42 PM
The second coming of the messiah

01-14-2013, 06:43 PM
How do baseless rumors without a single credible source make the franchise look pathetic?

Although, I agree, if they were really preparing for a run at James, it would be completely pathetic.

RedBlack - I'm right with you, except this path we are on right now resembles pathetic. I'm almost ready to sell my soul (not really) to win, but the bashers of Cleveland are right! We're going to lose Kyrie because of the players on this team. I know you watch us. Have you seen some of our lineups? Team can still build and rise at the same time. We now make excuses for why we lose (youth...on the road...haven't gelled...). I'm ready for someone to say, "Hey Kyrie: sit tight. Screw everyone...we're going to go out and get you what you need." WE DON'T DO THAT. We sign Alonzo Gee and Luke Walton and Omri Casspi and Shaun Livingston. Someone needs to tell Kyrie: "Sit tight. We're going to go out and get LBJ and turn this house loose. It's going to be crazy, but we're going to be damn good."

It's what the Yankees would do and the Celtics and the Patriots and the Lakers. They want to win and will do anything to win. We need more of that in us. Our lineup and team right now are pathetic, and it has more to do with us not willing to win than it does the players on the floor. On top of that, we have a coach in place who has a free pass. He can lose as much as he wants and he knows it. We play like it.

Someone needs to grow a pair, get a little meaner, say enough is enough, and build a dynasty. Honest to God, I think if we lose Kyrie we may lose our franchise. I would say build without LBJ, but we can't. We've tried and we suck.

01-14-2013, 06:49 PM
RedBlack - I'm right with you, except this path we are on right now resembles pathetic. I'm almost ready to sell my soul (not really) to win, but the bashers of Cleveland are right! We're going to lose Kyrie because of the players on this team.
Ridiculous. This rationale is exactly what led the franchise during the James years to make panicked, bad decisions which cost cap space and draft picks in the name of "trying to keep James at all costs."

The team was good, but built with spare parts. It wasn't done the right way and it would usually show at some point in the playoffs.

Now, the franchise is actually trying to do this thing the right way... Acquire a lot of draft picks, have young guys work together to figure out how they fit, maintain cap space for the right moment when the young guys are ready to really make a run, etc.

And, we have fans, once again, ready to flip the switch, blow up all this good work the franchise has done, and go back to the panic of the seven years under James, only this time about Kyrie.

Look, if Irving doesn't have enough foresight to see this thing through and he's not willing to wait even two years before looking elsewhere, he was never the guy to lead the team in the first place. I have confidence he sees the bigger picture and what the organization is trying to do, though. Seems like a bright guy.

The last thing the fans should be doing is pushing Grant and Gilbert to unload all of the team's capital for a quick fix to appease a 20-year-old who doesn't even seem to be pushing for it right now. It is the classic "he's going to leave us" syndrome and it has to stop.

I'm only hoping we get a really good SF in this coming draft so these rumors will finally be put to bed. James is gone and he ain't coming back. Deal with it.

01-14-2013, 06:50 PM
Reading comprehension.

It isn't about what James thinks or what a councilman thinks. This discussion is whether or not the Cavs are considered Akron's "hometown team." And, they are. I don't need an article telling me that. I know it to be the case.

Btw, did you happen to read the comments to that story? lol

My reading comprehension is fine, "dumpy diaper".

The Cavs are an extension of Akron. I'm not debating that. When it pertains to the individual, Lebron, it is about what he thinks, just like it is about what the councilman and MOST people from Akron think.


01-14-2013, 06:53 PM
My reading comprehension is fine, "dumpy diaper".

The Cavs are an extension of Akron. I'm not debating that. When it pertains to the individual, Lebron, it is about what he thinks, just like it is about what the councilman and MOST people from Akron think.

The statement which began this portion of the discussion was "he dumped his hometown team." James is from Akron. Akron's hometown NBA basketball team is undoubtedly the Cavaliers.


01-14-2013, 06:55 PM
The statement which began this portion of the discussion was "he dumped his hometown team." James is from Akron. Akron's hometown NBA basketball team is undoubtedly the Cavaliers.


And it is Cleveland that feels scorned. Akron, his ACTUAL hometown? Not so much.

01-14-2013, 07:03 PM
My reading comprehension is fine, "dumpy diaper".

The Cavs are an extension of Akron. I'm not debating that. When it pertains to the individual, Lebron, it is about what he thinks, just like it is about what the councilman and MOST people from Akron think.


- He only said that after he left....

- I always found it wierd that he hates his hometown/people so much.

- Ohio has the best fans I ever seen....real talk.......he was like everyone's son or little brother.....everyone adored him in Ohio....

why would he turn on them???

01-14-2013, 07:12 PM

And it is Cleveland that feels scorned. Akron, his ACTUAL hometown? Not so much.

- Maybe his friends and family forgave him....the rest of Ohio disowned him like a Pimp does strayin Ho's....

01-14-2013, 07:16 PM
- He only said that after he left....

- I always found it wierd that he hates his hometown/people so much.

- Ohio has the best fans I ever seen....real talk.......he was like everyone's son or little brother.....everyone adored him in Ohio....

why would he turn on them???

Before or after, whatever the case, that is the way Lebron feels. Akron (despite having a vested interest in the Cavs) is indifferent of him. Don't think for one second these people wouldn't wanna see this dude put on a Cavs uniform again.

I hated "the decision" personally. ONE title in Cleveland would have bolstered his perception. No doubt about it.

01-14-2013, 07:18 PM
- Maybe his friends and family forgave him....the rest of Ohio disowned him like a Pimp does strayin Ho's....

In his homecoming, guy was cheered by thousands of fans. :oldlol:


01-14-2013, 07:52 PM
How do baseless rumors without a single credible source make the franchise look pathetic?

Although, I agree, if they were really preparing for a run at James, it would be completely pathetic.

If it happens, then you should know what a crappy organization the Cavaliers are.

01-14-2013, 08:01 PM
I'll believe it when I see it.

Next week it'll be "sources close to the situation" making up some shit a la Dwightmare. The sports media eats this shit up since none of them are accountable for what they say anymore.

01-14-2013, 08:01 PM
The statement which began this portion of the discussion was "he dumped his hometown team." James is from Akron. Akron's hometown NBA basketball team is undoubtedly the Cavaliers.


I love how you fight. You have spunk. All the way to the bitter end. You still wrong.

01-14-2013, 08:03 PM
I think there's a chance if he wins another one in Miami.

01-14-2013, 08:03 PM
Well I'll be damn.


Magic bird
01-14-2013, 08:24 PM
Pretty funny, most Cavs fans say they'll never forgive him and he ain't coming back and they don't want him, but the truth is a statue would already be built if he comes back.

01-14-2013, 08:27 PM
Before or after, whatever the case, that is the way Lebron feels. Akron (despite having a vested interest in the Cavs) is indifferent of him. Don't think for one second these people wouldn't wanna see this dude put on a Cavs uniform again.

I hated "the decision" personally. ONE title in Cleveland would have bolstered his perception. No doubt about it.

real talk.....Ohio is like my 2nd home.

- I was Like ahh struck in 07'....I was please..please Lebron do that thaing and get this Title....1 title for Cleveland and you can just retire as a damn God....cemented .....

- but dang.....couldn't believe he left...:banghead: :banghead:

01-14-2013, 08:36 PM
How does trying to sign one of the greatest players of all time make An organization pathetic? it would be far more pathetic if they had the cap space (and he wanted to come back) and didn't try to sign him.

Solid Snake
01-14-2013, 08:46 PM
inb4 someone with no knowledge of the region goes to the "he's from Akron, not Cleveland" card.

I don't think those people are coming.

01-14-2013, 08:53 PM
In his homecoming, guy was cheered by thousands of fans. :oldlol:

Haha. "Thousands" of fans... Or 1,000 fans, as the article says?

It is silly to engage in this conversation. You know nothing about Ohio, nothing about Akron, nothing about Cleveland. I'm not "from" Cleveland either, btw. But, I grew up in northeast Ohio and the Cavs are my hometown team... As are the Browns and Indians.

You point to an event, which used to be attended by 10s of thousands of people with now "1,000" as proof Akron had no problem with the way he handled his exit.

How about the fact that he was booed mercilessly at an Ohio State-Duke game by fans... In Columbus.... Which is in the middle of the state.

Watch this video of an interview and hear someone yell, "Akron hates you" right in his face.


Here he is being booed during the game...


But, yeah... It's just Cleveland. It needs to be said that this is the first time I've commented on James in... I don't even remember the last time. And it is only because this topic is really about the Cavs. The guy can go to NYK, LA, Brooklyn, wherever. He's the greatest player on the planet, no doubt. I just don't want him back in wine and gold. That is really my only stance against the guy, at this point.

I happen to know a lot of people here agree with me.

01-14-2013, 09:01 PM
Akron doesn't care about this as much as Cleveland does. That I do know. :oldlol:

“We’re a different place,” says Keith Dambrot, an Akron native who won two high school state titles at St. Vincent-St. Mary High with James and is now the head coach at the University of Akron. “It’s not like Akron is a suburb. It’s separate, and I think it is different in a lot of ways. I don’t think anyone from Akron says, ‘I’m from outside of Cleveland.’ We’re from Akron.”

James still has the key to the city the mayor gave him following the 2008 Summer Olympics. He still owns his mansion in Bath Township, about 10 miles outside of town, and his mother, Gloria, still calls Akron home. And though his paychecks are coming from Miami now, James did his annual bicycle giveaway in Akron. He gave out turkeys here at Thanksgiving, too. And some of the revenue generated by that ESPN special, “The Decision,” is already being put to use at the local Boys & Girls Club, about a quarter of a million dollars worth of upgrades.

“People know him a little bit better here,” Dambrot said. “They know that he’s still giving back to the community and will always give back here because this is home.”


*waits for more whining and bitching*

01-14-2013, 09:04 PM
Akron doesn't care about this as much as Cleveland does. That I do know. :oldlol:


*waits for more whining and bitching*
Well, he is still loved on the Akron SVSM campus, and for good reason. He's brought a ton of money and attention to that school. Obviously, my comments were directed at the city as a whole, not a tiny high school campus.

Believe what you will. Seems like we're arguing semantics now. You say Akron is "indifferent" (with no real proof to back it up, but whatever). I say he is not well liked anywhere in Ohio.

But, even "indifferent" is a hell of a long fall from the hero he used to be in Akron. A long fall.

01-14-2013, 09:08 PM
I have provided tons of "proof". Read the articles I posted.

Here's another one:


AKRON, Ohio - With LeBron James and the Miami Heat one win away from the NBA Championship, a large portion of the Akron community is excited, hoping to finally see one of their own win a ring.

Whether you love him or hate him, many people in James's hometown think he can do no wrong

I'm done talking about this crap.

01-14-2013, 09:09 PM
Basically nothing came out of this article. 0 substance.

01-14-2013, 09:11 PM
I've provided tons of "proof". Read the articles I posted.

Here's another one:

I'm done talking about this crap.
:oldlol: at posting snippets of articles with former coaches and a contrived media narrative being used as "proof."

Like I said, believe what you want. I would urge you to drive to Akron and ask a random person on the street. Take a survey.... See what the results are.

I work in Warren, which is an hour from Cleveland (further than Akron) and I literally do not know one person who was happy he got a ring. That was just the ridiculous "redemption" narrative pushed forth by a shameless media network.

Buy it if you want to buy it, though. Your call. I'm talking about how things actually are in Ohio. How many great NBA players come back to their home state and have people scream at them "(Your hometown) hates you" while they're trying to conduct an interview? It is completely possible to move on from something and still not like a person.

Hell, my whole point in this thread is Cleveland needs to stop dwelling on the past and forget about LeBron James. That era is over. Time to move forward.

01-14-2013, 09:17 PM
Report: EVERYONE eyeing Lebron James in 2014 free agency.

01-14-2013, 10:14 PM
Report: EVERYONE eyeing Lebron James in 2014 free agency.

True, but considering their history you might expect the Cavs not to be looking at him. That is the difference.

But Lebron and Kyrie would be interesting.

Mr. Incredible
01-14-2013, 10:28 PM
No chance. I don't buy that he is even considering LA either. He didn't sign with Chicago because they already had Jordan and Pippen. Why would he want to be shadowed by Kobe and Magic in LA? He has always been about cementing his OWN legacy from the start. Miami only had one championship before he came and he took over the team and city in one year. It's his team now and he will be the reason they win championships or not.

You don't think Pat isn't already drawing plans for '14? Please. LeBron knows he can't leave and join another team/superstar because it will tarnish his legacy further.

He is building his legacy in Miami. He is very happy here and I don't see him leaving.

01-14-2013, 10:29 PM
He's going to Brooklyn, he's friends with Jay Z and he wears Yankee hats (wait, that's NY. I mean the Knicks). :lol

God Bless Ya Cav fans, you deal with the rumors...


01-14-2013, 10:29 PM
Well, you have to consider that whichever team LeBron signs with it will probably be where he finishes his career. No matter what you thought of LeBron going to Miami, it was a very pragmatic choice. LeBron wanted to win and Miami offered probably the best location for that at the time.

So what's the pragmatic choice for LeBron in 2014? What would he be looking for?

1. a roster built to win
2. another superstar to play with
3. an organization committed to add pieces

Depending on how Cleveland's draft picks work out, Cleveland offers all of that. If you're LeBron do you want to play with a declining Wade and Chris Bosh? I'd think playing along side Kyrie Irving and two or three other up and coming players would be more appealing.

There's also the legacy angle. Let's say LeBron wins another ring between now and his free agency. Giving Miami two championships leaves them with nothing to complain about. LeBron will have honored his commitment to Miami.

If LeBron is able to win a ring in Cleveland after winning two in Miami, that would be huge. It would make LeBron the most prolific player since Jordan. Sportswriters could never resist a story of hype, struggle, failure, success and then ultimate redemption.

LeBron may never come back to Cleveland, but I think there's a better chance than some think.

The Nets
01-14-2013, 10:52 PM
So Dan Gilbert has forgiven Lebron James already?

01-14-2013, 10:55 PM
this cleveland/akron debate is just laughable. Why is this clown debating with a native of the region? Nobody from akron hates cleveland, nobody from cleveland hates akron, that Lebron GQ thing is complete and utter bullshit. Just stupid sh*t said to make the decision seem less worse.

all northern Ohio residents all support cleveland teams, my house is 10 minutes from downton cleveland and 20-25 mins from downtown akron. People from akron feel the same way about the decision and lebron leaving as people from cleveland. Exactly the same.

Do people really think people from Akron were applauding and cheering Lebron doing the decision? Can you imagine? If anything they were MORE pissed.

01-14-2013, 10:59 PM
So Dan Gilbert has forgiven Lebron James already?

If he's available the Cavs must try to pursue him.

Here is the cleveland.com poll results:


the people have spoken.

01-14-2013, 11:32 PM
i knew we would have to hear about this shit, but i didnt think it would be this early

the article says that lebron and kyrie are very close, and has a hyperlink to a page where scott says thay hes 'friends' with lebron. like that means anything at all. every all star level player is 'friends' with every other all star level player guy. it doesnt mean jack shit.

what happening is, the cavs are, and since they arent brain dead, that want to have cap space to make moves, to have flexibility, to be able to make trades, and have the ability to sign free agents. but since people love these stupid narratives, of 'redemption', it must mean the cavs are gonna get lebron :hammerhead:

so the only facts are, that the cavs are trying to have cap space, and there plenty of reasons, whih have nothing to do with lebron, for the cavs to value cap space.

Simple Jack
01-15-2013, 12:34 AM
Watch this video of an interview and hear someone yell, "Akron hates you" right in his face.


Just a bad look for the state. If that person screaming is representative of any major demographic in Ohio, I feel sorry for you guys.

01-15-2013, 12:41 AM
Just a bad look for the state. If that person screaming is representative of any major demographic in Ohio, I feel sorry for you guys.



It is we who feel sorry for you, Simple Jack

Simple Jack
01-15-2013, 12:44 AM
Mama, I'll see you again tonight in my head movies. But this head movies makes my eyes rain!

01-15-2013, 01:21 AM
Just a bad look for the state. If that person screaming is representative of any major demographic in Ohio, I feel sorry for you guys.
I wouldn't do it. But, then again, I probably wouldn't be going to an Ohio State game in Columbus if I were LeBron James, either. Then again, I try to avoid conflict when possible.

01-15-2013, 01:30 AM
If he's available the Cavs must try to pursue him.

Here is the cleveland.com poll results:


the people have spoken.
I have to think those of us (like me) who have totally moved on from the idea of James in Cleveland and want nothing to do with it didn't even bother clicking on that article, let alone taking part in the survey. That is hardly empirical evidence of anything.

01-15-2013, 01:49 AM
I want James back in Cleveland. I see that as the only way for the city to even win a championship.

01-15-2013, 02:04 AM
I want James back in Cleveland. I see that as the only way for the city to even win a championship.
I can't even articulate how pathetic that sounds. Really pathetic.

01-15-2013, 02:15 AM
I can't even articulate how pathetic that sounds. Really pathetic.

don't you see how pathetic the team is? I don't see the draft helping the team one bit next year. This team sucks and I can admit it. Not everyone in Cleveland hates Lebron anymore. That poll even shows it and I don't care if you think all the Lebron hating ppl didn't vote. Most ppl are over him leaving. Just because you still feel weak in the knees and hate him for leaving doesn't mean all Cavs fans should.

01-15-2013, 02:30 AM
don't you see how pathetic the team is? I don't see the draft helping the team one bit next year. This team sucks and I can admit it. Not everyone in Cleveland hates Lebron anymore. That poll even shows it and I don't care if you think all the Lebron hating ppl didn't vote. Most ppl are over him leaving. Just because you still feel weak in the knees and hate him for leaving doesn't mean all Cavs fans should.
Actually, it is people like you who are begging and pleading for him to come back that aren't "over it." It is pathetic and embarrassing. I urge you to stop.

No one is forcing you to remain a fan of the Cavs through what we all knew was going to be a difficult rebuild. If you can't be a fan of a team without it contending for a championship, there are plenty of bandwagons to choose from.

01-15-2013, 02:39 AM
Not everyone in Cleveland hates Lebron anymore. That poll even shows it and I don't care if you think all the Lebron hating ppl didn't vote. Most ppl are over him leaving. Just because you still feel weak in the knees and hate him for leaving doesn't mean all Cavs fans should.


01-15-2013, 04:14 AM
Actually, it is people like you who are begging and pleading for him to come back that aren't "over it." It is pathetic and embarrassing. I urge you to stop.

No one is forcing you to remain a fan of the Cavs through what we all knew was going to be a difficult rebuild. If you can't be a fan of a team without it contending for a championship, there are plenty of bandwagons to choose from.
I never begged or pleaded for him to come back for your information. I didn't even get butt hurt when he left the team. I was a fan of his before he even became a Cav and always will be a fan of his. I will always be a fan of my local team so don't go telling me to jump on some other team because I don't agree you. Who the hell wouldn't want to see the best player in the NBA on their favorite team? You need to stop thinking u are the voice for all Cav fans cuz u are not.

01-15-2013, 04:24 AM
I never begged or pleaded for him to come back for your information. I didn't even get butt hurt when he left the team. I was a fan of his before he even became a Cav and always will be a fan of his. I will always be a fan of my local team so don't go telling me to jump on some other team because I don't agree you. Who the hell wouldn't want to see the best player in the NBA on their favorite team? You need to stop thinking u are the voice for all Cav fans cuz u are not.
I assume you don't want to be a fan of a rebuild, because you said this...

I don't see the draft helping the team one bit next year. This team sucks and I can admit it.

Did you think, when James left, this team was going to be contending again 2-3 years later? There were some, at that time, who predicted such a disastrous blow may take decades to recover from.

Now, here we are, a couple years later. We have a future superstar on the roster who is just 20. The team has already surrounded that one potential superstar with very young talent. It will take time for the pieces to come together, to be sure, but this is the way good teams are built. Go take a look at OKC in Durant's second year. They were maybe worse than this team.

I'm not saying this Cavs team will be contending for the playoffs next year. Who knows what happens between now and then. I will say that the roster has a lot of young talent and the franchise has one of the best cap situations in the league, along with multiple picks in upcoming drafts.

If all you can do is sit there and pine away for James to come and "save the franchise" and "he's the only way to get a championship," then yes.... I consider that pretty pathetic.

And, I don't speak for anyone but myself. I think it's pathetic. And, I think it is pathetic if that is truly the franchise's plan (which I'm sure it is not). The article was absurd and so is the premise.

01-15-2013, 04:33 AM
He should stay in Miami now. Play out his career there.
Why go back?

01-15-2013, 04:41 AM
He should stay in Miami now. Play out his career there.
Why go back?

01-16-2013, 09:33 PM
Lot's of Lebron to Cleveland/LA rumors in the news, Heat fans shakin in their boots right now seeing as how the Heat aren't doing well this season and are giving Lebron little to no incentive to stay :lol