View Full Version : D12 mocking Kobe's shooting percentages behind his back

Nick Young
01-22-2013, 02:35 PM

Despite Kobe Bryant shooting at a career-high level, Howard has mocked Bryant's shooting stats behind his back when he hasn't shot well, leaving Lakers teammates feeling awfully uncomfortable. Bryant has tried to connect with Howard, tried to support his free-throw failures with glowing words about how great Howard can be and tried most recently to accommodate that "inside-out" insistence by rising up to shoot and half-looking at the rim, half-looking for Howard.
After the game he brought a stat sheet around the locker room to show some teammates and reporters how he got only five field-goal attempts ... a few minutes before the demoted Gasol spoke gracefully across the room about "not pointing fingers, owning up to our responsibilities, wanting to get out of this and having the pride necessary that it takes to utilize our talents and go beat the opponent – no matter who it is, no matter where we are."

Great teamwork Dwight!:applause:

01-22-2013, 02:38 PM
I started taking shots every time kobe chucked up shots in the 4th last game. I'll do dwight next on his FT shooting. Don't underestimate these losers tho.

01-22-2013, 02:38 PM
[QUOTE]After the game he brought a stat sheet around the locker room to show some teammates and reporters how he got only five field-goal attempts ... a few minutes before the demoted Gasol spoke gracefully across the room about "not pointing fingers, owning up to our responsibilities, wanting to get out of this and having the pride necessary that it takes to utilize our talents and go beat the opponent

01-22-2013, 02:39 PM
This looks fake to me lol. But even if its true, Dwight has every right to complain after getting only five shots in a game. I mean, five!

01-22-2013, 02:40 PM
This looks fake to me lol. But even if its true, Dwight has every right to complain after getting only five shots in a game. I mean, five!

it is his fault. he just doesn't understand how to get shots.

Knoe Itawl
01-22-2013, 02:40 PM
Ol' Chuckbe, isolating teammates again. Ain't nuttin new

01-22-2013, 02:40 PM
Did one of the Bean apologists on this board write this? :oldlol:

"tried most recently to accommodate that "inside-out" insistence by rising up to shoot and half-looking at the rim, half-looking for Howard."

That has to be sarcasm, right? How is bailing on terrible jumpers in mid air and throwing the ball at the back of Dwight's legs 'accommodating' an inside-out game?


Nick Young
01-22-2013, 02:41 PM
This looks fake to me lol. But even if its true, Dwight has every right to complain after getting only five shots in a game. I mean, five!
It's his fault he brings the ball low getting hacked all the time and the ball bounces off his hands-4TOs that game too.

01-22-2013, 02:41 PM
it is his fault. he just doesn't understand how to get shots.

Not really, the Lakers just dont know how to use Dwight properly. I guarantee you that Dwight with the Nets would have averaged 25ppg, 15rpg, 3bpg on 63% FG.

01-22-2013, 02:43 PM
:oldlol: dwight is starting to grow on me

01-22-2013, 02:43 PM
He is being underutilized for sure and while I don't believe this story right now, this would not be the way to voice displeasure. The media is NOT your friend how the **** has Dwight not learned this?

01-22-2013, 02:44 PM
No way in hell should Kobe be taking 30 more shots then Howard and Gosal combinded. I dont care how u slice it, it dont make no damn sense.

And the lakers current standings is the result of this shameless chucking.

01-22-2013, 02:44 PM
Meh, the season is already over. Call the chucker out for what he is.

01-22-2013, 02:47 PM
Not really, the Lakers just dont know how to use Dwight properly. I guarantee you that Dwight with the Nets would have averaged 25ppg, 15rpg, 3bpg on 63% FG.

1. they run post ups for him: he can't seal his man
2. they run pick and rolls with him and Nash: he can't catch the ball or position himself or finish.
3. they ask him to play of Pau in the high/low: has no idea what he is doing.

The whole team is trying to get Dwight going. So much that they are losing focus on doing what is best for the team. They need to put Pau in the post and just have Dwight act as a cutter and offensive rebounder.

01-22-2013, 02:48 PM
1. they run post ups for him: he can't seal his man
2. they run pick and rolls with him and Nash: he can't catch the ball or position himself or finish.
3. they ask him to play of Pau in the high/low: has no idea what he is doing.

The whole team is trying to get Dwight going. So much that they are losing focus on doing what is best for the team. They need to put Pau in the post and just have Dwight act as a cutter and offensive rebounder.

kiddlovesnets is a troll. he thinks dwight can average 25 points on the nets :facepalm

01-22-2013, 02:48 PM
1. they run post ups for him: he can't seal his man
2. they run pick and rolls with him and Nash: he can't catch the ball or position himself or finish.
3. they ask him to play of Pau in the high/low: has no idea what he is doing.

The whole team is trying to get Dwight going. So much that they are losing focus on doing what is best for the team. They need to put Pau in the post and just have Dwight act as a cutter and offensive rebounder.

When Kobe takes more shots than Dwight, Gasol and Nash combined, there's no more need to explain anything. Stop chucking and run the offense around Dwight, hes your supposed goto guy.

01-22-2013, 02:52 PM
When Kobe takes more shots than Dwight, Gasol and Nash combined, there's no more need to explain anything. Stop chucking and run the offense around Dwight, hes your supposed goto guy.

watch the game. Dwight can't get the ball. He cannot create passing opportunities for himself. How can you run the offense through that guy? Even when he has had good scoring games the offense wasn't run through him, everything is created by someone else.

You can't run it through Pau when he is forced to go into the role of a spacer either. Kobe is being forced to take a ton of shots because the philosophy is stupid and the team can't get shots. They are wasting so much time trying to get Dwight shots that it is screwing up the offense. Right now, he is a subpar offensive player. He is a bad passer, a bad post up player and has a bad offensive bball iq. He needs to understand his limitations, especially since his athleticism may never return.

01-22-2013, 02:54 PM
watch the game. Dwight can't get the ball. He cannot create passing opportunities for himself. How can you run the offense through that guy? Even when he has had good scoring games the offense wasn't run through him, everything is created by someone else.

You can't run it through Pau when he is forced to go into the role of a spacer either. Kobe is being forced to take a ton of shots because the philosophy is stupid and the team can't get shots. They are wasting so much time trying to get Dwight shots that it is screwing up the offense. Right now, he is a subpar offensive player. He is a bad passer, a bad post up player and has a bad offensive bball iq. He needs to understand his limitations, especially since his athleticism may never return.

Yeah, its fair to blame Dwight not able to get the ball? To me it seems that his teammates cannot pass it to him properly. Even Nash hasnt found a way, not even mentioning Kobe.

01-22-2013, 02:56 PM
How was Dwight getting the ball in Orlando? did they just have better passers?

01-22-2013, 02:57 PM
What a cancer. Pau showing some leadership though:applause:

01-22-2013, 02:58 PM
Yeah, its fair to blame Dwight not able to get the ball? To me it seems that his teammates cannot pass it to him properly. Even Nash hasnt found a way, not even mentioning Kobe.
Pau seems to have no problem getting the ball to Dwight the odd time D'Antoni doesn't have him standing around the 3 point line.

Obvious is obvious. Dwight can't get the ball because this offense is flat out NOT a fit for the roster. If they ran a proper offense, they'd have no problem feeding the post. It's not a hard thing to do. It is however more difficult when you're offense is designed for a small jump-shooting team when that's not the roster you have.

01-22-2013, 02:59 PM
How was Dwight getting the ball in Orlando? did they just have better passers?

He played hard in Orlando, but in LA he doesnt give a shit.

01-22-2013, 03:04 PM
What kind of offense are they running exactly? I haven't watch a lot of LA games so I wouldn't know, how does their pick n roll game look? I would think they run the majority of their plays using it since they have Nash and 2 great PnR big men.

01-22-2013, 03:06 PM
What kind of offense are they running exactly? I haven't watch a lot of LA games so I wouldn't know, how does their pick n roll game look? I would think they run the majority of their plays using it since they have Nash and 2 great PnR big men.

all the PnR plays look like shit cause Dwight can't set a screen for his life and can't pop out for a jumper

dude is also horrid in post up situation getting stripped almost everytime.

when he does get a shot off it's usually a weak ass layup that sends him to the free throw line where he will casually brick 2 out of 2.

01-22-2013, 03:07 PM
kiddlovesnets is a troll. he thinks dwight can average 25 points on the nets :facepalm

I think its even funnier that he thinks the nets are relevant

Nick Young
01-22-2013, 03:08 PM
What kind of offense are they running exactly? I haven't watch a lot of LA games so I wouldn't know, how does their pick n roll game look? I would think they run the majority of their plays using it since they have Nash and 2 great PnR big men.
Howard is not a great PnR bigman, Nash gives him perfect bouncepasses and Howard either doesn't see it coming and it bounces off him or he gets the ball then takes useless dribbles and gets stripped or fouled, he's only able to finish PnRs when the defense messes up and leaves the lane wideopen for an easy dunk.

The nash/gasol Pnr works pretty good but they dont have alot of time to do it because Howard being switched in

01-22-2013, 03:08 PM
this is it. i dont ever want to see this clown in a laker jersey again. i hope he sits out the rest of the year with another fake injury. bitch as clown. :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm

01-22-2013, 03:16 PM
Lakers fans got what they asked for. :roll:

01-22-2013, 03:17 PM
Lakers fans got what they asked for. :roll:

Never launch a player who clearly doesnt want to play for your team.

Nick Young
01-22-2013, 03:18 PM
Lakers fans got what they asked for. :roll:
I never asked for this shit, I saw how overrated this scrub was after 1 legged Bynum outplayed him in the 2009 finals, and how easily he gave up when things got hard, and how he threw SVG under the bus then lied infront of camera saying he didn't and then shitted on the entire city of Orlando.

01-22-2013, 03:19 PM
He played hard in Orlando, but in LA he doesnt give a shit.

Shaq "You want the Dog to gaurd the yard, you gotta feed it."

Nomatter how u slice it, Kobe is the cancer on that team.

01-22-2013, 03:20 PM
for one thing, he's kind of right. He can't be taking 5 fg attempts a game.

But you need to factor in a few things; like how many times he got stripped while gathering for an attempt, how many times he got fouled during an attempt, how many times he turned it over before an attempt, and how many times he got doubled and tripled and passed out or even offensive foul calls on him in the paint. All those are going to cut his number of attempts

You can't simply point at a stat sheet and see 5 attempts and then point to the guy who shot it the most (which I don't think he was implying that Kobe is the problem) and say its his doing

people jumping on Dwight for a quote taken out of context is a bit perplexing. I don't for a second think he was trying to single out Kobe or any other players

01-22-2013, 03:22 PM

Let me get this straight?

I'm supposed to believe the dude walked around showing people a piece of paper? I mean..

01-22-2013, 03:23 PM


Blake/Do. Jones
Crowder/Da. Jones


01-22-2013, 03:23 PM
Lakers fans got what they asked for. :roll:
no one deserves this shit. I wouldn't wish Dwight on even teams like the Nets or Heat.

never underestimate that this is a man that shat on his coach then try to put his arm around that guy mins after in front of the camera like they were the cast of Different Strokes. that type of effeminate bitchmade characteristics can't be unlearned.

01-22-2013, 03:23 PM


Blake/Do. Jones
Crowder/Da. Jones


Mavs love this.

01-22-2013, 03:25 PM
Shaq "You want the Dog to gaurd the yard, you gotta feed it."

Nomatter how u slice it, Kobe is the cancer on that team.
Lol. 10 years straight of Kobe'tards saying "No, it's not Kobe. It's everybody else". :roll:

There's a reason why this guy ALWAYS has these same problems surrounding. It's because he creates them. Get it into your heads.

This is why Dwight didn't want to play with him in the first place. The minute Dwight arrives, this dude Kobe goes around childishly telling everyone with a microphone "this is still MY team". Who would have guessed that attitude would cause problems? :confusedshrug:

Kobe is a cancer. Always has been, always will be.

01-22-2013, 03:26 PM
Lol. 10 years straight of Kobe'tards saying "No, it's not Kobe. It's everybody else". :roll:

There's a reason why this guy ALWAYS has these same problems surrounding. It's because he creates them. Get it into your heads.

This is why Dwight didn't want to play with him in the first place. The minute Dwight arrives, this dude Kobe goes around childishly telling everyone with a microphone "this is still MY team". Who would have guessed that attitude would cause problems? :confusedshrug:

Kobe is a cancer. Always has been, always will be.

5 rings and 7 finals appearances in the last 10 years. if Kobe's a cancer then other teams are praying for metastasis.

01-22-2013, 03:30 PM
5 rings and 7 finals appearances in the last 10 years. if Kobe's a cancer then other teams are praying for metastasis.
Meh, Shaq went to 6 finals and won 4 of them. Doesn't mean he's not an egomaniac or a douchbag.

01-22-2013, 03:34 PM
5 fga + 4 TO = 9 touches. :bowdown:

01-22-2013, 03:35 PM
I for once semi agree with my laker enemies. Howard doesn't know how to play the post. Sure if he manages to get position At times he can be hard to stop. But he doesn't live up to the hype as the most dominant center in the league.

Some of the points made by laker fans are spot on.

But even then, the laker fans shouldn't dismiss him so easily. Some if this isn't entirely his fault, both sides have to accept responsibility.

longtime lurker
01-22-2013, 03:37 PM
Someone should walk around the locker room showing the Laker's FT percentages

01-22-2013, 03:39 PM
Not all Laker fans are blind and dumb and know Kobe is the problem. It's just that the bad Laker fans are on this site and won't admit it's Kobe's fault. Then again they are more Kobe fans then Laker fans so they won't be looking out for what's best for the organization. Howard had no problem getting the ball when he was playing with the Magic.

01-22-2013, 08:28 PM

Great teamwork Dwight!:applause:


Dwight is better than Kobe.

01-22-2013, 08:30 PM

Dwight is better than Kobe.

Yeah, only kobestans are denying this simple fact nowadays.

01-22-2013, 08:34 PM
This looks fake to me lol. But even if its true, Dwight has every right to complain after getting only five shots in a game. I mean, five!

someone here is talking sense.

01-22-2013, 08:35 PM
it is his fault. he just doesn't understand how to get shots.

& the other guy wearing number 24 only know how to chuck once he grabs the ball.

01-22-2013, 08:37 PM
Man fvck this clown!! This nigguh talks about building team chemistry and then he does stupid shit like this?



01-22-2013, 08:38 PM
Dwight has every right to complain after getting only five shots in a game. I mean, five!

He turns the ball over in the post and shoots free throws at a horrifying percentage....I blame dwight for his low attempt number. He's not getting the ball because he isn't playing well on offense.

Also, article is most likely fake, but I wouldn't be shocked if it was true. Dwight gossiped like a teenage girl last year while on the Magic

01-22-2013, 09:20 PM
I would love him on the Wolves.

I guarantee you he averages 20 and 12 with Love and Rubio.

Its very clear that he and Pau are both not used properly.

01-22-2013, 09:54 PM
He turns the ball over in the post and shoots free throws at a horrifying percentage....I blame dwight for his low attempt number. He's not getting the ball because he isn't playing well on offense.

Also, article is most likely fake, but I wouldn't be shocked if it was true. Dwight gossiped like a teenage girl last year while on the Magic

He turns the ball over, because defenses just drop down on him, because the Lakers have no shooters and cannot create space on the floor. Hard to see guys coming from odd angles, with your back to the basket.

oh the horror
01-22-2013, 10:00 PM
He turns the ball over, because defenses just drop down on him, because the Lakers have no shooters and cannot create space on the floor. Hard to see guys coming from odd angles, with your back to the basket.

Okay an when Orlando built a team that catered to Dwight, it didnt exactly work out then either. So at what point does the man fall back and try something new?

He has superstar ego, with no stripes to back it up dude

01-22-2013, 10:06 PM
Wow. If this is true, I don't see Dwight ever becoming one of the all-time greats. People hate on Kobe all the time. But what they don't realize is that Kobe embraces the role of shooter/scorer. Kobe shows up. Even if he is shooting 5 shots to 50 shots. You know that he is going to bring it every game. Dwight is shockingly disappointing right now. You never know if he is going to show up.

01-22-2013, 10:12 PM
Okay an when Orlando built a team that catered to Dwight, it didnt exactly work out then either. So at what point does the man fall back and try something new?

He has superstar ego, with no stripes to back it up dude

Would you want the Lakers to trade Dwight Howard for Chris Bosh? Gasol will play his natural position for the Lakers while the Heat acquires the former best Center in the NBA.

C- Gasol
F- Bosh/Clark
F- Artest
G- Kobe
G- Nash

C- Howard
F- Lewis/Battier
F- James
G- Wade
G- Chalmers

01-22-2013, 10:13 PM
If this is true Howard is wrong on this one.. You never do that kind of shit to any teammate... :no:

01-22-2013, 10:52 PM
I wonder if Howard is an InsideHoops member

01-22-2013, 11:00 PM
What a cancer. Pau showing some leadership though:applause:
http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=288234. :applause:

01-22-2013, 11:05 PM
Fright is a joke. Nothing new here.

01-22-2013, 11:11 PM
Would you want the Lakers to trade Dwight Howard for Chris Bosh? Gasol will play his natural position for the Lakers while the Heat acquires the former best Center in the NBA.

C- Gasol
F- Bosh/Clark
F- Artest
G- Kobe
G- Nash

C- Howard
F- Lewis/Battier
F- James
G- Wade
G- Chalmers

Not for Bosh alone. But for Bosh/Chalmers and Battier.

01-22-2013, 11:15 PM
Not for Bosh alone. But for Bosh/Chalmers and Battier.
:facepalm :roll: :roll: another Stan with his pipe dream

oh the horror
01-22-2013, 11:27 PM
:facepalm :roll: :roll: another Stan with his pipe dream

Dude you can easily release Chalmers and Battier. Really?

As for that trade no. Bosh is getting up there. If they were to move Howard I think LA should acquire pieces for a future.

01-22-2013, 11:28 PM
looks like dwight knows whats wrong with the lakers

oh the horror
01-22-2013, 11:33 PM
looks like dwight knows whats wrong with the lakers

Same thing that was wrong with Orlando?

Lets all keep it real. Dwight Howard is a head case and a cancer when he is not happy.

longtime lurker
01-22-2013, 11:34 PM
looks like dwight knows whats wrong with the lakers

Actually it sounds like Dwight is killing team chemistry after talking all this bullshit about getting along and liking each other.

oh the horror
01-22-2013, 11:35 PM
Actually it sounds like Dwight is killing team chemistry after talking all this bullshit about getting along and liking each other.

It's beginning to become a concerning habit for this guy when he is disgruntled about issues.

01-22-2013, 11:37 PM
Actually it sounds like Dwight is killing team chemistry after talking all this bullshit about getting along and liking each other.

Yea thats also true but it dosnt negate that Kobe root cause of the Lakers problems and Dwight saying what he is saying to the other team members is just a byproduct of Kobes actions on the court. He hardly seems willing to allow another person to take charge (or even share the reins) even if its for the betterment of the team. Its win his way or nothing

oh the horror
01-22-2013, 11:42 PM
Yea thats also true but it dosnt negate that Kobe root cause of the Lakers problems and Dwight saying what he is saying to the other team members is just a byproduct of Kobes actions on the court. He hardly seems willing to allow another person to take charge (or even share the reins) even if its for the betterment of the team. Its win his way or nothing

This is true. But Howard's maturity comes
Into question here more than anything. Dude IS the new guy in Laker land even if he doesn't like it

longtime lurker
01-22-2013, 11:43 PM
It's beginning to become a concerning habit for this guy when he is disgruntled about issues.

I knew from when I read Dwight didn't want to go to the Lakers, Celtics or Bulls that he'd never be a championship caliber player. I thought maybe playing with Kobe, Gasol and Nash he'd change his mentality but it's obvious he's just mentally weak. He's completely squandering his best opportunity to win a championship

01-22-2013, 11:45 PM
This is true. But Howard's maturity comes
Into question here more than anything. Dude IS the new guy in Laker land even if he doesn't like it

True, he shouldnt be disrespecting Kobe like that but the Lakers knew that Howard was a child before they got him. I think that it was pretty clear from the get go that their would be chemistry issues between Howard and Kobe as they are very different people who go about basketball and their lives in almost completely opposite ways

longtime lurker
01-22-2013, 11:48 PM
Yea thats also true but it dosnt negate that Kobe root cause of the Lakers problems and Dwight saying what he is saying to the other team members is just a byproduct of Kobes actions on the court. He hardly seems willing to allow another person to take charge (or even share the reins) even if its for the betterment of the team. Its win his way or nothing

Well there's ways to address things and ways to not address things. Lets face facts it's only because posters don't like Kobe that they say he's a problem. These problems weren't there last year or the year before. And if they were the team was able to work through them. If the whole team isn't getting you the ball it's fine to call them out but you also need to take responsibility for your own shortcomings which Dwight has yet to do. Dwight had problems in Orlando too. He's a fvcking idiot, it's like having the opportunity to learn from some of the best musicians of all time and instead of shutting your mouth and listening you're telling mocking them and insisting on doing things your way

01-22-2013, 11:51 PM
Well there's ways to address things and ways to not address things. Lets face facts it's only because posters don't like Kobe that they say he's a problem. These problems weren't there last year or the year before. And if they were the team was able to work through them. If the whole team isn't getting you the ball it's fine to call them out but you also need to take responsibility for your own shortcomings which Dwight has yet to do. Dwight had problems in Orlando too. He's a fvcking idiot, it's like having the opportunity to learn from some of the best musicians of all time and instead of shutting your mouth and listening you're telling mocking them and insisting on doing things your way

IMO the problem is Kobe, hes not reducing his workload as his age reduces his trying to maintain his level each year which hurts the team because hes not as effective each year. I think that Howard should be getting at the very least the same amount of shots as Kobe

01-22-2013, 11:59 PM
People can point fingers all they want but it's not just howard. No excuse for this team to be playing this badly, collectively they need to accept responsibility not just one or two people or the coaching staff. Thing i respect about Nash, Bryant an Gasol is that they are the first ones to accept full responsibility while losing.. Dwight I"m just not sure about yet. Granted all 3 of the aforementioned players are some of the most veteran well respected players in the league.. which is even more baffling to me as to why the Lakers are playing like this.

IMO the problem is Kobe, hes not reducing his workload as his age reduces his trying to maintain his level each year which hurts the team because hes not as effective each year. I think that Howard should be getting at the very least the same amount of shots as Kobe

Yes obviously. It's all Bryant's fault. 100% chalk up these Laker losses to Bryant. *internet sarcasm

longtime lurker
01-23-2013, 12:01 AM
IMO the problem is Kobe, hes not reducing his workload as his age reduces his trying to maintain his level each year which hurts the team because hes not as effective each year. I think that Howard should be getting at the very least the same amount of shots as Kobe

Kobe reducing his work load has nothing to do with Dwight playing defense or boxing out for rebounds or working on his free throws. Dwight is getting the same amount of shots as he was in Orlando when he was the center of the offense. I'd love for Dwight to take 20 shots a game, but he just doesn't have the skill set to do it. If he wants more touches he should be more active on the offensive boards and ask to be involved in more pick and rolls or learn how to set screens. There's a reason that Metta World Peace is able to routinely throw up more shots than Howard and it has nothing to do with Kobe and everything to with the system.

01-23-2013, 12:04 AM
Hey Dwight.

Go f*ck yourself.

What a horrible teammate.

01-23-2013, 12:26 AM
Kobe deserves this disrespect by Dwight.

01-23-2013, 12:32 AM

01-23-2013, 12:35 AM
Dwight is a joker lmao. What a b*tch move but this shit is funny. This guy is playing like shit yet he still thinks he's a star and is sabotaging the lakers from within, comes to kobe's team and then starts talking shit about him to guys kobe actually won with

01-23-2013, 12:38 AM
Dwight is a joker lmao. What a b*tch move but this shit is funny. This guy is playing like shit yet he still thinks he's a star and is sabotaging the lakers from within, comes to kobe's team and then starts talking shit about him to guys kobe actually won with


01-23-2013, 12:40 AM
Kobe should mock Dwight's FT's. :lol

01-23-2013, 12:50 AM
Well there's ways to address things and ways to not address things. Lets face facts it's only because posters don't like Kobe that they say he's a problem. These problems weren't there last year or the year before. And if they were the team was able to work through them. If the whole team isn't getting you the ball it's fine to call them out but you also need to take responsibility for your own shortcomings which Dwight has yet to do. Dwight had problems in Orlando too. He's a fvcking idiot, it's like having the opportunity to learn from some of the best musicians of all time and instead of shutting your mouth and listening you're telling mocking them and insisting on doing things your way

You're blinded by bias if you can't see that Kobe's shooting is causing team chemistry issues. I'm not saying it's their biggest issue, cause it's not, but it is an issue.

The difference between this year and last is that Kobe has a lot more help around him. Everyone needs to make sacrifices if this is going to work. The Lakers should look at the Heat for a good example of how to handle superstars coming together. Each of the big three in Miami sacrificed a bit of their statistical game for the good of the team. Lebron went from 20.1 FGA per game to 18.5; Wade went from 19.6 to 14.9; Bosh went from 16.5 to 13.3.

I'm not saying Kobe should defer to Dwight, or look to become the second option. He's still their best scorer and their second best offensive creator. He should probably be in that 18-20 range. The truth of the matter is that the Lakers are better when Kobe shoots a little less and Dwight shoots a little more; the stats back this up - over a decent sample size - and it's something that Kobe could do to help the team win games. The same logic should also apply to Metta - perhaps even more-so.

01-23-2013, 01:07 AM
Shaq said it years ago, Kobe is a selfish player who doesnt improve players around him, now D12 is finally speaking the truth, good on him.

01-23-2013, 01:09 AM

oh the horror
01-23-2013, 01:09 AM
Shaq said it years ago, Kobe is a selfish player who doesnt improve players around him, now D12 is finally speaking the truth, good on him.

You been hearing Shaq lately?

01-23-2013, 01:10 AM
**** that clown. LA won 5 rings without his dumbass

longtime lurker
01-23-2013, 01:14 AM
You're blinded by bias if you can't see that Kobe's shooting is causing team chemistry issues. I'm not saying it's their biggest issue, cause it's not, but it is an issue.

The difference between this year and last is that Kobe has a lot more help around him. Everyone needs to make sacrifices if this is going to work. The Lakers should look at the Heat for a good example of how to handle superstars coming together. Each of the big three in Miami sacrificed a bit of their statistical game for the good of the team. Lebron went from 20.1 FGA per game to 18.5; Wade went from 19.6 to 14.9; Bosh went from 16.5 to 13.3.

I'm not saying Kobe should defer to Dwight, or look to become the second option. He's still their best scorer and their second best offensive creator. He should probably be in that 18-20 range. The truth of the matter is that the Lakers are better when Kobe shoots a little less and Dwight shoots a little more; the stats back this up - over a decent sample size - and it's something that Kobe could do to help the team win games. The same logic should also apply to Metta - perhaps even more-so.

Well I'll just say this as far as Kobe's shooting. Earlier in the year he was average just over 20 shots a game on high efficiency and the team was still losing. Dwight still wasn't defense and he was till complaining about getting shots. Kobe doesn't need to shoot less but he does need to shoot better shots that I won't disagree with. But throwing the ball in the post to Dwight is not the answer. Dwight doesn't want to address his short comings on the offense(I'm not even going to start defensively). He sucks as a post player and in all honesty he should play like Kenneth Faried on offense and he'd get more scoring opportunities just from being active.

01-23-2013, 01:16 AM
Well I'll just say this as far as Kobe's shooting. Earlier in the year he was average just over 20 shots a game on high efficiency and the team was still losing. Dwight still wasn't defense and he was till complaining about getting shots. Kobe doesn't need to shoot less but he does need to shoot better shots that I won't disagree with. But throwing the ball in the post to Dwight is not the answer. Dwight doesn't want to address his short comings on the offense(I'm not even going to start defensively). He sucks as a post player and in all honesty he should play like Kenneth Faried on offense and he'd get more scoring opportunities just from being active.

Kobe does need to take less shots, as does World Peace. Dwight needs to takes more. The statistics show this quite clearly, and over a meaningful sample size.

Defense and coaching are their biggest issues right now, but those are harder to fix. Kobe's FGA is an easy fix, that's the only reason I keep harping on it.

longtime lurker
01-23-2013, 01:24 AM
Kobe does need to take less shots, as does World Peace. Dwight needs to takes more. The statistics show this quite clearly, and over a meaningful sample size.

Defense and coaching are their biggest issues right now, but those are harder to fix. Kobe's FGA is an easy fix, that's the only reason I keep harping on it.

Well we'll just have to disagree on it being a fix, because as you stated it's not the biggest issue. But even if Kobe took less shots doesn't that just mean more shots for Clark, Artest and Gasol?

01-23-2013, 01:27 AM
Well there's ways to address things and ways to not address things. Lets face facts it's only because posters don't like Kobe that they say he's a problem. These problems weren't there last year or the year before. And if they were the team was able to work through them. If the whole team isn't getting you the ball it's fine to call them out but you also need to take responsibility for your own shortcomings which Dwight has yet to do. Dwight had problems in Orlando too. He's a fvcking idiot, it's like having the opportunity to learn from some of the best musicians of all time and instead of shutting your mouth and listening you're telling mocking them and insisting on doing things your way

Yes they were and no they weren't able to work through them. Wasn't Bynum acting a very similar fashion to Howard the last few seasons?

01-23-2013, 01:28 AM
Yes they were and no they weren't able to work through them. Wasn't Bynum acting a very similar fashion to Howard the last few seasons?
bynum is even more of a f*gg*t

longtime lurker
01-23-2013, 01:31 AM
Yes they were and no they weren't able to work through them. Wasn't Bynum acting a very similar fashion to Howard the last few seasons?

They weren't this bad. Bynum is an immature twit but he was never like Howard, showing the stat sheet around the locker room? WTF is this. I know Bynum didn't like Mike Brown that much is obvious but he was never this much of a chemistry killer. The team with Bynum was never this bad either.

01-23-2013, 01:54 AM
They weren't this bad. Bynum is an immature twit but he was never like Howard, showing the stat sheet around the locker room? WTF is this. I know Bynum didn't like Mike Brown that much is obvious but he was never this much of a chemistry killer. The team with Bynum was never this bad either.

The team wasn't bad because
Gasol was much better utilized or wasn't the regressed version we see today
Bymun is better than an injured or underutilized Howard
and Kobe could actually play both sides of the court

01-23-2013, 01:54 AM

This is EXACTLY right. And not only is he TO 2.0, he is an even more potent toxin to the locker room than TO ever was. The tolerance for bs in nba locker rooms is 10 times the nfl, particularly when it comes to media interaction -- for him to elicit this comparison is impressive. He's not just a distraction he's actually sabotaging the team.

01-23-2013, 01:57 AM
Well we'll just have to disagree on it being a fix,

I don't see how you can possibly disagree. I know everyone has their biases, but come on.

The Laker's are 11-3 when Kobe shoots less than 20 times per game. They're 6-21 when he shoots 20 or more times a game. Don't tell me I need to watch the games. I've seen every single stressed filled Laker game this season, and to me it looks like they're just getting worse. A 42 game sample size is simply too large to ignore with those kind of glaringly obvious results.

Not only are the Lakers as a whole better with Kobe shooting a little less, Kobe himself is better.

First 20 Games
28.4 PPG, 5.2 RPG, 5.0 APG, 1.7 SPG, .488 FG%, .394 3P%, .871 FT%, .611 TS%, .539 eFG%, 19.5 FGA/game

Last 20 Games
30.8 PPG, 4.6 RPG, 4.6 APG, 1.3 SPG, .451 FG%, .340 3P%, .801 FT%, .550 TS%, .503 eFG%, 24.8 FGA/game

because as you stated it's not the biggest issue. But even if Kobe took less shots doesn't that just mean more shots for Clark, Artest and Gasol?

Preferably they'd go to Dwight. Dwight's shot attempts are down 33% from last year. For a rhythm player like Dwight, getting him back up to the 12.5-13.5 he's used to should help to increase his efficiency and effort. Players usually play better defense when they feel that they're more involved and important.

The Lakers are 8-4 when Dwight shoots 13 or more times a game, 12-7 when he shoots 11 or more times, 4-12 when he shoots less than 10 times a game, and 1-9 when he shoots less than 8 times a game. Again, the trend is clear, and shouldn't be ignored.

Kobe's efficiency would probably rise again as well with a couple less shot attempts per game(see above).

01-23-2013, 02:04 AM
"I've tried to go out of my way to get (Howard) the ball.Sometimes I end up looking like an idiot, because I get up in the air, I've got a shot, but I try to find him. But he thinks I'm going to shoot, so his back is turned. I'm trying to think about getting him the ball a lot -- take care of him as much as I possibly can. It takes me out of rhythm a little bit, but I'm fine with that. If that's going to help our team, I'm more than willing to do that.

"I've constantly tried to help him out, tried to talk to him," Bryant continued. "Two o'clock in the morning, three o'clock in the morning. Texting him. Sharing reading materials. Anything to try and help him.

"He's coming off a major surgery in a market where it's just merciless; where there's demands and responsibilities of athletes. It's been tough on him."
