View Full Version : Dwight Howard is an asshole

02-07-2013, 01:18 PM
gary washburn ‏@GwashNBAGlobe

Dwight Howard says he won't take long-term risk just to return to save #lakers "This is my career. Nobody else is going to take care of me."
Retweeted by Ken Berger

mutha fcuka

trade his ass out of here

02-07-2013, 01:21 PM
Really, it is Kobe's fault.

Take a look at Kobe's sinking FG % lately, as well as him leading the league in TO's...

02-07-2013, 01:29 PM

Who the F would risk ending their career for the somewhat questionable chance of making the playoffs in one season?

02-07-2013, 01:31 PM
thats what I say. Its his money not the fans. He may be a b1tch but if he seriously can't play why should he.

brain drain
02-07-2013, 01:31 PM
Dunno why you'd call him an asshole for that. His contract is expiring, makes sense to take care of his body.

02-07-2013, 01:32 PM

Who the F would risk ending their career for the somewhat questionable chance of making the playoffs in one season?

u r a fcuking retard...u know that? where is tmac ??? rotting in china?

02-07-2013, 01:33 PM
Gotdamn Lakers_kobe_fan you are the biggest a$$hole in ISH. The Lakers should trade you away as a fan for being a supreme muthfkca.

02-07-2013, 01:34 PM
Dunno why you'd call him an asshole for that. His contract is expiring, makes sense to take care of his body.

ur username should be brain dead....mutha fcuka

02-07-2013, 01:34 PM
u r a fcuking retard...u know that? where is tmac ??? rotting in china?

Probably...and the reason may be that he tried to come back too soon from his injury. Which further valides what i just said :roll:

02-07-2013, 01:35 PM
Gotdamn Lakers_kobe_fan you are the biggest a$$hole in ISH. The Lakers should trade you away as a fan for being a supreme muthfkca.
where? Your team?:roll:

02-07-2013, 01:35 PM
Gotdamn Lakers_kobe_fan you are the biggest a$$hole in ISH. The Lakers should trade you away as a fan for being a supreme muthfkca.

you like to come whiffing my ass dont u?

02-07-2013, 01:35 PM
You expect him to play with the injury? i don't see what's so wrong about this. he's hurt. he has the right to come back when he's healthy.

02-07-2013, 01:36 PM
Why should he come early and risk his career for any team, much less this Lakers team that's going nowhere?

02-07-2013, 01:38 PM
you like to come whiffing my ass dont u?

It's hilarious how you go apeshit whenever any little slight thing is said against the lakers. Get some anger management clown.

02-07-2013, 01:38 PM
Kobe Stan acting like a a$$hole, nothing new here.....:facepalm

02-07-2013, 01:38 PM
You expect him to play with the injury? i don't see what's so wrong about this. he's hurt. he has the right to come back when he's healthy.

playing with it is not going to make it worse....

02-07-2013, 01:39 PM
where? Your team?:roll:

Southern Cali laker hater......Blazers.

02-07-2013, 01:42 PM
playing with it is not going to make it worse....

Some people can't play with pain. The shoulder area, with injury, can be really painful with a lifting motion. You don't know his level of pain. Just cause Kobe thinks it's ok.......then it's ok? Lame. Maybe Dwight is being a pu$$y, maybe not. :confusedshrug:

02-07-2013, 01:45 PM
Am I The Only Person Who Realizes That Dwight Howard Is Done???? He Is Basically A Slightly More Athletic Kwame Brown Now.....all These Injuries Are Takin Their Toll On His Body.

Go Back And Watch The Dunk Contest He Was In When He Did The Superman.....this Guy Head Was Above The Rim....above The Fcukin Rim.

Now Look At Him Dunkin With The Lakers....all Fingertip Dunks Or Slightly Better....its Over For Him.

I Think Him Not Sittin Out The Beginning Of The Season Will Hurt Him When He Trys To Get A Max Contract Because Gms Dont Know What They Really Gonna Get.....if I Were Dwight Id Sit This Season Out.....and Try And Get To The Rockets....thats The Only Way He Will Get A Ring...him...lin..and Harden..plus The Shooters They Have...itll Be Like Orlando All Over Again Except Slighty Better Because He Will Be Playing With A Young Superstar In Harden Who Can Pass Like A Pg.

02-07-2013, 01:45 PM
This pretty much sums up why Kobe deserves MVP. He's had to put up with whiny overrated ***** borderline scrubs all year. The fact that he's carried them to a 23-26 record is nothing short of miraculous.

02-07-2013, 01:50 PM
Dwight can barely lift his shoulder, he really can't play.

02-07-2013, 01:50 PM
Some people can't play with pain. The shoulder area, with injury, can be really painful with a lifting motion. You don't know his level of pain. Just cause Kobe thinks it's ok.......then it's ok? Lame. Maybe Dwight is being a pu$$y, maybe not. :confusedshrug:

never knew you can post something that atleast makes a little bit of sense...

its not about playing with it or without it...its about the fcuking attitude and the talking he is doing....he should atleast say he will play if he could and say its all about lakers right now....asshole instead talks about future and how is not going to risk it

Here's Dwight Howard's full quote when he went off after having his competitive nature challenged by a reporter ...

"I want to play," Howard said after shootaround Thursday in Boston. "I mean, why wouldn't I want to play? But, at the same time, this is my career, this is my future, this is my life. I can't leave that up to anybody else because nobody else is going to take care of me. So, if people are pissed off that I don't play or if I do play, whatever it may be, so what? This is my career. If I go down, then what? Everybody's life is going to go on. I don't want to have another summer where I'm rehabbing and trying to get healthy again. I want to come back and have another great year. That's what I want to do."

02-07-2013, 01:51 PM
Dwight can barely lift his shoulder, he really can't play.

huh? where did u here that?

02-07-2013, 01:51 PM
Dave McMenamin ‏@mcten

Nash on Dwight: "I think everyone has got to play through some pain in this league ..."

02-07-2013, 01:53 PM
Um I see nothing wrong about this?

02-07-2013, 01:55 PM
never knew you can post something that atleast makes a little bit of sense...

its not about playing with it or without it...its about the fcuking attitude and the talking he is doing....he should atleast say he will play if he could and say its all about lakers right now....asshole instead talks about future and how is not going to risk it
I see nothing wrong about what he said. No shit his own life would be more important than one season with a franchise how are you even upset?

02-07-2013, 01:59 PM
If dwight cant play through the pain, thats one thing. but his choice of words used makes him look like a selfish teammate. I guess that just comes down to intelligence, or lack there of, when trying to use the right words for PR reasons.

02-07-2013, 02:00 PM
He's right.

Dwight needs to look out for himself. Its not like he is not playing because of an ankle sprain. His labrum has detached itself from the bone. LO had a similar injury end his season 2x.

Remember Nenad Kristic? Dude was beasting his contract year. Nets were giddy as **** trying to resign dude. he tears his ACL and the Nets say eff off. Dude had to go to freaking Russia to play ball again. Teams aren't looking out for anyone except themselves.

02-07-2013, 02:03 PM

02-07-2013, 02:04 PM
We don't know what his pain level is and the severity of his tear, so no one's.really in a position to say whether he should play or not. That said, it doesn't sound like he has a sense of urgency given how close they are to the playoffs now, already talking about the offseason and next year.

02-07-2013, 02:18 PM
He's a gametime decision for tonight.


02-07-2013, 02:20 PM
But I thought Dwight was a scrub and him playing actually hurts the Lakers? Make up your mind Laker idiots.

02-07-2013, 02:21 PM
"The season is lost, he shouldn't play".. Should he be playing if they were an elite team?

Mr Exlax
02-07-2013, 02:31 PM
But I thought Dwight was a scrub and him playing actually hurts the Lakers? Make up your mind Laker idiots.


02-07-2013, 02:57 PM
LOL @ the Laker fans buying into this Kobe propoganda BS.

And LOL @ Dwight and Pau taking all the heat for this season, when Kobe is just as much to blame as anyone. Shit is ridiculous.

02-07-2013, 03:40 PM
He's a gametime decision for tonight.


This translates to if he wants to please Kobe Bryant. I dont like Dwight, but your career is often more important than a chance at an 8th seed. He's young enough to get another monster contract, but old enough that one big injury can affect it.

I agree with him on only coming back if hes 100%. He has to be smart about his future and leveraging

02-07-2013, 04:01 PM
I can see people personalities on this board by looking at this thread.

The season is over why should he play.
They will not make the playoffs.
Dwight should focus on his career. Blah Blah Blah

I would not want any of you guys on my team.

You sacrifice and play through pain for the better of the team ALWAYS.
That's the attitude championship teams and players have. Kobe and Nash are living examples of that.

Howard's response shows how immature he is.
And all of you agreeing with him need to have a couple life lessons served your way soon.

02-07-2013, 04:03 PM
I can see people personalities on this board by looking at this thread.

The season is over why should he play.
They will not make the playoffs.
Dwight should focus on his career. Blah Blah Blah

I would not want any of you guys on my team.

You sacrifice and play through pain for the better of the team ALWAYS.
That's the attitude championship teams and players have. Kobe and Nash are living examples of that.

Howard's response shows how immature he is.
And all of you agreeing with him need to have a couple life lessons served your way soon.

Exactly. This makes it more clear that he sees himself as a rental. Ship his ass out.

02-07-2013, 04:22 PM
there has been a revolving door of all major personnel coming in and out. coaching changes and injuries. but their sucking ways never missed a beat. some people said it was the coach. so they got a new one. didnt matter. some people said it was the absence of nash. nope. some said it was dwight. unjustified. then of course the default scapegoat, pau. never been the case and isnt now. the one remaining constant to the lakers sucking has been that kobe has been there the entire time. but he amazingly escapes any blame.

02-07-2013, 04:32 PM
Howard should just try avoiding speaking to the media if possible. Everything that comes out of his mouth for the past season and a half just comes of as bad. Gag Dwight.

02-07-2013, 04:41 PM
u r a fcuking retard...u know that? where is tmac ??? rotting in china?
what has Tmac got to do with this? Plus Dwight has a point why risk your career for a minimal chance in helping a team thats already messed up, all so he can re injure himself and then get bounced in the 1st or 2nd round.

02-07-2013, 04:46 PM
I can see people personalities on this board by looking at this thread.

The season is over why should he play.
They will not make the playoffs.
Dwight should focus on his career. Blah Blah Blah

I would not want any of you guys on my team.

You sacrifice and play through pain for the better of the team ALWAYS.
That's the attitude championship teams and players have. Kobe and Nash are living examples of that.

Howard's response shows how immature he is.
And all of you agreeing with him need to have a couple life lessons served your way soon.

You don't think Dwight's been playing through pain? It's the reason why he re-injured himself for coming back to soon. Now you idiots with the bravado talk think this guy who's injured and hasn't been at 100% this whole season should come back earlier than he should, to please a fan base that love calling him a bitch. If he's saying that he wants to come back when he's 100%, it's because he's talking from experience.

Look at Pau, got hurt in the first half, played through the pain, heard a pop right before the game ended, gone for at least 6 weeks, probably longer. For such injuries, sometimes it's best for the player to let them heal.

02-07-2013, 04:47 PM

The best interview ever. Poor Stan van Gundy.

02-07-2013, 04:48 PM
you reap what you sow laker fans. you rip on this guy early in the season and say you wish he was traded or not playing for the lakers and now you need him the most when times are tough.

how fu.cking ironic

02-07-2013, 04:52 PM
Howard should just try avoiding speaking to the media if possible. Everything that comes out of his mouth for the past season and a half just comes of as bad. Gag Dwight.

Agree with this. And I also Kobe should stop talking to the media about his teammates. He has a very mentally weak fan base who see him as a god, and his words as gospel. So when he says things that sounds critical of Howard his mentally weak fan base get this energy and confidence of repeating what he says because to them it's the word of an all knowing god. That's how I see the OP.

Can't find witch thread was the one where Kobe was talking about Howard playing through pain, but for all we know he could have been talking about how this season was the first time that Howard has had to play through pain, and not talking about his latest injury.

02-07-2013, 04:55 PM
i think we can agree that dwight howard HAS an asshole.

02-07-2013, 05:07 PM
There is loads of irony here. Kobe is basically two years away from retirement, yet he's just about pushing DHo out the door. If there was a slight chance that Dwight might re-sign, its gone now.

Going to be some interesting times in LA for the next couple of years.

02-07-2013, 05:10 PM
The critical fact is the actual extent of injury.

02-07-2013, 05:12 PM
And this is news why? If this is what it takes to make you think Dwight is an asshole, you're clueless.

02-07-2013, 05:14 PM
You do realize that a bad back can ruin someone's life, not just their career?

02-07-2013, 05:25 PM
The critical fact is the actual extent of injury.
Not really though.

The critical fact is that these guys wont keep their business private, thus showing how much they truly dont like each other.

Kobe is actually pushing Dwight through the door and he doesn't realize it.

Maybe he will seeing Dwight in a new uniform...possibly Rockets .

02-07-2013, 05:36 PM
you reap what you sow laker fans. you rip on this guy early in the season and say you wish he was traded or not playing for the lakers and now you need him the most when times are tough.

how fu.cking ironic
You're an idiot.

02-07-2013, 05:37 PM
I have no problem with Howard missing games because of a bum shoulder and back. After all, Kobe did miss a month of play action during the Lakers 2004/05 season due to ankle sprain and they failed to make the playoffs. Year before between trial and shoulder injury he missed a lot of games. Stuff happens.

However I didn't like Howard's demeanor and choice of words, even knowing what Kobe had to say publicly earlier. Shows how much of a rift there is between him and Kobe. This is basically Shaq'n'Kobe Part Deux. Time for another "players-only meeting."

02-07-2013, 05:37 PM
You're an idiot.

He actually has a point :confusedshrug: . "We are better without sorry ass Dwight anyways" blah blah blah... then now because he doesn't rush back you guys want his head? :roll:

02-07-2013, 05:38 PM
Not really though.

The critical fact is that these guys wont keep their business private, thus showing how much they truly dont like each other.

Kobe is actually pushing Dwight through the door and he doesn't realize it.

Maybe he will seeing Dwight in a new uniform...possibly Rockets .

Yes it is, as I was talking about whether he should play or not.

02-07-2013, 05:41 PM
Not really though.

The critical fact is that these guys wont keep their business private, thus showing how much they truly dont like each other.

Kobe is actually pushing Dwight through the door and he doesn't realize it.

Maybe he will seeing Dwight in a new uniform...possibly Rockets .

Screwing the Lakers long term too. I'm almost sure Dwight bails this summer at this point. Today reporters said he was pissed about Kobe's comments about him never playing with an injury in his career. Lakers will be left with NOTHING besides Kobe and Nash who are already retiring in 2 seasons.

Dwight and Pau are walking in free agency.

Ancient Legend
02-07-2013, 05:42 PM


02-07-2013, 05:45 PM
He actually has a point :confusedshrug: . "We are better without sorry ass Dwight anyways" blah blah blah... then now because he doesn't rush back you guys want his head? :roll:
Yeah the Lakers are better off with a Clark/Sacre rotation. You're also an idiot if you believe that's what Laker fans were saying.

Pau isn't a FA

LBJ 23
02-07-2013, 05:46 PM
You're an idiot.

Why is he an idiot? He's telling the truth. If it doesn't suit you doesn't mean he's an idiot.

02-07-2013, 05:46 PM
Yeah the Lakers are better off with a Clark/Sacre rotation. You're also an idiot if you believe that's what Laker fans were saying.

I'm not saying all Lakers fans. It was common topic here on ISH though. You honestly are gonna deny that people have been saying Lakers are better without Dwight? How about that "Lakers are 3-0 without Dwight" thread created just last night?

02-07-2013, 05:51 PM
I'm not saying all Lakers fans. It was common topic here on ISH though. You honestly are gonna deny that people have been saying Lakers are better without Dwight? How about that "Lakers are 3-0 without Dwight" thread created just last night?
Wow. That thread was started by a Hawks fan. Just stop. Their 3 wins were close ones against Minny, Detroit, and the Nets. Pau was their center. Now he's gone too. Simple logic

02-07-2013, 06:03 PM
Wow. That thread was started by a Hawks fan. Just stop. Their 3 wins were close ones against Minny, Detroit, and the Nets. Pau was their center. Now he's gone too. Simple logic

You're not looking at this logically. I'm not saying that Dwight doesn't help the Lakers. I'm saying some Lakers fans/Kobe stans said he wasn't needed. Now he's a bitch for not rushing back.

02-07-2013, 06:05 PM
Yes it is, as I was talking about whether he should play or not.
My bad, had that been said I probably wouldnt have quoted it.

But it makes no difference, he isn't risking further injury at this point.

Screwing the Lakers long term too. I'm almost sure Dwight bails this summer at this point. Today reporters said he was pissed about Kobe's comments about him never playing with an injury in his career. Lakers will be left with NOTHING besides Kobe and Nash who are already retiring in 2 seasons.

Dwight and Pau are walking in free agency.

Yeah, i heard Dwight's copmments, pretty solid imo. He is going to take care of HIS career and health first, can't even argue with that. He clearly doesn't like to talk about it, especially when they asked had he talked to Kobe about his injury.

The Lakers are in a poor situation

02-07-2013, 06:14 PM
You're not looking at this logically. I'm not saying that Dwight doesn't help the Lakers. I'm saying some Lakers fans/Kobe stans said he wasn't needed. Now he's a bitch for not rushing back.
If people said that, it was because they would want to trade him and replace him with other pieces. Or because Pau plays better as a center. Now there is 0 benefit to him not being with the Lakers

02-07-2013, 06:18 PM
I can see people personalities on this board by looking at this thread.

The season is over why should he play.
They will not make the playoffs.
Dwight should focus on his career. Blah Blah Blah

I would not want any of you guys on my team.

You sacrifice and play through pain for the better of the team ALWAYS.
That's the attitude championship teams and players have. Kobe and Nash are living examples of that.

Howard's response shows how immature he is.
And all of you agreeing with him need to have a couple life lessons served your way soon.

most of these mutha fcuka's are laker haters and half are Kobe haters....

they dont care who is right or wrong...its just the blind hate

strike first
02-07-2013, 06:40 PM
funny how over the last few years laker fans went from talking about championships to struggling through the regular season

welcome to mediocrity :oldlol:

02-07-2013, 07:12 PM
Kobe Bryant ‏@kobebryant
On our way to the Garden. Ready to do that work. If D12 is healthy he will play if he's not he won't. Simple math #countonmediahype

02-07-2013, 07:13 PM
:oldlol: Kobe

02-07-2013, 07:16 PM
I'm okay with Howard sitting out until he feels healthy enough to play ball. Like it or not he's absolutely right, at the end of the day only he will take care of himself. He has to do what's best for him.

02-07-2013, 07:26 PM
Dwight's playing

02-07-2013, 07:45 PM


Excellent use of boromir :applause:

02-07-2013, 08:40 PM
I applaud Howard for finally being a man and saying that. Risking his own future for Kobe's legacy and Kobetards pleasure? **** OFF.
