View Full Version : Kobe "After losing by 20 we can

Ancient Legend
02-15-2013, 11:17 AM
@mcten: Kobe not naming names, but ... "After we lose by 20 or 30 points, we definitely can

02-15-2013, 11:22 AM
Why the fvck is Dwight even in the league?

Cant take that ****** serious

02-15-2013, 11:22 AM
ni99a should be doing toothpaste commercials showing off those pearly whites every chance he gets.

what a clown

02-15-2013, 11:24 AM
Not a Bryant fan, but I'm with him on this. Dwight's doesn't have "IT".

02-15-2013, 11:25 AM
Wow thats bad, in particular by a guy who's stats are grossly inflated and has little to zero positive impact on a game.

02-15-2013, 11:27 AM
You guys are a joke. I saw this live and knew you guys would leave out Metta cracking up. Show me the part where Metta turns around, I guarantee hes laughing and smiling. ****in losers

02-15-2013, 11:32 AM
You guys are a joke. I saw this live and knew you guys would leave out Metta cracking up. Show me the part where Metta turns around, I guarantee hes laughing and smiling. ****in losers
Laker fans love to scapegoat a brother but the fact is they are not a very good TEAM. Team ball! I guess it wasn't the coach after all.

02-15-2013, 11:36 AM
Dwight went from the second best player in the league behind LeBron to one of the worst players in the league. :roll:

02-15-2013, 11:39 AM
if you ain't pissed off at losing, you don't care about winning.

if i lose in ping pong, i don't care. i suck in ping pong. i'm supposed to lose. can laugh, giggle all day after anyone kicks my ass in ping pong.

but if i lose in a game that i know i should win and want to win but didn't, i'll be pretty pissed off for awhile.

don't know what's up with dwight...

02-15-2013, 11:48 AM
Dwight does not seem remotely close to the player he was in Orlando. At times, I cringe when he has the ball.

02-15-2013, 11:56 AM
no more dwight next year

02-15-2013, 11:58 AM
Yes, as if Dwight smiling is why Lakers play like shit. Seriously, Kobe needs to stop taking digs at Dwight all the time. Its not healthy for the team or for getting the best outta the best center in the world.

02-15-2013, 12:00 PM
or for getting the best outta the best center in the world.

Memphis is doing a good job of it imo

02-15-2013, 12:02 PM
Yes, as if Dwight smiling is why Lakers play like shit. Seriously, Kobe needs to stop taking digs at Dwight all the time. Its not healthy for the team or for getting the best outta the best center in the world.

when one of your more notable and supposed one of the best players in the league is laughing after losing to your in town rival 20+ his head isnt there, he doesnt wanna win, he doesnt contribute enough there is something wrong. Hes a clown plain and simple

02-15-2013, 12:02 PM
Yes, as if Dwight smiling is why Lakers play like shit. Seriously, Kobe needs to stop taking digs at Dwight all the time. Its not healthy for the team or for getting the best outta the best center in the world.
:roll: :roll:

oh the horror
02-15-2013, 12:07 PM
For those of you citing the teams play when defending Dwight on this matter you obviously don't get the point.

02-15-2013, 12:09 PM
Yes, as if Dwight smiling is why Lakers play like shit. Seriously, Kobe needs to stop taking digs at Dwight all the time. Its not healthy for the team or for getting the best outta the best center in the world.


You have zero grasp on sports and competition.

02-15-2013, 12:11 PM

You have zero grasp on sports and competition.

Guaranteed he's suburban Asian/white boy that's never even stepped on a court

02-15-2013, 12:21 PM
Dwight does not seem remotely close to the player he was in Orlando. At times, I cringe when he has the ball.

Orl. Dwight was a different Dwight. I think he's become jaded. I feel like all that FA dwightmare sh*t f*cked with his head, it seems like he has this sense of entitlement and everything is going to be easy for him. I wonder how much of these issues are back related and how much of the issues are mind related.

02-15-2013, 12:41 PM
I hate when people choose scapegoats because it's so primitive. Like middle ages primitive. It's the reason why things like WWII happened, and so many other bad things this day in age. So I have a particular annoyance towards people who always pick a person to blame for everything that goes wrong. Whether it's Dwight or Gasol.

The times I saw Dwight last night he wasn't smiling, but now you have people like the OP recording the game waiting for any type of out of context smile from Dwight just to post it here. And I'm not a Dwight fan because I think he's a moron.

He has a smiling personality, just like my cousin's kid. If you go back to when Dwight was 2 years old he probably had the same smiling personality, just like my cousin's kid, so I can't fault him for smiling when someone talks to him.

It's like Eli Manning the year he won his first Super Bowl. Sports radio everyday kept ripping him because of his facial expression. A person can't help the way they look in Eli's case. He shut them up by winning the Super Bowl MVP.

Also is there a link of Kobe saying this, or it the title another made up quote by a Kobe stan? Or taken out of context?

02-15-2013, 01:13 PM
Stop making Dwight the scapegoat. Smiling is just part of his personality.

Nick Young
02-15-2013, 01:15 PM
[QUOTE=Ancient Legend]@mcten: Kobe not naming names, but ... "After we lose by 20 or 30 points, we definitely can

Nick Young
02-15-2013, 01:17 PM
when one of your more notable and supposed one of the best players in the league is laughing after losing to your in town rival 20+ his head isnt there, he doesnt wanna win, he doesnt contribute enough there is something wrong. Hes a clown plain and simple
He always had this loser attitude even in the 2009 playoffs and finals

02-15-2013, 01:26 PM
You guys are a joke. I saw this live and knew you guys would leave out Metta cracking up. Show me the part where Metta turns around, I guarantee hes laughing and smiling. ****in losers

LOL, Metta's not a human.

02-15-2013, 02:30 PM
It's amazing to me how some of you fans can forgive rape charges/unfaithfulness or going into the stands after fans, but get on someone's case because he's SMILING.

It's like Joey Crawford tossing Duncan because he's laughing on the bench. We have no idea what DH was smiling about - maybe MWP was cracking a joke.

02-15-2013, 03:04 PM
Memphis is doing a good job of it imo


02-15-2013, 03:10 PM
Worst scapegoat ever. Seriously? A guy can't smile anymore? Stupid.

02-15-2013, 03:47 PM
Kobe has officially turned Steve NASH into Steve Blake :cry:

02-15-2013, 03:50 PM
I'm not a D12 fan but it's pretty ridiculous to use a context-free freeze frame of him smiling to indict him of having a non-competitive, losers' mentality.

In the waning moments of the superbowl the camera showed 49er coach Jim Harbaugh smiling at a referee, semi-joking that the refs "owed him one" (presumably for blowing the no-call during the 49ers' last drive).

Would a freeze frame of him "laughing" at the 49ers' crushing loss be evidence that Harbaugh is not a competitor, when in fact it is common knowledge that he is one of the most competitive people in sports?

02-15-2013, 03:51 PM
I wonder if what Kobe is doing to Dwight is what MJ did to Kwame Brown.

Break him down, humiliate him, to the point of Dwight remaining just a wall of human meat. Just some entity with no purpose or will to win.

Hey Kobe is definitely following in the path of MJ.

02-15-2013, 03:57 PM
Stop making Dwight the scapegoat. Smiling is just part of his personality.
I agree with this statement, but when you're on this stage, with these expectations, with this talent, and things are going horribly wrong, nobody wants to see this side of a what is supposed to be the centerpiece of the franchise going forward. People said the same thing about LeBron for a long time in Cleveland, that he was too fun loving and portrayed him as someone who might not care as much about winning as having fun.

Dwight's entire character has been questioned ever since Dwightmare started. From there, his fun loving attitude was no longer perceived the same as it was for the first part of his career. Does he really care that the team is losing? Is he really putting in the effort he could be? I think those are valid questions given how we have seen the guy morph over the past 2 years.

Peception isn't always fair, but it's a big part of life. Not everything that is going wrong for Lakers is Dwight's fault, but he doesn't help his case much either.

02-15-2013, 04:34 PM
Last I checked Dwight was coming off back surgery and has a current shoulder injury. So him actually playing and putting up mediocre stats is a bad thing? What did people really expect?

02-15-2013, 04:46 PM
It was definitely more than one guy. In the fourth quarter when the game was said and done, the camera went on devin Eubanks who was cracking up. About 5 minutes later the camera went back on him and he was still cracking up.

In a game that was supposed to represent some sort of "playoff atmosphere", laughing shouldn't happen at any point, unless of course deandre Jordan misses another free throw as terribly as he did yesterday. It wasn't just Dwight, there were others.

02-15-2013, 04:55 PM
I wonder if what Kobe is doing to Dwight is what MJ did to Kwame Brown.

Break him down, humiliate him, to the point of Dwight remaining just a wall of human meat. Just some entity with no purpose or will to win.

Hey Kobe is definitely following in the path of MJ.

Nah, at this point Dwight is already a developed player who even went to the finals once. Nothing Kobe can do would necessarily break him. But he COULD get in his head a little.

Money 23
02-15-2013, 04:55 PM
LOL @ Jstern saying someone can't help the way they look. Comparing Eli Mannings down syndrome face to Dwight Howard SMILING ... an act that he is concious of and can control.


If any teammate of mine was smiling after getting blown out, showing a visible lack of effort all season long, dealing with things in a femal passive aggressive way. I would most likely end up punching them in their toothy grin before the aeason was out.

Props for showing GreatRestraintBE

02-15-2013, 04:57 PM
Yes, as if Dwight smiling is why Lakers play like shit. Seriously, Kobe needs to stop taking digs at Dwight all the time. Its not healthy for the team or for getting the best outta the best center in the world.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

02-15-2013, 05:02 PM
Dwight's going to realize like LeBron did, that only winning will bring him the popularity he desires. Nobody gives a **** about the lovable loser, especially in a place like Los Angeles.

02-15-2013, 07:10 PM
LOL @ Jstern saying someone can't help the way they look. Comparing Eli Mannings down syndrome face to Dwight Howard SMILING ... an act that he is concious of and can control.


If any teammate of mine was smiling after getting blown out, showing a visible lack of effort all season long, dealing with things in a femal passive aggressive way. I would most likely end up punching them in their toothy grin before the aeason was out.

Props for showing GreatRestraintBE
The point of my post is that Dwight can't help the tendencies he was born with, and he shouldn't try to consciously force himself to hold himself back, and create that insane stress just to please a few ignorant fans. The same with Eli, it wasn't because of his "Down Syndrome face" but because he didn't react in the same ignorant way that the ignorant callers wanted him to react.

02-15-2013, 07:11 PM
It doesn't matter. This team's chemistry is non-existant. There's nothing salvageable.

02-15-2013, 07:16 PM
Last I checked Dwight was coming off back surgery and has a current shoulder injury. So him actually playing and putting up mediocre stats is a bad thing? What did people really expect?

If he's been hurt all year and that's his excuse for playing terrible, maybe he shoulda just sat out the first three months.

If he had done that, maybe he'd be very close to 100% right now and actually able to do play like a top 20 player.

02-15-2013, 07:18 PM

02-15-2013, 07:55 PM
Dwight's a clown, we all get that at this point, but Kobe really needs to shut his mouth. Him nitpicking at every smirk that comes across dwight's face isn't helping either.

I really don't see any reason Dwight will stay in LA, at this point, but at this point I don't know if the Lakers want him. This team is in complete disarray.

02-15-2013, 08:47 PM
Yes, as if Dwight smiling is why Lakers play like shit. Seriously, Kobe needs to stop taking digs at Dwight all the time. Its not healthy for the team or for getting the best outta the best center in the world.

I don't think anybody thinks that his smiling and joking around is making the Lakers play like shit. I think Kobes point is that these blowouts don't seem to bother dwight in the least. It appears that he doesn't care. Maybe he does, but it doesn't look like it. Maybe he shows disappointment in other ways? when does he get mad? I'd love to see him get real fired up just once.

02-15-2013, 09:01 PM
It's amazing to me how some of you fans can forgive rape charges/unfaithfulness or going into the stands after fans, but get on someone's case because he's SMILING.

It's like Joey Crawford tossing Duncan because he's laughing on the bench. We have no idea what DH was smiling about - maybe MWP was cracking a joke.

Best post in this thread. I don't even like Dwight Howard.

02-15-2013, 09:04 PM
Dwight's a clown, we all get that at this point, but Kobe really needs to shut his mouth. Him nitpicking at every smirk that comes across dwight's face isn't helping either.

I really don't see any reason Dwight will stay in LA, at this point, but at this point I don't know if the Lakers want him. This team is in complete disarray.

The Most Dysfunctional team in NBA History. Dwight, and Gasol are gone in the off season.

02-15-2013, 09:17 PM
Kobe speaks the truth. Getting spaked like that has to hurt, somewhere in your competitive mindset, if you are a competitor. This is why I am a Kobe fan, along with KG, they are competitors. Their passion for the game is there. They are going to give you 100% every night. Dwight....:banghead: It is like he cares one game and then doesn't care the next five or six games. :banghead:

02-15-2013, 09:30 PM
There's no way one can criticize Kobe. Kobe is right once again, people shouldnt be attacking him.

02-15-2013, 09:35 PM
Fvck Dwight Coward!!!

02-15-2013, 10:44 PM
Orl. Dwight was a different Dwight. I think he's become jaded. I feel like all that FA dwightmare sh*t f*cked with his head, it seems like he has this sense of entitlement and everything is going to be easy for him. I wonder how much of these issues are back related and how much of the issues are mind related.
when van gundy made him look like an asshole after exposing him on tv for who he truly is, an immature spoiled asshole only caring about money, howard started to flinch. Since then he s psychologically damaged, weakened.

Also he obviously dont plan on staying with lakers considering the way he acts since he s there. How can you believe it can work with such a loser playing with kobe who s a ball nazi, a perfectionist.

02-15-2013, 10:56 PM
Isn't this what all NBA Players do after a game? It's the new GAY NBA which means you hug and laugh with your opponent

02-15-2013, 11:04 PM
I don't think anybody thinks that his smiling and joking around is making the Lakers play like shit. I think Kobes point is that these blowouts don't seem to bother dwight in the least. It appears that he doesn't care. Maybe he does, but it doesn't look like it. Maybe he shows disappointment in other ways? when does he get mad? I'd love to see him get real fired up just once.

People express themselves in different ways. I've been watching Kawhi Leonard for 1 1/2 years now and the guy NEVER smiles. Does that mean that he's never happy? Duncan rarely gets fired up. Does that mean he's not competitive? If DH has a sunny disposition (and it seems it's important for him to be happy), why shouldn't he smile? Magic was like him - had a smile to light up the place. How can one be happy if one is wondering about whether he's gonna get criticized for SMILING?

I remember Horry saying he always tries to enjoy himself on the court. He's the same way whether he's coasting in the regular season or under intense pressure in the playoffs. Maybe that's why he was so clutch. He said in the end it's just a game and he goes home to his family. He had a daughter with a genetic defect - when you have that to go home to, it puts things in perspective and basketball is just a game.

02-16-2013, 12:00 AM
All this laker stuff is just proving how valuable Phil Jackson is as a coach...Why the **** can't people understand this

02-16-2013, 12:19 AM
I hate when people choose scapegoats because it's so primitive. Like middle ages primitive. It's the reason why things like WWII happened, and so many other bad things this day in age. So I have a particular annoyance towards people who always pick a person to blame for everything that goes wrong. Whether it's Dwight or Gasol.

The times I saw Dwight last night he wasn't smiling, but now you have people like the OP recording the game waiting for any type of out of context smile from Dwight just to post it here. And I'm not a Dwight fan because I think he's a moron.

He has a smiling personality, just like my cousin's kid. If you go back to when Dwight was 2 years old he probably had the same smiling personality, just like my cousin's kid, so I can't fault him for smiling when someone talks to him.

It's like Eli Manning the year he won his first Super Bowl. Sports radio everyday kept ripping him because of his facial expression. A person can't help the way they look in Eli's case. He shut them up by winning the Super Bowl MVP.

Also is there a link of Kobe saying this, or it the title another made up quote by a Kobe stan? Or taken out of context?
The moral of the story is.. Lakers fans are whining bitches and have no right to question NBA players manhood or scapegoat them. Even if the player they are whining about is a moron.