View Full Version : In which it is explained how a man with 5 rings is in actuality a "Loser."

02-18-2013, 07:17 PM
Lol. This dude blocked LeBron's shot so when LeBron comes back to score on him, what does he do? He wraps his arm up and fouls the shit out of him then acts like he blocked him again knowing god damn well he didn't. Then he walks around saying "he can't score on me". Are you serious dude?


Then after LeBron is visibly frustrated from getting hacked, he goes to score on him. When he beat Kobe to the rim, what does Kobe do. In an attempt to save face, he hacks him again. Lol. What a fcuking clown.

btw, I stole the pics from Pauk

02-18-2013, 07:18 PM
But Kobe is the Greatest Exhibition Game Player of All Time

We were fooled. :(

02-18-2013, 07:20 PM
Oh goodie, another post about this.

02-18-2013, 07:20 PM
Kobe salty that someone else is getting the attention.

noob cake
02-18-2013, 07:21 PM
Kobe Bryant aka the Fraud

02-18-2013, 07:22 PM

You really this mad?!

02-18-2013, 07:23 PM
Anyone be upset if this topic went missing?

02-18-2013, 07:23 PM

You really this mad?!

It's pretty funny... yet extremely sad at the same time, to watch someone get so worked up over a block in an exhibition game :oldlol:


02-18-2013, 07:24 PM

You really this mad?!
Not mad, but I certainly do enjoy rubbing shit in Kobe'tards faces.

02-18-2013, 07:24 PM
Honestly I don't really care either way.

When I first saw that block I thought it was a weak shot by Bron, no lift, seemed like he just threw it up instead of shooting it.

I also thought he got bumped, but meh

02-18-2013, 07:24 PM
It's pretty funny... yet extremely sad at the same time, to watch someone get so worked up over a block in an exhibition game :oldlol:

Equally as funny and sad to see Kobe/Laker fans get so excited about it. Moment of their season. How the mighty have fallen

02-18-2013, 07:26 PM

02-18-2013, 07:26 PM
Equally as funny and sad to see Kobe/Laker fans get so excited about it. Moment of their season. How the mighty have fallen

Yes, plenty of laughter and tears to go around over a block in a meaningless exhibition game :applause:

02-18-2013, 07:28 PM
How is the least significant game in the entire NBA season getting so much attention?

02-18-2013, 07:28 PM

02-18-2013, 07:28 PM
Kobe is a cheating f@ggot no doubt but look at harden in the first pic :lol

02-18-2013, 07:28 PM

Handchecking doesn't work?

Kobe is clearly hand checking him (a form of at least) him the entire time. Otherwise he blows by him.


02-18-2013, 07:29 PM
Yes, plenty of laughter and tears to go around over a block in a meaningless exhibition game :applause:
Every action has a reaction.

Go apeshit when your gawd blocks the king, except an equal reaction when your con-man gawd is exposed for the insecure, jealous fraud that he is.

Kobe is a snitch too. Real talk. :roll:

02-18-2013, 07:29 PM
Not mad, but I certainly do enjoy rubbing shit in Kobe'tards faces.

You have got to be one of the wackest posters ever, your whole vibe is corny.:facepalm

02-18-2013, 07:31 PM
Not mad, but I certainly do enjoy rubbing shit in Kobe'tards faces.
I'm suprised you know what a Kobe'tards face looks like, being that yours is all up in Lebron's anus

02-18-2013, 07:31 PM
You have got to be one of the wackest posters ever, your whole vibe is corny.:facepalm

02-18-2013, 07:33 PM
Niqqas posting on there years old with single digit post count OBVIOUS troll accounts....

Lol. Nice to see we're bring out the big guns.

02-18-2013, 07:41 PM
Niqqas posting on there years old with single digit post count OBVIOUS troll accounts....

Lol. Nice to see we're bring out the big guns.

:roll: You've got to be the most insecure poster right now

you've made 2 threads in the past hour about this block :lol :lol

Why do you care to defend Lebron so much, guess what, if you performed poorly at your job tomorrow & people were giving you crap about Lebron wouldn't come to your defense.

Lebron wouldn't even come to your funeral. i don't understand why you put this dude's nuts on such a pedastal

02-18-2013, 07:45 PM
Not mad, but I certainly do enjoy rubbing shit in Kobe'tards faces.

Fake Lakers fan, admitted troll...thousands of posts, most to discredit Kobe.

Upset about a block in an allstar game....hilarious. Your life must really suck.

02-18-2013, 07:46 PM
Not mad, but I certainly do enjoy rubbing shit in Kobe'tards faces.
Way to call someone an insecure loser while acting like an insecure loser. You really made your point

02-18-2013, 07:47 PM
:roll: You've got to be the most insecure poster right now

you've made 2 threads in the past hour about this block :lol :lol

Why do you care to defend Lebron so much, guess what, if you performed poorly at your job tomorrow & people were giving you crap about Lebron wouldn't come to your defense.

Lebron wouldn't even come to your funeral. i don't understand why you put this dude's nuts on such a pedastal


Yao Ming's Foot
02-18-2013, 07:49 PM
"The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

02-18-2013, 07:49 PM

Handchecking doesn't work?

Kobe is clearly hand checking him (a form of at least) him the entire time. Otherwise he blows by him.


02-18-2013, 07:52 PM
If old man Kobe who has been awful defensively all year could give Lebron so much trouble just by being physical and handchecking, just imagine how rough of a time Bron would have playing against a prime Rodman or Pippen.
Ok. Just imagine how much of a nobody Jordan would be playing under the defensive rules of Wilt's/Russell's day. What does it matter? :confusedshrug:

02-18-2013, 07:52 PM
The most pitiful part about this entire thread is that this dude pretends to be a Laker fan. :facepalm

The only thing worse than an obsessive hater is an obsessive hater who pretends to be a fan of Team X to save face.


02-18-2013, 07:52 PM
F this shit man. How many threads could possibly be created about 3 plays in an all-star game.

I do like seeing that pic that shows Kobe fouled Lebron since I'm a Lebron fan, but i don't really care much.

I mean these guys can go at each other like 20 times over the course of a real game or even a playoff game and there isn't 100 threads on it... i guess that's just what happens when there are no games the monday after the all-star game :confusedshrug:

Also, after Kobe fouled Lebron when Lebron spun on him he tells Lebron "Good move, good move!"...so it's not like he was being a punk.

02-18-2013, 07:54 PM

Handchecking doesn't work?

Kobe is clearly hand checking him (a form of at least) him the entire time. Otherwise he blows by him.


02-18-2013, 07:54 PM

Handchecking doesn't work?

Kobe is clearly hand checking him (a form of at least) him the entire time. Otherwise he blows by him.


02-18-2013, 07:55 PM
How is the least significant game in the entire NBA season getting so much attention?

Because the two most Significant Players and Players Fan bases are involved. The Funny thing is the Fans are making it into something more than Kobe and Lebron are.

02-18-2013, 07:55 PM
Lebron doesn't seem mad, why are yall? Both are great players, it was a fun all-star game and we should just take that for what it is.

02-18-2013, 07:56 PM
Ok. Just imagine how much of a nobody Jordan would be playing under the defensive rules of Wilt's/Russell's day. What does it matter? :confusedshrug:

This post literally makes no sense :roll:

02-18-2013, 07:57 PM
Yes because this was lebron's ultimate effort and he wouldn't do anything differently in real games :facepalm

Lebron James going left is a weakness. Jordan, aka Jehovah, through the power of the holy basketball spirit proved his earlier assertion through the son, Kobe.


Looks like Bron has some work to do in the offseason.

02-18-2013, 07:57 PM
Lebron doesn't seem mad, why are yall? Both are great players, it was a fun all-star game and we should just take that for what it is.
Because LeBron probably isn't as interesting in poking forum trolls as I am. Obvi. :hammerhead:

02-18-2013, 08:03 PM
The fact that Kobe and Bron stans alike are getting this emotionally invested in this shit is mildly depressing.

Seriously? Can we just delete all the threads relating to Kobe's block and move on? It was a cool moment, but it was in an All Star game, not Game 7 of the Finals. Why is that shit even a sticky?

The weekend was so trash that we are grasping into straws to uplift the excitement that was clearly null and void for most of the festivities. Smh.:facepalm

02-18-2013, 08:05 PM

02-18-2013, 08:06 PM
insecurity is typing 1600 word essay to try and deflect catching feelings cause your boy got sonned.

presenting PAUK

You know how an old and dying Lion gathers up all his last strength he has left to do his last desperate attack against the prime Lion that constantly beats him & took over his pride, just to at least annoy him and then go "ha ha ha" and run away to his death with at least one happy thought........? That was Kobe tonight......

That was just sad to watch from Kobe and very surprising, totally uncalled for...... He wasnt even having a good game, but he sure wanted to take that time of the West leading the East even though its a completely useless game to poke & annoy the bear and show his evident feelings towards Lebron humiliating him where it matters (what else could it be?) by trashtalking (not fun or friendly trashtalking) and putting up all his energy (which he would not put up on the court all season) on trying to defend a nonchalant Lebron as hard as he ever could in a nonchalant all-star game......

I mean, he was DEAD serious, Game 7 Finals 1 minute left game tied type of serious.......... with all his might played full-court press while trashtalking, then got a block on him where Lebron did a nonchalant all-star-game type of play/jumper..... then Kobe trashtalked "HE CANT SCORE ON ME!!!".... Lebron still didnt want to get in to this old desperate mans last desperate endeavour....... Lebron then did some drives on Kobe where Kobe got away with what would be called a foul in a normal game (hooking his shooting arm on the drive & pushing)... taking advantage of great all-star game officiating afterall....... and then continued to trashtalk while the game ended.....

If Lebron was any kind of serious of winning this useless game and if Lebron knew what this pathetic old man had in mind in this useless game then he would come out from the start of the game and proceed to obliterate Kobe like he always does.........

Go ahead old man, way to go....... the bad thing about this Kobe is that any type of compassion Lebron had when he would face you is gone.... you are lucky you will never meet Lebron in the playoffs and you better pray that never happens...........

But you are VERY unlucky you will meet a very serious & pissed of Lebron in a regular season game until you retire.......... very unlucky................. cant wait to see their next matchup....
Lets see here.... this bothered me? No, this is more like comedy, a chuckle at a pathetic player endeavour which occurred during his downfall in a futile moment against a player that would steadily depress him during moments which are not as incompetent as all-star games....... considering this how could your cerebrum possibly develope your braincells to come up with such a stupid conclusion?

Time out of my life? It took 5-10 minutes, ISH is a hobby (unfortunately, with posters like in this thread/forum its becoming less and less of that)... what are you doing here reading this? What are you doing here taking time of YOUR life to write that ignorant assumption and still get decimated?

But nice try, the only reason you deserved a response from me here is because your cerebral cortex has compared to these other trolls at least slightly better function and decency to more articulately create a post which is within context.....

Look mr Graviton... I am either in humorous, lackadaisical type of mood or in very serious mood (hence also may be "eloquent") in this forum and that reflects to what & how i may type here...

I am perfectly aware of the typos which can occur through a rushed internet forum post using a keyboard, thank you for taking notice... but since you also are aware of this (and im sure you have done the same mistake) and might have understood the context of my post anyways then that unfortunately makes your post unnecessary, its not only thread derailing but also derails what i said...

One more thing... If English was one of your five fluently spoken languages and probably the one you would use the least in your everyday life and you still speak it so good i believe you would also be overall more "intelligent" in that department than any random American that can speak only English...... and dont you worry about backfire, i am the only one who is doing the backfiring... as you can see... it infact may be the culprit behind the attitude/behaviour i may recieve by many of these kids here.... especially if you are not only eloquent but also factual.... because that makes me a pessimist in their eyes as i spoil their delusional opinions....

..and the point still stands no matter how much derailing you did and will continue to do, what Kobe did was just low considering the circumstances... if Kobe would be able to do that against Lebron in any regular season or playoff game and have the same outcome then it would have recieved my full compliments ........... because then Lebron would have not been nonchalant from the start of the game and the officiating would be more improved, which means its very much unlikely Kobe would be able to pull this attempt anyways because Lebron would instead as he has done that to Kobe for many years.... which kindof also explains why Kobe was able to & wanted to take advantage of this moment...

Its not about being bothered (classic excuse), its about presenting the envious feelings Kobe tonight proved he has towards Lebron by doing what he did because Lebron did to him what HE did (where it matters).... its as simple as that.... i have nothing against Kobes game, have all the respect in the world for his game, but his mindset, thats a different story... i usually just ignore it, but tonight it was just to much even by his standards....... I dont give **** if it happened to Lebron or anybody else, please dont try that excuse, what Kobe did was simply low....... and i know you deep down inside know this.

I like Lebrons gamestyle & mindset much more than Kobes (i guess thats my way of telling you i am a "Lebron fan"), but if Kobe did this where it mattered.... then it would be only a compliment....

I love great basketball from anyone and what Kobe did was great, but completely unnecessary & unimpressive considering the circimstances of the type of game, type of officiating in such a game and how Lebron approached that specific type of futile game.... and that he had to trashtalk like a moron while doing it makes it even worse (if he did that during a regular season game or playoffs then its more tolerable and understandable)...
Last edited by pauk : Today at 02:56 AM.

Reggie Miller did it in the regular season games & playoffs and did it only when he was able to back it up specifically there where it mattered, Reggie trashtalked maybe more than anybody i ever seen but he would have never done that in a god damn all-star game (and never did), especially against Jordan in that moment where everybody had their guard down and even say "You cant score on me!!!" (exactly how Kobe completely animated screamed that into Lebrons face)........ like i said if Kobe would do this (especially to Lebron) where it mattered then it would be a compliment!

Its two very different scenarios.... in a regular season & playoff game a player doesnt have his guard down at any time, he is focused to perform his best and win the game immediately from the get go, also the officiating is intact...

An all-star game is kindof like a pickup game, for the fans... have fun.... work out...

Its like the difference between a boxing match and sparring....

Its kindof like if you sparred with Mike Tyson and you deliberately all of the sudden throw your hardest punch on his chin and KO him..... or punch Mike Tyson in his sleep and say "I KO'ed Mike Tyson!!!!".....

Thats exactly what Kobe did tonight....

There is also a difference between friendly trashtalking (very fun & happens alot in all-star games) and hostile trashtalking (thats what kobe did, that is what should NEVER happen in a all-star game, but should/could happen understandably anywhere else)

I just want to know something, considering the non-friendly trashtalking Kobe did what exactly was Kobe (and his fans) wetting himself over??

What does him blocking LeBron twice (one where he hooked/grab his shooting arm, no call) for another block in a useless game prove to him (or his fans), exactly?

LeBron is still the best player in the game. Do you honestly think Kobe "holding him in check" in the ASG changes that at all, or that you can draw meaningful conclusions from that?

You've got Kobe fans pointing to Kobe's 81 point game, still somehow calling LeBron a mental midget, saying he should not have MVP because of this block and all kindsof pathetic things due to this block.... now it's become like the 9 millionth Kobe vs LeBron shot block post....

"Yea he is better than me, yea we wont make the playoffs, but we blocked Lebron!!!".....

02-18-2013, 08:07 PM
The fact that Kobe and Bron stans alike are getting this emotionally invested in this shit is mildly depressing.

Seriously? Can we just delete all the threads relating to Kobe's block and move on? It was a cool moment, but it was in an All Star game, not Game 7 of the Finals. Why is that shit even a sticky?

The weekend was so trash that we are grasping into straws to uplift the excitement that was clearly null and void for most of the festivities. Smh.:facepalm
To be fair, is there anything more interesting to talk about since thursday? It will fade away when the games start back up.

02-18-2013, 08:07 PM

:lol :lol :lol :lol

02-18-2013, 08:08 PM

02-18-2013, 08:08 PM
Anyone who has actually played basketball knows that handchecking works...

Could've fooled me.

You have an entire Kobe brigade along with some of today's young fans (Wade fans, Bron fans, etc.etc.) claiming that it doesn't.

In this clip Kobe is riding him hard, old school style. If this was a regular game a whistle' would've been blown 8/10 times, specially once he crosses half court when he begins to wrap his arm and really bump him.

But according to today's fans, that doesn't work and specially on a physical specimen known as Bron.

So if it works when Bron is trying to get a full steam, what makes people think it won't work in a half court set when he has less acceleration? :confusedshrug:

02-18-2013, 08:10 PM

it said you?? :biggums:

02-18-2013, 08:11 PM
it said you?? :biggums:
Yes. :hammerhead:

02-18-2013, 08:11 PM
insecurity is typing 1600 word essay to try and deflect catching feelings cause your boy got sonned.

presenting PAUK
Holy shit. That's when you know you've taken your love for a player too far.

02-18-2013, 08:12 PM
Yes because this was lebron's ultimate effort and he wouldn't do anything differently in real games :facepalm

You're missing the whole point.

If Kobe doesn't hand check him, he doesn't keep up with him (he actually gets blown by with ease) which means an easier shot. But not only that, Kobe also clearly holds him which prevents him from going up. Instead he just sorta heaves a half ass attempt and gets pulled down which allows Kobe to block it.

That's old school crafty defense there by Kobe.


02-18-2013, 08:14 PM
Could've fooled me.

You have an entire Kobe brigade along with some of today's young fans (Wade fans, Bron fans, etc.etc.) claiming that it doesn't.

In this clip Kobe is riding him hard, old school style. If this was a regular game a whistle' would've been blown 8/10 times, specially once he crosses half court when he begins to wrap his arm and really bump him.

But according to today's fans, that doesn't work and specially on a physical specimen known as Bron.

So if it works when Bron is trying to get a full steam, what makes people think it won't work in a half court set when he has less acceleration? :confusedshrug:
Really full steam in an all star game with 50 seconds left :facepalm And it's called beating him with first step/jabstepping where he tries to blow by you/take a jumper after changing your stance. You really think a defender will find it easier to defend lebron clearly gunning from the rim from fullcourt where he can start guarding him over ISO lebron where you have to watch out for everything?

02-18-2013, 08:20 PM
To be fair, is there anything more interesting to talk about since thursday? It will fade away when the games start back up.

And I get that, but then we get Pauk, Lebron gropers and three handfuls of Kobe stans going at it like some 15 year old kids off their ADHD medication in the lunchroom, it surpasses sickening.

It's not even this thread, it's the culmination of threads over a couple trivial plays. It was exciting for like 5 minutes, that's it.

I didn't even know Pauk said all of that via the post above yours. Pauk, wherever you are, do you know how desperate that monologue sounded man? Like a cheerleader trying to explain why her quarterback boyfriend got sacked in a game. CLEARLY it's that serious to you for you to insist how sad it was for Kobe to go after Bron like that. I suppose you didn't watch All Star games of the late 80s and early 90s where players went after each other much like Kobe did in that stretch. But, because its your love child Lebron and the player you have spent defaming over the years in Kobe, you think it just showed how sad and weak Kobe is.

LoL. Now you tell me what's really sad.

Like I said, this shit was fun for 5 minutes. It's time to let it go everyone.

02-18-2013, 08:23 PM
I was wondering why Lebron barely got off the ground. Kobe locked his arm. Nice!!!! :lol

02-18-2013, 08:23 PM
And I get that, but then we get Pauk, Lebron gropers and three handfuls of Kobe stans going at it like some 15 year old kids off their ADHD medication in the lunchroom, it surpasses sickening.

It's not even this thread, it's the culmination of threads over a couple trivial plays. It was exciting for like 5 minutes, that's it.

I didn't even know Pauk said all of that via the post above yours. Pauk, wherever you are, do you know how desperate that monologue sounded man? Like a cheerleader trying to explain why her quarterback boyfriend got sacked in a game. CLEARLY it's that serious to you for you to insist how sad it was for Kobe to go after Bron like that. I suppose you didn't watch All Star games of the late 80s and early 90s where players went after each other much like Kobe did in that stretch. But, because its your love child Lebron and the player you have spent defaming over the years in Kobe, you think it just showed how sad and weak Kobe is.

LoL. Now you tell me what's really sad.

Like I said, this shit was fun for 5 minutes. It's time to let it go everyone.
Mods doing work on this site :facepalm

02-18-2013, 08:23 PM
the new thread title :roll: :roll:

02-18-2013, 08:24 PM
insecurity is typing 1600 word essay to try and deflect catching feelings cause your boy got sonned.

presenting PAUK

You know how an old and dying Lion gathers up all his last strength he has left to do his last desperate attack against the prime Lion that constantly beats him & took over his pride, just to at least annoy him and then go "ha ha ha" and run away to his death with at least one happy thought........? That was Kobe tonight......

That was just sad to watch from Kobe and very surprising, totally uncalled for...... He wasnt even having a good game, but he sure wanted to take that time of the West leading the East even though its a completely useless game to poke & annoy the bear and show his evident feelings towards Lebron humiliating him where it matters (what else could it be?) by trashtalking (not fun or friendly trashtalking) and putting up all his energy (which he would not put up on the court all season) on trying to defend a nonchalant Lebron as hard as he ever could in a nonchalant all-star game......

I mean, he was DEAD serious, Game 7 Finals 1 minute left game tied type of serious.......... with all his might played full-court press while trashtalking, then got a block on him where Lebron did a nonchalant all-star-game type of play/jumper..... then Kobe trashtalked "HE CANT SCORE ON ME!!!".... Lebron still didnt want to get in to this old desperate mans last desperate endeavour....... Lebron then did some drives on Kobe where Kobe got away with what would be called a foul in a normal game (hooking his shooting arm on the drive & pushing)... taking advantage of great all-star game officiating afterall....... and then continued to trashtalk while the game ended.....

If Lebron was any kind of serious of winning this useless game and if Lebron knew what this pathetic old man had in mind in this useless game then he would come out from the start of the game and proceed to obliterate Kobe like he always does.........

Go ahead old man, way to go....... the bad thing about this Kobe is that any type of compassion Lebron had when he would face you is gone.... you are lucky you will never meet Lebron in the playoffs and you better pray that never happens...........

But you are VERY unlucky you will meet a very serious & pissed of Lebron in a regular season game until you retire.......... very unlucky................. cant wait to see their next matchup....
Lets see here.... this bothered me? No, this is more like comedy, a chuckle at a pathetic player endeavour which occurred during his downfall in a futile moment against a player that would steadily depress him during moments which are not as incompetent as all-star games....... considering this how could your cerebrum possibly develope your braincells to come up with such a stupid conclusion?

Time out of my life? It took 5-10 minutes, ISH is a hobby (unfortunately, with posters like in this thread/forum its becoming less and less of that)... what are you doing here reading this? What are you doing here taking time of YOUR life to write that ignorant assumption and still get decimated?

But nice try, the only reason you deserved a response from me here is because your cerebral cortex has compared to these other trolls at least slightly better function and decency to more articulately create a post which is within context.....

Look mr Graviton... I am either in humorous, lackadaisical type of mood or in very serious mood (hence also may be "eloquent") in this forum and that reflects to what & how i may type here...

I am perfectly aware of the typos which can occur through a rushed internet forum post using a keyboard, thank you for taking notice... but since you also are aware of this (and im sure you have done the same mistake) and might have understood the context of my post anyways then that unfortunately makes your post unnecessary, its not only thread derailing but also derails what i said...

One more thing... If English was one of your five fluently spoken languages and probably the one you would use the least in your everyday life and you still speak it so good i believe you would also be overall more "intelligent" in that department than any random American that can speak only English...... and dont you worry about backfire, i am the only one who is doing the backfiring... as you can see... it infact may be the culprit behind the attitude/behaviour i may recieve by many of these kids here.... especially if you are not only eloquent but also factual.... because that makes me a pessimist in their eyes as i spoil their delusional opinions....

..and the point still stands no matter how much derailing you did and will continue to do, what Kobe did was just low considering the circumstances... if Kobe would be able to do that against Lebron in any regular season or playoff game and have the same outcome then it would have recieved my full compliments ........... because then Lebron would have not been nonchalant from the start of the game and the officiating would be more improved, which means its very much unlikely Kobe would be able to pull this attempt anyways because Lebron would instead as he has done that to Kobe for many years.... which kindof also explains why Kobe was able to & wanted to take advantage of this moment...

Its not about being bothered (classic excuse), its about presenting the envious feelings Kobe tonight proved he has towards Lebron by doing what he did because Lebron did to him what HE did (where it matters).... its as simple as that.... i have nothing against Kobes game, have all the respect in the world for his game, but his mindset, thats a different story... i usually just ignore it, but tonight it was just to much even by his standards....... I dont give **** if it happened to Lebron or anybody else, please dont try that excuse, what Kobe did was simply low....... and i know you deep down inside know this.

I like Lebrons gamestyle & mindset much more than Kobes (i guess thats my way of telling you i am a "Lebron fan"), but if Kobe did this where it mattered.... then it would be only a compliment....

I love great basketball from anyone and what Kobe did was great, but completely unnecessary & unimpressive considering the circimstances of the type of game, type of officiating in such a game and how Lebron approached that specific type of futile game.... and that he had to trashtalk like a moron while doing it makes it even worse (if he did that during a regular season game or playoffs then its more tolerable and understandable)...
Last edited by pauk : Today at 02:56 AM.

Reggie Miller did it in the regular season games & playoffs and did it only when he was able to back it up specifically there where it mattered, Reggie trashtalked maybe more than anybody i ever seen but he would have never done that in a god damn all-star game (and never did), especially against Jordan in that moment where everybody had their guard down and even say "You cant score on me!!!" (exactly how Kobe completely animated screamed that into Lebrons face)........ like i said if Kobe would do this (especially to Lebron) where it mattered then it would be a compliment!

Its two very different scenarios.... in a regular season & playoff game a player doesnt have his guard down at any time, he is focused to perform his best and win the game immediately from the get go, also the officiating is intact...

An all-star game is kindof like a pickup game, for the fans... have fun.... work out...

Its like the difference between a boxing match and sparring....

Its kindof like if you sparred with Mike Tyson and you deliberately all of the sudden throw your hardest punch on his chin and KO him..... or punch Mike Tyson in his sleep and say "I KO'ed Mike Tyson!!!!".....

Thats exactly what Kobe did tonight....

There is also a difference between friendly trashtalking (very fun & happens alot in all-star games) and hostile trashtalking (thats what kobe did, that is what should NEVER happen in a all-star game, but should/could happen understandably anywhere else)

I just want to know something, considering the non-friendly trashtalking Kobe did what exactly was Kobe (and his fans) wetting himself over??

What does him blocking LeBron twice (one where he hooked/grab his shooting arm, no call) for another block in a useless game prove to him (or his fans), exactly?

LeBron is still the best player in the game. Do you honestly think Kobe "holding him in check" in the ASG changes that at all, or that you can draw meaningful conclusions from that?

You've got Kobe fans pointing to Kobe's 81 point game, still somehow calling LeBron a mental midget, saying he should not have MVP because of this block and all kindsof pathetic things due to this block.... now it's become like the 9 millionth Kobe vs LeBron shot block post....

"Yea he is better than me, yea we wont make the playoffs, but we blocked Lebron!!!".....

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

02-18-2013, 08:24 PM
And I get that, but then we get Pauk, Lebron gropers and three handfuls of Kobe stans going at it like some 15 year old kids off their ADHD medication in the lunchroom, it surpasses sickening.

It's not even this thread, it's the culmination of threads over a couple trivial plays. It was exciting for like 5 minutes, that's it.

I didn't even know Pauk said all of that via the post above yours. Pauk, wherever you are, do you know how desperate that monologue sounded man? Like a cheerleader trying to explain why her quarterback boyfriend got sacked in a game. CLEARLY it's that serious to you for you to insist how sad it was for Kobe to go after Bron like that. I suppose you didn't watch All Star games of the late 80s and early 90s where players went after each other much like Kobe did in that stretch. But, because its your love child Lebron and the player you have spent defaming over the years in Kobe, you think it just showed how sad and weak Kobe is.

LoL. Now you tell me what's really sad.

Like I said, this shit was fun for 5 minutes. It's time to let it go everyone.
I think you'll find the people who go the hardest and most extreme are the people who take it the least serious. Some people here are too sensitive. Acting like internet forums are serious real life business.

Newsflash. It's sports. We're fans. We're supposed to be absurd and biased. Comes with the territory.

02-18-2013, 08:30 PM
Newsflash. I'm a troll, We're supposed to be absurd and biased. Comes with the territory.


longtime lurker
02-18-2013, 08:31 PM
Lol. This dude blocked LeBron's shot so when LeBron comes back to score on him, what does he do? He wraps his arm up and fouls the shit out of him then acts like he blocked him again knowing god damn well he didn't. Then he walks around saying "he can't score on me". Are you serious dude?


Then after LeBron is visibly frustrated from getting hacked, he goes to score on him. When he beat Kobe to the rim, what does Kobe do. In an attempt to save face, he hacks him again. Lol. What a fcuking clown.

btw, I stole the pics from Pauk

Yes really showing your Lakers fanship you bag of *****

02-18-2013, 08:32 PM
I think you'll find the people who go the hardest and most extreme are the people who take it the least serious. Some people here are too sensitive. Acting like internet forums are serious real life business.

Newsflash. It's sports. We're fans. We're supposed to be absurd and biased. Comes with the territory.

There's a certain threshold for exorbitant levels of stupidity though, whether intentional or not. And that mold has been broken with the several arguments and threads sparked from a simple play in an exhibition game.

The humor you display in calling Kobe a "loser" may be recognizable by posters who have virtually interacted with you over the years, but there are many cats that really walk away believing Kobe is a "loser" for going so hard in a game. The same as there are Kobe stans thinking Kobe is still superior to Bron based off a couple 2001-Kobe-throwback defensive plays. Are you serious? Lebron is the best player in the league now, and has been generally since 2009 or 2010.

Get real.

Anyway, it's just stupid to me but, :confusedshrug:

02-18-2013, 08:32 PM
Yes really showing your Lakers fanship you bag of *****
bag of? 5 letters?

Bag of shits?:confusedshrug:

02-18-2013, 08:46 PM
I think you'll find the people who go the hardest and most extreme are the people who take it the least serious.

02-18-2013, 08:49 PM

02-18-2013, 08:50 PM
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!1:roll: :roll: :roll:

02-18-2013, 10:40 PM

02-18-2013, 10:41 PM

02-19-2013, 12:42 AM
What in the **** is going on here.... Is she doing sign language?

02-19-2013, 12:59 AM
Now numbersix is just reaching! :roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll: