View Full Version : Scott Brooks on why he plays Derek Fisher so much.

03-24-2013, 06:48 PM
Here are some tweets about it.

dailythunder Asked Brooks why he prefers Fisher at SG, outside of intangibles, over Lamb or Liggins. "Experience. You can't get that unless you have it." 3/24/13 5:12 PM

Royce Young ‏@dailythunder47s
More: "It's not something you get going to the store. 'I'm going to buy 5 championships and 17 yrs in the league.' He gives us experience."

:facepalm OKC will never win a championship with this man as head coach.

03-24-2013, 07:59 PM
I used to give Brooks the benefit of the doubt, but OKC needs to fire him ASAP. See if Phil Jackson or Jerry Sloan want the job. Hell, give Larry Brown a shot.

03-24-2013, 08:01 PM

Mr. I'm So Rad
03-24-2013, 08:04 PM
That "veteran leadership" shit goes out of the window if the dude is costing you on the court. I don't care how many playoff games he's been in, Derek Fisher doesn't deserve to be on an NBA court. He can give you that "experience" and "leadership" as an assistant or in the locker room.

03-24-2013, 08:10 PM
Fisher probably has pictures of Scott Brooks doing something bad. Like really bad. I'm thinking like fcuking a goat or something.

03-24-2013, 08:11 PM
Fisher probably has pictures of Scott Brooks doing something bad. Like really bad. I'm thinking like fcuking a goat or something.
Or fapping on KD's picture :eek:

03-24-2013, 08:13 PM
Fire this idiot.. ****ing hell :facepalm

OKC won't win a chip until Brooks and Perkins are gone.

03-24-2013, 09:01 PM
Remeber when some OKC fans were like, "He's just in case of an emergency", "Valued experience off the bench. Like a second coach!".

:lol Fisher ain't going to a team unless he can play a lot. Learn your history.

03-24-2013, 09:03 PM
Here are some tweets about it.

dailythunder Asked Brooks why he prefers Fisher at SG, outside of intangibles, over Lamb or Liggins. "Experience. You can't get that unless you have it." 3/24/13 5:12 PM

Royce Young ‏@dailythunder47s
More: "It's not something you get going to the store. 'I'm going to buy 5 championships and 17 yrs in the league.' He gives us experience."

:facepalm OKC will never win a championship with this man as head coach.
Why is Fisher your avatar? :oldlol:

03-24-2013, 09:06 PM
So far today...

15 minutes, 0-2 shooting, 1 assist, 1 rebound, 0 points.

Last 5 games...

61 minutes, 0-14 shooting, 5 rebounds, 3 assists, 3 turnovers, 2 points.

03-24-2013, 09:08 PM
So far today...

15 minutes, 0-2 shooting, 1 assist, 1 rebound, 0 points.

Last 5 games...

61 minutes, 0-14 shooting, 5 rebounds, 3 assists, 3 turnovers, 2 points.

He hasn't made a shot in 5 games?

Living Being
03-24-2013, 09:10 PM
He hasn't made a shot in 5 games?
dat vet leadership:durantunimpressed:

03-24-2013, 09:12 PM
He hasn't made a shot in 5 games?
Are you surprised? I though it was common for professional NBA players to not make a shot with 1 hour of playtime?

03-24-2013, 09:14 PM
So far today...

15 minutes, 0-2 shooting, 1 assist, 1 rebound, 0 points.

Last 5 games...

61 minutes, 0-14 shooting, 5 rebounds, 3 assists, 3 turnovers, 2 points.

Veteran leadership right there :applause:

Scott Brooks values veteran leadership and experience way too much, especially when Fisher and Perkins are complete liabilities on the court. If I was the coach, Collison and maybe even Perry Jones would get all of Perkins minutes and Reggie Jackson and Lamb would get all of Fisher's minutes.

03-24-2013, 09:19 PM
He basically single-handily kept us from getting more separation in Memphis the other night after we had a 4 or 5 point lead late, because Mike Conley and Jerryd Bayless were abusing him on offense. And in the Denver and Memphis back-to-back games, he was a combined 0/8 from the floor and took some ill-advised shots. But, sure Scotty, whatever you say.

03-24-2013, 09:21 PM
So far today...

15 minutes, 0-2 shooting, 1 assist, 1 rebound, 0 points.

Last 5 games...

61 minutes, 0-14 shooting, 5 rebounds, 3 assists, 3 turnovers, 2 points.
Reggie Jackson is so much better than Fisher it's not even funny, yet they get the same amount of minutes. And I'd be willing to bet Jeremy Lamb would be good for 5-7 PPG on decent efficiency if he was getting 15 MPG and had been getting consistent minutes most of the year. But nope, he's wasting away dominating inferior talent in the D-League, while we've got 500 year old Derek Fisher playing 15 minutes a night, jacking up and bricking bad shots, and getting his washed up ass owned over and over again on defense.

03-24-2013, 09:24 PM
Seriously, free Jeremy!

03-24-2013, 09:26 PM
BTW Westbrook in last 5 games is like 0-18 from 3 point land. WTF happened to his jumper?

03-24-2013, 09:27 PM
Fisher and Perkins combined scoring stats over the last 5 games: 24 points on 10/35 shooting


Lamb is putting up 21/5/3 on 50% shooting in the d-league, so he must have some game :confusedshrug: He could probably put up 7 or 8 PPG on decent efficiency and he would play much better D than Fisher.

Brooks :facepalm

03-24-2013, 09:33 PM
Wasting that Lamb. if you're not using him, give him away or something, don't waste that kid

03-24-2013, 09:55 PM
whyz you guyz hatin??? check OKCs winning percentagez since they got derek swisher and kendrick shaqkins :rockon:

03-24-2013, 10:04 PM
Fisher and Perkins combined scoring stats over the last 5 games: 24 points on 10/35 shooting


Lamb is putting up 21/5/3 on 50% shooting in the d-league, so he must have some game :confusedshrug: He could probably put up 7 or 8 PPG on decent efficiency and he would play much better D than Fisher.

Brooks :facepalm
This is something most OKC fans have been wondering for awhile now. Lamb is obviously too good for the D-League at this point, and has shown in limited NBA minutes he's at the very least a capable 3-point shooter. And if he was getting minutes with Durant and Westbrook, he'd be getting the same wide-open looks Fisher gets, but he'd actually be making some of them.

Brooks is the most stubborn coach in the league and it's far and away his worst quality as a coach.

03-24-2013, 10:11 PM
"Experience. You can't get that unless you have it."


When Scott Brooks was asked why he doesn't go to the local bar, he replied, "Nobody goes there anymore. It's too crowded."


03-24-2013, 10:11 PM
Keep him on the ****ing sideline and he can give peptalks at timeouts. What an idiot.

03-24-2013, 10:18 PM
BTW Westbrook in last 5 games is like 0-18 from 3 point land. WTF happened to his jumper?
The whole team is in a bad 3PT shooting slump right now, which would explain some of their losses and two unexpected close games with the Magic. It came to a head in that Denver loss where we missed like 17 or 18 3's in a row...

Last 6 games....

vsORL - 4/13
@DAL - 5/21
vsDEN - 4/25
@MEM - 2/18
@ORL - 5/21
vsPOR - 4/11

That's a combined 24/109, which is an awful 22% for a team that's been top 3 in the league in 3P% all year at around 37-39%.

03-24-2013, 10:23 PM
I was kind of wondering why lamb wasn't getting any kind of pt.

03-25-2013, 12:26 AM
I was kind of wondering why lamb wasn't getting any kind of pt.

Fisher got 15 minutes tonight. :facepalm

03-25-2013, 12:41 AM
Derek Fisher is just a waste. Never liked him.

03-25-2013, 02:29 AM
From Darnell Mayberry's blog:


Brooks was asked after the game his level of trust in Jackson today versus two or three months ago. Brace yourselves.
“I think he’s improving, there’s no question,” Brooks said. “He still has a lot of things that he will continue to get better at. But I think he’s done a good job of working with our coaches and improving day to day. But he’s in a good position. He’s on a good team. And he’s going to get better but he’s not going to get a lot of time right now. But I think what he’s done with his time he’s made the most of it and he’s going to continue to improve. Just playing behind Russell there’s not a lot of minutes. I’ve said it many times but the minutes that he’s had he’s done well with them.”

For f**k's sake Brooks, take the 15 minutes you're giving to Fisher to go out there and jack-up and miss 3-5 shots and provide no defense, and spread them evenly between Reggie Jackson, Ronnie Brewer, and Jeremy Lamb. Or Jackson, Lamb, and Liggins. Or, if you don't want to all of a sudden start giving minutes to a rookie this late in the season, fine, then add 5-6 more minutes to Jackson's PT, 5-6 more to Brewer's PT, and 5-6 more to Collison's PT.

Seriously, how can someone be this stubborn and oblivious to the FACT that Fisher provides absolutely nothing on the court?

03-25-2013, 02:44 AM
Vinny Del Negro for Brooks and a 2nd?

03-25-2013, 02:55 AM
I'm not saying in this case, but most championship teams have that old guy that's been there before. He's the guy that's not going to freak out on the big stage and keep his head in it while the kids loose their shit. It's a useful tool to have.

03-25-2013, 04:32 AM
He needs to retire. Free Jeremy lamb and give more playing time to Reggie Jackson.

03-25-2013, 12:01 PM
I have no problem with Fisher. He' a great asset to this team and will be a big key to our playoff run this year.

03-25-2013, 12:10 PM
I'm not saying in this case, but most championship teams have that old guy that's been there before. He's the guy that's not going to freak out on the big stage and keep his head in it while the kids loose their shit. It's a useful tool to have.

I don't remember which game that was (probably game 4 or 5), but Fisher gave this speech before the game about always making the extra pass, etc. That's what you expect to hear from a vet, right? But later in the 4th quarter, when the game was tied or very close, he had the ball on a fastbreak, and instead of passing it to Durant or WB who were open and ahead of him, that midget took it all the way to the rim, missed it badly, and Miami went right back at them and scored an easy transition bucket. That play pretty much cost them the most important game of the series. So, long story short, fu*ck him and his veteran leadership.

longtime lurker
03-25-2013, 12:17 PM
I'm convinced Derek Fisher has some kind of CIA mind control device that he uses on coaches. That is the only explanation for the inexplicable love that coaches show this guy.

03-25-2013, 01:57 PM
I always thought that OKC's biggest mistake last year wasn't letting Harden go, but re-signing Brooks. This roster needs a championship-level coach.

03-25-2013, 02:10 PM
Perkins and Fish...dat veteran presence :oldlol:

I always thought that OKC's biggest mistake last year wasn't letting Harden go, but re-signing Brooks. This roster needs a championship-level coach.
Well...it's a lot easier to can a bad coach than it is to get a what, top 10 player?

03-25-2013, 02:31 PM
Well...it's a lot easier to can a bad coach than it is to get a what, top 10 player?
Well, they better start the canning process. Brooks is a proven bad coach, but the playoffs will determine if OKC needed Harden.

03-26-2013, 11:58 AM
I don't remember which game that was (probably game 4 or 5), but Fisher gave this speech before the game about always making the extra pass, etc. That's what you expect to hear from a vet, right? But later in the 4th quarter, when the game was tied or very close, he had the ball on a fastbreak, and instead of passing it to Durant or WB who were open and ahead of him, that midget took it all the way to the rim, missed it badly, and Miami went right back at them and scored an easy transition bucket. That play pretty much cost them the most important game of the series. So, long story short, fu*ck him and his veteran leadership.

Totally remember that!! :facepalm

I was cursing his name!!! Goddamn fisher...pass the ball to KD I shouted to the TV....

03-26-2013, 12:24 PM
Don't sweat it, Thunder fans. Popovich left Splitter on the bench for over 2 years before deciding to start him. Instead Spurs fans had to suffer through Bonner and Blair. Even the best of coaches do STUPID things.

05-05-2013, 09:00 PM
So do you Thunder fans still hate Fisher?

05-05-2013, 09:03 PM
So do you Thunder fans still hate Fisher?

Nice bump.

05-05-2013, 09:09 PM
So do you Thunder fans still hate Fisher?
Just wait for the series to unfold, you will see we still do. 1 good game won't make up for his crappiness in the rest of the games.

Johnny Jones
05-05-2013, 09:11 PM
Just wait for the series to unfold, you will see we still do. 1 good game won't make up for his crappiness in the rest of the games.

Fisher played well against the Rockets too.

05-05-2013, 09:11 PM
Just wait for the series to unfold, you will see we still do. 1 good game won't make up for his crappiness in the rest of the games.

Wait..you're a Thunder fan too? :roll:

05-05-2013, 09:14 PM
I am gladly eating crow about Fisher's play recently. Dude has been amazing so far.

05-05-2013, 09:19 PM
Fisher has pissed me off for years and years. He always seems to make big plays down the stretch like a true ass.

05-05-2013, 09:21 PM
Fish bringing his playoff magic back :applause:

05-05-2013, 09:24 PM
It's gotten to the point now, he could disappear and we could lose the next 4 games, and I couldn't be too mad at him. Because, without him stepping-up, we don't win game 6 against the Rockets, and we don't win today. It would've been nice if he could've done this with a healthy Westbrook still on the team, but he's far, FAR exceeded expectations since Russ went down.

05-05-2013, 10:18 PM
I never understood the fisher hate around here. He was my favorite Laker since the glory days with shaq and its no wonder they havent won shit without him. He is clutch as hell and you can always count on him to make big and smart plays when they matter most. He was always the heart and soul of the lakers...not Kobe or even Shaq.

I miss the days when him and Horry were on the Lakers.

05-06-2013, 01:01 AM
I never understood the fisher hate around here. He was my favorite Laker since the glory days with shaq and its no wonder they havent won shit without him. He is clutch as hell and you can always count on him to make big and smart plays when they matter most. He was always the heart and soul of the lakers...not Kobe or even Shaq.

I miss the days when him and Horry were on the Lakers.

It was mainly because of his 1-19 shooting stretch he went through early on.

05-06-2013, 01:05 AM
fisher raped harden so qho cares

Burgz V2
05-06-2013, 04:19 AM
OP should admit that Brooks was right to play him. Never seen so many bash Brooks and then be proven so wrong

05-06-2013, 04:29 AM
certain players just have play off DNA :eek:

05-06-2013, 06:56 AM
OP should admit that Brooks was right to play him. Never seen so many bash Brooks and then be proven so wrong

Or you could stop being lazy and just scroll up to see that I already have.

Nick Young
05-06-2013, 07:06 AM
Every year the Fisher haters come out of the rafters and bitch about stats. Every year in the playoffs the Fisher haters disappear.

He has no fear and is a leader of men, perfect combo in the playoffs.

05-06-2013, 07:08 AM
Every year the Fisher haters come out of the rafters and bitch about stats. Every year in the playoffs the Fisher haters disappear.

He has no fear and is a leader of men, perfect combo in the playoffs.

Fisher turned it around in the playoffs, c'mon shooting 1-19 will worry most fans. I wasn't even really upset Fisher was playing, I thought Brooks should have sat him when he was ice cold. However, Fisher has been a life saver lately and without him I'm not sure we beat the Rockets when RW went down.

05-06-2013, 07:34 AM
Fisher probably has pictures of Scott Brooks doing something bad. Like really bad. I'm thinking like fcuking a goat or something.
Scott Brooks was fvcking MJ?

Burgz V2
05-06-2013, 08:55 AM
I am gladly eating crow about Fisher's play recently. Dude has been amazing so far.

OP should admit that Brooks was right to play him.

Or you could stop being lazy and just scroll up to see that I already have.

Now it's one thing to be wrong, be it's another to lie about it. You said NOTHING about Brooks, you gave Fisher all the credit. So it's Brooks' fault if he plays bad, but when he plays well you don't even drop the guys name?


05-07-2013, 11:04 PM
Looks like it was the right decision to give Fisher minutes.

Johnny Jones
05-07-2013, 11:07 PM
Every year the Fisher haters come out of the rafters and bitch about stats. Every year in the playoffs the Fisher haters disappear.

He has no fear and is a leader of men, perfect combo in the playoffs.

05-08-2013, 02:14 AM
Now it's one thing to be wrong, be it's another to lie about it. You said NOTHING about Brooks, you gave Fisher all the credit. So it's Brooks' fault if he plays bad, but when he plays well you don't even drop the guys name?


Wow I'm sorry drama queen, I clearly said that I'm eating my crow and Fisher has bee playing well. Hinting that Brooks was right for sticking with him. If you want to have a straw man argument, have fun.

05-08-2013, 02:16 AM
Fisher's been much better in the playoffs than I could've hoped. Sadly, he's probably been our second best player since Westbrook went down, and you can't expect to make much noise when 38 year old Derek Fisher is your second best player.

05-08-2013, 02:18 AM
Kmart had 2 good games. Ibaka, offensively speaking, none. I wasn't expecting much from Fisher. Especially with his abysmal play during reg season but I must say I'm impressed.