View Full Version : LeBron Asks for Fair Reffing After Last Night's Loss

03-28-2013, 05:18 AM
[QUOTE] These Bulls had come hard for James, come with blunt force, and James' message was unmistakable on Wednesday night: From the Bulls and beyond, why has it become open season on him?

"I know that a lot of my fouls are not basketball plays," James said late Wednesday inside the United Center. "[B]First of all, Kirk Hinrich basically grabbed me with two hands and brought me to the ground. Taj Gibson was able to collar me around my shoulder and bring me to the ground. Those are not basketball plays

03-28-2013, 05:21 AM
He doesn't need to worry about it in the playoffs, Heat will have homecourt vs any team and refs won't be calling things against them that much, if at all.

03-28-2013, 05:22 AM
thats why he has, is and will always be queen james, he want tha officiating crew to respect his queen wishes, damn bron stern gave your ass a ring last year, let it go just like u need to let go of your hairline:facepalm

03-28-2013, 05:26 AM
thats why he has, is and will always be queen james, he want tha officiating crew to respect his queen wishes, damn bron stern gave your ass a ring last year, let it go just like u need to let go of your hairline:facepalm
Dude you are relentless though at least try to be consistent.

Lebron is probably the least whiniest superstar in the league.Compared to other superstars who constantly get techs because of this like durant,RWB,wade,kobe,howard all of these players are superstars and whines more than james.

I have watched the game.It kind of reminded me of 90s games with hard fouls.Refs really swallowed the whistles in this one.

I love it

Mr. Jabbar
03-28-2013, 05:27 AM
This guy has crab-dribbled 10 straight years in impunity and got away with thousands of non-called offensive fouls while bullying people yet he dares address the referees in a disrespectful manner? :no:

03-28-2013, 05:31 AM
Dude you are relentless though at least try to be consistent.

Lebron is probably the least whiniest superstar in the league.Compared to other superstars who constantly get techs because of this like durant,RWB,wade,kobe,howard all of these players are superstars and whines more than james.

I have watched the game.It kind of reminded me of 90s games with hard fouls.Refs really swallowed the whistles in this one.

I love it
niguh i am consistent when lebron doesnt have his way which is rarely cuz of stern and tha refs, that niguh whines and cries as well:rolleyes: :facepalm

03-28-2013, 05:37 AM
:roll: :roll: :roll: this has got to be a joke right? You think he'll hand back his ring because he got that through dodgy reffing? :sleeping

03-28-2013, 05:41 AM
LBJ just got a hint of what MJ went through and he didn't like it one bit:oldlol:

Today's players have become pusssies because the NBA has gotten soft over the years...Jordan would've raped this league if you couldn't touch him without it being a foul

03-28-2013, 05:46 AM
LBJ just got a hint of what MJ went through and he didn't like it one bit:oldlol:

Today's players have become pusssies because the NBA has gotten soft over the years...Jordan would've raped this league if you couldn't touch him without it being a foul

Its not like Lebron didnt face that physical play before many times.... i think you are talking about two eras like you were talking about two different sports or something...

Neither did that physical defense affect Lebrons performance before or tonight, he did his thing and thats all you can ask for....... i couldnt say that for the rest of his teammates

03-28-2013, 06:00 AM
Its not like Lebron didnt face that physical play before many times.... i think you are talking about two eras like you were talking about two different sports or something...

Neither did that physical defense affect Lebrons performance before or tonight, he did his thing and thats all you can ask for....... i couldnt say that for the rest of his teammates
That elbow to Boozer was out of frustration, and that's exactly what late 80s/90s rough defensive tactics tried to do; smack you around a bit to get you flustered and out of your game, not to hurt you. It worked, LBJ even tweeted afterwards complaining about the refs.

03-28-2013, 06:06 AM
The refs actually did a good job. I'm amazed, given the circumstances.

I guess Stern didn't feel like pulling out all the stops to keep the streak going.

03-28-2013, 06:08 AM
Gtfo lebron, this dude cared so much about the win streak and he clearly stuck that elbow out right before the contact. And taj actually tried to block the ball without any bad intentions. Makes me appreciate MJ even more, he had it 10x worse :facepalm

03-28-2013, 06:13 AM
That elbow to Boozer was out of frustration, and that's exactly what late 80s/90s rough defensive tactics tried to do; smack you around a bit to get you flustered and out of your game, not to hurt you. It worked, LBJ even tweeted afterwards complaining about the refs.

Lebron just like Jordan did not care about the physical play, it didnt affect that them at all as long as the opposing teams got punished for it... i would go even as far as to say it did affect Jordan more than it affected Lebron, Jordan started many fights with opposing players because of it and got himself out of the game..... Lebron would never do that... generally they both didnt care as long as the opposing players got punished for it.... What Lebron did was a simple pushof with the shoulder, a message to only the reffs, a test.... as they did NOT do their job on those multiple flagrants (that were not called flagrants).... certainly that was called a flagrant which in comparasant to what happened just before that play was not called a flagrant (and was MUCH worse)... Lebron kept nodding afterwards, he made his point to what was going on that night with the officials... He doesnt care at all, as long as the officials do their job... and they didnt...

03-28-2013, 06:13 AM
"First of all, Kirk Hinrich basically grabbed me with two hands and brought me to the ground.''

you bulldozed him lechoke ... he's trying to protect himself you fcuking uneducated bulldozer

''he tryin to hurt me''

03-28-2013, 06:15 AM
Imagine if LeBron got the phantom calls Durant gets. He'd take 30 free throws a game :bowdown:

Hell, Maggette would take 50 free throws a game if he got the calls Durant got back in 03-06.

03-28-2013, 06:16 AM
They changed the travelling rules, because he couldn

03-28-2013, 06:35 AM
"First of all, Kirk Hinrich basically grabbed me with two hands and brought me to the ground.''

you bulldozed him lechoke ... he's trying to protect himself you fcuking uneducated bulldozer

''he tryin to hurt me''
Big bad Heinrich gonna take down one of the most athletic players we have ever seen :roll: :roll: :roll:

03-28-2013, 06:48 AM
Seems like a fair request

03-28-2013, 06:50 AM
Imagine if LeBron got the phantom calls Durant gets. He'd take 30 free throws a game :bowdown:

Hell, Maggette would take 50 free throws a game if he got the calls Durant got back in 03-06.
Enjoy your second round out :sleeping

03-28-2013, 07:01 AM
Kirk stood his ground while LeBron tried to plow through him. I guess he forgot that he lowered his shoulder into him which caused Kirk to wrap him up.

Taj made a play on the ball. He didn't just whack him across the face or chest he was reaching for the ball. His flagrant was deserved because he drove his shoulder and elbow into Carlos. Much like he did against Lucas last year and got a no call for it.

Or, how about all the flopping he did against the Bulls in the ecf two years ago?

He needs to shut up and man up.

03-28-2013, 07:08 AM
That flagrant Lebron got against Boozer was the only foul called on him in 40 minutes of play and he complains about the refs?


03-28-2013, 07:12 AM
this is pathetic lebron. pathetic

03-28-2013, 07:16 AM
:wtf: Come on Bron

03-28-2013, 07:19 AM
Lebron just like Jordan did not care about the physical play, it didnt affect that them at all as long as the opposing teams got punished for it... i would go even as far as to say it did affect Jordan more than it affected Lebron, Jordan started many fights with opposing players because of it and got himself out of the game..... Lebron would never do that... generally they both didnt care as long as the opposing players got punished for it.... What Lebron did was a simple pushof with the shoulder, a message to only the reffs, a test.... as they did NOT do their job on those multiple flagrants (that were not called flagrants).... certainly that was called a flagrant which in comparasant to what happened just before that play was not called a flagrant (and was MUCH worse)... Lebron kept nodding afterwards, he made his point to what was going on that night with the officials... He doesnt care at all, as long as the officials do their job... and they didnt...

Good lord shut the **** up and stop acting like you know anything about Jordan.

Chicago Brawls
03-28-2013, 07:20 AM

03-28-2013, 07:21 AM
That flagrant Lebron got against Boozer was the only foul called on him in 40 minutes of play and he complains about the refs?

:rolleyes:This. He shot more free throws than the whole Bulls team at one point in the game.

03-28-2013, 07:24 AM
:lol Imagine if Bird ever said this.

03-28-2013, 07:30 AM
Lebron going down a precarious route, biting the hands that feeds him. Without ref support Lebron is just a bald Josh Smith

03-28-2013, 07:50 AM
They need to protect the players more. Everytime you see people trying to stop him from going up to the rim they forget all about basketball and try to grab whatever they can get their hands on while he's in the air. And whenever he gets down he you can clearly see that he always lands very awkwardly and one of those days his knees will take a bad hit.

03-28-2013, 07:52 AM
:lol Imagine if Bird ever said this.
Bird never exactly as powerful and attacked the rim the way Lebron does. Players know that when Lebron attacks the rim he's hard to stop and they end up hitting him while he's in the air.

03-28-2013, 08:03 AM
They need to protect the players more. Everytime you see people trying to stop him from going up to the rim they forget all about basketball and try to grab whatever they can get their hands on while he's in the air. And whenever he gets down he you can clearly see that he always lands very awkwardly and one of those days his knees will take a bad hit.
:roll: :roll: :roll:

all of a sudden lebron and his fans become:
:cry: :cry: :cry: :rant :mad:

03-28-2013, 08:04 AM
That flagrant Lebron got against Boozer was the only foul called on him in 40 minutes of play and he complains about the refs?


This. You can't have it both ways. Bron, like many superstars, gets away with all types of calls. Countless travels, fouls never called when he's playing defense. Things as a fan I never cite because, sadly, that's just how it is. But when I see a player start complaining about NOT getting calls? That's when that shit gets brought up.

Lebron gets away with more calls going his way than not going his way. So fanboys upset over the lost and are trying to channel their frustration on referee play need to take a seat. And this goes for many superstars - the KDs, the Kobes, the Wades.

03-28-2013, 08:04 AM
They need to protect the players more. Everytime you see people trying to stop him from going up to the rim they forget all about basketball and try to grab whatever they can get their hands on while he's in the air. And whenever he gets down he you can clearly see that he always lands very awkwardly and one of those days his knees will take a bad hit.

how about he stop bulldozing into players like a bowling ball into pins?

if it was off the court, lebron be charged with manslaughter for the reckless shit he be doing

03-28-2013, 08:06 AM
Looked like a typical 90's game involving the Bulls, Pacers, Heat or Knicks :confusedshrug:

03-28-2013, 08:07 AM
When Lebron goes up to dunk, he goes up to do the biggest most ridiculous dunk to completely crap on you. Which is 100% fine - that's how you are supposed to play it. But if you do that (ala Blake Griffin) people are going to foul you on purpose to knock you down. That's how it works. I remember the heat being aghast JR Smith knocked Lebron out of the air before a dunk. Why wouldn't he?

03-28-2013, 08:10 AM
how about he stop bulldozing into players like a bowling ball into pins?

if it was off the court, lebron be charged with manslaughter for the reckless shit he be doing
Why should he stop doing what he's doing as long as its within the rules? He attacks the rim, its not like he's running into people. Players could take a charge if they want and Lebron would get a foul. It's not Lebron fault if he's too good, fast and strong. But wrestling him down or hitting him while he's in the air is dangerous play and could end up with Lebron landing awkwardly and getting injured and nobody wants that.

03-28-2013, 08:14 AM
niguh i am consistent when lebron doesnt have his way which is rarely cuz of stern and tha refs, that niguh whines and cries as well:rolleyes: :facepalm
Dude how old r u?
You literally butchered English.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

I am guessing you are adolescent who is too shy to express himself in the real world instead got stuck behind a keyboard.

I have seen people like you in america its shame my friend.That kind of language only demean yourself not me.Sad really

Anyway back to the game.I love these kind of games 90s physicality and kind of reminded me of shaq in his prime hold onto the guy see if he is strong enough to muscle his way through you.

03-28-2013, 08:44 AM
Hey Lebron you know what isn't a basketball play either? You, using your off-arm to blatantly push people away every single time you try to beat them, because you lack the basketball skill to do it otherwise.

People talk about Durant, the league went on their way to CHANGE a rule to deal with something Durant was doing, when is the league going to enforce their CURRENT rules on Lebron?

03-28-2013, 08:48 AM
Lebron just like Jordan did not care about the physical play, it didnt affect that them at all as long as the opposing teams got punished for it... i would go even as far as to say it did affect Jordan more than it affected Lebron, Jordan started many fights with opposing players because of it and got himself out of the game..... Lebron would never do that... generally they both didnt care as long as the opposing players got punished for it.... What Lebron did was a simple pushof with the shoulder, a message to only the reffs, a test.... as they did NOT do their job on those multiple flagrants (that were not called flagrants).... certainly that was called a flagrant which in comparasant to what happened just before that play was not called a flagrant (and was MUCH worse)... Lebron kept nodding afterwards, he made his point to what was going on that night with the officials... He doesnt care at all, as long as the officials do their job... and they didnt...

LOL, you are equalling what James has faced this season to what Jordan faced in the late 1980s. Okay.

03-28-2013, 09:21 AM
Heat complaining about fouls:oldlol:

03-28-2013, 09:25 AM
Hey Lebron you know what isn't a basketball play either? You, using your off-arm to blatantly push people away every single time you try to beat them, because you lack the basketball skill to do it otherwise.

People talk about Durant, the league went on their way to CHANGE a rule to deal with something Durant was doing, when is the league going to enforce their CURRENT rules on Lebron?

That's Melos go to move push off but I don't see you complaining about that, fact is the refs are letting players hack lebron without calling fouls on them. Plz explain how lebron averages less free throws than Kobe

03-28-2013, 09:27 AM
This just makes them look weak, bitching about refereeing, especially when they are notorious floppers and get phantom calls on a regular basis :facepalm sigh....at least March madness comes back tonight :bowdown:

03-28-2013, 09:33 AM
dont get called for a foul in 5 centuries

lose first game after winning 1,424,855 games in a row

complain about officiating

:oldlol: :roll: :lol :applause: :bowdown:

03-28-2013, 09:34 AM
One game with hard fouls and this cat be mad....He wants "fair reffing"...Does that means when he steamrolls kids in the paint and him using that off hand for seperation, he'll def. want that called now. :roll:

03-28-2013, 09:34 AM
Dude how old r u?
You literally butchered English.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

I am guessing you are adolescent who is too shy to express himself in the real world instead got stuck behind a keyboard.

I have seen people like you in america its shame my friend.That kind of language only demean yourself not me.Sad really

Anyway back to the game.I love these kind of games 90s physicality and kind of reminded me of shaq in his prime hold onto the guy see if he is strong enough to muscle his way through you.
niguh this a damn forum not no damn english class get outta here wit dat schit, talkin smack, wheres your degrees at?:lol im a grown ass man dont forget that and yea it iz good 90s style was back for one night, thats why tha heat lost:applause:

03-28-2013, 09:38 AM
That's Melos go to move push off but I don't see you complaining about that, fact is the refs are letting players hack lebron without calling fouls on them. Plz explain how lebron averages less free throws than Kobe
man stop with tha bull man, just stop it:lol

03-28-2013, 09:50 AM
LeBron asking for fair reffing?

That's the irony of all ironies.

03-28-2013, 09:53 AM
LeBron asking for fair reffing?

That's the irony of all ironies.

are we gonna act like he hasnt been called for a defensive foul, charge or travel in 5 years while running off the second longest winning streak in nba history a season after winning the nba championship with a ref high fiving his coach after a mike miller 3 pointer


03-28-2013, 09:53 AM

say no more

03-28-2013, 10:10 AM

Yeah, LeBron, shame the officials didn't see that huh?

03-28-2013, 10:25 AM
Heat complaining about fouls:oldlol:

Laker fan thinks complaining about fouls is funny. :roll: Imagine if your team didn't live at the line. :oldlol:

03-28-2013, 10:27 AM
:roll: lebron is such a *****

03-28-2013, 10:33 AM
Hey Lebron you know what isn't a basketball play either? You, using your off-arm to blatantly push people away every single time you try to beat them, because you lack the basketball skill to do it otherwise.

People talk about Durant, the league went on their way to CHANGE a rule to deal with something Durant was doing, when is the league going to enforce their CURRENT rules on Lebron?

This X100. It's one thing to be subtle about using your off-arm to separate, but Lebron stiff arms his man in the chest regularly without penalty.

All the contact that Lebron initiates and he's complaining about physical play? child please.

03-28-2013, 10:36 AM
Lebron just like Jordan did not care about the physical play, it didnt affect that them at all as long as the opposing teams got punished for it... i would go even as far as to say it did affect Jordan more than it affected Lebron, Jordan started many fights with opposing players because of it and got himself out of the game..... Lebron would never do that... generally they both didnt care as long as the opposing players got punished for it.... What Lebron did was a simple pushof with the shoulder, a message to only the reffs, a test.... as they did NOT do their job on those multiple flagrants (that were not called flagrants).... certainly that was called a flagrant which in comparasant to what happened just before that play was not called a flagrant (and was MUCH worse)... Lebron kept nodding afterwards, he made his point to what was going on that night with the officials... He doesnt care at all, as long as the officials do their job... and they didnt...
No lion analogy? :(

03-28-2013, 10:45 AM
This is why no one respects Lebron except for his dick riders. He stands for everything that true basketball fans root against. Teams up with superstars, wins a ring with a ton of ref help, travels and fouls constantly without being penalized, and when guys half his size foul him gets mad, commits a flagrant foul and then bitches about in the locker room to media and even hours later via twitter.:facepalm

03-28-2013, 10:48 AM
This is why no one respects Lebron except for his dick riders. He stands for everything that true basketball fans root against. Teams up with superstars, wins a ring with a ton of ref help, travels and fouls constantly without being penalized, and when guys half his size foul him gets mad, commits a flagrant foul and then bitches about in the locker room to media and even hours later via twitter.:facepalm
lets be honest, the reason you dont like him because he has been making you look dumb for quite a while now

03-28-2013, 10:50 AM
lets be honest, the reason you dont like him because he has been making you look dumb for quite a while now
just like tha raptors making u look dumb??:lol

03-28-2013, 10:56 AM
what did Lebron say on twitter?

03-28-2013, 10:57 AM
Dude you are relentless though at least try to be consistent.

Lebron is probably the least whiniest superstar in the league.Compared to other superstars who constantly get techs because of this like durant,RWB,wade,kobe,howard all of these players are superstars and whines more than james.

I have watched the game.It kind of reminded me of 90s games with hard fouls.Refs really swallowed the whistles in this one.

I love it

This is a joke, right? He's easily one of the BIGGEST prima donnas in the game. Get real.

03-28-2013, 10:57 AM
lets be honest, the reason you dont like him because he has been making you look dumb for quite a while now
Point out one dumb thing I said in my previous post.

03-28-2013, 11:00 AM
Lebron definitely initiates a TON of contact when he drives by using his arm to ward guys off and also bumping them off by lowering his shoulder. he does it all the time and I'm always perplexed why he's not called for it.

03-28-2013, 11:01 AM
This. He shot more free throws than the whole Bulls team at one point in the game.
So? All of those fouls were legit fouls, obviously if he is going in the paint and being fouled hard all game he'll shoot a lot of free throws.

longtime lurker
03-28-2013, 11:09 AM
Lol sounds like Lebron is as big a bitch as his fans. I need to see video of these fouls he's complaining about.

03-28-2013, 11:11 AM
This is a joke, right? He's easily one of the BIGGEST prima donnas in the game. Get real.

Honestly, he's kinda right. Lebron rarely ever complains during the game like Westbrook, Howard, Kobe, and Wade. Those dudes almost after every play regardless of if they were actually fouled or not, bitch and complain if they don't get a call. I don't really see Lebron do that. However, at least they keep it within the game for the most part. I think bitching about it after the game especially when he's usually the one that benefits from refs not calling shit on his teams as opposed to his opponents is much worse.

03-28-2013, 11:15 AM
Honestly, he's kinda right. Lebron rarely ever complains during the game like Westbrook, Howard, Kobe, and Wade. Those dudes almost after every play regardless of if they were actually fouled or not, bitch and complain if they don't get a call. I don't really see Lebron do that. However, at least they keep it within the game for the most part. I think bitching about it after the game especially when he's usually the one that benefits from refs not calling shit on his teams as opposed to his opponents is much worse.

Totally disagree dude. We must be watching completely different players or something. Lebron complains ALL the damn time. Guy harasses the refs w/ that sourpuss-like face. Same thing w/ Kobe :oldlol:

03-28-2013, 11:16 AM
just like tha raptors making u look dumb??:lol

03-28-2013, 11:18 AM
Honestly, he's kinda right. Lebron rarely ever complains during the game like Westbrook, Howard, Kobe, and Wade. Those dudes almost after every play regardless of if they were actually fouled or not, bitch and complain if they don't get a call. I don't really see Lebron do that. However, at least they keep it within the game for the most part. I think bitching about it after the game especially when he's usually the one that benefits from refs not calling shit on his teams as opposed to his opponents is much worse.
but hes not right according to what i was tryng to say, lebron iz a bish for complaining about refs when david stern kissed his ass, granted his whishes and handed him a ring last year, and having tha most stacked team in NBA history with tha most no calls, thats why i cant respect queen james:no:

03-28-2013, 11:22 AM
Totally disagree dude. We must be watching completely different players or something. Lebron complains ALL the damn time. Guy harasses the refs w/ that sourpuss-like face. Same thing w/ Kobe :oldlol:

My bad. I shouldn't have said he doesn't complain. He does. But like you said, he does it with that sourpuss face. But he's not shouting, throwing his hands up, snapping his arms at them, and is overall not nearly as theatrical about it like those guys are. At least thats what it seems like to me.

03-28-2013, 11:24 AM
the dude who was known for getting away with crab dribbling and flopping wants fair reffing? :lol

03-28-2013, 11:31 AM
LeBron would of hot murdered by the bad boy pistons.

03-28-2013, 11:33 AM
I've seen everything now.

03-28-2013, 11:49 AM
The foul by Gibson was not a dirty play, but it could have severely injured LeBron. The way he landed was very dangerous. Should have been a flag 1. Any time you hit someone above the shoulder it's a flagrent, unless you hit the ball first.

It's not a basketball play to collar someone.

White Mamba
03-28-2013, 12:02 PM
This guy has crab-dribbled 10 straight years in impunity and got away with thousands of non-called offensive fouls while bullying people yet he dares address the referees in a disrespectful manner? :no::applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:

Mr Exlax
03-28-2013, 12:08 PM
The foul by Gibson was not a dirty play, but it could have severely injured LeBron. The way he landed was very dangerous. Should have been a flag 1. Any time you hit someone above the shoulder it's a flagrent, unless you hit the ball first.

It's not a basketball play to collar someone.

You confuse me. Are you a Kobe fan and you're also a rational thinker and understander of basketball? I almost believe that you like both Kobe and Lebron lol. I've never come across your type. :rockon:

03-28-2013, 12:11 PM
Shocker that trolls on ISH don't understand the point. Its not about getting the fouls, he GOT the fouls. Its about the dangerous plays and risking injuring Lebron when the only way to stop him is to push him or drag him down while he's in the air. That's just an injury waiting to happen.

03-28-2013, 12:13 PM
Shocker that trolls on ISH don't understand the point. Its not about getting the fouls, he GOT the fouls. Its about the dangerous plays and risking injuring Lebron when the only way to stop him is to push him or drag him down while he's in the air. That's just an injury waiting to happen.
Did you even see the play where Kirk "wrapped him up and brought him down to the floor"?

03-28-2013, 12:18 PM
NB4 Miami 40 free throws vs New Orleans and hornets 10 ft's.

03-28-2013, 12:21 PM
Did you even see the play where Kirk "wrapped him up and brought him down to the floor"?
Kirk has no business grabbing another player with two hands and dragging him down to the floor. That's not basketball, maybe football but not basketball.

And I'm not only talking about the Kirk incident, there were many times the defender had no chance of stopping Lebron and the only thing he ended up doing to avoid Lebron getting the and 1 is to hit him in the air and many times Lebron ended up landing very awkwardly risking an injury.

03-28-2013, 12:24 PM
Lebron still a bitch

03-28-2013, 12:26 PM
Kirk has no business grabbing another player with two hands and dragging him down to the floor. That's not basketball, maybe football but not basketball.

And I'm not only talking about the Kirk incident, there were many times the defender had no chance of stopping Lebron and the only thing he ended up doing to avoid Lebron getting the and 1 is to hit him in the air and many times Lebron ended up landing very awkwardly risking an injury.
Yeah, you are right, he should have just let Lebron bulldoze him to the ground instead. Lebron lowered his shoulder and charged into Kirk, and Kirk did the sensible thing by holding onto the nearest and heaviest object.

03-28-2013, 12:26 PM
You confuse me. Are you a Kobe fan and you're also a rational thinker and understander of basketball? I almost believe that you like both Kobe and Lebron lol. I've never come across your type. :rockon:
No no I don't like Kobe at all. I'm a LeBron fan.

Anyways like I said I don't really like Kobe, but I respect him. You know that he's going to give it his all, and he has been a great player his entire career. I may not think he is GOAT or anything like that, but i'm far from a hater.

My relationship to Kobe is almost like with Pierce. I hate Pierce, but you have to respect a guy like that. They just go out there and play their hearts out. I just don't hate Kobe, i'm more or less indifferent to him. When he does something spectacular I can say wow, when he does something boneheaded I can say what an idiot.

I'm not sure if you can see my avi well enough, but it says 30,000 due to him hitting 30k points. Just respect, no love.

03-28-2013, 12:27 PM
Kirk has no business grabbing another player with two hands and dragging him down to the floor. That's not basketball, maybe football but not basketball.

But LeBron can just barrel into guys that are 7 inches shorter and 100 pounds lighter, at full speed? He does that 20 times a game and never gets called for an offensive foul.

03-28-2013, 12:28 PM
LeBron is acting like a bitch. He's gotten superstar calls his entire career. Man up and take a loss.

03-28-2013, 12:30 PM
It was rigged to make a "rivalary"

03-28-2013, 12:32 PM
It was rigged to make a "rivalary"
I think someone has been rigging your dictionary too.

03-28-2013, 12:32 PM
Yeah, you are right, he should have just let Lebron bulldoze him to the ground instead. Lebron lowered his shoulder and charged into Kirk, and Kirk did the sensible thing by holding onto the nearest and heaviest object.
What? Kirk grabbed his both hands and pulled Lebron down the floor with him. It's not like he made a play at the ball or anything. If you're not up for taking the charge, don't stand in the way.

Mr Exlax
03-28-2013, 12:33 PM
It was rigged to make a "rivalary"

Man it's been a rivalry for the past two seasons with these teams lol.

03-28-2013, 12:34 PM
Lebron gets fouled more than Any player in the league and it has been long known especially past couple years doesnt get as many calls as he should.
Lebron is also getting tired of taking shots to head and cheap shotted in general like last time they played Bulls Robinson also Blew out Lebrons Knee by undercutting him going to basket.

03-28-2013, 12:35 PM
But LeBron can just barrel into guys that are 7 inches shorter and 100 pounds lighter, at full speed? He does that 20 times a game and never gets called for an offensive foul.
Maybe if Kirk stood firm and took the charge it would be ok, but he couldn't. Is it Lebron's fault that a much smaller guy is failing to take the charge? Lebron has been called on offensive foul plenty of times so let's not act like he's been exempt from them.

03-28-2013, 12:36 PM
:roll: :roll: :roll:
the guy who benefits the most from the refs has the audacity to say this :facepalm

what kirk hinrich did was right. Bron was the one that charged into him with no regard for safety.

Gibson had a clean playoff foul. you don't wanna get hit, gtfo of the paint.

this guy showing his true colors as a weak ass biitch.. no wonder why he never responds to kobe's trashtalking.. he's weak :oldlol:

03-28-2013, 12:37 PM
What? Kirk grabbed his both hands and pulled Lebron down the floor with him. It's not like he made a play at the ball or anything. If you're not up for taking the charge, don't stand in the way.
You're trying too hard. Had Kirk just stood there, it would have been an offensive foul on Lebron, which everyone knows cannot be called against him even in the most meaningless game of the season, let alone in a streak-threatening game played in a playoff-type atmosphere. Again, Kirk did the right thing, and it was definitely not a flagrant foul.

03-28-2013, 12:39 PM
:roll: :roll: :roll:
the guy who benefits the most from the refs has the audacity to say this :facepalm

what kirk hinrich did was right. Bron was the one that charged into him with no regard for safety.

Gibson had a clean playoff foul. you don't wanna get hit, gtfo of the paint.

this guy showing his true colors as a weak ass biitch.. no wonder why he never responds to kobe's trashtalking.. he's weak :oldlol:

Lebron 1 personal foul the entire game :roll: :roll: Everyone can see lebron is a spoiled b!tch except his delusional blind fans :lol

03-28-2013, 12:42 PM
You're trying too hard. Had Kirk just stood there, it would have been an offensive foul on Lebron, which everyone knows cannot be called against him even in the most meaningless game of the season, let alone in a streak-threatening game played in a playoff-type atmosphere. Again, Kirk did the right thing, and it was definitely not a flagrant foul.
Oh my god, so what you're saying is that Kirk did the right thing because the refs would NEVER call an offensive foul on Lebron if Kirk took a legit charge?

03-28-2013, 12:42 PM
My question: how big should his fine be? Criticizing officiating is verboten under Reichsfuhrer Stern when last I looked.

Or...as in all things...is Lebron also exempt from this rule?

03-28-2013, 12:43 PM
Maybe if Kirk stood firm and took the charge it would be ok, but he couldn't. Is it Lebron's fault that a much smaller guy is failing to take the charge? Lebron has been called on offensive foul plenty of times so let's not act like he's been exempt from them.

LeBron is running wildly into him whether he takes the charge or not. LeBron is unsafe.

03-28-2013, 12:45 PM
Is Taj Gibson Chicago's Gattuso?



Great basketball plays.

03-28-2013, 12:48 PM
I think someone has been rigging your dictionary too.
I did that on purpose because it isn't a real rivalry.:lebroncry:

03-28-2013, 12:50 PM
Now krk's foul was a flagrant:roll:

Has anyone here ever heard of the term 'wrap up.' The funny thing is Lebron was getting ready to bulldoze him and he juust outsmarted him.

03-28-2013, 12:52 PM
Oh my god, so what you're saying is that Kirk did the right thing because the refs would NEVER call an offensive foul on Lebron if Kirk took a legit charge?
You have never played organized basketball in your life, have you? Because sounds like you have never been told by your coach to "wrap up the offensive player before he can get an and-1". You haven't even heard it from commentators? And it was Lebron who took Kirk down after the wrap, not the other way around.

03-28-2013, 12:52 PM

Great basketball plays.
great acting lebron, still putting up the show even after timeout has been called. :facepalm

MJ's right.. lebron wouldn't survive in the 90's.. and Gibson :applause: making great bball plays for his team.

03-28-2013, 12:52 PM
Is Taj Gibson Chicago's Gattuso?



Great basketball plays.

thats what your complaining about? A fvcking swipe while going for the block that it him in the shoulder then he acts like he just got shot.. smh.

This is almost unbelievable.

03-28-2013, 12:56 PM
LeBron is overreacting to Chicago's physical play, what I wonder about is why it took 27 games for a team to start going physical against them.

03-28-2013, 12:57 PM
Is Taj Gibson Chicago's Gattuso?



Great basketball plays.
Yes, he always gets hit in the face when facing the Bulls. Props to Taj for making sure he gets his money's worth.


03-28-2013, 12:59 PM
LeBron asking for fair reffing is a freaking oxymoron if I ever heard of one.
The same man who didn't get one foul called on him for how many games in a row?


03-28-2013, 01:00 PM
LeBron is overreacting to Chicago's physical play, what I wonder about is why it took 27 games for a team to start going physical against them.
Refs normally slobber all over Lebron and Wades cocks. This game was rigged to produce play off hype. The bad boy bulls. Streak enders. Blah blah blah

03-28-2013, 01:01 PM
Well, maybe you guys have nothing against players getting injured but I do. This is not only about Lebron, most athletic players get abused like this. Lebron, Westbrook, Wade, Dwight etc etc.

Check this video out to understand more what I'm talking about.


03-28-2013, 01:03 PM
Shocker that trolls on ISH don't understand the point. Its not about getting the fouls, he GOT the fouls. Its about the dangerous plays and risking injuring Lebron when the only way to stop him is to push him or drag him down while he's in the air. That's just an injury waiting to happen.
This happens to Griffin every game. Deal with it.
You expect defenders to just walk out of the way and let you score the easy point?
Dunks like those are momentum changers.

03-28-2013, 01:04 PM
Notice how most of lebrons cult following who flood heat game threads are no where to be found now :roll: :roll:

03-28-2013, 01:18 PM
Well, maybe you guys have nothing against players getting injured but I do. This is not only about Lebron, most athletic players get abused like this. Lebron, Westbrook, Wade, Dwight etc etc.

Check this video out to understand more what I'm talking about.

No one cares. Go away. Heat lost. Go cry. Go die.

03-28-2013, 01:19 PM
Yes, he always gets hit in the face when facing the Bulls. Props to Taj for making sure he gets his money's worth.

:roll: :roll:
great acting, bron :applause:

03-28-2013, 01:31 PM
This happens to Griffin every game. Deal with it.
You expect defenders to just walk out of the way and let you score the easy point?
Dunks like those are momentum changers.
Well, Blake shouldn't have to deal with it because bums don't know how to stop him. I don't know about you but Blake shouldn't have to risk an injury like that every time.

03-28-2013, 01:33 PM


Go Getter
03-28-2013, 01:57 PM
He didn't complain after that BLATANT no call on his failed dunk-block attempt on Deng.

Lebron uses his off hand when he drives ALL THE TIME. The refs could call an offensive foul...but he's a star.

longtime lurker
03-28-2013, 01:59 PM
Is Taj Gibson Chicago's Gattuso?



Great basketball plays.

LMao are you serious? That's what you're complaining about? :roll: This clown is caping hard for Lebron over hard fouls when Gibson was clearing making a play on the ball.

03-28-2013, 02:03 PM
What Bron did to Boozer, Fisher did to Scola.

And Fish got a flagrant 2 and a one game suspension in the playoffs, not some random regular season game.

Still want fairness? Becuase those two calls he's bringing up are no way flagrant fouls and the Boozer hit was def a flagrant. He saw the pick, loaded up, and used a good amount of force to rock him

03-28-2013, 02:11 PM
27 games and no complaints about reffing. Lose the game last night, and he starts bitching about the refs. :rolleyes:

03-28-2013, 02:14 PM
27 games and no complaints about reffing. Lose the game last night, and he starts bitching about the refs. :rolleyes:

10 years = 1 playoff win.

03-28-2013, 02:15 PM
10 years = 1 playoff win.
06 and 12= both rigged finals by tha refs

03-28-2013, 02:18 PM
Is Taj Gibson Chicago's Gattuso?



Great basketball plays.

Isn't that first one out of bounds before the foul? LeBron goes up and the ball hits the back of the backboard as Boozer was pointing out.

But yeah, malicious as fk from Gibson :rolleyes: Seriously, look at LeBron's acting on the first video way after the foul :lol It's embarrassing a grown man would act like that even after getting the foul.

Wade is just as dirty as Gibson is...

03-28-2013, 02:27 PM
He is right in a way: that flagrant was an outrageous call considering the atmosphere of the game. Can't let a guy take hard hits all game and then slap him with a flagrant at the decisive moment, when all he did was run into Boozer a bit harder than usual.

03-28-2013, 02:28 PM




any man that behaves this way during a basketball game....cannot be listened too ( when complaining about fouls)

PS: Kurt actually wrapped Lebron up to save him from falling hard....Lebron was barrelling into Kurt!!...and Kurt knew he was going to fall down.....

the Taj foul did nothing except knock Brons headband ( wich happens to be the vital point :lol )

03-28-2013, 02:28 PM
I'm all for physical play. What I'm not for is only one of the two teams be allowed to.

03-28-2013, 02:30 PM
This guy has crab-dribbled 10 straight years in impunity and got away with thousands of non-called offensive fouls while bullying people yet he dares address the referees in a disrespectful manner? :no:


03-28-2013, 02:38 PM
I'm all for physical play. What I'm not for is only one of the two teams be allowed to.

this is not Physical play...it is a 280 lbs man running into a 180 lbs man...


180lbs man tried to stop both from falling hard.


this was a hard foul.....but not Flagrant or anything abnormal for someone driving into 2 defenders.

Bron just expects to barrell into everyone and overpower them...

03-28-2013, 02:40 PM
10 years = 1 playoff win.

Is your vag still hurting from last night?

03-28-2013, 02:41 PM
Honestly I'm surprised that it took so long till Lebron complained about this. He's been getting hacked all season and the refs give him only half of the fouls because of his strength.

03-28-2013, 02:42 PM
Is your vag still hurting from last night?

Is your asshole still hurting from the last decade?

03-28-2013, 02:50 PM
after last nights game....can everyone finally agree?

a Chimpanzee would effectively merk Lebron James in a streetfight...:confusedshrug:

03-28-2013, 02:58 PM
after last nights game....can everyone finally agree?

a Chimpanzee would effectively merk Lebron James in a streetfight...:confusedshrug:

I'm pretty sure a chimpanzee could whoop everyone's ass. Monkeys are crazy.

03-28-2013, 02:58 PM
Is your asshole still hurting from the last decade?

I don't cry over loses.

At least you guys got tons of free throws. Chicago has played the same exact way vs NY, yet shot more free throws.

03-28-2013, 03:00 PM


by far my favorite lebron flop off all time. he whiplashed himself

03-28-2013, 03:04 PM




any man that behaves this way during a basketball game....cannot be listened too ( when complaining about fouls)


Nero Tulip
03-28-2013, 03:07 PM
Unbelievable...what a little bitch. Him and Kobe whining for more calls is the lowest the NBA's ever seen. Both can choke on Stern's dick for all I care.

03-28-2013, 03:08 PM
What? Kirk grabbed his both hands and pulled Lebron down the floor with him. It's not like he made a play at the ball or anything. If you're not up for taking the charge, don't stand in the way.

Lebron put his shoulder down when Hinrich committed to fouling...like Lebron ALWAYS does...and Hinrich wrapped him up. Hinrich's backwards momentum coupled with him trying to keep Bron's arms wrapped up to inhibit him getting of a shot resulted in both of them tumbling. Hinrich did NOT just grab Lebron and throw him to the floor. If you or anyone watched the tape, you'd be able to differentiate.

This is nonsensical. The Heat got beat by the better, more tactful and aggressive team last night. The Bulls limited the Heat in 2 out of their 3 strong points - only 7 threes for the night, and only 11 fast break points (while the Bulls had 17). They made them pay for being outrebounded and played their usual rough defense. As they have been for 3 years now.

"Aint shit changed."

But instead of talking about the Bulls being able to execute a gameplan that many teams simply cannot for 48 minutes, we have thirstbuckets and fanboys whining and crying because a team decided to not let him bulldoze all over the place without consequence. STFU. Please and thank. If Bron wants to question reffing, then question all the calls you DO get on a nightly basis for 9 years now. Don't complain about it after your team is muscled around on national TV. That's petty and unbecoming.

Take the L and move on.

03-28-2013, 03:11 PM
He is right in a way: that flagrant was an outrageous call considering the atmosphere of the game. Can't let a guy take hard hits all game and then slap him with a flagrant at the decisive moment, when all he did was run into Boozer a bit harder than usual.
Shouldnt have been a flagrant. Shoulve been a technical. Clear retaliation, non basketball play that he carried over from the play before.

03-28-2013, 03:13 PM
Unbelievable...what a little bitch. Him and Kobe whining for more calls is the lowest the NBA's ever seen. Both can choke on Stern's dick for all I care.
but lebron is worst, david stern likes him alot more than kobe, their records show:facepalm

03-28-2013, 03:14 PM
Shouldnt have been a flagrant. Shoulve been a technical. Clear retaliation, non basketball play that he carried over from the play before.

Lebron's check into Boozer easily was a flagrant 1, and maybe even a flagrant 2.

Did you know that they initially called Tyson Chandler for a flagrant 2 on the pick with the whiplash from last year's playoffs? They changed it after reviewing, but the first call from the refs was flagrant 2.

03-28-2013, 03:17 PM
Lebron's check into Boozer easily was a flagrant 1, and maybe even a flagrant 2.

Did you know that they initially called Tyson Chandler for a flagrant 2 on the pick with the whiplash from last year's playoffs? They changed it after reviewing, but the first call from the refs was flagrant 2.
That's because a moving screen is an illegal play. Running into a screen isn't.:hammerhead:

03-28-2013, 03:20 PM
Lebron's check into Boozer easily was a flagrant 1, and maybe even a flagrant 2.

Did you know that they initially called Tyson Chandler for a flagrant 2 on the pick with the whiplash from last year's playoffs? They changed it after reviewing, but the first call from the refs was flagrant 2.
Couldve been either. Youre right.

Whatever the case there was malicious INTENT> It wasnt a norma foul..

Remember when Fisher laid out scola and got SUSPENDED? Only reason Boozer didnt get laid out is because hes a huge solidly built dude. If that was taj, he probably wouldve fell and the teams wouldve went off at each other. Probably wouldve seen a fight.

03-28-2013, 03:21 PM
That's because a moving screen is an illegal play. Running into a screen isn't.:hammerhead:
Serious question. Are you playing dumb or are you just that stupid?

03-28-2013, 03:22 PM
Lebron needs to shut up and play the game. He's the league's most dominant physical force, and he's mad about getting knocked around a bit? His truck into Boozer was easily the dirtiest play all game last night. Just because you get fouled to a point where you can't get a shot off doesn't mean you have to bitch to the media, Lebron.

03-28-2013, 03:27 PM
Serious question. Are you playing dumb or are you just that stupid?
How about you explain to me how I'm wrong. G'head.

InB4 refusing to explain and playing it off as "nah. you're not worth wasting my time" or something of that effect.

03-28-2013, 03:33 PM
How about you explain to me how I'm wrong. G'head.

InB4 refusing to explain and playing it off as "nah. you're not worth wasting my time" or something of that effect.

Lowering your shoulder and making [intentional] contact with a player in such a manner at any time during a basketball game, offensively or defensively, is an illegal play. It was clear the way he turned his head and looked at Boozer before he did it that it was an intentional, salty act. It's not like he didn't see Boozer coming and ran hard into a screen or something.

03-28-2013, 03:33 PM
Hes right. He gets borderline assaulted every night and still only takes like 7 free throws a game. Its funny cause Durant gets breathed on and its a foul and they review for a flagrant.

03-28-2013, 03:34 PM
Lowering your shoulder and making intentional contact with a player in such a manner at any time during a basketball game, offensively or defensively, is an illegal play. It was clear the way he turned his head and looked at Boozer before he did it that it was an intentional, salty act. It's not like he didn't see Boozer coming and ran hard into a screen or something.
Omg. :facepalm

AGAIN!! Not at all the point that I'm arguing.

03-28-2013, 03:35 PM


:oldlol: I thought Lebron was a tank?

03-28-2013, 03:37 PM
I'm pretty sure a chimpanzee could whoop everyone's ass. Monkeys are crazy.

not according to some people.....

according to some....since Lebron as an elite athlete he could jump kick or armbar the monkey.

Indian guy
03-28-2013, 03:37 PM
LeBron IS the most unfairly called star in the game today, at least in terms of getting calls on the offensive end. Every night refs ignore 2-3 blatant fouls against him inside, and in general he's taking more contact than any perimeter player in the NBA, but due to his size, refs ignore that. He's the Shaq of swingmen.

I'm glad he finally spoke about it. Spoelstra needs to too.

03-28-2013, 03:37 PM
Omg. :facepalm

AGAIN!! Not at all the point that I'm arguing.

That's because a moving screen is an illegal play. Running into a screen isn't.:hammerhead:

Running into a screen in the way Lebron did it is so very illegal. Is this even an question?

03-28-2013, 03:37 PM
How about you explain to me how I'm wrong. G'head.

InB4 refusing to explain and playing it off as "nah. you're not worth wasting my time" or something of that effect.

You're right a moving screen is an illegal play. An illegal play doesn't mean its a flagrant foul, it means its a foul. Intent is what determines if its flagrant or not. The fact that that Chandler play was hard, doesn't mean it was flagrant.

03-28-2013, 03:39 PM

:oldlol: I thought Lebron was a tank?

dat Alaskan strungth!

03-28-2013, 03:40 PM
not according to some people.....

according to some....since Lebron as an elite athlete he could jump kick or armbar the monkey.

:oldlol: good point.

03-28-2013, 03:46 PM
You're right a moving screen is an illegal play. An illegal play doesn't mean its a flagrant foul, it means its a foul. Intent is what determines if its flagrant or not. The fact that that Chandler play was hard, doesn't mean it was flagrant.
Do you know the definition of a flagrant foul?

Since a moving screen isn't legal, it's just body checking a guy from behind. What, are you gonna argue? That Chandler was making a play for the ball that LeBron didn't have? What rationale do you have for it not being a flagrant?

It certainly falls into the category of "unnecessary".

03-28-2013, 03:47 PM
Do you know the definition of a flagrant foul?

Since a moving screen isn't legal, it's just body checking a guy from behind. What, are you gonna argue? That Chandler was making a play for the ball that LeBron didn't have? What rationale do you have for it not being a flagrant?
somebody wasnt watching tha same game:facepalm

03-28-2013, 03:51 PM
LeBron IS the most unfairly called star in the game today, at least in terms of getting calls on the offensive end. Every night refs ignore 2-3 blatant fouls against him inside, and in general he's taking more contact than any perimeter player in the NBA, but due to his size, refs ignore that. He's the Shaq of swingmen.

I'm glad he finally spoke about it. Spoelstra needs to too.

Lebron is like Shaq in the way that he gives as much as he gets and that's why he doesn't get every call. Refs constantly turn a blind eye to Lebron's stiff-arming defenders out of the way to get to the rim so it all cancels out.

03-28-2013, 03:51 PM
That's because a moving screen is an illegal play. Running into a screen isn't.:hammerhead:

A moving screen isn't a flagrant 2. Throwing your elbow into a screener is.

03-28-2013, 03:54 PM
Do you know the definition of a flagrant foul?

Since a moving screen isn't legal, it's just body checking a guy from behind. What, are you gonna argue? That Chandler was making a play for the ball that LeBron didn't have? What rationale do you have for it not being a flagrant?

It certainly falls into the category of "unnecessary".

- Chandler was trying to set a screen for teague or Nate? ( I can't remember who was the guard)

- Lebron did get bumped....but he flopped to all **** then paraded around the court for 5 minutes faking a neck injury....clearly he didn't get hit in the neck.

- the only thing that would hurt his neck was his flopping actions....

- Chandlers actions was a moving screen...that is it.....

I know you don't watch basketball....your knowlege is the size of a amoba....but still come on

03-28-2013, 04:03 PM
LeBron wants preferential reffing, not fair reffing. I wish they would start calling the 15-20 times a game he travels.

03-28-2013, 04:22 PM
Do you know the definition of a flagrant foul?

Since a moving screen isn't legal, it's just body checking a guy from behind. What, are you gonna argue? That Chandler was making a play for the ball that LeBron didn't have? What rationale do you have for it not being a flagrant?

It certainly falls into the category of "unnecessary".

Thats completely different cause Chandler was on offense. He wasn't intentionally doing an illegal screen with the purpose of roughing up Lebron, at least it wasn't clear enough. Not every moving screen is done with the intent to hurt the defender. Was the physicality unnecessary? Possibly, but the refs ultimately thought it wasn't or that it wasn't clear enough to tell. On the other hand, the Lebron elbow was clearly intentional and unnecessary.

03-28-2013, 04:29 PM
Thats completely different cause Chandler was on offense. He wasn't intentionally doing an illegal screen with the purpose of roughing up Lebron, at least it wasn't clear enough. Not every moving screen is done with the intent to hurt the defender. Was the physicality unnecessary? Possibly, but the refs ultimately thought it wasn't or that it wasn't clear enough to tell. On the other hand, the Lebron elbow was clearly intentional and unnecessary.
WTF are you talking about? They DID rule it a flagrant. Seems to me they thought it was clear enough.

03-28-2013, 04:32 PM
Chandler wasn't setting a screen, he was looking to take a cheap shot. It's like in Football, when the QB throws a pick, and some linebacker comes along and lays out the QB pretending to make a 'block'. He's not trying to actually block the QB, he's just taking a chance to lay a hit on the QB.

That said, LeBron with the hilarious flop on that play. :oldlol:

03-28-2013, 04:42 PM
Why should he stop doing what he's doing as long as its within the rules? He attacks the rim, its not like he's running into people. Players could take a charge if they want and Lebron would get a foul. It's not Lebron fault if he's too good, fast and strong. But wrestling him down or hitting him while he's in the air is dangerous play and could end up with Lebron landing awkwardly and getting injured and nobody wants that.

03-28-2013, 04:57 PM
This is how games are in Euroleague. This is how games are played in FIBA and Olympics when Team USA isn't playing.

This is how games USED to be in the NBA and USED to be in FIBA and the Olympics before they started pussyfying all the rules for all these "NBA superstars". But no..................not a single international team has been allowed to play defense on Team USA since that last loss in 2006.

What a little bitch LeBron is. What a freaking JOKE he is.

Boo freakity hoo.

He has to play this game with real reffing and had to play 2004 Olympics and 2006 World Cup with real reffing................poor LeBron folds like the paper tiger he really is.


This just proves how big of a joke the current NBA is where everything is totally dictated and controlled by Stern and his refs. They would have eaten this bitch LeBron alive back in the 80s and 90s NBA era.

But now he is 100% protected by Stern and his refs...........except for this game, and the "King" is bitching like a little baby. Unbelievable how pathetic the NBA has become under 20 plus years of Stern.

03-28-2013, 05:02 PM
This is how games are in Euroleague. This is how games are played in FIBA and Olympics when Team USA isn't playing.

This is how games USED to be in the NBA and USED to be in FIBA and the Olympics before they started pussyfying all the rules for all these "NBA superstars". But no..................not a single international team has been allowed to play defense on Team USA since that last loss in 2006.

What a little bitch LeBron is. What a freaking JOKE he is.

Boo freakity hoo.

He has to play this game with real reffing and had to play 2004 Olympics and 2006 World Cup with real reffing................poor LeBron folds like the paper tiger he really is.


This just proves how big of a joke the current NBA is where everything is totally dictated and controlled by Stern and his refs. They would have eaten this bitch LeBron alive back in the 80s and 90s NBA era.

But now he is 100% protected by Stern and his refs...........except for this game, and the "King" is bitching like a little baby. Unbelievable how pathetic the NBA has become under 20 plus years of Stern.

03-28-2013, 05:37 PM
LeBron is a guy who led his team to 27 consecutive wins, constantly gets away with travels and carries, frequently stiff arms his defender, goes up with his knees when he attempts a dunk, and he's complaining about the officiating when they lose 1 game and he deservingly gets a flagrant foul???

LeBron, you need to shut the **** up. You get away with more than your share. I have never seen a superstar whine so much about not getting calls when he gets away with the most out of anyone.

longtime lurker
03-28-2013, 05:54 PM
LeBron IS the most unfairly called star in the game today, at least in terms of getting calls on the offensive end. Every night refs ignore 2-3 blatant fouls against him inside, and in general he's taking more contact than any perimeter player in the NBA, but due to his size, refs ignore that. He's the Shaq of swingmen.

I'm glad he finally spoke about it. Spoelstra needs to too.

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: Heat fans really do live in their own world don't they

03-28-2013, 05:54 PM
lebrons always felt entitled. heaven forbid he was challenged.

elementally morale
03-28-2013, 06:04 PM
Rulebook reffing would hurt LeBron a lot. Almost every time he dribbles the ball he travels. Much of the time he carries. Many a times he does both on the same possession.

Be careful what you wish for.

03-28-2013, 06:06 PM
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: LeBron fans really do live in their own world don't they

Fixed it....

No such thing as a Heat fan.

elementally morale
03-28-2013, 06:07 PM
:roll: Heat fans really do live in their own world don't they

1. He is not a Heat fan, he is the very definition of a LeBron-fan.
2. He is right. LeBron really is the most unfairly reffed player. It's just the direction he missed, npt the fact.

03-28-2013, 06:11 PM
Fixed it....

No such thing as a Heat fan.


You're a Laker fan. You have no right to call someone out for bandwagoning. You guys invented it.

03-28-2013, 08:19 PM
I can't believe Lebron is crying about the so called hard fouls he took from last night's game. Him being the strongest player in the league shall expect hard fouls more often than not. Now he wants the ref to baby him while he can travel his way to the rim every time. This is just ridiculous .

03-28-2013, 08:43 PM
I can't believe Lebron is crying about the so called hard fouls he took from last night's game. Him being the strongest player in the league shall expect hard fouls more often than not. Now he wants the ref to baby him while he can travel his way to the rim every time. This is just ridiculous .
When did this become official? :confusedshrug:

The Choken One
03-28-2013, 08:46 PM
He wouldn't have a ring without chitty chitty refs. What the fhck is he on? :wtf:

03-28-2013, 08:47 PM

You're a Laker fan. You have no right to call someone out for bandwagoning. You guys invented it.
You are the worst. Heat and 49ers?

The Choken One
03-28-2013, 08:49 PM
You are the worst. Heat and 49ers?
Surprised he isn't a Barca or RMadrid troll, too. Heat & 49ers... :facepalm

03-28-2013, 08:50 PM
You are the worst. Heat and 49ers?

And Chelsea. And probably the NY Yankees. And the NE Patriots.

He's not even American either. He's in Australia or some shit. :lol

03-28-2013, 08:57 PM
Lebron is setting the table for the playoffs. The Heat are more focused than other teams. Yeah, complaining is good and fruitful if done right. Lebron leads the league in points in the paint and there are guys with 200 more FTA's or 3 more Free Throws per game. He's sixth in the league in FTA and he's quicker/faster than all of the guys ahead of him. He got hit in the face a lot in Chicago and wants the refs to key in on that. Why not complain??? Their goal this year is 4 games and done. Avoid the extras. Why not say something? You got facts on your side, a world wide audience, why not help yourself for the playoffs.

Remember the Indiana series when Indi was up 2 to 1 and decided to go the physical route. Miami can go that route, and they have more smarter players than any other team, so the smart brutal fouls get more mileage with less punishment. When things go above board, its the more focused team that wins.

Indiana and the Knicks in the second round is an MMA match if KMart and Ty Chandler are healthy. Lebron has to set the table now.

03-28-2013, 09:33 PM

03-28-2013, 09:35 PM
LeBron IS the most unfairly called star in the game today, at least in terms of getting calls on the offensive end. Every night refs ignore 2-3 blatant fouls against him inside, and in general he's taking more contact than any perimeter player in the NBA, but due to his size, refs ignore that. He's the Shaq of swingmen.

I'm glad he finally spoke about it. Spoelstra needs to too.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

03-28-2013, 09:36 PM
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: Heat fans really do live in their own world don't they

Which superstar do you think gets the most no-calls?

03-28-2013, 09:38 PM

:oldlol: I thought Lebron was a tank?

Am I the only one that was waiting for Boozer to "Hulk Up" after no-selling Bron's shoulder block?


La Frescobaldi
03-28-2013, 09:38 PM
Lebron is setting the table for the playoffs. The Heat are more focused than other teams. Yeah, complaining is good and fruitful if done right. Lebron leads the league in points in the paint and there are guys with 200 more FTA's or 3 more Free Throws per game. He's sixth in the league in FTA and he's quicker/faster than all of the guys ahead of him. He got hit in the face a lot in Chicago and wants the refs to key in on that. Why not complain??? Their goal this year is 4 games and done. Avoid the extras. Why not say something? You got facts on your side, a world wide audience, why not help yourself for the playoffs.

Remember the Indiana series when Indi was up 2 to 1 and decided to go the physical route. Miami can go that route, and they have more smarter players than any other team, so the smart brutal fouls get more mileage with less punishment. When things go above board, its the more focused team that wins.

Indiana and the Knicks in the second round is an MMA match if KMart and Ty Chandler are healthy. Lebron has to set the table now.

Is James going to get fined for talking about the refereeing of a game?

03-28-2013, 09:57 PM
Is James going to get fined for talking about the refereeing of a game?
He technically didn't criticize the officials. He said that guys were making "non-basketball plays" without ever specifically saying the refs didn't call it right.

03-28-2013, 10:04 PM
People have lost their mind. I would love to see the reaction if Lebron was doing all of this to other people. They would have memorials for players if Lebron swung back and slapped them in the face.

La Frescobaldi
03-28-2013, 10:09 PM
He technically didn't criticize the officials. He said that guys were making "non-basketball plays" without ever specifically saying the refs didn't call it right.

yes he did.



The NBA fined Larry Sanders (Mil) $50,000 for using a derogatory and
offensive term and criticizing the refs.
The NBA fined Rick Carlisle (Dal coach) $25,000 for criticizing the refs
following Thursday's Dal-GS game.

The NBA fined Dwayne Casey (Tor coach) $25,000 for criticizing the refs
following Wednesday's Atl-Tor game.

The NBA fined Shawn Marion (Dal) $25,000 for his criticism of the refs
following Friday's Dal-OKC game.

The NBA fined Dallas owner Mark Cuban $50,000 for his tweet criticizing
the refs on January 5.

Are they going to fine James? Or is he untouchable even including his wallet?

03-28-2013, 10:09 PM
People have lost their mind. I would love to see the reaction if Lebron was doing all of this to other people. They would have memorials for players if Lebron swung back and slapped them in the face.

LeBron won't do anything that gets him suspended.

Or get him in too much foul trouble.

03-28-2013, 10:18 PM
yes he did.



The NBA fined Larry Sanders (Mil) $50,000 for using a derogatory and
offensive term and criticizing the refs.
The NBA fined Rick Carlisle (Dal coach) $25,000 for criticizing the refs
following Thursday's Dal-GS game.

The NBA fined Dwayne Casey (Tor coach) $25,000 for criticizing the refs
following Wednesday's Atl-Tor game.

The NBA fined Shawn Marion (Dal) $25,000 for his criticism of the refs
following Friday's Dal-OKC game.

The NBA fined Dallas owner Mark Cuban $50,000 for his tweet criticizing
the refs on January 5.

Are they going to fine James? Or is he untouchable even including his wallet?
Show me a specific quote where he criticized the refs and I'll agree with you. I heard his comments, and from what I remember he intentionally walked the fine line and made sure not to directly criticize the refs.

03-28-2013, 10:18 PM
LeBron won't do anything that gets him suspended.

Or get him in too much foul trouble.
Because he's extremely smart. My point was if he ever got physical with the opposition the same way they do with him, he would injure/kill some of these guys.

03-28-2013, 10:20 PM

If LeRef gets fair reffing, he doesn't "win" the championship last season.

03-28-2013, 10:21 PM

If LeRef gets fair reffing, he doesn't "win" the championship last season.
OKC got the majority of the calls in the finals genius. Try again. :rolleyes:

03-28-2013, 10:23 PM
OKC got the majority of the calls in the finals genius. Try again. :rolleyes:
niguh above me iz real retarded yo:facepalm

03-28-2013, 10:26 PM
OKC got the majority of the calls in the finals genius. Try again. :rolleyes:

Games 2-4 were a travesty.

It was clear starting in the second quarter of game 2 that the refs had had enough and started kneecapping the Thunder. They basically sat on OKC for the rest of that game, and the next two. Letting LeRef and the Heat do pretty much anything they wanted, while OKC had to constantly play shackled.

They had seen what happens in the Mavs/Heat Finals when they call things even close to fair. And they weren't willing to take the chance again.

It's clear if you watched objectively. Now if you're a shameless Heat stan...

03-28-2013, 10:26 PM
For the Haters.......


03-28-2013, 10:29 PM
Games 2-4 were a travesty.

It was clear starting in the second quarter of game 2 that the refs had had enough and started kneecapping the Thunder. They basically sat on OKC for the rest of that game, and the next two. Letting LeRef and the Heat do pretty much anything they wanted, while OKC had to constantly play shackled.

They had seen what happens in the Mavs/Heat Finals when they call things even close to fair. And they weren't willing to take the chance again.

It's clear if you watched objectively. Now if you're a shameless Heat stan...
The same game 2 where Durant committed about 8 fouls and got to play out the rest of the game?

Nice try. Keep it moving.

03-28-2013, 10:33 PM
Because he's extremely smart. My point was if he ever got physical with the opposition the same way they do with him, he would injure/kill some of these guys.

He could injure somebody. That would just pile more hate on him, not like Kirk or other Bulls aren't already getting enough hate. It would smooth out later.

03-28-2013, 11:28 PM
Is James going to get fined for talking about the refereeing of a game?

I don't think so. The words were measured too well and take the shape of Chicago's players not playing clean basketball (a hint at somebody needs to keep the integrity of the game in order). He puts it at the level of the Bulls' players intent not the ref's missing calls. Its Lebron playing Chess, not Checkers.

03-28-2013, 11:41 PM
The league has created this situation by allowing obscene continuation calls. If players don't literally immobilize the guy with the ball,he can break free, regather, and go up for an uncontested And 1 layup (see bosh late last night)

Can't have it both ways, lebron. If you and wade want these continuation calls you need to prepare to get hammered so you have no chance to get the ball up.

03-28-2013, 11:44 PM
LeBron is ****ing soft. I've come to stop hating him so much and at least respect his game. But the comments he made last night made me lose some respect for him again. This is why he would have never been able to hang with the real stars of the '80s and '90s. Crying over hard fouls from Hinrich and Taj? Try playing against Rodman and Thomas on the Bad Boy Pistons. Try playing against Oakley and Stars and Ewing on the '90s Knicks.

03-28-2013, 11:46 PM
LeBron is ****ing soft. I've come to stop hating him so much and at least respect his game. But the comments he made last night made me lose some respect for him again. This is why he would have never been able to hang with the real stars of the '80s and '90s. Crying over hard fouls from Hinrich and Taj? Try playing against Rodman and Thomas on the Bad Boy Pistons. Try playing against Oakley and Stars and Ewing on the '90s Knicks.
lebron would be afraid and go cry in tha car against those teams:lebroncry: :lol

03-28-2013, 11:46 PM
He technically didn't criticize the officials. He said that guys were making "non-basketball plays" without ever specifically saying the refs didn't call it right.
You are shit. Plain shit.

03-28-2013, 11:47 PM
ch and Taj? Try playing against Rodman and Thomas on the Bad Boy Pistons. Try playing against Oakley and Stars and Ewing on the '90s Knicks.
First player I thought of in this whole thing.

He'd be blubbering like a baby after an Oak foul at this rate.

03-28-2013, 11:49 PM
LeBron is ****ing soft. I've come to stop hating him so much and at least respect his game. But the comments he made last night made me lose some respect for him again. This is why he would have never been able to hang with the real stars of the '80s and '90s. Crying over hard fouls from Hinrich and Taj? Try playing against Rodman and Thomas on the Bad Boy Pistons. Try playing against Oakley and Stars and Ewing on the '90s Knicks.
Oh word? didn't your dog D-Rose call an entire press conference to bitch about not getting enough calls? How much respect did you lose for that niqqa? :confusedshrug:

InB4 "Oh. No, that was different". :rolleyes:

03-28-2013, 11:50 PM
You're an idiot. That doesn't even reserve a real response.

The Choken One
03-28-2013, 11:54 PM
You're an idiot. That doesn't even reserve a real response.
You realise Six is one of the biggest trolls on this site. He uses no logic, just strokes LeBaby's dick in every single one of his posts.

03-28-2013, 11:58 PM
You are shit. Plain shit.

03-29-2013, 01:11 AM
But LeBron can just barrel into guys that are 7 inches shorter and 100 pounds lighter, at full speed? He does that 20 times a game and never gets called for an offensive foul.

Yep, it's pathetic how a guy that gets away with more travels and offensive fouls than anyone in the league can complain about officiating not going his way. Lebron is a straight up b1tch. He's been given so many calls by the refs, especially in last years playoffs against the Celtics which is why most no one takes his championship ring from last season seriously.

03-29-2013, 01:17 AM
What a p*ssy haha. Those weren't even hard fouls. From a guy that gets favorable officiating from the refs each night, it's pretty ridiculous to hear him cry about biased calls. What a p*ssy league the NBA has become.

They obviously cared about the win streak despite what they've been saying otherwise Lebron wouldn't be mad as hell like that hahaha :oldlol:

longtime lurker
03-29-2013, 01:21 AM
Which superstar do you think gets the most no-calls?

It sure as hell isn't Lebron! I don't have time to watch every single basketball game but I think Dwight Howard would be high up on that list. Considering he's had his shoulder rotator popped out twice simply due to hard fouls.

03-29-2013, 03:05 PM
It sure as hell isn't Lebron! I don't have time to watch every single basketball game but I think Dwight Howard would be high up on that list. Considering he's had his shoulder rotator popped out twice simply due to hard fouls.

Dwight would probably be my number one for superstars in general, but if we limit the discussion to just perimeter superstars, I can't think of any other superstar that gets as many no calls as Lebron. Look at the numbers:

Lebron and Kobe are shooting very similar fta/fga, .394 to .378, respectively, yet when watching the games it's pretty clear that Lebron gets hacked quite a bit more. Kobe's kind of a bad example though, as he's another superstar who gets a lot of no calls, in my opinion. Compare Lebron to Durant: Durant is shooting significantly more fta/fga - .394 to .528 - respectively, despite Durant seemingly being fouled less than Lebron or Kobe.

Limiting the discussion to perimeter superstars, who would you say gets the most no calls on shooting fouls?

The Choken One
03-29-2013, 03:07 PM
This thread sum'd up: :lebroncry:

03-29-2013, 03:18 PM
wow, lebron is such a baby.

03-29-2013, 03:49 PM
Sum nice ass that numbersix will never get:roll:

03-29-2013, 04:11 PM
Dwight would probably be my number one for superstars in general, but if we limit the discussion to just perimeter superstars, I can't think of any other superstar that gets as many no calls as Lebron. Look at the numbers:

Lebron and Kobe are shooting very similar fta/fga, .394 to .378, respectively, yet when watching the games it's pretty clear that Lebron gets hacked quite a bit more. Kobe's kind of a bad example though, as he's another superstar who gets a lot of no calls, in my opinion. Compare Lebron to Durant: Durant is shooting significantly more fta/fga - .394 to .528 - respectively, despite Durant seemingly being fouled less than Lebron or Kobe.

Limiting the discussion to perimeter superstars, who would you say gets the most no calls on shooting fouls?

Please tell me you're talking about no calls on Lebron. You know, his offensive push-offs and travels, etc.

03-31-2013, 11:03 AM
LeBron asked, NBA delivered :bowdown:

03-31-2013, 11:17 AM
Without reading 15 pages, I can probably guess this thread was full of LeBron stans fighting with trolls who were mostly Bulls and Knick fans.

As for LeBron, there's really nothing he can do. If he plays physical he will punish these guys and get himself suspended or in foul trouble. No matter what he says he will get trashed on here. There's not even a point of coming on these threads anymore. People are so predictable.

Greg Oden 50
03-31-2013, 11:20 AM
http://sports.yahoo.com/news/nba--lebron-james-issues-call-for-justice-after-heat-s-27-game-winning-streak-ends-against-bulls-064538958.html;_ylt=ArPo.eorHEaCp.xF9wc3NVc5nYcB;_ ylu=X3oDMTQ0YzBhYmRwBG1pdANGRUFUVVJFRCBNZWdhdHJvbi BTUE9SVFMgRlAEcGtnAzExNDViNDNjLWM5YzQtM2Q4Zi04NTYy LWIxMjJkYjdlOWRhNARwb3MDMQRzZWMDbWVnYXRyb24EdmVyA2 MyMmY0YmUzLTk3N2EtMTFlMi1hZmNhLTU1N2QzYTgxYzRhNw--;_ylg=X3oDMTFpNzk0NjhtBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRw c3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdANob21lBHB0A3NlY3Rpb25z;_ylv=3

wt a ***** loser :banana:
that why lebron will not as dominant if he plays in 80s & 90s,coz he is a cry baby

03-31-2013, 11:40 AM
Right or wrong, you come off badly after you win 27 in a row to blame officiating in the one loss. Especially when you are practically never called for fouls. Lebron never fouls. He's incredibly physical and he never gets called for fouls. If we are going to look at how people hit him too hard can we look at that too?

03-31-2013, 11:50 AM
LeBron asked, NBA delivered :bowdown:
just like the ring :applause:

03-31-2013, 01:10 PM
First player I thought of in this whole thing.

He'd be blubbering like a baby after an Oak foul at this rate.
There's alot of guys in that era that gave hard fouls, Rick Mahorn, Bill Laimbeer, Anthony Mason, Xavier McDaniel etc.

These guys were strong and they weren't shy about letting you know that. SMH at those thinking Taj GIbson's fouls were"hard"...

03-31-2013, 05:53 PM
There's alot of guys in that era that gave hard fouls, Rick Mahorn, Bill Laimbeer, Anthony Mason, Xavier McDaniel etc.

These guys were strong and they weren't shy about letting you know that. SMH at those thinking Taj GIbson's fouls were"hard"...


Gibson's foul wasn't anything remotely close to these fouls. If those did those fouls today, we'd probably see 5-10 game suspensions.