View Full Version : We're flying Stealth Bombers over South Korea

03-28-2013, 04:06 PM
Response to the military bluster from North Korea recently. (http://news.yahoo.com/us-sends-b-2s-south-korea-military-drills-121203496.html) Seems like tension is escalating.

In a show of force following weeks of North Korean bluster, the U.S. on Thursday took the unprecedented step of announcing that two of its nuclear-capable B-2 bombers joined joint military drills with South Korea, dropping dummy munitions on an island range.
The announcement is likely to further enrage Pyongyang, which has already issued a flood of ominous statements to highlight displeasure over the drills and U.N. sanctions over its nuclear test last month.

03-28-2013, 04:17 PM
Apparently the North Koreans are not too happy about this.
The Korean Central News Agency, the mouthpiece of the North Korean state, said the North Korean people were "burning with hatred" over the flights. The United States said the demonstration is meant to show resolve with South Korea.
Article also says (http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2013/03/28/us-b-2-bombers-south-korea/2027607/)
Despite North Korean rhetoric threatening to unleash its nuclear arsenal, Klingner says recent North Korean troops movements make a more conventional attack in the near future a more likely scenario.

North Korean artillery units have moved closer to its border with South Korea and to five South Korean islands that North Korea has shelled in the past, Klingner said.

"There is a greater risk of miscalculation by Kim, a (greater) likelihood that South Korea would respond militarily to a North Korean attack," Klingner said. Together with military exercises on both sides of the border and everything else that has happened in the past month, "it's generating increasing concern about the situation on the Korean Peninsula," Klingner said.

03-28-2013, 04:20 PM
Read this. How many stealth bombers and fighter jets do we have? Did you see how armed that jet was flying next to it? Jeez.

03-28-2013, 04:21 PM
- Like many Americans...I'm pretty F'ing ignorant when it comes to any country besides Murrica......

- could you explain to me again....WTF are they posturing up against each other again fo??????

03-28-2013, 04:35 PM
Shit's about to go down!! :eek:

03-28-2013, 04:41 PM
what do you expect after threatening to nuke us? :oldlol:

03-28-2013, 04:41 PM
- Like many Americans...I'm pretty F'ing ignorant when it comes to any country besides Murrica......

- could you explain to me again....WTF are they posturing up against each other again fo??????

Nuclear war threats.

03-28-2013, 04:50 PM
this should definitely help lil kim hold off that coup-attempt a bit longer. what a wonderful friend he has in america. :cheers:

north koreans 'burning with hatred over the flybys'. :lol
and marionettes do tend to work if their strings haven't been cut.

03-28-2013, 04:55 PM
That doesn't seem very stealthy.

03-28-2013, 04:59 PM
north korea ain't scared


03-28-2013, 05:07 PM
Luckily North Korea has already crippled those pathetic Americans by destroying their precious whitehouse. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6iJ43EnvlhE)

03-28-2013, 06:52 PM
Nuclear war threats.

Jesus A and Mutha F***** Mary..:facepalm

this **** again...

03-28-2013, 07:05 PM
I read an article that talks about if a war breaks out, how china would be involved but not how any of this think. Basically they'd be fighting a war against North Korean forces on their border who would invade china. North Korea would basically be in a situation of totally ****ed lashing out at everyone and everything. China also would be worried about unstable forces in their own region getting their hands on nukes. Just an utter total disaster.

What would happen basically is North Korea would lob artillery everywhere and do a lot of random damage to south korea, possibly china, and possiby japan. then the US bombers would come across the border and flatten everything. Then we'd need to move into the country, basically we'd paratrooper into the capital and be fighting door to door while we slowly moved up the country 100% blind while china yelled STOP in public and begged us to move faster in private at the same time they stacked troops on the border to keep koreans from flooding into china.

It would be BAD. It wouldn't be the end of the world like people predict (because i think people assume China would fight on N.Korea's side, no ****ing way). But it would be bad.

But it would never happen because the second it happens, N.Korea is no more, and if you were king of your own country, would you be rushing for it to no longer exist?

03-28-2013, 07:06 PM
let me know when we fly them over "NORTH" Korea

Burgz V2
03-28-2013, 07:11 PM
nothing will happen. the second North Korea thinks of launching something they'd get blown off the map. They can't be that stupid as to actually mobilize against the US. North Korea puffing its chest by blowing up a warship and bombing some islands. It's a tragedy that people were killed in those attacks but in terms of overall threat to the United States specifically, it's kinda a ridiculous.

Burgz V2
03-28-2013, 07:27 PM
I read an article that talks about if a war breaks out, how china would be involved but not how any of this think. Basically they'd be fighting a war against North Korean forces on their border who would invade china. North Korea would basically be in a situation of totally ****ed lashing out at everyone and everything. China also would be worried about unstable forces in their own region getting their hands on nukes. Just an utter total disaster.

What would happen basically is North Korea would lob artillery everywhere and do a lot of random damage to south korea, possibly china, and possiby japan. then the US bombers would come across the border and flatten everything. Then we'd need to move into the country, basically we'd paratrooper into the capital and be fighting door to door while we slowly moved up the country 100% blind while china yelled STOP in public and begged us to move faster in private at the same time they stacked troops on the border to keep koreans from flooding into china.

It would be BAD. It wouldn't be the end of the world like people predict (because i think people assume China would fight on N.Korea's side, no ****ing way). But it would be bad.

But it would never happen because the second it happens, N.Korea is no more, and if you were king of your own country, would you be rushing for it to no longer exist?

pretty much this

03-28-2013, 07:29 PM
nothing will happen. the second North Korea thinks of launching something they'd get blown off the map. They can't be that stupid as to actually mobilize against the US. North Korea puffing its chest by blowing up a warship and bombing some islands. It's a tragedy that people were killed in those attacks but in terms of overall threat to the United States specifically, it's kinda a ridiculous.

The problem is that in North Korea decisions aren't exactly made collectively. Might be a strange comparison - but think of N.Korea as the Joker and the US as Batman.

US can blow North Korea off the map, but they're going to take serious heat for it in the international community - especially if attacks spillover into China.

Not to mention the people actively involved in the attack very likely exit the country before then.

I don't think anyone doubts the US capability to destroy shit, but some might care about it less. In a world where the US every action is highly scrutinized, having North Korea being destroyed might fit the agenda of the people who plan to attack them :coleman:

03-28-2013, 08:15 PM
The problem is that in North Korea decisions aren't exactly made collectively.
exactly... it's one little prick on top and a bunch of ass-kissers jockeying for position just beneath him. most of the rest are just zombies at this point.

US can blow North Korea off the map, but they're going to take serious heat for it in the international community - especially if attacks spillover into China.
dude, dude... bush junior isn't prez, anymore. cowboy diplomacy ain't the order of the day at this point.

this would be WAY different than iraq... this would be a guaranteed international coalition event, i'm thinking... with china's arms mostly tied.

china has way bigger problems to worry about and obama isn't remotely stupid enough to pull a GWB. and the global economy sure as hell doesn't need a major war right now... or does it??


03-28-2013, 08:18 PM
North Korea rocket units on standby to attack US bases
Kim Jong-un ordered the rocket units to be put on standby after the US flew two stealth bombers over the Korean peninsula

guardian.co.uk, Thursday 28 March 2013 19.49 EDT

The US has flown two B-2 Spirit bombers on practice runs over South Korea, responding to a series of North Korean threats. Photograph: Reuters
North Korea put its rocket units on standby on Friday to attack US military bases in South Korea and the Pacific, after the United States flew two nuclear-capable stealth bombers over the Korean peninsula in a rare show of force.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un signed off on the order at a midnight meeting of top generals and "judged the time has come to settle accounts with the US imperialists in view of the prevailing situation", the official KCNA news agency said.

On Thursday, the United States flew two radar-evading B-2 Spirit bombers on practice runs over South Korea, responding to a series of North Korean threats. They flew from the United States and back in what appeared to be the first exercise of its kind, designed to show America's ability to conduct long-range, precision strikes "quickly and at will", the US military said.

The news of Kim's response was unusually swift.

"He finally signed the plan on technical preparations of strategic rockets of the KPA, ordering them to be standby for fire so that they may strike any time the US mainland, its military bases in the operational theatres in the Pacific, including Hawaii and Guam, and those in South Korea," KCNA said.

The North has an arsenal of Soviet-era Scud missiles that can hit South Korea but its longer-range missiles are untested. Independent assessments of its missile capability suggest it may have theoretical capacity to hit US bases in Japan and Guam.

The North has launched a daily barrage of threats since early this month when the United States and the South, allies in the 1950-53 Korean War, began routine military drills.

The South and the United States have said the drills are purely defensive in nature and that no incident has taken place in the decades they have been conducted in various forms.

The United States also flew B-52 bombers over South Korea earlier this week.

The North has put its military on highest readiness to fight what it says are hostile forces conducting war drills. Its young leader has previously given "final orders" for its military to wage revolutionary war with the South.

Despite the tide of hostile rhetoric from Pyongyang, it has kept open a joint economic zone with the South which generates $2bn a year in trade, money the impoverished state can ill-afford to lose.

Pyongyang has also cancelled an armistice agreement with the United States that ended the Korean War and cut all communications hotlines with US forces, the United Nations and South Korea.

"The North Koreans have to understand that what they're doing is very dangerous," U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel told reporters at the Pentagon.

"We must make clear that these provocations by the North are taken by us very seriously and we'll respond to that."

The US military said that its B-2 bombers had flown more than 6,500 miles (10,461 km) to stage a trial bombing raid from their bases in Missouri as part of the Foal Eagle war drills being held with South Korea.

The bombers dropped inert munitions on the Jik Do Range, in South Korea, and then returned to the continental United States in a single, continuous mission, the military said.

Thursday's drill was the first time B-2s flew round-trip from the mainland United States over South Korea and dropped inert munitions, a Pentagon spokeswoman said.

Victor Cha, a North Korea expert at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies, said the drill fits within the context of ramped efforts by the Pentagon to deter the North from acting upon any of its threats.

Asked whether he thought the latest moves could further aggravate tensions on the peninsula, Cha, a former White House official, said: "I don't think the situation can get any more aggravated than it already is."

Despite the shrill rhetoric from Pyongyang, few believe North Korea, formally known as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, will risk starting a full-out war.

Still, Hagel, who on 15 March announced he was bolstering missile defenses over the growing North Korea threat, said all of the provocations by the North had to be taken seriously.

"Their very provocative actions and belligerent tone, it has ratcheted up the danger and we have to understand that reality," Hagel said, renewing a warning that the US military was ready for "any eventuality" on the peninsula.

North Korea conducted a third nuclear weapons test in February in breach of UN sanctions and despite warnings from China, its one major diplomatic ally.


Who here has popcorn?

03-28-2013, 08:22 PM
do you even HAVE popcorn in china?

03-28-2013, 08:28 PM
I read an article that talks about if a war breaks out, how china would be involved but not how any of this think. Basically they'd be fighting a war against North Korean forces on their border who would invade china. North Korea would basically be in a situation of totally ****ed lashing out at everyone and everything. China also would be worried about unstable forces in their own region getting their hands on nukes. Just an utter total disaster.

What would happen basically is North Korea would lob artillery everywhere and do a lot of random damage to south korea, possibly china, and possiby japan. then the US bombers would come across the border and flatten everything. Then we'd need to move into the country, basically we'd paratrooper into the capital and be fighting door to door while we slowly moved up the country 100% blind while china yelled STOP in public and begged us to move faster in private at the same time they stacked troops on the border to keep koreans from flooding into china.

It would be BAD. It wouldn't be the end of the world like people predict (because i think people assume China would fight on N.Korea's side, no ****ing way). But it would be bad.

But it would never happen because the second it happens, N.Korea is no more, and if you were king of your own country, would you be rushing for it to no longer exist?

This right here is the crux of everything and the reason why it is somewhat different this time around. China has publicly rebuked North Korea several times now and for the first time, I feel like when they say "We are interested solely in peace in the region" they actually mean it. They stand to lose too much. I don't believe they have any interest in shipping Chinese troops into a conflict between North and South Korea this time around and I'm fairly certain Beijing has already made under-the-radar contact with Washington saying this.

03-28-2013, 08:33 PM
This right here is the crux of everything and the reason why it is somewhat different this time around. China has publicly rebuked North Korea several times now and for the first time, I feel like when they say "We are interested solely in peace in the region" they actually mean it. They stand to lose too much. I don't believe they have any interest in shipping Chinese troops into a conflict between North and South Korea this time around and I'm fairly certain Beijing has already made under-the-radar contact with Washington saying this.

The fact is the worse North Korea acts the less influence China has. It essentially starts acting to piss off the US. It's basically saying LOOK AT ME US LOOK AT ME while China sits in the corner rolling it's eyes. China has no control at all.

03-28-2013, 09:00 PM
It is hard to know just how out of touch with reality lil Kim is...I mean I am starting to wonder if he really does think he could take down the US...

He at least has to be under the impression that he is scaring us with his threats...and that alone shows that he is out of touch with reality

03-28-2013, 09:05 PM
It is hard to know just how out of touch with reality lil Kim is...I mean I am starting to wonder if he really does think he could take down the US...

He at least has to be under the impression that he is scaring us with his threats...and that alone shows that he is out of touch with reality
He does. They all do...

03-28-2013, 09:08 PM
He's unpredictable that's what makes him dangerous.

03-28-2013, 09:12 PM
Cod needs some new material

03-28-2013, 09:38 PM
nah... lil kim is acting completely predictably if you understand the situation he's in and understand basic facts of human nature.

if you were the NSA or a mediocre shrink, you would have seen all this coming many years ago and kept your fly's buzz in the president's ear... if you were the NSA, that is.

n. korea's situation is brutal... even with their death squads, labor camps, brainwashing, and critical lifeline to china. it doesn't matter if the petty puppet master is lil kim, junta du jour, or some other wooden chip trying to stand upright in the wind. sooner or later desperation always strikes in these situations.

i'm mostly an idiot in these affairs, and yet here i am trying to soothe a thread full of uptight chicken-littles. how crazy is that?

03-28-2013, 09:42 PM
'What You're Doing Is Weird And Wrong,' (http://www.theonion.com/articles/what-youre-doing-is-weird-and-wrong-small-voice-in,31734/) Small Voice In Back Of Kim Jong-Un's Head Reports

PYONGYANG—While performing his duties as Supreme Leader of North Korea Tuesday, Kim Jong-un reportedly heard a small voice in the back of his mind telling him that his actions over the last six months have been very strange and wrong.

Sources confirmed that the tiny voice, which spoke to Kim at various points throughout the day, quietly suggested that the four-star military general and Worker Party’s secretary is a weird person with out-of-whack priorities who acts in a way that makes little sense to anyone.

“You are a very odd man who does things that are bizarre and indicative of a mentally ill person,” the little voice reportedly said following a speech in which Kim issued apocalyptic threats to enemies in the West and predicted the destruction of America. “The things you say on a daily basis are not only extremely creepy and off-putting, but they are also very wrong. You should probably not be the leader of a country.”

“Stop that,” the voice continued as Kim issued another threat to the global community. “Stop saying these weird things. You’re making people frightened and uncomfortable.”

According to sources, the faintly perceptible voice located in the recesses of Kim’s mind continued communicating with the dictator during the presentation of a propaganda film depicting the nuclear annihilation of the United States’ Eastern Seaboard. The soft whisper told the North Korean leader that the film was not only strange-looking because it was clearly rendered from a video game, but also filled with factual inaccuracies. The voice went on to note that when Kim Jong-un endorsed the video and shared it with millions of people all over the world, it made him seem like he didn’t know what was going on and that something was deeply wrong with him psychologically.

The voice then openly asked the dictator whether any of this was registering at all.

03-29-2013, 12:34 AM
I really think lil Kim is bluffing

03-29-2013, 12:45 AM
To all of the people who have knowledge about NK, who are their allies? China? Russia?

03-29-2013, 12:55 AM
I admit I have been mostly ignorant beyond generalities as to what North Korea is like and how they operate. But having a close friend stationed on the Korean border, I've slowly began playing catchup. I watched a National Geographic documentary on the region a few days ago and while it was just about what I expected, it was still kind of crazy to watch a woman sing a nursery rhyme to her children that went: "The pathetic Americans kneel on the ground. They beg for mercy."


03-29-2013, 12:57 AM
To all of the people who have knowledge about NK, who are their allies? China? Russia?
and Pakistan.

03-29-2013, 12:57 AM
I think Russia..

03-29-2013, 01:32 AM
If they are allies with Russia then this could be a helluva war.

03-29-2013, 08:15 AM
North Korea has no allies that would come to their aid in a war. None at all. Their closest ally china might actually wind up fighting them to close the border and restore order - helping them is not in the cards.

03-29-2013, 08:17 AM
NK running their mouth, trying to get more aid from the UN. Cant believe people buying this shit. :coleman:

and Pakistan.
Isnt Pakistan working with the USA?

03-29-2013, 08:42 AM
North Korea has no allies that would come to their aid in a war. None at all. Their closest ally china might actually wind up fighting them to close the border and restore order - helping them is not in the cards.

I believe it is Russia, Iran, China, and a few other nations. It is their own axis of allies. It is ridiculous to think China will side with the US when they have formed their own pact right after 9/11.

Also, I don't believe Kim un is an idiot or a crazy mad man: this is clearly a strategic military move. They know the US is tied up in two wars, the state of the economy is in a crisis, and they are trying to invade Syria and Iran.

Kim un is calling our bluff.

03-29-2013, 09:06 AM
I believe it is Russia, Iran, China, and a few other nations. It is their own axis of allies. It is ridiculous to think China will side with the US when they have formed their own pact right after 9/11.

Also, I don't believe Kim un is an idiot or a crazy mad man: this is clearly a strategic military move. They know the US is tied up in two wars, the state of the economy is in a crisis, and they are trying to invade Syria and Iran.

Kim un is calling our bluff.

If he is rational he'd just walk away.A war With the US isnt helping anyone unless he values damaging the US over everything he has in this world.

Problem is he just might.

03-29-2013, 09:09 AM
some of you swallow every BS that the media feeds you.

threat of war my ass.

this is all a dramatic show.

03-29-2013, 09:26 AM
I believe it is Russia, Iran, China, and a few other nations. It is their own axis of allies. It is ridiculous to think China will side with the US when they have formed their own pact right after 9/11.

Also, I don't believe Kim un is an idiot or a crazy mad man: this is clearly a strategic military move. They know the US is tied up in two wars, the state of the economy is in a crisis, and they are trying to invade Syria and Iran.

Kim un is calling our bluff.

North Korea has NO allies that would come to their aid in an armed conflict. Literally zero. I know people like to pretend WW3 is coming and get a hard on but this would be North Korea vs. literally everyone, including their allies in China.

03-29-2013, 09:40 AM
North Korea has NO allies that would come to their aid in an armed conflict. Literally zero. I know people like to pretend WW3 is coming and get a hard on but this would be North Korea vs. literally everyone, including their allies in China.

Only if the US humbles itself co-operates with the rest of the world.

I don't think speculation about war is based on this alone. The international system is becoming increasingly fragmented; the Cyprus situation is threatening Europe unification ; everyone being annoyed by Israel's and the US' bullshit in the middle east and power vacuum's opening up in volatile countries like Cuba and Venezuela...the political system is unstable.

I don't even want to get into economics.

Everyone wants to see the North Korea situation resolved, including China, but the Chinese aren't going to sit there and let their sovereignty be threatened and the UN and the media aren't going to watch the US senselessly kill people.

03-29-2013, 09:57 AM
some of you swallow every BS that the media feeds you.

threat of war my ass.

this is all a dramatic show.

Please indicate exactly what is the BS?

The US didn't fly B-2 bombers from the US to South Korea on a practice run?

The US didn't take the unprecedented step of announcing where our B-2s have been contrary to previous policy?

This didn't happen today in response?

03-29-2013, 10:01 AM
They do these drills every year.

NK is a joke.

03-29-2013, 10:06 AM
Yes, the threat of a full scale war is very remote, but It hasn't been three years since these guys took shots at each other. Three years ago this week North Korea sunk a South Korean ship and that was before Kim Jong Un took over.

It's unclear to us, how shaky Kim Jong Un's grip on power is. His one year anniversary is coming up next month. So for domestic reasons, he might try to make a move. The whole point of the fly-by was to point out what the consequences might be.

Burgz V2
03-29-2013, 10:11 AM
Please indicate exactly what is the BS?

The US didn't fly B-2 bombers from the US to South Korea on a practice run?

The US didn't take the unprecedented step of announcing where our B-2s have been contrary to previous policy?

This didn't happen today?

what exactly am I looking at and how is it even relevant to what DCL said?

The fact of the matter is people are blowing this situation way out of proportion. It's not BS because the stability of East Asia depends on the nature of China and NK's diplomatic relationship but let's not pretend we are on the brink of full scale world war any time soon because TWO stealth bombers were deployed for a practice run.

03-29-2013, 10:15 AM
Please indicate exactly what is the BS?

The US didn't fly B-2 bombers from the US to South Korea on a practice run?

The US didn't take the unprecedented step of announcing where our B-2s have been contrary to previous policy?

This didn't happen today in response?

you're so gullible, dude.

you always read every article but don't even think about it.

Nick Young
03-29-2013, 10:17 AM
Stop panicking chicken littles. North Korea can't do jack shit. Have you seen the levels of their CGI? If their digital artists are still 30 years behind the rest of the world, what makes you think their nuclear scientists are any better?

If North Korea tried to start anything they would be wiped out really quick. No, China and Russia would not rush to their aid. China cares more about all of their customers all over the world importing billions of dollars of chinese products then they do about shitty North Korea. China are north korea's allies in theory only.

WWIII is not upon us. Calm down

Nick Young
03-29-2013, 10:21 AM
North Korea has no allies that would come to their aid in a war. None at all. Their closest ally china might actually wind up fighting them to close the border and restore order - helping them is not in the cards.

This isn't 1913. WWI type shit of allies rushing to eachother's aide is over.

03-29-2013, 10:22 AM
Sorry, I thought I put the link in (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/29/north-korea-rally_n_2976406.html)

Thousands of North Koreans have turned out for a mass rally at the main square in Pyongyang in support of their leader's call to arms.

Chanting "Death to the U.S. imperialists" and "Sweep away the U.S. aggressors," soldiers and students marched through Kim Il Sung Square in downtown Pyongyang on Friday during a 90-minute rally.

Nick Young
03-29-2013, 10:24 AM
Sorry, I thought I put the link in (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/29/north-korea-rally_n_2976406.html)
You know that NK citizens are forced to do this, right?

03-29-2013, 10:28 AM
you're so gullible, dude.

you always read every article but don't even think about it.

Is it possible to answer my question without an aggressive form of ignorance posing as superiority?

03-29-2013, 10:31 AM
For every action there is a reaction. U.S flies their bomber planes over South-Korea so off course they ready their wepons in response

03-29-2013, 10:44 AM
For every action there is a reaction. U.S flies their bomber planes over South-Korea so off course they ready their wepons in response

You haven't followed the chain back far enough. The B-2s were a reaction to an action as well.

Burgz V2
03-29-2013, 10:46 AM
Sorry, I thought I put the link in (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/29/north-korea-rally_n_2976406.html)

status quo if you ask me. this is not news.

03-29-2013, 11:03 AM
North Korea aiming its rockets at the US is sort of equivalent to me aiming my erect pecker in the direction of the Playboy Mansion. And the sad truth here is my payload will probably come closer to hitting its target than theirs will.

03-29-2013, 11:17 AM
the real injustice about war, is when civilians are killed, there people blame the country that did it, and not there own government.

03-29-2013, 11:19 AM
Sorry, I thought I put the link in (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/29/north-korea-rally_n_2976406.html)
seems like that terrible propaganda has worked :lol

03-29-2013, 11:34 AM
You haven't followed the chain back far enough. The B-2s were a reaction to an action as well.

I actually have followed the situation a lot

I guess South-Korea fears the most because they will get the main damages and casualties once the war starts. Remember when NK downed their warship? What did they do? basically nothing other than urging U.S to force some new sanctions through UN to NK

03-29-2013, 11:41 AM
You know that NK citizens are forced to do this, right?

Exactly. Any public refusal to obey the government or comply with propaganda leads to severe punishment and most likely harsh imprisonment. It's generally risky to speak against the government or Kim to your peers since you never know who's a snitch. This is a country where any form of religious worship isn't allowed because it takes away from the deification of Kim and his family. Those of you that are interested in learning a bit more about modern day NK should check out Vice's documentary on it.

Another interesting read: Human rights in North Korea (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights_in_North_Korea)

03-29-2013, 12:05 PM
Stop panicking chicken littles. North Korea can't do jack shit. Have you seen the levels of their CGI? If their digital artists are still 30 years behind the rest of the world, what makes you think their nuclear scientists are any better?

If North Korea tried to start anything they would be wiped out really quick. No, China and Russia would not rush to their aid. China cares more about all of their customers all over the world importing billions of dollars of chinese products then they do about shitty North Korea. China are north korea's allies in theory only.

WWIII is not upon us. Calm down
Great logic:roll:

03-29-2013, 12:17 PM
North Korea has NO allies that would come to their aid in an armed conflict. Literally zero. I know people like to pretend WW3 is coming and get a hard on but this would be North Korea vs. literally everyone, including their allies in China.

You know very little about foreign affairs.

North Korea aiming its rockets at the US is sort of equivalent to me aiming my erect pecker in the direction of the Playboy Mansion. And the sad truth here is my payload will probably come closer to hitting its target than theirs will.

Except N. Korea packs a larger arsenal of weapons than your small pecker. This is as real as it gets: an attack on S. Korea, is an attack on the US. An attack on N. Korea, is an attack on Russia and China. They form "allies" for a reason; what is the point of an ally if countries will sit idly while their partners are being attacked. China and Russia might not engage in the war directly, but you can bet they will be supplying arms and, quite possibly, air and ground support at the very least.

I'm not afraid of N Korea attacking the US because I don't believe they have the means to, I'm afraid they will be attacking S. Korea, which will usher us into another conflict we don't need.

03-29-2013, 12:24 PM
Stop panicking chicken littles. North Korea can't do jack shit. Have you seen the levels of their CGI? If their digital artists are still 30 years behind the rest of the world, what makes you think their nuclear scientists are any better?

If North Korea tried to start anything they would be wiped out really quick. No, China and Russia would not rush to their aid. China cares more about all of their customers all over the world importing billions of dollars of chinese products then they do about shitty North Korea. China are north korea's allies in theory only.

WWIII is not upon us. Calm down

This is a very elementary way of looking at things: how anyone can equate a country's arms to the quality of their CGI is beyond me.:facepalm

China and Russia are aiding and abetting nation's hostile to the US, so to think they won't continue the aid during wartime makes no logical sense.

How else did Iran and N. Korea get their nukes? It is not a secret have been supplying arms to both countries for a while, and it is solely done against the best interests of the US. Sure China does not want to go to war, hence why they are criticizing Kim Un's aggressive taunts, but if a war does play out, they will send their aid and support LIKE THEY HAVE BEEN DOING FOR THE PAST 10 YEARS.

03-29-2013, 12:39 PM
America Threatens China, Russia and North Korea: US to Boost Anti-ballistic Missile Systems in Asia Pacific


To suggest that the US is spending tens of billions of dollars on anti-ballistic missile defences to counter the threat from North Korea—and, in the case of the missile defences it is building in Europe, to counter the threat from Iran—is absurd. These systems are primarily aimed at China and Russia, which do have the capability to strike the US with nuclear-armed ballistic missiles.

Speaking to the Wall Street Journal last August, an unnamed senior American official acknowledged that any anti-ballistic missile system aimed at North Korea is also aimed at China, by virtue of geography. “Physics is physics,” he said. “You’re either blocking North Korea and China, or you’re not blocking either of them.”

The US isn't only on the defense against Iran and N Korea, they know a war with both countries might bring about retaliation from their allies Russia and China, plus wikileaks revealed a disinformation PR they've been throwing around to look like they are buddy-buddy with the US. Don't believe anything they say, it's usually the opposite of their real intentions.

China and Russia playing the "saint" card is all PR; they've been arming hostile nations for over a decade now solely to counter the US's aggressive military actions.

emsteez forreal
03-29-2013, 12:47 PM
hai guise i did some top-secret covert investigationz to uncover NK's war plans. enjoy


03-29-2013, 01:09 PM
hai guise i did some top-secret covert investigationz to uncover NK's war plans. enjoy


Awesome. Looks like I'll be safe.

03-29-2013, 01:17 PM
China sees North Korea as its Israel.

03-29-2013, 01:54 PM
Just launch already, dammit. I'm sick of hearing about that damn place.
This is like a Chihuahua on a leash yapping at a calm Pit Bull... As soon as it breaks free, that Chihuahua is going to get mauled...

03-29-2013, 02:16 PM
Just launch already, dammit. I'm sick of hearing about that damn place.
This is like a Chihuahua on a leash yapping at a calm Pit Bull... As soon as it breaks free, that Chihuahua is going to get mauled...
You're a dumb little kid. Stfu and stay out of grown up discussion. "just launch already" :facepalm

03-29-2013, 02:44 PM
The more I read into this, the sillier it is to me that people are saying China won't side with N. Korea.

1. Let's pretend Canada hates China and wants to attack them; what do you think the US is going to do? They have to prevent a war because they know if Canada ever falls under the hands of China, there would be military bases near the borders of the US. Same with Russia, an attack on Iran is too much of a threat for them to sit idly by (they are supplying them with weapons and the means to build nukes).

2. An attack on Canada would result in millions of refugees crossing over to the US, and this will hurt the country economically. Same with N. Korea and China.

3. China's actions, or lack thereof, with the Chenoan sinking speaks in high volume their support of N Korea.

4. China has already warn the US of military action against N Korea; to sound diplomatic, they said such actions must be approved by a vote in the UN, but they were going to veto the vote along with Russia and other allies making it virtually impossible to get a full vote of confidence, therefore, it was not just a warning they were imposing, it was a direct threat: if the US attacks N Korea, there will be consequences.

China Won't Help U.S. On North Korea, And Here's Why:

But don’t expect too much. China has become more muscular in its foreign policy generally, showing a willingness to challenge U.S. security interests, and doesn’t seem likely to soften to pressure now on North Korea. Diplomacy in the region seems to be heading in the wrong direction, and that is more true now than ever.


03-29-2013, 02:51 PM
The more I read into this, the sillier it is to me that people are saying China won't side with N. Korea.

1. Let's pretend Canada hates China and wants to attack them; what do you think the US is going to do? They have to prevent a war because they know if Canada ever falls under the hands of China, there would be military bases near the borders of the US. Same with Russia, an attack on Iran is too much of a threat for them to sit idly by (they are supplying them with weapons and the means to build nukes).

2. An attack on Canada would result in millions of refugees crossing over to the US, and this will hurt the country economically. Same with N. Korea and China.

3. China's actions, or lack thereof, with the Chenoan sinking speaks in high volume their support of N Korea.

4. China has already warn the US of military action against N Korea; to sound diplomatic, they said such actions must be approved by a vote in the UN, but they were going to veto the vote along with Russia and other allies making it virtually impossible to get a full vote of confidence, therefore, it was not just a warning they were imposing, it was a direct threat: if the US attacks N Korea, there will be consequences.

China Won't Help U.S. On North Korea, And Here's Why:

You know for a fact that china will not side with north korea when IamRambo says they will.

03-29-2013, 02:51 PM
You know very little about foreign affairs.

Except N. Korea packs a larger arsenal of weapons than your small pecker. This is as real as it gets: an attack on S. Korea, is an attack on the US. An attack on N. Korea, is an attack on Russia and China. They form "allies" for a reason; what is the point of an ally if countries will sit idly while their partners are being attacked. China and Russia might not engage in the war directly, but you can bet they will be supplying arms and, quite possibly, air and ground support at the very least.

I'm not afraid of N Korea attacking the US because I don't believe they have the means to, I'm afraid they will be attacking S. Korea, which will usher us into another conflict we don't need.

No, you are just wrong. You are pretty much always wrong so this is not surprising. China is not going to supply weapons to a north korea regime that they'd pretty much need to prop up financially if a war occurred and it stayed around. If there's a war, china wants North Korea to fall and to fall fast and for South Korea to absorb all the refugees.

The world is about money. China trades with South Korea. China trades with Japan. China trades with the US. All of us give them shitastic amounts of money. North Korea costs them money.

Absolutely NO ONE would come to Korea's aid outside of maybe some verbal support scolding the US. That's it.

03-29-2013, 03:06 PM
No, you are just wrong. You are pretty much always wrong so this is not surprising. China is not going to supply weapons to a north korea regime that they'd pretty much need to prop up financially if a war occurred and it stayed around. If there's a war, china wants North Korea to fall and to fall fast and for South Korea to absorb all the refugees.

The world is about money. China trades with South Korea. China trades with Japan. China trades with the US. All of us give them shitastic amounts of money. North Korea costs them money.

Absolutely NO ONE would come to Korea's aid outside of maybe some verbal support scolding the US. That's it.

1. Why would N Koreans run to S Korea when that's the country that is going to bomb them in the first place. More likely than not, refugees will go to China in droves, so it is in their economic best interest to prevent this from happening.

2. Why would China want N. Korea to "fall fast." N Korea provides a huge land mass between S Korea and the US; N Korea falling into US hands would be disastrous for China militarily speaking.

You have to understand the history and put it into context; do you even know about the Chenoan conflict. I bet not.

03-29-2013, 03:23 PM
You know for a fact that china will not side with north korea when IamRambo says they will.

It is not about being right or wrong, everything is hypothetical, so we don't know what is truly going on until things play out; but the difference between my predictions and niko is I don't think he has an inkling of the cozy relationship between Kim Un and China, the threat of US anti-ballistic weaponry in the Korean peninsula, and the repercussions China will have to endure (lost of military strategic advantages, influx of refugees, etc.) if the US takes over N Korea.

How do I know China will stand with N Korea; BECAUSE THEY DID IT BEFORE. Hello! Korean war in 50 anyone. There is a reason why they supported N Korea during that war and the interest (as listed above) still stands today.

Dude didn't even know N Korea and China are wartime allies. Just because he disagrees with me, does not mean I don't know what I am talking about. At least I know the history, he's only going by sound bites played over the media.

03-29-2013, 03:28 PM
1. Why would N Koreans run to S Korea when that's the country that is going to bomb them in the first place. More likely than not, refugees will go to China in droves, so it is in their economic best interest to prevent this from happening.

2. Why would China want N. Korea to "fall fast." N Korea provides a huge land mass between S Korea and the US; N Korea falling into US hands would be disastrous for China militarily speaking.

You have to understand the history and put it into context; do you even know about the Chenoan conflict. I bet not.

China is not going to get involved in a shooting war on North Korea's behalf, it's just stupid. I get it gives everyone a hard on because you want end of the world scenarios but it's just not happening, and to be honest it's a very simplistic viewpoint that sounds very much like a person getting their info from CNN and such. Read up on the relationship between North Korea and China. It's not buddy buddy, it's basically China trying to reign them in and North Korea moving further and further away into an antagonistic position vs. South Korea and Japan that China does not want them to have. there also is literally troops from China in position in the area - and they aren't there against Korea or Japan, they are there against North Korea because of the fact they are afraid North Korea invades them to flee from the South in the event of a conflict.

You are trying to sound intelligent but you actually have a very simplistic cold war type view of the relationship and it's not that at all. China doesn't need a buffer for South Korea, it actually would make them much closer partners if North korea was gone. China is afraid of a land invasion from South Korea? Seriously? Is this 1958?

Everyone waiting for this huge US/China showdown is apt to be very dissapointed, the economies of all these countries are too intertwined. It's not happening.

03-29-2013, 03:43 PM
China is not going to get involved in a shooting war on North Korea's behalf, it's just stupid. I get it gives everyone a hard on because you want end of the world scenarios but it's just not happening, and to be honest it's a very simplistic viewpoint that sounds very much like a person getting their info from CNN and such. Read up on the relationship between North Korea and China. It's not buddy buddy, it's basically China trying to reign them in and North Korea moving further and further away into an antagonistic position vs. South Korea and Japan that China does not want them to have. there also is literally troops from China in position in the area - and they aren't there against Korea or Japan, they are there against North Korea because of the fact they are afraid North Korea invades them to flee from the South in the event of a conflict.

You are trying to sound intelligent but you actually have a very simplistic cold war type view of the relationship and it's not that at all. China doesn't need a buffer for South Korea, it actually would make them much closer partners if North korea was gone. China is afraid of a land invasion from South Korea? Seriously? Is this 1958?

Everyone waiting for this huge US/China showdown is apt to be very dissapointed, the economies of all these countries are too intertwined. It's not happening.

Really. If China was antagonistic towards N Korea, then why didn't they reign them in during the Chenoan conflict? That was clearly an attack on S. Korea. Why did China allow them to test their nukes and provided aid if they were against them all along.

China is the master of propaganda: they are basically a wolf in sheep's clothing; all that diplomatic talk on news cables is nothing more than PR propaganda because behind the scenes they are using N Korea as a pawn to actively be aggressors toward the US; same with Russia using Iran as a pawn to taunt the US. Their alliance with N Korea is Kim Un's military strength. Without China, N Korea would be just another 3rd country too afraid to take on the US.

Iran and NK only have the balls to taunt the US because of the powerful connections they have (Russia and China). It is not just pure coincidence the two most aggressive countries also happen to border China and Russia respectively.

03-29-2013, 03:43 PM
It is not about being right or wrong, everything is hypothetical, so we don't know what is truly going on until things play out; but the difference between my predictions and niko is I don't think he has an inkling of the cozy relationship between Kim Un and China, the threat of US anti-ballistic weaponry in the Korean peninsula, and the repercussions China will have to endure (lost of military strategic advantages, influx of refugees, etc.) if the US takes over N Korea.

How do I know China will stand with N Korea; BECAUSE THEY DID IT BEFORE. Hello! Korean war in 50 anyone. There is a reason why they supported N Korea during that war and the interest (as listed above) still stands today.

Dude didn't even know N Korea and China are wartime allies. Just because he disagrees with me, does not mean I don't know what I am talking about. At least I know the history, he's only going by sound bites played over the media.
I know youre dumb so i didnt read.

03-29-2013, 03:47 PM
BEIJING — China said Friday it would strengthen military ties with ally North Korea, amid continuing tensions between Pyongyang and Seoul and stalled efforts to restart nuclear disarmament talks.
Beijing refused to condemn the North after South Korea accused it of two deadly attacks last year. Tensions have slackened somewhat, but talks on ending its nuclear programs remain stalled.

Beijing refused to condemn the North after South Korea accused it of two deadly attacks last year. Tensions have slackened somewhat, but talks on ending its nuclear programs remain stalled.


It is a fact China is aiding NK militarily.

03-29-2013, 03:52 PM
I know youre dumb so i didnt read.

Please stop acting like a child and provide a bit more insight to this topic. No one truly knows what will happen, so a relevant discussion can provide insight and educate us all about an important issue. Thanks.

03-29-2013, 04:31 PM
This is very, very, scary. I'm staying tuned as much as possible.

03-29-2013, 06:30 PM
i don't get the interest in this, it happens every year (literally) since i've been alive (which is closing in on 40 years). And all of you post doom and gloom. This will pass, and it will pass next year, and the next year, and on and on in perpetuity because all parties want and need it to be like that.

03-29-2013, 06:53 PM
You're a dumb little kid. Stfu and stay out of grown up discussion. "just launch already" :facepalm
Gtfo of here, ******. Everyone knows that the rockets would hit the ocean after they were launched, and after that, NK won't exist anymore.

03-29-2013, 06:57 PM
Gtfo of here, ******. Everyone knows that the rockets would hit the ocean after they were launched, and after that, NK won't exist anymore.
yea nobody in the states is worried but what if they attack south korea or japan :facepalm

go back to burning bird houses fakkit

03-29-2013, 08:42 PM
yea nobody in the states is worried but what if they attack south korea or japan :facepalm

go back to burning bird houses fakkit
When they prove they have working rockets, then that's when people should be worried.
If they nuke the South, then the radiation will spread to them, too.

03-29-2013, 09:36 PM

Lil Kim doesn't defecate? No wonder he looks so damn bloated. wtf?

03-29-2013, 10:00 PM
I wish our(U.S.) media would stop trying to muster public support for this by sensationalizing the situation beyond what it is.

Speaking of China and N. Korea, imagine if China wanted to fight a war with Mexico, think about how crazy that sounds. What if they already had bases all over the gulf and Central America, and were flying stealth bombers around, trying to flex on Mexico. Then think about how much crazier it would get if China wanted to sink it's fangs into Mexico and "rebuild" it their way after the war. That's the position that China is in.

Everyone just needs to chill out.

03-29-2013, 10:23 PM
hai guise i did some top-secret covert investigationz to uncover NK's war plans. enjoy

I hope the Lakers are on the road when they attack LA :lol

03-29-2013, 10:40 PM
No war is going to happen between the U.S. and China both rely on each other wayyy to much economically for them to even consider attacking each other directly. IAMrambo although you're right that both China and Russia provide weapons and indirect support to these two countries, they would never actually attack the US themselves, which is exactly why they put on the phony smiles for the camera. They need to be careful because they don't want beef with the US either

03-29-2013, 10:52 PM
The scary part is Kim truly believes he can take out anyone he wants if it came down to it. Little does he realize his country is gone the second that first nuke goes off. Regardless of who sides with who, a war involving nukes is not going to end well for anyone.

03-29-2013, 11:00 PM
Why can't we all just get along?

03-29-2013, 11:13 PM
Why can't we all just get along?
Human nature

03-30-2013, 03:52 AM
I hope the US just pay these high ranking North Korean Officials to assassinate this son of a B1tch.

03-30-2013, 04:27 AM
And in two days, Kim is going to be like "lolz April Fools bitches!!!!" :hammerhead:

03-30-2013, 12:39 PM
The scary part is Kim truly believes he can take out anyone he wants if it came down to it. Little does he realize his country is gone the second that first nuke goes off. Regardless of who sides with who, a war involving nukes is not going to end well for anyone.
If he truly believes that, he's either being lied to by his generals or he's completely batshit insane. Or he's being lied to by his generals BECAUSE he's batshit insane.

I think the reality is he knows this is what his country does when it needs food and money; denounce joint exercises and start issuing rambling violent statements that translate into war fiction written by deranged fourth graders. The dance has been going on this way for decades and it won't stop because the result will just be millions more Koreans dead from starvation and malnutrition than are already dying...the UN can't just let that happen, but neither can we just roll in and kick these idiots out of power.

03-30-2013, 01:02 PM

Russia urges US and North Korea to show restraint


Russia calls for 'maximum restraint' in North Korea

03-30-2013, 02:03 PM

Lil Kim doesn't defecate? No wonder he looks so damn bloated. wtf?

So he's the one that ordered the artillery bombardment on an island of South Korea and the sinking of a SK warship instead of his late father? This mother fuccer ain't bluffing if this sh1t is true. This guy might actually do something about it.

03-30-2013, 03:44 PM
If he truly believes that, he's either being lied to by his generals or he's completely batshit insane. Or he's being lied to by his generals BECAUSE he's batshit insane.

I think the reality is he knows this is what his country does when it needs food and money; denounce joint exercises and start issuing rambling violent statements that translate into war fiction written by deranged fourth graders. The dance has been going on this way for decades and it won't stop because the result will just be millions more Koreans dead from starvation and malnutrition than are already dying...the UN can't just let that happen, but neither can we just roll in and kick these idiots out of power.

Most likely it's him being batshit insane. Then again, Rodman is probably on a similar level of insanity for actually going over and trying to reason with him.

03-31-2013, 08:26 PM
i don't get the interest in this, it happens every year (literally) since i've been alive (which is closing in on 40 years). And all of you post doom and gloom. This will pass, and it will pass next year, and the next year, and on and on in perpetuity because all parties want and need it to be like that.

So every year a nation is threatening to nuke the US? You obviously don't know what you are talking about. Your knowledge of this situation is pathetic. You're too old niko. That is your problem. Old people are set in their ways and can only think in terms of the past and habits; this is why you can't see things beyond what you are being force fed by the media: your hormones are too limp to dig a bit further. Being senile makes you lazy, so it is more "comfortable" for you to accept what is being told than to truly think.

04-01-2013, 04:14 AM
JOEL WIT, Johns Hopkins University: I think this is an extremely serious situation.

And I would say that we are one step away from a second Korean War. And I say that because, in this kind of tense situation, the danger of miscalculation or accidental conflict is very high. And so this is a very dangerous situation. And we need to be very careful.

RAY SUAREZ: Professor Lee, do agree? Are we really in more jeopardy than we were just a few weeks ago?

SUNG-YOON LEE, Tufts University: Well, we have seen a crescendo of bluster barrage.

I don't think we are on the brink of war, because we know the North Korean regime harbors no suicidal impulses. I don't necessarily want to paint the North Korean regime as all-knowing, omnipotent, brilliant military strategists. So, there is always the danger of miscalculation, yes.

But we have seen North Korea resort to periodic, deadly, but always limited, controlled attacks against the South and the United States forces in South Korea over the past 60 years. And I think the North Korean regime views this period, 2013, as a particularly appeasement-prone time.

And, hence, it's in North Korea's interest to raise the stakes, paint Washington and Seoul especially into a corner, with a view towards receiving more economic concessions in the future.

RAY SUAREZ: Well, Professor, having said that, when any country, North Korea or any country on the planet makes threats of the kind that were made in the past 24 hours, does the United States have to take them seriously?

SUNG-YOON LEE: This is North Korea's preferred strategy of graduated escalation.

It's psychological warfare. And the U.S. and the ROK, the Republic of Korea, the former name for South Korea, have also been engaging in some psychological warfare of their own. We should take the North Korean threat seriously because there's a high likelihood that North Korea will once again resort to a deadly attack against South Korea.

North Korea has shown a proclivity to launch such attacks and provocative acts on a holiday, major holiday. So perhaps even this Easter Sunday is an opportune time for another provocation in North Korean calculation.

RAY SUAREZ: Joel Wit, the targeting maps are said to show Honolulu, Washington D.C., Los Angeles. Do we have a very good idea of what North Korea is capable of and what it's not?

JOEL WIT: Yes, I think we have an excellent idea.

And we have that because we have observed their missile tests. And we know how far those missiles can go, even if they work. And the fact is, they haven't really worked very well. So they can't really reach the continental United States.

Secondly, I want to return to this point about whether we're close to a war or not. And I would say that the problem here is -- and the professor has even predicted when a provocation might happen. The problem is that, if North Korea launches a provocation, the United States and South Korea, unlike in the past, are likely to respond.

And North Korea is not going to roll over and play dead, contrary to what a number of conservatives think.

RAY SUAREZ: But do you agree with the professor's conclusion that the country that's in real jeopardy is not the United States from these threats, but South Korea?

JOEL WIT: Absolutely.

South Korea is in great jeopardy here. And as a close ally of the United States, that's very important to us. And we also have to remember we have 28,000 troops on the peninsula and are committed to South Korea's defense. So if there is another Korean war, it's going to involve thousands, tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of American troops.

RAY SUAREZ: Professor, nations around the world have toolboxes, various mixtures of threats, persuasions, inducement that is part of how diplomacy gets carried on. Are the rules different for dealing with North Korea than almost any other country on Earth?

SUNG-YOON LEE: Well, in the case of North Korea, when you consider seeking better relations with other states and the international community at large, better relations for North Korea means what we have right now, creating a near crisis situation with a view towards returning to negotiations.

And over the past 20 years of nuclear diplomacy, that has always meant returning to talks with big blandishments, bigger rewards in tow. So, yes, we have dealt with North Korea in a way that has not been a spectacular success. It's time to put some real stick in that proverbial carrot-and-stick approach. And I would say it has been all blandishments and concessions so far.


JOEL WIT: Well, you know, I have experience actually working with North Koreans. I spent 15 years in the State Department working with them.

And I can say that it's not a record of failure. In fact, the agreement we reached in 1994 stopped North Korea from building as many as 100 nuclear weapons by 2000. So that agreement worked. There have been other agreements that haven't worked so well. It's been a very mixed record.

And I agree with the professor that we need to get tough with the North Koreans. But getting tough, in and of itself, is not a policy. You need to use diplomacy too to find escape routes for both parties.

RAY SUAREZ: But when you use diplomacy, do any of the standard tools of a diplomat, when dealing with another country, work with this country?

JOEL WIT: They do work.

I was part of an agreement, as I said, in 1994 that worked very well for eight years. Most people don't know that in the late 2000s, there was another agreement with North Korea, a moratorium on its long-range missile tests that lasted seven years. It worked very well.

So the record is not an unblemished record of failure. It's a record of mixed success and mixed failures. And so that means we still need to continue to try to work on a diplomatic track of this.

RAY SUAREZ: Professor, quickly, before we go, when statements like the kind that have come out of Pyongyang in the last couple of days are issued, is that paranoia as gesture, or is there a real belief among the leading cadre there that, in fact, the United States does want to take over, steamroll, immolate this country?

SUNG-YOON LEE: It's posturing.

I don't think the North Korean regime believes that the U.S. is on the verge of attacking North Korea. That is not in the best interest of the United States. We tend to take a patronizing view of the North Korean regime because they are so bizarre and unusual in so many ways.

But they are quite rational, careful. And self-preservation is of the utmost priority for the regime. I don't have any experience working in government or dealing with North Korea. But what I do know is that the Clinton administration paid North Korea almost $200 million worth of food aid for the empty privilege of inspecting an empty cave in the aftermath of North Korea firing a long-range missile over Japan on Aug. 31st, 1998.

The Bush administration has similar failed record in dealing with North Korea. It removed North Korea from the state-sponsored terrorism list in October of 2008, resumed food aid, negotiated with North Korea again. North Korea blew up the tired, old, out-of-date cooling tower in Yongbyon at the main facility and continued to enrich uranium.

RAY SUAREZ: Very quickly, I mean, that record is an actual record of things that really happened.

JOEL WIT: You know, I disagree with that characterization.

And I go back to the fact that, when I was in the U.S. government looking at intelligence estimates in the early 1990s, we were looking at a program that was enormous. And by the Bush administration, we had turned that off, and the North Koreans had moved to develop another kind of nuclear weapon.

RAY SUAREZ: Joel Wit, Professor Lee, gentlemen, thank you both.

SUNG-YOON LEE: Thank you.

JOEL WIT: Thank you.


04-01-2013, 03:12 PM

04-01-2013, 08:08 PM
So every year a nation is threatening to nuke the US? You obviously don't know what you are talking about. Your knowledge of this situation is pathetic. You're too old niko. That is your problem. Old people are set in their ways and can only think in terms of the past and habits; this is why you can't see things beyond what you are being force fed by the media: your hormones are too limp to dig a bit further. Being senile makes you lazy, so it is more "comfortable" for you to accept what is being told than to truly think.

04-01-2013, 09:19 PM
Haven't heard much on this situation, any new threats?

04-01-2013, 09:39 PM
Haven't heard much on this situation, any new threats?
south korea threatened the north back. i have a feeling this time, if the north crosses the line again like they did when they shelled that island or sunk that ship, s korea is gonna retaliate.

04-01-2013, 09:54 PM
south korea threatened the north back. i have a feeling this time, if the north crosses the line again like they did when they shelled that island or sunk that ship, s korea is gonna retaliate.

South Korea seems to be less aggressive. That, and they seem to have more brains. They need to show a bit of aggression or they'll be taken advantage over. Do they even have much of an army or military?

04-02-2013, 04:28 AM
this is solely for north korea's internal benefit, he just wants to bolster himself internally to the military, so he isn't ousted, he is 29 and that has come into question in a culture where age matters

04-02-2013, 08:04 AM
this is solely for north korea's internal benefit, he just wants to bolster himself internally to the military, so he isn't ousted, he is 29 and that has come into question in a culture where age matters

or he has to convince his high ranking generals and the people that he continues with his fathers work

04-02-2013, 10:57 AM
South Korea seems to be less aggressive. That, and they seem to have more brains. They need to show a bit of aggression or they'll be taken advantage over. Do they even have much of an army or military?
south korea is definitely less aggressive then the north, but they've been taking alot of shit these last few years without responding. this time, if more citizens die i doubt they are going to turn the other cheek again.

04-02-2013, 03:49 PM
south korea is definitely less aggressive then the north, but they've been taking alot of shit these last few years without responding. this time, if more citizens die i doubt they are going to turn the other cheek again.

This. There's that saying "You poke a dog with a stick long enough, it'll snap". South Korea is that dog who's been poked with the stick. They haven't snapped yet, but one day, they will.

04-04-2013, 11:23 AM
keeps escalating.. where the f is North Korea going with this :facepalm
am I the only one who wishes to hit Kim Jong-un's head with a frying pan

04-04-2013, 12:07 PM
U.S. reducing rhetoric that feeds North Korean belligerence
By Barbara Starr, CNN Pentagon Correspondent
updated 10:21 AM EDT, Thu April 4, 2013

U.S. ready to calm North Korea tensions

Washington (CNN) -- Recent announcements of U.S. military deployments in response to belligerent statements by North Korea may have contributed to the escalating tensions between the countries, Pentagon officials told CNN on Thursday in explaining an effort to reduce U.S. rhetoric about North Korea.

"We accused the North Koreans of amping things up, now we are worried we did the same thing," one Defense Department official said.

The officials spoke on the same day a U.S. official told CNN that communications intercepts indicated North Korea may be planning to launch a mobile ballistic missile in coming days or weeks.

South Korean Defense Minister Kim Kwan-jin told a parliamentary committee in Seoul that the North has moved a medium-range missile to its east coast for an imminent test firing or military drill, according to the semi-official South Korean news agency Yonhap.

Mark Fitzpatrick, director of the Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Program at the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London, said he thinks the missile in question is a Musudan, which the North hasn't tested before.

The missile is based on a Soviet system with a range of about 2,400 kilometers (1,500 miles), far enough to reach Japan but not U.S. forces based on Guam. He called the missile movement "of concern, certainly to the U.S. military and to Japan."

As a vital ally to South Korea since the Korean war in the 1950s, the United States has pledged military backing to Seoul in the event of an attack by North Korea. In addition, North Korea has been developing nuclear weapon technology, raising concerns of rapid proliferation in the region and even a possible nuclear strike by Pyongyang.

The fraught situation on the Korean Peninsula stems from the North's latest long-range rocket launch in December and underground nuclear test in February.
In response, the United States helped bring tougher U.N. sanctions on North Korea and took part in joint military exercises with South Korea, prompting Kim Jong Un's government to ratchet up its threats in recent weeks.

That caused the United States to display its military strength in the annual drills taking place now, flying B-2 stealth bombers capable of carrying conventional or nuclear weapons, as well as Cold War-era B-52s and F-22 Raptor stealth fighters over South Korea.

On Thursday, a North Korean army official warned that "the moment of explosion is approaching fast."

"No one can say a war will break out in Korea or not and whether it will break out today or tomorrow," said the spokesman for the General Staff of the North's Korean People's Army (KPA).

"The responsibility for this grave situation entirely rests with the U.S. administration and military warmongers keen to encroach upon the DPRK's sovereignty and bring down its dignified social system with brigandish logic," the KPA spokesman added in a statement published by the state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA).

On Wednesday, White House spokesman Jay Carney told reporters that "the provocative actions and bellicose rhetoric that we see from North Korea is obviously of concern, and we are taking the necessary precautionary measures, many of which have been reported on."

"It is also the case that the behavior of the regime in Pyongyang that we are seeing now represents a familiar pattern," he added in reference to past episodes of heightened North Korean threats and rhetoric generally considered efforts to increase leverage on international issues.

A Defense Department official told CNN on Thursday that from a communications point of view, "we are trying to turn the volume down" on U.S. rhetoric about North Korea. The official, speaking on condition of not being identified, said the change referred to public statements by the Obama administration instead of how U.S. military hardware were being deployed in the region.

According to the official, some Pentagon officials were surprised at how U.S. news releases and statements on North Korea were generating world headlines and therefore provoking a Pyongyang response.

"We are absolutely trying to ratchet back the rhetoric," the official said. "We become part of the cycle. We allowed that to happen."

Previously, the Obama administration established a "playbook" of prescripted actions and responses to the last several weeks of North Korean rhetoric and provocations, an administration official said Thursday.

The scripted actions included an increased show of U.S. military force -- such as the flying of B-2 bombers -- during the annual U.S.-South Korea military exercise, the Foal Eagle.

"Eyebrows started to go up when it was clear Foal Eagle was going to be protected from the budget cuts of sequestration," the official said, referring to the forced federal spending cuts that went into effect in March.

Richardson: N. Korea attack 'is suicide' North Korea makes new hostile threats Should world engage with North Korea? China changing tone on North Korea?
The playbook planning began under former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta but was picked up and supported strongly by now-Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, the official said.

Details of the playbook were first reported by the Wall Street Journal. The administration official declined to be named because of the sensitivity of the situation.

Some moves not scripted
However, some of the U.S. military's reactions to Pyongyang's saber-rattling were not part of the playbook planning.

Instead, they arose from concerns about what North Korea has planned as the U.S.-South Korean exercise conclude, the administration official said.

For example, the deployment of ballistic missile defenses closer to North Korea and a land-based missile-intercept system to Guam were ordered in recent days when U.S. intelligence began to gather information that North Korea might be planning additional missile launches.

A 'complicated, combustible situation'
U.S. officials have publicly stressed that the American military moves were meant as much to assure the South Koreans that they have Washington's full support.

"What I can tell you is that our response and the mix of assets we have applied to our responses is prudent, logical and measured," Pentagon spokesman George Little said earlier this week.

"We are in the midst right now of -- of very important annual exercises that we regularly conduct with the South Koreans, and these exercises are about alliance assurance. They're first and foremost about showing the South Koreans and showing our other allies in the region, including the Japanese, that we are ready to defend them in the wake of threats."

When asked by CNN earlier this week about the "message" the United States was trying to send to North Korea, Little said it was the North Koreans who are being provocative.

"The North Koreans -- even before those exercises started -- had undertaken provocative steps, and they've conducted underground nuclear tests, they've conducted missile tests outside their international obligations. So they have a track record now over the past few months of provocative behavior," he said.
"We are in the business of ensuring our South Korean allies that we will help defend them in the face of threats," Little said in response. "So I don't think it's a contradiction. I think that North Koreans have engaged in certain actions and have said things that are provocative. We are looking for the temperature to be taken down on the Korean Peninsula."

Hagel hinted at risks in reacting to North Korea, calling the tensions a "complicated, combustible situation" that could "explode into a worse situation."
"It only takes being wrong once. And I don't want to be the secretary of defense who was wrong once. So we will continue to take these threats seriously. I hope the North will ratchet this very dangerous rhetoric down," Hagel said Wednesday.

"But they've got to be a responsible member of the world community. And you don't achieve that responsibility and peace and prosperity by making nuclear threats and taking very provocative actions."


So both sides decided to show off their shit and the US backs off? ROFL. The North Koreans won this one.

04-04-2013, 12:40 PM
why in the world would china support NK? aren't we more valuable to them?

04-04-2013, 12:41 PM
why in the world would china support NK? aren't we more valuable to them?
buffer state. old cold war mentality.

04-04-2013, 08:47 PM
north korea hacked by anonymous :roll: :roll: :roll:


04-05-2013, 11:27 AM
this about sums it up


magic chiongson
04-09-2013, 07:24 AM

04-09-2013, 09:11 AM

04-09-2013, 09:38 PM
So the missile launches are imminent... According to the press, the NK's are expected to launch the 2 Musudan missiles simultaneously. You can't take a chance that one of em might hit an ally of the U.S so I'm gonna say that the US is gonna shoot a missile down.

04-10-2013, 12:48 AM
brilliant! :applause:

04-10-2013, 03:48 AM
So the missile launches are imminent... According to the press, the NK's are expected to launch the 2 Musudan missiles simultaneously.

Be careful, you are going to be called a troll, dumb, completely wrong, heartless, etc. for saying such a thing

How DARE you suggest NK might have the balls to attack.

04-11-2013, 10:39 AM
this is what some of us have been saying, good news

China grows weary of North Korea's 'chaos and conflict'

Even as North Korea continues to threaten nuclear action, Pyongyang is decorating the streets, preparing to celebrate Kim Jong Un's first year in power. NBC's Richard Engel reports.
By Ian Williams, correspondent, NBC News
News Analysis
BEIJING -- There was confusion at the China-North Korea border Thursday after Chinese tour operators halted trips into the North.

Wang Zhao / AFP - Getty Images
Two men wait Thursday for dispatch at a customs port in the Chinese border city of Dandong. The largest border crossing between North Korea and China has been closed to tourist groups, a Chinese official said Wednesday.

It wasn't clear whether the instruction to do so came from the Chinese authorities, the North Koreans, or was made by the nervous operators themselves.
But it mirrored a wider confusion over Chinese policy toward Pyongyang, which depends on Beijing for food and fuel, as well as diplomatic support.
As North Korea readies what is thought to be a missile test, China's Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei has spent most of the week deflecting questions with the official line that "all sides" should show restraint and begin dialogue, and that peace and stability are a "shared responsibility."
But in an interview with NBC News he was more forthright about China's growing concern. "We do not want to see chaos and conflict on China's doorstep," he said.
In fact, there are signs that China is rethinking its policy toward the North. President Xi Jinping last weekend told a forum of political and business leaders that no country "should be allowed to throw a region and even the whole world into chaos for selfish gain." He didn't mention the North by name, but it was pretty clear who he was referring to.

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel described North Korea's actions and "bellicose rhetoric" as "skating very close to a dangerous line."  NBC's Richard Engel reports.
Earlier, China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi had told UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon that Beijing would not allow "troublemaking on China's doorstep," a line repeated in an editorial in Thursday's China Daily.
China also supported the latest UN sanctions that followed North Korea's third nuclear test.
In fact, relations between the two have been souring for some time as Pyongyang has consistently ignored calls by Beijing for restraint.
"To many in Beijing, North Korea is looking less like a strategic asset and more like a strategic burden," said Cheng Xiaohe, associate professor at Renmin University's School of International Studies.
In the past, even when clearly unhappy, Beijing has treated the North with kid gloves because of fear of the North collapsing, and also as a hedge against U.S. power in Asia.
'Little Fatty'
According to leaked 2010 diplomat cables obtained by Wikileaks and posted by newspapers the Guardian and the New York Times, Chinese officials described the regime in the North as behaving like a "spoiled child."
Slideshow: North Korea's young leader, Kim Jong Un

The youngest son of Kim Jong Il succeeded his late father in 2011, becoming the third member of his family to rule the unpredictable and reclusive communist state.

Launch slideshow
Chinese social media, which is as close a barometer of public opinion as you can get here, has in recent days been buzzing with criticism -- not of the U.S., but of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, for leading his country to disaster and the world close to war.
Kim is derided as "Little Fatty" or "Fatty the Third."
One former top U.S. diplomat agrees there are clear signs that China is losing patience with North Korea. Kurt Campbell, the state department's top official for east asia, said there are signs that a relationship once described by Chairman Mao to be "as close as lips and teeth" is wearing thin.
He said this was notable in public statements and private conversations with U.S. officials. Speaking last week at a forum at Johns Hopkins University, he said this had the potential for a large impact on northeast Asia.
What's harder to say is how this growing frustration will be translated into concrete actions to pressure the North.
Cheng of Renmin University noted that in 2003 Beijing turned off the oil supply in order to force Pyongyang to join six-party talks and could use that weapon again.

Secret filming captures N. Korean smugglers sneaking into China to get supplies for their impoverished country, as a refugee tells of the horror of life under Kim Jong Un. ITN's Angus Walker reports.
"If China has political will, China can do something," he said. "China can make a difference."
Secretary of State John Kerry will be taking this up with China's leaders when he is there this weekend.
"China and the U.S. share common interests in peace, stability and denuclearisation," said the Foreign Ministry's Hong Lei. "We hope to work with the U.S. side towards that end."
Significantly, there has so far been no Chinese criticism of the display of U.S. high-tech firepower in the region, which is seen as another tacit condemnation of Pyongyang's antics.
That said, Kerry will no doubt point out, as other officials have done privately, that if China fails to act the result will be an even bigger U.S. military presence in the region and a possible regional arms race -- precisely what China has said it wants to avoid.

04-11-2013, 10:47 AM
Be careful, you are going to be called a troll, dumb, completely wrong, heartless, etc. for saying such a thing

How DARE you suggest NK might have the balls to attack.
you are completely uneducated and narrow minded on this issue and on north korea as a whole :oldlol:

04-11-2013, 04:15 PM
BREAKING: Obama tells North Korea to end belligerence, says will protect US with `all necessary steps'


What the hell does "all necessary steps" mean?

04-11-2013, 05:07 PM
oh snap North Korea and there vaunted Peoples elbow will take down the infidels known as the Terror state of Amurica



Is He Ill
04-11-2013, 06:07 PM
Here is a graphic of North Korea's convetional arms. There are lots of really old stuff.

04-11-2013, 07:17 PM
Here is a graphic of North Korea's convetional arms. There are lots of really old stuff.

Out of all that, the artillery scares me the most.

04-11-2013, 08:17 PM
Here is a graphic of North Korea's convetional arms. There are lots of really old stuff.

I was like, damn, they've got Mig 29s??


But they're still using Mig 17s too :oldlol:


And bi-planes! :roll:


They do have a LOT of stuff when they show it lined up like that. Props for that link, good stuff.

04-11-2013, 10:19 PM
Here is a graphic of North Korea's convetional arms. There are lots of really old stuff.

They got a lot of shit ..

04-11-2013, 10:28 PM
oh snap North Korea and there vaunted Peoples elbow will take down the infidels known as the Terror state of Amurica


Should have recruited Metta World Peace

04-11-2013, 10:35 PM
The bi-plane may be the way to go. I don't think the US has anything that can go that slow without falling out of the sky

04-11-2013, 10:49 PM
The raw numbers are pretty intimidating, but when you consider that the North has absolutely no means of projecting that firepower any further than 50 kms from their coastline...and then factor in that the majority of that hardware has been sitting idly for the last 25+ years since the Soviet Union fell...you begin to see why any kind of North Korean action would be tantamount to nation-state suicide. The best they could hope to do is rain a ton of artillery down on South Korea and up the body count...at which point China and Russia HAVE to let them die or risk losing all standing in the international community.

Is He Ill
04-11-2013, 10:57 PM
The raw numbers are pretty intimidating, but when you consider that the North has absolutely no means of projecting that firepower any further than 50 kms from their coastline...and then factor in that the majority of that hardware has been sitting idly for the last 25+ years since the Soviet Union fell...you begin to see why any kind of North Korean action would be tantamount to nation-state suicide. The best they could hope to do is rain a ton of artillery down on South Korea and up the body count...at which point China and Russia HAVE to let them die or risk losing all standing in the international community.

Plus you also have to consider food, ammo, and fuel. You're completely right, who knows what condition a lot of that hardware is in?

04-11-2013, 11:20 PM
The raw numbers are pretty intimidating, but when you consider that the North has absolutely no means of projecting that firepower any further than 50 kms from their coastline...and then factor in that the majority of that hardware has been sitting idly for the last 25+ years since the Soviet Union fell...you begin to see why any kind of North Korean action would be tantamount to nation-state suicide. The best they could hope to do is rain a ton of artillery down on South Korea and up the body count...at which point China and Russia HAVE to let them die or risk losing all standing in the international community.
So if China and Russia help NK, they would bring themselves down with the US, right? That should be a pretty logical reason for them not to retaliate. I would feel terrible for all the innocent North Koreans who'll lose their lives because of one young, unexperienced idiot in Kim Jong Un.

04-12-2013, 01:17 AM
All this talk, and he still hasn't done shiit. My question is, he pushed it so far this time. If nothing amounts from this time, is anyone going to give a f what he says after this? Even the media will be clowning him, he has no way out.

04-12-2013, 02:23 AM
All this talk, and he still hasn't done shiit. My question is, he pushed it so far this time. If nothing amounts from this time, is anyone going to give a f what he says after this? Even the media will be clowning him, he has no way out.

He's already a joke, but you have to take these things seriously because there's probably going to be an instance where he lives up to his claims.

magic chiongson
04-12-2013, 03:17 AM
The bi-plane may be the way to go. I don't think the US has anything that can go that slow without falling out of the sky

helicopters? v-22? :D

04-12-2013, 07:28 AM
I actually think that there is huge power struggle right now in NK. Maybe some elite's and generals are not happy with Kim Jong Un. Maybe the focus is to get internal support from own people by showing how vicious and determined he can be?

magic chiongson
04-15-2013, 07:31 AM