View Full Version : Allen Iverson struggles with life after basketball

04-22-2013, 02:23 AM

Long read but it goes deep into the life of AI with good insight from his closest family and friends. It makes him out to be a recluse.



Electric Slide
04-22-2013, 02:24 AM

04-22-2013, 02:25 AM

Long read but it goes deep into the life of AI with good insight from his closest family and friends. It makes him out to be a recluse.


I always thought he struggled with life during basketball, so this doesnt come as much of a surprise.

04-22-2013, 02:29 AM
What's sad is that once the checks stop coming in, everyone abandons ship.

04-22-2013, 02:33 AM
[quote]Iverson kept living as if another contract was imminent, and Tawanna struggled to curb his spending. [B]According to a bank statement submitted in the divorce, the couple

04-22-2013, 02:42 AM
I don't know what to say about this. How he can just waste $150 million away just like that.

I just don't understand what goes on in his head and all the athletes who go broke so quick after they retire.

04-22-2013, 02:48 AM
[QUOTE]He supported family members and rarely said no to a request for money. McLeod, who occasionally went to the bar with Iverson

04-22-2013, 03:06 AM

Long read but it goes deep into the life of AI with good insight from his closest family and friends. It makes him out to be a recluse.



files for bankruptcy... wears 100k worth of jewelry to a basketball game


04-22-2013, 03:10 AM
I don't know what to say about this. How he can just waste $150 million away just like that.

I just don't understand what goes on in his head and all the athletes who go broke so quick after they retire.

Well thats the thing, you really don't know whats going on in the heads of superstar athletes. You don't know the lifestyle, the fame, and life that comes with being a superstar. Guys like AI were spending a ton of money ever since entering the league. They live a life you and I cannot fathom. They become accustomed to living a very expensive life. They pay for friends, families, parties, clubs etc. And once the NBA life ends, I don't think its the easiest transition. They never had to be money conscious and many cannot adapt to the change in lifestyle.

04-22-2013, 03:27 AM
It was really sad to read all of that. Iverson seems like e good person but fame and fortune turned him rotten.
No excuses for the bad parenting though! That's his biggest mistake.
I hope he gets his life together.
"A mind is a terrible thing to waste"

04-22-2013, 03:46 AM
Lol. Anyone with a brain could easily be well off with a million dollars and smart decision making. To waste 150 million dollars is ****ing idiotic. I feel bad for him but its his fault.

04-22-2013, 04:04 AM
Lol. Anyone with a brain could easily be well off with a million dollars and smart decision making. To waste 150 million dollars is ****ing idiotic. I feel bad for him but its his fault.yeah. i guess that's why you have a million dollars.

04-22-2013, 06:44 AM
Rule 1 is not to get suckered into that fake life anyway. It leads to blowing all your money within a few years. People who won lottery do it very often. Just live within your own means and realise your happiness won't change after a few months once you have come to realisation your rich anyway.

04-22-2013, 07:29 AM
ESPN's 30-for-30 "Broke" provides a really good look at the athlete-money situation.

04-22-2013, 07:29 AM
Lol. Anyone with a brain could easily be well off with a million dollars and smart decision making. To waste 150 million dollars is ****ing idiotic. I feel bad for him but its his fault.

I somewhat agree, people could blow through something like $15 mill really fast, especially with giving family + taxes + agent fees. But to think he did that with 150m ++ is ****ing crazy.

04-22-2013, 07:30 AM
Once a cancer, always a cancer.

04-22-2013, 07:46 AM
I somewhat agree, people could blow through something like $15 mill really fast, especially with giving family + taxes + agent fees. But to think he did that with 150m ++ is ****ing crazy.
You would think he could come up with something to make a decent salary. Coaching, hosting sports shows, endorsing shit, whatever.
Looks like the mamba is the only superstar this millennia to have made a personal wealth dynasty. Investbe!


04-22-2013, 07:50 AM
You would think he could come up with something to make a decent salary. Coaching, hosting sports shows, endorsing shit, whatever.
Looks like the mamba is the only superstar this millennia to have made a personal wealth dynasty. Investbe!

where are the hashtags? you can't be a true kobe fan without using hashtags like a 12 yr old.

04-22-2013, 07:50 AM
yeah. i guess that's why you have a million dollars.
i guess thats why ur banned. lololol

04-22-2013, 08:13 AM
ten year old boy in an adult body.

04-22-2013, 08:37 AM
Iverson will be fine financially (and eventually) check out this bit from the article

[QUOTE]Basketball was Iverson

04-22-2013, 08:41 AM
Iverson will be fine financially
Exactly. To all the people bashing on Iverson, first off dude is still holding more money than most of you guys will ever sniff. He still famous. Still can ball. Still has the bling, the cars, the women, etc. This isn't Antoine Walker. The is Allen Iverson. He aint broke.

brain drain
04-22-2013, 08:43 AM
I somewhat agree, people could blow through something like $15 mill really fast, especially with giving family + taxes + agent fees. But to think he did that with 150m ++ is ****ing crazy.

I dunno, once you've gone into "spending like crazy for your whole posse, gambling with huge amounts of money and also being a full-blown alcoholic" mode, it probably doesn't really matter how much money you have, you're just going to waste whatever you've got.

The sad thing is that coming from such a fortunate situation and wasting it all & being the type of guy that he seems to be, I really can't see how this guy can get back on his feet at all. The only way is down, down, down.

brain drain
04-22-2013, 08:46 AM
Iverson will be fine financially (and eventually) check out this bit from the article

Anyway, I definitely remember an article about his finances, and they are very strictly protected by his bank so that he can't blow it all in one go.

He can still sell the rights to these deferred payments to get cash now. And if his situation gets dire enough, he will do so. And waste the money.

04-22-2013, 08:49 AM
He can still sell the rights to these deferred payments to get cash now. And if his situation gets dire enough, he will do so. And waste the money.
I think he'd learn at some point, plus people are seriously overlooking the comeback of Reebok, a company he has a life-time deal with.

brain drain
04-22-2013, 08:56 AM
I think he'd learn at some point
At which point? The guy is 37, not 18.

, plus people are seriously overlooking the comeback of Reebok, a company he has a life-time deal with.
Does he have a contract that guarantees him more money when Reebok makes more profits? Don't think so.

04-22-2013, 09:05 AM
The article also says his wife already got half of the proceeds from that reebok fund in the divorce. And that he won't get it til like 2030...

I don't see how he can survive til that point if he doesn't get his shiiit together. What the hell is wrong with him, there's plenty of people who want to help him, and there's plenty of jobs if he wants to do them.

Hell.. he should be able to live comfortably if he chooses any one of those jobs.

Come on AI, don't do this to yourself.

04-22-2013, 09:05 AM
Brain Drain is dead set on AI being a complete idiot. You saying he's 37, not 18 is the dumbest shit I have ever heard. Didn't know his NBA career was over at 18:oldlol:

Context is key

04-22-2013, 10:30 AM
Not that I ever held him up to high esteem as a person outside of Bball, but dude (according to this article) definitely sounds like a shitty father.

As a famous baller, the allure of jewelry and gold can be fatal. Even players who are in the league NOW get into financial trouble. :facepalm

Judge rules DeJuan Blair must pay $53,000 to Jeweler

brain drain
04-22-2013, 10:41 AM
Brain Drain is dead set on AI being a complete idiot.
So how would you characterize a 37 year old who has just squandered 150 million dollars? A genius?

You saying he's 37, not 18 is the dumbest shit I have ever heard. Didn't know his NBA career was over at 18:oldlol:

Context is key

What does that have to do with when his NBA career was over? If somebody is irresponsible at 18, there's still a lot of hope that he will get his act together later.
If somebody is still acting completely irresponsible at 37, both with his money AND his children, not so much.

deja vu
04-22-2013, 10:47 AM
The bigger your earnings, the bigger your expenses will be. People will say things like, "If I had a million dollars I wouldn't waste it." It isn't as as easy as that. Most people lack proper financial education. That's why most lottery winners go broke quickly. They don't know how to handle money properly. I read "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" and I realized that it's true.

Iverson had more than $150 million but I can only think that they were not invested in business, stocks, bonds, real estate and other types of investment. At some point his expenses far exceeded his earnings and it went downhill from there. Inflation and taxes also took a huge hit on his earnings.

Burgz V2
04-22-2013, 10:48 AM
he didnt waste all his money away. he has millions in a bank account that he can't touch until a certain age. I remember reading that one of his close friends did that so that all his entourage wouldnt blow his money away.

As for the debt, well, if it keeps going like this, what he does have saved up will be snatched

04-22-2013, 11:15 AM
To be fair, the fact that he had so much money to blow may have lulled him into a false sense of security with his finances. "Oh, million dollar car? I'll buy 20. I still have 130 million dollars." "30 million dollar house? Sure. I still have 100 million dollars." And so on and so forth. Hopefully now, since his entourage probably wants nothing to do with him until he's rich again, he won't blow so much of his leftover money.

04-22-2013, 11:24 AM
Slightly off topic but why do people even buy jewelry its like the most pointless thing in the world, if you blow your money on a house or car you own forever and actually have some use thats fine but jewels?

I hear all these people I know buying there partners like 5k+ rings and stuff I just think to myself what idiots and what a waste of money, its a rock that someone decided a long time ago would be worth something. The obbession with jewelry is hilarious I seriously can't think of a bigger waste of money, they are better off spending it on stripers/hookers tbh.

04-22-2013, 11:28 AM
The reason why some posters (including me) are saying Iverson's finances are fine is because of this:

He is far from insolvent, at least in the real world, if not in harmony with his "nothing in moderation'' lifestyle. Someone who cared a great deal for Iverson and grasped the extent of his habits, loyalties and generosity protected him to some degree from financial ruination, at 36, at any rate.

A person with a firm grip on the situation informs me Iverson has an account worth $32 million, a principal he is prohibited from touching until 55. In the meantime, it feeds him $1 million annually.

At 45, Iverson is eligible to start drawing on an NBA pension that maxes out at 10 years of active duty, or take whatever's there as lump sum. He will be entitled roughly to $8,000 per month ($800 per x 10).

If at all possible, Iverson will issue a restraining order against himself until he's 62 or so. At that time, I'm told, his lump sum will be between $1.5 million and $1.8 million, or he can elect to take monthly checks of approximately $14,000 per.


Now, to be fair, the quoted paragraph does come from the New York Post, but Slam and Yahoo sports reported it anyway, so hopefully it is fairly trustworthy.

IMO the real reason why he seems 'broke' is because he often bumps against his yearly limit, and thankfully doesn't have the financial savvy to borrow against that account or sell off the rights.

04-22-2013, 11:43 AM
So he joins the Antoine Walker club.

04-22-2013, 11:51 AM
AI have lived like a PIMP for 15 years now

there is no shame in joining the rest of us. At least he got the huge taste of the sweet life. Unlike EVERYONE of us

04-22-2013, 12:05 PM
i would give my kidney to live like AI for 15 years

04-22-2013, 12:09 PM
yeah. i guess that's why you have a million dollars.

Stupid logic.

But anyways there is no excuse to waste 150 million. AI is an idiot.

04-22-2013, 12:28 PM
Nothing says "idiot" like having an entourage (i.e. parasites).

Why cant I hang with one of these rich dudes that's loose with their money?

04-22-2013, 12:45 PM
Stupid logic.

But anyways there is no excuse to waste 150 million. AI is an idiot.
why? it's not like he's dead. and he still have more money than you

it's just money. he wanted to live like a baller, but everyone knows you cant do that all your life.

i'm sure he had people close to him that said he should take better care of his money. but he aint bout dat life

04-22-2013, 12:46 PM
ESPN's 30-for-30 "Broke" provides a really good look at the athlete-money situation.

I have been looking for this documentary forever. i am waiting for it on :cheers: youtube.

04-22-2013, 12:47 PM
why? it's not like he's dead. and he still have more money than you

it's just money. he wanted to live like a baller, but everyone knows you cant do that all your life.

i'm sure he had people close to him that said he should take better care of his money. but he aint bout dat life

There was a part in the article that said he didn't even have money for a cheeseburger after turning his pockets inside out.

04-22-2013, 12:51 PM
There was a part in the article that said he didn't even have money for a cheeseburger after turning his pockets inside out.
that's BS. he would play in europe or china if he was in that deep shit. and he wouldnt wear chains worth 20k

hell someone in norway would offer him 500k a year to play here.

04-22-2013, 12:54 PM
he didnt waste all his money away. he has millions in a bank account that he can't touch until a certain age. I remember reading that one of his close friends did that so that all his entourage wouldnt blow his money away.

As for the debt, well, if it keeps going like this, what he does have saved up will be snatched


But is there a clause that said that the close friend gets 5%? (I'm serious)

04-22-2013, 12:59 PM
that's BS. he would play in europe or china if he was in that deep shit. and he wouldnt wear chains worth 20k

hell someone in norway would offer him 500k a year to play here.

Yea but that's Iverson. he wouldn't come off the bench for anyone. Not even some china or euro team.

And Norway...do players there potentially earn 500K?

04-22-2013, 01:02 PM
Yea but that's Iverson. he wouldn't come off the bench for anyone. Not even some china or euro team.

And Norway...do players there potentially earn 500K?
nah, there might be 10 guys making money on bball in Norway. but i'm sure some rich ****er would throw good money at AI for the publicity

brain drain
04-22-2013, 01:06 PM
Iverson probably is the NBA version of George Best:

"I spent a lot of money on booze, birds and fast cars – the rest I just squandered."

04-22-2013, 01:06 PM
Iverson probably is the basketball version of George Best:

"I spent a lot of money on booze, birds and fast cars – the rest I just squandered."
i love that quote

too bad he was a united player. forever scum

04-22-2013, 11:15 PM
I always wonder... whenever the topic of millionaire athletes come about, there's always the crowd who's quick to say to any detractors, "He's made more money than you could ever dream. Who's the loser now?" I wonder how quickly millionaires become used to being millionaires, you know?

I mean like, there's always people worse off than us, yeah? Like in many places out there, people would look at our lives and be envious. Warm house. Multiple TVs. Computers. Games. Food. Cars. There's a lot of less fortunate who'd see our lifestyle and say, "Man, if only I had that, I'd never complain." If we didn't have what we do, we'd probably say the same thing.

But we're used to what we have. So much so, that many of us can't help but look to those who have more and become as envious as those with less than us. Theoretically, we should all be happy and thankful every day for what we have, but we can't operate like that. I think it might be exhausting. I imagine it being the same way for millionaire athletes. For many, I bet it's incredible at first but at some point, somewhere down the line, it becomes the new normal and suddenly, you feel the same way you did when you didn't have a mansion, 12 cars, and a super model wife. At that point, what does one do?

It sort of feels like Iverson's been at that point for a while. I'm sure he's burnt more than my yearly salary in one evening on numerous occasions. But does that always equal a better lifestyle? That he's happier? More fulfilled? In some cases, I bet it does. I don't think it's a certainty though.

I have been looking for this documentary forever. i am waiting for it on :cheers: youtube.I enjoyed it. It's made up almost entirely of non-stop player confessionals of specifically how they spent their money. It's not just, "I spent my cash on cars". It's more, "One of my teammates showed up for training camp with the newest Benz. I couldn't let that happen so I went out, bought a new Ferrari with a push button transmission right there on the steering wheel and I was like, how do you like that?" (pretty sure it wasn't a Ferrari, but that was the gist of it).

04-22-2013, 11:17 PM
David stern messed up iverson's career at tha end tho:facepalm

04-23-2013, 01:16 AM
Slightly off topic but why do people even buy jewelry its like the most pointless thing in the world, if you blow your money on a house or car you own forever and actually have some use thats fine but jewels?

I hear all these people I know buying there partners like 5k+ rings and stuff I just think to myself what idiots and what a waste of money, its a rock that someone decided a long time ago would be worth something. The obbession with jewelry is hilarious I seriously can't think of a bigger waste of money, they are better off spending it on stripers/hookers tbh.
Actually provided you don't get ripped off on the purchase precious metals are one of the best investments you can make.
Very, very rarely does it depreciate and when they do it always bounces back quickly.

04-23-2013, 01:41 AM
He needs to follow in the footsteps of Jamal Mashburn. Mashburn own a hundred of restaurants.

04-23-2013, 01:46 AM
files for bankruptcy... wears 100k worth of jewelry to a basketball game


04-23-2013, 01:53 AM
Some people like to save. Some people like to spend. One life to live. What's the problem? Most people here don't even know him.

At the end of the day, he's still the best little man to play the game ever in the history of NBA along with Isaiah Thomas. His career accomplishments is better than most ever to touch a basketball.

How he lives his life outside bball is his choice. Respect people's differences.

04-23-2013, 01:55 AM

Long read but it goes deep into the life of AI with good insight from his closest family and friends. It makes him out to be a recluse.


:oldlol: Is there anyone REALLY surprised by this?:roll: AI is trash and a deadbeat.

04-23-2013, 03:50 AM
Actually provided you don't get ripped off on the purchase precious metals are one of the best investments you can make.
Very, very rarely does it depreciate and when they do it always bounces back quickly.

You learn something new everyday I guess

04-23-2013, 04:55 AM
In high school (United States) you learn that the most important thing in life is to be cool and impress others with clothing, jewelry, cars, houses, and other materials you don't need.

Iverson never forgot what he learned and he never will. :(

04-23-2013, 04:57 AM
Actually provided you don't get ripped off on the purchase precious metals are one of the best investments you can make.
Very, very rarely does it depreciate and when they do it always bounces back quickly.

Not when you pay 10 to 100 times what it is worth.

See: Mike Tyson

04-23-2013, 05:01 AM
In high school (United States) you learn that the most important thing in life is to be cool and impress others with clothing, jewelry, cars, houses, and other materials you don't need.

Iverson never forgot what he learned and he never will. :(

Its more than that. Its a lifestyle. This is the life he lived as a superstar in the league. Its not just something he learned in high school. Its a culture and lifestyle he lived for 14 years in the game. I cannot even fathom what it must be like to live that life.

04-23-2013, 05:32 AM
I like Iverson as a player, but as a person I couldn't care less for him. You're a fu***** cockroach if you don't take care of your children.

04-23-2013, 05:33 AM
people need to leave iverson alone, everybody makes mistakes, he always been a good person at heart.

04-23-2013, 05:49 AM
Its more than that. Its a lifestyle. This is the life he lived as a superstar in the league. Its not just something he learned in high school. Its a culture and lifestyle he lived for 14 years in the game. I cannot even fathom what it must be like to live that life.

I agree. I was just simplifying it. I'm sure Iverson has been living that life since he was a kid, or at least trying to live that life.

In many poor areas, you'll find poor people spending more money on things they don't need than things they do need. For example, more money will be spent on shiny rims (that spin?) than food, medications, and electricity combined. There are a lot of reasons for this, but I think it ultimately comes down to peer pressure and the feeling of being accepted (in this case, for materials).

04-23-2013, 05:58 AM
people need to leave iverson alone, everybody makes mistakes, he always been a good person at heart.
i hope you and your family dies in a fire.
I am a good person at heart but i can't control what i write.

04-23-2013, 06:02 AM
i thought of Kendrick Lamar's song "Vanity Slaves" right away.

04-23-2013, 06:41 AM
So how would you characterize a 37 year old who has just squandered 150 million dollars? A genius?

What does that have to do with when his NBA career was over? If somebody is irresponsible at 18, there's still a lot of hope that he will get his act together later.
If somebody is still acting completely irresponsible at 37, both with his money AND his children, not so much.

I have to agree with this. Iverson is who he already is. It'd be one thing if a young guy went through this and had time to change, but AI has shown that this is the person he is.

I'm not saying someone in their late 30's can't change who they are, but for the most part, it's an improbable task.

Hamtaro CP3KDKG
04-23-2013, 06:43 AM
If u earn a couple mill in a single year u should be set for life if youre not a fvcking retard. I loved Answer but CMON SON!!!!!!:coleman:

04-23-2013, 06:44 AM
I agree. I was just simplifying it. I'm sure Iverson has been living that life since he was a kid, or at least trying to live that life.

In many poor areas, you'll find poor people spending more money on things they don't need than things they do need. For example, more money will be spent on shiny rims (that spin?) than food, medications, and electricity combined. There are a lot of reasons for this, but I think it ultimately comes down to peer pressure and the feeling of being accepted (in this case, for materials).

Hip Hop might be the motivating factor for shit like that. Practically every rap song has to be about expensive cars, jewelry, big rims, etc.
These kids grow up hearing that garbage and eventually start blowing through whatever money they have in order to fit into the image portrayed by many rappers.

04-23-2013, 08:28 AM
Iverson is retarded. He can barely even speak.

04-23-2013, 08:48 AM
hopefully he pulls it together

04-23-2013, 09:45 AM
If you shit on an entire league for a season when you're just a 6'1 175 lb guy, you'd be messed in the head also. Things like this are not suppose to happen, and when they do it is the ultimate mind ****.

04-23-2013, 09:54 AM
he didnt waste all his money away. he has millions in a bank account that he can't touch until a certain age. I remember reading that one of his close friends did that so that all his entourage wouldnt blow his money away.

As for the debt, well, if it keeps going like this, what he does have saved up will be snatched

It's good for Iverson that at one point in time he had someone handle his finances who realized what a huge god damned idiot Iverson is.

His accountant literally went: "God damn, the only way this ignorant retard isn't going to go broke within a month of retirement is if I lock away all his money and throw away the key."

04-23-2013, 10:00 AM
Hip Hop might be the motivating factor for shit like that. Practically every rap song has to be about expensive cars, jewelry, big rims, etc.
These kids grow up hearing that garbage and eventually start blowing through whatever money they have in order to fit into the image portrayed by many rappers.

This:applause: Its hard to believe some of the shit people blow there money on, with no thoughts of want vs need.

elementally morale
04-23-2013, 02:25 PM
This:applause: Its hard to believe some of the shit people blow there money on, with no thoughts of want vs need.

He has earned the money he spent. I don't even like the guy, but I find it laughable that some people feel the need to not only judge the dude but also to laugh out loud at his alleged guilt. I read the article and it portrayed a man who is not very sharp but a nice human being. People commit mistakes, as he wrote to his wife. It's fairly easy to be laughing at him now. At least I laughed at him when he was at the top. Not when he is down.

04-23-2013, 02:34 PM
He has earned the money he spent. I don't even like the guy, but I find it laughable that some people feel the need to not only judge the dude but also to laugh out loud at his alleged guilt. I read the article and it portrayed a man who is not very sharp but a nice human being. People commit mistakes, as he wrote to his wife. It's fairly easy to be laughing at him now. At least I laughed at him when he was at the top. Not when he is down.
I agree with this post.

The only points being he let alcohol take his life too far, and he should have been a more responsible father. Back then he always brought his kids out.. I thought he was a good dad.

Other than the negligent dad part.. I feel he's a good guy. He would take care of anyone.. his friends, his entourage, and he'd let them take advantage of him. It's not smart... but deep down I feel he's a nice human being.

elementally morale
04-23-2013, 02:48 PM
I agree with this post.

The only points being he let alcohol take his life too far, and he should have been a more responsible father. Back then he always brought his kids out.. I thought he was a good dad.

Are you sure Michael Jordan is a better dad? Or Larry Bird?

People just don't care because they are not broke and not victim types. By the way, we don't even know if he really is that bad a father all things considered. We heard a few things from his divorced wife, not long after the divorce.

I absolutely believe Iverson is careless, even about his children sometimes, but it's not due to lack of heart. To the contrary. He is so full of heart he feels it is unimportant to think. It's a good question whether him being a nice persen 'deep down' is any good to his children is he is careless at the surface. I can't answer that. At any rate, I despised his style of play and never thought too highly of him as a person, but it really irks me when the man is kicked by those he entertained for over a decade.

If he doesn't want to give an interview it's probably a good idea to leave the guy alone.

04-23-2013, 02:53 PM
Are you sure Michael Jordan is a better dad? Or Larry Bird?

People just don't care because they are not broke and not victim types. By the way, we don't even know if he really is that bad a father all things considered. We heard a few things from his divorced wife, not long after the divorce.

I absolutely believe Iverson is careless, even about his children sometimes, but it's not due to lack of heart. To the contrary. He is so full of heart he feels it is unimportant to think. It's a good question whether him being a nice persen 'deep down' is any good to his children is he is careless at the surface. I can't answer that. At any rate, I despised his style of play and never thought too highly of him as a person, but it really irks me when the man is kicked by those he entertained for over a decade.

If he doesn't want to give an interview it's probably a good idea to leave the guy alone.
It's actually weird, reading the article and this thread, I've been sucked into seeing a different image of AI.

Now, playing style aside, I remember back in the days, I saw him as a good father. Bringing his kids to court.. tattooing their names (hey, that was how HE showed his love), he talked about them ALL the time.

And if you watched his most recent interview when he went back to 76ers.. man.. dude was genuine like always.. So it's weird.. trying to tie together the article, and what I've actually seen of him.

But yea.. he made stupid mistakes.. and he's on a continuing downhill path if he doesn't solve his alcohol problems.. there's no mistake about that.

elementally morale
04-23-2013, 03:02 PM
It's actually weird, reading the article and this thread, I've been sucked into seeing a different image of AI.

I think we didn't know the truth back then and we don't know any beter now. That was one image, this is a different one. That story sold yesterday. This story sells today. The truth... on the one hand there are a handful of truths usually, and to each participant its own. On the other, the truth is out there, fu(k knows. I sure don't.

04-23-2013, 03:10 PM
I think we didn't know the truth back then and we don't know any beter now. That was one image, this is a different one. That story sold yesterday. This story sells today. The truth... on the one hand there are a handful of truths usually, and to each participant its own. On the other, the truth is out there, fu(k knows. I sure don't.
Yeap, I'm just trying to piece together what I can from the article and from what I saw of him...

and the only conclusion is that he f'ed up. big time.

A million things he could've done differently and each one could've led him down a different path. I mean.. just for one example.. he could've went to Mavs' d-league team when they invited him.

He would have been paid some sort of salary that is enough for regular people, he would've had a job, would have had to stay fit etc. Eventually he could get an inside job in the NBA. Even right now it seems like Larry Brown's offer is still open for him. He just needs to start making the right decisions... like NOW

04-23-2013, 03:19 PM
His life has gone straight downhill since he cut his cornrolls.

04-23-2013, 03:29 PM
why? it's not like he's dead. and he still have more money than you

it's just money. he wanted to live like a baller, but everyone knows you cant do that all your life.

i'm sure he had people close to him that said he should take better care of his money. but he aint bout dat life

It doesn't matter if he has more money then me. You are right that it's just money, but while he has helped out people around him which is good I am sure a huge chunk of his money was wasted on useless material items.

It's just material items.

04-23-2013, 03:31 PM
Hip Hop might be the motivating factor for shit like that. Practically every rap song has to be about expensive cars, jewelry, big rims, etc.
These kids grow up hearing that garbage and eventually start blowing through whatever money they have in order to fit into the image portrayed by many rappers.


That's why the hip hop culture should be destroyed. It is pathetic trash that warps minds.

04-23-2013, 07:47 PM

That's why the hip hop culture should be destroyed. It is pathetic trash that warps minds.


He's a prime example of 'keeping it real dumb'.

04-23-2013, 08:12 PM

That's why the hip hop culture should be destroyed. It is pathetic trash that warps minds.
So-called "hip hop culture" is nothing but a reflection of mainstream American culture, which worships "bling" just as much.

07-08-2013, 09:37 PM
I hope the Lakers sign him. Kobe will be back in December. They need some scoring.

07-08-2013, 09:41 PM
I hope the Lakers sign him. Kobe will be back in December. They need some scoring.
That be awesome but that's not going to happen. There is a bigger chance of signing Arenas than him.

07-08-2013, 09:49 PM
That be awesome but that's not going to happen. There is a bigger chance of signing Arenas than him.

Agent Zero didn't look good in his last stint in China.

07-08-2013, 10:16 PM

That's why the hip hop culture should be destroyed. It is pathetic trash that warps minds.

A lot of suburban white kids listen to that music and dont imitate it.

A lot of people watch violent mob movies and never squeeze a trigger.

Stuff like that typically will influence you if you don have any real life role models and support systems like, um, parents. That is the real problem. The urban black community has far too much ignorance and unaccountability. Thats a fact. Its always easier to blame music when you dont have the balls to blame people. Its always the corporations, the wealthy, the media, the government, the rap music... So then why havent these things fukced everybody up?

Its because too many pansy, wannabe-intellectual American liberals dont have the spine to simply say "this PERSON fukced up, and that is their fault and they are responsible. Or this group of people, or this culture." Especially when its a minority, because theyre afraid to be called racist. Key word, AFRAID. Theyre afraid of everything. Including labels and words. So they let problems fester, because tackling them is messy. Oh no! A feeling might get hurt. Its gonna be a hurt feeling armageddon, ahhhh!!!!!

At their heart they are simply confused and insecure, and dont have the testicles to take on problems that may render them uncool, unhip, unpopular and so forth. They are fragile and lack confidence. Thats not a picture of someone who gets things done. That is the prototype of a follower not a leader.

07-08-2013, 10:27 PM
Agent Zero didn't look good in his last stint in China.
Did Iverson played in China? if he did how did he do? I know he wanted to play there but I don't know what happened after that. He should've come to PR, everybody would've love him here and the beer is like 2$ a bottle (and that's expensive) at most bars so he would at least be happy here.