View Full Version : Any Experience with Elbow Injuries?

04-22-2013, 07:11 PM
I've had an issue with what feels to be a ligament stretching from my triceps to my elbow bone. My elbow is almost entirely pain free except for when I snap my arm during a jump shot. However, with jump shooting being a pretty important aspect of my game, pain only when I shoot is kind of a big deal.

Has anyone ever experienced elbow issues? If so, were there any at-home remedies you subscribed to that helped limit, reduce, or eliminate your pain? Since my pain only occurs when snapping (shooting, throwing) and not during any other part of life (can still lift weights) I'm reluctant to spend a significant amount of money on a doctor's visit at this point.

Would massaging the area help? Sometimes it seems the pain can subside once I shoot a lot, but I can't tell if that's my arm loosening up or me altering my shot so as not to elicit pain (or both).

04-23-2013, 05:25 AM
I had something like this a while back. It was less painful after a good warm-up. Is that also the case with your injury?

04-23-2013, 03:16 PM
I've had an issue with what feels to be a ligament stretching from my triceps to my elbow bone. My elbow is almost entirely pain free except for when I snap my arm during a jump shot. However, with jump shooting being a pretty important aspect of my game, pain only when I shoot is kind of a big deal.

Has anyone ever experienced elbow issues? If so, were there any at-home remedies you subscribed to that helped limit, reduce, or eliminate your pain? Since my pain only occurs when snapping (shooting, throwing) and not during any other part of life (can still lift weights) I'm reluctant to spend a significant amount of money on a doctor's visit at this point.

Would massaging the area help? Sometimes it seems the pain can subside once I shoot a lot, but I can't tell if that's my arm loosening up or me altering my shot so as not to elicit pain (or both).

Are you from the US?

I am so glad I live in France. If I was you, it would be a non issue I would've gone to the doc.

Also have you considered shooting with your off hand? Not joking. You can rest your hurt elbow but still benefit from practice by shooting with your other hand because of the bilateral transfer (neurological adaptation) will improve the strong (in this case hurt) hand.

But really see a doc. Even if it cost money. It's your health and losing some $$ will be worth it.

04-23-2013, 04:41 PM
I had something like this a while back. It was less painful after a good warm-up. Is that also the case with your injury?Yeah, that certainly seems to be the case here. Sometimes though, I can't tell if it's warming up or I'm just tweaking my shot in a way so as to not elicit the painful response.

Either way, how long did you deal with your issue?

Are you from the US?

I am so glad I live in France. If I was you, it would be a non issue I would've gone to the doc.

Also have you considered shooting with your off hand? Not joking. You can rest your hurt elbow but still benefit from practice by shooting with your other hand because of the bilateral transfer (neurological adaptation) will improve the strong (in this case hurt) hand.

But really see a doc. Even if it cost money. It's your health and losing some $$ will be worth it.Ha, yes, I am in fact from the USA. I haven't strongly considered shooting with my left hand yet because I feel even an improvised shooting technique with my right arm (one differing from my normal stroke and hence less accurate, but also less painful) would be better than going full lefty at this point.

The doctor may still be an option down the road, but my ability to do everything else in life with that arm except for being able to shoot a basketball without pain or throwing a baseball, leads me to believe a doctor's visit would just result in a large bill and a recommendation that I massage the area sometimes. Or, maybe they'll suggest an expensive test only to ultimately recommend I massage the area sometimes. Visiting the doc. for non-emergencies is a calculated risk.

04-23-2013, 06:29 PM
lol yea...American doctors sometimes feel like car salesmen.

Could the pain be from you possibly over extending at your elbow (almost locking it) when you shoot and follow through?

The off hand shooting thing...I would recommend it...just because it's fun (the pros do it too). heck try to brush your teeth with your off hand, jerk off (there I said it lol), and even write.

Anyways good luck with your elbow...

04-23-2013, 09:46 PM
lol yea...American doctors sometimes feel like car salesmen.

Could the pain be from you possibly over extending at your elbow (almost locking it) when you shoot and follow through?

The off hand shooting thing...I would recommend it...just because it's fun (the pros do it too). heck try to brush your teeth with your off hand, jerk off (there I said it lol), and even write.

Anyways good luck with your elbow...Thanks man. And again, I think you're right. It definitely feels like an over-extension situation, which would probably explain why I can do normal thing (even bench press and pull ups) with zero pain. I'd guess when I shoot or throw, there's that brief snap of over-extension that creates the issue. I'm just not entirely sure what to do about it.

And I have indeed gone the lefty route before, but never completely at the expense of my righty shot. If my arm gets to the point where I have no choice but to go left, I'm guessing that'd be about the time I'd have to see a doc.

04-27-2013, 06:03 AM
at a certain age we just have to deal nagging injuries