View Full Version : Mountain Lion or Bear?

04-24-2013, 02:02 PM
2 of the greatest Lakers off all time have more in common than you might think, aside from Kobe Bryant & Wilt Chamberlain both being two of the most prolific scorers in NBA history & having solidified themselves as both being top 10 players of all time there is another, some may even say MORE IMPRESSIVE feat which they both share..

The ability to domesticate the some of the most wild beast mother nature has to offer

Chamberlain has been known to have been responsible for the demise of over 4 mountain lion's..

as one eyewitness once put it

"the lions were really big"

One of the most memorable accounts from an eyewitness who claims to have seen 2 mountain Lions attack Chamberlain

"Suddenly 2 giant mountain lions simultaneously leaped at Chamberlain, Wilt however barely moved, he simply reached out both hands and caught each Lion by the neck, instantly collapsing their wind pipes resulting in instant death"

It's rumored that these 2 Lions were provoked by Chamberlain after he had killed their mother (in self defense)

While Wilt's legend remains strong Kobe's is just beginning, only a few years ago was he able to learn the ways & dominate an entire species of snakes known as the Black Mamba & now he is currently in a up hill battle against a ferocious bear who he confidently ask us to "prey for"

Wilt Chamberlain & Kobe Bryant, Masters of the Beast :bowdown: :bowdown:

04-24-2013, 03:38 PM
What the F are you talking about?

04-24-2013, 03:44 PM
Kobe is not top 10

04-24-2013, 03:47 PM

04-24-2013, 04:05 PM
Kobe is not top 10

You're right he's top 5. At least a hater with some common sense.

04-24-2013, 05:27 PM
What the F are you talking about?

Basketball legends who not only dominate their sport but nature as well

04-24-2013, 05:29 PM
Kobe is the only player in the history of the world to be top 5 of something, but not top 10 in the exact same thing.

How great is our gawd? :bowdown:

04-24-2013, 06:31 PM
2 of the greatest Lakers off all time have more in common than you might think, aside from Kobe Bryant & Wilt Chamberlain both being two of the most prolific scorers in NBA history & having solidified themselves as both being top 10 players of all time there is another, some may even say MORE IMPRESSIVE feat which they both share..

The ability to domesticate the some of the most wild beast mother nature has to offer

Chamberlain has been known to have been responsible for the demise of over 4 mountain lion's..

as one eyewitness once put it

"the lions were really big"

One of the most memorable accounts from an eyewitness who claims to have seen 2 mountain Lions attack Chamberlain

"Suddenly 2 giant mountain lions simultaneously leaped at Chamberlain, Wilt however barely move, he simply reached out both hands and caught each Lion by the neck, instantly collapsing their wind pipes resulting in instant death"

It's rumored that these 2 Lions were provoked by Chamberlain after he had killed their mother (in self defense)

While Wilt's legend remains strong Kobe's is just beginning, only a few years ago was he able to learn the ways & dominate an entire species of snakes known as the Black Mamba & now he is currently in a up hill battle against a ferocious bear who he confidently ask us to "prey for"

Wilt Chamberlain & Kobe Bryant, Masters of the Beast :bowdown: :bowdown:

Repped :applause:

04-24-2013, 06:34 PM
I'm Out!!


04-24-2013, 06:39 PM

04-24-2013, 06:57 PM
Lol @ anyone who actually believes that Wilt killed a mountain lion.

04-24-2013, 07:56 PM
Lol @ anyone who actually believes that Wilt killed a mountain lion.

u mad that your puny boy body couldn't defend itself against a new born baby kitty?

You can't deny the testimonies from the people who were there..

04-24-2013, 07:57 PM
The real question is who would win in a fight, mountain lion or a bear? I say bear 10/10 times.

04-24-2013, 08:05 PM
The real question is who would win in a fight, mountain lion or a bear? I say bear 10/10 times.


It's all relative to era though

IMO Bear would easily win, If Chamberlain was able to single handily crush the wind pipes two mountain lions then lets be real.. how tough are Mountain Lions really.. i mean really, granted it was a weak era for mountain lions.

This is the strongest era for bears we've ever seen, bears these days are heartless, cruel & cut throat.. these aren't you're Grandfathers bears


If Kobe can fight the bears of today i see no reason why any logical person would think that he wouldn't have been able to kill 4 Mountain Lions in his prime, possibly even more.

This is something that should be taken into account when ranking these 2 players all time

04-24-2013, 08:12 PM
I'm almost positive Wilt has commented on that story saying all he did was throw one mountain off of someone. That's it.

04-24-2013, 08:12 PM
u mad that your puny boy body couldn't defend itself against a new born baby kitty?

You can't deny the testimonies from the people who were there..

No one was there to witness it, nor are we even sure that Wilt said it. And, if he did say it, was it in jest?

Having said that, though, if it did occur, what was the size of the cat?

In any case, I find it amusing that Chamberlain gets ripped by so many, for some of these "events" in which he may not have had any involvement. One story has him breaking the toe of Johnny Kerr with a dunk. Trouble is, Wilt himself, never claimed that. It was Kerr who did.

The "20,000 women." First of all, those that knew Wilt would testify that he indeed had many women in his life, and some were even well-known starlets. Secondly, Chamberlain later admitted that it was a mistake in judgement. And finally, the actual number came from a friend, who ran a hotel in Hawaii. The story goes that, sometime around Wilt's 50th birthday, he had a ten day stay at this hotel. During that stay. his friend counted 23 different women going up to his room in that 10 day span. He multiplied out two girls a day, for 30 years, and came up with that "20,000" figure. Whether it was even remotely close is not the real issue. The fact was, Chamberlain, who never married, was a known womanizer (much like Derek Jeter.) He was never publicly accused in any paternity suit, nor has anyone come forward claiming to be a child of his, nor was he ever accused of rape or battery on any woman.

04-24-2013, 08:14 PM
I'm almost positive Wilt has commented on that story saying all he did was throw one mountain off of someone. That's it.

obviously just being modest, what kind of tool douche bag would actually tell people he caught 2 Mountain Lions in mid air and clinched the life right out of them?

Especially after he had just killed the mother (in self defense)

This is something that was rumored to have haunted Wilt's councious throughout his life

04-24-2013, 08:17 PM
http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r764/PhotographerPeterParker/Grizzly-Attack-Man-Killed-by-Captive-Bear-in-Montana_zpsedcaa9f6.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/PhotographerPeterParker/media/Grizzly-Attack-Man-Killed-by-Captive-Bear-in-Montana_zpsedcaa9f6.jpg.html)

01-22-2014, 08:23 PM

It's all relative to era though

IMO Bear would easily win, If Chamberlain was able to single handily crush the wind pipes two mountain lions then lets be real.. how tough are Mountain Lions really.. i mean really, granted it was a weak era for mountain lions.

This is the strongest era for bears we've ever seen, bears these days are heartless, cruel & cut throat.. these aren't you're Grandfathers bears


If Kobe can fight the bears of today i see no reason why any logical person would think that he wouldn't have been able to kill 4 Mountain Lions in his prime, possibly even more.

This is something that should be taken into account when ranking these 2 players all time

I was telling the truth

Bear: 1 Kobe:0

time for round 2.

01-22-2014, 08:24 PM
I liked what I read in this thread and wouldn't mind you doing more.

01-22-2014, 08:54 PM
A bear would eat Wilt and Kobe after tearing them limb from limb