View Full Version : Howard can make as much $ in Hou as LA

04-28-2013, 09:27 PM
Ok, this is a little rough, but he can get 118/5 or 23.6 per year from LAL. He can get 87.6/4 or 21.9 per year from someone else. The state income tax in CA is 10.5% over 1 million and basically 9.3% over 50k. TX has no state income tax. Ignoring the road game taxes (working out of state) that means that howard will pay about 1.3 million in state taxes for his 42 home games in LA and 0 for his 42 home games in HOU. So, the difference (other than the security of the 5th year) is basically 300k per year of the contract.

04-28-2013, 09:32 PM
That fifth year is what really matters

04-28-2013, 09:34 PM
But Houston has high property taxes. Compare those to California and then report back.

04-28-2013, 09:34 PM
That fifth year is what really matters

Why? This isn't his last max contract.

Yao Ming's Foot
04-28-2013, 09:36 PM
Why? This isn't his last max contract.

Who knows? Not like Dwight doesn't have back problems in his history

04-28-2013, 09:38 PM
Why? This isn't his last max contract.

It took him most of this entire season to recover from back surgery. Too much uncertainty to leave $30m on the table.

04-28-2013, 09:38 PM
But Houston has high property taxes. Compare those to California and then report back.

:oldlol: :roll: :roll:

04-28-2013, 09:39 PM
But Houston has high property taxes. Compare those to California and then report back.

He could rent?:confusedshrug:

04-28-2013, 09:39 PM
Ok, this is a little rough, but he can get 118/5 or 23.6 per year from LAL. He can get 87.6/4 or 21.9 per year from someone else. The state income tax in CA is 10.5% over 1 million and basically 9.3% over 50k. TX has no state income tax. Ignoring the road game taxes (working out of state) that means that howard will pay about 1.3 million in state taxes for his 42 home games in LA and 0 for his 42 home games in HOU. So, the difference (other than the security of the 5th year) is basically 300k per year of the contract.

And all the endorsement money he would get in LA.

04-28-2013, 09:41 PM
And all the endorsement money he would get in LA.

He doesn't seems to enjoy the spotlight that much. To me he really seemed upset to be on a losing situation.

04-28-2013, 09:46 PM
He doesn't seems to enjoy the spotlight that much. To me he really seemed upset to be on a losing situation.

Anyone would be upset in a losing situation. This team wasn't built around him, it was built for Kobe. With being out for the majority of next year and him getting older, we will find players that fit Dwight if he comes back.

04-28-2013, 09:53 PM
That fifth year is what really matters

Why? You think Houston is not going to want him 4 years from now? The constant focus on that 5th year is a little silly I think.

04-28-2013, 09:56 PM
I looked into it. The property tax in California is 1%.

Property tax in Houston is between 3-4%

Let's just say 3.5% for shits and giggles.

Let's say Dwight's house in Houston is $5 million.

That is $175,000 per year in property taxes.

Although I'm reading Dwight's house in Hollywood cost $20 million. Even at 1% property tax rate in California, that's $200,000 per year.

Houses in Houston are cheap. He can get a similar house for $5 million, pay $25,000 less per year in property tax, and have no income tax.

So yeah, he could live in Houston for a LOT cheaper.

04-28-2013, 10:00 PM
And all the endorsement money he would get in LA.
He'd get more but during the Orlando saga dwight and his agent both publicly said that they don't care about the U.S media market as their largest endorsements are all from china. If he wants to start acting more seriously though there's that to consider.

04-28-2013, 10:01 PM
But Houston has high property taxes. Compare those to California and then report back.

Still much cheaper to make an initial purchase of land in Houston than in LA. So that kinda negates the higher tax rate paid each year.

04-28-2013, 10:03 PM
He'd get more but during the Orlando saga dwight and his agent both publicly said that they don't care about the U.S media market as their largest endorsements are all from china. If he wants to start acting more seriously though there's that to consider.

Another reason to go to Houston :lol

Seriously tho.

The Macho Man
04-28-2013, 10:03 PM
I hope no team offers him the max as he doesn't deserve it. Because he is bad.

04-28-2013, 10:26 PM
Why? You think Houston is not going to want him 4 years from now? The constant focus on that 5th year is a little silly I think.

How do you know Dwight Howard will even be playing in 4 years? And if he is, will he still be a max level player? He literally just had serious back surgery. Way too much can happen in 4 years to risk $30 million dollars when it's sitting right in front of you. I guarantee that 5th year means A LOT to Dwight. I'm not saying it's a done deal, but he could be in Charlotte right now and the Bobcats would still be the odds on favorite to keep him. The fact that he's in LA is just more reason to sign the 5 year deal.

04-28-2013, 10:37 PM
He's gonna re-sign. If there is one thing we learned about Howard he has no courage of conviction.

He'll do the easiest thing: take more money and stay where he is.

04-28-2013, 10:39 PM
He should consider going to the Mavs with CP3. Being in Texas, he will keep more of his money.

04-28-2013, 10:47 PM
I think he goes to Houston. A healthy Dwight + Lin + Parsons + Harden = insane.

04-28-2013, 10:51 PM
Houston can offer him $16-$18 per year and that's if they fill the roster out with a bunch one-year, unguaranteed deals after they sign their draft picks.

Then in 2014 they will get walloped by the tax when Lin and Asik's deals hit their third year in combination with Howard and Harden's big deals.

That's a lot to pay for a team that's not going to win a title.

04-28-2013, 10:54 PM
But why would Howard want to play for a city full of Hicks?

04-28-2013, 10:55 PM
Why are you guys talking about property taxes in Texas? He can just rent a $1-2 million house and pay no property taxes.

noob cake
04-28-2013, 10:55 PM
Houston can offer him $16-$18 per year and that's if they fill the roster out with a bunch one-year, unguaranteed deals after they sign their draft picks.

Then in 2014 they will get walloped by the tax when Lin and Asik's deals hit their third year in combination with Howard and Harden's big deals.

That's a lot to pay for a team that's not going to win a title.

Lin/Asik NEVER HITS 15m THIRD YEAR. It is 8.3m flat per year. :facepalm

04-28-2013, 10:57 PM
Houston can offer him $16-$18 per year and that's if they fill the roster out with a bunch one-year, unguaranteed deals after they sign their draft picks.

Then in 2014 they will get walloped by the tax when Lin and Asik's deals hit their third year in combination with Howard and Harden's big deals.

That's a lot to pay for a team that's not going to win a title.
the bump for lin and asik only occured if the original team matched. for the offering team, its a straight 8.3 mil per year. Asik is definitely worth it, lin? its definitely tradeable.

04-28-2013, 10:58 PM
But why would Howard want to play for a city full of Hicks?
I wonder if you have been to houston. It has all types. Unlike LA, which is only ghetto trash and rich people with no in between. So, which are you?

2013 Lakers
04-28-2013, 10:59 PM
No max contract. Won't happen.

04-28-2013, 11:03 PM
First of all, nba players pay tax according to WHERE they play. So really, it's not total salary that is going to be taxed at that rate. Second, look at property tax. Houston may have more affordable homes, but quality of living is less and property tax is significantly higher.

Not that it should be mentioned, but i doubt anyone would want to move away from LA/CA unless they are put on a contender.

EDIT: i see this has all been discussed. But yeah... i've lived both in houston and LA and i have to say, it would take a LOT to make me move back. Worst humidity ever... 95F while raining... summers = ehh

04-28-2013, 11:05 PM
Lin/Asik NEVER HITS 15m THIRD YEAR. It is 8.3m flat per year. :facepalm

I'm gonna do what you clearly didn't do...read my post.


Nope, never said Lin and Asik were hitting $15 million.

I did, however, say that Houston will be paying a steep tax penalty starting in that year with Harden's extension and Dwight's potential max AND those two deals...and they'll have just enough after paying draft picks and using the taxpayer's midlevel to surround them with absolute squat.

Which led to my next point: Houston's not paying luxury tax when it's not going to win anything.

04-28-2013, 11:09 PM
he's not going to Houston so it's all kind of a moot point. Don't dismiss the fifth year so easily, he has back issues. Another guaranteed $20M if the back goes out is a big deal.

04-28-2013, 11:10 PM
A healthy Dwight + Lin + Parsons + Harden = insane.

"Insane" might be a bit much. Thats probably a 6 seed in the west.

04-28-2013, 11:13 PM
First of all, nba players pay tax according to WHERE they play. So really, it's not total salary that is going to be taxed at that rate. Second, look at property tax. Houston may have more affordable homes, but quality of living is less and property tax is significantly higher.

Not that it should be mentioned, but i doubt anyone would want to move away from LA/CA unless they are put on a contender.

EDIT: i see this has all been discussed. But yeah... i've lived both in houston and LA and i have to say, it would take a LOT to make me move back. Worst humidity ever... 95F while raining... summers = ehh
the tax rate in the OP was only for home games. I am assuming that the tax rate for away games would be equal.

Houston does have terrible summer humidity. Its not the worst, Louisiana and other states are worse, but it is gross as hell. Still, most players dont live in their franchise's city during the offseason. The winters are definitely great.

Secondly, not everyone wants to live in LA or NYC or whatever is considered the place to be. Dwight is probably massively frustrated by the way te fans and media in LA treated him. He may want to stay there, but he may not. Hes a man-child with limited mental faculties, that much is clear. Marketing opportunities are no longer limited by local market size. Besides, HOU is a big ass market and has china tied in still from Yao.

04-28-2013, 11:16 PM
the tax rate in the OP was only for home games. I am assuming that the tax rate for away games would be equal.

Houston does have terrible summer humidity. Its not the worst, Louisiana and other states are worse, but it is gross as hell. Still, most players dont live in their franchise's city during the offseason. The winters are definitely great.

Secondly, not everyone wants to live in LA or NYC or whatever is considered the place to be. Dwight is probably massively frustrated by the way te fans and media in LA treated him. He may want to stay there, but he may not. Hes a man-child with limited mental faculties, that much is clear. Marketing opportunities are no longer limited by local market size. Besides, HOU is a big ass market and has china tied in still from Yao.

I think you are forgetting how big of a media whore dwight is...

04-28-2013, 11:18 PM
I think you are forgetting how big of a media whore dwight is...
right. That may play a role. But he may be sick of that shit already after a year in LA. He obviously does not really like kobe, his coach or the front office.

04-28-2013, 11:20 PM
right. That may play a role. But he may be sick of that shit already after a year in LA. He obviously does not really like kobe, his coach or the front office.

Yeah i dont know man... media likes to make shit up because these stories sell. Seems like whenever an article shows beef between kobe and dwight they respond saying there's no issue. I don't think we really know their relationship.

Xiao Yao You
04-29-2013, 02:02 AM
He'd get more but during the Orlando saga dwight and his agent both publicly said that they don't care about the U.S media market as their largest endorsements are all from china. If he wants to start acting more seriously though there's that to consider.

Lakers and Houston are the two biggest teams in China. Once Kobe is gone that might change though?

quality of living is less

I haven't been to Houston but the quality of living in southern California sucks! It's a hell hole!

I got to think Morey is too smart to go after Dwight. I'd rather have Asik and someone like Millsap than the douche! LA and him deserve each other!

04-29-2013, 02:06 AM
Lakers and Houston are the two biggest teams in China. Once Kobe is gone that might change though?

I haven't been to Houston but the quality of living in southern California sucks! It's a hell hole!

I got to think Morey is too smart to go after Dwight. I'd rather have Asik and someone like Millsap than the douche! LA and him deserve each other!


Where were you living???? Compton????

04-29-2013, 02:14 AM
If i were the rockets id say screw dwight and keep asik. Build around harden like miami did with lebron. A slew of 3pt shooters. Rockets will be destined for a championship.

longtime lurker
04-29-2013, 02:19 AM
Except for the fact that Dwight can't make as much money in Houston as LA.

Xiao Yao You
04-29-2013, 02:31 AM

Where were you living???? Compton????

Anaheim and Glendale. Doesn't matter where Dwight is living. He still has to commute and breathe the air and be around all those people. I'm sure it was great before all the people moved there. San Diego seems alright.

04-29-2013, 02:35 AM
Anaheim and Glendale. Doesn't matter where Dwight is living. He still has to commute and breathe the air and be around all those people. I'm sure it was great before all the people moved there. San Diego seems alright.

N. OC is garbage dude, live in a nicer neighborhood before starting to make judgements of an entire region.

Anything S. of Fountain valley is :rockon:

04-29-2013, 02:40 AM
Dwights going to the Clippers.

04-29-2013, 02:42 AM
he's not going to Houston so it's all kind of a moot point. Don't dismiss the fifth year so easily, he has back issues. Another guaranteed $20M if the back goes out is a big deal.

I think you have to take into account happiness as well.

I know there was something changed in terms of sign and trades in the new CBA...if it's still possible, would that be out of the question?

but Dwight's not going to be happy losing in one of the media capitals of the world for the next 2 years while they figure things out. While Kobe takes another year to really recover, and who knows if he'll ever really be back. Nash is done too.

I don't know how good the Rox would be with Dwight and Harden leading them, but I think the outlook seems much better than that of the Lakers. He never wanted to go there initially, and the Rockets were an option for him and that's before they got Harden.

04-29-2013, 02:53 AM
How about endorsements ?

He'll make more money in LA than anywhere else not named New York..

Money wise, Its way better for Howard to stay.

You could argue other things, but i doubt he leaves.

04-29-2013, 02:54 AM
Dwights going to the Clippers.

lol, and who are they giving up?

04-29-2013, 03:04 AM
What about child support? Any difference between him living in CA/TX? :lol

04-29-2013, 03:44 AM
lol, and who are they giving up?
They will let Odom and Billups walk they are worth 12 million. And then all they would have to do is deal Jordan.

Xiao Yao You
04-29-2013, 04:00 AM
N. OC is garbage dude, live in a nicer neighborhood before starting to make judgements of an entire region.

Anything S. of Fountain valley is :rockon:

Glendale wasn't that bad of an area and I walked to work. The place still sucks! Too many cars and people. You can have it! Northern California and San Diego are a lot better.

then all they would have to do is deal Jordan.

What shitty contracts they taking back in exchange for him?

04-29-2013, 04:45 AM
What I don't understand, is why Howard left Orlando if he stays in a losing situation in LA?

04-29-2013, 04:54 AM
I can't see him leaving LA.

Imagine if he did go to Houston, and all of a sudden LA acquire a few new pieces, get healthy, fire D'Antoni and are at least a solid playoff team without him. That's a player value hit in itself for Dwight.

04-29-2013, 07:22 AM
But Houston has high property taxes. Compare those to California and then report back.

The difference is generally made up by California houses being god awful expensive. He can buy a comparable home in Texas for a 3rd of the price.

04-29-2013, 08:31 AM
Why are you guys talking about property taxes in Texas? He can just rent a $1-2 million house and pay no property taxes.

Rentals cover the cost of property taxes - it is a business, after all. There is no comparison. Housing in Texas in CHEAP especially compared to that in California.

Howard wants to be in the limelight which is in LA.

04-29-2013, 09:25 AM
Houston can offer him $16-$18 per year and that's if they fill the roster out with a bunch one-year, unguaranteed deals after they sign their draft picks.

Then in 2014 they will get walloped by the tax when Lin and Asik's deals hit their third year in combination with Howard and Harden's big deals.

That's a lot to pay for a team that's not going to win a title.

All they have to do is give Asik away to an under the cap team. There are plenty of teams that would want Asik for "free".

04-29-2013, 09:26 AM
I don't consider that the same money. The 5th year makes all the difference because of the guaranteed extra $30 mill.

04-29-2013, 09:51 AM
no one wants to live in gay ass houston

04-29-2013, 10:22 AM
no one wants to live in gay ass houstonL.A. Is the epicenter of gayness. There is not a place on Earth with as much gay swirling about as L.A.

L.A. is the headquarters of gay. The levels of gayness in L.A. has reached a level previously unseen in the history of civilization.

The earthquakes in L.A. are simply Earth's way of trying to shake the gayness off. But no matter what, L.A. continues to get gayer, and gayer, and gayer...

Mr Exlax
04-29-2013, 11:22 AM
L.A. Is the epicenter of gayness. There is not a place on Earth with as much gay swirling about as L.A.

L.A. is the headquarters of gay. The levels of gayness in L.A. has reached a level previously unseen in the history of civilization.

The earthquakes in L.A. are simply Earth's way of trying to shake the gayness off. But no matter what, L.A. continues to get gayer, and gayer, and gayer...


The god awful stench of man love that's present in LA is horrible as well. Horrible and gay.

04-29-2013, 11:25 AM
It took him most of this entire season to recover from back surgery. Too much uncertainty to leave $30m on the table.
he could force a S&T

i'm sure LAL would want to get something for him, if he isnt re-signing

04-29-2013, 11:32 AM
he could force a S&T

i'm sure LAL would want to get something for him, if he isnt re-signing

I think the Lakers would have to amnesty Kobe for this to happen, and possibly dump Gasol too. You can't sign and trade if you're over the cap

04-29-2013, 11:56 AM
Jason Collins just came out as gay, and he's from L.A.

See, I told you L.A. is the epicenter of gayness.

04-29-2013, 12:12 PM
He's coming to Cleveland

04-29-2013, 12:36 PM
Hou would be better off signing Al Jefferson or Josh Smith and keep Asik. Their PF position is the most suspect right now.

04-29-2013, 12:39 PM
That fifth year is what really mattersThis and he still gets taxed on away games in other states so roughly only half his salary is state tax free

04-29-2013, 12:41 PM
I think the Lakers would have to amnesty Kobe for this to happen, and possibly dump Gasol too. You can't sign and trade if you're over the capI think you can if you're sending the player away from your team It's just bringing in players via sign and trade that's been taken away

04-29-2013, 01:10 PM
This and he still gets taxed on away games in other states so roughly only half his salary is state tax free
right, which is why that is accounted for in the first post. If they played all their games in CA or TX, the difference would be double that.

04-29-2013, 01:21 PM
This and he still gets taxed on away games in other states so roughly only half his salary is state tax free

Yeah but Hou is same division as SA and DAL. So more Texas games with no taxes. :rockon:

In fact, MEM is that division too. Tennessee only tax interest/dividends on individuals. Not salary income.

So that is the best division to play in financially by far.

All Net
04-29-2013, 01:35 PM
Houston makes more sense for him... Sadly

04-29-2013, 02:31 PM
This and he still gets taxed on away games in other states so roughly only half his salary is state tax free

I cant imagine this being true. Tax is usually based on your "home" employment state. Just because you fly elsewhere to work doesn't mean its taxed any differently.

04-29-2013, 02:57 PM
I cant imagine this being true. Tax is usually based on your "home" employment state. Just because you fly elsewhere to work doesn't mean its taxed any differently.
yes it does. You are taxed based on where you work. When I had a job with lots of projects across the country, I paid taxes in 5 different states and 3 different cities.

04-29-2013, 03:11 PM
Houston is a great city, can't believe people are bashing it.

04-29-2013, 03:16 PM
i dont look it as a financial decision. If he is serious about improving his game, he will come to Houston to be a student of the post game masters. McHale and Hakeem will right his ways again. I dont think he once reached out to Kareem during this past season or offseason.

04-29-2013, 03:36 PM
i dont look it as a financial decision. If he is serious about improving his game, he will come to Houston to be a student of the post game masters. McHale and Hakeem will right his ways again. I dont think he once reached out to Kareem during this past season or offseason.
pretty sure he already worked with hakeem, who said he was the only player he worked with who didnt incorporate some of it into their on-court play.

Xiao Yao You
04-29-2013, 05:01 PM
Hou would be better off signing Al Jefferson or Josh Smith and keep Asik. Their PF position is the most suspect right now.

Good luck with Al!