View Full Version : I'm coming out to Ish as a bisexual!

04-30-2013, 06:30 AM
I mentioned this once before on ISH, but in the spirit of Jason Collins I decided to make a thread. This is actually something I haven't told anyone in my real life, for a lot of reasons. Most of all, I just don't want the hassle; the attention it would bring, the explanation-conversations. I tend to be an introverted person and it just seems like an annoying process. But even if that weren't true, I admit that coming out as bisexual scares me a little. I don't want my family to look at me differently. I don't want my male friends to be uncomfortable around me. There are days where I think about just doing it, but overall, I'm glad I haven't. I'll do it when/if it feels right in the future.

So there you go. Anyone else here going to join me? :D

04-30-2013, 06:36 AM
How does this play into your political leanings?

04-30-2013, 06:36 AM
good more pussey for us

04-30-2013, 06:48 AM
good more pussey for us

He swings both way.

04-30-2013, 06:50 AM
Do you think the reason you claim to be bisexual instead of gay is also the reason that you haven't been open to people about it? That it's perhaps transitional and easier to deal with? Or do you consider yourself truly bisexual?

04-30-2013, 07:23 AM
Do you think the reason you claim to be bisexual instead of gay is also the reason that you haven't been open to people about it? That it's perhaps transitional and easier to deal with? Or do you consider yourself truly bisexual?

No, I consider myself truly bisexual. I did wonder if I was gay for a while. I had a very negative attitude towards females stemming from some traumatic childhood and early teen experiences. I viewed them (regrettably) as objects that couldn't be trusted in a real relationship setting. As a teenager it was all about just playing girls. Getting them to hook up with me no matter how much I had to lie or whatever. But as I got older I had a burning resentment towards females. I felt so unattracted to them because I found their personalities so off-putting and empty. It wasn't until later that I first discovered I could be attracted to males, and at that point I figured I was probably just homosexual.

Around that time, I began to explore my issues with females and all the negative emotions I had. The true breaking point was when I met this girl, and I just laid it all on her. I explained how I felt about females, my history, my bad experiences. I realized through her how wrong so many of my assumptions were, and how I was generalizing 50% of the population based on a few bad people. It was therapy for me, just to get it out and have her feedback. And once I got those negative emotions out of my system, my love for females that I forgot all about came back. Physically, emotionally, mentally. A big thing for me was feeling like females just wanted to play games all the time, and you couldn't be honest with them. Everything was a manipulation, or a power struggle. Once I got over that and embraced being honest, my perspective changed.

04-30-2013, 07:48 AM
good man, joe.

i think any sane, healthy, self-honest person is bisexual to some degree. anywhere from 'faintly' to 'full-bore', but it's there.

you look at many animal species, you look at man's history before the dualistic BS of heavy-handed religion came along... bisexuality is common all across nature, and we live in the field of nature... even as we relentlessly try to BS ourselves that we don't. :lol

04-30-2013, 07:49 AM
He swings both way.

04-30-2013, 07:49 AM
How does this play into your political leanings?

No effect, other than both things are a product of continuous questioning of my own beliefs. haha.

As far as libertarianism really quick. People can't even agree on what the facts are, let alone the opinions. Libertarianism is based on the non-aggression principle, which I think is amazing and self obvious, but a large majority of people don't and never will. So to push for it so much is pretty much pointless. It's an opinion, not a fact.. a pretty good opinion in my opinion... but at the end of day, only in my opinion. So, I've been really pushy about it in the past and I realize how dumb that was in retrospect.

I still stand by free markets as being factually defensible. But I'm purposefully not talking about it because it just gets me too worked up and I'm trying to get back to my laid back roots these days.

I also think human beings have a lot of flaws that cause them to gravitate towards insane, dangerous political conclusions. I don't exclude myself from those flaws except to the extent that I'm aware of them and can try to combat them. The biggest one is the desire to control others who aren't bothering them. Actually, I do exclude myself from this flaw because I never understood this one. But most people seem to have a gene for bothering people who are just minding their own business. People also put way too much faith in "experts" and have no confidence in themselves to figure things out. Anything you say nowadays, people want to see a "study." Most studies are biased as shit, as well as a large chunk of the "facts." Sometimes you need to think things through. I'm sure there's plenty others that I fall victim to, but those are two big ones that come to mind.

04-30-2013, 07:53 AM
Do you actually like ***** or are you just attracted to males because you dont like the way females behave

04-30-2013, 08:03 AM
Do you actually like ***** or are you just attracted to males because you dont like the way females behave

Any guy has to be like a perfect 10 both as far as looks and personality for me to look at them 'like that.' I am not heavily sexually attracted to guys but with the right personality and look I am. Some might say I'm pansexual but I don't get into all that advanced lingo. There's very few guys that I've been attracted to but when it happens it's stronger than the random females that I'm always looking at and checking out.

Legend of Josh
04-30-2013, 08:06 AM
sorry, I had to (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ts6FPBTWwcM)

04-30-2013, 08:11 AM
sorry, I had to (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ts6FPBTWwcM)

lol. The video was stupid but the title made me laugh

Legend of Josh
04-30-2013, 08:16 AM
So you've actually put your lips and tongue on another man's *****? Have you let another man put his tongue on the part of your body where you empty your own butt? LOL, I'm sorry, I'll just never fully comprehend the mind of a man that lets another man do such things or share intimate moments together. To each their own, and I'm learning to be much more accepting of people for who they are, but it's just... nvm. Have at it.

04-30-2013, 08:17 AM
Why dont you come out IRL? I dont think its about attention.

04-30-2013, 08:21 AM
good man, joe.

i think any sane, healthy, self-honest person is bisexual to some degree. anywhere from 'faintly' to 'full-bore', but it's there.

you look at many animal species, you look at man's history before the dualistic BS of heavy-handed religion came along... bisexuality is common all across nature, and we live in the field of nature... even as we relentlessly try to BS ourselves that we don't. :lol

Yeah man. I think if I was less comfortable with homosexuality in general I would be able to lie to myself and convince myself that I was 100% straight. It's not hard to put up a few mental blocks, people do it alllll the time. Myself included about other things I'm sure.

04-30-2013, 08:22 AM
thats awesome dude, you should grow a mustache and wear robes and lotions and become an orgy guy, think about how much more fun wild sex romps will be. and you're literally doubling your chances here man, its not just a fruitful move emotionally but its pragmatic too. hopefully its not just a transitional phase into homosexuality tho, the move from half the fish in the sea to all the fish in the sea is amazing, the move back maybe not so much?

congrats tho thats a courageous thing to figure out for yourself

04-30-2013, 08:32 AM
congrats tho thats a courageous thing to figure out for yourself

I can't be an orgy guy.

Thank you, and this is one of the big reasons I haven't come out in real life. Figuring it out for myself was the biggest step, after that I don't care to go telling everyone. It almost just seems like... would you tell everyone if you realized you liked some new band? Eh, it's just one of those things about yourself that you just realize. Going and telling everyone would feel unnecessary and forced. And like an annoyance. Is there also some fear involved? Definitely, I wouldn't deny that. But that's pretty low on the list. I know my closest friends and family wouldn't care, it'd just be awkward for a second, I'd explain it and then we'd move on. lol

04-30-2013, 08:40 AM
Yeah man. I think if I was less comfortable with homosexuality in general I would be able to lie to myself and convince myself that I was 100% straight. It's not hard to put up a few mental blocks, people do it alllll the time. Myself included about other things I'm sure.
yup. we humans must put together a system of walls, filters, short-cuts and other coping devices in order to make it through life in a healthy manner. all part of the game.

but when you realise this, and when you begin to modify your program, well then..............

04-30-2013, 08:42 AM
I'm not sure that I buy 100% that you are bisexual. I mean, you explained yourself that it stemmed mentally, from sth that happened to you when young. Maybe it's still something you haven't worked out?

My question is.. you said you're attracted to guys, ok. But have you actually had any experience? Like had an bf, or engage in male to male sexual intercourse.

If you have, then I believe you. But if not, I feel like the attraction is still a psychological issue you have yet to work out.

04-30-2013, 08:42 AM
lol dont kid yourself and compare this to buying ur first ed hardy shirt or some shit. its more like..... jumping religions or quitting your accounting job to pursue poetry lol. sexuality is a pretty huge deal regardless of how many ppl in the world refuse to admit it. im not in your shoes but i imagine its mostly fear... as it rightly should be, theres still a pretty major stigma going against any lbgt faction or w/e you wanna call it. tides are definitely turning tho.

admitting it to anybody is a big step but i think admitting it to somebody in person is at least a few notches tougher than striking enter on a keyboard. you know yourself better than i do tho, good luck with it in any case

04-30-2013, 09:32 AM
This thread reminded me of this

04-30-2013, 09:36 AM
i assume you will be the pitcher in this case?

Take Your Lumps
04-30-2013, 09:50 AM
My question is.. you said you're attracted to guys, ok. But have you actually had any experience? Like had an bf, or engage in male to male sexual intercourse.

If you have, then I believe you. But if not, I feel like the attraction is still a psychological issue you have yet to work out.

By that logic, heterosexual virgins also have unresolved psychological issues until they boink someone.

Or are you just singling him out because he's attracted to the same sex?

04-30-2013, 10:19 AM
isn't everyone is bisexual by some degree?

04-30-2013, 10:27 AM
By that logic, heterosexual virgins also have unresolved psychological issues until they boink someone.

Or are you just singling him out because he's attracted to the same sex?
Well, he did start off heterosexual right? That's what I assumed from his posts. For other heter-virgins they don't have this confusion. They know they want women, they just can't get it yet.

It was afterwards that he decided he was attracted to guys. Well is it just an psychological issue, or do they really attract him? If he can face another naked man and engage in sexual activities, that would wipe away all doubt.

04-30-2013, 10:30 AM
isn't everyone is bisexual by some degree?
why do you think you keep airballing your layups whenever you anticipate that faint contact behind you? : )

04-30-2013, 10:35 AM
Good for you, joe. :confusedshrug:

I hope the day comes within my life time where people don't need to announce their sexuality, whether in person or online. It shouldn't matter to anyone but to the person (and possibly family).

04-30-2013, 10:37 AM
thats awesome dude, you should grow a mustache and wear robes and lotions

Go for the good stuff. It's worth it. Also a creme is more manageable than oils or lotions and gels.

04-30-2013, 10:39 AM
I can honestly say that I've never met an openly bisexual man. I have gay friends and bisexual female friends (even dated one back in the day :pimp: ), but never a bisexual male, or at least someone that would admit it.

04-30-2013, 10:40 AM
Congrats OP, ignore all the haters :applause:

04-30-2013, 10:42 AM
I mentioned this once before on ISH, but in the spirit of Jason Collins I decided to make a thread. This is actually something I haven't told anyone in my real life, for a lot of reasons. Most of all, I just don't want the hassle; the attention it would bring, the explanation-conversations. I tend to be an introverted person and it just seems like an annoying process. But even if that weren't true, I admit that coming out as bisexual scares me a little. I don't want my family to look at me differently. I don't want my male friends to be uncomfortable around me. There are days where I think about just doing it, but overall, I'm glad I haven't. I'll do it when/if it feels right in the future.

So there you go. Anyone else here going to join me? :D

Congrats Joe.

Is this something you've acted or just something you know at this point.

Also do you live in a small town or a bigger area? Do you think someone can live openly out in your town?

04-30-2013, 10:44 AM
Repped. Oh wait.

El Kabong
04-30-2013, 10:46 AM
isn't everyone is bisexual by some degree?
I think I read somewhere that on the Kinsey Scale, most guys are a 1 or 2

1 Predominantly heterosexual, only incidentally homosexual
2 Predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual

04-30-2013, 10:52 AM
Stop playing both sides, pick a side and ride with it.

04-30-2013, 10:58 AM
Stop playing both sides, pick a side and ride with it.

I think that's why most men are either gay or straight. We're terrible at multitasking.

04-30-2013, 10:59 AM
I have never really understood this coming out thing. I mean if you are like that then good for y but why tell the whole world about it? :confusedshrug:
or does it give a certain self relief when you admit it publicly?

04-30-2013, 11:17 AM
I have never really understood this coming out thing. I mean if you are like that then good for y but why tell the whole world about it? :confusedshrug:
or does it give a certain self relief when you admit it publicly?

It definitely gives a sense of relief. Can you imagine that everyone assumes you are one way and you are not? You didn't lie to them, but it feels like you did and you don't know how to tell them or if they would accept what you told them

04-30-2013, 11:36 AM
Honest question, do gays still really think straight people care if they come out or not? I mean seriously, it seems like a publicity stunt these days.

04-30-2013, 12:02 PM
Honest question, do gays still really think straight people care if they come out or not? I mean seriously, it seems like a publicity stunt these days.

A. That's called progress.

B. It's obviously still a big, big deal in pro sports.

04-30-2013, 01:45 PM
Short anecdote on why I think people come out:

One of my best friends last week on facebook recently changed his relationship status to being with another man. This came to a HUGE shock to me. He did not "come out" nor did I have any inkling that he was gay. It just happened. My first thoughts were wow, is this true, is he really gay? Who is this guy? I need to talk to him and ask. I can't believe it. When did this happen? Has he always known? I was so uncertain.

However, I did not talk to him about it because I thought better of it. Do I want to talk to him about it? Yes but I will do it on his terms. It is not that big a deal to me. I am sure this news came to the shock of many, many people. He was a very popular kid in high school and in college. I am sure all these people had the same reactions as me however, I'm sure quite a few of his friends did not restrain themselves like I did.

I did however, talk to one of my other good friends about it. I guess you could call it talking behind his back. I wanted to know if he was aware and what he thought about it. Was it true?

My point, people come out to clear the air. To stop any confusion or curiosity. I was uncertain about what had transpired because I did not hear it directly from my friend, just facebook. Coming out can stop any uncertainty or whispers amongst your friends. Its out, its final, its the truth. There can be no mistaking it.

04-30-2013, 03:49 PM

Andrew Wiggins
04-30-2013, 03:52 PM
revealing to strangers that you like dudes behind the anonymity of a username is supposed to liberate you while you live in secrecy to the people you interact with in real life? do you desire a sense of satisfaction because you want to be congratulated for this revelation to people who otherwise don't give a shit about you?

**** outta here weakling

04-30-2013, 04:32 PM
is this true, is he really gay? Who is this guy? I need to talk to him and ask. I can't believe it. When did this happen? Has he always known? I was so uncertain.

However, I did not talk to him about it because I thought better of it. Do I want to talk to him about it? Yes but I will do it on his terms.

You have a lot of questions. One would assume you're "curious".

04-30-2013, 04:38 PM
Everyone here is on the edge of their seat waiting for you to say if you've fvked a guy or not, damnit Joe!
dude came out of the closet and left us hanging. Damn! :(

04-30-2013, 04:47 PM
man, look at all these guys lining up to be joe's first squeeze. "did you do it yet, joe, did you do the deed...?" *pant pant pant*

you better start asking him what clothes to wear, how to style your hair, etc. and just how long have you practiced on a frozen banana, anyway?

04-30-2013, 04:56 PM
man, look at all these guys lining up to be joe's first squeeze. "did you do it yet, joe, did you do the deed...?" *pant pant pant*

you better start asking him what clothes to wear, how to style your hair, etc. and just how long have you practiced on a frozen banana, anyway?
He chose and come out, of course he's going to get questions. He opened a thread.. we can't ask questions? You expected this thread to be filled with "good job, joe"? Most of us are interested, and it's a question regarding clarity of his orientation, so why not?

And why the hell would we ask about clothes or hair? Totally irrelevant.

04-30-2013, 05:17 PM
i don't recall saying or thinking those things, ripthekik.

it was more playful commentary on a certain theme being repeatedly expressed.

04-30-2013, 05:25 PM

04-30-2013, 06:43 PM
OP is a *******.....well....sort of.

04-30-2013, 06:48 PM
Good for you!

04-30-2013, 08:22 PM
I just know, I've never acted on it. I only tried to act on it with one person but he confused me. He was a friend of a friend, always seemed to flirt with me like a girl would flirt with you. But then they'd say they "hate gay people" and they kept a girlfriend for a long time, so I just gave up on it. Now I have a girlfriend and it is what it is. I think that person is living in denial but maybe not.. maybe I just really misread the situation.

I didn't make this thread for a big sense of relief or anything, I just thought it'd be fun to put out there and see what people say. If it wasn't for the Jason Collins thing "setting the mood" I never would have cared to say anything.

I don't style my hair at all just keep it all natural, usually wearing basketball shorts and t-shirts. hahaha

Do I think straight people care if you come out? No not for the most part. I think there is an aspect though of it feeling uncomfortable to them. I understand that because it's weird to hang out with someone as a friend, when they might be looking at you in a sexual way. It would just feel weird. Even if you have no prejudices I think it's probably weird. So it is what it is.

04-30-2013, 08:39 PM
Well, he did start off heterosexual right? That's what I assumed from his posts. For other heter-virgins they don't have this confusion. They know they want women, they just can't get it yet.

It was afterwards that he decided he was attracted to guys. Well is it just an psychological issue, or do they really attract him? If he can face another naked man and engage in sexual activities, that would wipe away all doubt.

Yes, I think this is a valid point and one I've thought about a lot. Is it a psychological issue? It could be, but after I resolved my issues with females my attraction to males didn't go away. I haven't acted on it. I think my romantic/sexual identity is still heterosexual in a sense, in that it still feels very alien to go after a male. My instinct is still to chase females. If it wasn't for the person I talked about in my above post, I would give a lot more credibility to what you're saying. But my attraction for him stayed strong both before and after I dealt with those issues, and even today. Strangely, even the males I like have to be more feminine. Nice, kind, caring, etc. The same characteristics I like in a female. That leads me to believe it's mostly a personality thing when it comes to guys. Sexually I'm not attracted to guys in general, but with the right personality I don't care whether you have a ***** or not. haha. But when it comes to girls I can hook up with one solely based on looks.

Maybe I could hook up with a guy solely based on looks but I'm just not comfortable enough with it. Looks wise, I also like more feminine looking guys. Shorter than me, softer features, etc. If I were fully out also, that would make it a lot more simple. Now, I only go after a guy subtly, or in a situation where people I know aren't around. So there's a lot less opportunity.

Altogether, writing these posts has made me realize that I have a lot more fear than maybe I gave credit to. The fear is a fear of change. A fear of how others view me changing, a fear of the way I'm treated changing. I don't want my friends to suddenly see me as flirting with them when I'm just being a good friend. I don't want my family telling gay people they know, "oh my nephew/cousin/son is bi, maybe you could talk to him." Uck. I guess I like my identity how it is. I'm the straight guy as far as people know, and I just like the normalcy of it. At the same time I don't see it as a bad thing to not want to deal with it. I don't feel like I'm "living a lie" or I'm constrained. I just don't want the whole shift that will be caused by admitting it.

04-30-2013, 08:48 PM
what is it about men that you are attracted to? for me, i could never be gay because find our penises disgusting and our bodies too hairy. i love the fact that women are soft, curvy, and i think their ******s are pleasently to look at - well some.

04-30-2013, 08:56 PM
what is it about men that you are attracted to? for me, i could never be gay because find our penises disgusting and our bodies too hairy. i love the fact that women are soft, curvy, and i think their ******s are pleasently to look at - well some.

Like with the guy I talked about above. They were just always really nice to me, complimented me, asked me questions, etc. We would hang out around mutual friends and it always just felt really cool. And then he would flirt with me, sit really close to me, find ways to get near me and initiate physical contact. And it was just like.. I could have something with this person. It works. It felt the exact same way as how feelings would develop with a girl. On the physical side, I don't want to go into details for your sake but I'll put it this way.. I'd have to be the sexually dominant person or it couldn't work. I also never found masculine traits attractive, such as muscles, tall, body hair etc. Even when I thought I was straight, I would look at guys like that and think it just looked gross. How the hell could girls be into that? Well.. I'm not either.

04-30-2013, 09:02 PM
I should note also that I consider myself kind of.. different... when it cmes to sexuality. I like the term "sex positive" even though that's usually attributed to females. I'm open to things and usually it's a breaking point in my relationships when I find out if the girl I'm with is a strictly missionary type of girl. I get bored with that QUICKLY. Even as a kid my early fantasies were always just strange and I knew they were different from other peoples. I think a lot of that plays into me being open to both sexes.. because it's just.. an extension of me being into trying weird crap. haha

04-30-2013, 09:09 PM
Oh yo, Joe a freak

hahaha, I thought everyone was at first. And then I would tell my middle school friends how it'd be awesome if the teacher kept us after and locked us in a cage and forced us to have sex with her for an entire weekend or something... and it got a lot of weird looks... hahhaa

I remember my first girlfriend (not first, but first *real* girlfriend who you actually talked to and stuff..) was into all of this like I am. And we made a list of a bunch of crazy things to do, all with a point total assigned to them. And then my friend and his girlfriend had the list too, and we would see who could get more points. Why did I screw that relationship up. adjdaslfjaslgalghalg

04-30-2013, 09:10 PM
This may seem kinda vulgar but I didn't read the thread and have one question: have you ever sucked a dick? Sorry if you've answered this already which I'm sure you probably have.


04-30-2013, 09:10 PM
so its much of a mental attraction rather than a physical. i can respect that, but ironically, i find women more pleasing in those aspects as well. i think all guys are assholes because im an asshole myself. women vary. a lot of em are fukked up, but i like when they get melodramatic and need my shoulder to cry on, which can sometimes resort to sex

04-30-2013, 09:16 PM
so its much of a mental attraction rather than a physical. i can respect that, but ironically, i find women more pleasing in those aspects as well. i think all guys are assholes because im an asshole myself. women vary. a lot of em are fukked up, but i like when they get melodramatic and need my shoulder to cry on, which can sometimes resort to sex

When I was going through all of my negative thoughts towards females, I found males were a lot more cool and honest. And had more real interests. With females it always seemed to be about dating to them, or their relationships. But with a male they have hobbies and passions more often. And there's a lot more direct communication whereas with a female it's like you're talking different languages and trying to figure out what the other is saying.

04-30-2013, 09:18 PM
You have a lot of questions. One would assume you're "curious".
When you see one of your buddies who had hooked up with tons of girls throughout high school and college suddenly about face, yea you have a lot of questions racing through your mind.

How exactly does that equate to me questioning my own sexuality?

04-30-2013, 09:23 PM
Short anecdote on why I think people come out:

One of my best friends last week on facebook recently changed his relationship status to being with another man. This came to a HUGE shock to me. He did not "come out" nor did I have any inkling that he was gay. It just happened. My first thoughts were wow, is this true, is he really gay? Who is this guy? I need to talk to him and ask. I can't believe it. When did this happen? Has he always known? I was so uncertain.

However, I did not talk to him about it because I thought better of it. Do I want to talk to him about it? Yes but I will do it on his terms. It is not that big a deal to me. I am sure this news came to the shock of many, many people. He was a very popular kid in high school and in college. I am sure all these people had the same reactions as me however, I'm sure quite a few of his friends did not restrain themselves like I did.

I did however, talk to one of my other good friends about it. I guess you could call it talking behind his back. I wanted to know if he was aware and what he thought about it. Was it true?

My point, people come out to clear the air. To stop any confusion or curiosity. I was uncertain about what had transpired because I did not hear it directly from my friend, just facebook. Coming out can stop any uncertainty or whispers amongst your friends. Its out, its final, its the truth. There can be no mistaking it.

I think if I ever did it, it would be just like that. If I was actually starting a relationship with someone, and I'd just put it on Facebook or whatever. A lot easier than admitting it beforehand and dealing with it beforehand. Just do it all at once to everyone at a time when you really have to do it.. so you don't have to keep your relationship secret..

04-30-2013, 09:24 PM
When I was going through all of my negative thoughts towards females, I found males were a lot more cool and honest. And had more real interests. With females it always seemed to be about dating to them, or their relationships. But with a male they have hobbies and passions more often. And there's a lot more direct communication whereas with a female it's like you're talking different languages and trying to figure out what the other is saying.
damn bro, sound like you've encountered too many she-devils in one lifetime. im sorry to hear that. well, if youre more comfortable expressing yourself to men, then you should go with what your comfortable with

04-30-2013, 09:28 PM
I respect it. No doubt about it. I have nothing against gays, lesbians, or bi's. Everyone is intended to have feelings and emotions of their own, after all we are all only human beings. It shouldn't be a crime to be of other sexuality.

04-30-2013, 09:34 PM
damn bro, sound like you've encountered too many she-devils in one lifetime. im sorry to hear that. well, if youre more comfortable expressing yourself to men, then you should go with what your comfortable with

I've grown to really appreciate females. I realize how stupid the things I thought were... but I forgive myself and understand myself because of what I went through. But it was wrong and I realize that now. I like hanging out with females and just talking, laying back, appreciating them for who they are. They have so much personality but it's a lot more subtle than guys. Guys are all, "I'M INTO BASKETBALL, VIDEOGAMES, AND EATING STEAK!" Girls you have to get to know them a little more.

It was strange, but it wasn't until I admitted I was attracted to guys that my sexual attraction to females returned. It didn't make sense even at the time but that's what happened. I remember I just said to myself.. you know what.. I like guys.. stop denying it. And then suddenly when I looked at a female the physical attraction was there again. Just appreciating the curves and the soft skin, lips, all of it. At some point I just lost sight of the beauty.

04-30-2013, 10:02 PM
I respect it. No doubt about it. I have nothing against gays, lesbians, or bi's. Everyone is intended to have feelings and emotions of their own, after all we are all only human beings. It shouldn't be a crime to be of other sexuality.
don't bullshit yourself.

everyone alive has something against ppl who are different from them.

the easiest targets are typically skin tone, religious preference, sexual preference, monetary status, cultural mores, etc.

regardless, the way we become better bros, friends, brothers and sisters is to recognise our natural dislike, intolerance, hate... and then do the real work to grow beyond it.

or who here knows a better way? i'd like to hear it.

so don't bullshit yourself, bro.

04-30-2013, 10:44 PM
hahaha, I thought everyone was at first. And then I would tell my middle school friends how it'd be awesome if the teacher kept us after and locked us in a cage and forced us to have sex with her for an entire weekend or something... and it got a lot of weird looks... hahhaa

You do have interesting relationships with authority, Joe.

A friend of mine decided to come out as bisexual by drunkly kissing me at a bar once. Still, all in all, it was one of my most memorable Christmas Eve's.

05-01-2013, 11:14 AM
One of my cousins (that I don't really se much) has been putting up pictures on facebook of him and another guy "palling around," i'd never thought of him as being gay, but now it just seems to make sense.

Joe on the other hand I wouldn't have picked as remotely out of the norm. I would've thought he was a 10minute, lights off, missionary position kind of guy.

05-01-2013, 12:00 PM
Great thread Joe, I like how you stick to your convictions and educate the ignorant ISH masses of your sexuality.

If you haven't already, you are more than welcome to use and abuse me anytime: the great thing about being asian is I have soft skin like a girl, not a lot of hair, my nails are probably manicured, you can bend me over, hit it hard with the lights on, and when you feel like you want a girl, you can just turn off the lights and run your fingers through my smooth hair.

Best of both worlds. I'm waiting.

05-01-2013, 01:11 PM
Joe, no offense intended... i'm just trying to gain perspective here.

Do you feel that homosexuals should have different showering/changing room than heterosexuals?

05-01-2013, 02:07 PM
This may seem kinda vulgar but I didn't read the thread and have one question: have you ever sucked a dick? Sorry if you've answered this already which I'm sure you probably have.
similar question.... have you tugged it to male fantasies and/or porn yet? or is this purely an intellectual pursuit with only the hope that ur loins eventually concur? because that seems important lol

05-01-2013, 02:33 PM
Stop trying to pick up strange men on the internet.
then hows about we become more familiar?

05-01-2013, 02:36 PM
wow joe. that didnt take long.

05-01-2013, 02:37 PM
When you see one of your buddies who had hooked up with tons of girls throughout high school and college suddenly about face, yea you have a lot of questions racing through your mind.

How exactly does that equate to me questioning my own sexuality?

Do you ever watch gladiator movies?

05-01-2013, 04:12 PM
Joe, no offense intended... i'm just trying to gain perspective here.

Do you feel that homosexuals should have different showering/changing room than heterosexuals?

From a broader point of view I think it's just a market issue. Is there enough demand for separate changing rooms? If I own a Rec Center, do I sense that my customers desire that enough to offset the cost of building it? If they do, then it should be built.

In my personal opinion as a consumer, I really don't care because I am never in a public shower. I also don't see it happening. Because I think in the areas where people are intolerant of homosexuals, they wouldn't go out of their way to build it. And in the places where people are tolerant, they wouldn't want to seem intolerant by building a separate shower. Also, sadly, the building owner would have to consider any lawsuits that could come about. Discrimination lawsuits. What if someone gets beat up for being gay while in the shower? Is the owner liable? Probably is legally, as sad and ridiculous as that is in my opinion.

05-01-2013, 04:15 PM
Great thread Joe, I like how you stick to your convictions and educate the ignorant ISH masses of your sexuality.

If you haven't already, you are more than welcome to use and abuse me anytime: the great thing about being asian is I have soft skin like a girl, not a lot of hair, my nails are probably manicured, you can bend me over, hit it hard with the lights on, and when you feel like you want a girl, you can just turn off the lights and run your fingers through my smooth hair.

Best of both worlds. I'm waiting.

I just realized that Asians do have a lot of qualities I like. hahaha. I've always liked Asian girls but I never made the connection to seek them out in their XY form, hmmm.

05-01-2013, 05:46 PM
similar question.... have you tugged it to male fantasies and/or porn yet? or is this purely an intellectual pursuit with only the hope that ur loins eventually concur? because that seems important lol

Yea let me add to this .. what kind of anuses do you like? Do you like the ruby red starfruit ones? The burnt chocolate? Or the good ole fashion dried mustard cake? When did you first find yourself attracted to bumhole of another man? Also, have you ever sucked a pair of delicious, juicy hairy balls while your partner twirls your scrotum with his fingers?

I have bathroom tissue ready awaiting a reply.

05-01-2013, 09:52 PM
Stop playing both sides, pick a side and ride with it.
what if both feel really good?

05-01-2013, 09:54 PM
what if both feel really good?
Well joe, seems you're not alone :lol

05-01-2013, 10:03 PM
Also it's retarded and only works if people disclose their sexuality to you, which no one will do.

Yeah. It makes sense in a pro sports locker room because if people are publicly gay there everyone will know who should use which shower. But that kind of defeats the purpose of team unity and such. Right or wrong I think it'd cause a divide in team spirit if you're having different showers for different sexualities, even if it makes sense to do so.

05-02-2013, 03:32 AM

srry bro, had to do it.

05-02-2013, 03:35 AM

srry bro, had to do it.

hhahha, nahhhh, I'm offended you found such nasty people for that

05-02-2013, 03:42 AM
hhahha, nahhhh, I'm offended you found such nasty people for that

05-02-2013, 04:18 AM
don't bullshit yourself.

everyone alive has something against ppl who are different from them.

the easiest targets are typically skin tone, religious preference, sexual preference, monetary status, cultural mores, etc.

regardless, the way we become better bros, friends, brothers and sisters is to recognise our natural dislike, intolerance, hate... and then do the real work to grow beyond it.

or who here knows a better way? i'd like to hear it.

so don't bullshit yourself, bro.
or maybe some of us seriously have nothing against gay/lesbian/bisexual people. i have nothing against gay people and never have disliked them because they're gay. i don't need to do "real work" to grow beyond it and i'm not bullshitting myself or anybody :confusedshrug:

idgaf if you're gay

05-02-2013, 10:26 PM
or maybe some of us seriously have nothing against gay/lesbian/bisexual people. i have nothing against gay people and never have disliked them because they're gay. i don't need to do "real work" to grow beyond it and i'm not bullshitting myself or anybody :confusedshrug:

idgaf if you're gay
yup... you get to do whatever you want to in life and say whatever the f--k you like, and nobody can ever tell you that you're wrong except for the usual culprits.

rock on, bro. :cheers: