View Full Version : Joakim Noah tells Derrick Rose critics to "shut up!"

05-07-2013, 09:00 AM

MIAMI -- Chicago Bulls center Joakim Noah had an impassioned message for critics of teammate Derrick Rose after the Bulls' impressive 93-86 win over the Miami Heat on Monday night.

Noah took a question regarding how much pride he and his team feel being able to win without Rose while so many pundits count them out, and he went off on an emotional defense of his close friend.

"Derrick's a brother," Noah said. "And to see him go through this is tough, but at the end of the day it's really funny how quick people are to judge. But people don't know what it's like to lead a team, especially after you tore your ACL.

"If you tore your ACL and you have to be the starting point guard and have the expectations that Derrick has, then maybe you can judge, but everybody who hasn't been in that situation before should really shut up because I feel like it's just so unfair to him and to this team. We're fighting, and everybody's going to just s--- on somebody who's been giving so much to this organization. It's crazy to me."

Rose has been at the forefront of much criticism, especially on Twitter, as the Bulls have continued an impressive run through the postseason. A growing number of fans believe that Rose should be back on the floor as he continues his rehab from ACL surgery.

Rose admitted on Monday that his status for this series was "still up in the air. I might have a chance," despite the fact that he has yet to play this season.

Noah did not acknowledge whether he has spoken to Rose about the criticism, but it was clear he didn't like what he has been hearing. Rose said on Saturday that he hasn't paid much attention to the criticism, but Noah and the rest of his teammates have made it a point to stand up for Rose's decision not to play.

"He can say that he doesn't (listen to it)," Noah said. "I think he's dealing with it unbelievable. He's tough as nails, man. He's not budging. He doesn't let none of that affect him; whether it's praise or people judging him about his decision, he's the same. He's the same, and I really respect that because I don't think a lot of people could deal with the things that he deals with on a daily basis."

Mike Wilbon:
"Tell me again how it worked out for RG3 during the playoffs when he wasn't honest with himself or his coach about whether he should keep going. Magic Johnson tells the story about allowing himself to be pressured into playing following a knee injury in the early 1980s only to come back before he was psychologically ready to play. Rose, Magic believes, can only be helped by a summer of playing full-tilt, followed by a training camp.

The miraculously recovered Adrian Peterson was the first person I heard point out that he, after shredding his knee, had the benefit of a full training camp before going back on the field.

We're talking about a 10-year decision Rose is making, which ought to suggest to the know-it-alls it's infinitely wiser to err on the side of caution, whether that means returning for the final three weeks of this season or not until training camp. The know-it-alls obviously have forgotten about Gilbert Arenas, who before his gun issues was one of the 10 best players in the game from 2004 to 2006. He thought he was appeasing a whole lot of people when he tried to sprint back from major knee surgery in 2007. All his expedited return got him was one physical setback after another and at 30 years old Arenas was playing in China, a shell of his old self.

The reward for Rose returning, say, this week is minimal. To what end? Would his return enable the Bulls to beat Miami in the second round? Third round? No, neither. But the risk is incalculable. This isn't the return of Ricky Rubio. The Timberwolves point guard doesn't explode, doesn't play above the rim, isn't reliant on his legs. Rose does and is. If he's reticent to try and go up off his left leg to finish around the rim, he shouldn't be in the game yet. I find it difficult to believe that people, especially my friends in the Chicago media, are so desperate to see Rose back on the court they fail to acknowledge that nothing about returning from such a knee injury is to be presumed".


05-07-2013, 09:13 AM
I love how his team mates and the front office support him no matter how long he decides to take, it's only the people online who have nothing better to do with their day then talk s*** about it

05-07-2013, 09:21 AM
Most delusional MVP ever. High expectations? Are you kidding me? What do you expect from a player who just tore his ACL?
He should be back as a morale booster not as a ****ing superstar. Some minutes off the bench would could make a huge impact on his teammates.

05-07-2013, 09:21 AM
I love how his team mates and the front office support him no matter how long he decides to take, it's only the people online who have nothing better to do with their day then talk s*** about it

Ah so the people with a horse in the race do their best to preserve team chemistry while impartial people speak their honest opinion?

Captain Obvious to the rescue here!

05-07-2013, 09:21 AM
Great job Jo!!

05-07-2013, 09:22 AM
I have actually changed my stance on Rose deciding not to play. I think it's very selfless of him to sit out. If you think about it, he has the chance to play and help his team but he would rather sit out and let his teammates play because they deserved it.

By Rose coming back, he would ruin the chemistry of the team. He would also take minutes away from Nate and Marco. I know he acted like a little girl by not playing but it's too late now.

It would only hurt the team if he came back and I don't think he's that stupid to comeback and ruin the team's chemistry. They are a good team and seem very close. I don't think Rose is selfish enough to comeback when his team is playing so well.

You can make an argument on how much of a b1tch, he was being 3 months ago but fast forward today, he's very smart to just let his teammates play. They earned their spot.

05-07-2013, 09:23 AM
Sorry Noah, I can't hear you over your face.

05-07-2013, 09:26 AM
Ah so the people with a horse in the race do their best to preserve team chemistry while impartial people speak their honest opinion?

Captain Obvious to the rescue here!


05-07-2013, 09:39 AM
I love how his team mates and the front office support him no matter how long he decides to take, it's only the people online who have nothing better to do with their day then talk s*** about it

Sam Smith made some great points on this yesterday. He said that he has never heard a Doctor come out and say that Derrick Rose has been cleared to play. He said that this story got out there from a front office guy who reported it to ESPN and even then it was said that he was, "cleared to return to practice," not to game action.

He also said that Derrick Rose has not been scrimmaging with his teammates because that is not the way that Thibs coaches his team -- meaning they rarely have scrimmages. So, according to Sam Smith, that report is false.

Smith then said that Larry Bird missed an entire season and nobody said anything. Blake Griffin missed an entire season and nobody said anything. He said this is a guy (Rose) who has shown himself to be the ultimate competitor, taking hit after hit while driving fearlessly to the hole over and over again. This is a guy known to be a gym rat. If he is telling you something is not right then you should believe him.

Sam Smith called the whole thing a "witch hunt". He called the whole thing shocking, shocking how people want to pile on a guy who is coming off of major knee surgery. A guy who is model citizen who has always worked his butt off for the Bulls.

05-07-2013, 09:48 AM
He's absolutely right.

05-07-2013, 10:00 AM
I think the biggest problem people have with Rose is his vagueness about the whole thing. If he came out and said "I will be back for 2013-2014 season", people would be fine with that. Because he is leaving the door open for a return this season, people are questioning him. People like firm answers. They don't like wishy-washy. Same reason Dwight got so much flack last year. It's the whole "will he or won't he" thing all over again.

05-07-2013, 10:46 AM
I think the biggest problem people have with Rose is his vagueness about the whole thing. If he came out and said "I will be back for 2013-2014 season", people would be fine with that. Because he is leaving the door open for a return this season, people are questioning him. People like firm answers. They don't like wishy-washy. Same reason Dwight got so much flack last year. It's the whole "will he or won't he" thing all over again.

There may be some truth to that. But with injuries who can predict? Moreover, whatever he is doing is the right thing for his teammates and the Bulls. The possibility of his returning may be one of the things in the back of his teammate's minds that have them playing so well.

05-07-2013, 10:46 AM
Shut up Noah, nobody gives a sh*t about your stupid opinion. Seriously, we can't criticize him because "We have never walked in his shoes?" That is the dumbest sh*t I have ever heard; literally, that means you can't criticize anyone for anything since you haven't walked in their shoes. Nice way of putting your foot in your mouth: why are you criticizing the fans when you haven't walked in their shoes? So shut up dumbsh*t. Rose is a panzy and so are you for supporting his weak a*s.

Real Men Wear Green
05-07-2013, 10:50 AM
Shut up Noah, nobody gives a sh*t about your stupid opinion.
A lot more people care what he thinks than care what you think.

05-07-2013, 10:50 AM
So much for people saying they can't see how Rose teammates respect him. Like Noah said SHUT UP!

05-07-2013, 10:51 AM
I think the biggest problem people have with Rose is his vagueness about the whole thing. If he came out and said "I will be back for 2013-2014 season", people would be fine with that. Because he is leaving the door open for a return this season, people are questioning him. People like firm answers. They don't like wishy-washy. Same reason Dwight got so much flack last year. It's the whole "will he or won't he" thing all over again.


Doctors cleared him. It is not a physical issue, it is a mental issue, therefore, he is psychologically weak, which is frowned upon in the world of sports.

Boxers, football players, MMA, etc. all risk a concussion when they go out and fight their battles, so why is Rose all of a sudden so special when his weak a*s is too scared of a little contact around the rim? No excuses. If you can play, you play. This is a man's sport. This aint Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya sisterhood.

05-07-2013, 10:53 AM
Some of these posters are just retarded. One day, you kids might grow up.

05-07-2013, 10:55 AM
A lot more people care what he thinks than care what you think.

They're best friends, of course he is going to stand up for his "brother." His opinion is moot. I'm sure Rose cares about what his fans think about him; without their support, he is nothing.

05-07-2013, 10:58 AM
bet half the clowns in this thread even play ball. Just key board warriors, trying to act tough and like their opinions matters. Rose will come back when ready, now especially is the wrong time because hes obv not been playing with the team and can have some rust in a playoff atmosphere where its all on the line. The teams playing fine, let them ride it out. THis was their season, next hell be a part of it.

Real Men Wear Green
05-07-2013, 10:59 AM
They're best friends, of course he is going to stand up for his "brother." His opinion is moot. I'm sure Rose cares about what his fans think about him; without their support, he is nothing.
His opinion is being discussed and praised by people that don't even share it on ESPN. Yours is getting half-read on a topic with a few hundred views. Keep it in perspective.

05-07-2013, 10:59 AM
They're best friends, of course he is going to stand up for his "brother." His opinion is moot. I'm sure Rose cares about what his fans think about him; without their support, he is nothing.

LMAO yes I'm sure Rose cares more about what fans think then his teammates.

He is dying to hear your opinion and analysis on why he should come back.

05-07-2013, 11:01 AM
Everyone should shut up.

When he returns and starts owning the league again everyone will be all over him even though they did nothing but ride him while he recovered his knee.

D rose loves the game, he ain't tryna coast, he tryna do his thing, the right way.

Everyone hating on him in Chicago should gtfo, just terrible people. If you hate on him and don't live here, your opinion means nothing. Rose plays for Chicago, not you flaming fakkits.

05-07-2013, 11:01 AM
Some of these posters are just retarded. One day, you kids might grow up.

See what I mean? A Rose supporter is dancing around a confrontation by not directly addressing the person he is insulting.

Rose's weak mentality is already spreading like a virus. Seriously guys, this sport aint for you if you're afraid of a little contact. You should go play ping pong, at least the only thing flying at your face is a ball, which I'm pretty sure you're used to it during sex.

05-07-2013, 11:19 AM
See what I mean? A Rose supporter is dancing around a confrontation by not directly addressing the person he is insulting.

Rose's weak mentality is already spreading like a virus. Seriously guys, this sport aint for you if you're afraid of a little contact. You should go play ping pong, at least the only thing flying at your face is a ball, which I'm pretty sure you're used to it during sex.

Way to be picky with who you quote. Only to fit your agenda.

And you wanna say a Rose supporter avoids confrontation when you do it yourself.

05-07-2013, 11:52 AM
See what I mean? A Rose supporter is dancing around a confrontation by not directly addressing the person he is insulting.
You're not a real person to most of us. Just a hater in the dark thinking you are rambo. More cartoonish than anything else.

Shut up Noah, nobody gives a sh*t about your stupid opinion.

So tell us who you heard from on the team or in the organization that you base your ill-informed decisions on. Can you name anyone? You are basically on the outside taking opinions from others on message boards. That's why its hard to say you are a real person. You follow the thoughts of others to the point that we can't see your originality or beyond your simple hater functions.

Doctors cleared him. It is not a physical issue, it is a mental issue, therefore, he is psychologically weak, which is frowned upon in the world of sports.
Only a doctor can say its not a physical issue. Where is that doctor? There are three doctors paid by the organization that pays Rose 120 million yet not one of them or the organization speaks out against Rose. About 75 people are tight in their unanimous response and they don't have to be. But there are plenty of sheep on the outside that think their opinions is what is important.

05-07-2013, 12:01 PM
Big Rose fan, but Rose has hurt himself.

Don't tell me you're all the way healthy, but just not mentally ready to play or your muscle memory won't allow you to play like you were...so you don't want to play.

This is about his "expectations" he wants to look like MVP Rose. I would have all the respect in the world for him, if he played 20 minutes as a jumpshooter of the bench or something. Joakim is being a good friend, and I'd say the same things if I were on the team, but if I'm on a team that's good enough to win a title and I'm the best player and healthy enough to play.....YOU PLAY. You never know when you'll get this opportunity again. His reasoning for not playing just doesn't really fly to me in this situation.

I mean you have the opportunity to walk off the street and play the Heat....any player in the world and any former player would kill for the chance to be out there, and this guy only has to say "I'm Ready" and he has the chance.

If he has something else going on...fine. But if you are just giving yourself extra time....I don't get it. This story would not be a big deal if he'd have just said a long time ago that he's out for the year, people would've forgotten about him really until he was ready. If he still says it, it would help him.

Mentally not ready? WTF is that?

05-07-2013, 12:16 PM
Big Rose fan, but Rose has hurt himself.

Don't tell me you're all the way healthy, but just not mentally ready to play or your muscle memory won't allow you to play like you were...so you don't want to play.

This is about his "expectations" he wants to look like MVP Rose. I would have all the respect in the world for him, if he played 20 minutes as a jumpshooter of the bench or something. Joakim is being a good friend, and I'd say the same things if I were on the team, but if I'm on a team that's good enough to win a title and I'm the best player and healthy enough to play.....YOU PLAY. You never know when you'll get this opportunity again. His reasoning for not playing just doesn't really fly to me in this situation.

I mean you have the opportunity to walk off the street and play the Heat....any player in the world and any former player would kill for the chance to be out there, and this guy only has to say "I'm Ready" and he has the chance.

If he has something else going on...fine. But if you are just giving yourself extra time....I don't get it. This story would not be a big deal if he'd have just said a long time ago that he's out for the year, people would've forgotten about him really until he was ready. If he still says it, it would help him.

Mentally not ready? WTF is that?

Rose a jump shooting specialist? :roll: Like Noah said


05-07-2013, 12:17 PM
dude brought it on himself with a year long marketing campaign in which he and adidas profited IMO...

People were rightly expecting to see him on the floor anytime between the all-star break and now.


05-07-2013, 12:24 PM
Rose a jump shooting specialist? :roll: Like Noah said


He's not playing, what else does he have to do? He supposedly has developed a great jumper.

But regardless of that, if hes' practicing and is the best player on the floor, he should be playing. Shooting or defending or whatever.

Real Men Wear Green
05-07-2013, 12:31 PM
dude brought it on himself with a year long marketing campaign in which he and adidas profited IMO...

People were rightly expecting to see him on the floor anytime between the all-star break and now.

I forgot about those commercials. Not exactly a mystery as to why they are no longer running...

05-07-2013, 12:31 PM
dude brought it on himself with a year long marketing campaign in which he and adidas profited IMO...

People were rightly expecting to see him on the floor anytime between the all-star break and now.


The ad didn't give a date. And he really believed he was on schedule and worked very hard to get back. Sometimes things happen.

05-07-2013, 12:34 PM
thats prolly how they won game 1, noah got fed up.

05-07-2013, 12:34 PM
dude brought it on himself with a year long marketing campaign in which he and adidas profited IMO...

People were rightly expecting to see him on the floor anytime between the all-star break and now.


How much did they profit? Are those new sneakers he is running in? I dont keep up with the latest bball sneakers.

05-07-2013, 12:36 PM
When he got injured, most people were saying that he should just miss the whole season. Now everyone is crying that he didn't play... I don't get it.

I can't wait until he comes back next season so everyone will shut up about this.

05-07-2013, 12:38 PM
The ad didn't give a date. And he really believed he was on schedule and worked very hard to get back. Sometimes things happen.

I'm not insinuating rushing him back or anything, reality is reality, but I do think the public was genuinely mislead through out the season.

The frustration did not come out of nowhere. Maybe it's not fair to Rose, but it's understandable IMO.

For instance, when Blake Griffin missed his entire rookie season. It was established and understood, whereas Rose and his camp lead people on to an extent.

05-07-2013, 12:40 PM
How much did they profit? Are those new sneakers he is running in? I dont keep up with the latest bball sneakers.

Yes, it was all marketing for his new adidas shoe... I don't know the exact dollar amount... But I saw boat loads of commercials and online ads especially in the first half of the season... He was also drafted in every single fantasy team I was a part of or witnessed (ie. there was an expectation of #the return)

K Xerxes
05-07-2013, 12:40 PM
I think people would mind a lot less if his team mates weren't playing their hearts out and scrapping for everything every minute on the floor. Noah is bossing on a plantar fasciitis and husting for every rebound, lose ball; Nate is getting beat up every time he's on the floor and he's still raining down clutch shots; Butler is playing 48 mins every game guarding the opposing best player and still putting up some offensive production. etc etc. It's tough to stomach that when you see that your franchise player was physically cleared months ago and is waiting for his muscle memory to bump up from 90% to 100%.

I'm not going to lie: yes, I have lost respect for him in this whole ordeal. But it is his body and he ultimately knows best. I am not willing to lose a part of our best player on a long term basis because of this playoffs, which we don't really have a shot at winning in all honesty. I still believe that Rose is 100% committed to the game and the Bulls... but, yeah, if that was Westbrook, he would have been back months ago, no doubt about that.

05-07-2013, 12:41 PM
Yes, it was all marketing for his new adidas shoe... I don't know the exact dollar amount... But I saw boat loads of commercials and online ads especially in the first half of the season... He was also drafted in every single fantasy team I was a part of or witnessed (ie. there was an expectation of #the return)

Ahhhhhhh gotcha, I didnt know about that honestly.

05-07-2013, 12:43 PM
Big Rose fan, but Rose has hurt himself.

Don't tell me you're all the way healthy, but just not mentally ready to play or your muscle memory won't allow you to play like you were...so you don't want to play.

This is about his "expectations" he wants to look like MVP Rose. I would have all the respect in the world for him, if he played 20 minutes as a jumpshooter of the bench or something. Joakim is being a good friend, and I'd say the same things if I were on the team, but if I'm on a team that's good enough to win a title and I'm the best player and healthy enough to play.....YOU PLAY. You never know when you'll get this opportunity again. His reasoning for not playing just doesn't really fly to me in this situation.

I mean you have the opportunity to walk off the street and play the Heat....any player in the world and any former player would kill for the chance to be out there, and this guy only has to say "I'm Ready" and he has the chance.

If he has something else going on...fine. But if you are just giving yourself extra time....I don't get it. This story would not be a big deal if he'd have just said a long time ago that he's out for the year, people would've forgotten about him really until he was ready. If he still says it, it would help him.

Mentally not ready? WTF is that?

How do you know that he is "physically" ready to play? Has a Doctor come out and said that? This is what was said:

Sam Smith (who has covered the Bulls for years) said that he has never heard a Doctor come out and say that Derrick Rose has been cleared to play. He said that this story got out there from a front office guy who reported it to ESPN and even then it was said that he was, "cleared to return to practice," not cleared to return to game action.

He also said that Derrick Rose has not been scrimmaging with his teammates because that is not the way that Thibs coaches his team -- meaning they rarely have scrimmages. So, according to Sam Smith, that report is false. The guy has been practicing, shooting around but not scrimmaging on a regular basis -- hardly ready to be tossed into game action.

Everyone wants to point to Adrian Peterson. But like Adrian Peterson himself points out, he even had the benefit of training camp before returning to game action for the Vikings.

05-07-2013, 12:43 PM
Joakim Noah tell Derrick Rose critics "shut up, we don't want him taking Nate's spot!"

05-07-2013, 01:27 PM
I'm not insinuating rushing him back or anything, reality is reality, but I do think the public was genuinely mislead through out the season.

The frustration did not come out of nowhere. Maybe it's not fair to Rose, but it's understandable IMO.

For instance, when Blake Griffin missed his entire rookie season. It was established and understood, whereas Rose and his camp lead people on to an extent.

I think someone in the Bulls front office put Rose in a bad spot. After someone leaked the whole "cleared to return to practice" story to ESPN the guy was put in a "no win" situation. What was Rose supposed to say? I'm missing the whole year despite what the front office is telling you?

Months ago the Bulls front office should have just come out and said that we are shutting him down for the year.

Real Men Wear Green
05-07-2013, 01:41 PM
The ad didn't give a date. And he really believed he was on schedule and worked very hard to get back. Sometimes things happen.
Or in this case, don't happen.

05-07-2013, 01:55 PM
How do you know that he is "physically" ready to play? Has a Doctor come out and said that? This is what was said:

Sam Smith (who has covered the Bulls for years) said that he has never heard a Doctor come out and say that Derrick Rose has been cleared to play. He said that this story got out there from a front office guy who reported it to ESPN and even then it was said that he was, "cleared to return to practice," not cleared to return to game action.

He also said that Derrick Rose has not been scrimmaging with his teammates because that is not the way that Thibs coaches his team -- meaning they rarely have scrimmages. So, according to Sam Smith, that report is false. The guy has been practicing, shooting around but not scrimmaging on a regular basis -- hardly ready to be tossed into game action.

Everyone wants to point to Adrian Peterson. But like Adrian Peterson himself points out, he even had the benefit of training camp before returning to game action for the Vikings.


With many of his teammates fighting through injuries and illness to play, former Bulls player and current TNT analyst Steve Kerr said last week that Rose owed it to his team to play if he is healthy. Asked about that sentiment, Rose said Monday: "Everybody has their own opinion. The key words that he said is, 'if I'm ready.' Right now, I'm not ready, so I'm just trying to take my time and just really, really be smart."

Rose has been scrimmaging 5-on-5 since Feb. 18 and has been medically cleared to play for two months, but he still doesn't feel confident that his body is ready for game action.

"It's definitely hard but I know that this will be over with pretty soon. Who knows when it's going to stop, but I can't just get down on myself," Rose said Monday.

Thibs has said that he's been practicing and was the best player on the floor.

If there's anything physically wrong with his legs, then yes. Get all the way healthy. I can't support this mentally ready sh*t. Just can't.

05-07-2013, 01:58 PM
Yes, it was all marketing for his new adidas shoe... I don't know the exact dollar amount... But I saw boat loads of commercials and online ads especially in the first half of the season... He was also drafted in every single fantasy team I was a part of or witnessed (ie. there was an expectation of #the return)

He expected to return. He worked really hard. He didn't see the bump in the road. He is supposed to be optimistic. I think he feels that on any given day the limp in his stride might correct itself. Rose needs his balance to do what he does. But its our guess work and it always was.

05-07-2013, 02:01 PM
He should be back as a morale booster not as a ****ing superstar. Some minutes off the bench would could make a huge impact on his teammates.
and why do you know this better than HIS TEAMMATES?

05-07-2013, 02:09 PM

Thibs has said that he's been practicing and was the best player on the floor.

If there's anything physically wrong with his legs, then yes. Get all the way healthy. I can't support this mentally ready sh*t. Just can't.

You once again quoted third hand and fourth hand info. Get Thibes on camera, get a doctor to put it in writing, show us a FO position on the matter. You can't support anything. You are not invested in this matter like they are. It doesn't have to be his legs either that are the problem. It could be balance, it could be over compensation in the hips, it could be several other things. But everybody has his medical records here.

05-07-2013, 02:12 PM
You once again quoted third hand and fourth hand info. Get Thibes on camera, get a doctor to put it in writing, show us a FO position on the matter. You can't support anything. You are not invested in this matter like they are. It doesn't have to be his legs either that are the problem. It could be balance, it could be over compensation in the hips, it could be several other things. But everybody has his medical records here.

You realize those are leg related issues? :coleman:

And stop being dumb. He's medically cleared. He's come out to say it's his decision, he could make it tomorrow or not make it at all. I'm paraphrasing, but those are his words.

05-07-2013, 02:20 PM
Now fans aren't allowed to criticize? Where do these athletes think their fancy cars and mansions come from? If fans didn't watch basketball and discuss/ criticize standout players then most of them would be bagging my groceries.... Of course not many have been in Rose's shoes. If Rose were a dime a dozen then he wouldn't be worth jack sh*t anymore. We wouldn't care about him.

05-07-2013, 02:30 PM
You realize those are leg related issues? :coleman:

And stop being dumb. He's medically cleared. He's come out to say it's his decision, he could make it tomorrow or not make it at all. I'm paraphrasing, but those are his words.

According to Sam Smith that's not all the way true. When Rose decides he is ready there will be a meeting with the coach, the GM, the owner of the Bulls, and the Doctors, to decide whether he should be allowed to come back or not. First step is yes, Rose has to say that he would like to play. Second step is it has to be approved by the people just mentioned. So it is just not up to Rose. And if that committee of decision makers thinks he is not ready to return to game action, they won't allow him to.

This is what happens when you have a franchise player coming off of career threatening surgery. Caution is key.

05-07-2013, 02:33 PM
I like Noah but he's the one that needs to STFU. Rose brought this on himself.

05-07-2013, 02:39 PM
Now fans aren't allowed to criticize? Where do these athletes think their fancy cars and mansions come from? If fans didn't watch basketball and discuss/ criticize standout players then most of them would be bagging my groceries.... Of course not many have been in Rose's shoes. If Rose were a dime a dozen then he wouldn't be worth jack sh*t anymore. We wouldn't care about him.

Whose salary do you pay? Stop acting like you pay anyones salary. Fans like yourself swear you are important. Get over yourself.

05-07-2013, 05:29 PM
Ive been saying this for the longest...Leave that man alone and let him come back when HE is ready...Its HIS career thats at stake...not yours...And if you've never torn up your knee, then you have no room to talk period...I don't care who else has come back whether its Rubio, Shumpert, West, whoever...There's also players who came back too early from injuries and were never the same like Gilbert Arenas and Tracy McGrady....

05-07-2013, 05:41 PM
No one is asking Rose to come back and play like the MVP of the league again. Just come back and contribute.

05-07-2013, 05:42 PM
Ive been saying this for the longest...Leave that man alone and let him come back when HE is ready...Its HIS career thats at stake...not yours...And if you've never torn up your knee, then you have no room to talk period...I don't care who else has come back whether its Rubio, Shumpert, West, whoever...There's also players who came back too early from injuries and were never the same like Gilbert Arenas and Tracy McGrady....I agree with your general premise, though I do not believe someone has to have gone through ACL surgery (or something similar) in order to have room to talk. I think it just takes a little bit of perspective and empathy. I've never had knee surgery, but I can imagine it must be a recovery process that varies greatly from returning from nearly any other sort of basketball ailment (twisted ankle, plantar fasciitis, elbow tendinitis, etc.). I had a hard enough time having my hand surgically repaired then fully trusting it wouldn't re-tear the moment I got tangled up or tried to dunk. I can't imagine what comes along with readying a ripped up knee for NBA basketball.

Otherwise, you're exactly right. It's Rose's career, Rose's life, and Rose's health. If he, his brother, adidas, or B.J. Armstrong felt he might have been ready by now but isn't, so be it. As you said, it's not our life and to be honest, someone making sure they're super healthy before return is actually kind of a welcomed change from the mentioned Arenas and/or McGrady who somehow felt obligated to risk their long term health and wellness so they could get back to NBA basketball as soon as humanly possible.

05-07-2013, 07:34 PM
I agree with your general premise, though I do not believe someone has to have gone through ACL surgery (or something similar) in order to have room to talk. I think it just takes a little bit of perspective and empathy. I've never had knee surgery, but I can imagine it must be a recovery process that varies greatly from returning from nearly any other sort of basketball ailment (twisted ankle, plantar fasciitis, elbow tendinitis, etc.). I had a hard enough time having my hand surgically repaired then fully trusting it wouldn't re-tear the moment I got tangled up or tried to dunk. I can't imagine what comes along with readying a ripped up knee for NBA basketball.

Otherwise, you're exactly right. It's Rose's career, Rose's life, and Rose's health. If he, his brother, adidas, or B.J. Armstrong felt he might have been ready by now but isn't, so be it. As you said, it's not our life and to be honest, someone making sure they're super healthy before return is actually kind of a welcomed change from the mentioned Arenas and/or McGrady who somehow felt obligated to risk their long term health and wellness so they could get back to NBA basketball as soon as humanly possible.
I don't agree with you bro..I have a history of knee injuries, torn up both my knees multiple times and everytime I step on the court, there is STILL a mental hurdle....When I read through a lot of the responses, I can just tell that people don't understand even though they claim they do..That mental hurdle when it comes to your knee is a serious...Its not like an ankle injury or even a broken leg....When Rose mentions muscle memory, I know exactly what he's saying......Everytime he does a jump stop, or a hop step, or has to move laterlly, or spin, or back pedal, you're thinking about your knee...Until you get over that hurdle, I don't care what any doctor has said, you won't be ready to play and you shouldn't be out there...

05-07-2013, 07:46 PM
I don't agree with you bro..I have a history of knee injuries, torn up both my knees multiple times and everytime I step on the court, there is STILL a mental hurdle....When I read through a lot of the responses, I can just tell that people don't understand even though they claim they do..That mental hurdle when it comes to your knee is a serious...Its not like an ankle injury or even a broken leg....When Rose mentions muscle memory, I know exactly what he's saying......Everytime he does a jump stop, or a hop step, or has to move laterlly, or spin, or back pedal, you're thinking about your knee...Until you get over that hurdle, I don't care what any doctor has said, you won't be ready to play and you shouldn't be out there...Right, and I'm saying someone can learn and understand that's how it works without having gone through it. I don't physically know what it's like to recover from a torn ACL but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to imagine that recovery may include everything you talked about. Knowing and understanding that recovering from a knee injury isn't just about being "OK'd by doctors" is why I'm in agreement with you on Rose's situation.

05-07-2013, 08:05 PM
Right, and I'm saying someone can learn and understand that's how it works without having gone through it. I don't physically know what it's like to recover from a torn ACL but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to imagine that recovery may include everything you talked about. Knowing and understanding that recovering from a knee injury isn't just about being "OK'd by doctors" is why I'm in agreement with you on Rose's situation.
Ok, I feel what you're saying...I still think there's a bit of a difference though...Like even now, my knee doesnt hurt and it might not hurt ever but there's still always that "feeling" in your knee like everytime you do one of those explosive moves, you have to think about it before you actually do it and its really hard to be effective having to play like that. When I'm on the court now, I use like half the moves that I used to, don't do very many spins, try not to do quick 180 turns, careful with my lateral movent and I don't jab step like I used to...Even though I'm physically able to do all of these moves, it just never feels as natural and I'm just not as confident in doing them so I don't.

Iceberg Slim
05-07-2013, 08:18 PM

05-07-2013, 08:20 PM
It's sad how his teammates play their hearts out and still have to defend him off the court.

Iceberg Slim
05-07-2013, 08:24 PM
I like Noah but he's the one that needs to STFU. Rose brought this on himself.

he can and should back up his team mate.

05-07-2013, 09:18 PM
If Rose doesn't believe is ready then he isn't. I seen ACL injuries and they hard to heal, he should just take his time if he wants to have a long career.

05-07-2013, 09:23 PM
I think the biggest problem people have with Rose is his vagueness about the whole thing. If he came out and said "I will be back for 2013-2014 season", people would be fine with that. Because he is leaving the door open for a return this season, people are questioning him. People like firm answers. They don't like wishy-washy. Same reason Dwight got so much flack last year. It's the whole "will he or won't he" thing all over again.

If what he's doing is good enough for his teammates, then it should be good enough for us.

Glad Noah called out all of these nerds that think they're in touch with what real athletes think.

They have a good thing going right now. Rose coming back would probably just mess it all up.

It's A VC3!!!
05-07-2013, 09:34 PM
all of these people who are mad that he's not playing are the SAME ones that would be infuriated if he played and re-injured himself.

they would say "why would he play if he's not ready?:facepalm

05-07-2013, 09:44 PM
If this is what Noah feels that who are we to criticize Rose? I just think the only expectations Rose should have is to help the team in any minimal way he could, not having expectations to play at superstar level.

Burgz V2
05-07-2013, 09:58 PM
the people who criticize Rose are just a bunch of losers with nothing better to do. instead of talking about how well this team is playing, they spend all day and night talking about the one player not playing.

im sick of this story, get over it. suck it up. move on.

05-07-2013, 11:45 PM
You realize those are leg related issues? :coleman:
You said "something physically wrong with his legs." You didn't say leg related issues. If you are going the semantic route, at least play it right.

And stop being dumb. He's medically cleared. He's come out to say it's his decision, he could make it tomorrow or not make it at all. I'm paraphrasing, but those are his words.

You're the one being dumb. You are basically hater sheep. A composition of ignorant third hand information and a need to fulfill your hater contract on Rose. People around you can get you to think anyway they want because you don't want primary information. You find other haters and get emotionally charged when you hear something that agrees with the greater hater agenda. You know you don't have a truth motive in this.

Name me somebody who is invested, and the investment is huge, in this matter that roles like you do with this. And the Bulls organization is huge. Show me the doctor/coach/official/consultant/player that says Rose should have been playing. Your wanna-be hate has no food to thrive on without this. Its a starved argument. Between the 70 or so people over three months are the only can be insiders on this matter haven't said one word like this. But the people on the outside got thousands of pages hating gestures, mainly because hate can never be satisfied.

It is however, a very strange way for a fan to spend basketballs better playoff days.

05-07-2013, 11:50 PM
Name another player that dominates team practices for months but won't return due to mental reasons. Gimme a couple. I want to hear it.

I can't take him seriously.

05-07-2013, 11:57 PM
Name another player that dominates team practices for months but won't return due to mental reasons. Gimme a couple. I want to hear it.

I can't take him seriously.

Is he really tho? I've heard people say this, but seen no proof.

05-08-2013, 12:11 AM
You said "something physically wrong with his legs." You didn't say leg related issues. If you are going the semantic route, at least play it right.

You're the one being dumb. You are basically hater sheep. A composition of ignorant third hand information and a need to fulfill your hater contract on Rose. People around you can get you to think anyway they want because you don't want primary information. You find other haters and get emotionally charged when you hear something that agrees with the greater hater agenda. You know you don't have a truth motive in this.

Name me somebody who is invested, and the investment is huge, in this matter that roles like you do with this. And the Bulls organization is huge. Show me the doctor/coach/official/consultant/player that says Rose should have been playing. Your wanna-be hate has no food to thrive on without this. Its a starved argument. Between the 70 or so people over three months are the only can be insiders on this matter haven't said one word like this. But the people on the outside got thousands of pages hating gestures, mainly because hate can never be satisfied.

It is however, a very strange way for a fan to spend basketballs better playoff days.

Basically saying what I have been thinking all along, but you do it better :applause:

There are alot on ISH with agenda against Rose, and they will go to town on him if he steps one foot wrong.

05-08-2013, 01:52 AM
Basically saying what I have been thinking all along, but you do it better :applause:

There are alot on ISH with agenda against Rose, and they will go to town on him if he steps one foot wrong.
Thanks Poido, the thing that gets me is that people think that you can't see their hate. Like it's too sophisticated to be picked up on the radar. But to many of us, its like they are naked.

This whole thing of judging Rose personally, in front of others, is critical for some people and like its their burning moment of truth. There is this dire need to assess Rose's mental state/capacity. Disliking is ok. Disdain is never a confusing trait to interpret, particularly on a young man who doesn't offend anybody. And the condescending don't realize that they all have that same traits and have very predictable behavior patterns.

I can understand four or five post but this has to be close to 20?

05-08-2013, 02:07 AM
A number of things have hurt Rose in this situation:

1) The advances in medical science. People rightly expect quicker recoveries now, so comparing his injury scenario to Bird's is just dumb.

2) Iman Shumpert. They both suffered similar injuries on the same day. Shumpert came back, perhaps too early, and suffered through not being able to play up to his capacity. Now, he's rounding into shape and looking great. So people can't help but wonder what the hell is really wrong with Rose.

3) Rose family statements: when brother Reggie comes out saying something that easily could be interpreted as Rose holding out because the Bulls hadn't done enough to surround him with top-level teammates, people have the right to question whether this was, in part, the motivation for not playing. Then Rose's own lame statements focusing on the mental, and not the physical, indicate that he could at least be giving his team a few minutes a night.