View Full Version : British soldier beheaded in broad daylight on street in London

05-22-2013, 02:24 PM
British soldier beheaded in broad daylight on the street

CNN affiliate ITN aired a video showing a man holding a meat cleaver and saying, "we swear by almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you."


EDIT: new video showing cops shooting at the scumbag

05-22-2013, 02:28 PM
'Mate ive seen alot of s*** im my time but that has to rank sumwhere in the top 3. I couldnt believe my eyes. That was some movie s***.'

lol, that would have made for a funny interview. But as for the soldier, damn... what a way to go out. RIP

05-22-2013, 02:32 PM
Default Islam religion of peace? My ass

You could easily argue that no religion is peaceful if you focus on the crazy ass fringe ****heads.

05-22-2013, 02:55 PM
You could easily argue that no religion is peaceful if you focus on the crazy ass fringe ****heads.

Religion is the cancer of the human race.

05-22-2013, 02:57 PM
You could easily argue that no religion is peaceful if you focus on the crazy ass fringe ****heads.

I would rank Hinduism and Buddhism as VERY peaceful.

But it's dumb to say muslims/Hindus/Buddhists are violent because they did ____. You have to look at the scripture and see if in any translation, was it permitted?

Problem with Islam is that some of the scripture can be interpreted as approval.

05-22-2013, 02:57 PM
Waiting for the greater Muslim community to condemn this.


05-22-2013, 03:07 PM
Waiting for the greater Muslim community to condemn this.


"This incident has nothing to do with the Muslim community" I guarantee they will say that.

05-22-2013, 03:14 PM

Dont act surprised... religion is an ideology and ideology has killed millions.

05-22-2013, 03:18 PM
Religions don't kill people. People kill people.

Sure, but religion give them the intent which is no different then the action itself.

05-22-2013, 03:22 PM
Atheist doesn't murder? people didn't murder before jesus?

Athiests don't have religion' permitting the murder.

When did i say religion is the causation of murder? I simply stated it has been used as a source of intent for ages.

05-22-2013, 03:24 PM
This is so crazy... I couldn't tell something like that could happen in a broad daylight... So horrible...

But don't be that quick to start jumping on religion, or not religion, or anything. It's not confirmed yet. From the looks of what that guy said, it should be political, but I cannot grasp that...

05-22-2013, 03:25 PM
somalians are ****ing nuts

religion doesnt kill people, dumb ass poor assholes who needs to escape their f***ed up lives use religion as an excuse to kill and islam is a perfect excuse cus then them ****** see 40 virgins and get horny as ****

05-22-2013, 03:26 PM
Some crazy bastard could murder someone because that kitten is so cute. The "intent" can be anything. Religions are just lazy topics for them.


The intent lies somewhere else in that case, and how prevalent is that versus 'terrorist' acts these days?

I'm just saying, religion has been a major source of intent, that's all.

05-22-2013, 03:27 PM
Waiting for the greater Muslim community to condemn this.


05-22-2013, 03:28 PM
Fiddy with yet another retarded post but at least he lives up to being mentally challenged.

I wouldn't be surprised if Fiddy's a Christian, it's always religious people who belong to another belief who tries to single out other religions like this.

Atheists on the other side think that all religion are BS, I'm one of them.

05-22-2013, 03:29 PM
Fiddy with yet another retarded post but at least he lives up to being mentally challenged.

I wouldn't be surprised if Fiddy's a Christian, it's always religious people who belong to another belief who tries to single out other religions like this.

Atheists on the other side think that all religion are BS, I'm one of them.

05-22-2013, 03:29 PM
This is so crazy... I couldn't tell something like that could happen in a broad daylight... So horrible...

But don't be that quick to start jumping on religion, or not religion, or anything. It's not confirmed yet. From the looks of what that guy said, it should be political, but I cannot grasp that...

Really crazy, are you still in the UK?
I guess it's everywhere in the media..

I wonder if the guy in the video is high on something, he acts in a very weird way or maybe he's just that brainwashed. We'll find out soon.

05-22-2013, 03:30 PM
Waiting for the greater Muslim community to condemn this.

they have been for a decade and a half ever since "the clash of civilizations" launched this crazy paradigm

know what's interesting? jeremy scahill's new book "Dirty Wars", an exploration of the drone program, sort of centers around the story of Al-Awlaki. extremist preacher, dangerous radical, death monger, etc. well as it turns out, in the immediacy of post-911, he was actually an establishment figure who showed up on media outlet after media outlet, representing the 'greater muslim community', uniting his followers against terrorism, denouncing the radical fringe, and generally preaching love and compassion from a pulpit of moderation and modernity.

and then the next time he shows up in the news, he's a wanted terrorist, he's supposedly offered advice to a texan soldier who shot up innocents at a reserve base, he's revving up the jihad engine, preaching hate anger revenge violence from a soapbox of

so what happened during those, oooooh, 7-8 years? since this is a conversation EVERYBODY wants to have, "how does radicalization occur" "is it inherent to islam" "just a few bad apples" WHAT WHAT WHAT

well maybe we should study a case example, history literally couldn't have offered us a better example

iunno im just sayin, u should look it up if ur interested

05-22-2013, 03:43 PM


05-22-2013, 03:53 PM

Fiddy with yet another retarded post but at least he lives up to being mentally challenged.

I wouldn't be surprised if Fiddy's a Christian, it's always religious people who belong to another belief who tries to single out other religions like this.

Atheists on the other side think that all religion are BS, I'm one of them.
:roll: :roll:

What about my post you blind fakkit? Besides the thread title i have not said much.

The funny thing is that since you are so full of complexes you are trying to make personal attacks on people, does it make you feel better? Pathetic pretender.

I dont like religious people, but i hate radicals.

Really crazy, are you still in the UK?
I guess it's everywhere in the media..

I wonder if the guy in the video is high on something, he acts in a very weird way or maybe he's just that brainwashed. We'll find out soon.

He's high on Allah.

05-22-2013, 04:01 PM
Islam is of peace. But in general how many countless murders have occurred historically in the name of a GOD. It comes with most religions. These days in secular world many countries with a history of attacks under a religion are smart enough to commit these crimes in the name of politics and money.

05-22-2013, 04:02 PM
seems like a subversive political act that is a despaired try to make all the pain and sorrow inflicted by wars in their homecountry visible. Homecountry here refering to the stereotypical so-called third world country that has been savaged by post-colonial turmoil, ethnic tensions inflicted by misguided colonial/imperial policies and/or interests of globalized capitalism.

Western media and politics of course call that "terrorism":rolleyes:

05-22-2013, 04:03 PM
Atheist doesn't murder? people didn't murder before jesus?

The point is not whether Christians or Atheists or Muslims murder people. They all do. The point is nobody is out there killing people in the name of Charles Darwin. On the other hand thousands and thousands of people are killed every day in the name of Allah.

Religion is used to justify murder and terrorism, atheism is not.

05-22-2013, 04:05 PM
seems like a subversive political act that is a despaired try to make all the pain and sorrow inflicted by wars in their homecountry visible. Homecountry here refering to the stereotypical so-called third world country that has been savaged by post-colonial turmoil, ethnic tensions inflicted by misguided colonial/imperial policies and/or interests of globalized capitalism.

Western media and politics of course call that "terrorism":rolleyes:

Yeah, cutting a dudes head off in public is just like Occupy Wallstreet.

05-22-2013, 04:05 PM
The point is not whether Christians or Atheists or Muslims murder people. They all do. The point is nobody is out there killing people in the name of Charles Darwin. On the other hand thousands and thousands of people are killed every day in the name of Allah.

Religion is used to justify murder and terrorism, atheism is not.


someone who gets it

05-22-2013, 04:12 PM
http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=770_1357947766 NSFW
Radicals rasing in the middle east. Video shows a compilation of radicals killing Iraqi soldiers. This is happening after US withdrew from Iraq.

Western media and politics of course call that "terrorism":rolleyes:

Sounds ok, its a terror attack.

05-22-2013, 04:14 PM
Yeah, cutting a dudes head off in public is just like Occupy Wallstreet.

yep, it is. It's more openly violent of course and more disgraceful as an isolated act, without a doubt.
But you must see that this is an act of the opressed, a violent revolt of the powerless.

05-22-2013, 04:16 PM
Yeah, cutting a dudes head off in public is just like Occupy Wallstreet.


The most blatant fringe Christian group are people like the Westboro Baptist freaks and all they do is shout vulgarities. The barbarism in the name of Islam has no modern religious counterpart atm.

05-22-2013, 04:19 PM
yep, it is. It's more openly violent of course and more disgraceful as an isolated act, without a doubt.
But you must see that this is an act of the opressed, a violent revolt of the powerless.

I can disagree with Obama all I want. I can't murder his family in public to make a political statement.

I know sympathizing with terrorists makes you feel superior to the rest of us sheep, but one day you'll grow out of your insecurities and stop acting like a yuppie liberal idiot.

05-22-2013, 04:21 PM

The most blatant fringe Christian group are people like the Westboro Baptist freaks and all they do is shout vulgarities. The barbarism in the name of Islam has no modern religious counterpart atm.

you've obviously never been outside of America.

BTW, i'm pretty sure mbulls was being sarcastic .

05-22-2013, 04:35 PM
I can disagree with Obama all I want. I can't murder his family in public to make a political statement.

I know sympathizing with terrorists makes you feel superior to the rest of us sheep, but one day you'll grow out of your insecurities and stop acting like a yuppie liberal idiot.

I'm not defending their violence (although in the grand scheme of things, violence isn't necessarily counterproductive) but rather analyzing the cause and the mechanism of our society to deal with this phenomenon.
Objectively it is pretty obvious that it is the people (and migrants) of the former colonies (i.e. 3rd world) that are the disadvantaged and marginalized people in the world. But calling them and their religion "terrorist", we are victimizing ourselves/our society.
Yes, the (supposed) british soldier is the victim of a heinous crime, that is clear. But to construct from that the fact that our society/public is the victim of terrorism is not clear-cut but a coping mechanism.

Why did those two murder the victim with a machete and show their bloody hands to cameras? They were supposing (the world) that acts like these are regular occurences where they come from. And no one really cares save for the 120 minutes they are watching Hotel Rwanda or Blood Diamond.

05-22-2013, 04:36 PM
you've obviously never been outside of America.

BTW, i'm pretty sure mbulls was being sarcastic .

You obviously don't know jack shit about me. If you want to provide evidence to debunk what I said then please go ahead. Otherwise your lame insults serve no purpose.

05-22-2013, 04:37 PM
Murder has been committed in the name of every religion.

05-22-2013, 04:39 PM
religion = peace? :oldlol:

05-22-2013, 04:47 PM
You obviously don't know jack shit about me. If you want to provide evidence to debunk what I said then please go ahead. Otherwise your lame insults serve no purpose.

So the worst Christians have done is picket, okay bud.

look into National Liberation Front in India.

05-22-2013, 04:50 PM
Your problem is that you're ignorant and stupid, that's a dangerous combination. I'm making personal attacks due your lack of intelligence, I'm not the one who's making racist posts about gypsies or muslims. You are.

I don't judge people based on ethnicity or beliefs, you are. I judge people based on lack of intelligence and ignorance and I judge you based on the fact that you're stupid and ignorant.

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
YOU ARE RETARDED AND IGNORANT.I told you million times dont talk on issues you have no knowledge about. Quoting irrelevant statistics makes you so much superior.

And your attacks on Islam is not surprising considering how you guys in Bulgaria threat Muslims;


Really dude? REALLY? you got things figured out?! :roll: :roll:

1st The bald guy in the video that has blood on his head is PART OF THE "ATTACKERS". On the background a guy that has oriental accent says "no axes, we dont have axes", trying to protect the actions of the praying people.
2nd this is an isolated act by an insane person.The short guy, white haired that speaks at 7 minute mark. He is party leader and was trying to draw attention and support from nationalist.
3. People are able to freely express their religion in my country.

The funny thing about this is that you're from Bulgaria, only 12% your population are atheists so you basically dislike 90% of the Bulgarian population based on their personal religious beliefs. Good job, moron.

Orthodox church is not as demanding as Catholic church, people dont go to church on sundays and etc. Orthodox are not so religios compared to catholics. I dont have to deal with overly religion/brainwashed people. Retard.

You are so self centered and pathetic, always trying to bring yourself as intelligent and educated, while in reality you are full of complexes and never deliver. Probably you was adopted and abused. Whatever it is, seek help.

I stand behind my words, i dont like gypsies and i believe these people dont belong to Europe.

Last but not least ебал съм ти майката недоносена.

05-22-2013, 04:56 PM
So the worst Christians have done is picket, okay bud.

look into National Liberation Front in India.

I didn't say that. I said that the current violence around the world in the name of Islam has no Christian counterpart. I'm talking current events, not ancient history.

NLF is a political party btw.

05-22-2013, 05:02 PM
I didn't say that. I said that the current violence around the world in the name of Islam has no Christian counterpart. I'm talking current events, not ancient history.

NLF is a political party btw.

NLF is a weak but current rebellion group that operates due to fear. Most terrorist groups disguise themselves as political parties in the East whether it be catholic or whatever. the main thing is that it does exactly what more common terrorist groups do, take in activists and turn them into anti-whatever radicals. They place plans and/or weapons in their hands and kill.

NLFT does the same exact thing.... no different. Sure the current violence is focused more on islamic terrorist, because 1. we live in America and 2. they are the majority and so statistically there is more of them.

that does not mean there is no counterpart.

05-22-2013, 05:19 PM
NLF is a weak but current rebellion group that operates due to fear. Most terrorist groups disguise themselves as political parties in the East whether it be catholic or whatever. the main thing is that it does exactly what more common terrorist groups do, take in activists and turn them into anti-whatever radicals. They place plans and/or weapons in their hands and kill.

NLFT does the same exact thing.... no different. Sure the current violence is focused more on islamic terrorist, because 1. we live in America and 2. they are the majority and so statistically there is more of them.

that does not mean there is no counterpart.

Is their radicalism being preached by clergy in places of worship around the world?

Sorry, not buying it.

05-22-2013, 05:35 PM
Your problem is that you're ignorant and stupid, that's a dangerous combination. I'm making personal attacks due your lack of intelligence, I'm not the one who's making racist posts about gypsies or muslims. You are.

I don't judge people based on ethnicity or beliefs, you are. I judge people based on lack of intelligence and ignorance and I judge you based on the fact that you're stupid and ignorant.

The funny thing about this is that you're from Bulgaria, only 12% your population are atheists so you basically dislike 90% of the Bulgarian population based on their personal religious beliefs. Good job, moron.

And your attacks on Islam is not surprising considering how you guys in Bulgaria threat Muslims;



And see what I did there, I blamed all Bulgarians because of the actions of a few persons. Just like you do with Islam and muslims. The actions of a few doesn't stand for a whole population, moron.

I'm high on your cheap gypsy dick loving mother.

You're multi-culturalist views are so biased that it's becoming hilarious.

Multiculturalism doesn't work and you can't expect for some third world peasants who have the IQ of a ape to adjust to a western society. Instead of focusing on that and addressing the problem you go the other route and try to defend them since you are very liberal.

BRB, I bet it one of these islamists cuts your hand off in public you'll probably put the blame on yourself because you didn't appease them enough or that you didn't give them a fair chance..

05-22-2013, 05:59 PM
You're multi-culturalist views are so biased that it's becoming hilarious.

Multiculturalism doesn't work and you can't expect for some third world peasants who have the IQ of a ape to adjust to a western society. Instead of focusing on that and addressing the problem you go the other route and try to defend them since you are very liberal.

BRB, I bet it one of these islamists cuts your hand off in public you'll probably put the blame on yourself because you didn't appease them enough or that you didn't give them a fair chance..
Well you seem to be embracing some biggot-like views so I think the discussion with you ends here...

05-22-2013, 06:04 PM
not this thread again. theres a weekly thread on this. i cannot blame ppl for feeling this way since there are loads of ignorant muslims that represent it badly, but just know that the world Islam in arabic means submission which branches from peace.

the only way out of this is to educate these poor idiots that are finding leaders in the wrong corners of the earth :facepalm

dudes be-heading ppl are cowards.

05-22-2013, 06:53 PM
You're multi-culturalist views are so biased that it's becoming hilarious.

Multiculturalism doesn't work and you can't expect for some third world peasants who have the IQ of a ape to adjust to a western society. Instead of focusing on that and addressing the problem you go the other route and try to defend them since you are very liberal.

BRB, I bet it one of these islamists cuts your hand off in public you'll probably put the blame on yourself because you didn't appease them enough or that you didn't give them a fair chance..

Kniokas said all that had to be said..

The US is the biggest multi-cultural country in the world, the same country that you live in. Don't be an idiot.

And how funny, in a sentence where you talk about IQ you wrote "a ape" instead of "an ape". Good job!

05-22-2013, 06:56 PM
Religion and peace should not be in the same sentence.

Ти си, майка е курва и тя получава прецака всеки ден от цигани. Един цигански ядосан на гроба на баба ви.
I know kurva is Polish, why the hell are you typing in Cyrillic?

05-22-2013, 07:15 PM
[QUOTE=Deleterious]Funny you should mention something like this, last week a muslim man was interning at a job and refused to shake hands with the female boss because she was a female, she said it was discrimination and he had to be fired.

He felt discriminated and here in Sweden we have this silly authority

05-22-2013, 07:32 PM
Religion and peace should not be in the same sentence.

I know kurva is Polish, why the hell are you typing in Cyrillic?
Kurva is Czech and Slovakian as well.

longtime lurker
05-22-2013, 07:51 PM
Ah ISH the place I come to for rational and well thought out discussions on religion. I bet if the media attached Christian to every act of aggression or atrocity committed by Christian you'd probably wouldn't think it's not a peaceful religion either.

05-22-2013, 08:53 PM
Kurva is Czech and Slovakian as well.
Makes sense, neighboring countries.

05-22-2013, 09:42 PM
British cops take a long ass time to apprehend/kill the suspects. Some Muslim holding a cleaver who just murdered a soldier wouldn't have much time to stand around and give a video interview if it happened in NY/LA/Chicago instead of London.

Patrick Chewing
05-22-2013, 09:48 PM
You could easily argue that no religion is peaceful if you focus on the crazy ass fringe ****heads.

I never hear of Christians or Buddhists doing shit like this. And please, I hope none of you clowns bring up Timothy McVeigh just because we assume he was a Christian since he was white. The fact of the matter is, there are no churches in the world that we know of preaching the annihilation of another race/religion.

05-22-2013, 09:50 PM
You're multi-culturalist views are so biased that it's becoming hilarious.

Multiculturalism doesn't work and you can't expect for some third world peasants who have the IQ of a ape to adjust to a western society. Instead of focusing on that and addressing the problem you go the other route and try to defend them since you are very liberal.

BRB, I bet it one of these islamists cuts your hand off in public you'll probably put the blame on yourself because you didn't appease them enough or that you didn't give them a fair chance..


You really just call somebody "a ape"?

05-22-2013, 09:56 PM

You really just call somebody "a ape"?

Seriously. How racist.

05-22-2013, 10:34 PM
"a ape"

its pretty impressive that knickballer was able to announce that he is both racist and a fvcking retarded idiot while using only 4 letters.

05-22-2013, 11:02 PM
Kniokas said all that had to be said..

The US is the biggest multi-cultural country in the world, the same country that you live in. Don't be an idiot.

And how funny, in a sentence where you talk about IQ you wrote "a ape" instead of "an ape". Good job!

There's a difference with immigrants coming to work hard and to get a better life than some backward idiots who want to implement sharia law.. Huge difference.,

As for my spelling I don't give a crap since it's a online message board. How about you actually post something of worth?

05-22-2013, 11:06 PM
Seriously. How racist.

Yes, fundamentalist idiots like the killer in the article are apes. Do you think that's racist?? If anything I'm biased against radical Islam..?

Do you really think they are some bright individuals? Funny how some people want to execute them and yet people get their panties all twisted when I call them apes. :oldlol:

05-22-2013, 11:11 PM
know what's interesting? jeremy scahill's new book "Dirty Wars", an exploration of the drone program, sort of centers around the story of Al-Awlaki. extremist preacher, dangerous radical, death monger, etc. well as it turns out, in the immediacy of post-911, he was actually an establishment figure who showed up on media outlet after media outlet, representing the 'greater muslim community', uniting his followers against terrorism, denouncing the radical fringe, and generally preaching love and compassion from a pulpit of moderation and modernity.

and then the next time he shows up in the news, he's a wanted terrorist, he's supposedly offered advice to a texan soldier who shot up innocents at a reserve base, he's revving up the jihad engine, preaching hate anger revenge violence from a soapbox of

so what happened during those, oooooh, 7-8 years? since this is a conversation EVERYBODY wants to have, "how does radicalization occur" "is it inherent to islam" "just a few bad apples"

I want to read that book. I thought the deal with Al-Awlaki was his initial persona was a pose and he was radical hiding in plain sight. I may have that wrong though.

05-22-2013, 11:13 PM
Yes, fundamentalist idiots like the killer in the article are apes. Do you think that's racist?? If anything I'm biased against radical Islam..?

Do you really think they are some bright individuals? Funny how some people want to execute them and yet people get their panties all twisted when I call them apes. :oldlol:

You are a ape homie.


05-22-2013, 11:24 PM
Anybody have a vid of the attack?

Patrick Chewing
05-22-2013, 11:43 PM
Lame. Whoever changed the title of the thread that is. Lame on your part.

05-23-2013, 12:15 AM
Waiting for the greater Muslim community to condemn this.

The Muslim Council of Britain said the attack was

Bosnian Sajo
05-23-2013, 12:17 AM
Kurva is Czech and Slovakian as well.

Kurva means whore in Bosnian/Serbian/Croatian.

Patrick Chewing
05-23-2013, 12:20 AM
I'm sure my dog thinks it was barbaric too, but you can denounce it all you want, you're not going to stop it.

Who here remembers the Italian Mafia? Most of those guys that put down the mob were Italian themselves that were sick and tired of being lumped in with these criminals. Any denouncement by any of these pathetic "organizations" is a slap in the face if you ask me. Do something about it.

05-23-2013, 01:58 AM
A heinous crime committed by more human trash that can't even be called animals because even the animals don't behave so contrary to nature.

"We will never buckle to terror," Cameron wrote on Twitter.
"We have seen terrorism on the streets of Britain before, and we have always stood against it," she said. "Despicable acts like this will not go unpunished."
"They were hacking at this poor guy, literally," he told the radio station, as if they were trying to remove his organs.
"These two guys were crazed. They were just not there. They were just animals."
"We understand concern about the motivation, and we will work tirelessly to uncover why this occurred and and who was responsible," Hogan-Howe said, adding that his force's counterterrorism unit will lead the investigation. "I understand people want answers, but I must stress we are in the early stages of investigations."
Even as they worked to piece together what happened and why, British authorities beefed up security around Woolwich and all military barracks in London, according to a British government source.
And British Defense Secretary Philip Hammond said the killing was a "very shocking incident" and that the United Kingdom takes the safety of its troops "very seriously," as he headed into Wednesday night to a meeting of the country's civil emergency committee known as COBRA.
That attack had already spurred swift condemnations around the world and especially in Britain -- from a "concerned" Queen Elizabeth II, to London Mayor Boris Johnson's description of a "sickening and unforgivable act of violence," to Labour Party leader Ed Miliband's prediction that the "whole country will be horrified."
That's certainly true for Lauren Collins, who saw the gore up close.
"I still am quite shaken at what I've seen," she told CNN. "I've seen a victim of an awful attack, and I've seen a body of a young man."

It's nice to observe how a proper government and a first-world populace reacts to such a horrific crime. Contrast that with Mexico and how the cartels can get away with hacking, beheading and dismembering helpless, bound and blindfolded, naked females to death on video while mocking and humiliating them in the process.

Nick Young
05-23-2013, 02:08 AM
You could easily argue that no religion is peaceful if you focus on the crazy ass fringe ****heads.
I don't see radical buddhists pulling out violent shit like this on a regular basis.

Nick Young
05-23-2013, 02:12 AM
Your problem is that you're ignorant and stupid, that's a dangerous combination. I'm making personal attacks due your lack of intelligence, I'm not the one who's making racist posts about gypsies or muslims. You are.

I don't judge people based on ethnicity or beliefs, you are.

That's not true! You're always writing negative subtly racist posts about East Asian students at your university, and making fun of and mocking the conservative party of Sweden and people who vote for them due to their beliefs, as well as calling them Neo-Nazis even though 12% of Sweden votes for them.

05-23-2013, 05:28 AM
Religion is the cancer of the human race.

05-23-2013, 06:21 AM
so these fukkers travel from their own shit hole country to england, seeked asylum, got it.....lived on wellfare, payed by british workers........then beheaded a native english soldier..........hope this starts a war between protestant and catholics on one side against all those scumbags that have infested england........england is not like the other wuss euro countries.....bet everyone knows about "the troubles"

05-23-2013, 08:13 AM
Watching the vid of the guy standing there with the bloodied meat cleavers is weird because the people in the background seem to have no reaction to what just occurred.

RIP to the soldier.

05-23-2013, 08:16 AM
so these fukkers travel from their own shit hole country to england, seeked asylum, got it.....lived on wellfare, payed by british workers........then beheaded a native english soldier..........hope this starts a war between protestant and catholics on one side against all those scumbags that have infested england........england is not like the other wuss euro countries.....bet everyone knows about "the troubles"

It's the same thing in Australia, some people are just amazingly ungreatful pieces of crap who get new amazing lives (compared to what they had before) in a land of many chances and choose to shit in the face of there hosts and act like they are some sort of victims. Imo they need tougher screening to get into cuntires its just got to the point where far to many people who are not capable adapting to Australia/British society are being let in.

On top of that like in this case many are hateful towards society and are only ever a drain on economics resources and are nothing but destructive rather than productive.

05-23-2013, 08:21 AM
I find it interesting that Muslim apologists are quick to point to US/Western aggression as the cause of radicalism but Muslims killing other Muslims on a daily basis in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Syria somehow gets a free ride.

code green
05-23-2013, 08:22 AM
Ironically, it's probably someone who's part of the same group the UK wants to support in Syria. It happens every day over there, but I guess things always hit harder when they happen at home...

Either way, RIP to the soldier. That's an unbelievably shitty way to go.

05-23-2013, 08:31 AM
Kurva means whore in Bosnian/Serbian/Croatian.
Nice to know that I can tell bitches what's up all around the area.

05-23-2013, 09:19 AM
All religions have blood on their hands. There is no way that anyone can argue that it's people that kill people and religion has nothing to do with it. The Crusades blow that idea out of the water.

In this day and age where law governs the land and the majority of people have a good moral compass religion has become obsolete and actually does more to divide than unite. People need to entertain the idea of other beliefs such as Atheism. Just because your parents forced you to believe something doesn't mean you shouldn't question it and come to your own conclusions.

05-23-2013, 10:22 AM
It's very relevant, you're the one who's ignorant and mentally challenged. You have no historical knowledge and you're an ignorant racist.

I bet you are not even 15. Immature pretender :roll: :roll:
Even if you were remotely intelligent you would not react this way. You are exposing yourself, no one is going to believe your fake stories about being intelligent and educated. You are quite transparent how much of a worthless immature piece of shit you are. Just admit it you suck at life, thats why you came to brag with your fake stories. Looser.


And isolated act? It says the mosque was attacked by members of the politcal party "Ataka".

Yeah, you just go to the mosque and beat 'em up though.

Ignorance is your first name. What is your stupid head thinking about, coming over and proclaiming your silly self as experton on issue you dont a thing about? :roll:

The story is that "Ataka" went there to protest the loud noise the mosque was making through the speakers everytime there was a prayer going on. We are speaking about several times a day, people living in the nearby block of flats had complained about noise numerous times. Not to mention that the mosque itself is place in the perfect center of our capital. Ataka went to protest and draw attention and then some confrontation occured. You are trying to make it sound like a deliberate attack on muslims, which is not the case. You wish it was the other way around, dont you clown? So you can point the finger at us for being racists. :roll: You are pathetic.
As i said before, people are able to express their religion freely in my country.
As it goes for Ataka their leader is a nutcase, he is corrupted and doing blow. Do i need to add anything else?
Even Switzerlad banned those part of the mosques.

Divine Liturgy is on sunday's and as an Orthodox you're supposed to go to church that day.
Sure sure. :roll:

Learn english, it's "you were" and I don't say I'm intelligent or educated, I'm telling that you're mentally challenged and trash. And no, I'm not adopted nor abused but considering how much hatred you have towards people I wouldn't be surprised if your mom got her ***** popped by some gypsies.
Very mature. 2 college degree worthy. :roll:

Well, they belong as much as Bulgarians do.
No they dont. Come to eastern europe and ask romanian, slovakian, serbian people about the gypsies. These ****ers can drag Europe back to the middle ages.

It's funny how racist you are when you come from freaking Bulgaria. More than 20% of Bulgarians live under the poverty line and it's one of the most poor countries in Europe.

Not weird you try to use gypsies and muslims as scapegoats, your freaking country is garbage and piss poor.
Probably the real percent is close to 50%. Ever since the fall of the socialism our state sucks, and has been extremely corrupted. Altough we have good climate for business, we've been unable to draw investors, could be because of the corruption.
Through the 90s we were robbed by organized crime, through the 00s its the oligarchs.

Your mom is probably a gypsy as well..
This makes perfect sense, douche.

Oh, dissing me in your poor garbage language, well right back at you then;

Ти си, майка е курва и тя получава прецака всеки ден от цигани. Един цигански ядосан на гроба на баба ви.

Only thing around here that is garbage is you junior.
My language has been around for 1300+ years, its complexed, beautiful and has deep analytic ability. Not to mention it was the first cyrilic language ever created. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_Cyrillic_alphabet

The rest of the cyrillic languages came afterwards including russian.

In a nut shell: You failed hard again, proved again that you are immature, didnt deliver again anything but irrelevant bs.

In case that i forgot to mention dont be fooled that your opinion is actually worth something.

Nice to know that I can tell bitches what's up all around the area.

In Bulgaria Курва means whore as well. In polish language they use it as a universal curse meaning anything from damn to whore.

05-23-2013, 10:54 AM
I find it interesting that Muslim apologists are quick to point to US/Western aggression as the cause of radicalism but Muslims killing other Muslims on a daily basis in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Syria somehow gets a free ride.

No more interesting than when a mother hides her murdering son or apologizes for her adulterer son and blames the wife.

Takes a certain kind of person to live by a strict moral code that is not swayed in the slightest by those who are closest to them. You can see millions of examples of this in any society at any time.

05-23-2013, 11:01 AM
I find it interesting that Muslim apologists are quick to point to US/Western aggression as the cause of radicalism but Muslims killing other Muslims on a daily basis in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Syria somehow gets a free ride.

I really don't understand this either. American and British soldiers are not the ones strapping on suicide vests and blowing themselves up in crowded markets or neighborhoods in the Middle East.

05-23-2013, 11:12 AM
I find it interesting that Muslim apologists are quick to point to US/Western aggression as the cause of radicalism but Muslims killing other Muslims on a daily basis in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Syria somehow gets a free ride.

As usual "Allah Akbar" while they are being bombed and killed

05-23-2013, 12:14 PM
I find it interesting that Muslim apologists are quick to point to US/Western aggression as the cause of radicalism but Muslims killing other Muslims on a daily basis in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Syria somehow gets a free ride.

I don't know, man. I think it's a habit of everyone to point out other societies' and cultures' flaws when they're on the hot seat.

For instance, I recall being in a Sociology class a couple years back where we had a black teacher who practically everyday preached that white people were the 'devil.' One day, a white guy finally had enough and started pointing out crime statistics, showing that there are more black people in prison than whites, etc., and the teacher then started talking about Adolf Hitler, as though Adolf is a great representation of all whites.

Long story short, a lot of people do this when their back is against the wall and they're being lumped in with the worst members of their respective cultures/societies/whatever.

I'm Atheist, but most of my family members are Muslims. They're appalled by this act of barbarianism. Who does that shit? How psycho must a human being be in order to chop off the head of another human being.. all in the name of some fictional religious being?

:facepalm I'll never understand that.

05-23-2013, 12:20 PM
It's the same thing in Australia, some people are just amazingly ungreatful pieces of crap who get new amazing lives (compared to what they had before) in a land of many chances and choose to shit in the face of there hosts and act like they are some sort of victims. Imo they need tougher screening to get into cuntires its just got to the point where far to many people who are not capable adapting to Australia/British society are being let in.

On top of that like in this case many are hateful towards society and are only ever a drain on economics resources and are nothing but destructive rather than productive.

for sure........some day a real war will come.......i hope the first to die is the politicians that let all this scum into europe and australia.........funny thing is, one of the few places where they don

05-23-2013, 12:38 PM
[QUOTE=tomtucker]for sure........some day a real war will come.......i hope the first to die is the politicians that let all this scum into europe and australia.........funny thing is, one of the few places where they don

05-23-2013, 12:39 PM
RIP Lee Rigby


05-23-2013, 12:41 PM
[QUOTE=tomtucker]RIP Lee Rigby


Patrick Chewing
05-23-2013, 12:50 PM
All religions have blood on their hands. There is no way that anyone can argue that it's people that kill people and religion has nothing to do with it. The Crusades blow that idea out of the water.

If people really did their homework on the Crusades, you'll see that at it's very beginning, it was a response due to Muslim incursions and atrocities towards Christian strongholds in the East. The rest is just a bloodbath, but by BOTH sides.

05-23-2013, 12:52 PM
[QUOTE=tomtucker]RIP Lee Rigby


05-23-2013, 12:54 PM
[QUOTE=tomtucker]RIP Lee Rigby


05-23-2013, 01:03 PM
They're alive? The news video I watched said they were shot and killed by police.

05-23-2013, 01:23 PM
If people really did their homework on the Crusades, you'll see that at it's very beginning, it was a response due to Muslim incursions and atrocities towards Christian strongholds in the East. The rest is just a bloodbath, but by BOTH sides.
Yeah, I'm betting that Christians got those "strongholds in the East" by violent means, or am I wrong?

And in no way am I defending those pieces of sht who killed that soldier...religion is for the weak IMO.

05-23-2013, 01:28 PM
I find it interesting that Muslim apologists are quick to point to US/Western aggression as the cause of radicalism but Muslims killing other Muslims on a daily basis in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Syria somehow gets a free ride.

I think there would be a lot less muslims killing muslims on a daily basis if not for DECADES of US/Western aggresion and political meddling. The US has been screwing around with Iraq since the 70s.

Patrick Chewing
05-23-2013, 01:33 PM
Yeah, I'm betting that Christians got those "strongholds in the East" by violent means, or am I wrong?

Those strongholds came by way of Roman expansion, who were Polytheistic. Christianity came later.

05-23-2013, 01:39 PM
I think there would be a lot less muslims killing muslims on a daily basis if not for DECADES of US/Western aggresion and political meddling. The US has been screwing around with Iraq since the 70s.

Seriously? So suicide bombers blowing up innocent children, women, etc in marketplaces in Pakistan stems from the US' involvement in Iraq?


05-23-2013, 01:39 PM
Those strongholds came by way of Roman expansion, who were Polytheistic. Christianity came later.
Constantinople and all that, still Romans treated natives of the lands they captured pretty much like second class citizens or slaves. Violence leads to more violence.

05-23-2013, 02:00 PM
Seriously? So suicide bombers blowing up innocent children, women, etc in marketplaces in Pakistan stems from the US' involvement in Iraq?


Even in African countries such as Nigeria there's brutal cases of bombings occuring..

BUT America has funded extremist groups which have taken to power in countries.

But hey if England and other Western countries want to import these people in their countries RIP. BRB Sharia 4 England groups popping out left and right in England.

05-23-2013, 02:05 PM
Of course. US police are known for their brutality. They'll beat someone up just because they're filming an arrest and then lie about beating that person up.

right, but sometimes it is good to have a police force that don

05-23-2013, 02:17 PM
Here's what happens to some Muslims that dare to speak out (per wiki):

According to Islamic scholar Khaleel Mohammed, throughout the world, Muslim intellectuals are punished for criticizing various aspects of traditional and contemporary Islam, citing the case of Muhammad Said al-Ashmawy, who is being held in Egypt under house arrest for his own protection; Abdel Karim Soroush who was beaten in Iran for raising the voice of inquiry, and Mahmoud Tahawho was killed in Sudan. Rifat Hassan, Fatima Mernissi, Abdallah an-Na'im, Mohammed Arkoun, and Amina Wadud were all vilified by the imams for asking Muslims to use their intellect.[30]
Other examples:
Hashem Aghajari, an Iranian university professor, was initially sentenced to death because of a speech that criticized some of the present Islamic practices in Iran being in contradiction with the original practices and ideology of Islam, and particularly for stating that Muslims were not "monkeys" and "should not blindly follow" the clerics. The sentence was later commuted to three years in jail, and he was released in 2004 after serving two years of that sentence.[31][32][33]
Christoph Luxenberg feels compelled to work under a pseudonym to protect himself because of fears that a new book on the origins of the Qur'an,[34][35] may make him a target for violence.[36][37] he goes/went by this assumed name in order to protect himself.[38]
In recent times fatwas calling for execution have been issued against novelist Salman Rushdie and activist Taslima Nasreen for pejorative comments on Islam.[39]
On 2 November 2004, Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh was assassinated by Dutch-born Mohammed Bouyeri for producing the 10-minute film Submission critical of the abusive treatment of women by Muslims. A letter threatening the author of the screenplay, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, was pinned to his body by a knife. Hirsi Ali entered into hiding immediately following the assassination, and now is protected by bodyguards.[40]
On 30 September 2005, the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten published editorial cartoons, many of which caricatured the Islamic prophet Mohammed. The publication was intended to contribute to the debate regarding criticism of Islam and self-censorship;[41] objectives which manifested themselves in the public outcry from Muslim communities within Denmark and the subsequent apology by the paper. However, the controversy deepened when further examples of the cartoons were reprinted in newspapers in more than fifty other countries. This led to protests across the Muslim world, some of which escalated into violence, including setting fire to the Norwegian and Danish Embassies in Syria, and the storming of European buildings and desecration of the Danish and German flags in Gaza City.[42] Globally, at least 139 people were killed and 823 injured.[43]
On 19 September 2006 French writer and philosophy teacher Robert Redeker wrote an editorial for Le Figaro, a French conservative newspaper, in which he attacked Islam and Muhammad, writing: "Pitiless war leader, pillager, butcher of Jews and polygamous, this is how Mohammed is revealed by the Qur'an." He received death threats and went into hiding.[44] The teacher was forced into hiding after describing the Qu'ran as a "book of extraordinary violence" and Islam as "a religion which ... exalts violence and hate."[45]
On 4 August 2007, Ehsan Jami was attacked in his hometown of Voorburg in The Netherlands by three men. The attack is widely believed to be linked to his activities for the Central Committee for Ex-Muslims. The national anti-terrorism coordinator's office, the public prosecution department and the police decided during a meeting on 6 August that "additional measures" were necessary for the protection of Jami, who subsequently received extra security.[46]
"Hatred towards people who follow other religions such as Jews and Christians, as well as Hindus and other polytheists, are a part of the teachings of the Islamic holy book, the Qur'an."[47]

05-23-2013, 02:24 PM
Seriously? So suicide bombers blowing up innocent children, women, etc in marketplaces in Pakistan stems from the US' involvement in Iraq?


Are you really too dense to understand that? :applause:

05-23-2013, 03:57 PM
Seriously? So suicide bombers blowing up innocent children, women, etc in marketplaces in Pakistan stems from the US' involvement in Iraq?


Yeah, thats what I said, isnt it? :rolleyes:

You must have a degree from the ptiddy school of reading comprehension.

05-23-2013, 05:11 PM
Screw loose is a screw loose....

05-23-2013, 05:13 PM
Religion is the cancer of the human race.

Im not sure if the world would be a safer place being religion-free... no god? no consequences? yay!! it would be hell on earth... :D

The Real JW
05-23-2013, 05:18 PM
Im not sure if the world would be a safer place being religion-free... no god? no consequences? yay!! it would be hell on earth... :D

You're confusing religion with morality.

05-23-2013, 05:31 PM
"This incident has nothing to do with the Muslim community" I guarantee they will say that.

Ok ok... it has everything to do with Islam... you simpleminded ignoramous, you know nothing about Islam.... you are not allowed to even hurt a god damn fly, better yet randomly behead a human being... this guy is not a muslim just because he happens to be born one or converted to one or say he is one, anything you ever saw close to this has nothing to do with islam, but it has to do with dudes with a screw loose..... who would do what they did or even worse even if they never knew about any religion.... for you to be called a muslim you will have to act like a MUSLIM.... that there is the biggest opposite to a "muslim".... just because a psycho runs around with a machete randomly murdering & bombing everybody (even killing other muslims) "in the name of Allah" doesnt mean the religion condones everything he does...

I know you aint that stupid... do you blame christianity for anything any crazy act a christian did? No?

05-23-2013, 05:36 PM
You're confusing religion with morality.

No, you are confusing religion with insanity....

05-23-2013, 05:46 PM
Im not sure if the world would be a safer place being religion-free... no god? no consequences? yay!! it would be hell on earth... :D

Or Sweden.

Sad that a 2 year old boy will grow up without his father because some lunatics believe they're following the word of something as real the Easter Bunny.

05-23-2013, 06:18 PM
Ok ok... it has everything to do with Islam... you simpleminded ignoramous, you know nothing about Islam.... you are not allowed to even hurt a god damn fly, better yet randomly behead a human being... this guy is not a muslim just because he happens to be born one or converted to one or say he is one, anything you ever saw close to this has nothing to do with islam, but it has to do with dudes with a screw loose..... who would do what they did or even worse even if they never knew about any religion.... for you to be called a muslim you will have to act like a MUSLIM.... that there is the biggest opposite to a "muslim".... just because a psycho runs around with a machete randomly murdering & bombing everybody (even killing other muslims) "in the name of Allah" doesnt mean the religion condones everything he does...

I know you aint that stupid... do you blame christianity for anything any crazy act a christian did? No?

I think religion was/is still the most potent way of brainwashing someone into creating acts of terrorism. I think every religion needs to do more at deterring radicalisation. I am well aware that this murder does not represent the majority of Muslims however as an Atheist I expect more than just a standard response of "They are not acting on our behalf".

Religion needs to do more to stamp out extremism. I'd say your answers have been total cop out. You just want to distance yourself from these bad apples when you should really be asking how can I help with prevention.

The Real JW
05-23-2013, 06:31 PM
No, you are confusing religion with insanity....


Patrick Chewing
05-23-2013, 07:55 PM
Screw loose is a screw loose....

Seems like millions of your kind have a screw lose. When are you going to rise up and change your people? The Church, for all it's bad deeds, has done a pretty good job of prosecuting and excommunicating those in the wrong and still has a long way to go, but these sinners were cast out, and the whole world knows about it and how disgusting it is. But as rufus pointed out a few posts above, if you speak out against your own kind, your life is then in danger. You guys have no clue or desire to fix your problem. You leave it up to foreign militaries to do the dirty work for you and then in turn blame them for stepping foot on your land.

The year is 2013, not 1013 and you clowns still haven't figured it out.

05-23-2013, 09:31 PM
Im not sure if the world would be a safer place being religion-free... no god? no consequences? yay!! it would be hell on earth... :D
Yeah because atheists are blowing up bombs and cutting heads off left and right since they have "no consequences."

05-23-2013, 09:35 PM
Religion is the cancer of the human race I agree.

05-23-2013, 09:37 PM

05-23-2013, 11:36 PM
Religion is the cancer of the human race I agree.


Effeminate men are the cancer of the human race.

I'm specifically looking at a special breed of homosexual Jews called the Rockefellers and Rothschilds and their cronies Marxism, Feminism, Nihilism, and Socialism.

05-24-2013, 12:20 AM
so they beheaded someone then waited for the cops

05-24-2013, 12:24 AM
In other news, a 75 year old muslim man from pakistan was killed by a white man with a machete in the UK two weeks ago.


Remember folks, its only the muslims that violently murder people :rolleyes:

05-24-2013, 12:35 AM

I think he said everything that needs to be said

05-24-2013, 12:38 AM
I am suprised none of the ISH conspiracy nuts have started talking about this story yet. This whole thing is way fishier than 9/11 or Sandy Hook, this story just makes no sense.

Think about this - Two men behead a stranger in broad daylight. After the beheading, the killers stand around in the street to give interviews to random bystanders and wait for the police to show up? Why arent the bystanders running away and screaming bloody murder? Why did the men wait for the cops to show up without attacking any of these bystanders, but then attack the cops and get shot?

The biggest red flag is the lack of blood. If there was really a beheading, why is there only blood on the hands and knife? I believe I have heard the term "gruesome hacking" used to describe the attack. If you hack a mans head off, you will be COVERED in blood. When someones head is hacked off, the blood from their body flows out their the neck, but when you look at the body on the ground in the video, the pavement is completely dry where there should be a large pool of blood.

05-24-2013, 12:52 AM
I am suprised none of the ISH conspiracy nuts have started talking about this story yet. This whole thing is way fishier than 9/11 or Sandy Hook, this story just makes no sense.

Think about this - Two men behead a stranger in broad daylight. After the beheading, the killers stand around in the street to give interviews to random bystanders and wait for the police to show up? Why arent the bystanders running away and screaming bloody murder? Why did the men wait for the cops to show up without attacking any of these bystanders, but then attack the cops and get shot?

The biggest red flag is the lack of blood. If there was really a beheading, why is there only blood on the hands and knife? I believe I have heard the term "gruesome hacking" used to describe the attack. If you hack a mans head off, you will be COVERED in blood. When someones head is hacked off, the blood from their body flows out their the neck, but when you look at the body on the ground in the video, the pavement is completely dry where there should be a large pool of blood.

just saw this, which mentions a lot of what you said


Patrick Chewing
05-24-2013, 12:59 AM
In other news, a 75 year old muslim man from pakistan was killed by a white man with a machete in the UK two weeks ago.


Remember folks, its only the muslims that violently murder people :rolleyes:

Did the white guy quote Isaiah, Job, Genesis or the Proverbs when he killed him? Was he radicalized by a rogue sect of priests and parishioners who collected money in the basket under the guise of community help?

05-24-2013, 01:01 AM
Did the white guy quote Isaiah, Job, Genesis or the Proverbs when he killed him? Was he radicalized by a rogue sect of priests and parishioners who collected money in the basket under the guise of community help?

Are you arguing that the killing I mentioned was not motivated by race and/or religion?

Patrick Chewing
05-24-2013, 01:09 AM
Are you arguing that the killing I mentioned was not motivated by race and/or religion?

I have no idea, that's why I ask. Based on the video we saw of the two men who killed that soldier, the motive for the killing was religious based. If the killing that you're talking about was religion based, then I can see where that killing relates to this one.

The ongoing debate here in this thread is between those who believe that this was just an isolated incident and those that do not. Seeing as how this killing is similar in nature to others, simply by the Islamic rhetoric that was spewed afterwards, it is impossible and redundant to classify it as isolated.

05-24-2013, 01:19 AM
just saw this, which mentions a lot of what you said


Wow... I had not noticed the old lady with the shopping cart and the camera cut when I watched the video. Normally I hate conspiracy videos like this one but this guy made some good observations.

Check out the full uncensored video. You can see the shopping cart lady walk right past him.


here is the full transcript. note the parts that were omitted in the cropped video that has been widely distributed.

"The only reason we have killed this man today is because Muslims are
dying daily by British soldiers. And this British soldier is one. It is
an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. By Allah, we swear by the
almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you until you leave us alone.
So what if we want to live by the Shari'a in Muslim lands? Why does
that mean you must follow us and chase us and call us extremists and
kill us? Rather you lot are extreme. You are the ones that when you drop
a bomb you think it hits one person? Or rather your bomb wipes out a
whole family? This is the reality. By Allah if I saw your mother today
with a buggy I would help her up the stairs. This is my nature. But we
are forced by the Qur'an, in Sura At-Tawba, through many ayah in the
Qu'ran, we must fight them as they fight us. An eye for an eye, a tooth
for a tooth. I apologise that women had to witness this today but in our
lands women have to see the same. You people will never be safe. Remove
your governments, they don’t care about you. You think David Cameron is
going to get caught in the street when we start busting our guns? You
think politicians are going to die? No, it’s going to be the average
guy, like you and your children. So get rid of them. Tell them to bring
our troops back so can all live in peace. So leave our lands and we can
all live in peace. That’s all I have to say. [in Arabic:] Allah’s peace
and blessings be upon you."

05-24-2013, 01:43 AM
I am suprised none of the ISH conspiracy nuts have started talking about this story yet. This whole thing is way fishier than 9/11 or Sandy Hook, this story just makes no sense.

Think about this - Two men behead a stranger in broad daylight. After the beheading, the killers stand around in the street to give interviews to random bystanders and wait for the police to show up? Why arent the bystanders running away and screaming bloody murder? Why did the men wait for the cops to show up without attacking any of these bystanders, but then attack the cops and get shot?

The biggest red flag is the lack of blood. If there was really a beheading, why is there only blood on the hands and knife? I believe I have heard the term "gruesome hacking" used to describe the attack. If you hack a mans head off, you will be COVERED in blood. When someones head is hacked off, the blood from their body flows out their the neck, but when you look at the body on the ground in the video, the pavement is completely dry where there should be a large pool of blood.
There was a large blood trail on the sidewalk in front of the crashed car like they dragged the poor guy under the trees as they were hacking him to death

05-24-2013, 01:45 AM
This vid shows the terrorists running away from the police as they're gunned down just like I would expect from the cowards


05-24-2013, 01:46 AM
There was a large blood trail on the sidewalk in front of the crashed car like they dragged the poor guy under the trees as they were hacking him to death

Thats probably not blood, cars are full of fluids after all.

If that is blood by the car, why doesnt the blood trail continue to the middle of the street where the corpse is laying? Why isnt there any blood on or around the corpse at all?

05-24-2013, 01:57 AM
Thats probably not blood, cars are full of fluids after all.

If that is blood by the car, why doesnt the blood trail continue to the middle of the street where the corpse is laying? Why isnt there any blood on or around the corpse at all?
Obviously you didn't see the pic I saw and are just arguing for the sake of arguing. The large blood streak is well in front of the car and perpendicular to it. The fluids from the car are a separate streak leading directly from underneath the car.

05-24-2013, 02:03 AM
Obviously you didn't see the pic I saw and are just arguing for the sake of arguing. The large blood streak is well in front of the car and perpendicular to it. The fluids from the car are a separate streak leading directly from underneath the car.

Forget about the car, look at the body in the street.

How can someone who is beheaded not have a pool of blood around their body? The pavement around him is spotless.

Patrick Chewing
05-24-2013, 02:08 AM
Head of the EDL (English Defence League) Tommy Robinson with a compelling video in response to this attack:



05-24-2013, 02:11 AM
Forget about the car, look at the body in the street.

How can someone who is beheaded not have a pool of blood around their body? The pavement around him is spotless.
Looks to me based on the bloody streak on the sidewalk that he lost 8 pints being hacked right there.

05-24-2013, 02:14 AM
Looks to me based on the bloody streak on the sidewalk that he lost 8 pints being hacked right there.

Can you share this image? I dont see this bloody streak you are referring to.

05-24-2013, 02:23 AM
Look at the LiveLeak url in the OP

05-24-2013, 02:28 AM
Look at the LiveLink url in the OP

I am watching that video, and I dont see any blood on the street/sidewalk anywhere. The only thing resembling blood is some dark fluid coming from under the engine area of the car, but it just looks like a leak caused by the wreck.

05-24-2013, 02:33 AM
I am watching that video, and I dont see any blood on the street/sidewalk anywhere. The only thing resembling blood is some dark fluid coming from under the engine area of the car, but it just looks like a leak caused by the wreck.
lol then yur f'n blind because I see two pics of the murder scene and there's at least 8 pints spilled there under the trees

05-24-2013, 02:34 AM
lol then yur f'n blind because I see two pics of the murder scene and there's at least 8 pints spilled there under the trees

yeah maybe 8 pints of motor oil

05-24-2013, 02:36 AM
So the best way to prove that all Muslims aren't extremist, and shouldn't be treated as such... is to chop a guys head off in the middle of the street? :confusedshrug:

Someone should introduce the Muslim community to the teachings of Mr. Martin Luther King.

05-24-2013, 02:36 AM
yeah maybe 8 pints of motor oil
yur a fukking idiot, did your momma ever not tell ewe that?

05-24-2013, 02:37 AM
yur a fukking idiot, did your momma ever not tell ewe that?

yeah im an idiot.... my "momma ever not tell ewe that"

05-24-2013, 02:38 AM
And I wouldn't rule out that this was a staged event to shine a bad light on Muslims. A lot of people in the UK and Germany see the influx of Muslims into their country as a major issue.

05-24-2013, 02:38 AM
Tornadoes musta hit Nanners head

05-24-2013, 03:20 AM
And I wouldn't rule out that this was a staged event to shine a bad light on Muslims. A lot of people in the UK and Germany see the influx of Muslims into their country as a major issue.

only normal, sane and iintelligent people think that

Nick Young
05-24-2013, 03:44 AM
And I wouldn't rule out that this was a staged event to shine a bad light on Muslims. A lot of people in the UK and Germany see the influx of Muslims into their country as a major issue.
who staged it? I think he's just a nut case.

So many of these hate preachers are in the country now. Some idiot student tried to anonymously invite a muslim hate preacher to give an invitation-only lecture on to my university campus who is preaching the good message of burning all homosexuals and for muslims to not have any muslim friends. Luckily a student found out about it 3 days before he came and they managed to shut down the event before it happened.

But it's pretty telling that people like these hate preachers have big audiences.

I live near Woolwich. The thing Im not sure they're reporting on international news is that later in the night the EDL (English defense league, racist anti-immigration idiots) got into a huge fight with the riot police near the woolwich train station.

There is a decent sized movement of extremist psychos that's getting bigger every year, hopefully it ends with these nutcases, and they don't inspire more violence. But even if you read the racist literature that they put up in many chicken and kebab shops, it is getting progressively more insane and confrontational by the year.

I know Islam is not a religion that preaches violence but at the moment there is a pretty big violent undercurrent that many of the idiots are flocking to.

And it is really bad when people try to justify this by saying "That's what happens when America invades Iraq and Afghanistan, what choice do they have?"

They have the choice TO NOT CHOP PEOPLE'S HEADS OFF! IT's an easy choice to make!

05-24-2013, 03:51 AM
In Germany there has been a few honor killings because a Turkish girl dated a German boy. The father felt shamed and killed his daughter to restore honor to the family. I'm not sure if Islam makes people crazy or crazy people are simply drawn to Islam. But most were born into it.

05-24-2013, 04:03 AM
That's Two Crazy Muslims. Rip to the British Soldier. I hope they rot in the Jail.

05-24-2013, 05:59 AM
Here's a vid of the cops shooting at the nutcases. Those cops are a bunch of ******* not emptying their clips.

I am watching that video, and I dont see any blood on the street/sidewalk anywhere. The only thing resembling blood is some dark fluid coming from under the engine area of the car, but it just looks like a leak caused by the wreck.
In the pictures posted on liveleak, theres two of them showing definite blood mark in front of the car. Too bad they dont allow hotlinks.

05-24-2013, 06:05 AM
In other news, a 75 year old muslim man from pakistan was killed by a white man with a machete in the UK two weeks ago.


Remember folks, its only the muslims that violently murder people :rolleyes:
Should have stayed in Pakistan.

05-24-2013, 08:55 AM

05-24-2013, 09:49 AM
Thats probably not blood, cars are full of fluids after all.

If that is blood by the car, why doesnt the blood trail continue to the middle of the street where the corpse is laying? Why isnt there any blood on or around the corpse at all?

Lmao shut the fukk up terrorist lover

05-24-2013, 12:13 PM
that's not a muslim thing, more a cultural thing in eastern turkey(honor killings)

and why would you even bring this up, should I start talking about all those german skinheads who start setting turkish homes on fire? 'are all germans crazy or are they born into it?'

crazy people are everywhere
First off multicultural society is failing hard in Germany. Dont believe me? Ask the worlds most powerful woman. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/oct/17/angela-merkel-german-multiculturalism-failed

If i was german id be pissed off by those "people" turning a prosperous land into 3rd world.

Second Honor killing is common in Pakistan as well.

05-24-2013, 12:25 PM
http://edge.liveleak.com/80281E/s/s/20/media20/2013/May/22/LiveLeak-dot-com-9f9e695b5f59-1369237279685.png?d5e8cc8eccfb6039332f41f6249e92b0 6c91b4db65f5e99818bad19f4945dfd2f812&ec_rate=200

Those are fluids coming out from underneath the car, probably coolant and that's blood a few feet in front of the car

05-24-2013, 12:43 PM
fukking wuss police........hope they do a better job next time shit happens

05-24-2013, 02:05 PM
First off multicultural society is failing hard in Germany. Dont believe me? Ask the worlds most powerful woman. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/oct/17/angela-merkel-german-multiculturalism-failed

If i was german id be pissed off by those "people" turning a prosperous land into 3rd world.

Second Honor killing is common in Pakistan as well.

German government invited poor people from east Turkey in the 60's to do the dirty work in factories germans didn't want to do. I won't blame these people for not fully integrating.
The problems 2nd and 3rd generation Turks have in Germany do not stem from cultural differences or unwillingness to integrate, but from their disadvantaging position in the socio-economic stratification of the German society. If there are problems, they are the same that disadvantaged "Germans" have when they come from poor areas/families and consequently are trapped in populist, xenophobic and neo-nazist circles.
There is no "failure of multiculturalism"; there is a political failure to grant equal opportunities for all social stratums.

05-24-2013, 02:28 PM
First off multicultural society is failing hard in Germany. Dont believe me? Ask the worlds most powerful woman. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/oct/17/angela-merkel-german-multiculturalism-failed

If i was german id be pissed off by those "people" turning a prosperous land into 3rd world.

Second Honor killing is common in Pakistan as well.

So tell us, which are the non-multicultural countries in the world that are doing so great?

There's also a difference in fail in multiculturalism and failure in politics as someone just wrote.

We know that you use the non-ethnic Bulgarians for the failures of the country and it's terrible economy but Bulgaria is a piss poor country no matter what.

Nick Young
05-24-2013, 03:16 PM
So tell us, which are the non-multicultural countries in the world that are doing so great?

There's also a difference in fail in multiculturalism and failure in politics as someone just wrote.

We know that you use the non-ethnic Bulgarians for the failures of the country and it's terrible economy but Bulgaria is a piss poor country no matter what.
Do you not think racism and xenophobia is wrong? Why are you being xenophobic towards Bulgarians?:confusedshrug:

05-24-2013, 03:52 PM
Do you not think racism and xenophobia is wrong? Why are you being xenophobic towards Bulgarians?:confusedshrug:

I've told you several times to stop using words you don't know the meaning of.

What in the post above is racist or xenophobic? Bulgaria is in fact one of the most poverty stricken countries in Europa, 1/5 of the population lives under the poverty line and Bulgaria is one of the 10 most poor countries in Europe.

This is like the time you called me "anti-semetic" because I was against the non-democratic actions of the Israeli government, that time you neither knew the meaning of the word or the spelling.

05-24-2013, 04:14 PM
People need to stop with the Islam is a religion of peace. You can't just call yourself something and it becomes true. You are what your actions are.

On the other hand, Christians need to stop calling out muslims on their violent history. It's like the pot calling the kettle black.

Patrick Chewing
05-24-2013, 04:25 PM
On the other hand, Christians need to stop calling out muslims on their violent history. It's like the pot calling the kettle black.

Muslim violence is still ongoing. Christian violence of this scale hasn't been seen in hundreds of years.

05-24-2013, 04:37 PM
I've told you several times to stop using words you don't know the meaning of.

What in the post above is racist or xenophobic? Bulgaria is in fact one of the most poverty stricken countries in Europa, 1/5 of the population lives under the poverty line and Bulgaria is one of the 10 most poor countries in Europe.

This is like the time you called me "anti-semetic" because I was against the non-democratic actions of the Israeli government, that time you neither knew the meaning of the word or the spelling.

Alot of that is probably contributed to communism and the fall of it.

As for the poverty line I'm sure Gypsies make up a large percentage of it..

05-24-2013, 04:43 PM
Muslim violence is still ongoing. Christian violence of this scale hasn't been seen in hundreds of years.

LRA says hi...

05-24-2013, 04:46 PM
Alot of that is probably contributed to communism and the fall of it.

As for the poverty line I'm sure Gypsies make up a large percentage of it..

5% of Bulgaria are Gypsies.

05-24-2013, 04:49 PM
5% of Bulgaria are Gypsies.

They make up a larger % as alot of them declare themselves as Turks are native Bulgarians for political purposes.

Some gypsies don't even have birth records and aren't even registered.

05-24-2013, 04:52 PM
They make up a larger % as alot of them declare themselves as Turks are native Bulgarians for political purposes.

Some gypsies don't even have birth records and aren't even registered.

Gypsies and Turks combined make up 14% of the Bulgarian population and I'm more than sure that all of them aren't under the poverty line.

And use your brain, if some gypsies don't have birth record nor are registered, they aren't counted among the poverty stricken people of Bulgaria.. :facepalm

Patrick Chewing
05-24-2013, 04:54 PM
LRA says hi...

LRA believe in African mysticism, Christian fundamentalism, and Islam. It claims to be establishing a theocratic state based on the Ten Commandments and local Acholi tradition.

The group is led by Joseph Kony, who proclaims himself the spokesman of God and a spirit medium.

Nice try, buddy.

05-24-2013, 04:59 PM
Nice try, buddy.

Wow, you know how to use Wikipedia.

It wouldn't be a bad thing of you actually would read it all. I'm more than sure that you had no clue about LRA 'til now to start with.

The LRA's ideology is disputed among academics.[40][60] Although the LRA has been regarded primarily as a Christian militia,[13][14][15][16][17][18][19] the LRA reportedly evokes Acholi nationalism on occasion,[61] but many observers doubt the sincerity of this behaviour and the loyalty of Kony to either ideology.[62][63][64][65][66]

Maybe you think it just was a coincidence that LRA used to be known as "Uganda Christian Democratic Army".. :facepalm

05-24-2013, 05:01 PM
I thought this was relevant to the thread

Kenyan man who has killed over 400 people in Kenya granted Asylum + Benefits in the UK. He's not under surveillance or anything. He's been getting free rent and a 160 pound allowance for a decade now. :eek:

I wouldn't be surprised if the butchers are in a similar situation...

Patrick Chewing
05-24-2013, 05:05 PM
Wow, you know how to use Wikipedia.

It wouldn't be a bad thing of you actually would read it all. I'm more than sure that you had no clue about LRA 'til now to start with.

Maybe you think it just was a coincidence that LRA used to be known as "Uganda Christian Democratic Army".. :facepalm

Two words: Joseph Kony

We know where he's at. Fundamentalist Islam is all over the world, son.

05-24-2013, 05:10 PM
Two words: Joseph Kony

We know where he's at. Fundamentalist Islam is all over the world, son.

First of all, don't call me "son", bitch. You're the idiot here who had to google "LRA" to find out what it actually was.

And what the **** are you on? You made a claim about how Christian violence on this scale haven't been around like this for hundreds of years.

The Real JW
05-24-2013, 05:51 PM
Religion of peace, guys.

05-24-2013, 06:22 PM
Religion of peace, guys.
Well if this is all you have to say, you can keep it shut. I can gues what you know about Islam is that it has one god which is not allowed to be pictured, that it has a prophet by the name of Muhammed which fought wars and raped people, and that it's practised by Arabs. Also, you saw the slogan "religion of peace" somewhere where douchebags were posting their twitter-takes, so you just decided to say it once again and hope it flies. It won't, and if you have nothing to say, do not make a post.

I think If this atrocious act was carried out on "soldier for soldier" grounds, which is what that guy did say, I'd say religion is of lesser importance here. They may have said it to try make their message be heard by all people that supposedly are having to witness such brutality daily, not only by those witnesses that are from the same country as the attackers. The religion may not have to do that much with it, fighting back at somebody is really a standard political procedure.

05-24-2013, 06:35 PM
First of all, don't call me "son", bitch. You're the idiot here who had to google "LRA" to find out what it actually was.

And what the **** are you on? You made a claim about how Christian violence on this scale haven't been around like this for hundreds of years.

You sound suprised.... If you have ever read one of Patrick Chewings posts in the past you already know that he is full retard.

Patrick Chewing
05-24-2013, 06:46 PM
First of all, don't call me "son", bitch. You're the idiot here who had to google "LRA" to find out what it actually was.

And what the **** are you on? You made a claim about how Christian violence on this scale haven't been around like this for hundreds of years.

You want to compare the LRA to Fundamentalist Islam? How many members does the LRA have? Do you even know? Please, son.

Name me other Christian atrocities the likes of radical Islam? What was the Christian version of 9/11? Please don't say Oklahoma City, please don't.

05-24-2013, 06:58 PM
You want to compare the LRA to Fundamentalist Islam? How many members does the LRA have? Do you even know? Please, son.

Name me other Christian atrocities the likes of radical Islam? What was the Christian version of 9/11? Please don't say Oklahoma City, please don't.

You're mentally challenged and it's not your fault and it's not about how many existing members there are or were, it's how dangerous they group itself was/is.

From '87 to '06 more than 20 000 children from Uganda were abducted by the LRA. More than 1.9 million people from Uganda had to move due to LRA's war with the government. They also put in system to mutilate people, cutting peoples ears, hands, feet etc..

Since September of '08 'til now more than 2600 people have been killed by the LRA and they've abducted more than 4000 people, most of them kids.

Don't let me school you again, bitch, you're too stupid and ignorant.

I never said that there are as many radical Christians as muslim but you made a claim about how stuff like the current events by radical Muslim's have been unseen of for hundreds of years in terms of people killing and terrorizing in the name of Christianity. I proved you completely wrong.

05-24-2013, 07:02 PM
You sound suprised.... If you have ever read one of Patrick Chewings posts in the past you already know that he is full retard.

Yeah, he's full of ignorance and stupidity.

I mean, how am I supposed to have a historical discussions with a guy who's as stupid as Chewing. I mean seriously, the guy is from the US, english is his paternal language and still earlier in this thread he wrote "a ape" when he tried to mock people who move from Third World countries to First World countries.

Uneducated and ignorant, two words that are very fitting when it comes to this moron.

Patrick Chewing
05-24-2013, 07:18 PM
You're mentally challenged and it's not your fault and it's not about how many existing members there are or were, it's how dangerous they group itself was/is.

From '87 to '06 more than 20 000 children from Uganda were abducted by the LRA. More than 1.9 million people from Uganda had to move due to LRA's war with the government. They also put in system to mutilate people, cutting peoples ears, hands, feet etc..

Since September of '08 'til now more than 2600 people have been killed by the LRA and they've abducted more than 4000 people, most of them kids.

Don't let me school you again, bitch, you're too stupid and ignorant.

I never said that there are as many radical Christians as muslim but you made a claim about how stuff like the current events by radical Muslim's have been unseen of for hundreds of years in terms of people killing and terrorizing in the name of Christianity. I proved you completely wrong.

Once again,the group is led by Joseph Kony, who proclaims himself the spokesman of God and a spirit medium. Nothing more than a cult leader. He thinks he's a Chinese phantom too, huh?? LOL.

They belong to no political program or ideology. They do not kill in the name of the Christian God or Jesus Christ and they do not indoctrinate to kill non-Christians.

Kony is a warlord who you think happens to be Christian and that makes it Christian terrorism? His motives have always been political. You do some research.

Patrick Chewing
05-24-2013, 07:19 PM
I mean seriously, the guy is from the US, english is his paternal language and still earlier in this thread he wrote "a ape" when he tried to mock people who move from Third World countries to First World countries.

You pathetic fool. Check your facts. Just check your facts. :oldlol:


05-24-2013, 07:21 PM
Yeah, he's full of ignorance and stupidity.

I mean, how am I supposed to have a historical discussions with a guy who's as stupid as Chewing. I mean seriously, the guy is from the US, english is his paternal language and still earlier in this thread he wrote "a ape" when he tried to mock people who move from Third World countries to First World countries.

Uneducated and ignorant, two words that are very fitting when it comes to this moron.

That was me brah. We're chatting on an online message board, you think people give a rats ass about spelling and grammar?

Patrick Chewing
05-24-2013, 07:22 PM
millwad is a fat little chode from Sweden who loves posting pictures of dudes on here. He has no business trying to correct grammar.

05-24-2013, 07:24 PM
millwad is a fat little chode from Sweden who loves posting pictures of dudes on here. He has no business trying to correct grammar.

You forgot to mention that he's a student at Texas AM. Other than that you explain him perfectly :applause:

05-24-2013, 07:57 PM
millwad is a fat little chode from Sweden who loves posting pictures of dudes on here. He has no business trying to correct grammar.

That type of response was waited, lame insults from a dude who can't reply with actual facts or intelligence.

05-24-2013, 07:58 PM
You forgot to mention that he's a student at Texas AM. Other than that you explain him perfectly :applause:

You forgot to mention that I jizz in your mom's mouth on daily basis.

05-24-2013, 08:05 PM
Once again,the group is led by Joseph Kony, who proclaims himself the spokesman of God and a spirit medium. Nothing more than a cult leader. He thinks he's a Chinese phantom too, huh?? LOL.

They belong to no political program or ideology. They do not kill in the name of the Christian God or Jesus Christ and they do not indoctrinate to kill non-Christians.

Kony is a warlord who you think happens to be Christian and that makes it Christian terrorism? His motives have always been political. You do some research.

The group itself is regarded as a Christian militia, you mentally challenged fool. And the group was formed out of the Uganda Christian Democratic party.

They're were doing the exact same things that Al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups are doing, that is terrorizing people in the name of their religion, also called hi-jacking a religion for the sake of their own propaganda.

05-24-2013, 08:15 PM
You forgot to mention that I jizz in your mom's mouth on daily basis.


05-24-2013, 08:22 PM
Waiting for the greater Muslim community to condemn this.


Roger that. You could imagine my exact frustrations when the local mosque is all about defending and self-preservation instead of quarantining the bad guys.

I wouldn't mind a good portion of the scumbag Salafis and Wahabis to magically disappear into the Arabian Sea and I ain't one to wish death upon nobody. or the British troublemakers. These fukkers take innocent human life, and think themselves Gods and spit on other types of Muslims (srs).

It's no wonder that the chill mu'meens in ISH are mostly from Pakistan and Bosnia. Or in cartmanclone's case.. Senegal heh.

05-25-2013, 03:45 AM
Pretty sure George W. Bush is a Christian, and he destroyed two entire countries before leaving office. Just sayin'.

Patrick Chewing
05-25-2013, 03:50 AM
Pretty sure George W. Bush is a Christian, and he destroyed two entire countries before leaving office. Just sayin'.


05-25-2013, 04:13 AM

Something like 75% of Americans consider themselves Christian/Catholic. If we're going to lump all the Muslims into one group, then we might as well do the same with Christians.

Many people around the World consider the United States the largest terrorist threat in the World. Unless you wish to justify the occupation and destruction of two sovereign nations, both without the support or consent of the U.N..

05-25-2013, 02:12 PM
today: random french soldier in paris stabbed with knife.........in his throat area

05-25-2013, 02:49 PM
That type of response was waited, lame insults from a dude who can't reply with actual facts or intelligence.

You forgot to mention that I jizz in your mom's mouth on daily basis.


05-25-2013, 02:51 PM
Something like 75% of Americans consider themselves Christian/Catholic. If we're going to lump all the Muslims into one group, then we might as well do the same with Christians.
Call me when W. destroyed two countries in the name of Christianity, and then we can have a talk about lumping them together. You miss the point so utterly it is unintentionally funny.

Patrick Chewing
05-25-2013, 04:03 PM
Something like 75% of Americans consider themselves Christian/Catholic. If we're going to lump all the Muslims into one group, then we might as well do the same with Christians.

Many people around the World consider the United States the largest terrorist threat in the World. Unless you wish to justify the occupation and destruction of two sovereign nations, both without the support or consent of the U.N..

None of this was done in the name of Christianity. I am a Christian and I certainly am not running around in Afghanistan lopping people's heads off nor spouting Christian rhetoric in defense of my religion versus theirs. There is a huge difference.

Many people around the world are behind the curve due to oppressive regimes. It is natural to be angry and envious when you are oppressed. Blaming the West is an excuse, and in the grand scheme of things, the United States has been the most charitable nation in all of the world and all-time. Yet ignorant people want to single us out as terrorists and the sheep of the world follow.

05-25-2013, 04:29 PM
Call me when W. destroyed two countries in the name of Christianity, and then we can have a talk about lumping them together. You miss the point so utterly it is unintentionally funny.
Was their cause any better, though? I hope you're not justifying them.

05-25-2013, 04:38 PM
Was their cause any better, though? I hope you're not justifying them.

Oil at least actually exists.

05-25-2013, 04:42 PM
Oil at least actually exists.
Greed isn't any better reason than beliefs.

05-25-2013, 04:48 PM
Greed isn't any better reason than beliefs.

I am not justifying it, but Allah/God has no tangible proof of its/his existence. Oil has tangible qualities as a source of energy.

Existence> Non-existence.

05-25-2013, 04:51 PM
I am not justifying it, but Allah/God has no tangible proof of its/his existence. Oil has tangible qualities as a source of energy.

Existence> Non-existence.
So it's better to kill to steal something than to kill to retaliate to being killed and robbed? Great.

05-25-2013, 04:53 PM
Call me when W. destroyed two countries in the name of Christianity, and then we can have a talk about lumping them together. You miss the point so utterly it is unintentionally funny.

If I recall correctly, you live in Canada so you probably didn't follow Dubya's presidency too closely. The man explicitly said several times that God or Jesus instructed him to invade Iraq and Afghanistan.

George Bush: 'God told me to end the tyranny in Iraq'

President told Palestinians God also talked to him about Middle East peace

George Bush has claimed he was on a mission from God when he launched the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, according to a senior Palestinian politician in an interview to be broadcast by the BBC later this month.

Mr Bush revealed the extent of his religious fervour when he met a Palestinian delegation during the Israeli-Palestinian summit at the Egpytian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, four months after the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003.

One of the delegates, Nabil Shaath, who was Palestinian foreign minister at the time, said: "President Bush said to all of us: 'I am driven with a mission from God'. God would tell me, 'George go and fight these terrorists in Afghanistan'. And I did. And then God would tell me 'George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq'. And I did."

Mr Bush went on: "And now, again, I feel God's words coming to me, 'Go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East'. And, by God, I'm gonna do it."

Mr Bush, who became a born-again Christian at 40, is one of the most overtly religious leaders to occupy the White House, a fact which brings him much support in middle America.

Soon after, the Israeli daily newspaper Haaretz carried a Palestinian transcript of the meeting, containing a version of Mr Bush's remarks. But the Palestinian delegation was reluctant publicly to acknowledge its authenticity.

The BBC persuaded Mr Shaath to go on the record for the first time for a three-part series on Israeli-Palestinian diplomacy: Elusive Peace, which begins on Monday.

Religion also surfaced as an issue when Mr Bush and Tony Blair were reported to have prayed together in 2002 at his ranch at Crawford, Texas - the summit at which the invasion of Iraq was agreed in principle. Mr Blair has consistently refused to admit or deny the claim.

Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian prime minister, who was also part of the delegation at Sharm el-Sheikh, told the BBC programme that Mr Bush had said: "I have a moral and religious obligation. I must get you a Palestinian state. And I will."

Mr Shaath's comments came as Mr Bush delivered a speech yesterday aimed at bolstering US support for the Iraq war.

He revealed that the US and its partners had disrupted at least 10 serious al-Qaida plots since September 11, including three planned attacks in the US. "Because of this steady progress, the enemy is wounded - but the enemy is still capable of global operations," he said. He added that Islamic radicals had used a series of excuses to justify their attacks, from conflict with the Israelis to the Crusades 1,000 years ago.

"We're facing a radical ideology with unalterable objectives: to enslave whole nations and intimidate the world," he said.

He conceded that al-Qaida, led in Iraq by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, and other insurgents had gained ground in Iraq but the US would not leave until security had been established. "Some observers also claim that America would be better off by cutting our losses and leaving Iraq now. This is a dangerous illusion, refuted with a simple question: Would the United States and other free nations be more safe, or less safe, with Zarqawi and Bin Laden in control of Iraq, its people, and its resources?" Mr Bush asked.


Family guy even spoofed it (http://vimeo.com/66457357)

05-25-2013, 04:56 PM
So many terrorist sympathizers on ish.

05-25-2013, 04:56 PM
If I recall correctly, you live in Canada so you probably didn't follow Dubya's presidency too closely. The man explicitly said several times that God or Jesus instructed him to invade Iraq and Afghanistan.
Has he ever said it publicly, or is it just heresay?

And even if he did, the parallel still isn't made. There's a difference between "God told me to end the tyranny in Iraq" and "God told me to kill all of the non-believers."

05-25-2013, 04:59 PM
Was their cause any better, though? I hope you're not justifying them.
Do you really need me to explain what I just said in relation to the post I quoted? Because I don't think I can possibly be any clearer.

Like the rest of ISH, please stop trying to invent things that aren't there.

05-25-2013, 05:01 PM
So it's better to kill to steal something than to kill to retaliate to being killed and robbed? Great.

No, but it is better to kill and steal for profit than to kill for something that doesn't exist and is a lie meant to control the population and give hope to poor people so that that they stay in line and don't upset the social order.

"religion is the opium of the people" - Marx

Both Christianity and Islam were designed to keep the poor in line. They might be poor in this life, but if they are good they will be rich in heaven. So why rebel against the rich.

05-25-2013, 05:01 PM
Has he ever said it publicly, or is it just heresay?

And even if he did, the parallel still isn't made. There's a difference between "God told me to end the tyranny in Iraq" and "God told me to kill all of the non-believers."

they targeted a british soldier, not a member of the clergy or even a random non-believer. They target a symbol for what they believe is an opressive regime towards predominantly muslim regions of the world.
This is obviously political (terrorism), not religious (terrorism).

05-25-2013, 05:09 PM
they targeted a british soldier, not a member of the clergy or even a random non-believer. They target a symbol for what they believe is an opressive regime towards predominantly muslim regions of the world.
This is obviously political (terrorism), not religious (terrorism).

Watch the video of the killer after he kills the soldier, and tell me again how religion did not play a huge factor in his actions.

05-25-2013, 05:20 PM
Watch the video of the killer after he kills the soldier, and tell me again how religion did not play a huge factor in his actions.

Were those guys religious fanatics? Yes. But did they kill for religious reasons? No. There is no reason they would have targeted a soldier. A soldier is a representation for the political/military sphere. Also, A representation for what they feel is opressing their people/kin.

Putting this on a supposedly hateful religion is a cop-out for ignoring the thousands political and economical reasons for that kind of terrorism.

05-25-2013, 05:22 PM
Call me when W. destroyed two countries in the name of Christianity, and then we can have a talk about lumping them together. You miss the point so utterly it is unintentionally funny.
now hang on a second... this thread was derailed a long while ago, but when somebody i respect jumps in, i feel the need to do the same.

the distinction you're offering here is nowhere near as cut and dry as you, and it isn't just you because it's really about 90% of western discourse and 100% of aired western discourse, would like to pretend.

it's this "in the name of... what" that gets tricky to classify. generally speaking the world draws a dichotomy. either it's in the name of politics or it's in the name of religion. neither is justifiable whatsoever but at least if violence is done in the name of politics, it can be understood by an objective outsider. violence in the name of religion is incomprehensible can only be classified as psychotic.

the point that bdreason missed seems to be how the action relates to the principle behind it. correlation isn't causation. arguing that bush acted "in the name of christianity" merely because 75% of the country identifies in that way is nonsensical.

but wait. the evidence he cited is nonsensical. is the claim? i'm not so certain. GW prominently proclaimed his christianity constantly throughout his regime. not only that, he invoked his personal connection with god as a direct factor playing into his vision for the nation he was leading. he claimed god chose him to lead the most powerful country in the world. he quit drinking and suddenly he was literally "gods gift".

now maybe you want to call that rhetoric. maybe it's catering to a base. maybe it's just flat out delusion and bush wasn't actually making any policy decisions because much like ronald reagean he was basically a figurehead for the real neo-cons like wolfowitz and rumsfeld and cheney and the rest so the hundreds of thousands of deaths that resulted from his administration's two middle eastern/central asian invasions cannot actually be tied back to his self-styled pseudo-divinity. there's no connection.

i would say all of that is true. i would also say that there is as loose a connect between President George W Bush's faith and President George W Bush's policies as there is between... (searching names).... (no names).... these two rabid murderers and THEIR professed faith.

what's actually more, in what i understand to be the gist of their public statement explaining their actions, they cite not "allah" but rather "allahs children" dying by the dozens every single day in afghanistan and yemen and iraq and syria and pakistan. they say "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, for every muslim brother who dies". sounds pretty political to me.

i'm not sure how you could possibly argue that is a more religious or less political rationale for abhorrent behaviour than george bush's.

what is absolutely most fascinating about this case, ugly as it is in its details, is that the victim was not a civilian. the victim was a soldier. off-duty sure, but i think that distinction isn't quite as relevant as one might like to believe. i'll try to explain why.

a few weeks ago, Sen Graham was questioning a couple of generals in a committee hearing on security... basically asking them leading questions to ensure responses that could be summed up in a few phrases.

a) the war zone is wherever the enemy chooses to make it
b) the world is a war zone
c) ergo, the united states military, under the legality of the AUMF, is allowed to put "boots on the ground" anywhere in the world

now since the united states and its allies are in a war against terrorism, and the war zone is defined as anywhere in the world, essentially they've reduced the technical distinction between 'terrorism' and 'war' to a slippery grey blur. there is no distinction left.

most would argue that what makes this terrorism is that the soldier was off-duty. so for intents and purposes, he was a civilian.

my question then, is this : under what circumstances would a targeted terrorist being sought by a signature drone strike be considered 'off-duty', and thus a civilian, and thus out of bounds for a kill?

can somebody answer that please?

if you can't, then once again, the word "terrorism" is being thrown around without any rhyme or reason.

this is an excellent article on religious terrorism of all brands that people should read (http://www.juancole.com/2013/04/terrorism-other-religions.html)

there's no difference in essence between this attack and the Hebron Massacre. distinctions without differences, yeah.... but those are bullshit for a reason. they aren't consistent, they're ideological.

and bear in mind i'm merely using official jargon here. in my opinion, terrorism should be defined as "inspiring terror in ordinary people", in which case the united states and its allies have been terrorizing people not just since 2001 but since approximately 1951. so have a bunch of people and groups and countries, but nobody near as much.... especially when you include economic and diplomatically backed militias that rose in the reagean years in south america. but thats considered a bit radical so lets not go there.

just on the definitions and concepts elucidated by the american congress and codified by the commander in chief and all of the agencies under his immediate employ, this act couldn't possibly be called "terrorism" without an absurd double standard arising. of course that double standard has been in full focus for a dozen years now.

i just.... uhh.... hope people know that.

lol who the fk is gonna read any of this, what a giant waste of time

05-25-2013, 05:31 PM
Has he ever said it publicly, or is it just heresay?

I remember several press conferences where George Bush said Jesus/God spoke to him and told him to go to war, as well as other instructions he was supposedly given.

There's way too much video and news article to sift through to find specific examples, but if you really wanted to find it you could.

More 'hearsay' instead-

[INDENT][B][COLOR="Red"]Now out of office, Chirac recounts that the American leader appealed to their

05-25-2013, 05:37 PM
i just.... uhh.... hope people know that.

lol who the fk is gonna read any of this, what a giant waste of time

excellent post, I basically agree with everything you said, though I don't like the link you posted. Counting casualties and attributing them to Christian and Muslim origin? Far too simplistic and engaging in exactly the wrong discourse.
Religion is a vehicle for politics (not just violent politics, also "positive" like foreign aid, social security, environment ethics etc), not a substitute.

05-25-2013, 05:38 PM
Do you really need me to explain what I just said in relation to the post I quoted? Because I don't think I can possibly be any clearer.

Like the rest of ISH, please stop trying to invent things that aren't there.
I think I would like you to to, because what I understood you were implying Afghanistan and Iraq weren't invaded in the name of Christianity. Well, they were invaded in the name of War on Terrorism, I guess. Does it make any difference?..

Anyway, as somebody is suggesting it did also have bits of in name of Christianity, so not that bad, not bad.

05-25-2013, 05:44 PM
excellent post, I basically agree with everything you said, though I don't like the link you posted. Counting casualties and attributing them to Christian and Muslim origin? Far too simplistic and engaging in exactly the wrong discourse.
Religion is a vehicle for politics (not just violent politics, also "positive" like foreign aid, social security, environment ethics etc), not a substitute.
i particularly agree with your last sentence and i think "vehicle" is an excellent metaphor. i liked the article mostly for a few of its examples, rather than the oversimplifying pie chart in the middle. the role of the catholic church in the rise of Franco dominated Spain is imo a fantastic example of how flimsy these doctrine-oriented reductionist arguments like you find in a Sam Harris type really are. the Baruch Goldstein example is another which he compares to the tsarnaev brothers. buddhist monks murdering muslims in Burma, hindu nationalists, etc etc.

i don't think the body count is his point. it's the variability. which roots itself in exactly your point re: vehicles.

05-26-2013, 08:17 AM
Were those guys religious fanatics? Yes. But did they kill for religious reasons? No. There is no reason they would have targeted a soldier. A soldier is a representation for the political/military sphere. Also, A representation for what they feel is oppressing their people/kin.

Putting this on a supposedly hateful religion is a cop-out for ignoring the thousands political and economical reasons for that kind of terrorism.

That's the thing though, that feeling of their people being oppressed is fully dependent with whether or not those people are Muslims. All Muslims are "their kin", and anyone who attacks anything related to the Islamic world in any way is an enemy.

It's good to explore the full spectrum of reasons for events like these and the media focus on Islam is too big and exclusive. But to separate that issue completely seems more like a reaction to sensationalist media than sprung from rationality.

05-26-2013, 08:24 AM
[QUOTE=DonDadda59][INDENT][B][COLOR="Red"]Now out of office, Chirac recounts that the American leader appealed to their

05-26-2013, 08:32 AM

This was yesterday in New Castle. There is a bigger rally in London tomorrow. This country is going to be getting a lot worse to live in.
What's with ignorant rallies. KKK, now this. Why do they feel the need to even rally? What's their message, look, we're bunch of clueless people?

05-26-2013, 12:16 PM
That's the thing though, that feeling of their people being oppressed is fully dependent with whether or not those people are Muslims. All Muslims are "their kin", and anyone who attacks anything related to the Islamic world in any way is an enemy.

It's good to explore the full spectrum of reasons for events like these and the media focus on Islam is too big and exclusive. But to separate that issue completely seems more like a reaction to sensationalist media than sprung from rationality.

You're right, but after 9/11 every NATO country said those attacks were an attack western civilization. We do not necessarily define our civilization from a religious POV (though lots do, especially in Europe: "christian-occidental heritage" is a term often thrown around) while arab and north-african countries generally do. We define our civilization in a secular democratic-capitalist sense and are describing the Other as either "fundamentalist-islamic" (middle-east), "totalitarian-communist" (China, North Korea) or "corrupt-clientelistic savages" (sub-saharan Africa).
What I try to get at is that while a collective identity constituted by religion is artificial, out collective identity is just as artificial.

05-26-2013, 12:18 PM
I would rank Hinduism and Buddhism as VERY peaceful.

But it's dumb to say muslims/Hindus/Buddhists are violent because they did ____. You have to look at the scripture and see if in any translation, was it permitted?

Problem with Islam is that some of the scripture can be interpreted as approval.

There are Hindus and Buddhists that have gone on murderous rampages in the name of their religions.

All religions have it.

Its not just Islam or Christianity.

They all have ****wads who use religion as an excuse to act like an animal.

05-26-2013, 12:34 PM
You're right, but after 9/11 every NATO country said those attacks were an attack western civilization. We do not necessarily define our civilization from a religious POV (though lots do, especially in Europe: "christian-occidental heritage" is a term often thrown around) while arab and north-african countries generally do. We define our civilization in a secular democratic-capitalist sense and are describing the Other as either "fundamentalist-islamic" (middle-east), "totalitarian-communist" (China, North Korea) or "corrupt-clientelistic savages" (sub-saharan Africa).
What I try to get at is that while a collective identity constituted by religion is artificial, out collective identity is just as artificial.

It might be artificial, but that doesn't make it less real. These Islamic British citizens feel the need to protect "their kin and religion" through murdering their actual countrymen in the street.

Why is the rebel force in Syria so overwhelmingly composed of non Syrians? Even Muslims born and raised in Europe?

As for the western collective identity, aside from having a largely common history and close proximity most of these countries became official allies to each other in many aspects a long time ago. That might be an "artificial common identity", but it's a very tangible one when we have the same money, a common law, a common tongue, a controlled economic zone and have official agreements in place to fight the same wars.

Nick Young
05-26-2013, 01:42 PM
That's the thing though, that feeling of their people being oppressed is fully dependent with whether or not those people are Muslims. All Muslims are "their kin", and anyone who attacks anything related to the Islamic world in any way is an enemy.

It's good to explore the full spectrum of reasons for events like these and the media focus on Islam is too big and exclusive. But to separate that issue completely seems more like a reaction to sensationalist media than sprung from rationality.
It's funny how they have no qualms about warring with their "kin" and murdering eachother, but then when non-muslims do something suddenly they are all brothers and united:facepalm

For example, all arab countries hate Palestinians and are racist towards them, and do nothing to help palestine but if Israel attacks suddenly Palestine is "their brothers"


Saudi Arabia, Oman and Bahrain have rich governments and do absolutely NOTHING to help Palestinians even though they can do so much and it is in the Islamic religion to donate to charities.

05-26-2013, 02:17 PM
"Thousands of Muslims gather in London to condemn murder of soldier Lee Rigby"



05-26-2013, 02:30 PM
Good to see its just the Muslims who are causing violence in the U.K.

Its amazing how one lunatic who uses twisted ideology as reason & comfort for murdering random people can not only turn so many people into bananas like that but make people generalize everyone to such acts who belong to that religion....

05-26-2013, 06:00 PM
As for the western collective identity, aside from having a largely common history and close proximity most of these countries became official allies to each other in many aspects a long time ago. That might be an "artificial common identity", but it's a very tangible one when we have the same money, a common law, a common tongue, a controlled economic zone and have official agreements in place to fight the same wars.

we do have an institutionalized collective identity via the NATO. But we don't all have the same money, don't speak the same tongue (the EU alone is speaking dozens of different languages whereas islamic countries speak Arab for the most part). Until 70 years ago everyone was fighting wars against everyone else, and even the decades after WW2 especially the British and French feared German unification and rearmament! I don't see at all how "our" collective identify is more tangible than "theirs".

05-26-2013, 06:10 PM
we do have an institutionalized collective identity via the NATO. But we don't all have the same money, don't speak the same tongue (the EU alone is speaking dozens of different languages whereas islamic countries speak Arab for the most part). Until 70 years ago everyone was fighting wars against everyone else, and even the decades after WW2 especially the British and French feared German unification and rearmament! I don't see at all how "our" collective identify is more tangible than "theirs".

Don't be coy. You know about the Euro which unifies the bulk of Europe monetary. You know about Schengen. You know about the EU and all the ramifications of it. You know English language class is mandatory throughout "The West", most countries providing their young with a 10+ year program of education in the language. You know about all the commonalities in regards to laws and culture.

And I don't say ours is more tangible or more real than theirs, I think they both are very real and tangible. You are pointing out both of these collective identities are "artificial", and I'm only wondering to what effect are they artificial? They might be artificial but they are very real.

05-26-2013, 06:20 PM
And I don't say ours is more tangible or more real than theirs, I think they both are very real and tangible. You are pointing out both of these collective identities are "artificial", and I'm only wondering to what effect are they artificial? They might be artificial but they are very real.

exactly, they are both artificial and both real. I was bringing this point up because you said that their feeling of opression or anger is dependent the kinship being due to their muslim belief. I argue that "our" feeling as a collective of being victims of terrorism is dependent on our kinship being to convergent beliefs in equality, freedom and capitalism.
These collective identities are very fragile though. The civil wars of muslim confessions was brought up. But also the discussion about splitting up the Euro, or Rumsfelds distinction of "old" and "new" Europe concerning the coalition of the willing.
These collective identities are constructed and misused to meet political ends. Religion is no different than our "superior" secular belief systems.

05-26-2013, 06:24 PM
There are Hindus and Buddhists that have gone on murderous rampages in the name of their religions.

All religions have it.

Its not just Islam or Christianity.

They all have ****wads who use religion as an excuse to act like an animal.


It wasn't long ago Muslims were attacked by Buddhists in Burma, all religions and beliefs have shit holes who hi-jack their own religion to push their own agenda.

I'm not even religious and I'm no fan of religion either but this gets so tiring..

05-27-2013, 01:01 AM
So this guy was in Kenya and got arrested for trying to cross into Somalia

Surprised that this guy didn't just disappear at that time like many other suspected terrorist do when they are captured in that part of the world.

The Real JW
05-27-2013, 03:56 PM

