View Full Version : Let's talk about the facts : FT Disparity, Points in the Paint, Heat-Pacers

05-27-2013, 02:03 AM

Game 3 = 44:28
Game 2 = 32:26
Game 1 = 32:25

Total 108:79

The Pacers have had a pretty sizeable advantage in FT's over Miami. Really big advantage tonight in Game 3.

Now, for further consideration, I would like to produce forth the following stats that show the Miami Heat have scored much more points in the paint than the Pacers have.

Game 1

Game 2

Game 3
Heat: 52
Pacers: 36

Total = Miami +28

In game 3, Miami is +16 points in the paint and yet the Pacers shot 16 more FT's.

Other than the obvious, ref bias to try and keep the Pacers competitive vs Miami, what other reason would there be for these damning statistics.


05-27-2013, 02:07 AM
it's ridiculous. indiana is getting a lot of calls. lmao at these heat haters saying refs are rigging for miami. lmao.

05-27-2013, 02:31 AM
This is mainly due to the size disparity. The Pacers don't need to commit a lot of fouls because they're so much bigger in the paint, while Miami often cannot stop West/Hibbert without fouling.

There's no conspiracy theory here, the refs have called this series pretty fair.

05-27-2013, 02:45 AM
Stern trying his best (for some reason) for a Spurs/Pacers finals.:facepalm

05-27-2013, 02:51 AM
Stern trying his best (for some reason) for a Spurs/Pacers finals.:facepalm
:roll: :roll: :roll:

Ratings would be so ****ing terrible.

05-27-2013, 02:54 AM
The 3rd quarter officiating was the most obvious bs to try and get them back in the game. I think they put Miami in the penalty with like 8 minutes left. :oldlol:

Stern trying his best (for some reason) for a Spurs/Pacers finals.:facepalm

He doesn't want the Pacers to actually win the series, but he wants them to draw it out hence the bad officiating.

Deuce Bigalow
05-27-2013, 03:01 AM
Stern trying his best (for some reason) for a Spurs/Pacers finals.:facepalm
Yeah..If Stern was actually "rigging", I'm sure he would want the Pacers in the Finals instead of the Heat with Lebron James.

05-27-2013, 03:03 AM
Putting an end to the conspiracy theory, Heat unstoppable despite ref's bias. Bron and co. :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:

Simple Jack
05-27-2013, 03:04 AM
Points in paint is not always a clear indicator of what the FT situation could be.

It would be interesting to see the amount of FGA in the paint (even ones that resulted in fouls so as not to register as an actual FG).

05-27-2013, 03:08 AM
Yeah..If Stern was actually "rigging", I'm sure he would want the Pacers in the Finals instead of the Heat with Lebron James.

It's not that Stern wants the Pacers in the Finals, but simply wants the Heat to lose some games to extend the series to 6 or 7 games.

05-27-2013, 03:14 AM
Reffing has been fine. The only complaint that I have is Roy Hibbert getting away with a shit tonne of offensive fouls. Dude fends off and pushes our players like crazy.
Not that it matters though, hes freaking huge.

05-27-2013, 03:30 AM
dumbasses. Anyone who agrees here have proven themselves to be absolutely idiots as fans of basketball. Total free throw attempts tell nothing at all. The majority of the game heat hack the pacers big men, of course they get more free throws.

It's the timing when they give calls to the heat that allow them to go on runs or stop pacers run.

05-27-2013, 03:39 AM
dumbasses. Anyone who agrees here have proven themselves to be absolutely idiots as fans of basketball. Total free throw attempts tell nothing at all. The majority of the game heat hack the pacers big men, of course they get more free throws.

It's the timing when they give calls to the heat that allow them to go on runs or stop pacers run.
This. Thank god someone on this board has at least half a brain.

05-27-2013, 03:40 AM
This. Thank god someone on this board has at least half a brain.

You and rip combined make up that half brain.

Simple Jack
05-27-2013, 03:59 AM
dumbasses. Anyone who agrees here have proven themselves to be absolutely idiots as fans of basketball. Total free throw attempts tell nothing at all. The majority of the game heat hack the pacers big men, of course they get more free throws.

It's the timing when they give calls to the heat that allow them to go on runs or stop pacers run.

Do you realize that every single issue presented regarding the Heat or LeBron you take a negative standpoint, trying to rationalize it in some way that diminishes the Heat, or LeBron specifically? Do you honestly believe what you write? Do you really think since you've been posting, there wasn't a single situation the Heat put themselves in that deserved credit, instead of twisted, illogical hating?

I've watched games with people like you, who literally think EVERY play by the Heat, specifically LeBron, is a travel, or due to someone else in the game while every play by the Pacers is a missed call against someone on the Heat.

You routinely get called out by reputable posters who actually are able to view the game in an objective light and you continue to troll. Does it ever register in your head that maybe you're wrong? That maybe not everything is some huge conspiracy for the Heat/LeBron to win? That maybe the Heat are winning because they're playing great basketball and have the best player in the world on the team?

It must be awful watching basketball for you; I can't conceive how it could be fun when you think everything is rigged in order to try to push some sort of imaginative agenda that LeBron is the best player in the league...like he's actually a manufactured superstar who has no business being in the discussion.

Have you ever acknowledged or said anything positive about this team (without the agenda of trying to prop up a teammate of LeBron in order to bring him down) or LeBron in particular?

05-27-2013, 04:03 AM
Do you realize that every single issue presented regarding the Heat or LeBron you take a negative standpoint, trying to rationalize it in some way that diminishes the Heat, or LeBron specifically? Do you honestly believe what you write? Do you really think since you've been posting, there wasn't a single situation the Heat put themselves in that deserved credit, instead of twisted, illogical hating?

I've watched games with people like you, who literally think EVERY play by the Heat, specifically LeBron, is a travel, or due to someone else in the game while every play by the Pacers is a missed call against someone on the Heat.

You routinely get called out by reputable posters who actually are able to view the game in an objective light and you continue to troll. Does it ever register in your head that maybe you're wrong? That maybe not everything is some huge conspiracy for the Heat/LeBron to win? That maybe the Heat are winning because they're playing great basketball and have the best player in the world on the team?

It must be awful watching basketball for you; I can't conceive how it could be fun when you think everything is rigged in order to try to push some sort of imaginative agenda that LeBron is the best player in the league...like he's actually a manufactured superstar who has no business being in the discussion.

Have you ever acknowledged or said anything positive about this team (without the agenda of trying to prop up a teammate of LeBron in order to bring him down) or LeBron in particular?
Yes I have said positive things about him. Also, in this case about free throw disparity I am correct.

Do you not agree with me that Total free throw attempts between the two teams tells nothing about referee bias? If a team had shaq or dwight, they would have +15 free throws over the other team. What does it tell about ref bias? Nothing. You have to watch the games to see the timing of the calls.

05-27-2013, 04:04 AM
You and rip combined make up that half brain.
See, jokes like this only come from half-wits. My point proven. Thanks man :cheers:

Simple Jack
05-27-2013, 04:17 AM
Yes I have said positive things about him. Also, in this case about free throw disparity I am correct.

Do you not agree with me that Total free throw attempts between the two teams tells nothing about referee bias? If a team had shaq or dwight, they would have +15 free throws over the other team. What does it tell about ref bias? Nothing. You have to watch the games to see the timing of the calls.

I said it already in this thread but that isn't the point.

If there is ANY thread or point made on LeBron or the Heat, you can literally assume you will take the negative side, and try to rationalize it in some way...literally every single time there is a thread mentioning them, I can guarantee you'll throw in a post or two spinning it in some negative way to avoid acknowledging that the Heat or LeBron specifically are capable of doing something right or good. It's wild.

You can also make most, if not all of these claims for your favorite team or player too yet you don't. It doesn't come off as even being remotely credible and it's why no one on this forum takes you seriously except for a handful of trolls who build off your post and bring the various points you may make to an even more absurd level.

Just be consistent dude; not everything the Heat do is some conspiracy and not everything LeBron does is bad. He's the best player in the league, and with that comes remarkable games and performances that can't be justified or explained other than "well that's what the best player in the league does." I swear if you compile your posts regarding the Heat and LeBron you'd be convinced that there was CLEAR cheating/biased officiating going on and that any greatness of LeBron is just the effect of someone else on the team, terrible defense, or actually just isn't that great to begin with.

05-27-2013, 05:00 AM
Do you realize that every single issue presented regarding the Heat or LeBron you take a negative standpoint, trying to rationalize it in some way that diminishes the Heat, or LeBron specifically? Do you honestly believe what you write? Do you really think since you've been posting, there wasn't a single situation the Heat put themselves in that deserved credit, instead of twisted, illogical hating?

I've watched games with people like you, who literally think EVERY play by the Heat, specifically LeBron, is a travel, or due to someone else in the game while every play by the Pacers is a missed call against someone on the Heat.

You routinely get called out by reputable posters who actually are able to view the game in an objective light and you continue to troll. Does it ever register in your head that maybe you're wrong? That maybe not everything is some huge conspiracy for the Heat/LeBron to win? That maybe the Heat are winning because they're playing great basketball and have the best player in the world on the team?

It must be awful watching basketball for you; I can't conceive how it could be fun when you think everything is rigged in order to try to push some sort of imaginative agenda that LeBron is the best player in the league...like he's actually a manufactured superstar who has no business being in the discussion.

Have you ever acknowledged or said anything positive about this team (without the agenda of trying to prop up a teammate of LeBron in order to bring him down) or LeBron in particular?
An actual insightful post. How rare on ISH. :applause:

Trying to enlighten ripthekik and other lowlife trolls that Lebron and the Heat are dominant and can actually win without their suspected conspiracy about the refs is like talking to a brick wall :banghead:

They'll always find some excuse to discredit them.

05-27-2013, 05:05 AM
Do you realize that every single issue presented regarding the Heat or LeBron you take a negative standpoint, trying to rationalize it in some way that diminishes the Heat, or LeBron specifically? Do you honestly believe what you write? Do you really think since you've been posting, there wasn't a single situation the Heat put themselves in that deserved credit, instead of twisted, illogical hating?

I've watched games with people like you, who literally think EVERY play by the Heat, specifically LeBron, is a travel, or due to someone else in the game while every play by the Pacers is a missed call against someone on the Heat.

You routinely get called out by reputable posters who actually are able to view the game in an objective light and you continue to troll. Does it ever register in your head that maybe you're wrong? That maybe not everything is some huge conspiracy for the Heat/LeBron to win? That maybe the Heat are winning because they're playing great basketball and have the best player in the world on the team?

It must be awful watching basketball for you; I can't conceive how it could be fun when you think everything is rigged in order to try to push some sort of imaginative agenda that LeBron is the best player in the league...like he's actually a manufactured superstar who has no business being in the discussion.

Have you ever acknowledged or said anything positive about this team (without the agenda of trying to prop up a teammate of LeBron in order to bring him down) or LeBron in particular?

dat ethering of rip :applause:

05-27-2013, 05:07 AM
Do you realize that every single issue presented regarding the Heat or LeBron you take a negative standpoint, trying to rationalize it in some way that diminishes the Heat, or LeBron specifically? Do you honestly believe what you write? Do you really think since you've been posting, there wasn't a single situation the Heat put themselves in that deserved credit, instead of twisted, illogical hating?

I've watched games with people like you, who literally think EVERY play by the Heat, specifically LeBron, is a travel, or due to someone else in the game while every play by the Pacers is a missed call against someone on the Heat.

You routinely get called out by reputable posters who actually are able to view the game in an objective light and you continue to troll. Does it ever register in your head that maybe you're wrong? That maybe not everything is some huge conspiracy for the Heat/LeBron to win? That maybe the Heat are winning because they're playing great basketball and have the best player in the world on the team?

It must be awful watching basketball for you; I can't conceive how it could be fun when you think everything is rigged in order to try to push some sort of imaginative agenda that LeBron is the best player in the league...like he's actually a manufactured superstar who has no business being in the discussion.

Have you ever acknowledged or said anything positive about this team (without the agenda of trying to prop up a teammate of LeBron in order to bring him down) or LeBron in particular?

R.I.P rip

05-27-2013, 05:13 AM
Just be consistent dude; not everything the Heat do is some conspiracy and not everything LeBron does is bad.
I am probably one of the most consistent posters on this board, unlike these heat bandwagoners "I will be a Cavs fan even if Lebron goes to Bulls, NYC".

Everything I say I based it upon reasoning and facts, such as what I said in this thread. Spinning anything? You should be looking at OP who uses these FTA to say refs favor Pacers. I've simply clarified and shown everyone it wasn't true.

If there is anything to rebut me on this FTA subject, feel free to do so, instead of going on a random rant :confusedshrug:

Simple Jack
05-27-2013, 05:17 AM
I am probably one of the most consistent posters on this board, unlike these heat bandwagoners "I will be a Cavs fan even if Lebron goes to Bulls, NYC".

Everything I say I based it upon reasoning and facts, such as what I said in this thread. Spinning anything? You should be looking at OP who uses these FTA to say refs favor Pacers. I've simply clarified and shown everyone it wasn't true.

If there is anything to rebut me on this FTA subject, feel free to do so, instead of going on a random rant :confusedshrug:

The problem isn't always your reasoning (which is absolutely bullshit and elementary at times), it's that you ONLY apply it to LeBron and the Heat, when you could often times apply it to your own favorite player and his respective team. When you choose not to acknowledge that side of the argument you just come off as a hating douche with no credibility whatsoever, which is, coincidentally, how everyone on this forum who isn't clinically retarded views you.

Simple Jack
05-27-2013, 05:36 AM
Basically guys like you who slurp lebron hates me. What's new? :confusedshrug:

And if my reasoning is absolutely bullshit and elementary, prove me wrong then. I said FTA for both teams don't mean a thing when it comes to referee bias, and I supported my statements. Prove me wrong then, tough guy.

No I don't hate you. Your posts are terrible however, and you + a bunch of others contribute greatly to the trollfests around here and lack of discussion that takes place on the board.

I agree with you about the FT thing; I already said why in this thread before you posted but that isn't my point. Before even reading your post; or rather before clicking on the thread (knowing that it was about the Heat, and something that tries to paint them in a positive light, or to put down the team they are facing) I knew if you posted in it, it would include a view that didn't give the Heat credit. Like I said, it's EVERY TIME a Heat/LeBron topic is mentioned - all I have to do is look at the issue being talked about...then think about how it could be spun in a negative light, and BINGO, your post is exactly what I thought it would be. I'm not a mind reader; you're just laughably predictable in your trolling. The fact that you're even trying to justify your reasoning, or lack thereof, makes it even more hilarious considering you are truly convinced you are right about these things.

LeBron is the best player in the league. He does great things NOT because of the refs, luck, lack of defense, whatever other silly justifications you want to throw out there...but because he's a great basketball player. The sooner you accept that and try not to shoot the notion down in every single thread mentioning his name or the Heat, the better.

05-27-2013, 05:40 AM
See, jokes like this only come from half-wits. My point proven. Thanks man :cheers:

I'll take your word for it since you'd know a thing about halves.

05-27-2013, 05:40 AM
No I don't hate you. Your posts are terrible however, and you + a bunch of others contribute greatly to the trollfests around here and lack of discussion that takes place on the board.

I agree with you about the FT thing; I already said why in this thread before you posted but that isn't my point. Before even reading your post; or rather before clicking on the thread (knowing that it was about the Heat, and something that tries to paint them in a positive light, or to put down the team they are facing) I knew if you posted in it, it would include a view that didn't give the Heat credit. Like I said, it's EVERY TIME a Heat/LeBron topic is mentioned - all I have to do is look at the issue being talked about...then think about how it could be spun in a negative light, and BINGO, your post is exactly what I thought it would be. I'm not a mind reader; you're just laughably predictable in your trolling. The fact that you're even trying to justify your reasoning, or lack thereof, makes it even more hilarious considering you are truly convinced you are right about these things.

LeBron is the best player in the league. He does great things NOT because of the refs, luck, lack of defense, whatever other silly justifications you want to throw out there...but because he's a great basketball player. The sooner you accept that and try not to shoot the notion down in every single thread mentioning his name or the Heat, the better.
I have said multiple times already he's the best player in the league.

And the same goes for you. I admit, I have seen your name a few times but I was not familiar with it. So to prove my previous statement that usually the people who dislike my posts are lebron fans, I easily found:


I was lazy to click beyond 2 links, but I easily found out that you are a big lebron fan, and you've defended him multiple times - or probably most of your posts. So, very understandable that you'd dislike my posts. All very predictable to me as well :cheers: Next time I see your name I can automatically assume it is defending Lebron, see how easy it is?

05-27-2013, 05:51 AM
I'll take your word for it since you'd know a thing about halves.
:sleeping :sleeping :sleeping

05-27-2013, 05:53 AM
R.I.P rip
:roll: :roll: :roll:
indeed hahaha

05-27-2013, 05:55 AM
I have said multiple times already he's the best player in the league.

And the same goes for you. I admit, I have seen your name a few times but I was not familiar with it. So to prove my previous statement that usually the people who dislike my posts are lebron fans, I easily found:


I was lazy to click beyond 2 links, but I easily found out that you are a big lebron fan, and you've defended him multiple times - or probably most of your posts. So, very understandable that you'd dislike my posts. All very predictable to me as well :cheers: Next time I see your name I can automatically assume it is defending Lebron, see how easy it is?

:roll: holy shit how did you find that first link? Search function doesn't work for me because Jeff's a ******.

05-27-2013, 06:13 AM
I have no complaints about the officiating in this series.

05-27-2013, 06:19 AM
I have no complaints about the officiating in this series.
Funny that :rolleyes:

05-27-2013, 06:25 AM
Another thread cherry picking stats.

05-27-2013, 07:25 AM
ripthekik is a big reason why people avoid this forum or decide to not visit as frequently.

Simple Jack doing work right now.

05-27-2013, 07:27 AM
IMO, everybody should just freeze ripthekik out.

05-27-2013, 07:27 AM
Stern trying his best (for some reason) for a Spurs/Pacers finals.:facepalm

I highly doubt that.. In terms of ratings the nba would rather want the heat there

05-27-2013, 08:08 AM
If anyone wants to see the bias, just watch Bosh and Hibbert in game 3. It's pretty pathetic.

05-27-2013, 08:51 AM
Ni99a shutup. You have a fa99ot as your avatar.
You should meet my friend, Jimmy Rustle.

05-27-2013, 09:01 AM
Yes I have said positive things about him. Also, in this case about free throw disparity I am correct.

Do you not agree with me that Total free throw attempts between the two teams tells nothing about referee bias? If a team had shaq or dwight, they would have +15 free throws over the other team. What does it tell about ref bias? Nothing. You have to watch the games to see the timing of the calls.

It's not definitive, but I think you would agree that a ref being biased would correlate strongly with having more free throws. Also, refs NOT being biased should also correlate strongly with NOT having more free throws.

Your claims about "timing" can easily be biased by your own opinions, so while they can be true, you need to recognize that. A Heat fan can just as easily see multiple touch fouls being called on the perimeter, questionable non calls over and over, etc. as a reason for the Heat to never be able to get any momentum. I've honestly not seen so many calls go against the Heat in a long time (and of course you'll claim that's bc they always get ref bias).

05-27-2013, 09:08 AM
You should meet my friend, Jimmy Rustle.
I heard that he has been rustled.

05-27-2013, 09:13 AM
:sleeping Boring. Crazy people with internet access being crazy people.

05-27-2013, 09:15 AM
it is just that league wants a long series. I am pretty sure if somehow this series goes to game 7, refs would help the heat.
This series is the one having great ratings.
In 2002 kings vs Lakers series, it was clear that refs just wanted to extend the series. They didn't care too much about who won as long as it guaranteed a long series.

Ne 1
05-27-2013, 09:16 AM
Total free throw attempts tell nothing at all. The majority of the game heat hack the pacers big men, of course they get more free throws.

It's the timing when they give calls to the heat that allow them to go on runs or stop pacers run.

Yup. You can have all the data in the world, and still get the wrong answers. Without the right analytics, it is still just a bunch of useless numbers.

05-27-2013, 09:17 AM

Game 3 = 44:28
Game 2 = 32:26
Game 1 = 32:25

Total 108:79

The Pacers have had a pretty sizeable advantage in FT's over Miami. Really big advantage tonight in Game 3.

Now, for further consideration, I would like to produce forth the following stats that show the Miami Heat have scored much more points in the paint than the Pacers have.

Game 1

Game 2

Game 3
Heat: 52
Pacers: 36

Total = Miami +28

In game 3, Miami is +16 points in the paint and yet the Pacers shot 16 more FT's.

Other than the obvious, ref bias to try and keep the Pacers competitive vs Miami, what other reason would there be for these damning statistics.


You must know something is fishy if you're so insecure to point this out?

Free throw totals and favouring Indiana on foul calls in Games 1 and 2 means very little in a 7 game series. I guarantee that the reffing would be heavily in Heats favour if the Heat lost both their home games...

What you don't understand is Free throw counts mean very little, its about when the fouls are called in a game or what calls are being missed that can swing momentum for a team.

These conclusions are for the simpletons like yourself with a clear agenda to defend what everyone else knows about the Heat.

05-27-2013, 09:24 AM
You must know something is fishy if you're so insecure to point this out?

Free throw totals and favouring Indiana on foul calls in Games 1 and 2 means very little in a 7 game series. I guarantee that the reffing would be heavily in Heats favour if the Heat lost both their home games...

What you don't understand is Free throw counts mean very little, its about when the fouls are called in a game or what calls are being missed that can swing momentum for a team.

These conclusions are for the simpletons like yourself with a clear agenda to defend what everyone else knows about the Heat.
Of course, you are the guy who is not biased. I bet your opinion is the only unbiased one on this forum.
It is pretty funny that you call others biased but all your posts are anti-heat no matter what heat are doing.
You are giving all Australians a bad name. stop it.
You didn't give a single fact in your post but you called the other guy a simpleton. I can call everyone who disagrees with me "12 yr old hipsters" but i don't.

05-27-2013, 09:29 AM
I heard that he has been rustled.
Legend says you can hear him rustling in the wind on a quiet, still night.

05-27-2013, 09:36 AM
Of course, you are the guy who is not biased. I bet your opinion is the only unbiased one on this forum.
It is pretty funny that you call others biased but all your posts are anti-heat no matter what heat are doing.
You are giving all Australians a bad name. stop it.
You didn't give a single fact in your post but you called the other guy a simpleton. I can call everyone who disagrees with me "12 yr old hipsters" but i don't.

I've posted alot of stuff, alot on the Heat and alot in other threads not related to the Heat.

You're a guy who has been on here for like 1 month? :lol: Know your place, STFU til you get some time up newbie :facepalm:

Couldn't give a flying f**k what you or your other f*ggot heat friends think, I despise most of your fanbase and self-entitled fans and players of the team.

When you put a thread explaining foul counts and trying to justify no bias from refs? Well, that in itself tells me the guy is insecure about it.

I'm not coming from a point of an agenda, I'm simply stating my observation and opinion of league bias and this has been proven in the past. Not just something I make up or spill hate at a team with no grounds..

05-27-2013, 09:51 AM
hibbert gets away with hammering the heat players whenever they go to the rim worry free, while on the other end you lay one finger on them its a foul.

05-27-2013, 09:51 AM
You must know something is fishy if you're so insecure to point this out?

I guess this goes for every Heat game thread where people are complaining about the refs and the Heat? Or it doesn't count then, particularly because you're heavily involved yourself? :oldlol:

05-27-2013, 09:54 AM
I don't think it is so bad, the Heat got their fair share of whistles.

The only complaint I have is about Roy Hibbert.

YOU CAN'T TOUCH THIS GUY and he can do anything he wants without called for a foul. On both ends. When did Hibbert turn into Kevin Durant?

05-27-2013, 10:12 AM
I guess this goes for every Heat game thread where people are complaining about the refs and the Heat? Or it doesn't count then, particularly because you're heavily involved yourself? :oldlol:

Free throw disparity is hardly a clear cut fact or conclusion to whether there were bad calls in a game.

I've stated my opinion on the refs and how the league is still tainted. Are you gonna sit there and tell me with a straight face that the league is now squeeky clean? :lol:

I have been watching and playing ball for years, I'm hardly insecure about pointing out bias in the NBA. Its been proven, not something agenda driven which some of you like to throw at me...

Anyhow, look at all the Heat fans sprout up all over the place after winning game 3? Where were you Plowking? :roll: Where were you to support your team after game 2? The ones that were here were reacting like it was armeggedon, and trying to convince everyone that Lebron has no help :oldlol:

05-27-2013, 10:14 AM
I guess this goes for every Heat game thread where people are complaining about the refs and the Heat? Or it doesn't count then, particularly because you're heavily involved yourself? :oldlol:

That isn't insecurity. That is majority opinion...

05-27-2013, 10:56 AM
That isn't insecurity. That is majority opinion...
You're a ***.

05-27-2013, 11:04 AM
That isn't insecurity. That is majority opinion...
talking about insecurity , why the need to write "bulls fan since 89"? only insecure sports fans do things like that.

05-27-2013, 12:16 PM
:oldlol: Don't worry about the Heat haters, they don't pay attention to the touch fouls the Pacers get. They wont say shit if Pacers get all the phantom calls, as long as Heat aren't winning. They just look into what's being called for the Heat because that's what matters to them. Pacers can get 100 free throws to Miami's 1 free throw they will still think that 1 free throw was rigged.

05-27-2013, 12:22 PM
I don't think it is so bad, the Heat got their fair share of whistles.

The only complaint I have is about Roy Hibbert.

YOU CAN'T TOUCH THIS GUY and he can do anything he wants without called for a foul. On both ends. When did Hibbert turn into Kevin Durant?

Yup 3 times this series he has Hammered Bosh without foul being called. On other end he is getting to line alot for a guy not known as offensive juggernaut.

05-27-2013, 12:32 PM
Miami's free throw shooting is kinda funny.

Game 1: Heat shot 64% from the line. Won b/c Pacers choked
Game 2: Heat shot 69% from the line. Loss - needed to hit those freebies
Game 3: Heat shot 86% on a night when they didn't really need it.

I guess when it's a close game they don't shoot well. Blow out, they'll hit them.

05-27-2013, 12:34 PM
Heat are somewhat of a front running team.

05-27-2013, 12:50 PM
It's not definitive, but I think you would agree that a ref being biased would correlate strongly with having more free throws. Also, refs NOT being biased should also correlate strongly with NOT having more free throws.

Your claims about "timing" can easily be biased by your own opinions, so while they can be true, you need to recognize that. A Heat fan can just as easily see multiple touch fouls being called on the perimeter, questionable non calls over and over, etc. as a reason for the Heat to never be able to get any momentum. I've honestly not seen so many calls go against the Heat in a long time (and of course you'll claim that's bc they always get ref bias).

I presented this argument dude. He just re-directed.

When he said free throw attempts are "irrelevant" relative to ref bias I just had to disengage from the conversation, because that was such an asinine comment.

05-27-2013, 01:20 PM
I don't think it is so bad, the Heat got their fair share of whistles.

The only complaint I have is about Roy Hibbert.

YOU CAN'T TOUCH THIS GUY and he can do anything he wants without called for a foul. On both ends. When did Hibbert turn into Kevin Durant?

This. Most of the Pacers ft's are legit but Hibbert is MAULING guys on defense. I understand his size is a problem for the Heat and they are forced to foul him at times, but the stuff he gets away with defensively is absurd.

05-27-2013, 01:47 PM
Indy bigs bang (Hibbert, West, Psycho-T), Miami bigs either shoot jumpers (Bosh, Haslem) or get wide open layups because everyone collapses on Bronzy (DA BOIDMAHN).

05-27-2013, 02:08 PM
This is mainly due to the size disparity. The Pacers don't need to commit a lot of fouls because they're so much bigger in the paint, while Miami often cannot stop West/Hibbert without fouling.

There's no conspiracy theory here, the refs have called this series pretty fair.


05-27-2013, 02:12 PM
:sleeping :sleeping :sleeping
Don't make me bring up your old posts where you took a completely opposite stance from the one you're taking now.

05-27-2013, 02:23 PM
Everything I say I based it upon reasoning and facts, such as what I said in this thread. Spinning anything? You should be looking at OP who uses these FTA to say refs favor Pacers. I've simply clarified and shown everyone it wasn't true.

bitch if i had a nickel everytime you rant about FTA disparity against the Heat, Bill Gates would be my assistant's assistant..

05-27-2013, 02:24 PM
bitch if i had a nickel everytime you rant about FTA disparity against the Heat, Bill Gates would be my assistant's assistant..


05-27-2013, 02:26 PM
bitch if i had a nickel everytime you rant about FTA disparity against the Heat, Bill Gates would be my assistant's assistant..
Evelyn de Rothschild >>>>> Bill Gates.

05-27-2013, 02:28 PM
Evelyn de Rothschild >>>>> Bill Gates.
A guy named Evelyn http://www.the-coli.com/images/smilies/comeon.png

05-27-2013, 02:29 PM
A guy named Evelyn http://www.the-coli.com/images/smilies/comeon.png
Yeah, a guy named Evelyn with $1.5 trillion.

05-27-2013, 04:42 PM
Indy bigs bang (Hibbert, West, Psycho-T), Miami bigs either shoot jumpers (Bosh, Haslem) or get wide open layups because everyone collapses on Bronzy (DA BOIDMAHN).

Guess you didn't read the part where Miami is outscoring Indiana in points in the paint.

05-27-2013, 05:27 PM
Guess you didn't read the part where Miami is outscoring Indiana in points in the paint.

They could score 100 points in the paint and it wouldn't change anything I said. Add in fast break points and Bron spinning off PG and getting open layups or dishing to Wade for dunks.

The way to prove systematic officiating disparities would require video editing, which requires actual work. Or point to actual times in the game where you think Miami should've gotten fouls, and add 'em all in a big list for people to debate over.

05-27-2013, 05:57 PM
smh at people thinking the refs are favoring the Pacers..cmon

05-27-2013, 07:14 PM
No I don't hate you. Your posts are terrible however, and you + a bunch of others contribute greatly to the trollfests around here and lack of discussion that takes place on the board.

I agree with you about the FT thing; I already said why in this thread before you posted but that isn't my point. Before even reading your post; or rather before clicking on the thread (knowing that it was about the Heat, and something that tries to paint them in a positive light, or to put down the team they are facing) I knew if you posted in it, it would include a view that didn't give the Heat credit. Like I said, it's EVERY TIME a Heat/LeBron topic is mentioned - all I have to do is look at the issue being talked about...then think about how it could be spun in a negative light, and BINGO, your post is exactly what I thought it would be. I'm not a mind reader; you're just laughably predictable in your trolling. The fact that you're even trying to justify your reasoning, or lack thereof, makes it even more hilarious considering you are truly convinced you are right about these things.

LeBron is the best player in the league. He does great things NOT because of the refs, luck, lack of defense, whatever other silly justifications you want to throw out there...but because he's a great basketball player. The sooner you accept that and try not to shoot the notion down in every single thread mentioning his name or the Heat, the better.

What team do you follow?

05-27-2013, 07:26 PM
:oldlol: Don't worry about the Heat haters, they don't pay attention to the touch fouls the Pacers get. They wont say shit if Pacers get all the phantom calls, as long as Heat aren't winning. They just look into what's being called for the Heat because that's what matters to them. Pacers can get 100 free throws to Miami's 1 free throw they will still think that 1 free throw was rigged.

Dude, don't bother posting if you can't understand the whole thing. Your just pointing out Pacer touch fouls etc etc which is totally irrelevant to the whole story.

Game 1 or 2 going to the Pacers is going to extend the series and is a good thing. Now if Heat lost both home games, you can bet there would be some Heat help in Game 3.

What all the Heat fans here are saying is, well look at the foul count, surely there would be a disparity there if there was any rigging? Well no, that is the illusion, you can have a foul count in Pacers favour, but all the bad calls and non calls against the pacers could be to key players and key parts of the game...

It's not an easy concept for a lot of people here to understand. Many believe that rigging and bias isnt present in today's NBA, so never gonna win this argument...

05-27-2013, 07:32 PM
smh at people thinking the refs are favoring the Pacers..cmon

No, your missing the point man.

Refs are happy to call even games early in a series. If they get Pacers to win game 1 or 2, they can extend the series and make more money.

Again, if Pacers won both games 1 and 2, refs would be helping out the Heat bigtime game 3 and 4.

What is so hard to believe about that for Heat fans?

05-27-2013, 07:44 PM
Unfortunately I've only been able to watch 1.5 of the 3 games, but my "findings" are that....

The refs missed the Wade-forearm/elbow-to-head "play". That should have been, at minimum, a foul (I prefer F1, but that is neither here nor there).

The Heat "flop" (exaggerate-contact kind, not pretend-there-was-contact) A LOT.

And other than that... the portions of the games that I have watched have all been called relatively well/evenly. Not sure what the complaint is. The "flopping" is the only thing that jumps out at me. But that's been going on all year. Stern has punished the PTWC flop all year, but he has not punished the EC flop, so nothing out of ordinary here.

05-27-2013, 07:45 PM
I presented this argument dude. He just re-directed.

When he said free throw attempts are "irrelevant" relative to ref bias I just had to disengage from the conversation, because that was such an asinine comment.

Can't believe I have to explain this.

Pacers get 30 fouls, the Heat get 20 fouls.

Now, if these fouls on the Pacers are called during critical parts of the game, ie end of 3rd quarter, start of fourth quarter. Off things like flopping or calling a foul that wasnt there, a non call etc etc, it can cause a team to go off their game and swing momentum to the other team.

So the point Im trying to make here is, the foul count is an illusion. It sometimes tells the story but not always. It depends on who the foul was called on, what time of the game the foul was called, and how many in a small space of time.

05-27-2013, 07:45 PM
Don't make me bring up your old posts where you took a completely opposite stance from the one you're taking now.
:wtf: I've been saying the reffing has been blatantly favoring the Heat since the playoffs last year. The Boston series sealed the deal.

Even if I did say something different, people can't realize what's happening later and change their mind?

05-27-2013, 09:41 PM
That isn't insecurity. That is majority opinion...


Its insecurity buddy. You guys are popping these threads up every time the Heat win. A Heat fan does it once or twice and you want to call them out on it? :oldlol:

Anyhow, look at all the Heat fans sprout up all over the place after winning game 3? Where were you Plowking? Where were you to support your team after game 2? The ones that were here were reacting like it was armeggedon, and trying to convince everyone that Lebron has no help

It was the weekend. I was out doing shit. I congratulated Indiana and continued with the weekend.

05-27-2013, 09:44 PM
They could score 100 points in the paint and it wouldn't change anything I said. Add in fast break points and Bron spinning off PG and getting open layups or dishing to Wade for dunks.

The way to prove systematic officiating disparities would require video editing, which requires actual work. Or point to actual times in the game where you think Miami should've gotten fouls, and add 'em all in a big list for people to debate over.

Another one who has all the answers now, but loves to complain about the calls the Heat get, and uses the same deductive evidence in this thread against the Heat. :oldlol:

05-27-2013, 10:26 PM
No, your missing the point man.

Refs are happy to call even games early in a series. If they get Pacers to win game 1 or 2, they can extend the series and make more money.

Again, if Pacers won both games 1 and 2, refs would be helping out the Heat bigtime game 3 and 4.

What is so hard to believe about that for Heat fans?

Why would D. Stern not want to extend the Pacers Knicks series to a game 7?

Simple Jack
05-27-2013, 11:56 PM
I have said multiple times already he's the best player in the league.

And the same goes for you. I admit, I have seen your name a few times but I was not familiar with it. So to prove my previous statement that usually the people who dislike my posts are lebron fans, I easily found:


I was lazy to click beyond 2 links, but I easily found out that you are a big lebron fan, and you've defended him multiple times - or probably most of your posts. So, very understandable that you'd dislike my posts. All very predictable to me as well :cheers: Next time I see your name I can automatically assume it is defending Lebron, see how easy it is?

I have 2 posts a day...

As for assuming I defend LeBron; there is a difference between me coming into threads that idiots such as yourself start, to make a point (like I have done here) and what you do; which is start outrageous threads daily, and feed trolls (not that you aren't trolling yourself). Like I said...if you honestly think you are making rational, coherent points, and are making these threads after insightful deliberation and research, I applaud your ignorance and am not really sure what else to say that hasn't already been said. I'll stick with my own perspective, as well as the perspective of just about every good poster on this site in acknowledging how big of a troll you are.

05-28-2013, 03:50 AM
You should meet your friend, a jumbo bag of d1cks.
Umm.. good one? :wtf:

05-28-2013, 06:42 AM
Dude, don't bother posting if you can't understand the whole thing. Your just pointing out Pacer touch fouls etc etc which is totally irrelevant to the whole story.

Game 1 or 2 going to the Pacers is going to extend the series and is a good thing. Now if Heat lost both home games, you can bet there would be some Heat help in Game 3.

What all the Heat fans here are saying is, well look at the foul count, surely there would be a disparity there if there was any rigging? Well no, that is the illusion, you can have a foul count in Pacers favour, but all the bad calls and non calls against the pacers could be to key players and key parts of the game...

It's not an easy concept for a lot of people here to understand. Many believe that rigging and bias isnt present in today's NBA, so never gonna win this argument...
