View Full Version : is Hibberts 'gay slur' really a slur on gay people... ?

06-02-2013, 06:05 AM

"I really felt that I let Paul down in terms of having his back when LeBron was scoring in the post or getting to the paint, because they stretched me out so much. No homo," Hibbert said.

... or is it just a funny, off the cuff comment being blown out of proportion?

not sure if this has been discussed already or not but I chuckled when I heard Roys response but then it also dawned on me the impact his words were going to have in the various media worlds.

we all know 'no homo' is an internet phrase used on internet forums, it has the exact same meaning as what Roy had tonight i.e comically qualifying the previous comment :lol and is used daily by billions worldwide with no repurcussions at all ... given the espn spin/hype on this, are we getting to a stage where different media formats have different moral standards? Is it okay to say one thing online or on internet/social media but not okay to say that exact same phrase in real life interviews?

let me put it to you this way - if Hibbert had tweeted these words instead of saying them in a live post-game interview, would he be facing a fine or woudl his comment get "re-tweeted" 150,000,000 times in the first 48 hours afterposting with an attached obligatory LOL or ROFL?

And if he doesn't get a fine for tweeting, how come the difference exists?

06-02-2013, 06:06 AM
its not a gay slur.

'no homo' just means that the comment is not to be taken in a sexual context.

It is nothing like saying I HATE PHAGS

06-02-2013, 06:09 AM
its not a gay slur.

'no homo' just means that the comment is not to be taken in a sexual context.

It is nothing like saying I HATE PHAGS

yeah agreed

that's how people talk on the streets and in workplace environments so why should this be considered offensive?

06-02-2013, 06:10 AM
yeah agreed

that's how people talk on the streets and in workplace environments so why should this be considered offensive?

the only people that think thats offensive are overly-sensitive pains in da asses

06-02-2013, 06:20 AM
the only people that think thats offensive are overly-sensitive pains in da asses


seems like Roy is doing some damage limitation by reaching out to Jason cOllins on twitter ... so it woudl seem there are plenty of overly-sensitive pains in da asses out there hovering over this comment

my problem is ... it's an internet phrase being used in a real world live press conference and its being hyped up as a big issue but had he not said that in the interview and had gone on and tweeted those exact same words sometime after the interview, would we be seeing the same reactions as we are??

06-02-2013, 06:25 AM

seems like Roy is doing some damage limitation by reaching out to Jason cOllins on twitter ... so it woudl seem there are plenty of overly-sensitive pains in da asses out there hovering over this comment

my problem is ... it's an internet phrase being used in a real world live press conference and its being hyped up as a big issue but had he not said that in the interview and had gone on and tweeted those exact same words sometime after the interview, would we be seeing the same reactions as we are??

Thats probably more offensive to gay people. :confusedshrug:

06-02-2013, 06:26 AM
The ones saying "no homo" are the over-sensitive ones.

06-02-2013, 06:27 AM
Gay bandwagon getting annoying. Hopefully they get their rights and stop crying about every little thing.

06-02-2013, 06:29 AM
The ones saying "no homo" are the over-sensitive ones.

well thats true, too. it's like... why is he thinking so sexual? :lol

but it's supposed to be an acknowledgement that "hey, what Im saying sounds sexual."

06-02-2013, 06:33 AM
well thats true, too. it's like... why is he thinking so sexual? :lol

but it's supposed to be an acknowledgement that "hey, what Im saying sounds sexual."

But how many people would take it the wrong way hadn't he said that? No one.

06-02-2013, 06:34 AM
but it's supposed to be an acknowledgement that "hey, what Im saying sounds sexual."

or a comical comment qualifier that what you're saying isn't meant to sound sexual

06-02-2013, 06:36 AM
or a comical comment qualifier that what you're saying isn't meant to sound sexual


06-02-2013, 06:37 AM
But how many people would take it the wrong way hadn't he said that? No one.

so the addition of 'no homo' makes the entire comment offensive rather than the entire comment by itself?

06-02-2013, 06:38 AM
if anything its pervy and offensive to nuns.


06-02-2013, 06:39 AM
so the addition of 'no homo' makes the entire comment offensive rather than the entire comment by itself?

the comment that "they stretched him out" as a purely basketball term?

06-02-2013, 06:39 AM
Just the media stirring up a story :sleeping

06-02-2013, 07:01 AM
the comment that "they stretched him out" as a purely basketball term?

yeah ... so the addition of an internet phrase 'no homo' to explain that the previous comment 'they really stretched me out' was a basketball term, not a sexual one, makes the comment offensive ??

makes no sense to me and hence my confusion at it being interpreted (inth e media at least) as a gay slur :confusedshrug: :confusedshrug: :confusedshrug: :confusedshrug: :confusedshrug:

06-02-2013, 07:33 AM
Yea, this is overly too PC for my liking, we've established that '****ing ******' is probably something these guys shouldn't utter publicly, but 'no homo' is pretty harmless and it is offends anybody than he's a ******.

06-02-2013, 07:37 AM
It was fine according to me.he was joking.
He should get fined for calling every media member a mother****er and he wasn't joking that time.He could have easily worded it in a way better manner and conveyed the same message. not only should you not say that on tv but you can't call other people mother****er even if you think that they are not doing their job properly. Do media members/coaches call players mother****ers when they don't do well?

06-02-2013, 07:46 AM
the 24 hour news cycle that exists today means off the cuff comments such as these are taken away and turned into something they're not, all for the sake of "creating content" ... that's what I'm scared of happening here, a quick remark with the intention of making people laugh being twisted into something hurtful, which it clearly is not

06-02-2013, 07:49 AM
It wasn't a slur, it's just a stupid thing to say. You don't say it in the context of talking to the national media. If you say it to your friends being funny I get it, but to a reporter?

It's not a big deal but it is a stupid thing to say. I (like someone else) thought mother****er was a worse thing. If i was a Pacer fan i'd be a tiny (only) bit concerned he sounded like someone very satisfied after a game 6 with game 7 looming.

People at ISH get that in normal conversation (not chatting with buddies) you don't say "NO HOMO" right?

La Frescobaldi
06-02-2013, 08:49 AM
It is simply amazing how many people just allow their minds to be trained.

If you stand to one side and watch.... it is literally like watching Pavlov conduct electric shock experiments on dogs.... But without the electricity.

06-02-2013, 09:07 AM
IMO it is no different to saying, "that's what she said"

06-02-2013, 09:12 AM
It is simply amazing how many people just allow their minds to be trained.

If you stand to one side and watch.... it is literally like watching Pavlov conduct electric shock experiments on dogs.... But without the electricity.

Yeah it's fun to act superior to the masses. Except Pavlov is known for using a bell for conditioning, not electric shock, you Fukkin dummy

Ne 1
06-02-2013, 09:15 AM
This is why I hate political correctness... turns people into ultra-sensitive babies.

La Frescobaldi
06-02-2013, 09:20 AM
Yeah it's fun to act superior to the masses. Except Pavlov is known for using a bell for conditioning, not electric shock, you Fukkin dummy
dude just spend like 2 minutes in an encyclopedia entry about Pavlov before you blatt out ignorance about electric shock

La Frescobaldi
06-02-2013, 09:28 AM
This is why I hate political correctness... turns people into ultra-sensitive babies.
It does. And it denies any individuality among people. If you don't join the latest PC craze you are verbally attacked from all directions. No dialog, no consensus-building..... just an instant, mindless herd obedience. It's horrifying to watch. It's not even Orwellian.... it's worse than that.

In a country that produced individuals as astoundingly diverse as Pollock and Warhol and Frederick Douglass and Lou Reed........ it's a terrible shame to look at what we have lost because of political correctness and the bending of all minds to one viewpoint - OR ELSE!!

06-02-2013, 09:31 AM
It's an offensive thing to say. Makes it even worse, considering how amazing Roy Hibbert looked last night no homo.

06-02-2013, 09:40 AM
Would there be the same uproar if Hibbert had used the term, "that's what she said" in an interview? Cos it's the exact same thing as "no homo". It's just a joke to catch sentences with sexual innuendo. Not ****ing hate speech as some are saying.

OMG I hate political correctness...

06-02-2013, 10:08 AM
dude just spend like 2 minutes in an encyclopedia entry about Pavlov before you blatt out ignorance about electric shock

The conditioning or training that was done was with bells and part of his gastric research. The shock was used to learn about involuntary reflexes. You were talking about training people.

06-02-2013, 10:26 AM
Gay bandwagon getting annoying. Hopefully they get their rights and stop crying about every little thing.

What rights? I still dont understand what rights these f@gs are after. day after day I'm hearing about gay rights. They are among the most protected people in the U.S. They get embrassed with nothing but praise when they "come out the closet". What Rights are they looking for exactly?

06-02-2013, 10:30 AM
I hate f@gs... yes hetero.

06-02-2013, 10:41 AM
its not a gay slur.

'no homo' just means that the comment is not to be taken in a sexual context.

It is nothing like saying I HATE PHAGSRighto. I had a chance to see a part of The Sports Reporters this morning and I was sad this has become any sort of issue.

Nuff Said
06-02-2013, 10:47 AM
No homo is an Internet phrase used on the Internet? You really need to get out more.

K Xerxes
06-02-2013, 11:13 AM
Take a look at the clown Stephen A Smith's 'explanation' of this.



06-02-2013, 11:21 AM
Gay bandwagon getting annoying. Hopefully they get their rights and stop crying about every little thing.

i agree

Rik Smits' Hair
06-02-2013, 11:25 AM
Roy is my hero

06-02-2013, 11:28 AM
Aside from being an asinine expression , it was a really stupid thing for him to say. It will cost him lots of money and, in his first big chance at the national spotlight and all that can come from that, he struck some people as childish and stupid.

06-02-2013, 11:30 AM
this is the kind of thing that the younger generation understands but goes over the older generations head

06-02-2013, 11:53 AM
"No homo" isn't an Internet phrase.

Eat Like A Bosh
06-02-2013, 12:06 PM
No...? What is wrong with people nowadays?

La Frescobaldi
06-02-2013, 12:09 PM
The conditioning or training that was done was with bells and part of his gastric research. The shock was used to learn about involuntary reflexes. You were talking about training people.
Try harder macmac. Clearly you don't know much about Pavlov's work or what it has meant in terms of control over the past century....... but you're getting closer.

Yes, involuntary reflexes. You're getting closer to how people have been conditioned to respond correctly to their politically correct "instructors."

I suspect today's climate is similar to what McCarthyism was like in the '50s.... an unreal, ethereal feeling that swarmed over the populace at large and left them nearly foaming at the mouth in paranoid delusions about communists. It wasn't controlled though, McCarthy was as surprised as everyone at how the public responded in a frenzy to his absurdities. Today the country is exhibiting the same behavior over another fad.

Not that it has anything to do with hoops but you really should look past Wikipedia or some sophomore college class to learn about those kinds of things. Have a nice day.

06-02-2013, 12:19 PM
Stern: "Hibbert will serve a one-game suspension for his inappropriate language following game six..."



06-02-2013, 12:20 PM
we all know 'no homo' is an internet phrase used on internet forums,

No, it was adopted by the internet. It came from the street. I used to say that shit for jokes in high school (2000-04.) "Hey can I stick my p**** in your butt, no homo." It's not a slur. I knew a gay guy that used to say it too.

Some people say it and are entirely serious, but it's never said to bash a homosexual.

06-02-2013, 12:21 PM
Stern: "Hibbert will serve a one-game suspension for his inappropriate language following game six..."



Jesus, you gave me a heart attack.

06-02-2013, 12:22 PM
Free publicity.

06-02-2013, 12:22 PM
"No homo" is one of the lamest phrases ever created. That being said, its just a joke. Don't take it so seriously.

06-02-2013, 12:24 PM
A person on another site compared it to the phrase "That's what she said" in terms of tone and intent. I thought that was pretty fitting. I mean, it's not a 1:1 comparison, but I feel it fits more than suggesting it's some form of hate speech.

Mr Know It All
06-02-2013, 12:27 PM
Pretty sad that we've replaced fear of church with fear of the politically correct media blitz. Is this the wonderful trade for a secular society? All of this overly sensitive bollocks is a passing fad.

06-02-2013, 12:29 PM
Can't believe this is getting so much media attention.

And I hate those fake apology statements. He's not really sorry. He wouldn't have said it in the first place, not that it's a big deal. Just being forced to say
sorry to calm everyone's tits.


06-02-2013, 12:31 PM
F*ck gay people, no homo

06-02-2013, 12:34 PM
should have just said pause

06-02-2013, 12:35 PM
Much ado about nothing.

06-02-2013, 12:36 PM

He actually apologized. I feel bad for him, but yeah. I don't think anyone was offended by that really. Media blowing things out of proportion.

And if you are gay and offended by that statement, then fuuuck you. You deserve to be offended.

06-02-2013, 12:37 PM
Society is full of oversensitive morons these days. Who cares? It's a non-story. None of the fans give two shits, but the media is already blowing it out of proportion.

06-02-2013, 12:37 PM
Aside from being an asinine expression , it was a really stupid thing for him to say. It will cost him lots of money and, in his first big chance at the national spotlight and all that can come from that, he struck some people as childish and stupid.This

06-02-2013, 12:37 PM
1 game suspension.

06-02-2013, 12:43 PM
It's not a big deal but it is a stupid thing to say. I (like someone else) thought mother****er was a worse thing. If i was a Pacer fan i'd be a tiny (only) bit concerned he sounded like someone very satisfied after a game 6 with game 7 looming.

I loved that comment. It showed some attitude and personality.

Do you just want him to be a boring, politically correct robot when being interviewed? "We're just going to take it one play at a time and bla bla bla." Is that what you'd rather hear?


06-02-2013, 01:14 PM
i don

06-02-2013, 01:55 PM
I can't believe people are offended by it...Well I can, especially since most folks don't have a clue of where it originated from in a first place....It started as a hip hop thing for those who don't know and if you don't listen to hip-hop, then you have no idea who Cam'ron or Dipset even are anyway....But they started using it in their raps, just a way of saying, "What I'm about to say might sound pretty gay, but I'm letting you know, I'm not gay"...Yes its an insecure thing to say technically, but when they were using it, it was more of just jokes anyway. Hibbert used it in similarly jokingly way....Hardly meant to offend gay people.....

Having said, that I didn't think what Hibbert said was even remotely gay and I didn't even think about it until he said the no homo at the end...

get these NETS
06-02-2013, 01:58 PM
hibbert is a not ready for prime time player

body language, comments are those of a guy who NEVER expected to be in position to win or be in the lime light

Rik Smits' Hair
06-02-2013, 02:00 PM
Hibbert is dominating. People need a reason to question him and they now have it.

06-02-2013, 02:02 PM
hibbert is a not ready for prime time player

body language, comments are those of a guy who NEVER expected to be in position to win or be in the lime light

So what? I would rather have players be real then feed us stupid lines like "We need to compete, we need to go out there and compete."

06-02-2013, 02:16 PM
Kobe was fined $100,000 (I believe?) a couple of years ago when he was caught saying the word gay. I'm wondering how much the NBA will fine Hibbert.

06-02-2013, 02:19 PM
Calling it a slur goes too far, but saying no homo is basically implying that you believe there is something wrong with homosexuality. You believe that there is a negative to being identified as a homosexual and feel the need to publically declare that you are not.

Nobody ever denies something positive about themselves whether it is true or not, or even something that is neutral. Eg. how often do you hear someone deny that they are intelligent?

I personally am as Liberal as it gets, and I have no problem with what Hibbert said personally, since i believe it was good natured and without malice. With that said I am not a member of the LGBT community and If they say the are offended by the phrase no homo they get to make that decision. Asians get to decide what is offense to asians, arabs get to decide for arabs, blacks for blacks, latinos for latinos, and etc. If the LGBT community doesn't like it a professional organization like the NBA has to make the decision of whether or not they are willing to incur the backlash of not accommodating.

You have the freedom to do what you want, but people have the right to react to it as they want as long as it isn't violent or infringes on your property.

In 2013, saying no homo in a televised interview, at the very least shows how dumb Hibbert is. especially with how politically powerful the gay rights lobby is becoming. In america money talks, and they got money and are significant donors to the DNC. If native Americans had a stronger lobby the redskins would have changed their name long ago.

06-02-2013, 02:23 PM
Kobe was fined $100,000 (I believe?) a couple of years ago when he was caught saying the word gay. I'm wondering how much the NBA will fine Hibbert.

no, he called a ref "a fukking fagggot"...yelled at him even.....i think there is a difference......:oldlol:

06-02-2013, 02:30 PM

... or is it just a funny, off the cuff comment being blown out of proportion?

not sure if this has been discussed already or not but I chuckled when I heard Roys response but then it also dawned on me the impact his words were going to have in the various media worlds.

we all know 'no homo' is an internet phrase used on internet forums, it has the exact same meaning as what Roy had tonight i.e comically qualifying the previous comment :lol and is used daily by billions worldwide with no repurcussions at all ... given the espn spin/hype on this, are we getting to a stage where different media formats have different moral standards? Is it okay to say one thing online or on internet/social media but not okay to say that exact same phrase in real life interviews?

let me put it to you this way - if Hibbert had tweeted these words instead of saying them in a live post-game interview, would he be facing a fine or woudl his comment get "re-tweeted" 150,000,000 times in the first 48 hours afterposting with an attached obligatory LOL or ROFL?

And if he doesn't get a fine for tweeting, how come the difference exists?

No homo is an internet phrase?


It started out from Cam'ron and Dipset I think. It's not just used on the internet.

And actually i hardly ever see it used on the internet...because when you type you have time to think about what you are saying. No homo is used when you say something and right as you are saying it you realize it can have a gay interpretation to it.

Anyway, he's getting fined. Fagggot and retard are words used commonly in private settings too, but they aren't supposed to be used in press conferences. Of course, the fine won't matter though because he makes millions.

06-02-2013, 02:32 PM
no, he called a ref "a fukking fagggot"...yelled at him even.....i think there is a difference......:oldlol:

Hibbert will still be fined. The NBA is against homophobic slurs, if the NBA didn't fine Hibbert, that would be... interesting.

06-02-2013, 02:33 PM
Having said, that I didn't think what Hibbert said was even remotely gay and I didn't even think about it until he said the no homo at the end...

And there's the problem.

Regardless of it's origin or what you perceive to be the joking nature of the expression (because rappers are notoriously unconcerned with the notion that they might be anything other than the most alpha of males), it was completely unnecessary. That shows a childish mentality. Hibbert is being paid a lot of money to play ball and serve as a positive representative of his franchise and league. Additionally, an adult thought process in that situation is to present yourself in the best positive light for yourself, your brand, your family, etc.

The comment indicates an adolescent thought process which will cost him far more money than the amount that he'll be fined, along with unnecessarily alienating a group of potential fans. Just a really, really dumb thing to do.

I am amused by the number of posters who claim it is not offensive to gays, a decision they could only be certain of if they were, in fact, gay.

06-02-2013, 02:36 PM
"No homo" is pretty much the same as "pause".. but the actual use of the word homo makes it more controversial.

06-02-2013, 02:37 PM
I think it's funny that he thinks he accomplished enough after game 6 to give his little speech. That they are done somehow that he can declare that everyone disrespected him, etc. You haven't done shit, and being in game 7 this year is no guarantee that you'll even be in it next year, much less win it.

He's taking shit for this and should, it's just a stupid immature thing to say. I get if you are on an internet message board trying to be funny, but to say it to the press after the game? Why?

06-02-2013, 02:41 PM
I think it's funny that he thinks he accomplished enough after game 6 to give his little speech. That they are done somehow that he can declare that everyone disrespected him, etc. You haven't done shit, and being in game 7 this year is no guarantee that you'll even be in it next year, much less win it.

How have they "not done shit"? They pounded the Knicks and gave Miami a hell of a fight, regardless of what happens in game 7. They were clearly better than any of the other East teams this year.

You seem kind of salty to me.

06-02-2013, 02:45 PM
I think it's funny that he thinks he accomplished enough after game 6 to give his little speech. That they are done somehow that he can declare that everyone disrespected him, etc. You haven't done shit, and being in game 7 this year is no guarantee that you'll even be in it next year, much less win it.

He's taking shit for this and should, it's just a stupid immature thing to say. I get if you are on an internet message board trying to be funny, but to say it to the press after the game? Why?

He was the true defensive player of the year.

His defense has kept Lebron in check, has totally taken Wade out of the series, and is also a reason why Bosh is struggling so much.

They are now in Game 7, against a very good Heat team.

How are those things not great achievements?

06-02-2013, 02:47 PM
And there's the problem.

Regardless of it's origin or what you perceive to be the joking nature of the expression (because rappers are notoriously unconcerned with the notion that they might be anything other than the most alpha of males), it was completely unnecessary. That shows a childish mentality. Hibbert is being paid a lot of money to play ball and serve as a positive representative of his franchise and league. Additionally, an adult thought process in that situation is to present yourself in the best positive light for yourself, your brand, your family, etc.

The comment indicates an adolescent thought process which will cost him far more money than the amount that he'll be fined, along with unnecessarily alienating a group of potential fans. Just a really, really dumb thing to do.

I am amused by the number of posters who claim it is not offensive to gays, a decision they could only be certain of if they were, in fact, gay.
And again, if the term were not brought from the hip hop world into mainstream culture, nobody would care or even have a clue of what it meant...Thats my problem with it...Too me, there's a lot of bs in hip hop, a lot of insensitive stuff, but at the end of the day, its entertainment...Everyone is offended by everything, just happens to be gays this time. I don't take stuff too serious that I hear in hip-hop because I'm part of hip hop and I'm used to hearing I guess..I know what context its used in and to me, its all about context...Anything can be offensive if said or taken out of context....I agree, it wasn't smart to say but as I said, I'm urban, born and raised in an urban environment so I've heard this phrase on the street a million times and its never used to offend gay people..But again, I understand how if you're not me, you might take it exactly as the word sounds, like a slur....However, I do not..

06-02-2013, 02:48 PM
"No homo" is pretty much the same as "pause".. but the actual use of the word homo makes it more controversial.
Pretty much this....

06-02-2013, 02:49 PM
It was a really dumb thing to say regardless. Right now the talking heads should be crucifiying Lebron, Wade and Bosh. Instead they are talking about this crap and the Heat are getting a free pass. I guarantee they are glad he did it.

Young X
06-02-2013, 02:50 PM
No homo is NOT a slur, all it means is "I'm not gay, don't take it the wrong way", if Hibbert gets fined for this :facepalm

06-02-2013, 02:52 PM
No homo is NOT a slur, all it means is "I'm not gay, don't take it the wrong way", if Hibbert gets fined for this :facepalm

At best it's a tasteless joke about sodomy, at worst it's disparaging to gay people. Plus he said mfer. Of course he's going to be fined.

06-02-2013, 02:55 PM
Damnitt...Hibbert apologized for that sh*t :facepalm

I think he shoulda just tried to clear it up. For example, he coulda said exactly what Young X just said up there ^..."No homo is NOT a slur, all it means is "I'm not gay, don't take it the wrong way".

Instead, he just caved in and apologized...

"I am apologizing for insensitive remarks made during the postgame press conference after our victory over Miami Saturday night," the statement read. "They were disrespectful and offensive and not a reflection of my personal views. I used a slang term that is not appropriate in any setting, private or public, and the language I used definitely has no place in a public forum, especially over live television. I apologize to those who I have offended, to our fans and to the Pacers' organization."

The media is so ridiculous now that it forced someone to give a public apology like that for using a joke comment like "No homo". :facepalm This is getting turrible.

06-02-2013, 02:55 PM
How have they "not done shit"? They pounded the Knicks and gave Miami a hell of a fight, regardless of what happens in game 7. They were clearly better than any of the other East teams this year.

You seem kind of salty to me.

Knicks went to the finals in 1994 and 1999. A few other times we got close. We lost. We were never able to get over the hump. Is it important we got close?

THEY HAVE NOT DONE SHIT. They have literally done nothing they'd be satisfied with if it doesn't lead to something else.

If the Knicks and Pacers flipped places and the Knicks lost in game 7 to Miami I'd be lamenting a lost opportunity. Sometimes the worst thing you can do is get close and fail, it can fracture you.

I'm a Giants fan and the lost Super Bowl destroyed a team that was close to a contender. It's one of the worst moments in their history. The Pacers have a chance to do something amazing, and if they don't, they failed. That's unfortunately how it works.

If the Pacers lose everyone will say how great a season it was. That's only true if they go further in subsequent years. If not one day they'll look back, realize they had Lebron shook and it just slipped away.

06-02-2013, 02:57 PM
Damnitt...Hibbert apologized for that sh*t :facepalm

I think he shoulda just tried to clear it up. For example, he coulda said exactly what Young X just said up there ^..."No homo is NOT a slur, all it means is "I'm not gay, don't take it the wrong way".

Instead, he just caved in and apologized...

"I am apologizing for insensitive remarks made during the postgame press conference after our victory over Miami Saturday night," the statement read. "They were disrespectful and offensive and not a reflection of my personal views. I used a slang term that is not appropriate in any setting, private or public, and the language I used definitely has no place in a public forum, especially over live television. I apologize to those who I have offended, to our fans and to the Pacers' organization."

The media is so ridiculous now that it forced someone to give a public apology like that for using a joke comment like "No homo". :facepalm This is getting turrible.

People outside of a community have no right to tell people within a community what offends them.

Eg. White people have no right to tell black people what is offensive to them, and vice versa.

I don't think no homo is offensive, but its not my call.

06-02-2013, 02:57 PM
At best it's a tasteless joke about sodomy, at worst it's disparaging to gay people. Plus he said mfer. Of course he's going to be fined.
True...I'm glad he said the mf'er part though...He said he would get fined when he said it...He's rich, it was worth it I'm sure...It would be for me to get something off my chest from time to time...He like Pacer fans have probably been tired of people who don't watch the team acting like they actually know something about them which is why pretty much everyone was picking the Knicks to win in 5-6 games and picking Miami to win in 5-6 games...Hell, you still have people saying stuff like, "if Wade were healthy, it would be a sweep"..Stuff like that is just ignorant...And its funny how Wade always looks healthy on those explosive plays and looks useless the rest of the time....:confusedshrug:

06-02-2013, 02:58 PM
He was the true defensive player of the year.

His defense has kept Lebron in check, has totally taken Wade out of the series, and is also a reason why Bosh is struggling so much.

They are now in Game 7, against a very good Heat team.

How are those things not great achievements?
They are but they are 48 hours away from defeating the champs. How is his state of the union necessary to give now?

06-02-2013, 02:58 PM
People outside of a community have no right to tell people within a community what offends them.

Eg. White people have no right to tell black people what is offensive to them, and vice versa.

I don't think no homo is offensive, but its not my call.
I mean, I agree with you also, but at the same time, like I said earlier if this term never made it to mainstream media from the hip-hop world, nobody would even have a clue or care what the term meant and nobody would be offended...Like usual, the media tries to tell people how and what to think...

06-02-2013, 03:00 PM
They didn't make it clear, but did Hibbert mean "home erectus" or "homo sapien"? Big difference....

06-02-2013, 03:00 PM
BTW, some of you do you think people say "no homo" because they think being gay is really just fine BUT they just want you to know that regardless of that, they are straight? It's saying "no homo" because being gay is bad and they want you to know that they are not gay in any way. Even being funny that is what it means. It's implying being gay is bad.

Note: Hibbert is not a bad guy at all (he's actually supposed to be a great guy) but you are going to catch a little shit for saying this. It's logical.

06-02-2013, 03:08 PM
People outside of a community have no right to tell people within a community what offends them.

Eg. White people have no right to tell black people what is offensive to them, and vice versa.

I don't think no homo is offensive, but its not my call.

Let me get this straight, people outside a community have nothing to say about what that community deems offensive. So according to you, if Muslims decide that they are offended because I called their religion bullshit, I should apologize? If pedophiles are offended that I deem their ways to be exploitative, I should apologize? :facepalm

No homo just means no sexual pun intended. That's it. The gay agenda is ridiculous now.

06-02-2013, 03:10 PM
Was the "no homo" really even necessary? So when I put my dick in some adventurous woman's ass and it gets all stretched out, it's gay?

I don't think the guy hates gays, he's just an idiot.

06-02-2013, 03:10 PM
Imagine if he gets suspended for game 7..

Stupid move on his part.

06-02-2013, 03:19 PM
People outside of a community have no right to tell people within a community what offends them.

Eg. White people have no right to tell black people what is offensive to them, and vice versa.

I don't think no homo is offensive, but its not my call.

He still shoulda tried to explain what it even means in the first place though, because a lot of these 50 year old's watching (and writing articles about it now) might have never even heard the phrase before.

Instead, in his apology, he basically admitted that it is offensive...even though it really isn't.

Dr. Cheesesteak
06-02-2013, 03:19 PM
Calling it a slur goes too far, but saying no homo is basically implying that you believe there is something wrong with homosexuality. You believe that there is a negative to being identified as a homosexual and feel the need to publically declare that you are not.

At best it's a tasteless joke about sodomy, at worst it's disparaging to gay people. Plus he said mfer. Of course he's going to be fined.

Was the "no homo" really even necessary? So when I put my dick in some adventurous woman's ass and it gets all stretched out, it's gay?

I don't think the guy hates gays, he's just an idiot.

it's not a gay slur, but it is potentially offensive. The phrase "no homo" implies that homosexuality is undesirable, essentially "bad".

I agree in general that it's no big deal. But Hibbert is a representative of a million dollar franchise and billion dollar league. He has to be smarter than that and realize what he says can matter. He seems to be really smart and witty at times and at other times he seems like an immature and clueless idiot.

His fiance is fine, tho. And white. No racist.

06-02-2013, 03:23 PM

it's not a gay slur, but it is potentially offensive. The phrase "no homo" implies that homosexuality is undesirable, essentially "bad".

I agree in general that it's no big deal. But Hibbert is a representative of a million dollar franchise and billion dollar league. He has to be smarter than that and realize what he says can matter. He seems to be really smart and witty at times and at other times he seems like an immature and clueless idiot.

His fiance is fine, tho. And white. No racist.

Nope no homo just means my comments are not sexual in nature. It passes no judgment about the desirability of homosexual lifestyle

Ok I agree his fianc

06-02-2013, 03:25 PM
"no homo isn't offensive to me, so it's not offensive."


06-02-2013, 03:30 PM
Anyone that gets offended by this needs to seriously get a life.

Dr. Cheesesteak
06-02-2013, 03:33 PM
Nope no homo just means my comments are not sexual in nature. It passes no judgment about the desirability of homosexual lifestyle

then why not change the phrase to "no sexual"?

06-02-2013, 03:33 PM

it's not a gay slur, but it is potentially offensive. The phrase "no homo" implies that homosexuality is undesirable, essentially "bad".

It doesn't imply that gay stuff is bad, he's clarifying what he meant so it won't be taken out of context. Cry me a f*cking river.

It's a stupid phrase but it's not offensive.

06-02-2013, 03:36 PM
Let me get this straight, people outside a community have nothing to say about what that community deems offensive. So according to you, if Muslims decide that they are offended because I called their religion bullshit, I should apologize? If pedophiles are offended that I deem their ways to be exploitative, I should apologize? :facepalm

No homo just means no sexual pun intended. That's it. The gay agenda is ridiculous now.

HAHA way to set up straw man arguments.

people are free to believe whatever they want. Eg David duke isn't in jail. But don't be surprised if walking around calling black people "boys" is going to cost you employment opportunities in 2013.

See I can set up straw men too.

Seriously though if the LGBT community is offended by the use of no homo, then the decent thing to do is to voluntarily stop using it. If you insist on continuing go ahead that is your right. Don't be surprised if you cost yourself financially. TBH Hibbert is lucky he is in the NBA. Corporate America is far less forgiving.

06-02-2013, 03:36 PM

it's not a gay slur, but it is potentially offensive. The phrase "no homo" implies that homosexuality is undesirable, essentially "bad".

I agree in general that it's no big deal. But Hibbert is a representative of a million dollar franchise and billion dollar league. He has to be smarter than that and realize what he says can matter. He seems to be really smart and witty at times and at other times he seems like an immature and clueless idiot.

His fiance is fine, tho. And white. No racist.
Agree completely

Dr. Cheesesteak
06-02-2013, 03:37 PM
It doesn't imply that gay stuff is bad, he's clarifying what he meant so it won't be taken out of context. Cry me a f*cking river.

It's a stupid phrase but it's not offensive.
again, if he were talking about a female player "stretching him out", would he say "no homo"? Or even "no hetero"? "No sexual"? No. He may actually crack a joke about him enjoying it.

Anyone who says "no homo" only implies that there's no sexual connotations in general, is an idiot. Again, I don't think the phrase is offensive myself, but it clearly is a shot at homosexuality, intentional or not, explicit or not.

06-02-2013, 03:39 PM
He still shoulda tried to explain what it even means in the first place though, because a lot of these 50 year old's watching (and writing articles about it now) might have never even heard the phrase before.

Instead, in his apology, he basically admitted that it is offensive...even though it really isn't.
QFT...This is my point...People who don't know where the phrase came from, WILL be automatically offended, whether they're gay or not...Just like the term "*****"...Some people care, those apart of the culture in general, don't...Its a term we made up to combat the negative "******" term...Regardless if people think that is dumb or not, thats what it is and why the term exists....

No-homo is just another slang term that will be taken out of context by any community that it did not originate in...Also, the fact that its a pretty stupid slang term to come up with in the first place...

06-02-2013, 03:40 PM

it's not a gay slur, but it is potentially offensive. The phrase "no homo" implies that homosexuality is undesirable, essentially "bad".

I agree in general that it's no big deal. But Hibbert is a representative of a million dollar franchise and billion dollar league. He has to be smarter than that and realize what he says can matter. He seems to be really smart and witty at times and at other times he seems like an immature and clueless idiot.

His fiance is fine, tho. And white. No racist.
What a load of fatuous nonsense. The phrase does not imply anything other than what you take it to imply, it means exactly what it explicitly says ('just to be sure: i am not a homosexual'). It implies and says no more than that, and if you take it to mean more, than that is your problem, and not anyone else's.

People like you who seem to think they have a right to regulate everyone's speech as if it is their job to prevent the most fragile of people from being offended by the most passive of comments are the number 1 thing that offends me. But it wouldn't bother or have anything to do with me if these same people weren't so desperately trying to turn the world into some kind of Disneyland of the mind where everyone lives free from slights of any kind and no one is ever offended or upset.

You're just a discriminatory, closed-minded and intolerant asshole tbh. Thinking you have the right to tell a basketball player what he should and shouldn't be saying just because he plays basketball. Shut up.

06-02-2013, 03:41 PM
then why not change the phrase to "no sexual"?
And who's going to change the phrase? This has been hip hop slang for over a decade now, it is what it is...Once people understand this, who cares...Its just another dumb slang term, like swag and all that other bs...

06-02-2013, 03:43 PM
What a load of fatuous nonsense. The phrase does not imply anything other than what you take it to imply, it means exactly what it explicitly says ('just to be sure: i am not a homosexual'). It implies and says no more than that, and if you take it to mean more, than that is your problem, and not anyone else's.

People like you who seem to think they have a right to regulate everyone's speech as if it is their job to prevent the most fragile of people from being offended by the most passive of comments are the number 1 thing that offends me. But it wouldn't bother or have anything to do with me if these same people weren't so desperately trying to turn the world into some kind of Disneyland of the mind where everyone lives free from slights of any kind and no one is ever offended or upset.

You're just a discriminatory, closed-minded and intolerant asshole tbh. Thinking you have the right to tell a basketball player what he should and shouldn't be saying just because he plays basketball. Shut up.
Also agree with this, lol...

06-02-2013, 03:44 PM
then why not change the phrase to "no sexual"?
Because that would be retarded as relates to the conduct of men, specifically denying any of a homosexual nature.

A saying such a 'no-homo' wouldn't even exist if homosexuality had not become so acceptable that straight men can make quips about their sexuality in this way.

I can't believe how incredibly unintelligent you are.

Dr. Cheesesteak
06-02-2013, 03:53 PM
And who's going to change the phrase? This has been hip hop slang for over a decade now, it is what it is...Once people understand this, who cares...Its just another dumb slang term, like swag and all that other bs...
well obviously no one's going to change the phrase. The point being is that it is a phrase that has a narrow aim. Hence why it could be potentially seen as offensive to those in that narrow category. If it were just "no sexual", then it'd apply to any and everyone. Not just gays.

What a load of fatuous nonsense. The phrase does not imply anything other than what you take it to imply, it means exactly what it explicitly says ('just to be sure: i am not a homosexual'). It implies and says no more than that, and if you take it to mean more, than that is your problem, and not anyone else's.

People like you who seem to think they have a right to regulate everyone's speech as if it is their job to prevent the most fragile of people from being offended by the most passive of comments are the number 1 thing that offends me. But it wouldn't bother or have anything to do with me if these same people weren't so desperately trying to turn the world into some kind of Disneyland of the mind where everyone lives free from slights of any kind and no one is ever offended or upset.

You're just a discriminatory, closed-minded and intolerant asshole tbh. Thinking you have the right to tell a basketball player what he should and shouldn't be saying just because he plays basketball. Shut up.
oh god get over yourself. I never said what he should and shouldn't say. I just said he has to be smarter in his public words. And given the PR mess now, I think that's a valid statement on my part. Thinking before speaking may prevent him some apologetic public statements and fines and passed up endorsements in the future.

And you still don't understand the point being "no homo" being potentially offensive. I don't care if it's used to not be offensive. Intentions and outcomes are two different things.

And why would anyone even have to say "just to be sure: i am not a homosexual." It's implied that there is a reason to specify they aren't gay. And what reason do you think that would be? So guys don't hit on them? Doubtful.

06-02-2013, 03:56 PM
HAHA way to set up straw man arguments.

people are free to believe whatever they want. Eg David duke isn't in jail. But don't be surprised if walking around calling black people "boys" is going to cost you employment opportunities in 2013.

See I can set up straw men too.

Seriously though if the LGBT community is offended by the use of no homo, then the decent thing to do is to voluntarily stop using it. If you insist on continuing go ahead that is your right. Don't be surprised if you cost yourself financially. TBH Hibbert is lucky he is in the NBA. Corporate America is far less forgiving.

:facepalm your argument is different from mine. What i am saying is one can pass judgement on the sensitivities of communities they communities they don't belong to. My examples pertained to that. To apologize for something you don't find offensive is stupid. No homo is not offensive.

FYI I am black and I would defend the right of anyone to be bigoted towards me as long as my rights are not abridged. That's how democracy works.

06-02-2013, 03:58 PM
Stupid thing to say. No argument can deny that. He wont say it again.

Ne 1
06-02-2013, 04:00 PM

it's not a gay slur, but it is potentially offensive. The phrase "no homo" implies that homosexuality is undesirable, essentially "bad".

I agree in general that it's no big deal. But Hibbert is a representative of a million dollar franchise and billion dollar league. He has to be smarter than that and realize what he says can matter. He seems to be really smart and witty at times and at other times he seems like an immature and clueless idiot.

His fiance is fine, tho. And white. No racist.

I see it similar to me telling my friend that my female cousin is hot and then saying "no incest." It's not like he said "I hate ****", it was tongue in cheek.

No homo seems like a pretty lighthearted joke on the same level as "that's what she said" taking a phrase and adding another layer of context onto it by suggesting that it's meant in a sexual way.

This is one of the issue I have with with political correctness...If someone says 'I love this guy - no homo' it's a little joke about saying he likes someone a lot, but 'not quite that much haha' etc. It would work perfectly in reverse with also no offense, a gay man could say 'I love this woman - but not like that honey, I'm gay!' or even just 'no hetero' and it would also be absolutely fine, but if you say 'no homo?' you'll get labeled as as being an insensitive, hateful bigot by the PC police.

Dr. Cheesesteak
06-02-2013, 04:00 PM
Because that would be retarded as relates to the conduct of men, specifically denying any of a homosexual nature.

A saying such a 'no-homo' wouldn't even exist if homosexuality had not become so acceptable that straight men can make quips about their sexuality in this way.

I can't believe how incredibly unintelligent you are.

it's even more unbelievable how you clearly don't understand the logic behind connecting this stuff together, continually missing the point.

But whatevs. I'll leave you be. :banana:

Dr. Cheesesteak
06-02-2013, 04:03 PM
I see it similar to me telling my friend that my female cousin is hot and then saying "no incest." It's not like he said "I hate ******s", it was tongue in cheek.

No homo seems like a pretty lighthearted joke on the same level as "that's what she said" taking a phrase and adding another layer of context onto it by suggesting that it's meant in a sexual way.

This is one of the issue I have with with political correctness...If someone says 'I love this guy - no homo' it's a little joke about saying he likes someone a lot, but 'not quite that much haha' etc. It would work perfectly in reverse with also no offense, a gay man could say 'I love this woman - but not like that honey, I'm gay!' or even just 'no hetero' and it would also be absolutely fine, but if you say 'no homo?' you'll get labeled as as being an insensitive, hateful bigot by the PC police.
agree 100%.

As I've stated, I don't think the phrase is offensive or a slur. As others have said, it's just a stupid joke-phrase. But I understand how others can think of it as offensive, given its implications on certain people.

06-02-2013, 04:04 PM
He read an internet meme, and used it incorrectly.

"No homo" is when you say something complimentary about someone of the same sex, indicating you can think a man is handsome without being gay or something similar.

Some act being done to him; the other team "stretching him out," is not a positive comment about someone of the same sex, and therefore "no homo" isn't the meme you would use.

Perhaps if he said "they were stretching me out, I kinda liked it, no homo" or something, it would have made sense.

Either way, it's stupid that this is being blown out of proportion.

Take the damn fine and let us move along.

06-02-2013, 04:12 PM
It doesn't imply that gay stuff is bad, he's clarifying what he meant so it won't be taken out of context. Cry me a f*cking river.

It's a stupid phrase but it's not offensive.

Good luck succeeding in corporate America in 2013 while making anti gay jokes.

At one time it was ok to call black men boys. White people argued it wasnt offensive.

Not saying it is as bad just that people outside a community have no right to tell people in that community what is offensive.

06-02-2013, 04:17 PM
:facepalm your argument is different from mine. What i am saying is one can pass judgement on the sensitivities of communities they communities they don't belong to. My examples pertained to that. To apologize for something you don't find offensive is stupid. No homo is not offensive.

FYI I am black and I would defend the right of anyone to be bigoted towards me as long as my rights are not abridged. That's how democracy works.

I too support the 1st amendment. You are as an american allowed to believe anything you like. Hibbert can say anything he wants about gays. He won't go to jail. With that said other people might not want to associate with someone like this in 2013, and he could cost himself financially.

You have no right to tell people in another community what they should or should not be offended by. Neither you nor I are asian, we have no right to tell asians that the word Oriental is ok. You and I are not chinese we have no right to tell them the work chinaman is ok. You and I are not native American we have no right to tell them the word redskin is ok.

Just because something doesn't offend you doesn't make not offensive.

06-02-2013, 04:25 PM
[QUOTE=lakersfan2046]Nope no homo just means my comments are not sexual in nature. It passes no judgment about the desirability of homosexual lifestyle

Ok I agree his fianc

Living Being
06-02-2013, 04:40 PM
He read an internet meme, and used it incorrectly.

"No homo" is when you say something complimentary about someone of the same sex, indicating you can think a man is handsome without being gay or something similar.

Some act being done to him; the other team "stretching him out," is not a positive comment about someone of the same sex, and therefore "no homo" isn't the meme you would use.

Perhaps if he said "they were stretching me out, I kinda liked it, no homo" or something, it would have made sense.

Either way, it's stupid that this is being blown out of proportion.

Take the damn fine and let us move along.
You are the only one who understands this. "No homo" was completely unnecessary.

I got f*cked in the ass so hard last night. no homo <--doesn't make sense

06-02-2013, 04:44 PM
Good luck succeeding in corporate America in 2013 while making anti gay jokes.

At one time it was ok to call black men boys. White people argued it wasnt offensive.

Not saying it is as bad just that people outside a community have no right to tell people in that community what is offensive.

You do realize that corporate America is still made up of mainly straight white men, right?

Who are you to say it's offensive? Are you gay? Tell me how saying 'homo' is attacking a community.

06-02-2013, 04:46 PM
You do realize that corporate America is still made up of mainly straight white men, right?

Absolutely I say so as one in corporate America. Maybe its because of maintaining appearance or maybe its a genuine desire to change, but in 2013, no corporation wants to look overly white and male nowadays.

06-02-2013, 05:59 PM
Who cares, it's pathetic that its being discussed.

06-02-2013, 06:12 PM
It's an immature thing to say, but it's dumb that one would think he is being offensive.

La Frescobaldi
06-02-2013, 07:01 PM
People outside of a community have no right to tell people within a community what offends them.

Eg. White people have no right to tell black people what is offensive to them, and vice versa.

I don't think no homo is offensive, but its not my call.

This is completely woolly-headed and I'm certain you haven't thought it through even for 1 second or you would never have said it.

Look up South Africa farm murders and then tell the world that their president singing that particular song... is not offensive.

So America, Britain & Russia should have let Germany go its own way in the 1940s? They had no right to tell Germany what they were doing was offensive?
That's lunacy.
Further on this exact subject; I would wager that most people will never give the same consideration to any Christian, Jewish, or Islalmic group that considers homosexuality to be "an abomination." Are you now saying, they have the right to find it offensive? And they can therefore exclude it from their society if they wish? I expect most people believe the lgbt groups are targeting those very communities, forcing them to accept a lifestyle that they don't agree with.

How about the Boy Scouts? Do they, as a private organization not part of the government nor an employer, have the right to decide who will be in their community? They found homosexuality offensive yet the pressure on that organization was so terrific that they broke under the strain.... even though they broke no law and indeed were living according to the very principles laid out in their charter.

06-04-2013, 09:05 AM
I too support the 1st amendment. You are as an american allowed to believe anything you like. Hibbert can say anything he wants about gays. He won't go to jail. With that said other people might not want to associate with someone like this in 2013, and he could cost himself financially.

You have no right to tell people in another community what they should or should not be offended by. Neither you nor I are asian, we have no right to tell asians that the word Oriental is ok. You and I are not chinese we have no right to tell them the work chinaman is ok. You and I are not native American we have no right to tell them the word redskin is ok.

Just because something doesn't offend you doesn't make not offensive.So then people can be offended by whatever they like, and worse, use that 'offense' to try and ruin someone else's life? Nothing you are saying makes any sense whatsoever. You either make the racist assumption that all people from the same ethnic group are somehow the same, or that we must be wary of what offends EVERY SINGLE PERSON from an ethnic group - even when (for example) some black American's prefer associating themselves with the term 'negro,' whereas some ignorantly believe the term to be a racial slur. What you propose would require people to live in constant fear of what they say, lest they face financial consequences; this is a tyranny the same as any enforced by law.

You evidently have not the slightest clue about the 1st Amendment, nor the founders's fears of a 'tyranny of the majority' and the need to protect against it (because they knew people were stupid and sheep like). We live in a culture of offense these days where everyone is outraged all the bloody time, and it is absolutely disgraceful. When you think of the things that go on in the world, the things that have/are happened/ing, to think people have time to be outraged by things like this... well you have no right to tell me i have not the right to pass judgement on it. So **** off.

I'll leave you with a quote from J. S. Mill to perhaps show you what your immature mind evidently seems incapable of grasping:

'Society can and does execute its own mandates: and if it issues wrong mandates instead of right, or any mandates at all in things with which it ought not to meddle, it practices a social tyranny more formidable than many kinds of political oppression, since, though not usually upheld by such extreme penalties, it leaves fewer means of escape, penetrating much more deeply into the details of life, and enslaving the soul itself.’


'‘Protection, therefore, against the tyranny of the magistrate is not enough: there needs protection also against the tyranny of prevailing opinion and feeling; against the tendency of society to impose, by other means than civil penalties, its own ideas and practices as rules of conduct on those who dissent from them; to fetter the development, and, if possible, prevent the formation, of any individuality not in harmony with its ways, and compel all characters to fashion themselves upon the model of its own. '

Just completely and utterly annihilates your child-like, ahistorical and ignorant position.

06-04-2013, 09:23 AM
Maybe people miss the point, but the NBA has strict rules on what you can say or not say in the media time of your MULTI MILLION DOLLAR JOB. Is it honestly this huge hardship that Hibbert can't treat the podium like his own personal talk show? He called the press mother****ers and said the no homo joke. Neither one was shocking that it got called out. After saying NO HOMO he apologized. Why? BECAUSE HE KNEW HE WAS NOT SUPPOSED TO SAY THAT.

This isn't me talking to you, this is Hibbert on a podium talking to the media after a game where he is given coaching on what type of things cannot be said.

06-04-2013, 09:24 AM
And note, some of you want this thought that if you yell slurs it's ok because you have declared them not slurs. Good luck with that anywhere except arguing on a message board.

06-04-2013, 09:48 AM
No homo is basically a informative statement. Gays can go on pride parades, and straight people can't even inform people they are straight. I wonder what would happen if straight people did a pride straight parade that is well on their rights.

06-04-2013, 09:54 AM
Maybe people miss the point, but the NBA has strict rules on what you can say or not say in the media time of your MULTI MILLION DOLLAR JOB. Is it honestly this huge hardship that Hibbert can't treat the podium like his own personal talk show? He called the press mother****ers and said the no homo joke. Neither one was shocking that it got called out. After saying NO HOMO he apologized. Why? BECAUSE HE KNEW HE WAS NOT SUPPOSED TO SAY THAT.

This isn't me talking to you, this is Hibbert on a podium talking to the media after a game where he is given coaching on what type of things cannot be said.
Well, if the NBA wants all their players to be representative mannequins with no personality who spout the same meaningless platitudes at the end of every game, then they are going the right way about it (they already do pretty much - it will only get worse). He apologised because that was what was demanded of him; he clearly did not think it a wrong thing to say, or he wouldn't have said it. Hibbert gets paid for his services, because there is such a demand for them - you seem to think the NBA has absolute monopoly power - it doesn't.

People like you are simply jealous of the fact nba players make so much more money than you and thus you feel the need to judge them for what they say and try and control what they do/say to make your own pathetic life feel a bit more important.

Well, your life is trivial and pointless: you spend it mindlessly spewing banalities on an internet forum. Get over it, and stop taking it out on others in this nasty and controlling way.

And note, some of you want this thought that if you yell slurs it's ok because you have declared them not slurs. Good luck with that anywhere except arguing on a message board.Good luck in telling me not to offend you in the real world. I'd laugh in your dimwitted face. No one said anything about yelling either: typical straw man argument.

06-04-2013, 09:58 AM
No homo is basically a informative statement. Gays can go on pride parades, and straight people can't even inform people they are straight. I wonder what would happen if straight people did a pride straight parade that is well on their rights.
Nah, because if it is offensive to some minority then no one has a right to contest that, and we wouldn't want to lose our jobs (because offending oversensitive people has become grounds for firing people in the absurd world we inhabit). :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

06-04-2013, 11:55 AM
this is the kind of thing that the younger generation understands but goes over the older generations head

You have that exactly backwards..Home is a gay slur. The older generation knows this has been used a gay slur for decades. The younger generation because of some stupid non funny no homo thing made up by a stupid culture, doesn't understand this..

I don't think the younger gerneration knows how stupid they sound by not know the term HOMO is insulting..

06-04-2013, 12:02 PM
I can't believe people are offended by it...Well I can, especially since most folks don't have a clue of where it originated from in a first place....It started as a hip hop thing for those who don't know and if you don't listen to hip-hop, then you have no idea who Cam'ron or Dipset even are anyway....But they started using it in their raps, just a way of saying, "What I'm about to say might sound pretty gay, but I'm letting you know, I'm not gay"...Yes its an insecure thing to say technically, but when they were using it, it was more of just jokes anyway. Hibbert used it in similarly jokingly way....Hardly meant to offend gay people.....

Having said, that I didn't think what Hibbert said was even remotely gay and I didn't even think about it until he said the no homo at the end...

Gotta love this. Someone thinks because the word HOMO is used in some stupid low IQ hip hop non funny saying that all of a sudden the word HOMO shouldn't offend anyone despite it being used as a gay slur for decades..A young person who thinks hip hop should set the rules...

Good one..

06-04-2013, 12:12 PM
And note, some of you want this thought that if you yell slurs it's ok because you have declared them not slurs. Good luck with that anywhere except arguing on a message board.

Exactly.. In my company he would have been fired right on the spot. Now the anti PC crowd will say they hate that PC crap, then tell us where should the line should be drawn. Either you cant say offensive things, or you can go around using the n-word all day to refer to black people...Its really pretty simple.

06-04-2013, 12:13 PM
Gotta love this. Some clown thinks because the word HOMO is used in some stupid low IQ hip hop none funny saying that all of a sudden the word HOMO shouldn't offend anyone despite it being used as a gay slur for decades..

Good one..
Reading is your friend....Yes, there is a difference between using a SLANG PHRASE LIKE NO-HOMO IN WHICH THE PHRASE ITSELF AND THE CONTEXT IT WAS FIRST USED IN WAS NOT TO DEMEAN GAY PEOPLE, in a random ass song or a random ass sentence with nothing else in the entire sentence or song referencing hate towards gay people AT ALL, and then walking up to a gay person and calling him a HOMO...

If you don't see the difference then maybe you need to look up the meaning of context. Yes it can be and probably SHOULD be taken as offensive when hearing something with HOMO in it..That still does not mean that the person saying it was INTENDING to disrespect a gay person or that person saying it even has clue what he's actually saying, which AS WE'VE ALL ACKNOWLEDGE, Camron was an idiot for coming up with the phrase in the first place. I'm pretty sure he did not know that national media and all these gay/rights organizations would make a huge fuss over some slang that THEY HAVE NEVER EVEN HEARD BEFORE UNTIL HIBBERT SAID it...Now if thats not easy enough for you to understand, then you should log off before you call someone else a clown for their opinion. I gave my opinion and did not disrespect anyone in this thread why don't you present a valid argument if you're going to quote my post...If not, then quote one of the trolls who are posting just to be funny and call them a clown..

06-04-2013, 12:15 PM
No homo is basically a informative statement. Gays can go on pride parades, and straight people can't even inform people they are straight. I wonder what would happen if straight people did a pride straight parade that is well on their rights.
I agree with you. I guess some people have a problem with the fact that "there was no reason to let people know he wasn't gay, because nobody accused him of being gay"..Hence why its an insecure statement. However, what you say is right, nobody asks or even cares if gay people are gay, yet they feel the need to always be in the public informing people that they are gay, when only a gay person who is dating would even care. Its the same principle imo.

06-04-2013, 12:17 PM
You have that exactly backwards..Home is a gay slur. The older generation knows this has been used a gay slur for decades. The younger generation because of some stupid non funny no homo thing made up by a stupid culture, doesn't understand this..

I don't think the younger gerneration knows how stupid they sound by not know the term HOMO is insulting..
And you're ignorant as **** to call an entire culture ignorant because of a term that one hip hop artist used. Dude was right, its people like you who don't know sh*t about the culture, generalizing an entire culture. Yet, we're the clowns.

06-04-2013, 12:18 PM
No homo is basically a informative statement. Gays can go on pride parades, and straight people can't even inform people they are straight. I wonder what would happen if straight people did a pride straight parade that is well on their rights.

I see this argument all the time and its total bullcrap. I can't believe people try to maker this claim. Where do you get you can't tell people you are straight? That's just bullshit. I work in a company where straight people have pictures of their spouses and kids up right on their desks, go to company outings with their families, and talk about their spouses all the time. Yet when some gay guy comes out they complain that they don't tell people they are straight...It makes you roll your eyes..

You can freaking tell anyone you want you are straight...

06-04-2013, 12:19 PM
Gotta love this. Someone thinks because the word HOMO is used in some stupid low IQ hip hop non funny saying that all of a sudden the word HOMO shouldn't offend anyone despite it being used as a gay slur for decades..A young person who thinks hip hop should set the rules...

Good one..
I see you edited out the fact that you called me a clown...Why edit it if thats how you really feel?:confusedshrug:

06-04-2013, 12:23 PM
Nah, because if it is offensive to some minority then no one has a right to contest that, and we wouldn't want to lose our jobs (because offending oversensitive people has become grounds for firing people in the absurd world we inhabit). :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

So in the work place should whites be able to refer loudly to their black co workers as N..ger..Yes or no?

06-04-2013, 12:25 PM
Shit, as a black man, and let me clarify and URBAN black man, every day I go out into corporate America, I see ALL KINDS OF SHIT that offends me that the owners of those companies or whoever probably don't have a clue would offend me. I see sh*t in corporate America that is there purposely to keep minorities out or at a disadvantage. Would they be as obvious as the word HOMO? Well it depends on if another black man would be offended by the same stuff that offends me. But you know what, there's no room or place for me to whine about it, I just have to find a way to overcome it. Not going to be million man marching in the street or having black pride rallies. That does not mean I'm not as equally offended but that corporate america bullshit is as offensive as calling a gay person as a homo TO ME.

06-04-2013, 12:26 PM
So in the work place should whites be able to refer loudly to their black co workers as N..ger..Yes or no?
Yes, because this is remotely the same thing...:facepalm How old are you? Are you over 40?:confusedshrug:

06-04-2013, 12:29 PM
Reading is your friend....Yes, there is a difference between using a SLANG PHRASE LIKE NO-HOMO IN WHICH THE PHRASE ITSELF AND THE CONTEXT IT WAS FIRST USED IN WAS NOT TO DEMEAN GAY PEOPLE, in a random ass song or a random ass sentence with nothing else in the entire sentence or song referencing hate towards gay people AT ALL, and then walking up to a gay person and calling him a HOMO...

If you don't see the difference then maybe you need to look up the meaning of context. Yes it can be and probably SHOULD be taken as offensive when hearing something with HOMO in it..That still does not mean that the person saying it was INTENDING to disrespect a gay person or that person saying it even has clue what he's actually saying, which AS WE'VE ALL ACKNOWLEDGE, Camron was an idiot for coming up with the phrase in the first place. I'm pretty sure he did not know that national media and all these gay/rights organizations would make a huge fuss over some slang that THEY HAVE NEVER EVEN HEARD BEFORE UNTIL HIBBERT SAID it...Now if thats not easy enough for you to understand, then you should log off before you call someone else a clown for their opinion. I gave my opinion and did not disrespect anyone in this thread why don't you present a valid argument if you're going to quote my post...If not, then quote one of the trolls who are posting just to be funny and call them a clown..

Nothing you said is news. Like I have already said because some stupid saying from a stupid culture using this phrase doesn't change the fact that the word home no matter how used is offensive to many people.. That's not going to change because of some low IQ saying..

You can go make up a low IQ saying saying NO Jap, and its not going to change the fact that people are going to be offended by it..Its pretty simple...

06-04-2013, 12:31 PM
And you're ignorant as **** to call an entire culture ignorant because of a term that one hip hop artist used. Dude was right, its people like you who don't know sh*t about the culture, generalizing an entire culture. Yet, we're the clowns.
Yeah the hip hop generation is so complicated..:lol

The dumbest thing to ever come down the road.

06-04-2013, 12:33 PM
Yes, because this is remotely the same thing...:facepalm How old are you? Are you over 40?:confusedshrug:

So I see the answer is no. You don't think people should be able to use the N-word where you work.. Why? What if I decide you shouldn't be offended by it..This is the exact argument you are use for the word HOMO...Amazing that you can't see that.

06-04-2013, 12:39 PM
Shit, as a black man, and let me clarify and URBAN black man, every day I go out into corporate America, I see ALL KINDS OF SHIT that offends me that the owners of those companies or whoever probably don't have a clue would offend me. I see sh*t in corporate America that is there purposely to keep minorities out or at a disadvantage. Would they be as obvious as the word HOMO? Well it depends on if another black man would be offended by the same stuff that offends me. But you know what, there's no room or place for me to whine about it, I just have to find a way to overcome it. Not going to be million man marching in the street or having black pride rallies. That does not mean I'm not as equally offended but that corporate america bullshit is as offensive as calling a gay person as a homo TO ME.

Really because I see corporate America bending over backwards to try and giving advantages to minories..

But lets hear your examples of what they do to keep them out.

06-04-2013, 04:38 PM
Shit, as a black man, and let me clarify and URBAN black man, every day I go out into corporate America, I see ALL KINDS OF SHIT that offends me that the owners of those companies or whoever probably don't have a clue would offend me. I see sh*t in corporate America that is there purposely to keep minorities out or at a disadvantage. Would they be as obvious as the word HOMO? Well it depends on if another black man would be offended by the same stuff that offends me. But you know what, there's no room or place for me to whine about it, I just have to find a way to overcome it. Not going to be million man marching in the street or having black pride rallies. That does not mean I'm not as equally offended but that corporate america bullshit is as offensive as calling a gay person as a homo TO ME.
Thank you. It is entirely relative between individuals: everyone is offended by different things and so to go around trying to regulate language in these pathetic, consensus seeking ways, is to be a myopic bellend (as if any word could be objectively 'offensive' - get real people).

So in the work place should whites be able to refer loudly to their black co workers as N..ger..Yes or no?

Should people be allowed to hurl racist abuse at their coworkers in the workplace? Of course they shouldn't.

Should an individual face the sack by default for using the word ****** in a sentence? Of course they shouldn't. Once one word slips out of the vernacular, people find some other word to find offensive (or others to use as a slur), and it continues until the language has been butchered to the point where you can't say the word 'negro' without your average person thinking you're a racist.

I always find that the most PC people are the ones trying to hide their own racial prejudices by overcompensating in the other direction. It's so incredibly pathetic.

People like you make me want to puke with all their phoney piety and moral self-righteousness. **** off.

06-04-2013, 05:40 PM
Thank you. It is entirely relative between individuals: everyone is offended by different things and so to go around trying to regulate language in these pathetic, consensus seeking ways, is to be a myopic bellend (as if any word could be objectively 'offensive' - get real people).

Should people be allowed to hurl racist abuse at their coworkers in the workplace? Of course they shouldn't.

Should an individual face the sack by default for using the word ****** in a sentence? Of course they shouldn't. Once one word slips out of the vernacular, people find some other word to find offensive (or others to use as a slur), and it continues until the language has been butchered to the point where you can't say the word 'negro' without your average person thinking you're a racist.

I always find that the most PC people are the ones trying to hide their own racial prejudices by overcompensating in the other direction. It's so incredibly pathetic.

People like you make me want to puke with all their phoney piety and moral self-righteousness. **** off.

Yeah like you have taken a lot of time to study what PC people really think..Eyes rolling..You are full of feces with that. What you are is a break rom loudmouth who goes around complaining about things like this without every having a good solution.. Proof of that you just admitted that I should be able to go around using the N=Word infront of black people whether they like it or not..Thats all the proof I need that you are a complete bigmouthed moron. So I can sit there in front of balcks and talk about N..ggers all day long as long as I am not calling them that right...Idiot.

By the way I personally don't care at work what people say,but I am smart enough to know why the rules are in place.

06-04-2013, 06:31 PM
Yeah like you have taken a lot of time to study what PC people really think..Eyes rolling..You are full of feces with that. What you are is a break rom loudmouth who goes around complaining about things like this without every having a good solution.. Proof of that you just admitted that I should be able to go around using the N=Word infront of black people whether they like it or not..Thats all the proof I need that you are a complete bigmouthed moron. So I can sit there in front of balcks and talk about N..ggers all day long as long as I am not calling them that right...Idiot.

By the way I personally don't care at work what people say,but I am smart enough to know why the rules are in place.
Can't believe that the person who typed this illiterate garbage has the gall to call ANYONE an idiot.

You need to learn to construct an argument before belligerently arguing with people you ignorant child. You have not said a single thing that contains the semblance of a coherent argument, yet you still arrogantly act like your poorly informed viewpoint is the only valid one - how absurd!

Go Getter
06-04-2013, 06:35 PM
No homo is street slang. It has a negative connotation that being homosexual is bad. He should have explained what he meant by saying that Bron widened angles on the court to make him move more. When your sponsors are companies that need $ from the gay community you have to be smarter than to offend a rich and influential demographic.

The issue makes black men seem like little boys who gotta giggle everytime someone farts or says ****** or *****.

I personally don't care for the gay lifestyle so hearing "no homo" all day seems suspect to me. I know what Hibbert meant by stretched out because of the context.....anyone trying to turn a statement into someone being gay is immature.....we need to stop feeding that BS.

06-04-2013, 06:47 PM
Can't believe that the person who typed this illiterate garbage has the gall to call ANYONE an idiot.

You need to learn to construct an argument before belligerently arguing with people you ignorant child. You have not said a single thing that contains the semblance of a coherent argument, yet you still arrogantly act like your poorly informed viewpoint is the only valid one - how absurd!

And I can't believe someone making your stupid argument just posted what you did..

Guys like you always feel someone's right to insult people is more important then anyone elses right not to be insulted..Gee I guess I will read the morning paper at work everyday and use the N-Word to describe black people I read about..I have decided it shouldn't insult my black co workings because I am not talking about them..I have decided that's the way it should work..


06-04-2013, 06:50 PM
I personally don't care for the gay lifestyle so hearing "no homo" all day seems suspect to me.


The most meaningless statement in the world. Of course if you are not gay then you don't care for the gay lifestyle...Just like gays don't care for hetros life styles.

Go Getter
06-04-2013, 07:02 PM
The most meaningless statement in the world. Of course if you are not gay then you don't care for the gay lifestyle...Just like gays don't care for hetros life styles.

Um, some people that are not gay get entertainment and enjoy the gay lifestyle. I see said people at the gay pride parade they have in my neighborhood (downtown SLC) every year.

*Try to understand before issuing baseless ridicule.

06-04-2013, 10:36 PM
And I can't believe someone making your stupid argument just posted what you did..

Guys like you always feel someone's right to insult people is more important then anyone elses right not to be insulted..Gee I guess I will read the morning paper at work everyday and use the N-Word to describe black people I read about..I have decided it shouldn't insult my black co workings because I am not talking about them..I have decided that's the way it should work..

The fact you think anyone has the right to decide is your problem.

You have produced no argument. All you have done is whined about protecting people's feelings. Are you a child or something?