View Full Version : Phwoah, just got back from the pub watching the game and...

06-14-2013, 12:29 AM
Witnessed some serious ref help in that first half. When Spurs started to make a small lead the refs pulled the reigns bigtime. Splitter got armchopped, Wade layup and foul(no one touched him), numerous no calls when there clearly was body contact and hacks, a goal tend(the other one wasnt) Wade suddenly doesnt have a hurt leg(biggest BS), after that the heat got out on a run and took control of the game. Now, I will give credit to the Heat and in particular wade and bron having good games, but I dont support that kind of officiating ruining the game. Bosh's blatant flop and spurs get called for the foul(which could of been points to spurs), numerous calls where the ball was off miami yet miami get the ball, its just bullshit.

I will point out, Battier's one was a charge, and Wade's foul on i think duncan? was not a foul. But really, do the Heat have any room to complain? they got just about every 50/50 call, parker and gino got no ref calls driving to the hole, I was just amazed how differently that game was reffed to the last one.

Don't believe me? Have a look at how irate Pop was towards the refs on the side line. Spurs players were in like WTF mode, they couldnt believe the calls they were seeing that first half. After that, I give credit to the Heat, they played alot more intense and with desparation, unfortunately they had alot of help to get in that position.

If you want to bring up the foul count, don't. The calls missed and the timing of them hurt Spurs way more.

06-14-2013, 12:30 AM
nope spurs had way more calls including momentum changing calls preventing the heat from pulling away many times

06-14-2013, 12:31 AM
You've turned into a gimmick account like Rip. The refs haven't been a factor at all in this series. Both teams have gone on big runs, outplayed each other, and are tied 2-2. How about you enjoy the games instead of whining about the refs every game? There's a lot of confirmation bias in your post. You are looking for things to complain about so you can say the games are rigged for Miami.

06-14-2013, 12:32 AM
Your bitching was not missed in the game thread tonight. At least your butthurt bullshit is confined to one thread. Go to the bar more often

06-14-2013, 12:47 AM
You've turned into a gimmick account like Rip. The refs haven't been a factor at all in this series. Both teams have gone on big runs, outplayed each other, and are tied 2-2. How about you enjoy the games instead of whining about the refs every game? There's a lot of confirmation bias in your post. You are looking for things to complain about so you can say the games are rigged for Miami.


I'm sorry, but you guys choose what you want to see.

I hate the Heat fans here, they are so delusional and so oblivious to obvious ref help. You are completely out of your mind if you can't see the bullshit your getting away with in this game. How about address the calls im referring to, instead of just passing me off as a hater.

I'm looking for things? No man, I am pointing out a ref influence, not rigging as I dont believe you can rig a team to lose(Heat and Lebron just happen to be the next money spinner). Im not sitting here saying that Lebron sucks, Wade sucks and hate the Heat, Im pointing out obvious calls that were missed or wrong. I strongly believe that the game is tainted. No question. Sure, the Heat plaed with urgency and played alot better, but if the game was called like the last game, it could of been a totally different game if Spurs built that early lead.

I watch because I hope Spurs can overcome the influence of refs, so for my enjoyment Id like to say that DESPITE whats happening on the big picture.

06-14-2013, 12:49 AM

I'm sorry, but you guys choose what you want to see.

I hate the Heat fans here, they are so delusional and so oblivious to obvious ref help. You are completely out of your mind if you can't see the bullshit your getting away with in this game. How about address the calls im referring to, instead of just passing me off as a hater.

I'm looking for things? No man, I am pointing out a ref influence, not rigging as I dont believe you can rig a team to lose(Heat and Lebron just happen to be the next money spinner). Im not sitting here saying that Lebron sucks, Wade sucks and hate the Heat, Im pointing out obvious calls that were missed or wrong. I strongly believe that the game is tainted. No question. Sure, the Heat plaed with urgency and played alot better, but if the game was called like the last game, it could of been a totally different game if Spurs built that early lead.

I watch because I hope Spurs can overcome the influence of refs, so for my enjoyment Id like to say that DESPITE whats happening on the big picture.
You are the only one who made a thread on this. If the reffing was bad there would be 10+ threads about it. You are the delusional one here. Go troll somewhere else.

06-14-2013, 12:50 AM
Wow, this was actually one of the first threads (or even posts, period) about the refs tonight.

I hadn't even noticed that until now.

And i myself don't even remember being too mad at the refs while watching the game...i remember a few questionable calls and no calls that i was mad at, but nothing much.

Congratulations ISH. And congratulations to the refs tonight for doing a pretty good job. :applause:

06-14-2013, 12:55 AM
This game was pretty good imo. This whole series has been reffed well. I think op is the only person to have even mentioned them so far

06-14-2013, 12:58 AM
Wow, this was actually one of the first threads (or even posts, period) about the refs tonight.

I hadn't even noticed that until now.

Congratulations ISH. And congratulations to the refs tonight for doing a pretty good job.

I wasn't going to bother, I don't normally make threads at all, and its unfortunate that there are a lot of people on ISH who turn a blind on on it, or they just give up since its just predictable. Ive never seem Pop get so mad about numerous calls like that before, after a while he just sat down and stared in disgust.

I'm glad to see you're so easily fooled, I think the league is still corrupt as fcuk.

06-14-2013, 12:59 AM
Only a Complete Moron would stay the Heat didn't 100% Deserve this win..

06-14-2013, 01:00 AM
This game was pretty good imo. This whole series has been reffed well. I think op is the only person to have even mentioned them so far

Ok, man.

I couldn't give a flying fcuk if no one else mentioned it. If they did they would just cop the usual your just a hater and conspiracy theorist. So whats the point? Like anyone saying anything about it is going to get through to some of you here.

06-14-2013, 01:01 AM
This ****ing pedo is always talking about the refs and the Heat. You need to get a life man.

06-14-2013, 01:02 AM
Only a Complete Moron would stay the Heat didn't 100% Deserve this win..

I'm not saying they didn't deserve to win, I'm saying it could be a completely different ballgame had the reffing influence not been present in that first half. Sometimes you can overcome ref influence, but alot of the time you can't. This was an example.

06-14-2013, 01:03 AM
Ok, man.

I couldn't give a flying fcuk if no one else mentioned it. If they did they would just cop the usual your just a hater and conspiracy theorist. So whats the point? Like anyone saying anything about it is going to get through to some of you here.
The thing is that you only talk about the refs. The spurs got more calls in the 2nd half because they attacked more. Or was it because Stern wanted them to win :rolleyes:

06-14-2013, 01:05 AM
Witnessed some serious ref help in that first half. When Spurs started to make a small lead the refs pulled the reigns bigtime. Splitter got armchopped, Wade layup and foul(no one touched him), numerous no calls when there clearly was body contact and hacks, a goal tend(the other one wasnt) Wade suddenly doesnt have a hurt leg(biggest BS), after that the heat got out on a run and took control of the game. Now, I will give credit to the Heat and in particular wade and bron having good games, but I dont support that kind of officiating ruining the game. Bosh's blatant flop and spurs get called for the foul(which could of been points to spurs), numerous calls where the ball was off miami yet miami get the ball, its just bullshit.

I will point out, Battier's one was a charge, and Wade's foul on i think duncan? was not a foul. But really, do the Heat have any room to complain? they got just about every 50/50 call, parker and gino got no ref calls driving to the hole, I was just amazed how differently that game was reffed to the last one.

Don't believe me? Have a look at how irate Pop was towards the refs on the side line. Spurs players were in like WTF mode, they couldnt believe the calls they were seeing that first half. After that, I give credit to the Heat, they played alot more intense and with desparation, unfortunately they had alot of help to get in that position.

If you want to bring up the foul count, don't. The calls missed and the timing of them hurt Spurs way more.

Oh poido123 says don't bring up the foul count, so now it doesn't matter. :facepalm Idiot. Rewatch the final 4 minutes of the first half to see some bullshit. Final two minutes of that half were horrendous. Loose ball foul after loose ball foul on the Heat. And don't get me started on Wade's clean ass block on Timmy

06-14-2013, 01:06 AM
This ****ing pedo is always talking about the refs and the Heat. You need to get a life man.

Go fck yourself you dipshit frontrunner fan.

Because I dont buy into your fandom of the Heat and the league's trickery(mainupulating placement of calls/non calls), does not mean my opnion is any less valid. I was going to bring up this thread even if Spurs had won the game.

06-14-2013, 01:07 AM
OMG I ****ing love cocks. Almost as much as I love ***
Most phaggits usually do.

06-14-2013, 01:08 AM
Location: Australia

Now it all makes sense.

06-14-2013, 01:08 AM
Why are bitches like OP still allowed to post? I don't mind when people complain about calls in game threads when they're deserved. Even I do it in a joking manner sometimes but this guy's a ****ing joke. His whole account is a gimmick.

06-14-2013, 01:09 AM
haha I just got back from the bar. I was so fuggin pissed. I swear fa lwad I was yellin evrytime the heat got some bogus calls. good win for the heat. seemed like everytime the spurs got close, the heat pushed the pedal to the muh fuggin level.

good win ******s. yall nikkas earned it.

06-14-2013, 01:10 AM
Your threads suck.
Go jerk off to MJ s old pictures, that s what you do best. Loser!

06-14-2013, 01:11 AM
Spurs got more FTA 31 to 17.

06-14-2013, 01:12 AM
OP is a racist pedo

06-14-2013, 01:15 AM
Wow, this was actually one of the first threads (or even posts, period) about the refs tonight.

I hadn't even noticed that until now.

And i myself don't even remember being too mad at the refs while watching the game...i remember a few questionable calls and no calls that i was mad at, but nothing much.

Congratulations ISH. And congratulations to the refs tonight for doing a pretty good job. :applause:


There was missed calls on both ends, nothing dramatic tho.

06-14-2013, 01:16 AM
Why are bitches like OP still allowed to post? I don't mind when people complain about calls in game threads when they're deserved. Even I do it in a joking manner sometimes but this guy's a ****ing joke. His whole account is a gimmick.


And you have been here on ISH for like a month? Ive been here for 7 years and have seen stupid ass fans like yourself come and go. Only that this Heat plague of fan is suffocating. Its like the poison of the Heat movement is oozing out all over the game of basketball and spreading an undeniable shit on the league.

I have never been so disgusted with a team or league influence in my life. I'm saying it, the league is still corrupt and it deserves to be investigated. If it continues on like this for the next few years(including in favour of bulls) I'll turn the shit off and wait to come back when they clean it up. The flopping, the ref influence, the disposable fans, have all but ruined the game and what it used to be.

06-14-2013, 01:16 AM

I'm sorry, but you guys choose what you want to see.

This applies to no one on the board more than you.

06-14-2013, 01:16 AM

And you have been here on ISH for like a month? Ive been here for 7 years and have seen stupid ass fans like yourself come and go. Only that this Heat plague of fan is suffocating. Its like the poison of the Heat movement is oozing out all over the game of basketball and spreading an undeniable shit on the league.

I have never been so disgusted with a team or league influence in my life. I'm saying it, the league is still corrupt and it deserves to be investigated. If it continues on like this for the next few years(including in favour of bulls) I'll turn the shit off and wait to come back when they clean it up. The flopping, the ref influence, the disposable fans, have all but ruined the game and what it used to be.
go watch rugby phagg0t

06-14-2013, 01:18 AM

And you have been here on ISH for like a month? Ive been here for 7 years and have seen stupid ass fans like yourself come and go. Only that this Heat plague of fan is suffocating. Its like the poison of the Heat movement is oozing out all over the game of basketball and spreading an undeniable shit on the league.

I have never been so disgusted with a team or league influence in my life. I'm saying it, the league is still corrupt and it deserves to be investigated. If it continues on like this for the next few years(including in favour of bulls) I'll turn the shit off and wait to come back when they clean it up. The flopping, the ref influence, the disposable fans, have all but ruined the game and what it used to be.
Then stop watchin. B!tchin and whinin on ISH won't do shit :lol

06-14-2013, 01:19 AM

And you have been here on ISH for like a month? Ive been here for 7 years and have seen stupid ass fans like yourself come and go. Only that this Heat plague of fan is suffocating. Its like the poison of the Heat movement is oozing out all over the game of basketball and spreading an undeniable shit on the league.

I have never been so disgusted with a team or league influence in my life. I'm saying it, the league is still corrupt and it deserves to be investigated. If it continues on like this for the next few years(including in favour of bulls) I'll turn the shit off and wait to come back when they clean it up. The flopping, the ref influence, the disposable fans, have all but ruined the game and what it used to be.
You're a pedo.

06-14-2013, 01:21 AM

And you have been here on ISH for like a month? Ive been here for 7 years and have seen stupid ass fans like yourself come and go. Only that this Heat plague of fan is suffocating. Its like the poison of the Heat movement is oozing out all over the game of basketball and spreading an undeniable shit on the league.

I have never been so disgusted with a team or league influence in my life. I'm saying it, the league is still corrupt and it deserves to be investigated. If it continues on like this for the next few years(including in favour of bulls) I'll turn the shit off and wait to come back when they clean it up. The flopping, the ref influence, the disposable fans, have all but ruined the game and what it used to be.

Here we go again with this pedo's whining. Are you still wearing your tinfoil hat too?

06-14-2013, 01:21 AM
Lebron and Wade were aggressive as hell and the Heat attempted 14 fewer FTs, but the Spurs were ****ed? :oldlol:

I Know, I know, that doesn't mean anything :sleeping .

06-14-2013, 01:21 AM
Go fck yourself you dipshit frontrunner fan.

Lives in Australia his whole life, starts watching basketball during Jordan era, picks the Bulls to support, calls others frontrunners. :oldlol:

You have 0 right to call out anyone. You're like all the other dipshits I see around here in Australia with Jordan jerseys on, and Bulls hats.

06-14-2013, 01:22 AM

And you have been here on ISH for like a month? Ive been here for 7 years and have seen stupid ass fans like yourself come and go. Only that this Heat plague of fan is suffocating. Its like the poison of the Heat movement is oozing out all over the game of basketball and spreading an undeniable shit on the league.

I have never been so disgusted with a team or league influence in my life. I'm saying it, the league is still corrupt and it deserves to be investigated. If it continues on like this for the next few years(including in favour of bulls) I'll turn the shit off and wait to come back when they clean it up. The flopping, the ref influence, the disposable fans, have all but ruined the game and what it used to be.

Do you **** kangaroos?

06-14-2013, 01:22 AM
Lebron and Wade were aggressive as hell and the Heat attempted 14 fewer FTs, but the Spurs were ****ed? :oldlol:

I Know, I know, that doesn't mean anything :sleeping .

When the Heat don't get more calls, or even close to, its always about timing of the calls apparently.

06-14-2013, 01:23 AM
Do you **** kangaroos?
only if they're underage.

06-14-2013, 01:24 AM
Poido, dude, stop it. I hate the Heat as much as the next guy but the refs didn't influence this game. The Heat just played with more urgency and they deserved to win.

06-14-2013, 01:24 AM
is this the guy from Australia that started rooting for the Bulls right as they started winning titles

I cant tell since his homosexual kangaroo avatar isn't showing up

06-14-2013, 01:24 AM
And here comes the rain of shit as we speak. Is there not enough *****try in one heat fan? Or do you all have to come on and have a circlejerk together :rolleyes:

06-14-2013, 01:26 AM
pedo123 is so mad. I can picture him crying like a little bitch. Seriously, if you're not trolling, you should go to a shrink. There's no reason for a person to get this angry at a sports franchise. Not to mention the fact that the team is half way around the world.

That being said, if you really think that Miami got help from the refs, you should just stop watching Basketball. It's extremely evident that either your mental problems or just your lack of basketball knowledge are preventing you from enjoying the games.

06-14-2013, 01:26 AM
And here comes the rain of shit as we speak. Is there not enough *****try in one heat fan? Or do you all have to come on and have a circlejerk together :rolleyes:

tbh you started it :roll: even mr jabber is not complaining about the refs and you are the only one butt hurt about it. :facepalm

06-14-2013, 01:26 AM
And here comes the rain of shit as we speak. Is there not enough *****try in one heat fan? Or do you all have to come on and have a circlejerk together :rolleyes:

I didn't know pedo's have feelings.

06-14-2013, 01:27 AM
only if they're underage.

06-14-2013, 01:29 AM
is this the guy from Australia that started rooting for the Bulls right as they started winning titles

I cant tell since his homosexual kangaroo avatar isn't showing up

Dipping this low are we April 2013?

If you want to be a racist close-minded american(yes there are alot that think kangaroos deliver our mail in our country), be my guest but I don't stoop that low and I am talking basketball here, not race.

06-14-2013, 01:29 AM
Its ok guys.

Pedo is just upset because the Bulls have been raped by the Heat in 2 of the past 3 playoffs, their franchise player is a bitch, and the franchise is irrelevant.

Thanks for playing, time to sit back and watch LeBron James and the Heat put on a show. :cry: :cry: :cry:

06-14-2013, 01:29 AM
only if they're underage.
:D :D

06-14-2013, 01:30 AM
Dipping this low are we April 2013?

If you want to be a racist close-minded american(yes there are alot that think kangaroos deliver our mail in our country), be my guest but I don't stoop that low and I am talking basketball here, not race.

Australia doesn't have mail. Everybody knows that.

06-14-2013, 01:33 AM
Even Bulls fans are shitting on you. lol...

06-14-2013, 01:34 AM
You're not gonna get much help tonight, all Heat fans on the boards tonight

06-14-2013, 01:34 AM
Let it be known that pedos are NOT welcome on this board.

06-14-2013, 01:35 AM
Poido, dude, stop it. I hate the Heat as much as the next guy but the refs didn't influence this game. The Heat just played with more urgency and they deserved to win.

Yeah I know. I disagree that they didn't, but ffor a fellow Bulls fan I'll stop.

What do you do when you believe what you see? I don't know.

If I'm wrong so be it, but I won't give in to f*ggot heat fans on here trying to tell me what happened. I saw it different, so what.

Anyways, Im done with this conversation, I'm only losing my cool at kids who have no clue what they are talking about and coming in on me like a pack of wolves. Fcuk em all.

06-14-2013, 01:37 AM
pedo rant
Not in my backyard. fcuk outta here pedo.

06-14-2013, 01:37 AM
Even Bulls fans are shitting on you. lol...


You're clutching.

There is like 10 heat fans in this thread and 2 bulls fans, fcuk all you weakass Heat "fans"

06-14-2013, 01:38 AM

You're clutching.

There is like 10 heat fans in this thread and 2 bulls fans, fcuk all you weakass Heat "fans"
I'm better than you. Australians are inherently less important people.

06-14-2013, 01:39 AM
If I'm wrong so be it, but I won't give in to f*ggot heat fans on here trying to tell me what happened. I saw it different, so what.

Anyways, Im done with this conversation, I'm only losing my cool at kids who have no clue what they are talking about and coming in on me like a pack of wolves. Fcuk em all.

Thats what I fcking thought. Sit down pusssy

06-14-2013, 01:40 AM
Dipping this low are we April 2013?

If you want to be a racist close-minded american(yes there are alot that think kangaroos deliver our mail in our country), be my guest but I don't stoop that low and I am talking basketball here, not race.
Racist? Australians are a race? Who knew!

06-14-2013, 01:40 AM
OP =

06-14-2013, 01:41 AM
Racist? Australians are a race? Who knew!
Australians are actually notoriously racist. They hate non-whites, aboriginals, etc...

All Net
06-14-2013, 01:43 AM
Refs weren

06-14-2013, 01:44 AM
Australians are actually notoriously racist. They hate non-whites, aboriginals, etc...

That's a stereotpye. I'm not like that, I have an iranian who plays in my basketball team and I regularly play with americans(black and white) and asians down at my local court.

GTFO with that shit.

06-14-2013, 01:46 AM
[QUOTE=All Net]Refs weren

06-14-2013, 01:48 AM
That's a stereotpye. I'm not like that, I have an iranian who plays in my basketball team and I regularly play with americans(black and white) and asians down at my local court.

GTFO with that shit.
Not even understanding how the above comment in itself is racist = racism.

Fcuking racist idiot actually said "I'm not racist. I play basketball with an Iranian".

06-14-2013, 01:48 AM

Australia doesn't have mail. Everybody knows that.
You're the fat kid in school who used comedy to gain acceptance, huh?

You ain't the least bit funny so don't quit your Pizza Hut gig.

06-14-2013, 01:48 AM
That's a stereotpye. I'm not like that, I have an iranian who plays in my basketball team and I regularly play with americans(black and white) and asians down at my local court.

GTFO with that shit.

Yo guys you hear this shit? He has an iranian on his basketball team and agrees to play with blacks and asians. Hes obviously not a racist.

Al Thornton
06-14-2013, 01:49 AM

06-14-2013, 01:51 AM
You're the fat kid in school who used comedy to gain acceptance, huh?

You ain't the least bit funny so don't quit your Pizza Hut gig.
Or perhaps I was the rich popular girl who was on the gymnastics team. :confusedshrug:

Domino's > pizza hut

06-14-2013, 01:55 AM
Yo guys you hear this shit? He has an iranian on his basketball team and agrees to play with blacks and asians. Hes obviously not a racist.

The point is, I don't refuse or dislike to play basketball with any nationality because of what country they come from or what colour they are. If they are good people and treat me right, I do the same.

As for you, you sound like a dipshit.

06-14-2013, 01:55 AM
This applies to no one on the board more than you.
The irony...

Seriously dude, shut up. You are worse than the OP when it comes to bitching about refs. You don't think the Bulls have ever beaten the Heat without the refs help. You are the last person who should call someone out for compalining about the refs.:rolleyes:

06-14-2013, 01:57 AM
The irony...

Seriously dude, shut up. You are worse than the OP when it comes to bitching about refs. You don't think the Bulls have ever beaten the Heat without the refs help. You are the last person who should call someone out for compalining about the refs.:rolleyes:
Lol. No he isn't. Even I'm not as bad as OP for bitching about refs and I'm like 1000x worse than most people.

pedo is on his own level.

06-14-2013, 01:58 AM
Not even understanding how the above comment in itself is racist = racism.

Fcuking racist idiot actually said "I'm not racist. I play basketball with an Iranian".


fcuk you're really trying to find something on me aren't you...

Go away troll

06-14-2013, 02:02 AM
I have an iranian who plays in my basketball team and I regularly play with americans(black and white) and asians down at my local court.

06-14-2013, 02:02 AM
Lol. No he isn't. Even I'm not as bad as OP for bitching about refs and I'm like 1000x worse than most people.

pedo is on his own level.

:roll: Nah man, Ive seen you many times in a gamethread every 3rd or 4th post saying some shit about the reffing or trolling other fans. Im not near your level, Im nothing like you...

Its funny, Plowking only turns up on this board when he suspects a Heat win. The time Spurs have won, he has been nowhere to be seen in gamethreads and nowhere to be seen in the forum. Some Heat fan :rolleyes:

06-14-2013, 02:03 AM
The irony...

Seriously dude, shut up. You are worse than the OP when it comes to bitching about refs. You don't think the Bulls have ever beaten the Heat without the refs help. You are the last person who should call someone out for compalining about the refs.:rolleyes:

I only ever comment on the refs if people in the gamethread constantly say it about the Heat. Basically I'm just doing it to troll.

The only series I've had a problem with in terms of reffing this playoffs is the Bulls one.

Keep complaining though. From the start of the Indiana series, Heat have shot more free throws than the Pacers or Spurs once in 11 games. And you dipshits actually have the nerve to ever complain about the refs. We can't even get more free throws than the old ass Spurs, and you never hear Heat fans complain about refs first in gamethreads.

Bulls fans are particularly fickle and shit c*nts in general.

06-14-2013, 02:03 AM
Oh my god this thread is ****ing hilarious. So much bitching going on it's insane.

06-14-2013, 02:04 AM
:roll: Nah man, Ive seen you many times in a gamethread every 3rd or 4th post saying some shit about the reffing or trolling other fans. Im not near your level, Im nothing like you...

Its funny, Plowking only turns up on this board when he suspects a Heat win. The time Spurs have won, he has been nowhere to be seen in gamethreads and nowhere to be seen in the forum. Some Heat fan :rolleyes:

I wasn't in the first 3 gamethreads, even game 2 where the Heat won, because I have a life, and shit to do asshole. Its called a job, university and family commitments.

06-14-2013, 02:10 AM
I wasn't in the first 3 gamethreads, even game 2 where the Heat won, because I have a life, and shit to do asshole. Its called a job, university and family commitments.

Said nothing about you not having a life, Im pointing out your frontrunner tendancies.

All good, you dish it out and call out other fans for bitching, yet everyone of the Heat fans in here including yourself have consistently bitched throughout the playoffs.

06-14-2013, 02:14 AM
Said nothing about you not having a life, Im pointing out your frontrunner tendancies.

All good, you dish it out and call out other fans for bitching, yet everyone of the Heat fans in here including yourself have consistently bitched throughout the playoffs.
Says the Australian Jordan stan.:roll:

06-14-2013, 02:19 AM
Said nothing about you not having a life, Im pointing out your frontrunner tendancies.

All good, you dish it out and call out other fans for bitching, yet everyone of the Heat fans in here including yourself have consistently bitched throughout the playoffs.

Yeah, I'm a frontrunner due to my obligations.

I've got posts on here in 2008, on the Heat forum discussing draft picks after our 15 win season. I'm more of a fan of my team than you'll ever be of the Bulls. You had any team to pick and you chose the team winning titles and with the best player on earth, all while living in Australia. I on the other hand chose a 32 win Heat as my team when I started watching basketball. You're the frontrunner if anything.

06-14-2013, 02:19 AM
Says the Australian Jordan stan.:roll:

Fck off idiot.

My favourite player in the nineties was Rodman?

My favourite player now is Noah, as he reminds me alot of Rodman.

Just so I don't get pidgeonholed into a "Jordan" stan, I supported the team during the two playoff losses to Detroit. Now, I have also stayed loyal to my team through the lean years too, something alot of the Heat fans would know nothing about.

06-14-2013, 02:22 AM
Fck off idiot.

My favourite player in the nineties was Rodman?

My favourite player now is Noah, as he reminds me alot of Rodman.

Just so I don't get pidgeonholed into a "Jordan" stan, I supported the team during the two playoff losses to Detroit. Now, I have also stayed loyal to my team through the lean years too, something alot of the Heat fans would know nothing about.
Then why did you say you became a bulls fan in the early 90's? Shouldn't you have been a pistons fan? :confusedshrug:

Stories are changing.

btw, it was 3 straight losses to Detroit, not 2 fcuknut

06-14-2013, 02:24 AM
Sorry if I offended any of the good fans here, but I called it how I saw it.
You need to take them hater glasses off. You might actually enjoy a game or two of Heat Basketball.

BTW, beat up any foreigners lately?

06-14-2013, 02:33 AM
Then why did you say you became a bulls fan in the early 90's? Shouldn't you have been a pistons fan? :confusedshrug:

Stories are changing.

btw, it was 3 straight losses to Detroit, not 2 fcuknut

Unlike you, I was a fan of the team.

I'm glad you know a little bit of history, enough to know that Rodman did indeed play for a few teams...

And it was 3, an honest mistake. Been a while :rolleyes:

06-14-2013, 02:35 AM
You need to take them hater glasses off. You might actually enjoy a game or two of Heat Basketball.

BTW, beat up any foreigners lately?

I did enjoy the skill out there, as I do every game that I watch. Now when it comes to the bullshit in the game like flopping, ref influence and stuff like that, it takes the shine off for me, but not completely. See what I mean?

06-14-2013, 02:37 AM
I only ever comment on the refs if people in the gamethread constantly say it about the Heat. Basically I'm just doing it to troll.

The only series I've had a problem with in terms of reffing this playoffs is the Bulls one.

Keep complaining though. From the start of the Indiana series, Heat have shot more free throws than the Pacers or Spurs once in 11 games. And you dipshits actually have the nerve to ever complain about the refs. We can't even get more free throws than the old ass Spurs, and you never hear Heat fans complain about refs first in gamethreads.

Bulls fans are particularly fickle and shit c*nts in general.
Way to generalize. I gather you aren't even American so you aren't the typical Heat "fan". I would guess you are European? Americans don't give two fukks about soccer and you like Chelsea. Your typical recent Heat fan is a fat teenaged frontrunner or an old Miami resident with a bad tan. That's it, the rest are Bron stans and used to be Cavs '"fans". So which one are you?

06-14-2013, 02:40 AM
Way to generalize. I gather you aren't even American so you aren't the typical Heat "fan". I would guess you are European? Americans don't give two fukks about soccer and you like Chelsea. You're typical recent Heat fan is a fat teenaged frontrunner or an old Miami resident with a bad tan. That's it, the rest are Bron stans and used to be Cavs '"fans". So which one are you?

He's Australian. Not that far away from me.

Funny all the Heat fns here talking shit about Australia, yet one of their biggest Heat fans is Australian :facepalm:

06-14-2013, 02:47 AM
Way to generalize. I gather you aren't even American so you aren't the typical Heat "fan". I would guess you are European? Americans don't give two fukks about soccer and you like Chelsea. Your typical recent Heat fan is a fat teenaged frontrunner or an old Miami resident with a bad tan. That's it, the rest are Bron stans and used to be Cavs '"fans". So which one are you?

What is it with you and trying to make everyone sound fat? I'm guessing its you who is projecting your insecurities and looks onto others. :oldlol:
I'm European, yes, and moved to Australia. And?

06-14-2013, 02:48 AM
I did enjoy the skill out there, as I do every game that I watch. Now when it comes to the bullshit in the game like flopping, ref influence and stuff like that, it takes the shine off for me, but not completely. See what I mean?
Tell me what all calls (game 4) got your panties in a bunch. Please list them here.

06-14-2013, 02:48 AM
He's Australian. Not that far away from me.

Funny all the Heat fns here talking shit about Australia, yet one of their biggest Heat fans is Australian :facepalm:

You're in Perth, aren't you?

06-14-2013, 03:18 AM
You're in Perth, aren't you?

My place of residence too, love it here

06-14-2013, 03:20 AM
My place of residence too, love it here

I'm in Brisbane. Love it here. Got the Gold Coast only an hour away, and its close to other major cities. Perth is nice, and I've lived there as well, but a bit too far from everything IMO.

06-14-2013, 03:34 AM
I'm in Brisbane. Love it here. Got the Gold Coast only an hour away, and its close to other major cities. Perth is nice, and I've lived there as well, but a bit too far from everything IMO.

Love the Gold Coast, full of durty biatches, it's probably the Miami of Australia, great weather, sun, surf, hot women and retired overly tanned people with lots of money.

Perth is close to Bali and SE Asia, cheap holidays where your money goes a long way, it's only a 5 or so hour flight to the east coast so it's not that far either.

But let's not railroad this thread, I'm not a fan of either team, the series seems to be officiated reasonably well, questionable calls going both ways, so nothing out of the ordinary, I did call the Spurs in 6 in other places and among my Heat loving friends, I'll stick with that prediction.

06-14-2013, 03:41 AM
What is it with you and trying to make everyone sound fat? I'm guessing its you who is projecting your insecurities and looks onto others. :oldlol:
I'm European, yes, and moved to Australia. And?
You know what? He does do that. He always accuses people of being fat. Projection much?

06-14-2013, 03:42 AM
Unlike you, I was a fan of the team.

I'm glad you know a little bit of history, enough to know that Rodman did indeed play for a few teams...

And it was 3, an honest mistake. Been a while :rolleyes:
You're a fraud.

06-14-2013, 03:47 AM
I'm in Brisbane. Love it here. Got the Gold Coast only an hour away, and its close to other major cities. Perth is nice, and I've lived there as well, but a bit too far from everything IMO.

I'm on the Gold Coast. Again, Im not that far from you unfortunately.

06-14-2013, 03:48 AM
You're a fraud.

Keep trolling.

None of your other Heat fans respect you, you're a deflector from the Lakers

06-14-2013, 03:49 AM
Keep trolling.

None of your other Heat fans respect you, you're a deflector from the Lakers

06-14-2013, 03:52 AM
Tell me what all calls (game 4) got your panties in a bunch. Please list them here.

I did. Read the first page man.

As I dont have the privilege of seeing a replay of the game, I stated the ones I remember, and Im sure there were more.

06-14-2013, 03:53 AM

06-14-2013, 03:53 AM

Whatever that word is, defector whatever

06-14-2013, 03:55 AM
Whatever that word is, defector whatever
So much fail. Jeez you're a moron. :roll:


06-14-2013, 04:11 AM
So much fail. Jeez you're a moron. :roll:


You and I know the truth :pimp: Enjoy your hollow victories. "Fan"

06-14-2013, 04:13 AM
You and I know the truth :pimp: Enjoy your hollow victories. "Fan"
Have you not noticed yet that EVERYTHING you "know" is wrong?

Take it easy pedo.

06-14-2013, 04:14 AM
Have you not noticed yet that EVERYTHING you "know" is wrong?

Take it easy pedo.

Its getting old, stop calling me Pedo.

Unless you want me to address you as dipshit everytime I speak to you...

06-14-2013, 04:18 AM
Its getting old, stop calling me Pedo.

Unless you want me to address you as dipshit everytime I speak to you...
Do what you gotta do pedo.

06-14-2013, 07:51 AM
Seriously, pedo's should be banned from this site.

06-14-2013, 07:56 AM
Referee assistance only amounts to at best 8 points and Miami won by more than that so who cares, really.

07-17-2013, 02:00 AM

Serious ref help despite out of the 100+ 7 game series in the history of the game, Heat got less free throws than any team ever.

Refs really masked this one well. lololol

Fresh Kid
07-17-2013, 02:05 AM

Serious ref help despite out of the 100+ 7 game series in the history of the game, Heat got less free throws than any team ever.

Refs really masked this one well. lololol
Refs were unmasked game 6 & 7 for the spurs to lose, those games were obviously fixed.

07-17-2013, 02:25 AM
Refs were unmasked game 6 & 7 for the spurs to lose, those games were obviously fixed.


The refs lost the Spurs a 6 point lead with under a minute to go in regulation. :oldlol:

07-17-2013, 02:30 AM
Classic thread, even pedos own fans told him to shut the *** up.