View Full Version : Larry Bird vs Stephen Curry: Who's the better shooter?

Living Being
06-26-2013, 06:56 PM

Who do you have being better:

With a hand in his face on a 3pt?
Being fouled on a 3?
Being fouled on a layup?
Being fouled on a mid-range shot?
Game-winning shot from inside the arc?
Game-winning shot from outside the arc?
3pt contest?
Game of HORSE?
From 5 feet beyond the 3pt line?
At the FT line with 0.1 secs left shooting 2 and down 1 pt?
At the FT line with 0.1 secs left shooting 3 and down 3 pt?

06-26-2013, 07:06 PM
pure spot-up shooting, no off-the-dribble, 1 on 1 competition, i'd say Bird.

06-26-2013, 07:27 PM
Curry better shooter, Bird way better player

06-26-2013, 07:40 PM
The one they call 'Legend'

06-26-2013, 07:52 PM
Different styles, hard to judge. The only way I can really say one or the other is if they switch shots. Curry use his speed and handles to get his shot of while Bird used his height much more. Its like asking who has the best ballhandling skills, the one who crosses you over or the one who protects the ball?

Two different styles, too long ago to compare and you cant really put the one over the other because the level of their shooting is/was so high that only a NBA player scout could give a solid answer.

With that said, Curry by far!

Mass Debator
06-26-2013, 07:56 PM
Different styles, hard to judge. The only way I can really say one or the other is if they switch shots. Curry use his speed and handles to get his shot of while Bird used his height much more. Its like asking who has the best ballhandling skills, the one who crosses you over or the one who protects the ball?

Two different styles, too long ago to compare and you cant really put the one over the other because the level of their shooting is/was so high that only a NBA player scout could give a solid answer.

With that said, Curry by far!

06-26-2013, 07:57 PM
I think Bird could make the jumpshot a lot of different ways that were harder.

06-26-2013, 08:07 PM
Bird was the best jump shooter of all time. Who cares if his shot isn't as pretty as Judas or Curry?

06-26-2013, 08:07 PM

He basically has as many 3's made in his career as Bird did his career.

On far superior percentages.

06-26-2013, 11:20 PM

He basically has as many 3's made in his career as Bird did his career.

On far superior percentages.

Different eras and, consequently, different employments of the three-point shot.

Can't really compare.

06-26-2013, 11:24 PM
Curry easily.

06-26-2013, 11:26 PM
Shooting is shooting. As far as I know the line is as far away from the hoop as it was back then.

06-27-2013, 12:43 AM
Curry probably better at the 3s since in Bird's era it was a new thing. Everything else Bird. I don't think there is a high-scorer who was as good as Bird at shooting in NBA history.

06-27-2013, 12:46 AM

06-27-2013, 12:47 AM
I wonder if we're having this discussion if Larry doesn't break his right index finger playing softball before he ever played a game with Boston.

06-27-2013, 12:55 AM

He basically has as many 3's made in his career as Bird did his career.

On far superior percentages.
That's just awful logic. I can see the argument for Curry, too, but using made 3-pointers as the main justification makes almost zero sense.

Greg Oden 50
06-27-2013, 12:56 AM

Cali Syndicate
06-27-2013, 12:59 AM
I'd say curry has the better range. Mid range bird was probably better. I'd easily go with bird in crunch time with any shot.

06-27-2013, 01:01 AM
Curry is great at creating space

Larry Legend would just drill jumpers with hands right in his face like it was nothing


dat sugar

06-27-2013, 01:48 AM
I am buying the hype of Curry being the best shooter of all time.

06-27-2013, 01:50 AM
Bird was the better player of course but curry is the better shooter. anyone who disagrees is just being nostalgic.

06-27-2013, 02:11 AM
Bird was the better player of course but curry is the better shooter. anyone who disagrees is just being nostalgic.

We don't have stats on Larry Bird's midrange game, but we have stats on Curry. We know that Curry is the better 3pt shooter, and we know his midrange game stats. We don't know Bird, but it could be very high since he did have close or better than 50% shooting on the floor. It could be better or equal to Dirk 2011 in midrange game where he shot:

16 ft to 3-pt: 51.9%
10 to to 16 ft: 49.2%

or Steve Nash awesome shooting numbers.

While Curry is a great shooter, his midrange game isn't as good as those percentage. And we don't know Bird's midrange game numbers.

06-27-2013, 09:15 AM
Bird is arguably the best shooter EVER. PERIOD.

06-27-2013, 10:27 AM
That's just awful logic. I can see the argument for Curry, too, but using made 3-pointers as the main justification makes almost zero sense.

Please re-read my post and carefully look at the last sentence.


He basically has as many 3's made in his career as Bird did his career.

On far superior percentages.

06-27-2013, 10:46 AM
Larry "Legend" Bird.

06-27-2013, 12:57 PM
Please re-read my post and carefully look at the last sentence.
The percentages don't really mean much to me, either. The 3P shot wasn't a part of Bird's game growing up. It's probably not a shot he spent a lot of time practicing.

Besides, I have no clue where you're getting the "far superior percentages" bullshit from. Curry's percentages are better, but the years Bird was actually implementing the 3P shot (100+ attempts) he had percentages of: .406, .427, .423, .400, .414, .406. Maybe those continue to drop if he takes 40+ 3's in a season like Curry, but 43%-45% isn't "far superior" to 40%-43%.

06-27-2013, 01:05 PM
It wasn't apart of his game? Why not? The 3 point line was there every game of his NBA career.

He was a hard worker. You really think as hard a worker as he was, as much of a gym rat as he was, he wasn't working/practicing it a lot?

He was a career .376 percent 3 point shooter..... Curry is .446 shooter.....that's a huge difference.

06-27-2013, 01:15 PM
It wasn't apart of his game? Why not? The 3 point line was there every game of his NBA career.

He was a hard worker. You really think as hard a worker as he was, as much of a gym rat as he was, he wasn't working/practicing it a lot?

He was a career .376 percent 3 point shooter..... Curry is .446 shooter.....that's a huge difference.
Think of it like this. You grow up a playing a sport your entire life. You spend hours perfecting it, and you go through high school and college playing the sport with the same basic rules. Then, you get into the NBA and they add this line, about 25 feet from the basket, that rewards you an extra point if you make a shot from behind it. It's not ingrained in your basketball psyche. You don't think much of it and think of it as a "last resort" type shot because it seems like a low percentage shot.

I'm not saying Bird necessarily thought of it that way, but he didn't grow up with the 3P line. There's a reason the number of 3PA was significantly lower until the mid-90's. In it's early stages, NBA players didn't rely much on the 3P shot as a part of their game. If he stays healthy, Curry will surpass Bird in career 3PA in just his 5th season.

I'm not saying Bird never practiced 3's, but I do think here is something to be said for the 3P shot not even being a part of basketball until he was in the NBA. And that doesn't just go for him, either. Now kids are practicing and implementing the 3P shot into their game from about the time their strong enough to hoist the ball that far.

And, really, I don't care about their career precentages. When Bird was actually implementing it into his game, and healthy, he was shooting 40%-43% from three.

And didn't you say Curry because of his made 3's and 3P percentages? That' shardly the only aspect of shooting. I agree, Curry is a superior 3P shooter, but there's other aspects to actually shooting the ball.

06-27-2013, 01:20 PM
It wasn't apart of his game? Why not? The 3 point line was there every game of his NBA career.

He barely shot the ball at 3 in his early years. It was new. He never went pass 3.3 a game. And he only shot more than 2 times for from 3 for 6 seasons. To put it this way, Bird in his NBA career only took 1727. Curry in this season took 600. 1443 for his career so far.

Curry shoots more from 3 and is more efficient.

Bird could be the better midrange jumper tho. Which I would believe counts for shooting.

06-27-2013, 01:27 PM
The way 95% of people look at shooting is the 3 point line/ablity to shoot from range.

Novak isn't one of the games best shooters because he can take people off the dribble and pull up from mid range. He's not regarded as one of the best because he's shooting fall away jumpers from the post.

Steph is fantastic at shooting 3's, has unreal range, can do it off the dribble or off a screen, or catch and shoot. His percentage being as high as it is with the amount of attempts and variety of shots taken is unbelievable.

06-27-2013, 01:45 PM
Not only was it not part of Larry's usual repertoire, the coaches also didn't have it ingrained as a play like it is today.

06-27-2013, 01:49 PM
Not only was it not part of Larry's usual repertoire, the coaches also didn't have it ingrained as a play like it is today.
Exactly, and I don't know why people can't understand this. When you spend most of your basketball life without a 3P line, it' not just going to be something that's taken very seriously by players or coaches. The 3P boom didn't really come until the mid-90's with Hakeem's Rocket teams.

06-27-2013, 02:01 PM
That's not true. Don Nelson was using it with GS in the early 90's. His entire first stint with GS was nothing than bombing 3s.

But overall the 3P was not really used as a focal point in the 80s.

06-27-2013, 02:05 PM
We have enough sample size to compare them as shooters. I understand the point that the three point shot wasn't utilized as much as it is today. When Larry did shoot 3's, he flat out wasn't better at making them. We know that, by the numbers.

Even if you want to use Larry's best season, .427 percent on threes....he was only taking 1.5 a game. Steph is taking almost 8 threes a game and shooting .453.....not only is Steph shooting a better percentage, clearly, he's doing it 3X the volume.

Are we going to use the whole era thing and say if Bird was playing today he'd be shooting 4X as many threes and shooting a better percentage?

That seems silly to me.

06-27-2013, 02:24 PM
That's not true. Don Nelson was using it with GS in the early 90's. His entire first stint with GS was nothing than bombing 3s.

But overall the 3P was not really used as a focal point in the 80s.
Warriors 3PA by season:

1990: 750 (4th) - 0 teams attempted 1,000+ 3's

1991: 801 (5th) - 1 team attempted 1,000+ 3's

1992: 763 (6th) - 1 team attempted 1,000+ 3's

1993: 852 (9th) - 3 teams attempted 1,000+ 3's

1994: 859 (10th) - 5 teams attempted 1,000+ 3's

1995: 1,602 (2nd) - 23 teams attempted 1,000+ 3's

06-27-2013, 03:35 PM
We have enough sample size to compare them as shooters. I understand the point that the three point shot wasn't utilized as much as it is today. When Larry did shoot 3's, he flat out wasn't better at making them. We know that, by the numbers.

Even if you want to use Larry's best season, .427 percent on threes....he was only taking 1.5 a game. Steph is taking almost 8 threes a game and shooting .453.....not only is Steph shooting a better percentage, clearly, he's doing it 3X the volume.

Are we going to use the whole era thing and say if Bird was playing today he'd be shooting 4X as many threes and shooting a better percentage?

That seems silly to me.

Only from 3pt line and FTs.

Curry is the better shooter on the 3pt shot by a comfortable margin. Not only that, he gets his shot off quicker. We don't have the numbers from midrange in which Larry Bird could be better at. This would contribute to his overall shooting I would think.

Like Curry isn't better than Steve Nash or Dirk at midrange at their best yet, and they had years where they consistently shot a very high % from midrange, also shooting 50%. Curry could eventually, but not atm. Bird could be equal or slightly better than Nash and Dirk at his best with the midrange game judging his shot selection and high FG%.

Like this year Curry shot:

16ft -3pt: 43.7%
10 to 16 ft: 45.5%

Which is great! But it isn't a Nash or Dirk. It may not have been Larry Bird status either.

Nash in 07-2008 shot:
16ft to 3pt: 52.8 %
10 to 16 ft: 52.1%

Dirk in 10-11 shot:
16ft to 3pt: 51.9%
10 to 16ft: 49.2%

Like I said, I would think this also contribute the value of a shooter as 3pt and FTs. I would think you would have to take them as a whole body of work.

06-27-2013, 03:43 PM
Right now Curry is in competition with Green for best jump shot.

When his jump shot actually gets him a title... then u compare him to Larry Legend or even Ray Allen for that matter.

06-27-2013, 03:59 PM
I wonder if we're having this discussion if Larry doesn't break his right index finger playing softball before he ever played a game with Boston.
I broke my leg when I was 3 years old. Does that mean I had the potential to be a world-class sprinter if I never broke it? :(

06-27-2013, 04:17 PM
I broke my leg when I was 3 years old. Does that mean I had the potential to be a world-class sprinter if I never broke it? :(
I don't know, were you close to a world-class sprinter before you broke it? And yes, I'm aware how silly that sounds since you were 3-years old, but I don't understand your point.

Bird was a great shooter before the injury and continued to be one after the injury. Maybe it didn't have a significant impact on his shooting ability, but if it did, then fpliii has a point.

06-27-2013, 04:24 PM
I broke my leg when I was 3 years old. Does that mean I had the potential to be a world-class sprinter if I never broke it? :(


Maybe. But Bird never let it fully heal, setting it back into place himself (Google for some pictures). Though IIRC from one of his bios, Auerbach held a private workout with him and he was still able to hit shots with regularity (though Bird did say, I believe, that he lost all feel for his afterwards, the sensation replaced by numbness). I don't have his books in front of me at the moment, so someone can correct me if I'm wrong.

I don't know, were you close to a world-class sprinter before you broke it? And yes, I'm aware how silly that sounds since you were 3-years old, but I don't understand your point.

Bird was a great shooter before the injury and continued to be one after the injury. Maybe it didn't have a significant impact on his shooting ability, but if it did, then fpliii has a point.

I think it's a tough call. Having that kind of injury permanently, after college and before the pros can't be very helpful. Who knows?

06-27-2013, 04:29 PM
Curry is a better shooter than Larry Bird now?

The hype is real

06-27-2013, 05:06 PM
Meh. Old players are nowadays magical myths and hype. "It's better because it's not present."

06-27-2013, 05:20 PM
Curry just throws up a three everytime it won't be blocked, under any circumstances...and still makes them at a higher clip than Larry. Stop being nostalgic people

Curry's shooting ability is unreal. His shot selection from deep is pretty much as bad or worse than Kobe's, yet he's still amazingly efficient. Hand in his face? No prob. Off the dribble from 25 feet? No problem, either. Shot clock winding down, fading away? Easy. All of the above? Curry is your man.

He's that ridiculous.

06-27-2013, 06:25 PM
Antoine Walker is a better shooter than Larry Bird because he took more threes.

06-28-2013, 02:21 AM
Curry just throws up a three everytime it won't be blocked, under any circumstances...and still makes them at a higher clip than Larry. Stop being nostalgic people

Well, it depends if you seen Bird or not to get nostalgic I guess. You can watch tapes and stuff. With that said, Curry is a better 3pt shooter than Bird. I dunno about midrange game.

I honestly don't know because Bird would sometimes attack the basket. Sometimes he gets his points from putbacks. He prefers it down there or posting up. But he could shoot a midrange jumper too, so I don't know.

06-28-2013, 02:40 AM
Curry is easily a better shooter than Bird. You old geezers need to stop romanticizing the past. Curry is already easily the best 3 point shooter in NBA history.

05-10-2015, 05:53 AM
Larry Bird.

05-10-2015, 08:07 AM
Curry is the better 3p shooter. But Bird was better from midrange, and obviously a much better player.

05-10-2015, 11:28 AM


05-10-2015, 12:14 PM
in a private gym, curry is more accurate.

in the regular season, curry is probably still more accurate.

But on the biggest stage when the whole world is watching with pressure at the highest exponential level, curry aint touching larry in that game.

05-10-2015, 12:24 PM
in a private gym, curry is more accurate.

in the regular season, curry is probably still more accurate.

But on the biggest stage when the whole world is watching with pressure at the highest exponential level, curry aint touching larry in that game.

As soon as the pressure rises, regardless of the situation, Bird is much better

05-10-2015, 01:03 PM
Bird was a super competitor. He lived to kill you with a shot. That changes the whole dynamic for me.

05-10-2015, 01:12 PM
As soon as the pressure rises, regardless of the situation, Bird is much better

To be fair, Bird is better than almost anyone that has ever played the game in those situations.

05-10-2015, 01:13 PM
Bird was a super competitor. He lived to kill you with a shot. That changes the whole dynamic for me.
yes. Curry plays to lose. He missed a few shots so we know that curry likes to lose.
Bird never had bad playoff games shooting wise. there is so much nostalgia and overreaction on this forum.

05-10-2015, 01:15 PM
As soon as the pressure rises, regardless of the situation, Bird is much better

People are so simple minded and easy to manipulate. Stephen Curry has been an EXCELLENT post-season performer outside of these two games. He has never not produced on the biggest of stages. He took a no name Davidson team to a Cinderella run against superior competition.

Even after these two awful games he is averaging 28.4, 6.9 and 4.3.

You know he is going to come back with a vengeance too. You don't get to his level of excellence without the highest levels of self confidence.

But it is silly to compare him to Bird. Clearly, Bird is one of the top 5-8 players ever.

Hamtaro CP3KDKG
05-10-2015, 01:33 PM
Larry is literally better by a huge margin at everything besides 3pt shooting and his era frowned on that so we wont know how good he can be there yet

05-10-2015, 01:42 PM
in a private gym, curry is more accurate.

in the regular season, curry is probably still more accurate.

But on the biggest stage when the whole world is watching with pressure at the highest exponential level, curry aint touching larry in that game.
Bird was a career 32% shooter from 3 in the playoffs.

05-10-2015, 01:51 PM
Bird was a career 32% shooter from 3 in the playoffs.

but curry cant win the 3pt contest :roll: :roll: :roll:

05-10-2015, 02:26 PM
Bird was a career 32% shooter from 3 in the playoffs.

Because shooting is all about 3pointers right? :rolleyes: How about him also being a career 89% FT shooter in the Playoffs, for example?

And we're talking about a FULL career here... Years where he was playing at an old stage, after surgeries on back and both heels, playing under conditions that would force most to retire. You got (younger) years when he shouldn't even been playing, like in 1983. In 1985, later in the post-season he was also playing with a severely injured right elbow and right hand... Whatever though.

From 1984 to 1988, in the Playoffs, Bird averaged 26 PPG on 49/37/90 shooting splits. For the 1986 PS, at his very best, he put up 26 PPG on 51.7/41.1/92.7.
And he's a career 3x champion too, as the main man in the most stacked era, to say the least, how about that?

Comparing him to Curry, Steph is obviously quicker and absolutely creates better separation but then again Bird was taller and was better at contested shots; not that either couldn't do the other thing...
Both are terrific shooters in many ways with very quick releases although different types of players/styles, but I'd say Bird was a better OVERALL shooter from inside the 3pt line and even a better FT shooter, while clearly being clutcher, while Curry's definitely a better 3pt shooter BUT ofc that it needs to be mentioned that Larry didn't grow up with the 3pt line (NBA only adopted it in Bird's rookie year), and he played during a time where the shot wasn't nearly as used or emphasized by coaches and so on, as today, not even close; Larry actually shot higher %'s as his attempts went up. Bird still made the 3pt shot as a major weapon in his arsenal, still got to win 3pt contests in great fashion too, so on... He was also clearly a better scorer than Steph...

And, again, people need to realize shooting isn't shooting about 3pointers.

05-10-2015, 02:30 PM
Because shooting is all about 3pointers right? :rolleyes: How about him also being a career 89% FT shooter in the Playoffs, for example?

And we're talking about a FULL career here... Years where he was playing at an old stage, after surgeries on back and both heels, playing under conditions that would force most to retire. You got (younger) years when he shouldn't even been playing, like in 1983. In 1985, later in the post-season he was also playing with a severely injured right elbow and right hand... Whatever though.

From 1984 to 1988, in the Playoffs, Bird averaged 26 PPG on 49/37/90 shooting splits. For the 1986 PS, at his very best, he put up 26 PPG on 51.7/41.1/92.7.
And he's a career 3x champion too, as the main man in the most stacked era, to say the least, how about that?

Comparing him to Curry, Steph is obviously quicker and absolutely creates better separation but then again Bird was taller and was better at contested shots; not that either couldn't do the other thing...
Both are terrific shooters in many ways with very quick releases although different types of players/styles, but I'd say Bird was a better OVERALL shooter from inside the 3pt line and even a better FT shooter, while clearly being clutcher, while Curry's definitely a better 3pt shooter BUT ofc that it needs to be mentioned that Larry didn't grow up with the 3pt line (NBA only adopted it in Bird's rookie year), and he played during a time where the shot wasn't nearly as used or emphasized by coaches and so on, as today, not even; Larry actually shot at higher %'s as his attempts went up. Bird still made the 3pt shot as a major weapon in his arsenal, still got to win 3pt contests in great fashion too, so on...

And, again, people need to realize shooting isn't shooting about 3pointers.

so who is the better shooter?
And most people do realize that shooting is not all about 3 point shooting but it is a big part of it given that curry creates most of his shots too.He is also a great mid range shooter.
Bird was better than curry at everything else but just as a shooter , curry is better.

05-10-2015, 02:34 PM
Because shooting is all about 3pointers right? :rolleyes: How about him also being a career 89% FT shooter in the Playoffs, for example?

And we're talking about a FULL career here... Years where he was playing at an old stage, after surgeries on back and both heels, playing under conditions that would force most to retire. You got (younger) years when he shouldn't even been playing, like in 1983. In 1985, later in the post-season he was also playing with a severely injured right elbow and right hand... Whatever though.

From 1984 to 1988, in the Playoffs, Bird averaged 26 PPG on 49/37/90 shooting splits. For the 1986 PS, at his very best, he put up 26 PPG on 51.7/41.1/92.7.
And he's a career 3x champion too, as the main man in the most stacked era, to say the least, how about that?

Comparing him to Curry, Steph is obviously quicker and absolutely creates better separation but then again Bird was taller and was better at contested shots; not that either couldn't do the other thing...
Both are terrific shooters in many ways with very quick releases although different types of players/styles, but I'd say Bird was a better OVERALL shooter from inside the 3pt line and even a better FT shooter, while clearly being clutcher, while Curry's definitely a better 3pt shooter BUT ofc that it needs to be mentioned that Larry didn't grow up with the 3pt line (NBA only adopted it in Bird's rookie year), and he played during a time where the shot wasn't nearly as used or emphasized by coaches and so on, as today, not even close; Larry actually shot higher %'s as his attempts went up. Bird still made the 3pt shot as a major weapon in his arsenal, still got to win 3pt contests in great fashion too, so on... He was also clearly a better scorer than Steph...

And, again, people need to realize shooting isn't shooting about 3pointers.

Wow. I don't see how my post warranted that response. Calm down.

05-10-2015, 02:36 PM
so who is the better shooter?
And most people do realize that shooting is not all about 3 point shooting but it is a big part of it given that curry creates most of his shots too. He is the best shooter of all time.
Bird was better than him at everything else but just as shooters , curry is better.

Overall? Both have great cases against each other and even as the overall GOAT shooter but, like I've said, Bird was clearly a better scorer and also the better clutch performer so I'd pick him... Again, they're both terrific overall shooters and can do it in many/most ways but they're very different players with very different style/athleticism/physique... Imo, as shooters, Larry was better OVERALL from inside the 3pt line and even from the FT line, while Curry's definitely a better 3pt shooter - but gotta be said that Bird didn't grow up with it and didn't play in "3pt era".

Not even gonna compare them as overall players, not that fair to Steph.

05-10-2015, 02:39 PM
yes. Curry plays to lose. He missed a few shots so we know that curry likes to lose.
Bird never had bad playoff games shooting wise. there is so much nostalgia and overreaction on this forum.
:lol All I said was that Bird was a super competitor. Please embarrass yourself and start a thread where you compare Bird's competitiveness with Curry's. You will be laughed off of this forum, or any other forum. You have to have not seen an documentary or even small tributes. I thought this was common knowledge.

Hamtaro CP3KDKG
05-10-2015, 02:40 PM
Larry is part of the holy trinity of midrange shooters along w/ Dirk (GOAT) and MJ.............Steph isnt even remotely on CP3s level whos the best midrange shooter this season by far.
FT shooting is Larry too u want him taking the big free throws in pressure situations. Steph is a soft baby

05-10-2015, 02:40 PM
Wow. I don't see how my post warranted that response. Calm down.

I'm perfectly calm, and only the 1st 3 paragraphs were in response to your post, rest was adressing the OP and some other posts here.

Anyways, some people here seem like they have very limited education... They see a bigger response than normal and can't even read it or something, start to think it took years to type when stuff like that takes me less than a couple of minutes... :rolleyes:

05-10-2015, 02:42 PM
The better FT shooter is up for debate. Currently, Curry is at 90.0% for his career, while Bird finished his career at 88.6%. To be fair to bird, he played more longer so the sample size is greater, and to Bird's credit he became more automatic later in his career (last 6 years of his career: 91.0, 91.6, 94.7 in 6 games, 93.0. 89.1, 92.6). Plus Bird was at 89.0 in the playoffs while Curry is at 87.4. Certainly could argue for Bird there. I didn't watch Bird play, so I can't speak on midrange and there's no data for that. Curry is a career 44.8% shooter from 10-16 feet and a career 46.2% from 16 feet-just inside the line though.

05-10-2015, 02:42 PM
I'm perfectly calm, and only the 1st 3 paragraphs were in response to your post, rest was adressing the OP and some other posts here.

Anyways, some people here seem like they have very limited education... They see a bigger response than normal and can't even read it or something, start to think it took years to type when stuff like that takes me less than a couple of minutes... :rolleyes:
Don't flatter yourself, dude, I read your whole post. No need to be condescending.

05-10-2015, 02:43 PM
:lol All I said was that Bird was a super competitor. Please embarrass yourself and start a thread where you compare Bird's competitiveness with Curry's. You will be laughed off of this forum, or any other forum. You have to have not seen an documentary or even small tributes. I thought this was common knowledge.
i can say the same thing about curry. Small guard who was seen as a bust since high school but ended up being the best shooter of all time and one of the best players in the league.
That must require some real competitive fire to believe in yourself even though his dad's friends who are in the nba didn't think that he was a great talent and probably a bust.

05-10-2015, 02:45 PM
Larry is part of the holy trinity of midrange shooters along w/ Dirk (GOAT) and MJ.............Steph isnt even remotely on CP3s level whos the best midrange shooter this season by far.
FT shooting is Larry too u want him taking the big free throws in pressure situations. Steph is a soft baby
I love CP3 and I think he's better than Curry, but

10-16 feet: Steph 44.8% career, CP3 46.6% career

16 feet-inside the 3PT line: Steph 46.2% career, CP3 45.3% career


05-10-2015, 02:50 PM
In fairness I don't think you can compare 3pt %. In todays game the offense is designed to get more and better 3pt shots. Like others have said In the 80's players hadn't grown up with the 3pt shot.So just comparing 2pt%.

curry re season .492 playoffs 481
Bird reg season .509 playoffs 485

So I would say it was close with a slight edge to bird. The numbers for Bird are for his entire career. Lets see if curry's number go up or down, before we call him better than Larry Legend.

05-10-2015, 02:53 PM
In fairness I don't think you can compare 3pt %. In todays game the offense is designed to get more and better 3pt shots. Like others have said In the 80's players hadn't grown up with the 3pt shot.So just comparing 2pt%.

curry re season .492 playoffs 481
Bird reg season .509 playoffs 485

So I would say it was close with a slight edge to bird. The numbers for Bird are for his entire career. Lets see if curry's number go up or down, before we call him better than Larry Legend.
curry shoots from longer range. how is it fair to compare their FG%?
curry is a great mid range shooter. anything close to 45% from mid range is great. Bird probably shot around the same mark from mid range.

05-10-2015, 03:11 PM
i can say the same thing about curry. Small guard who was seen as a bust since high school but ended up being the best shooter of all time and one of the best players in the league.
That must require some real competitive fire to believe in yourself even though his dad's friends who are in the nba didn't think that he was a great talent and probably a bust.
Huh, Bird was known to be at another level. That was one of his main attributes. Curry has the greatest range I ever seen but he isn't know as a super competitor. Is he? Are there like 15 minutes dedicated to it in documentaries. I know Curry is a competitor, but I wouldn't put him in the Duncan/KG/Kobe level. where you see it oozing out of them.

That's why the Bird/Magic era was so interesting. Those guys were killer level stuff. Kind of like Mayweather vs young Mike Tyson. Both are great competitors but only an idiot would say Mayweather wanted to kill his opponents like young Mike Tyson did. Still the highest level professional but not one who stayed in beast mode.

05-10-2015, 03:16 PM
how clutch and how well you are has nothing to do with shooting ability in general imho, with that said, bird would have made the three, at least he would not have airballed it.

05-10-2015, 04:01 PM
The better FT shooter is up for debate. Currently, Curry is at 90.0% for his career, while Bird finished his career at 88.6%. To be fair to bird, he played more longer so the sample size is greater, and to Bird's credit he became more automatic later in his career (last 6 years of his career: 91.0, 91.6, 94.7 in 6 games, 93.0. 89.1, 92.6). Plus Bird was at 89.0 in the playoffs while Curry is at 87.4. Certainly could argue for Bird there. I didn't watch Bird play, so I can't speak on midrange and there's no data for that. Curry is a career 44.8% shooter from 10-16 feet and a career 46.2% from 16 feet-just inside the line though.

Yea, you can say that FT shooting is a wash but I'd still go with Bird, with everything considered...

As for the midrange, in Bird's best years he had seasons of over 28 PPG on over 52% from the field, with more than 20 attempts, also with around 3 attempts from 3 shooting 40% or more from there... Also has some similar doings in the Playoffs...
Anyways, considering those numbers above, for example, he'd have to be one of the ATG's at the rim IF you consider he wasn't having some ABSOLUTELY ELITE %'s from midrange. Furthermore, we all know how Bird's game was, dude shot a lot of jumpers while being terrific at it, most of the time most of his shots were coming from there, adding to my point...
I mean, Larry was great in the paint, with great finishing skills with either hand, with terrific soft-touch around the rim, with major low-post game, with great weakside offensive rebounder getting plenty of points off of those... but he wasn't no Michael Jordan, no Shaquille O'Neal, no LeBron James strictly at the rim, and like I've said, we know how his game went, even if he really liked to mix it up.

His all-around game is what made is scoring so terrific, also. 1st of all, it was almost impossible to double him because he made you pay tremendously with his passing skills, IQ and court-awereness; then you look at series like the 1984 Finals, and you see that his shot was a bit off plus Cooper was on him like a cheap-shirt on the outside, so he wasn't shooting above 40% from mid, but he still beasted because he was killing the smaller Cooper down-low and on the boards, while you always had to stay extremely honest on the outside, and on his playmaking game.
It was like pick your poison with a player like Bird.

05-10-2015, 04:03 PM
curry shoots from longer range. how is it fair to compare their FG%?
curry is a great mid range shooter. anything close to 45% from mid range is great. Bird probably shot around the same mark from mid range.

Anything around 42% is a great midrange shooter. Anything above that and it's legendary status I think. Curry is great at it, but he doesn't take that many shots from there. Not that it's a negative for him or anything, but Dirk and Nash shoot at a higher rate and a better percentage. Not by too much, but it's there. Same thing could be said about Curry with the 3. Bird might be similar, but I dunno.

Regardless, I think Curry might be better overall than Bird in terms of shooting as the years go by. We see Curry get better numbers across the board with his shooting, and he is better 3pt shooter. The FT shooting I would give the edge to Curry, just by a hair. It probably doesn't matter, but Curry started off shooting better at the line earlier in his career. Bird shot better as the years went by. Now if Bird is god like at the midrange and shot 50+% like Dirk 2011 did from 10-16 and 16-<3pt or Steve Nash with a higher volume for multiple seasons, then things would be a little different.

He could've shot that well since he did shoot 50% multiple seasons and he isn't a slasher, and he was no MJ or LeBron James at the rim even though he was good himself, but we don't have the numbers.

05-11-2015, 02:09 AM
Who do you have being better:

With a hand in his face on a 3pt? Bird
Being fouled on a 3? Bird
Being fouled on a layup? Curry
Being fouled on a mid-range shot? Bird
Game-winning shot from inside the arc? Bird
Game-winning shot from outside the arc? Bird
3pt contest? Bird
Game of HORSE? Bird
From 5 feet beyond the 3pt line? Curry
At the FT line with 0.1 secs left shooting 2 and down 1 pt? Bird
At the FT line with 0.1 secs left shooting 3 and down 3 pt? Bird

05-11-2015, 03:59 AM
Who do you have being better:

With a hand in his face on a 3pt? Bird
Being fouled on a 3? Bird
Being fouled on a layup? Curry
Being fouled on a mid-range shot? Bird
Game-winning shot from inside the arc? Bird
Game-winning shot from outside the arc? Bird
3pt contest? Bird
Game of HORSE? Bird
From 5 feet beyond the 3pt line? Curry
At the FT line with 0.1 secs left shooting 2 and down 1 pt? Bird
At the FT line with 0.1 secs left shooting 3 and down 3 pt? Bird

Good estimations. Their both great shooters but with different bodies and that's the difference.
I would put my money that in gym without guarding they would be as close as possible. Both players capable of shooting 60-70 3pts in a row.

Bird doesn't made a lot of 3pts overall his career doesn't mean that he was not capable of do it. He won 3 3pt contest in the ASG during 80s. Just a diferent game back than.

05-11-2015, 04:07 AM
Anything around 42% is a great midrange shooter. Anything above that and it's legendary status I think. Curry is great at it, but he doesn't take that many shots from there. Not that it's a negative for him or anything, but Dirk and Nash shoot at a higher rate and a better percentage. Not by too much, but it's there. Same thing could be said about Curry with the 3. Bird might be similar, but I dunno.

Regardless, I think Curry might be better overall than Bird in terms of shooting as the years go by. We see Curry get better numbers across the board with his shooting, and he is better 3pt shooter. The FT shooting I would give the edge to Curry, just by a hair. It probably doesn't matter, but Curry started off shooting better at the line earlier in his career. Bird shot better as the years went by. Now if Bird is god like at the midrange and shot 50+% like Dirk 2011 did from 10-16 and 16-<3pt or Steve Nash with a higher volume for multiple seasons, then things would be a little different.

He could've shot that well since he did shoot 50% multiple seasons and he isn't a slasher, and he was no MJ or LeBron James at the rim even though he was good himself, but we don't have the numbers.
Curry doesn't shoot enough from mid-range for one to develop an opinion on it or compare it to a an all-time great shooter. Half his shot attempts this year were three pointers, same story the year before:

10 to <16 ft 52/104 .500
10 to <16 ft 63/115 .550
10 to <16 ft 70/154 .455
10 to <16 ft 7/24 .292 (26 games)

Since the data is not available for Bird, I'm going to use KD's stats so we can compare Curry's numbers to another great shooter:
10 to <16 ft 46/86 .540 (27 games)
10 to <16 ft 159/332 .480
10 to <16 ft 178/418 .430
10 to <16 ft 140/308 .455
It's easier to keep efficiency up on limited amount of shots, in my opinion Curry should be credited for his long range rather than his mid-range game, and that's why I think he can't be compared to Bird shooting wise.

05-11-2015, 04:49 AM
I would say clearly Curry. Bird was about equal with Dirk, shooting wise. And no one would say Dirk>Ray Allen/Reggie Miller in shooting.

05-11-2015, 05:57 AM
Bird was so good he'd get bored and would start shooting with his left hand for shits and giggles. He's on another level.

05-11-2015, 06:56 AM
Larry Bird ... but mainly coz he's taller and can finish a larger array of shots than Curry can (specifically the mid-range area)

05-11-2015, 08:14 AM
I broke my leg when I was 3 years old. Does that mean I had the potential to be a world-class sprinter if I never broke it? :(
The difference here, is that at the time he broke his finger he had already demonstrated world class shooting skills.

It's a big what if, but you can't use it as a judgement. Perhaps by 1984 he had compensated enough for this.

05-11-2015, 09:30 AM
With a hand in his face on a 3pt? Curry
Being fouled on a 3? Curry
Being fouled on a layup? Bird
Being fouled on a mid-range shot? Bird
Game-winning shot from inside the arc? Bird
Game-winning shot from outside the arc? Curry
3pt contest? Bird
Game of HORSE? Bird
From 5 feet beyond the 3pt line? Curry
At the FT line with 0.1 secs left shooting 2 and down 1 pt? Curry
At the FT line with 0.1 secs left shooting 3 and down 3 pt? Bird

05-11-2015, 10:14 PM
Curry doesn't shoot enough from mid-range for one to develop an opinion on it or compare it to a an all-time great shooter. Half his shot attempts this year were three pointers, same story the year before:

10 to <16 ft 52/104 .500
10 to <16 ft 63/115 .550
10 to <16 ft 70/154 .455
10 to <16 ft 7/24 .292 (26 games)

Since the data is not available for Bird, I'm going to use KD's stats so we can compare Curry's numbers to another great shooter:
10 to <16 ft 46/86 .540 (27 games)
10 to <16 ft 159/332 .480
10 to <16 ft 178/418 .430
10 to <16 ft 140/308 .455
It's easier to keep efficiency up on limited amount of shots, in my opinion Curry should be credited for his long range rather than his mid-range game, and that's why I think he can't be compared to Bird shooting wise.

I kind'a agree that it's a bit hard to compare. I disagree that you can't compare him to an all time great shooter because he is one already. I think the mass ppl consider Ray Allen an all time great shooter. Even in one of his highest FGA season, he had similar or worse FGA at the midrange.

Ray Allen in 2007:

10-16 ft 71/149 47.7%
16 ft to <3-pt 104/248 41.9%

Compared to Curry last year:

10-16 ft 63/ 115 54.8%
16 ft to <3-pt 166 / 355 46.8%

Allen shot better other years, while with the Celtics, but the attempts were never KD levels in terms of mid range despite taking more shots than him last year. Allen took around the same shots as him. KD averaged 20.8 and Ray averaged 21.

But you also have to take account of how many shots did they take in the midrange out of their total shots. Regardless, you're right that Curry don't take as many shots as KD or most likely Bird with the midrange tho. Whatever or not this determines your decision is up for preference I think.

05-12-2015, 02:30 AM
I kind'a agree that it's a bit hard to compare. I disagree that you can't compare him to an all time great shooter because he is one already. I think the mass ppl consider Ray Allen an all time great shooter. Even in one of his highest FGA season, he had similar or worse FGA at the midrange.

Ray Allen in 2007:

10-16 ft 71/149 47.7%
16 ft to <3-pt 104/248 41.9%

Compared to Curry last year:

10-16 ft 63/ 115 54.8%
16 ft to <3-pt 166 / 355 46.8%

Allen shot better other years, while with the Celtics, but the attempts were never KD levels in terms of mid range despite taking more shots than him last year. Allen took around the same shots as him. KD averaged 20.8 and Ray averaged 21.

But you also have to take account of how many shots did they take in the midrange out of their total shots. Regardless, you're right that Curry don't take as many shots as KD or most likely Bird with the midrange tho. Whatever or not this determines your decision is up for preference I think.
What I mean is, Curry can't be compared shooting wise to Bird, since they are different shooters. Curry is your modern day shooter who values threes more than mid-range and combines it with his slashing and driving to the basket. I believe he is a pioneer of sorts, many players will imitate his game to be effective in the future.

Round Mound
05-12-2015, 02:46 AM
Curry probably better at the 3s since in Bird's era it was a new thing. Everything else Bird. I don't think there is a high-scorer who was as good as Bird at shooting in NBA history.


05-12-2015, 04:04 AM
I wonder if we're having this discussion if Larry doesn't break his right index finger playing softball before he ever played a game with Boston.
College curry was just as good if not a better 2p shooter than college bird. In the nba its not even close.

05-12-2015, 04:06 AM
What I mean is, Curry can't be compared shooting wise to Bird, since they are different shooters. Curry is your modern day shooter who values threes more than mid-range and combines it with his slashing and driving to the basket. I believe he is a pioneer of sorts, many players will imitate his game to be effective in the future.

Oh okay. I agree with all of that.

As you said, Curry plays different and they are different type of shooters. I am interested in what Bird's midrange percentage was tho as I said before. In terms if numbers on record, I would say Dirk, Nash, CP3 (to a slighty lower extent than Dirk and Nash) are the best ones that I've seen in terms efficiency and volume. KD is the best in terms of volume in recent memory. It'll be interesting to see if Bird is better than Dirk or Nash, which they were the best at efficiency. And they were both better than Curry at it.

My guess is that he is equal or worse than them. I can't really imagine him being better than the numbers that they dealt out in their prime. Then again...he might've been. But we don't know. Alas...

05-12-2015, 04:28 AM

Who do you have being better:

With a hand in his face on a 3pt? tie
Being fouled on a 3? Bird
Being fouled on a layup? Bird
Being fouled on a mid-range shot? Bird
Game-winning shot from inside the arc? Bird
Game-winning shot from outside the arc? Curry
3pt contest? Bird
Game of HORSE? Bird
From 5 feet beyond the 3pt line? Curry
At the FT line with 0.1 secs left shooting 2 and down 1 pt? tie
At the FT line with 0.1 secs left shooting 3 and down 3 pt? tie

Filled in the blanks.