View Full Version : I'm really worried that kobe and other NBA players are using PED's

MJ(Mean John)
07-11-2013, 03:18 AM
(maybe worried isnt the word. more like id be heart broken)
Coming from a DIEhard laker fan, shit is just sketch.

NOW, let it be known, I'm no expert but gotdamn, some red flags in my eyes and correct me if I'm wrong.

Using steroids had certain side effects such as weakining of legiments, you know tearing an Achilles.

How is it that, an injury that's career ending, is about to only take kobe out for 4 months. Really? Wtf. I knew there were questions that stated him coming back at all at 35 but in record time? Sketch.

Reminds me of Metta World Peace's "6week" time table being only 10 days. Not a red flag?

And it's just weird that kobe at 34, was playing some of the best and modt efficient basketball of his whole life? Especially when the last 2 years he had knee problems and crap and now? It's seemingly gone.

I think of Dwade. Guy once had a bad knee injury and came back for the Olympics and came back super fast and better than ever. That made me suspicious. Now look at him? Guy is falling apart. Another sign of steroid usage.
I'm not even going to talk about his jaw.

Then you have other guys who look suspicious too, and you have guys like Rashard Lewis, Hedo, and mayo who have been caught.


I'm a huge basketball fan, and bigger laker fan.

And I want more than anyone for it to be untrue of Kobe and other NBA players using steroids but its been bugging me for the last year.

Shit just taints the game and would ruin it for me.

Thoughts ?

07-11-2013, 03:46 AM
I think kobe, metta, wade are 3 of the hardest physically working players in the nba. Wade and metta are definitely using hgh. But as far as roids. I doubt it.

Nope. Just hard working guys in the rehab/weight room. Theyre gym rats

You're comparing the time tables/return of the average citizen to the top physically gifted rich elite with unlimited resources ...

Ofcourse kobe will only take half the time. Hes twice as rich, twiceas driven, twice as athletic, twice as strong, and has twice the available science, doctors, rehab machines with a better diet and workout routine. That and its his job. The average person has to rehab on their spare time. Kobe is rehabing like its his job.

Because it is

07-11-2013, 03:50 AM
Achilles is career ending from the standpoint that the athlete is no longer effective.

It doesn't mean he has to take a year off. You can comeback in 4 months but it doesn't mean he will be the same player.

07-11-2013, 04:00 AM
(maybe worried isnt the word. more like id be heart broken)
Coming from a DIEhard laker fan, shit is just sketch.

NOW, let it be known, I'm no expert but gotdamn, some red flags in my eyes and correct me if I'm wrong.

Using steroids had certain side effects such as weakining of legiments, you know tearing an Achilles.

How is it that, an injury that's career ending, is about to only take kobe out for 4 months. Really? Wtf. I knew there were questions that stated him coming back at all at 35 but in record time? Sketch.

Reminds me of Metta World Peace's "6week" time table being only 10 days. Not a red flag?

And it's just weird that kobe at 34, was playing some of the best and modt efficient basketball of his whole life? Especially when the last 2 years he had knee problems and crap and now? It's seemingly gone.

I think of Dwade. Guy once had a bad knee injury and came back for the Olympics and came back super fast and better than ever. That made me suspicious. Now look at him? Guy is falling apart. Another sign of steroid usage.
I'm not even going to talk about his jaw.

Then you have other guys who look suspicious too, and you have guys like Rashard Lewis, Hedo, and mayo who have been caught.


I'm a huge basketball fan, and bigger laker fan.

And I want more than anyone for it to be untrue of Kobe and other NBA players using steroids but its been bugging me for the last year.

Shit just taints the game and would ruin it for me.

Thoughts ?

It doesn't matter, I honestly don't care.

It'll be dumb if they DON'T use any sort of enhancement supplement. It's naive to pretend that pro athletes DON'T do so.

We've come to think of PED's as a taboo drug when it isn't so depending on what it is and how it's being administered. These athletes are far more educated than we are. I'm sure they're hiring educated trainers to monitor any supplement they may take.

Also one thing to consider and something I've mentioned repeatedly in the past.

Medicine has evolved from the 80s and 90s when we were exposed to PEDs. Training methods, surgery procedures, medicine, diet all aid in PED use. Players still have to put in the effort and hard work. Athletes still need to be naturally athletic and have strong regenerating (is that even a word?) abilities to heal.

At the end of the day, the playing field is leveled when msot players are taking some sort of supplement.

07-11-2013, 04:02 AM
(maybe worried isnt the word. more like id be heart broken)
Coming from a DIEhard laker fan, shit is just sketch.

NOW, let it be known, I'm no expert but gotdamn, some red flags in my eyes and correct me if I'm wrong.

Using steroids had certain side effects such as weakining of legiments, you know tearing an Achilles.

How is it that, an injury that's career ending, is about to only take kobe out for 4 months. Really? Wtf. I knew there were questions that stated him coming back at all at 35 but in record time? Sketch.

Reminds me of Metta World Peace's "6week" time table being only 10 days. Not a red flag?

And it's just weird that kobe at 34, was playing some of the best and modt efficient basketball of his whole life? Especially when the last 2 years he had knee problems and crap and now? It's seemingly gone.

I think of Dwade. Guy once had a bad knee injury and came back for the Olympics and came back super fast and better than ever. That made me suspicious. Now look at him? Guy is falling apart. Another sign of steroid usage.
I'm not even going to talk about his jaw.

Then you have other guys who look suspicious too, and you have guys like Rashard Lewis, Hedo, and mayo who have been caught.


I'm a huge basketball fan, and bigger laker fan.

And I want more than anyone for it to be untrue of Kobe and other NBA players using steroids but its been bugging me for the last year.

Shit just taints the game and would ruin it for me.

Thoughts ?

I agree with most of what you said.

And a square jawline is usually the first dead giveaway of steroid use, I think Wade is on something.

Kobe? Not sure, but I really do hope if there is any use of PED's in the NBA, that it is only isolated cases.

It is cheating.

07-11-2013, 04:06 AM
Well, Kobe isn't entirely human from what I've seen. I think we can give him a pass.

07-11-2013, 04:06 AM

Seriously though, these guys started out 100x more athletic than most of us. People seriously forget how ridiculously athletic Kobe Bryant is. He had about a 2 year period where he wasn't really dunking that much due to his knees and people seem to think he was done (in terms of athleticism). Taking time off, repair, rehabilitation, strengthening etc will do wonders for anybody (especially geneticgiftbe).

Thus far in his 17 year career he has:

-Broke his wrist (prior to 99 season)
-Bum ankle against Indiana for the first chip (99-00)
-Surgery on right shoulder (03-04)
-Re-aggravating surgically repaired right shoulder (03-04)
-Missing a month with a sprained ankle (04-05)
-Lower back in WCF (07-08)
-Finger injuries (09-10 to present?)
-Ankle sprain (09-10)
-German right knee surgery (3x previous right knee surgeries)
-Torn Wrist ligament (2011-2012)

And finally, the Achilles. He'll be back. And dunking. And swishing. And dishing (sometimes). And winning.

07-11-2013, 04:36 AM
personally, i wouldn't mind PEDs being used in any sports. so long as the drug is not dangerous or addictive, i think it should be allowed. i mean, what's the difference between PEDs and multivitamins? or PEDs and stem cell injections or whatever procedure they get in Germany? all of them are substances or procedures that enhances the body's functions.

athletes train and enhance their bodies to the best of their ability. the more they are athletically enhanced, the more the sports they play get better. the level of competition gets higher and we all see better entertainment.

if no one's getting hurt, then why should we ban it?

that's just what i think though.

07-11-2013, 04:38 AM
My god Kobe stans are ridiculous.


How many times has this been posted?

Look at that jaw idiots.

And then they wonder why nobody takes them serious.

07-11-2013, 04:39 AM
So people think it is ok to get an unfair advantage??? I mean i'm sure anyone in the league can get access but the players who make 30 mil a season have too much of an advantage.

Either the league should regulate how much peds everyone should take or crack down hard on players who are trying to take advantage.

07-11-2013, 04:43 AM
My god Kobe stans are ridiculous.


How many times has this been posted?

Look at that jaw idiots.

And then they wonder why nobody takes them serious.


Looks nothing alike.

07-11-2013, 04:44 AM

Looks nothing alike.

Of course it does. You are just plain stupid. He is a kid in that photo. His jaw looks ridiculous for a kid.

You know it and I know it.

07-11-2013, 04:50 AM
Of course it does. You are just plain stupid. He is a kid in that photo. His jaw looks ridiculous for a kid.

You know it and I know it.

Would it bother you if Wade was taking steroids? You will still idolise him and go to his games...

Wade's jaw has looked fuller and chubbier over the years...

Here's one earlier in his career, now comapre that to my last image.


Here's another one:


07-11-2013, 04:56 AM
My logic is if their performance seems inhuman then it probably is.

Magic 32
07-11-2013, 05:49 AM
Worry about Lebron first.

Never injured. Looks like a tank. Giant floating head.


code green
07-11-2013, 09:12 AM
Why be worried? I honestly don't see the big deal of using PEDs...the only reason they get a bad rap is because a bunch of bitch males couldn't handle all the baseball records being broken. If our favorite players can play better and for longer while reducing their risk of injury, let them all do them. Kobe should be using PEDs right now to get back...the league is better with guys like him, Rondo, Rose, etc on the court for the playoffs. And don't get me started on the careers of Grant Hill, T-Mac, Oden, etc.

07-11-2013, 09:56 AM
My god Kobe stans are ridiculous.


How many times has this been posted?

Look at that jaw idiots.

And then they wonder why nobody takes them serious.
Could you post a 2004 version of Wade and a 2013 version of Wade?

07-11-2013, 10:11 AM
NBA and NFL are closed leagues, is something that only exist in United States. Football or even basketball don

Magic 32
07-11-2013, 10:26 AM
Could you post a 2004 version of Wade and a 2013 version of Wade?



07-11-2013, 10:33 AM

They are performance enhancing and people want to see the best performance possible. I say make PEDs legal. I want to see super humans dunking from the free throw lines over centers.

Miles and Miles
07-11-2013, 11:13 AM

They are performance enhancing and people want to see the best performance possible. I say make PEDs legal. I want to see super humans dunking from the free throw lines over centers.

My biggest issue with PEDs being legal is what happens when your kids come up to you and ask how to make it to the NBA? Well if everyone knows they are all on drugs then what do the kids do? They start taking drugs.

07-11-2013, 11:15 AM
(maybe worried isnt the word. more like id be heart broken)
Coming from a DIEhard laker fan, shit is just sketch.

NOW, let it be known, I'm no expert but gotdamn, some red flags in my eyes and correct me if I'm wrong.

Using steroids had certain side effects such as weakining of legiments, you know tearing an Achilles.

How is it that, an injury that's career ending, is about to only take kobe out for 4 months. Really? Wtf. I knew there were questions that stated him coming back at all at 35 but in record time? Sketch.

Reminds me of Metta World Peace's "6week" time table being only 10 days. Not a red flag?

And it's just weird that kobe at 34, was playing some of the best and modt efficient basketball of his whole life? Especially when the last 2 years he had knee problems and crap and now? It's seemingly gone.

I think of Dwade. Guy once had a bad knee injury and came back for the Olympics and came back super fast and better than ever. That made me suspicious. Now look at him? Guy is falling apart. Another sign of steroid usage.
I'm not even going to talk about his jaw.

Then you have other guys who look suspicious too, and you have guys like Rashard Lewis, Hedo, and mayo who have been caught.


I'm a huge basketball fan, and bigger laker fan.

And I want more than anyone for it to be untrue of Kobe and other NBA players using steroids but its been bugging me for the last year.

Shit just taints the game and would ruin it for me.

Thoughts ?

I'm in my forties and know athletes in all major sports except hockey. PED use is rampant but especially in the NBA. One of my friend who played in MLB said that his PED dealer said that if the NBA ever cracked down on PED use that he'd be out of business. All HGH and steroids do is allow you to recover quickly. That means you can get totally ripped or huge if you want to or you can just use them for recovery. Another one of my friends who played baseball told me that almost all of the Dominican guys he played with (who were infielders) took roids but didn' t work out like crazy at all. They just took them like you or I would take vitamins. He said that you would never know by looking at them that they were using PEDs. Now we have HGH and no one tests for it so why wouldn't you use it? Here's what everyone has to realize and it's like this in all sports. If the best guys get caught then you know that everyone is dirty. Do you understand? Take Lance Armstrong as an example. Every year there would be some top cyclist getting busted for doping. It would be literally impossible for you to be near the top of your sport and be able to somehow magically be better than a guy who is cheating. That's why the "Lance is clean" logic never worked. You'd have to be a fool to believe that everyone is a cheater except the one guy and he just happens to be better than everyone else. That's impossible because the difference in talent and athletic ability from one athlete to the next is very small. So yes, there are PED users in all sports and I would guess that probably half of the league has used/tried them. The risk totally justifies the reward. If the difference between playing in europe or playing in the NBA is taking PEDs (and for some guys it is) well then people are going to take PEDs. MLB, NBA, Running (athletics), Golf (tiger woods totally dopes and is connected to an infamous doping doctor) Tennis, Cycling you name it. It's part of professional athletics and that's that. I have no problem with it because so many people are doped that the playing field becomes almost leveled. It's not a secret. If you want to believe otherwise then you're just being naive. I said for years that Armstrong was doped to the gills and I have people wanting to fight me over it. I said the same thing about Clemens and no one would believe it. It's just not possible for them to not be. You can do the research yourself online and look at pictures of people's jawlines and see them needing braces well into their 30's. That's PED use.

longtime lurker
07-11-2013, 11:42 AM
This guy is definitely juicing.

http://l.yimg.com/a/p/sp/editorial_image/81/815711f0f078a995236092fe977cc868/kevin_durant_has_a_lot_of_tattoos_under_his_jersey .jpg

07-11-2013, 11:56 AM
:oldlol: I always get a kick out of these threads. You learn very quick who and who doesn't have ANY clue what they're talking about when it comes to training, steroids, or growth hormone usage. The level of ignorance is out of this world.

07-11-2013, 12:24 PM
Why be worried? I honestly don't see the big deal of using PEDs...the only reason they get a bad rap is because a bunch of bitch males couldn't handle all the baseball records being broken. If our favorite players can play better and for longer while reducing their risk of injury, let them all do them. Kobe should be using PEDs right now to get back...the league is better with guys like him, Rondo, Rose, etc on the court for the playoffs. And don't get me started on the careers of Grant Hill, T-Mac, Oden, etc.


I'd be surprised if NBA players are not taking PEDs.

There is just too much money in sports, and the penalty for taking them are not harsh enough, for players not be using some type of performance enhancer.

I say just make them legal already.

We (the fans) should be allowed to enjoy these dudes perform at optimum levels, the likes that have never been seen before.

07-27-2019, 10:17 PM

Stringer Bell
08-01-2019, 01:36 AM

I'd be surprised if NBA players are not taking PEDs.

There is just too much money in sports, and the penalty for taking them are not harsh enough, for players not be using some type of performance enhancer.

Pretty much this.

OP seems extremely naive