View Full Version : Stephen A Smith had the rumors flowing today....

07-30-2013, 09:42 PM
The world according to Stephen A Smith....he basically said this is what he's hearing, he's not sure what will hapen, so don't ask him. He's just letting us all know..

1) Melo is 50/50 to return to Knicks. Lala loves LA, Melo likes LA, Melo is not sure what Knicks will look like year after, always random chance Lebron could go to LA with Melo. Segways to....
2) Lebron is possible to Cleveland. However, there is a small chance (he's told people) that he might consider the Knicks if they could clear cap room, lose Melo. (Yes, we are starting this again.) However Lebron may want to stay with Heat until Riley retires...
3) again at which point the Knicks would be a strong consideration. (Note: I don't believe for a second this WILL happen, just reporting what was said.)
4) Lebron's main draw in Miami is Riley, his main draw to Cleveland is settling accounts with people he wronged, his main draw to NY is the stage at MSG with the Knicks. (Sorry Brooklyn...you were not mentioned in this cluster**** of rumors.) IF he comes to NY btw, there was a long list of things the Knicks must change. So if you suddenly see the media policy at NY change and Allan Houston get a more prominent role as GM, then maybe some of this is true as these are things Lebron would like.)
5) Wade is going to retire in two years so he wants Lebron to stay till then.

Yes, this was all discussed. Fire away.

07-30-2013, 09:48 PM
Stephen A is just grasping at straws to grab attention.

K Xerxes
07-30-2013, 09:49 PM
I would give one year of my salary to spend 20 mins embarrassing these fools in front of the American audience.

07-30-2013, 09:52 PM
I can't see any of that happening.

Wade retiring at 32/33?
Bron to NY? What for? He knows joining more teams in the middle of his prime will look weird for his legacy.
For that reason the only move I see happening is Miami or Cleveland, and I just don't see Cleveland as a possible destination after what happened.

07-30-2013, 09:52 PM
Stephen A is deep in the entourage game. His word is almost as good as Woj when it comes to these rumors.

07-30-2013, 09:53 PM
I thought the Melo stuff had some logic although he badly misquoted Melo (he took the same Melo denial from last week and made it sound anything but). Then he started with the Lebron stuff which was all over and just pulled from the air IMO.

07-30-2013, 09:54 PM
I can't see any of that happening.

Wade retiring at 32/33?
Bron to NY? What for? He knows joining more teams in the middle of his prime will look weird for his legacy.
For that reason the only move I see happening is Miami or Cleveland, and I just don't see Cleveland as a possible destination after what happened.

Nothing tops joining forces with two other all-stars. He doesn't care at this point what people think. He probably won't even wear a headband next year.

oh the horror
07-30-2013, 09:54 PM
I can't see any of that happening.

Wade retiring at 32/33?
Bron to NY? What for? He knows joining more teams in the middle of his prime will look weird for his legacy.
For that reason the only move I see happening is Miami or Cleveland, and I just don't see Cleveland as a possible destination after what happened.

If wade retiring has any tread it has to be because he feels like his body can't hold up at such a young age. That's all I can think of

07-30-2013, 09:54 PM
I would give one year of my salary to spend 20 mins embarrassing these fools in front of the American audience.

I'd give up one year of my salary to see that happen :lol

Could you imagine these shock reporters having a random guy call them out and embarass them on national TV? Shit would be hilarious :roll:

07-30-2013, 09:55 PM
He knows absolutely nothing. Why even bother listening to him.

It's too late for Lebron to come to Knicks anyway. James Dolan would not want him. Lebron had his chance and didn't take it. Lebron is dead to Dolan.

07-30-2013, 09:57 PM
I really don't think Lebron is leaving Miami.

07-30-2013, 09:58 PM
I can't see any of that happening.

Wade retiring at 32/33?
Bron to NY? What for? He knows joining more teams in the middle of his prime will look weird for his legacy.
For that reason the only move I see happening is Miami or Cleveland, and I just don't see Cleveland as a possible destination after what happened.

It's a small possibility.

I have no doubt Cleveland would welcome him back with open arms if he decided to come back and help them win a title.

The look on yourface would be priceless if you found out Lebron was leaving :lol

07-30-2013, 10:03 PM
It's a small possibility.

I have no doubt Cleveland would welcome him back with open arms if he decided to come back and help them win a title.

The look on yourface would be priceless if you found out Lebron was leaving :lol

Meh, wouldn't hate him if he left and played somewhere else like I did before he ever came to Miami. I wouldn't understand the move, but up to him. Its just basketball in the end.

07-30-2013, 10:05 PM
If wade retiring has any tread it has to be because he feels like his body can't hold up at such a young age. That's all I can think of

Steroids can only take your body so far.

07-30-2013, 10:07 PM
Why would LeBron be talking about these hypothetical scenarios in the midst of a possible dynasty? Or even thinking about it?

I would be shocked to see LeBron leave Miami in 2014. Absolutely shocked.

It just doesn't make sense to me. I feel he would make the dissipating ill feelings toward him even worse. He would be known as the biggest front runner the league has ever see. A guy with zero integrity or loyalty. A real POS and someone you just can't respect.

If LeBron, for some crazy reason, is actually thinking/talking about this shit, and is actually considering jumping to another team.. then not only is he a paranoid freak with physiological issues, but also a complete and utter moron who's brain never fully developed.

07-30-2013, 10:08 PM
Why would LeBron be talking about these hypothetical scenarios in the midst of a possible dynasty? Or even thinking about it?

I would be shocked to see LeBron leave Miami in 2014. Absolutely shocked.

It just doesn't make sense to me. I feel he would make the dissipating ill feelings toward him even worse. He would be known as the biggest front runner the league has ever see. A guy with zero integrity or loyalty. A real POS and someone you just can't respect.

If LeBron, for some crazy reason, is actually thinking/talking about this shit, and is actually considering jumping to another team.. then not only is he a paranoid freak with physiological issues, but also a complete and utter moron who's brain never fully developed.
I don't know about the physiological issues, but I agree with the rest of your post. Why would Lebron even consider leaving to a team like LA or NY? I could maybe see Cleveland, but even that doesn't make too much sense.

07-30-2013, 10:09 PM
LeBron is not going to leave Wade. So until Wade retires, LeBron is staying in Miami. And why on earth would he want to move to another place if he still has the best team? His situation right now is basically perfect. Amazing city, great team, your best friend, etc. Only thing is that his home is in Akron. If he leaves Miami, it's going to be to Cleveland. I don't think LeBron is that type of guy that will be remembered for team hopping every few or so years.

longtime lurker
07-30-2013, 10:11 PM
I trust Stephen A Smiths' judgment and he seems to be pretty well connected. As for Melo I could see him leaving for LA, but New York will have tons of capspace in the 2015 season. As far as Leborn, we all know he doesn't have any loyalty. If the Heat lost next year I could definitely see him heading to the Cavs although the Lakers might have a an outside shot.

07-30-2013, 10:12 PM
Melo theme music..."I'm leaving home....leaving home....tell the world....I'm leaving home......"

People....get real. Melo is NOT leaving the Knicks, unless something truly bizarre happens, like a total collapse this season, or some Dolan/Melo feud....other than that, expect an extension at next season's end.

07-30-2013, 10:12 PM
LeBron is not going to leave Wade. So until Wade retires, LeBron is staying in Miami. And why on earth would he want to move to another place if he still has the best team? His situation right now is basically perfect. Amazing city, great team, your best friend, etc. Only thing is that his home is in Akron. If he leaves Miami, it's going to be to Cleveland. I don't think LeBron is that type of guy that will be remembered for team hopping every few or so years.
Basically this. If he leaves it'll be to Cleveland, why would he go to NY without Melo?
Cleveland or Miami 2014.
Also I don't think Melo will go to LA cause of Pringles.

07-30-2013, 10:12 PM
I don't know about the physiological issues, but I agree with the rest of your post. Why would Lebron even consider leaving to a team like LA or NY? I could maybe see Cleveland, but even that doesn't make too much sense.

Well, he is playing for championships so other teams with younger and better supporting casts will have more appeal.

07-30-2013, 10:14 PM
I honestly think IF LeBron leaves, it's going to be in 2015 when all of these guys' contracts expire. After that he'll be a free agent and won't have that "he didn't take the option" aura about the move. But honestly, if Wade is rejuvinated this season and works on his game (wanted to do expansive workouts and train with MULTIPLE shooting coaches in the summer of 2012) then Miami could go on for another 3-5 years no problem.

The JKidd Kid
07-30-2013, 10:20 PM
Stephen A Smith really needs to learn when to just STFU.

07-30-2013, 10:26 PM
Why would LeBron be talking about these hypothetical scenarios in the midst of a possible dynasty? Or even thinking about it?

I would be shocked to see LeBron leave Miami in 2014. Absolutely shocked.

It just doesn't make sense to me. I feel he would make the dissipating ill feelings toward him even worse. He would be known as the biggest front runner the league has ever see. A guy with zero integrity or loyalty. A real POS and someone you just can't respect.

If LeBron, for some crazy reason, is actually thinking/talking about this shit, and is actually considering jumping to another team.. then not only is he a paranoid freak with physiological issues, but also a complete and utter moron who's brain never fully developed.

Loyalty... loyalty is a one way street in the NBA. Fans expect players to be loyal but organizations rarely are. Why is there such a double standard?

07-30-2013, 10:31 PM
i dont want him in NY. sorry dude, fool me once but you're not gonna fool me twice.

dont buy it knicks fans. i swear i see these stupid white dudes on live tv at the garden with lebron posters or lebron in knicks jersey, ima find them and beat the shit outa them rich whiteboys.

TheReal Kendall
07-30-2013, 10:34 PM



07-30-2013, 10:42 PM
Can't see LeBron leaving Miami. SAS seemed pretty sure LeBron was opting out after next season, but why would he? With Riley there, I think that Miami will always put good players around LeBron, so he'll always have a good roster to contend with.

I could maybe see him going at the end of his last year (if he doesn't opt out at the end of 2013-2014). But it wouldn't make sense for him to opt out next year.

07-30-2013, 10:44 PM
I really don't think Lebron is leaving Miami.

I think he would, if the team looks unable to compete deep into the playoffs. You have to figure that after next year, some of their most important players, i.e. Wade, Allen, maybe Battier could start to be significantly slowed by age. It may not be easy to replace these guys with new players, given their lack of draft picks.

To reload Miami with new talent, they'd have to go the free agent route. It's much more difficult to do that with the new CBA, so Lebron might have to be willing to take a drastic paycut in order to stay in Miami and bring in other talent. Or, he could find a team that has quality young pieces who are still on smaller contracts, and was able to carve out just enough max space to make him the final piece to their championship puzzle. It's not far fetched that other teams making room for him could potentially be better positioned to be contenders. If that's the case, I think he would have a very difficult decision. He would get a TON of backlash for "The Decision pt II" and even if he wins more rings, could ultimately be remembered as a villain. It's gonna be very interesting.

Another interesting thing would be the Gilbert factor. Let's say Cleveland looks to be positioned much more strongly than Miami in two years. What if Gilbert had the opportunity to secure championships for Cleveland by taking Lebron back and basically looking like a bitch in front of his whole organization, or essentially saying no and preventing Lebron from joining a contender, but also taking the risk with his own team that they don't get over the hump. Does he do what's best for the club at the expense of his pride, or does he cut off his nose to spite his face just to see Lebron suffer?

Could be a crazy summer.

07-30-2013, 10:45 PM
honestly cant tell who is worse. SAS or Broussard.

07-30-2013, 10:45 PM
Thanks Stephen A. I've learned so much.

07-30-2013, 10:51 PM
If he leaves Miami, its going to be for Cleveland. Knicks are horribly run and have one of the worst owners in the league.

07-30-2013, 10:52 PM
Lebron is going to either Clevland or Miami. Highly doubt it's LA or NY.

07-30-2013, 11:16 PM
Steroids can only take your body so far.
not gonna lie to see prime flash again, i would encourage him to take riods

07-30-2013, 11:17 PM
I want nothing more than to scoff at this...

But he had Doc/KG to the Clippers months before anyone else had it.

07-31-2013, 12:01 AM

07-31-2013, 12:13 AM
lebron to the Knicks would make me squirt!

Oh and Lebron coming to the Knicks = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWILhrSzw5o

07-31-2013, 12:15 AM
If I were Lebron I would go to NY. That city loves their hoops. He would be a god if he brought them a title

07-31-2013, 12:16 AM
If he leaves Miami, its going to be for Cleveland. Knicks are horribly run and have one of the worst owners in the league.
So as a fan of Lebron do you just simply become a fan of wherever he goes?

07-31-2013, 12:17 AM
Lebron is going to either Clevland or Miami. Highly doubt it's LA or NY.
There is no way he's coming to the Lakers. If he was smart he'd go to the clips

Patrick Chewing
07-31-2013, 12:52 AM
Carmelo won't win anything in L.A.

07-31-2013, 12:57 AM
I don't think any of this is more than speculation from SAS and the people he's talked to. I highly doubt this has been on LeBron's mind at all. Melo, perhaps but even in his case I think an extension will be inked this season...there's so much $ on the table for him.

Dr. Cheesesteak
07-31-2013, 01:09 AM
honestly cant tell who is worse. SAS or Broussard.

seriously. I don't know what it is about ESPN's NBA studio crew, but they're clearly the worse of the big 3 sports studio crews for ESPN. Even probably worse than their NHL crew (I mean, Barry Melrose alone carries that crew). Half of the NBA crew are all morons or trash talkers, etc (maybe that's a reflection of the sport...?).

Half the damn studio crew is bad, imo. Not just the insiders SAS and Broussard, but I think Jalen Rose and Magic are pretty bad too. And Bill Simmons is a troll. Funny sometimes, annoying at others. Jon Barry is pretty good at analyzing, but he's an asshole.

Rambis was real good, but he's gone now. It's pretty much just Legs, Mullin, Bowen, Wilbon, and Bucher that tolerable to good.

07-31-2013, 01:17 AM
Carmelo won't win anything in L.A.

Bolded is unnecessary to the sentence.

07-31-2013, 01:24 AM
honestly cant tell who is worse. SAS or Broussard.

They're both tools for the agents players and GM's of the league. If you want to spread information or disinformation you just wait for these two to call and let them in "on the secret"

That's why you can't trust a word they say. They may be spouting the truth as they know it but there's a good chance what they are telling you is propaganda from a source with an agenda that needs a mouthpiece. It's like how Kobe use to use Ric Bucher as his mouthpiece in the media.

Remember Bucher's famous "I've been told by people close to Kobe that Kobe will never wear Purple and Gold again" "There's nothing the Lakers can do to make him change his mind" The only guy in the room that didn't know Bucher was being used was Bucher or if he did know he certainly didn't care if he was Kobe's puppet in the media

07-31-2013, 02:23 AM
If he leaves Miami, its going to be for Cleveland. Knicks are horribly run and have one of the worst owners in the league.

Will be the funniest thing in the world watching you turn into a Knicks fan if he did.

07-31-2013, 02:31 AM
Yeah, I've also "heard" that the Knicks are going to win the title in 2014. NOT SAYING IT'S GONNA HAPPEN, it's just what I've heard.

07-31-2013, 04:05 AM
Yeah, I've also "heard" that the Knicks are going to win the title in 2014. NOT SAYING IT'S GONNA HAPPEN, it's just what I've heard.
you best believez it bruv :pimp:

who u been talkin to :biggums:

im in :rockon:

07-31-2013, 04:11 AM
No way Lebron wins anything in NY. Either he'll stay in Miami (cashing in with a big contract or some other star joins him) or he ll go back to Cleveland.

Same for Melo, i can't see him leaving his hometown.

07-31-2013, 04:39 AM
He knows absolutely nothing. Why even bother listening to him.

It's too late for Lebron to come to Knicks anyway. James Dolan would not want him. Lebron had his chance and didn't take it. Lebron is dead to Dolan.

I didn't put much stock in the Doc/KG to the clips story either. He knows nothing? Just keep thinking that.

07-31-2013, 05:59 AM
No way Lebron wins anything in NY. Either he'll stay in Miami (cashing in with a big contract or some other star joins him) or he ll go back to Cleveland.

Same for Melo, i can't see him leaving his hometown.

Stephen A Smith was the first one to call Lebron to Miami. His sources obviously suck. He's on Chris Douchard's level with his scoops.

Fresh Kid
07-31-2013, 06:04 AM
Yeah, I've also "heard" that the Knicks are going to win the title in 2014. NOT SAYING IT'S GONNA HAPPEN, it's just what I've heard.
If it happen, I will have me lots of fun on here:D

07-31-2013, 08:09 AM
Was this on his radio show?

07-31-2013, 08:31 AM
If Bynum becomes a superstar, Bennett becomes quite good and Kyrie remains very solid then there is a very small chance he returns to cleveland. He wants an owner who wants to build a team not an owner who wants to shred his team like OKC. He might have to purchase a big share of the cavs himself to make that happen. Want to win? Have to be willing to pay big money. Can't win if your owner is a tight ass. Just look at all the champions e.g. Lakers, Mavs, Boston etc how many of them have tight ass owners?

07-31-2013, 08:39 AM
Will be the funniest thing in the world watching you turn into a Knicks fan if he did.

I don't even pretend to be a Heat fan. Why would I pretend to be a fan of your shitty franchise? But I would almost feel happy for you if LeBron went to NY. You have spent countless hours on here defending a losing player like Carmelo Anthony. Almost to the point of people considering delusional. Maybe just once you could root for a player that actually wins MVPs, titles, etc. Instead of ones that have historically bad playoff winning percentages and take a decade to win their first NBA award.

The Rock
07-31-2013, 08:55 AM

07-31-2013, 08:59 AM
I didn't put much stock in the Doc/KG to the clips story either. He knows nothing? Just keep thinking that.

Not saying he doesn't hear things, but this predictions one year out are nonsense. Read the OP. I could have said most of those things with no sources. Just general nonsense...."Melo is 50/50 on leaving NY" :oldlol: guess he's right either way, eh?

Uncle Drew
07-31-2013, 09:12 AM

It's happening.

07-31-2013, 02:48 PM
Well Melo has been hanging out and practicing with CP3 and Blake Griffin. I don't think he's interested in the lakers. The Clippers are the better team and he has friends there and they will win games. But I don't know how the Clippers money situation will be after this season.

07-31-2013, 03:09 PM
Stephen A is just grasping at straws to grab attention.

This ^

None of those "reports" are remotely true. This is true TMZ style reporting :oldlol:

07-31-2013, 03:14 PM
1) Melo is 50/50 to return to Knicks. Lala loves LA, Melo likes LA, Melo is not sure what Knicks will look like year after, always random chance Lebron could go to LA with Melo. Segways to....
2) Lebron is possible to Cleveland. However, there is a small chance (he's told people) that he might consider the Knicks if they could clear cap room, lose Melo. (Yes, we are starting this again.) However Lebron may want to stay with Heat until Riley retires...

Wait, so if the Knicks look bad then Melo leaves, and if Melo leaves LeBron may join said Knicks that Melo thinks looks bad? Why would LeBron go to a team that looks bad?