View Full Version : Guy asks 100 girls for sex

Eat Like A Bosh
08-01-2013, 03:58 PM
It's a social experiment comparing how males and females respond differently to being outright asked if they want to have sex.

Guy asks 100 girls for sex.

On the other hand, here is a video of a girl asking guys for sex.

Yep, it's a lot easier for girls to get laid.

08-01-2013, 03:59 PM
Finally the mystery that everyone already knew is solved. Praise be to this guy.

Seems entertaining so far though

08-01-2013, 04:02 PM
The knowledge :bowdown:

08-01-2013, 04:18 PM
This is why no straight male can make money as a sex worker.

Even women who love sex don't love it as much as prudish men.

average women get the same amount of opportunity to have sex as male rock stars.

08-01-2013, 04:24 PM
well the guy asked the girls in groups so they will obviously say no... if it was 100 girls alone i bet at least 5 would have said yes.

08-01-2013, 04:25 PM
I dunno. lol. I think he could have been more smooth. I think some of those girls were DTF but they were just afraid. And he wasn't really wanting to have sex, either. It was a joke line and they could tell.

rofl you gonna be in jail for this funny things. I'm gonna have to remember that one.


08-01-2013, 04:26 PM
It would be interesting to see the results of this using an actual rock star or famous actor likr Brad Pitt or Depp...maybe David Beckham...then see what happens

Women just need to be a little familiar...too many creepy dudes out there

08-01-2013, 04:34 PM
Being funny and charming goes a lot further.

I'd like to see a test of a guy going from girl to girl in a bar/club starting a 1 min conversation then popping.

This guy asking good looking girls do you want to bang and getting 0 replies didn't surprise me. I'm actually glad most girls are a little more exclusive.

08-01-2013, 04:45 PM
This is why no straight male can make money as a sex worker.

Even women who love sex don't love it as much as prudish men.

average women get the same amount of opportunity to have sex as male rock stars.
african-american, with respect.

08-01-2013, 04:50 PM
The one with the reveal is better. These guys have much better pranks than that douche who posts assaults here and calls them pranks.

08-01-2013, 04:52 PM
Funny as sh*t... I had a girl ask me to go to her house and f*ck her and her roommate (she was a redbone and her roommate was puerto rican, and they were both sexy as hell)..

I got nervous and didnt do it because I didnt know them and was scared I was getting set up ....

08-01-2013, 05:04 PM
Funny as sh*t... I had a girl ask me to go to her house and f*ck her and her roommate (she was a redbone and her roommate was puerto rican, and they were both sexy as hell)..

I got nervous and didnt do it because I didnt know them and was scared I was getting set up ....
:coleman: :biggums: u homo (also what is a redbone?)

african-american, with respect.
please elaborate

08-01-2013, 05:09 PM
:coleman: :biggums: u homo (also what is a redbone?)

Like I said, I was scared I was being set up.. I didnt wanna get to their house and have a bunch dudes in there ready rob me.. Girls occasionally use sex to lure guys into bad situations and the idea that these 2 girls I hardly knew wanted to menage me (I had only been around them for about 15 minutes) made me nervous

A redbone is a light skinned black girl (halle berry complexion)

08-01-2013, 05:13 PM
Like I said, I was scared I was being set up.. I didnt wanna get to their house and have a bunch dudes in there ready rob me.. Girls occasionally use sex to lure guys into bad situations and the idea that these 2 girls I hardly knew wanted to menage me (I had only been around them for about 15 minutes) made me nervous

A redbone is a light skinned black girl (halle berry complexion)

Ya you probably would have been robbed, but if they were "sexy as hell" a chance at a threesome is worth it. Just dont carry a lot of money to that location. They have no reason to hurt you so worst case they just want your money.

Also you learn something everyday, thanks man.

08-01-2013, 05:14 PM
Lot of girls giggled or their eyes lit up.

I'd like to see an experiment done where he just makes the chick laugh and then goes for the kiss no direct questions necessary.

Would estimate way more than a goose egg comply.

08-01-2013, 05:16 PM
I was expecting one to to be like "**** Ya", pick her up, and carry her away.

08-01-2013, 05:21 PM
Girl at :50 is def. down. Just look at her body language. Touching her dress. Flirtatious attitude. Moving forward to him when he says right now. Prob got some digits after at least.

Its a interesting experiment to show the differences between male and females in society. Females say no, esp in groups in the fear of looking like a "slut" or "whore." Society has engrained in their heads that women who are willing to have sex more openly are looked down upon by their peers. Men on the other hand have no fear bc no one looks down on them and its actually considered cool to do so.

08-01-2013, 05:26 PM
Girl at :50 is def. down. Just look at her body language. Touching her dress. Flirtatious attitude. Moving forward to him when he says right now. Prob got some digits after at least.

Its a interesting experiment to show the differences between male and females in society. Females say no, esp in groups in the fear of looking like a "slut" or "whore." Society has engrained in their heads that women who are willing to have sex more openly are looked down upon by their peers. Men on the other hand have no fear bc no one looks down on them and its actually considered cool to do so.


And girl #5 looked at him EAGERLY after like "watcha gonna do next" girl #7 is iffy which means he could've been a lot more aggressive.

Nick Young
08-01-2013, 05:27 PM
The one with the reveal is better. These guys have much better pranks than that douche who posts assaults here and calls them pranks.
Who's assaulting who?

08-01-2013, 05:28 PM
I want to see him do the same thing but offer them $5. I bet he gets a worse attitude from the girls.

08-01-2013, 05:31 PM
I want to see him do the same thing but offer them $5. I bet he gets a worse attitude from the girls.

I want to see him do the same thing dressed up a bit sharper, having a chick friend on his side, actually talking like a f*cking man and not a wishy washy boy, targeting more crazy chicks with colored hair and tattoos, and persisting after the first "No." At night.

08-01-2013, 05:32 PM

And girl #5 looked at him EAGERLY after like "watcha gonna do next" girl #7 is iffy which means he could've been a lot more aggressive.

Girls love confidence and guys who are straight forward, there is no doubt he could have scored with a few of them. The ones you listed above were clearly willing if he just prodded a bit more.

08-01-2013, 05:39 PM
:lol that girl who threw water at him was pretty uncalled for though..

08-01-2013, 05:42 PM
:lol that girl who threw water at him was pretty uncalled for though..

surprised it didnt happen more. he did a good job of not approaching total prudes.

08-01-2013, 05:46 PM
:lol that girl who threw water at him was pretty uncalled for though..

She looked like she didnt know how to react to what he said.. she just sat there at first :oldlol: then she just decided to take the "im totally offended" route. Some women do that

08-01-2013, 05:47 PM
It would be interesting to see the results of this using an actual rock star or famous actor likr Brad Pitt or Depp...maybe David Beckham...then see what happens

Women just need to be a little familiar...too many creepy dudes out there

08-01-2013, 05:53 PM
Brilliant: http://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_210591&feature=iv&list=UU37PFGlxWgx4tU6SlhPCdCw&src_vid=h9BtITL7LuQ&v=v0ZZo5zdmag

08-01-2013, 05:53 PM
please elaborate
oh... you're able to talk, now?

i just thought you were painting some real extremes, there. for example i'm quite sure there are plenty of male sex workers. the job may be more demanding for them, and they may be best served working in germany or something, but... well, yea.

A redbone is a light skinned black girl (halle berry complexion)

08-01-2013, 06:00 PM
oh... you're able to talk, now?

i just thought you were painting some real extremes, there. for example i'm quite sure there are plenty of male sex workers. the job may be more demanding for them, and they may be best served working in germany or something, but... well, yea.

there are plenty of male gigolos
and male stripers and male porn stars.

Almost all of them need to do gay stuff to make ends meet (or work a normal job on the side). One of the best kept secrets of porn is almost all the major male stars had to "pay their dues".

oh... you're able to talk, now?
:wtf: please elaborate

08-01-2013, 06:02 PM
Most of the women who go after gigolos are not attractive. They are lonely lonely women.

08-01-2013, 06:51 PM
Most of the women who go after gigolos are not attractive. They are lonely lonely women.

How do you know that? Genuine question, i have no idea how one would know unless you are a gigolo?:pimp:

08-01-2013, 07:02 PM
How do you know that? Genuine question, i have no idea how one would know unless you are a gigolo?:pimp:

Common sense. I don't have any stats or anything.

08-01-2013, 07:17 PM
Common sense. I don't have any stats or anything.

Successful men who are good looking and can easily score with women still choose to use prostitutes, escorts etc. Point being, people who pay for sex are not always lonely and ugly. Same for women, I am guessing there are some women out there who are just too busy to meet people but need to have sex.

08-01-2013, 07:29 PM
there are plenty of male gigolos
and male stripers and male porn stars.

Almost all of them need to do gay stuff to make ends meet (or work a normal job on the side). One of the best kept secrets of porn is almost all the major male stars had to "pay their dues".
i do get that sense about the USA... not so much europe in general. in japan that is most certainly not the case from what i've read... not sure about other parts of asia. but thailand might be the worst case of the problem you mentioned.

anyway, i would think that even in the states, there's another path for men besides gay work, and that is pleasing older women. okay, men may have to work on their physiques and buffness and they may have to put themselves on humiliating display, but at least the option is there to some extent. or if you're willing to do some disgusting sexual shit, i would think there's always a job for you, USA or otherwise. always.

:wtf: please elaborate
well, you blew away like a dried up old leaf in the wind when i tried to challenge you a couple times in that recent TM - GZ video thread.

i would like to have known what your answer was to a couple posers i gave you, but whatever. you did have an interesting debate with pointguard at any rate, and that was cool enough to follow along with as an outside obsverver.

08-01-2013, 07:34 PM
i do get that sense about the USA... not so much europe in general. in japan that is most certainly not the case from what i've read... not sure about other parts of asia. but thailand might be the worst case of the problem you mentioned.

anyway, i would think that even in the states, there's another path for men besides gay work, and that is pleasing older women. okay, men may have to work on their physiques and buffness and they may have to put themselves on humiliating display, but at least the option is there to some extent. or if you're willing to do some disgusting sexual shit, i would think there's always a job for you, USA or otherwise. always.

well, you blew away like a dried up old leaf in the wind when i tried to challenge you a couple times in that recent TM - GZ video thread.

i would like to have known what your answer was to a couple posers i gave you, but whatever. you did have an interesting debate with pointguard at any rate, and that was cool enough to follow along with as an outside obsverver.
i must have missed your post

08-01-2013, 07:40 PM
i like how the girl is dressed like shes really asking for it, yet the dude looks like he got out of bed

im surprised a dude didn't just whip da dick out right when she asked cuz i would have

08-01-2013, 07:43 PM
Needs to be done in a more social environment, and always 1 v 1. Obviously if you walk up to a group of girls on the street they are going to think it's a joke and say no.

08-01-2013, 08:04 PM
i must have missed your post
posts, and don't worry about it. :cheers:

08-01-2013, 08:14 PM
well the guy asked the girls in groups so they will obviously say no... if it was 100 girls alone i bet at least 5 would have said yes.
Yeah, the girls alone tended to consider it more.

08-01-2013, 08:18 PM
That Dre beat at 4:37

08-01-2013, 09:03 PM
Successful men who are good looking and can easily score with women still choose to use prostitutes, escorts etc. Point being, people who pay for sex are not always lonely and ugly. Same for women, I am guessing there are some women out there who are just too busy to meet people but need to have sex.

I never said "always." But even those men have to do some work to get the girls (did you see the video?). The somewhat attractive females don't have to do any work to get sex. The really lonely ones are likely to get gigolos to treat them well in addition to the sex.

08-01-2013, 10:33 PM
I'd like to see an experiment done where he just makes the chick laugh and then goes for the kiss no direct questions necessary.

Would estimate way more than a goose egg comply.
One of the highlights of my life is the gradual revelation, over a period of years, of just how early you can go for the kiss and totally pull it off.

It changed my life. It changed the way I approached absolutely everything. You really can learn to see the past and the future, you can see how things want to be, just by looking at whatever's going on right now.

08-01-2013, 11:21 PM
One of the highlights of my life is the gradual revelation, over a period of years, of just how early you can go for the kiss and totally pull it off.

It changed my life. It changed the way I approached absolutely everything. You really can learn to see the past and the future, you can see how things want to be, just by looking at whatever's going on right now.
very nice thoughts.

just shows how it's not just the words that she's waiting for... or persuaded by... or the way that the words are said... but rather a number of factors that coalesce in to the right moment.

words are not always a part of that equation, but the wrong words are very reliable at pushing it away.

Eat Like A Bosh
08-02-2013, 12:49 AM
Like I said, I was scared I was being set up.. I didnt wanna get to their house and have a bunch dudes in there ready rob me.. Girls occasionally use sex to lure guys into bad situations and the idea that these 2 girls I hardly knew wanted to menage me (I had only been around them for about 15 minutes) made me nervous

A redbone is a light skinned black girl (halle berry complexion)
Just tell em in a little bit, and leave your wallet and keys at home

:lol that girl who threw water at him was pretty uncalled for though..
What an ungrateful bitch. She should be grateful that a guy is willing to tap that pancake ass.

Eat Like A Bosh
08-02-2013, 12:56 AM
Girl at :50 is def. down. Just look at her body language. Touching her dress. Flirtatious attitude. Moving forward to him when he says right now. Prob got some digits after at least.

Its a interesting experiment to show the differences between male and females in society. Females say no, esp in groups in the fear of looking like a "slut" or "whore." Society has engrained in their heads that women who are willing to have sex more openly are looked down upon by their peers. Men on the other hand have no fear bc no one looks down on them and its actually considered cool to do so.
My sentiments exactly. But here's another thought. Maybe for women it's safety issue? You know it's risky to just let some random dude you don't even know in your house. The women declining probably didn't want to put her in a dangerous situation? As for the men, I feel like they decline because of "how is this gonna come back and bite me in the ass"

He's pretty good looking, tall, and in shape, yet doesn't score. I feel like context is important as well, approaching a girls in large groups or right in front of their boyfriends sure isn't a recipe for success. Maybe if he did it in a night club he might get a couple.

08-02-2013, 01:51 AM
Yeah, of course safety plays a role: it is far more risky for a woman to accept sex off some random than it is for a man (in more ways than one too).

08-02-2013, 02:07 AM
LOL that dumb ni99a at :55 actually thought he's gonna get laid:oldlol:

08-02-2013, 05:32 AM
Girl at :50 is def. down. Just look at her body language. Touching her dress. Flirtatious attitude. Moving forward to him when he says right now. Prob got some digits after at least.

Its a interesting experiment to show the differences between male and females in society. Females say no, esp in groups in the fear of looking like a "slut" or "whore." Society has engrained in their heads that women who are willing to have sex more openly are looked down upon by their peers. Men on the other hand have no fear bc no one looks down on them and its actually considered cool to do so.

Agreed. Women don't get points for being prude.

08-02-2013, 08:57 AM
No girl is gonna say yes when "Do you want to have sex?" is the first thing you say. Shed have to be the trampiest of tramps.

08-02-2013, 09:16 AM
No girl is gonna say yes when "Do you want to have sex?" is the first thing you say. Shed have to be the trampiest of tramps.
So most men are tramps?

08-02-2013, 04:21 PM
My sentiments exactly. But here's another thought. Maybe for women it's safety issue? You know it's risky to just let some random dude you don't even know in your house. The women declining probably didn't want to put her in a dangerous situation? As for the men, I feel like they decline because of "how is this gonna come back and bite me in the ass"

He's pretty good looking, tall, and in shape, yet doesn't score. I feel like context is important as well, approaching a girls in large groups or right in front of their boyfriends sure isn't a recipe for success. Maybe if he did it in a night club he might get a couple.

Yeah, and for some of them, it was a awkward approach. The ones he pursued by them selves and with confidence went better than the group ones and awkward approach. He def. gets some girls if they have had a drink.

Also good point in showing difference in gender roles. Fear of rape and physical safety has to come into play for some women. But I honestly think embarrassment and shame is a bigger cause for concern for most women.

08-02-2013, 05:31 PM
So most men are tramps?
is that a serious question?

08-02-2013, 06:01 PM
So most men are tramps?
Yes almost all men would be considered thirsty sluts if they had the same proclivity to have sex and were women.

08-02-2013, 06:07 PM
is that a serious question?
Yes. Don't you see the double standard? Not a anything most of us don't know, but you can't see it? That's the point he's trying to make.

It's A VC3!!!
08-02-2013, 06:58 PM
That girl is smoking hot.

08-02-2013, 07:08 PM
I dunno. lol. I think he could have been more smooth. I think some of those girls were DTF but they were just afraid. And he wasn't really wanting to have sex, either. It was a joke line and they could tell.

rofl you gonna be in jail for this funny things. I'm gonna have to remember that one.

I agree. And, it was never going to work with women in groups. The one girl who really gave it a good think was alone. That's how you have to roll. Otherwise, group-think takes over and social stigmas overwhelm spur of the moment reactions.

08-02-2013, 08:36 PM
Yes. Don't you see the double standard? Not a anything most of us don't know, but you can't see it? That's the point he's trying to make.
Yes. Theres a double standard. This isnt fairytale disney land. Its there for a reason.

***** is a much more valuable commodity than dick.

08-02-2013, 08:56 PM
Gotta love the fat chick acting the most smug at the thought of someone asking to bang. Hilarious.

08-02-2013, 08:59 PM
Btw, at the club two weeks ago a girl kissed me in the middle of the dance floor and asked me to go back to her place.

Then she got in the car with her GFs and all of sudden wanted to go on a date first.

Hating ass ho's :roll:

08-02-2013, 09:27 PM
Yes. Theres a double standard. This isnt fairytale disney land. Its there for a reason.

***** is a much more valuable commodity than dick.
Sure, believe whatever you want. Just checking to make sure you knew what he was saying.

08-02-2013, 09:35 PM
I watched a bunch of videos on their channel. The awkward flirting and the high-fiving the guy behind you ones cracked me up the most I think. :applause:

08-02-2013, 09:53 PM
These remind me of Vitaly's YT channel.


08-02-2013, 10:22 PM
Like I said, I was scared I was being set up.. I didnt wanna get to their house and have a bunch dudes in there ready rob me.. Girls occasionally use sex to lure guys into bad situations and the idea that these 2 girls I hardly knew wanted to menage me (I had only been around them for about 15 minutes) made me nervous

A redbone is a light skinned black girl (halle berry complexion)

When I was in Rio (Ipanema), this happened three times to me and your fears were mine as well. In fact I know that was the situation. Some of those women are beautiful but I saw a real roughness in them. Never really entertained it.

In heavily competitive areas (Miami, LA, Atl, Houston, DC) propositions, sobeit not this direct but more like a two step, can happen on the beaten path.

08-02-2013, 11:38 PM
Miami Zombie attack


08-03-2013, 12:14 AM
Like I said, I was scared I was being set up.. I didnt wanna get to their house and have a bunch dudes in there ready rob me.. Girls occasionally use sex to lure guys into bad situations and the idea that these 2 girls I hardly knew wanted to menage me (I had only been around them for about 15 minutes) made me nervous

A redbone is a light skinned black girl (halle berry complexion)

U must be up north cuz a redbone in the south is alicia keys color. Im just saying!

08-03-2013, 03:21 AM
It's like Jim Jefferies says... there is a double standard between men and women because it's much easier for women to be sluts than for men to be players.

08-03-2013, 06:08 AM
Btw, at the club two weeks ago a girl kissed me in the middle of the dance floor and asked me to go back to her place.

Then she got in the car with her GFs and all of sudden wanted to go on a date first.

Hating ass ho's :roll:
Was that before or after Kyrie gave you a head nod?

Nick Young
08-03-2013, 06:17 AM
When I was in Rio (Ipanema), this happened three times to me and your fears were mine as well. In fact I know that was the situation. Some of those women are beautiful but I saw a real roughness in them. Never really entertained it.

In heavily competitive areas (Miami, LA, Atl, Houston, DC) propositions, sobeit not this direct but more like a two step, can happen on the beaten path.
yeh thats what the brazilian hos here in London do, they always roaming around oxford street at 4 in the morning where everyones waiting to catch the bus and invite drunk people to their home.

They got my friend once, but he only had change on him, idiot sluts.

08-03-2013, 09:34 PM
U must be up north cuz a redbone in the south is alicia keys color. Im just saying!



Is there a difference? :confusedshrug:

08-05-2013, 11:58 AM
The dude was fairly good looking, yet still failed to pick up one. Maybe if he was a bit more persistent, he could have nailed a couple of those.

But I guess it proves Girls aren't as open to sex as guys

08-05-2013, 12:03 PM
U must be up north cuz a redbone in the south is alicia keys color. Im just saying!
In TX, there are yellow bones and there are red bones.