View Full Version : Mormons show up and school these dudes in a bball game.

08-06-2013, 01:04 PM
So some dudes are playing ball. Then these Mormon guys show up, and act like they can't play ball. Bricking shots, airballing.

The Mormons told them, they should play a game of ball. If they win, everyone there has to go to Church. The guys agreed, and got hustled by the Mormon guys.

I guess they goin' to Church.


08-06-2013, 01:08 PM

08-06-2013, 01:10 PM
Represent!!! :rockon: That's gonna be me in Ecuador in a couple months.

08-06-2013, 01:12 PM
Represent!!! :rockon: That's gonna be me in Ecuador in a couple months.

How much is it costing you to go to Ecuador? and how much will it cost you a month to stay there?

08-06-2013, 01:29 PM
How much is it costing you to go to Ecuador? and how much will it cost you a month to stay there?
Missions are $10,000, so you're allotted about $800 a month to spend on food, supplies, etc... You pay and the Church offices organize the rest. Flights, MTC time, the works. Happy to do it though.

08-06-2013, 01:32 PM
NBA forum. Are these mormons NBA players?

08-06-2013, 01:41 PM
I love the dudes watching going nuts after that blow by dunk. :oldlol:

strike first
08-06-2013, 01:46 PM
that dunk :oldlol: :oldlol:

08-06-2013, 01:47 PM
Should've played this after the game (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26565Mv_6BQ)

08-06-2013, 01:53 PM
Missions are $10,000, so you're allotted about $800 a month to spend on food, supplies, etc... You pay and the Church offices organize the rest. Flights, MTC time, the works. Happy to do it though.
good luck and be safe

08-06-2013, 01:55 PM


08-06-2013, 01:59 PM
dat laugh :oldlol:

08-06-2013, 01:59 PM
that hoop looks like 9.5 or 9 feet tall

Horde of Temujin
08-06-2013, 02:01 PM
Represent!!! :rockon: That's gonna be me in Ecuador in a couple months.

Are you going there to brainwash some poor indigenous people to accept Western values and allow oil companies access to their land and to go work in some factory for low wages.

08-06-2013, 02:05 PM
Are you going there to brainwash some poor indigenous people to accept Western values and allow oil companies access to their land and to go work in some factory for low wages.
Very close, except for the brainwashing them into accepting Western Values and allow oil companies access to their land and go to work in some factory for low wages. That part was wrong.

Horde of Temujin
08-06-2013, 02:16 PM
Well then, proselytize away!

Xiao Yao You
08-06-2013, 02:49 PM
Every LDS church has a basketball court. They can play. #1 high school team in the country last year. Probably all mormon. Their best players were. BYU has a very good program. Mostly mormon.

08-06-2013, 02:51 PM
Well then, proselytize away!
You're one of those guys who thinks of himself as "nobody's fool," aren't you.

DJ Leon Smith
08-06-2013, 02:56 PM
I played against some Mormons here (Australia) years ago and they all could play. One was a Pacific Islander guy from Hawaii, would have been a little over 6-foot and looked out of shape but could dunk like crazy.

A few friends of mine played against Shawn Bradley when he did his mission down here too which was pretty cool.

Horde of Temujin
08-06-2013, 03:00 PM
You're one of those guys who thinks of himself as "nobody's fool," aren't you.

Im not sure what you mean? Im capable of being foolish just as much as the next person.

Im just aware of how missionaries traditionally have acted as agents of globalization with some some damaging consequences for native peoples. In particular, Texaco in Ecuador.

To be fair to Way of Wade, they were not Mormon.

Here is a little info.


08-06-2013, 03:02 PM
that hoop looks like 9.5 or 9 feet tallYes. I cannot hear the audio at the moment so is there something being said that makes this video a big deal? Is it a popular channel to begin with? That seems to be a lot of views for two guys dunking on a super short rim in dress shirts.

08-06-2013, 03:10 PM
Dat magic underwear.

08-06-2013, 03:10 PM
Im not sure what you mean? Im capable of being foolish just as much as the next person.

Im just aware of how missionaries traditionally have acted as agents of globalization with some some damaging consequences for native peoples. In particular, Texaco in Ecuador.

To be fair to Way of Wade, they were not Mormon.

Here is a little info.


Those days are over in Ecuador thanks to Rafael Correa, who will prevent the imperialists from exploiting the people and resources of Ecuador. In fact, he even has begun to nationalize the oil fields in Ecuador like Chavez did in Venezuela and he is using the profit for the people of Ecuador instead of it going to the billionaires of the West

08-06-2013, 03:19 PM
Yes. I cannot hear the audio at the moment so is there something being said that makes this video a big deal? Is it a popular channel to begin with? That seems to be a lot of views for two guys dunking on a super short rim in dress shirts.

It's just a cool video of two Mormons hustling a couple ballers. :confusedshrug: Even if the rim is a foot shorter than the standard, what's not to like?

Horde of Temujin
08-06-2013, 03:22 PM
Those days are over in Ecuador thanks to Rafael Correa, who will prevent the imperialists from exploiting the people and resources of Ecuador. In fact, he even has begun to nationalize the oil fields in Ecuador like Chavez did in Venezuela and he is using the profit for the people of Ecuador instead of it going to the billionaires of the West

Yes sir, and he is being a little more responsible than Ch

08-06-2013, 03:23 PM
I love the dudes watching going nuts after that blow by dunk. :oldlol:
:oldlol: The dude in the back had me rolling. Laughing like he was a hyena or some shit.

08-06-2013, 03:27 PM
Every LDS church has a basketball court. They can play. #1 high school team in the country last year. Probably all mormon. Their best players were. BYU has a very good program. Mostly mormon.
That was my high school; and yeah, pretty much everyone on it was Mormon, and we only had one non-white kid on the team. Ballin!

08-06-2013, 03:29 PM
Mormons are so polite :bowdown:

Xiao Yao You
08-06-2013, 03:30 PM
[QUOTE=Horde of Temujin]Yes sir, and he is being a little more responsible than Ch

Xiao Yao You
08-06-2013, 03:35 PM
That was my high school; and yeah, pretty much everyone on it was Mormon, and we only had one non-white kid on the team. Ballin!

One's a lot especially in Happy Valley! Pretty good pedigree with Haws and Emery though.

08-06-2013, 03:35 PM
Are you going there to brainwash some poor indigenous people to accept Western values and allow oil companies access to their land and to go work in some factory for low wages.

Yup, and they're going to pay for it while their parents pay a full tithing. Quite the racket considering that the truth about Joseph Smith is on this very same interwebz (the fake hieroglyphics and dna proof that the American Indians are of Asian decent are good starting points). Hell, Joseph Smith's arrest records are one Google search away. You'd think that would be enough.

Joseph Smith was a con-man, and these poor kids don't know any better. :facepalm

08-06-2013, 05:02 PM
Very close, except for the brainwashing them into accepting Western Values and allow oil companies access to their land and go to work in some factory for low wages. That part was wrong.

08-06-2013, 05:03 PM
Those Morons could ball!

08-06-2013, 05:06 PM
That was awesome!!!!!!

08-06-2013, 05:07 PM
Ain't got shit on Jabari Parker :oldlol:

08-06-2013, 05:11 PM
Yup, and they're going to pay for it while their parents pay a full tithing. Quite the racket considering that the truth about Joseph Smith is on this very same interwebz (the fake hieroglyphics and dna proof that the American Indians are of Asian decent are good starting points). Hell, Joseph Smith's arrest records are one Google search away. You'd think that would be enough.

Joseph Smith was a con-man, and these poor kids don't know any better. :facepalm


08-06-2013, 05:15 PM
Dont sleep on the mormons, I ran into some back in the day and they defintely can ball down in Jersey.

08-06-2013, 05:19 PM
Yup, and they're going to pay for it while their parents pay a full tithing. Quite the racket considering that the truth about Joseph Smith is on this very same interwebz (the fake hieroglyphics and dna proof that the American Indians are of Asian decent are good starting points). Hell, Joseph Smith's arrest records are one Google search away. You'd think that would be enough.

Joseph Smith was a con-man, and these poor kids don't know any better. :facepalm
I'm not going to force my views on you, and I'm not going to insult you or you religion either. So I'd like it if you'd do the same.

08-06-2013, 05:21 PM
I'm not going to force my views on you, and I'm not going to insult you or you religion either. So I'd like it if you'd do the same.

People are out of control disrespectful

08-06-2013, 05:50 PM
I'm not going to force my views on you, and I'm not going to insult you or you religion either. So I'd like it if you'd do the same.

Which part was the insult? Are you not paying for your mission out of your own pocket? Do your parents not pay a tithing? Was Joseph Smith not arrested several times for various cons around the country? Were his "translations" of those Egyptian hieroglyphs not proven to be wrong? Did the original American Indians really have blue eyes, blonde hair, and fair skin? Should I go on?

I'm sorry if the truth hurts, but don't take it as an insult. Prove me wrong, and I'll apologize for presenting you with falsehoods. Until then, I suggest you do the research for yourself before trying to sell someone elses product door-to-door. I'd break it down for you the same way if you showed up on my doorstep, so if anything, this should help prepare you for the kind of questions you're bound to come across on your mission.

Dr. Cheesesteak
08-06-2013, 05:54 PM
Every LDS church has a basketball court. They can play.
qft. Couple Mormon churches in the town I used to live had courts, and some of the best local players (white dudes) went to Mormon churches (I wouldn't exactly call them devout Mormons, though....). So yeah, Mormon white boys can ball.

08-06-2013, 05:56 PM
Which part was the insult? Are you not paying for your mission out of your own pocket? Do your parents not pay a tithing? Was Joseph Smith not arrested several times for various cons around the country? Were his "translations" of those Egyptian hieroglyphs not proven to be wrong? Did the original American Indians really have blue eyes, blonde hair, and fair skin? Should I go on?

I'm sorry if the truth hurts, but don't take it as an insult. Prove me wrong, and I'll apologize for presenting you with falsehoods. Until then, I suggest you do the research for yourself before trying to sell someone elses product door-to-door. I'd break it down for you the same way if you showed up on my doorstep, so if anything, this should help prepare you for the kind of questions you're bound to come across on your mission.

When someone who has been indoctrinated with lies their entire life, it's hard to come to grips with actual reality.

Keep drilling it into them though!

Moroni! :oldlol:

08-06-2013, 05:56 PM
Which part was the insult? Are you not paying for your mission out of your own pocket? Do your parents not pay a tithing? Was Joseph Smith not arrested several times for various cons around the country? Were his "translations" of those Egyptian hieroglyphs not proven to be wrong? Did the original American Indians really have blue eyes, blonde hair, and fair skin? Should I go on?

I'm sorry if the truth hurts, but don't take it as an insult. Prove me wrong, and I'll apologize for presenting you with falsehoods. Until then, I suggest you do the research for yourself before trying to sell someone elses product door-to-door. I'd break it down for you the same way if you showed up on my doorstep, so if anything, this should help prepare you for the kind of questions you're bound to come across on your mission.
The part where you acted like a condescending douche probably. Just a guess though.

08-06-2013, 06:11 PM
The part where you acted like a condescending douche probably. Just a guess though.

Right, and there's nothing douchey about showing up on someones doorstep offering them salvation for 10% of their income, lol. :facepalm

08-06-2013, 06:13 PM
Right, and there's nothing douchey about showing up on someones doorstep offering them salvation for 10% of their income, lol. :facepalm
So you're taking it out you're anger on some random dude on the net? :confusedshrug: All you have to say is no thank you or just close your door.

08-06-2013, 06:20 PM
So you're taking it out you're anger on some random dude on the net? :confusedshrug: All you have to say is no thank you or just close your door.

What anger? I'm trying to save the kid $10,000 and two years of his life, lol.

And how is what I'm doing any different than what they send these kids out to do? Do they not stop random people on the street? At least I'm not feeding him lies whilst stealing his money and sending him off to do my bidding. If I'm angry, it's because they take advantage of kids like this.

08-06-2013, 06:23 PM
I'm not going to force my views on you, and I'm not going to insult you or you religion either. So I'd like it if you'd do the same.
He's right though.

Why should a con man be immune from criticism? Nothing about Joseph Smith or Mormonism deserves our respect.

08-06-2013, 06:23 PM
Which part was the insult? Are you not paying for your mission out of your own pocket? Do your parents not pay a tithing? Was Joseph Smith not arrested several times for various cons around the country? Were his "translations" of those Egyptian hieroglyphs not proven to be wrong? Did the original American Indians really have blue eyes, blonde hair, and fair skin? Should I go on?

I'm sorry if the truth hurts, but don't take it as an insult. Prove me wrong, and I'll apologize for presenting you with falsehoods. Until then, I suggest you do the research for yourself before trying to sell someone elses product door-to-door. I'd break it down for you the same way if you showed up on my doorstep, so if anything, this should help prepare you for the kind of questions you're bound to come across on your mission.
Well you called our profit a con-man and called me clueless. I am paying for my own mission and my parents and I are full tithe payers. But I'll be honest, I have a lot to read up on. I'm only 18 and there is a lot for me to learn. I'm not the most versed Mormon ever, if you'd like you could find one of our local wards Bishops for example. Going after me won't get you far. Also, I enjoy how you only go after the negatives and never look at the positives. You forget the charity work our church puts in, how much happier it makes a lot of members including myself.
What I'd like to see is you picking apart our doctrines instead of our history. It's easy to pick apart any churches history. However this isn't the thread for this conversation, if you'd like you could start this up in the off-court lounge and I'll try to join. This isn't a thread about Mormonism, it's about Mormon Ballers.

08-06-2013, 06:26 PM
What anger? I'm trying to save the kid $10,000 and two years of his life, lol.

And how is what I'm doing any different than what they send these kids out to do? Do they not stop random people on the street? At least I'm not feeding him lies whilst stealing his money and sending him off to do my bidding. If I'm angry, it's because they take advantage of kids like this.
Why don't you consider my reasons for going on a mission, instead of your own. Going on this mission is going to teach me spanish, give me a good work ethic, get me closer to god, humble me, get me well versed in the BoM and the Bible, help the people where I'm going, and show me that I can get through anything. $10,000, that's practically a bargain.

08-06-2013, 06:27 PM
I'm not going to force my views on you, and I'm not going to insult you or you religion either. So I'd like it if you'd do the same.
So you would like him to keep his opinion to himself and shut up while you go out and prosthelytize to people in another country about your religion which was started by a known con man?

08-06-2013, 06:32 PM
So you would like him to keep his opinion to himself and shut up while you go out and prosthelytize to people in another country about your religion which was started by a known con man?
Are you even reading my posts? I never said "don't give me your opinion and keep your mouth shut," I said "I'm not insulting you, please don't insult me." This isn't even the thread for this discussion, this belongs I'm the Off the Court Lounge.

08-06-2013, 06:38 PM
Well you called our profit a con-man and called me clueless. I am paying for my own mission and my parents and I are full tithe payers. But I'll be honest, I have a lot to read up on. I'm only 18 and there is a lot for me to learn. I'm not the most versed Mormon ever, if you'd like you could find one of our local wards Bishops for example. Going after me won't get you far. Also, I enjoy how you only go after the negatives and never look at the positives. You forget the charity work our church puts in, how much happier it makes a lot of members including myself.
What I'd like to see is you picking apart our doctrines instead of our history. It's easy to pick apart any churches history. However this isn't the thread for this conversation, if you'd like you could start this up in the off-court lounge and I'll try to join. This isn't a thread about Mormonism, it's about Mormon Ballers.

Fair enough, you seem like a good kid. As stated above, I'm not trying to come off like a prick as much as I'm trying to get you to look into it for yourself. You're not a horse, so you don't need them to lead you to water... you're more than capable of doing the research on your own. Besides, It's not in their best interest to tell you the truth (no offense).

08-06-2013, 06:39 PM
To be fair, for those talkin smack about mormon history, spend at least a little time reading through some mormon apologetics. You probably won't change your minds, but history is a lot more nuanced than you seem to think. At least read Rough Stone Rolling.

08-06-2013, 06:39 PM
I'll be honest - I wasn't expecting two dunks! :roll:

08-06-2013, 06:42 PM
Fair enough, you seem like a good kid. As stated above, I'm not trying to come off like a prick as much as I'm trying to get you to look into it for yourself. You're not a horse, so you don't need them to lead you to water... you're more than capable of doing the research on your own. Besides, It's not in their interest to tell you the truth (no offense).
I understand, I've read some pretty insane stuff about my church, and like you said, it wouldn't surprise me if the leaders don't give us everything. No man is perfect, so every religion is bound to make a mistake here and there; that's life, you fall down, and you get up. Still though, if you have any questions about Mormons, like how we live and whatnot, I'd be happy to answer them. Preferably in the offcourtlounge though.

*EDIT: answer to the best of my ability.

08-06-2013, 07:31 PM
They need to turn that video into a MasterCard ad cause the reactions were just priceless.

I was losing it after that dunk the reactions were insane lol

Eric Cartman
08-06-2013, 07:35 PM
A mormon with a Wade avatar.

08-06-2013, 07:41 PM
Going on this mission is going to teach me spanish, give me a good work ethic, get me closer to god, humble me, get me well versed in the BoM and the Bible, help the people where I'm going, and show me that I can get through anything. $10,000, that's practically a bargain.
You could get all that for the same price, except also come home with a Bachelor's Degree too and actually be ready for the job market.

But have fun either way.

08-06-2013, 07:42 PM
that was the best mormon related anything since book of mormon. :oldlol:

btw, the kids that go on these missions have to pay $10000?? :wtf: :wtf: :wtf:

08-06-2013, 07:52 PM
Didn't read the thread.

I don't get why being Mormon makes this surprising. Is it because they are white? There's a shit load of Mormon NFL players, including some all-pros and an athletic HOF QB by the name of Steve Young.

Isn't Bryce Harper a mormon? Tom Chambers and Danny Ainge are. I'm sure others and I just don't know them.

08-06-2013, 08:11 PM
Didn't read the thread.

I don't get why being Mormon makes this surprising. Is it because they are white? There's a shit load of Mormon NFL players, including some all-pros and an athletic HOF QB by the name of Steve Young.

Isn't Bryce Harper a mormon? Tom Chambers and Danny Ainge are. I'm sure others and I just don't know them.

its not surprising. its a funny video to watch.

The Custodian
08-06-2013, 09:40 PM
You could get all that for the same price, except also come home with a Bachelor's Degree too and actually be ready for the job market.

But have fun either way.
I am positive that a Bachelor's degree is no where as cheap, or includes even half of the important aspects he noted.

Xiao Yao You
08-06-2013, 11:30 PM
Didn't read the thread.

I don't get why being Mormon makes this surprising. Is it because they are white? There's a shit load of Mormon NFL players, including some all-pros and an athletic HOF QB by the name of Steve Young.

Isn't Bryce Harper a mormon? Tom Chambers and Danny Ainge are. I'm sure others and I just don't know them.

Might call them Jack Mormons since they worked on Sundays. The church has a blind eye towards it because of the 10% and exposure they get. Only one athlete I know of gave up a professional career because he wouldn't wok on Sunday like the LDS preaches.

08-07-2013, 12:02 AM
Living in Utah I know for a fact that there's a lot of Mormons ballers.

08-07-2013, 12:02 AM
Living in Utah I know for a fact that there's a lot of Mormons ballers.

They can even dunk on 9 foot hoops.

08-07-2013, 12:30 AM
They can even dunk on 9 foot hoops.

That, and they can put the ball inside the rim.

08-07-2013, 01:31 AM
That was fun to watch :applause: