View Full Version : 1992 Bulls vs 2013 Heat

08-28-2013, 04:18 PM
7 game series.

08-28-2013, 04:20 PM
Would be a great series, very similar teams for the most part.

Bulls in 6.

08-28-2013, 04:20 PM
Bulls have no one to guard LeBron

08-28-2013, 04:28 PM
Which era's game rules are they playing under?

My feeling is Bulls in 6-7.

08-28-2013, 04:28 PM
The team with Jordan.

08-28-2013, 04:33 PM
Bulls have no one to guard LeBron
while that might be true somewhat, i really want mods to start editing posts made by people like you, montana and some kobe fans here like they are doing to thread titles. That would make this place a lot better.
On topic: bulls win in 6. 2012 heat will take it to 7 games. 2012 heat team would do better in 1992 than it did in 2012 and that 1992 bulls team would do better in today's league.
Zone defense is one of the best ways to stop a team with healthy lebron and wade. They would do better in 90s. knicks of the 90s would give more trouble to 2012 heat than bulls would like pacers do now.
2013 heat would lose in 6 against bulls no matter which year they played in. you need healthy wade to cause problems for 1992 bulls.

08-28-2013, 04:36 PM
Bulls have no one to guard LeBron

LOL, and who do the Heat have to guard MJ?

Bulls in 5. And I'm being generous.

08-28-2013, 04:37 PM
while that might be true somewhat, i really want mods to start editing posts made by people like you, montana and some kobe fans here like they are doing to thread titles. That would make this place a lot better.
On topic: bulls win in 6. 2012 heat will take it to 7 games. 2012 heat team would do better in 1992 than it did in 2012 and that 1992 bulls team would do better in today's league.
Zone defense is one of the best ways to stop a team with healthy lebron and wade. They would do better in 90s. knicks of the 90s would give more trouble to 2012 heat than bulls would like pacers do now.
2013 heat would lose in 6 against bulls no matter which year they played in. you need healthy wade to cause problems for 1992 bulls.

2012 Heat would get done in 5 games, too. No team in today's NBA could give the 90s Bulls even a challenge, much less beat them in a series.

97 bulls
08-28-2013, 04:43 PM
The Heat needed seven games to dispatch the Pacers without Danny Granger and a player In Paul George some consider to be a poor mans Scottie Pippen.

Bulls in 5.

08-28-2013, 04:46 PM
LOL, and who do the Heat have to guard MJ?

Bulls in 5. And I'm being generous.

LeBron is the most complete perimeter defender in NBA history. If anyone can guard Jordan, it's him. You got to remember, LeBron isn't some 6'2 SG. You know, the typical type of defender in Jordan's era.

08-28-2013, 04:47 PM
The Heat needed seven games to dispatch the Pacers without Danny Granger and a player In Paul George some consider to be a poor mans Scottie Pippen.

Bulls in 5.

Whats with you and trying to pump up your favorite sidekick in every thread? Pippen was little bitch sidekick dude. Let it go. He will always be associated as Jordan's bitch. :oldlol:

08-28-2013, 04:48 PM
There's a big reason Jordan never lost in 6 finals appearances.

bulls in 5.

heat has no answer to the bulls front court and no one is stopping jordan + pippen... not to mention they are arguably two of the best wing defenders of all time.

Horde of Temujin
08-28-2013, 04:49 PM
Bulls have no one to guard LeBron

You know that scene in Carlito's Way where Carlito leaves Kleinfeld with an empty gun after visiting him in the hospital? I suspect your mother did something similar with your head after you were born.

08-28-2013, 04:50 PM
Bulls have no one to guard LeBron


Who's guarding Jordan? Wade and his hobbling knees? LeBron can't guard Jordan as he'll fatigue and get in foul trouble.

Also, Bulls would outrebound this team so bad it'll be an easy matchup...

08-28-2013, 04:51 PM
Whoever wins the matchup between John Paxson and Norris Cole wins the series. Everyone else is a wash.

97 bulls
08-28-2013, 04:51 PM
LeBron is the most complete perimeter defender in NBA history. If anyone can guard Jordan, it's him. You got to remember, LeBron isn't some 6'2 SG. You know, the typical type of defender in Jordan's era.
And Jordan isnt some 6'2 shooting guard either. James cant give him 10 feet and dare him to shoot a jumoshot.

97 bulls
08-28-2013, 04:52 PM
Whats with you and trying to pump up your favorite sidekick in every thread? Pippen was little bitch sidekick dude. Let it go. He will always be associated as Jordan's bitch. :oldlol:
The Bulls would beat the Heat without Pippen.

08-28-2013, 04:56 PM
Only way Bulls win is if you replace Jordan and Pippen with Jason Terry and Shawn Marion.

08-28-2013, 05:00 PM
Pippen has a better shot frustrating LeBron than Wade having a remote shot v.s. Prime MJ. Rebounding advantage goes Bulls way. As does toughness and coaching. Is anyone betting against MJ? No, not a wise decision with your money, especially with something to prove.

08-28-2013, 05:03 PM
92 Jordan would be too much for Wade to handle and Pippen would do as good a job covering LeBron as any player past or present.

Heat may win two or three due to their plethora of three point shooters but there is no way the Heat could beat the Bulls.

That is if it was 90's level officiating. Played with today's no handchecking Jordan would average 12+ FTs per game and probably average ~45 PPG.

In other words, Jordan would humiliate the Heat.

Young X
08-28-2013, 05:05 PM
Bulls in 5. Maybe 6.

Bron was out there getting cooked by Paul George. WTF is he going to do with MJ? No one on the Heat has the quickness to stay in front of him and unlike back then, there's no one to stop him at the rim.

Pippen can't stop Bron, but he has the quickness to stay in front of him. Bron couldn't even blow past Boris Diaw. Pippen would give him trouble.

I really don't think MJ could stay in front of prime Wade, but he can damn sure guard this old, injured version of Wade and force him to take outside jumpers which we all know he's not good at.

Grant can absolutely guard Bosh's soft ass and Miami wouldn't be able to take advantage of the Bulls lack of interior play.

The 2 advantages Miami has are 3 pt shooting and their bench, but that's not enough, the Bulls have better perimeter play, much better rebounding, and better defense.

08-28-2013, 05:07 PM
Im just not seeing the Bulls take this. The 2013 Spurs were overall a better team than the 92 Bulls, and they had to play almost perfect to take Miami to seven games.

TheReal Kendall
08-28-2013, 05:10 PM
How many times are we gonna do this same matchup you guys?

Everything has been said.

It's been done to death.

We all know the 92 Bulls would destroy the Heat.

No need to keep asking.

97 bulls
08-28-2013, 05:11 PM
Im just not seeing the Bulls take this. The 2013 were overall a better team than the 92 Bulls, and they had to play almost perfect to take Miami to seven games.
Then youll go into another thread claiming how everyone on the Heat sucks outside of LeBron James.

08-28-2013, 05:11 PM
if MJ is around this day and age, its likely lebron has 6 rings. he would have teamed up with him, DUH!

if he didnt team up, dude would have 1 MVP with 0 rings :roll:

08-28-2013, 05:15 PM
The Bulls would beat the Heat without Pippen.
:roll: :roll:

Jordan stans trying to put themselves on the level of Kobe stan stupidity. :roll: :roll:

08-28-2013, 05:15 PM
Im just not seeing the Bulls take this. The 2013 Spurs were overall a better team than the 92 Bulls, and they had to play almost perfect to take Miami to seven games.
How are they the better team? Heat have nobody to guard MJ and the 92 Bulls played better.

Young X
08-28-2013, 05:20 PM
I might be crazy, but would Miami even beat the '92 Knicks? :oldlol:

... or the Cavs?


08-28-2013, 05:20 PM
How are they the better team? Heat have nobody to guard MJ and the 92 Bulls played better.

Hate to break it to you, but LeBron's isn't Craig Ehlo or John Starks. He would hand Jordan his ass on a platter. Dude would have left a year early to go fail at baseball. :oldlol:

08-28-2013, 05:22 PM
I might be crazy, but would Miami even beat the '92 Knicks? :oldlol:

... or the Cavs :oldlol:

You're crazy. And the Cavs? The 90's Cavaliers were about as soft as it got. Talented team that was full of p.ussies aside from Hot Rod and Harper. They would have crumbled like they did every year.

Young X
08-28-2013, 05:30 PM
You're crazy. And the Cavs? The 90's Cavaliers were about as soft as it got. Talented team that was full of p.ussies aside from Hot Rod and Harper. They would have crumbled like they did every year.Youre probably right about the Cavs, I can't see them getting past the Knicks tho. They're a better team, but that's a terrible matchup for them - Ewing would destroy their frontline.

08-28-2013, 05:38 PM
I might be crazy, but would Miami even beat the '92 Knicks? :oldlol:

... or the Cavs?

Any of those Riley Knick or Heat teams would beat these Miami Heat ... Too much physicality and toughness. Bron and Wade bitched and moaned about 2013 Bulls defense. How you think they would react to Xavier, Oakley, Starks, and Mason trying to knock their block off and getting under their skin, while still being elite defensively?


08-28-2013, 05:42 PM
Hate to break it to you, but LeBron's isn't Craig Ehlo or John Starks. He would hand Jordan his ass on a platter. Dude would have left a year early to go fail at baseball. :oldlol:
What are you talking about? Mj was guarded by dpoty dennis rodman(6'7), Lewis 6'7 long arms, alkan houston (6'6), sidney moncrief Dpoty 6'4, Steve smith, Larry johnson etc.... are you retarded? Mj would lihht up LJ just like Durant does.

08-28-2013, 05:42 PM
Im just not seeing the Bulls take this. The 2013 Spurs were overall a better team than the 92 Bulls, and they had to play almost perfect to take Miami to seven games.

No. No they were not.

08-28-2013, 06:10 PM
Any of those Riley Knick or Heat teams would beat these Miami Heat ... Too much physicality and toughness. Bron and Wade bitched and moaned about 2013 Bulls defense. How you think they would react to Xavier, Oakley, Starks, and Mason trying to knock their block off and getting under their skin, while still being elite defensively?

Bitching and moaning about a team they 4-1 every year? :confusedshrug:

08-28-2013, 06:10 PM
Bulls have no one to guard LeBron



08-28-2013, 07:12 PM


Except it is the 92' team man :cheers: No Rodman.

08-28-2013, 07:12 PM
why are people responding to silkk - do i really need to bump that one thread?

bulls would kill the heat in five games. it's not about jordan vs lebron it's about the team concept and the bulls have a huge advantage in that department, not to mention the goat coaching. phil jackson would have a field day the with heat. plus, grant would destroy bosh and birdman in the post. ya, he wasn't 'all that' but that's how bad miami's interior is.

97 bulls
08-28-2013, 07:20 PM
:roll: :roll:

Jordan stans trying to put themselves on the level of Kobe stan stupidity. :roll: :roll:
Jordan stans hate me. If the Pacers without Granger can give the Heat that much trouble, im sure the Bulls (a better team) could do better without Pippen. Meaning they win in seven. With Pippen. They win in five

08-28-2013, 07:21 PM
Heat in 7. Now if Miami was facing a team with an all time great center like 2000 LA then they might lose because they have no one to stop Shaq.

longtime lurker
08-28-2013, 07:41 PM
Anyone with half at least half brain(read anyone but Lebron stans) know the Bulls would absolutely kill the Heat.

08-28-2013, 07:44 PM
If the Pacers without Granger can give the Heat that much trouble, im sure the Bulls (a better team) could do better without Pippen. Meaning they win in seven. With Pippen. They win in five
Without Pippen, the heat can beat them in 6. Pippen, during those playoffs averaged 20/9/7/2/1 on 47%. They'd lose their second best offensive player.
With Pippen, the Bulls would win in 6.

08-28-2013, 09:25 PM
I would love to see Jordan ruthlessly rip LeBron's heart out. LeBron got punked in that department by Shawn Marion and Jason Terry. I can only imagine what Jordan would do... :eek:

08-28-2013, 09:26 PM
im a heat fan and i say the '92 Bulls easily. 6 games at the most. i say that because jordan never went to a game 7 in the finals.

the '92 Bulls are one of the best teams ever. miami stuggled through the playoffs. that kind of play aint gonna get it done against the GOAT on one of his greatest teams.

even when miami was healthy and ran off 27 straight wins, they didnt do it in blowout fashion. they did it with the "flip the switch" method. they'd look pedestrian for most of the game then flip the switch at about the 5 minute mark. cant pull that *hit against a great veteran team in their prime.

08-28-2013, 10:58 PM
LeBron is the most complete perimeter defender in NBA history. If anyone can guard Jordan, it's him. You got to remember, LeBron isn't some 6'2 SG. You know, the typical type of defender in Jordan's era.

Kevin Durant 30.6 points on .548 .394 .839 against the Heat in the finals. Good luck stopping Jordan :lol :lol

08-28-2013, 11:03 PM
The team with Jordan.


08-28-2013, 11:15 PM
Except it is the 92' team man :cheers: No Rodman.

Oh, right you are - I choose to ignore the 92. I was too busy thinking of how Rodman would get in Lebron's head.

08-28-2013, 11:30 PM
why does anyone need to guard lebron in the finals? seriously...

08-29-2013, 12:22 AM
why does anyone need to guard lebron in the finals? seriously...

I know, right? Worked for SA for 5 1/2 games.

Seriously tho, if Boris f*cking Diaw shakes Lebron, if Shawn Marion shakes Lebron, if Jason Terry shakes Lebron--what the hell do Lebron stans think MJ would do to him?

08-29-2013, 12:23 AM
bulls in 7

08-29-2013, 12:39 AM
4-2 in favor of the Bulls.

i would have said sweep, but you can't count out the Heat's shooters getting hot.

Lebron and Wade would cry at the doberman defense they would receive from Jordan and Pippen. and if you think you've seen Bosh shut down, wait until Rodman makes him a real bitch.

edit: didn't see 92 Bulls. if that's the case, Heat may have a better chance. might go to game 7.

08-29-2013, 01:50 AM
We've seen the story unfold before.

The media will try to compare the two, the media wills say "Bron is the better player"

And MJ will come out drop a triple double with 40 points, just to prove that he's better.

Next game Bron or somebody in the Heat will say something dumb.

MJ will go ape shit on them and drop 55, Bulls win.

MJ will have an off game, Heat win.

Next game, MJ comes back with another triple double and 35 in a blowout

The Heat try to rally the next game keeping it very close, MJ is getting double and driple teamed for the first 3 quarters, he's struggling and only has 12 points going into the 4th. The Heat are throwing lobs and high fying each other. Fourth quarter starts, MJ gives Pip that look

08-29-2013, 01:54 AM
Sometime during the game MJ is heard telling Bron as he plays him 2 feet away "I'm gonna leave you wide open becaus I know you're gonna miss. But not as wide open as I had your mom last night."

Game set match


08-29-2013, 02:04 AM
LeBron is 2-2 in the Finals, MJ is 6-0.

If I'm a betting man, I love my chances picking the Bulls.

Bulls in 6.

Young X
08-29-2013, 02:06 AM
Sometime during the game MJ is heard telling Bron as he plays him 2 feet away "I'm gonna leave you wide open becaus I know you're gonna miss. But not as wide open as I had your mom last night."

Game set match

^ :oldlol: This dude...

You're right tho. GOAT gonna GOAT. :confusedshrug:

Cali Syndicate
08-29-2013, 02:09 AM
LeBron is the most complete perimeter defender in NBA history. If anyone can guard Jordan, it's him. You got to remember, LeBron isn't some 6'2 SG. You know, the typical type of defender in Jordan's era.

And mj and pippen are two of the best perimeter defenders of all time. Both are also excellent help defenders. Bulls have a much better chance in slowing down lebron than the heat do MJ.

08-29-2013, 02:23 AM
[QUOTE=andgar923]We've seen the story unfold before.

The media will try to compare the two, the media wills say "Bron is the better player"

And MJ will come out drop a triple double with 40 points, just to prove that he's better.

Next game Bron or somebody in the Heat will say something dumb.

MJ will go ape shit on them and drop 55, Bulls win.

MJ will have an off game, Heat win.

Next game, MJ comes back with another triple double and 35 in a blowout

The Heat try to rally the next game keeping it very close, MJ is getting double and driple teamed for the first 3 quarters, he's struggling and only has 12 points going into the 4th. The Heat are throwing lobs and high fying each other. Fourth quarter starts, MJ gives Pip that look

08-29-2013, 02:23 AM
And mj and pippen are two of the best perimeter defenders of all time. Both are also excellent help defenders. Bulls have a much better chance in slowing down lebron than the heat do MJ.
Just give Bron space and dare him to shoot, that would've worked for SA but unlike the Spurs, Bulls FC wouldn't give up two costly offensive rebounds in the waning minutes of a title clinching game.

Cali Syndicate
08-29-2013, 02:34 AM
Just give Bron space and dare him to shoot, that would've worked for SA but unlike the Spurs, Bulls FC wouldn't give up two costly offensive rebounds in the waning minutes of a title clinching game.

Bron needs a post game.

08-29-2013, 02:35 AM
"To inSTANity and beyond!"- Andgar Lightyear

You must of ate ya MJ wheaties today bruh...n!gga you said "GOAT" like 9 times for no reason .:biggums:

It IS what it IS.

GOAT gonna GOAT :confusedshrug:

08-29-2013, 04:47 AM
Sometime during the game MJ is heard telling Bron as he plays him 2 feet away "I'm gonna leave you wide open becaus I know you're gonna miss. But not as wide open as I had your mom last night."

Game set match


Well damn, that's some ether

08-29-2013, 04:51 AM
why does anyone need to guard lebron in the finals? seriously...


that might be why.

Indian guy
08-29-2013, 01:49 PM
This is an easy 6-7 game series. They're basically the same teams, with Miami being more dangerous from outside while Chicago is bigger(Cartwright/Grant/King/Williams/Perdue are all 6'10 and over) and thus, better on the boards and at protecting the paint. No interior scoring though, so they wouldn't have the edge most other all-time great teams have over Miami. MJ/Pippen have a slight edge over LeBron/Wade. Ordinarily, Bosh would have a healthy edge over Grant, but he was so pathetically underwhelming in the playoffs despite being healthy that you never really know what to expect from him. So, only a very slight edge to him. Miami's depth is A LOT superior to Chicago's - Birdman/Battier/Ray Allen/Mike Miller/Cole > King/Perdue/Levingston/Armstrong. Coaching, obviously, is Chicago.

Who wins the series will boil down to 2 things - which duo outplays the other and how well Miami shoots the 3 ball. A healthy '13 Miami Heat team is a ridiculously good team. Everyone is on about how great Chicago was and they were, but Miami was on that trajectory too before Wade's knee sh!t the bed prior to the start of the playoffs. They won 66 games(1 less than Chicago) despite coasting for more than half the season, put together the 2nd longest winning streak in US sports history and once they acquired Birdman and sorted out their rebounding & interior D issues, they basically never lost in the regular season again - going a mind boggling 39-3 in the 42 games he played. They would've easily gone down as one of the all-time great teams had Wade been healthy in the playoffs.

08-29-2013, 01:52 PM
Heat beat 95 Bulls.

08-29-2013, 04:12 PM

that might be why.
They weren't guarding him though ... That's why he was able to hit.
