View Full Version : Smoking Weed, Being Chronic, Weening Off the Green

09-04-2013, 05:54 AM
I am basically off the weed now, I will smoke occasionally if I am at the right place and someone is offering, but I really don't see myself ever buying it again.

This is kind of an interesting spot because I spent about 5 years chronic and quite a few years as a daily toker.

I am not shitting on weed, I honestly believed I got a lot of good out of it, it kept me introspective, kept me from getting into too much trouble with my dick and kept me from getting in a lot of aggro related trouble (that dusting of paranoia that comes from being high isn't a bad thing for a horny and sometimes angry twenty-something male).

Being off the weed for the most part (I will never QUIT anything because I believe everything has a use in moderation) I notice myself being much smoother and sharper in business and social situations and have a much easier time commanding a room. A couple of years back I left a corporate gig to run my own business, so that pressure/responsibility made being high everyday an impossibility.

It is also a lot easier to meet people, back in the 'high times' we'd often stick within the crew and sometimes the crew inside the crew as it was most comfortable and fun, now the social is a lot more interesting and you actually meet a better standard of female (instead of meeting girls only at the late night meatmarket style clubs, you can meet cooler chicks at pubs and lounge bars earlier in the evening where in the past you were huddled up having a laugh with the boys.

I don't think I can ever go back to being chronic, but I do not regret my weed days, I learned a ton.

That is my cool story.

09-04-2013, 05:55 AM
No wonder you have no sense of reality with some of the arguments you make.

You have done smoked yourself stupid.

09-04-2013, 05:56 AM
No wonder you have no sense of reality with some of the arguments you make.

You have done smoked yourself stupid.

Kobe >>> Jesus

09-04-2013, 05:57 AM
I don't think I can ever go back to being chronic, but I do not regret my weed days, I learned a ton.

sure your lungs think the same thing

09-04-2013, 06:03 AM
sure your lungs think the same thing

Not really, I was playing ball at the time, so I was flushing out a lot of the gunk, and with weed you don't really take in that much smoke as you total intake for the day is microscopic when compared to someone who smokes cigarettes. Granted weed smoke is heavier, but not as heavy as to affect the totals.

09-04-2013, 06:04 AM
sure your lungs think the same thing
Yeah, because smoking a j per day is like smoking a pack per day. :facepalm

09-04-2013, 06:40 AM
OP should smoke less and worry about his business. Instead of smoking and complaining about ISH. Work is a place to work not read ISH.

09-04-2013, 06:43 AM
Yeah, because smoking a j per day is like smoking a pack per day. :facepalm


09-04-2013, 06:53 AM
I will give you 2/10. Try harder next time.

09-04-2013, 07:03 AM
I will give you 2/10. Try harder next time.

I will next time u try to start something :pimp:

09-04-2013, 07:05 AM
You have done smoked yourself stupid.

unfortunately this is not one of those jokes that get better every time you type it...

me, I'm in between phase 2 and 3. Don't smoke every day any more but I sure need my own. When a friend told me how much he's back smoking before work in the morning I was thinking common man we're not 16 anymore, you have to step it up eventually.
I can relate to a lot of things you said.

but I think I'll stay friends with it until the day I d.i.e.

09-04-2013, 07:13 AM
I will next time u try to start something :pimp:
Watch out with the irrelevant arguments :pimp:

09-04-2013, 07:22 AM
It's those wake n bakes that **** you up man.

I quit smoking weed during the day, I feel much better. I don't do the weird shit I normally do when i'm high, I feel much sharper smoother (like op said) and just more energetic.

And quitting weed isn't healthy for me because I get back to smoking a pack of cigs everyday.

09-04-2013, 09:00 AM
I used to smoke heavily in high school and university, but I haven't touched the stuff in years now. Quitting was one of the best decisions I've ever made.
It made me lazy, complacent and antisocial. When you smoke a lot for a long period of time there is no benefit or positive effect. I would smoke just because I needed to smoke, or to numb myself and not care about my problems.
At this point I can't even imagine myself going back to it. Last time I had a few hits it made me sick and dizzy.

09-04-2013, 10:55 AM
It's those wake n bakes that **** you up man.

I quit smoking weed during the day, I feel much better. I don't do the weird shit I normally do when i'm high, I feel much sharper smoother (like op said) and just more energetic.

And quitting weed isn't healthy for me because I get back to smoking a pack of cigs everyday.
It's ok man. Smoking in your 20s (and even 30s) isn't even particularly bad for your long-term health. Studies have shown that quitting before 30 prevents any chance of smoking related illnesses, and 90% of those who quit before 40 never suffer smoking related illnesses. When you're young, your body can handle that shit.

09-04-2013, 11:39 AM
I need some right now. I'm "weening" right now, but not by choice.

09-04-2013, 01:46 PM
I used to smoke heavily in high school and university, but I haven't touched the stuff in years now. Quitting was one of the best decisions I've ever made.
It made me lazy, complacent and antisocial. When you smoke a lot for a long period of time there is no benefit or positive effect. I would smoke just because I needed to smoke, or to numb myself and not care about my problems.
At this point I can't even imagine myself going back to it. Last time I had a few hits it made me sick and dizzy.
I'm exactly like you...

I smoked nearly every day all through high school and about 5 years after graduating...haven't touched the stuff in nearly a decade now

I remember that smoking pot got less and less fun for me over time...and toward the end it just gave me a paranoid feeling. It also without question made me feel stupider...it dumbed me down...clouded my brain...made unfunny things funny...etc

I just feel like a am 100x sharper and in control without that shit clouding my mind...would never want to go back

09-04-2013, 01:52 PM
weed has been great for me, but i don't smoke it and don't use it very often. but sometimes when i get spiritually / emotionally stuck i go for some, and it pretty much puts me on a new track every time. creativity flows, new POV's are formed, new solutions arise from out of nowhere...... it's just a life-saver at the right time and place.

part of the mechanism of weed is to reduce the resting period of neurons, allowing them to chain better, allowing more elaborate thoughts to be formed. but the price for chronic use is temporarily decreased short / medium-term memory IIRC. that probably goes hand in hand with the lack of mental sharpness some of you describe. probably a direct sign that you're partaking a little too often.

did everyone see the news from last week that the DOJ is going to greatly scale back their meddling in states that declare weed legal? this should also be good for the hemp industry, since it's basically a miracle fiber criminally underused.

EDIT: hate to say it, but there was another recent study that suggested that heavy weed use up to the late teens interferes with the brain's ability to develop normally. in essence, you've damaged your brain by smoking too young, although it may be relatively mild damage compared to other things.

09-04-2013, 02:24 PM
I usually go about 3-4 months off and then I'll pick up a half oz and run that for 2-3 months, and so on and so forth.

Love it when I have it; don't miss it too much when I don't.

09-04-2013, 02:27 PM
One of the things i like more about drinking than weed smoking is that at least people who drink don't try to rationalize why it's good for you. Yes, i've smoked but i'm proud to say i've never made a speech about how it made me more creative or wasn't harmful somehow to suck smoke into one's lungs.

So smoke away but stop saying how much it helps.

09-04-2013, 02:32 PM
One of the things i like more about drinking than weed smoking is that at least people who drink don't try to rationalize why it's good for you. Yes, i've smoked but i'm proud to say i've never made a speech about how it made me more creative or wasn't harmful somehow to suck smoke into one's lungs.

So smoke away but stop saying how much it helps.
that annoys me too...

for long time smokers it is absolutely impossible to know where you would be in life had you never smoked weed...it is annoying when they say "smoking pot never held me back or affected me"...really? please show me the crystal ball you own where you can see the alternate reality of yourself that never smoked doing worse in life...

09-04-2013, 02:45 PM
Just use a vaporizer; health issues solved.

And there's plenty of people who can say smoking weed never held them back or negatively impacted their career. Even if you use the crystal ball analogy it goes both way. Show me the reality where you smoked and you're doing better; it can just as easily exist.

09-04-2013, 02:53 PM
I will never QUIT anything because I believe everything has a use in moderation

That's basically the key to most things in life- moderation. Even things that are good for you can be detrimental if you do them too much, plenty of people have died from drinking excess water.

If you smoke once in a while, like say on weekends, no harm will be done really. If you smoke all day everyday, wake up feeling like you need to get high before you can even get out of bed, etc then you will might have a very serious problem.

09-04-2013, 02:56 PM
Just use a vaporizer; health issues solved.

And there's plenty of people who can say smoking weed never held them back or negatively impacted their career. Even if you use the crystal ball analogy it goes both way. Show me the reality where you smoked and you're doing better; it can just as easily exist.
Perhaps you're right neither side should claim they know where the other roads would have taken them, perhaps pot opened my mind a bit more than I am aware of...but there is 100x more evidence suggesting that pot holds you back rather than helps...the stereotype of a pot head is the way it is for a reason...and that stereotype is why so many pot heads feel they have to say "it never held me back!"

09-04-2013, 03:01 PM
...stop saying how much it helps.
it's been one of the greatest tools in my life for the reasons i said.

weed has directly helped to increase my understanding of reality.

09-04-2013, 03:06 PM
One of the things i like more about drinking than weed smoking is that at least people who drink don't try to rationalize why it's good for you. Yes, i've smoked but i'm proud to say i've never made a speech about how it made me more creative or wasn't harmful somehow to suck smoke into one's lungs.

So smoke away but stop saying how much it helps.

People who drink dont try to rationalize why its good for them because alcohol has no redeeming qualities at all :oldlol: People who snort cocaine and smoke cigarettes dont try and argue it either because is nothing redeeming about those drugs either.

There is nothing to argue..

09-04-2013, 03:08 PM
I was never a heavy smoker but now I only smoke 6-10 times a year probably. It is a nice way to just relax on a quiet night. I don't enjoy it much if I am at a more active social setting but it is perfect for a quiet night with some music.

09-04-2013, 03:18 PM
EDIT: hate to say it, but there was another recent study that suggested that heavy weed use up to the late teens interferes with the brain's ability to develop normally. in essence, you've damaged your brain by smoking too young, although it may be relatively mild damage compared to other things.

Yeah, I think the brain continues developing and isn't fully 'mature' until around age 25. I actually know a guy, 41 years old who smokes all day and sleeps on the floor of his mother's apartment. When he graduated HS, he got a full scholarship to study film at UCLA. Got there, started using drugs heavily, weed was his go to. Ended up getting kicked out, started selling to make money, smoked most of it. If you met him and didn't know how old he was (he's Asian so doesn't look his age), you'd swear he was a teenager. Mentally he's still a kid. His brain chemistry was completely f*cked up by heavy use while his brain was still developing and 20+ years later, he's essentially the same age he was when he started.

09-04-2013, 03:24 PM
Yeah, I think the brain continues developing and isn't fully 'mature' until around age 25. I actually know a guy, 41 years old who smokes all day and sleeps on the floor of his mother's apartment. When he graduated HS, he got a full scholarship to study film at UCLA. Got there, started using drugs heavily, weed was his go to. Ended up getting kicked out, started selling to make money, smoked most of it. If you met him and didn't know how old he was (he's Asian so doesn't look his age), you'd swear he was a teenager. Mentally he's still a kid. His brain chemistry was completely f*cked up by heavy use while his brain was still developing and 20+ years later, he's essentially the same age he was when he started.
wow, how sad.

but, yea... i agree... 25 is much more realistic. the study will hopefully be expanded upon until they get that number just right.

09-04-2013, 03:31 PM
how often do you guys smoke per week? (or month). And what would you consider heavy use?

09-04-2013, 03:42 PM
The reason why I say that people smoke themselves stupid because I've seen it. I've met potheads and it was just part of them, smoking herbs. Then I witness my best friend start and started growing too. He smoked daily for about a year and started in his 30's.

His entire personality changed. He use to be a smooth talker with the ladies and still is but when he went on smoking for that year, he became a home body. Stayed home, was always concern with smoking, doesn't get excited or go to dinner and social gatherings with a group of us.

I'm not surprised that there are so many people that post on a message board are smokers.

09-04-2013, 03:48 PM
The reason why I say that people smoke themselves stupid because I've seen it. I've met potheads and it was just part of them, smoking herbs. Then I witness my best friend start and started growing too. He smoked daily for about a year and started in his 30's.

His entire personality changed. He use to be a smooth talker with the ladies and still is but when he went on smoking for that year, he became a home body. Stayed home, was always concern with smoking, doesn't get excited or go to dinner and social gatherings with a group of us.

I'm not surprised that there are so many people that post on a message board are smokers.

thats extreme cases though. There is a difference between smoking once in a while when you wanna chill with some friends (or by yourself) and smoking all day long everyday. Just like there is a difference between a guy who drinks at social gatherings once in a while and an alcoholic who does just that.

Weed in itself is pretty much harmless. The abuse is what causes problems just like with anything else.

09-04-2013, 04:46 PM
weed has been great for me, but i don't smoke it and don't use it very often. but sometimes when i get spiritually / emotionally stuck i go for some, and it pretty much puts me on a new track every time. creativity flows, new POV's are formed, new solutions arise from out of nowhere...... it's just a life-saver at the right time and place.

part of the mechanism of weed is to reduce the resting period of neurons, allowing them to chain better, allowing more elaborate thoughts to be formed. but the price for chronic use is temporarily decreased short / medium-term memory IIRC. that probably goes hand in hand with the lack of mental sharpness some of you describe. probably a direct sign that you're partaking a little too often.

did everyone see the news from last week that the DOJ is going to greatly scale back their meddling in states that declare weed legal? this should also be good for the hemp industry, since it's basically a miracle fiber criminally underused.

EDIT: hate to say it, but there was another recent study that suggested that heavy weed use up to the late teens interferes with the brain's ability to develop normally. in essence, you've damaged your brain by smoking too young, although it may be relatively mild damage compared to other things.I've seen that study and it was not at all conclusive, there being many epidemiological weaknesses to it. Not that it is good to abuse any drug when your brain is developing, and i could see how smoking weed in mid teens could hinder development; likely not because it damages the brain, but because you are less likely to engage in the things that develop the brain.

One of the things i like more about drinking than weed smoking is that at least people who drink don't try to rationalize why it's good for you. Yes, i've smoked but i'm proud to say i've never made a speech about how it made me more creative or wasn't harmful somehow to suck smoke into one's lungs.

So smoke away but stop saying how much it helps.
Both weed and alcohol can enhance creativity, and people are constantly rationalising why drinking is good for you ('a glass of red wine a day keeps the doctor away') + many other things. You'd have to be an idiot not to realise that drugs can aid the creative process.

Nicotine has also been shown to improve learning and memory as well btw. Why do you think so many writers drink and smoke?

You like trying to feel superior, don't you? I find it rather pathetic.

09-04-2013, 05:02 PM
you guys are silly

try getting drunk every day for years and see how difficult it is to just up and quit one day.

try using the herb every day for years and see how easy it is to just up and quit one day..

ganja doesn't create a physical dependence, like alcohol and other drugs do.

The only kind of physical dependence one could associate with the herb is restlessness when trying to go to sleep and a lack of appetite. But that's only common in people who smoke regularly while not being very active throughout the day. If you're used to sitting around playing video games and watching matt damon DVDS all day while smoking the herb, then yes it might be difficult to get to sleep on a day where you are sitting around all day playing video games while not smoking the herb.

Go outside, play a sport, workout or hell just go for a walk, do something that forces you to expend some energy that way when the day is over you have an actual reason to be tired. Same with the appetite, anytime you quit the herb your appetite will seem to have decreased, since you're so used to sitting around smoking to create an appetite you obviously wont be as hungry w/o it..so go expend some energy and create an appetite.. go out and eat some food that's actually good instead of tv dinners and dollar menu items

Just be a strong minded person

09-04-2013, 05:12 PM
I've seen that study and it was not at all conclusive, there being many epidemiological weaknesses to it. Not that it is good to abuse any drug when your brain is developing, and i could see how smoking weed in mid teens could hinder development; likely not because it damages the brain, but because you are less likely to engage in the things that develop the brain.
really? i don't have any particular allegiance to that study, but what would you say were some of the design weaknesses?

also, if the bolded was really true, then wouldn't introverts and people with disassociative disorders tend to develop this kind of developmental brain damage also?

actually... come to think of it... i could indeed see that as being a possibility. my own disorders indeed seemed to dampen some critical development when i was a teen, creating a lot of 'homework' for me later in life. still, it's better to learn things in that prime growing phase IMO.

09-04-2013, 07:17 PM
I've seen that study and it was not at all conclusive, there being many epidemiological weaknesses to it. Not that it is good to abuse any drug when your brain is developing, and i could see how smoking weed in mid teens could hinder development; likely not because it damages the brain, but because you are less likely to engage in the things that develop the brain.

Both weed and alcohol can enhance creativity, and people are constantly rationalising why drinking is good for you ('a glass of red wine a day keeps the doctor away') + many other things. You'd have to be an idiot not to realise that drugs can aid the creative process.

Nicotine has also been shown to improve learning and memory as well btw. Why do you think so many writers drink and smoke?

You like trying to feel superior, don't you? I find it rather pathetic.
That's essentially what you are trying to do with every one of your wordy posts, no?

09-04-2013, 07:59 PM
really? i don't have any particular allegiance to that study, but what would you say were some of the design weaknesses?

also, if the bolded was really true, then wouldn't introverts and people with disassociative disorders tend to develop this kind of developmental brain damage also?

actually... come to think of it... i could indeed see that as being a possibility. my own disorders indeed seemed to dampen some critical development when i was a teen, creating a lot of 'homework' for me later in life. still, it's better to learn things in that prime growing phase IMO.
Maybe the social part of their brain would be less developed, but introspective people tend to read a lot and maintain activity that increases intelligence rather than hindering it. People who get blazed all the time just tend to saturate in front of the tv and talk shit (certainly not all btw, just most).

I can't remember the weaknesses now, but it didn't account for a lot of things (showed it to a v. good epidemiologist and he said it could be taken apart). The only way you could accurately measure something like that would be to do it with identical twins.

That's essentially what you are trying to do with every one of your wordy posts, no?No: that is just how i write. I don't claim to be 'proud' of doing it on the ISH forum, do i? I happen to write and read a lot, and that simply manifests in my posting style. I really don't think about it tbh, it's a forum.

09-04-2013, 08:11 PM
:roll: Dresta sounds like a tool. Why don't you ask for the specific study before trying to sound like you know what you're talking about?

09-04-2013, 08:30 PM
:roll: Dresta sounds like a tool. Why don't you ask for the specific study before trying to sound like you know what you're talking about?
Go away you cretin. There has only been one large study on the decrease in IQ from chronic use of cannabis in teenage years. I don't need to ask because i know which study he is referring to.

Have you got a point, or is it just to fling names?

Here is the study just for you:


And here is one attesting that its conclusions were false:


Now go **** yourself.

09-04-2013, 08:50 PM
Go away you cretin. There has only been one large study on the decrease in IQ from chronic use of cannabis in teenage years. I don't need to ask because i know which study he is referring to.

Have you got a point, or is it just to fling names?

Here is the study just for you:


And here is one attesting that its conclusions were false:


Now go **** yourself.
you're a tool. you still don't know if that's the study gigantes was referring to. Are you a mind reader?

09-04-2013, 09:06 PM
you're a tool. you still don't know if that's the study gigantes was referring to. Are you a mind reader?
What, are you ****ing retarded? Can't you read? That is the ONLY study of its type. There aren't any others. If you read newspapers you would know it was big news as being a new and revelatory study (i.e. the first that showed this).

**** me the amount of judgemental morons on this site. So quick to cast aspersions on others when they can't even read or write.

09-04-2013, 09:10 PM
What, are you ****ing retarded? Can't you read? That is the ONLY study of its type. There aren't any others. If you read newspapers you would know it was big news as being a new and revelatory study (i.e. the first that showed this).

**** me the amount of judgemental morons on this site. So quick to cast aspersions on others when they can't even read or write.
I know you want to validate yourself, but you're a tool. you should ask for the study and not make an asinine assumption
"only study of its type"
"read newspapers" for scientific studies.
Good effort.

09-04-2013, 09:41 PM
I know you want to validate yourself, but you're a tool. you should ask for the study and not make an asinine assumption
"only study of its type"
"read newspapers" for scientific studies.
Good effort.
Keep repeating yourself, it doesn't make you less idiotic. I didn't say 'read newspapers for scientific studies' - i said this particular study made news as being the FIRST study to show that chronic smoking of weed in adolescence harms the brain.

From the article i posted:

'"Although one should never be convinced by a single study, I take the findings very seriously.

"There are a lot of clinical and educational anecdotal reports that cannabis users tend to be less successful in their educational achievement, marriages and occupations.

"It is of course part of folk-lore among young people that some heavy users of cannabis - my daughter calls them stoners - seem to gradually lose their abilities and end up achieving much less than one would have anticipated. This study provides one explanation as to why this might be the case.

"I suspect that the findings are true. If and when they are replicated then it will be very important and public education campaigns should be initiated to let people know the risks."

Get that: a 'single study' and the need to 'replicate' the findings of this ONE study. What is so hard to understand about this you complete ignoramus?


09-04-2013, 09:46 PM
Keep repeating yourself, it doesn't make you less idiotic. I didn't say 'read newspapers for scientific studies' - i said this particular study made news as being the FIRST study to show that chronic smoking of weed in adolescence harms the brain.

From the article i posted:

'"Although one should never be convinced by a single study, I take the findings very seriously.

"There are a lot of clinical and educational anecdotal reports that cannabis users tend to be less successful in their educational achievement, marriages and occupations.

"It is of course part of folk-lore among young people that some heavy users of cannabis - my daughter calls them stoners - seem to gradually lose their abilities and end up achieving much less than one would have anticipated. This study provides one explanation as to why this might be the case.

"I suspect that the findings are true. If and when they are replicated then it will be very important and public education campaigns should be initiated to let people know the risks."

Get that: a 'single study' and the need to 'replicate' the findings of this ONE study. What is so hard to understand about this you complete ignoramus?

Nope it is not the first study.
Ironically published in the same journal as the one referred to in a news article. Oh but of course you assumed it was the first study

09-04-2013, 09:53 PM
I bet dresta is now going to try make a semantics argument of what is considered "recent."

09-04-2013, 09:54 PM
Nope it is not the first study.
Ironically published in the same journal as the one referred to in a news article. Oh but of course you assumed it was the first study
That is the same study you ****ing idiot.

09-04-2013, 11:01 PM
Instead of quoting a bunch of posts I will just drop ideas here.

I never touched weed until sophomore year of college so I think I avoided a lot of the developmental issues that people deal with. People who start in High School have a much great chance at becoming a burnout.

There are different kinds of stoners. There are the veg with your mouth open and giggle types and then there are the genuinely curious types who get high and get busy (kind of like Joe Rogan for lack of a better example).

I think all drugs have their use. I will smoke a cigarette occasionally at work because it will get me focused. Something about that awful stale tobacco puts things in perspective. If I was a daily smoker, I think this effect would wear off.

Alcohol helps business get done, people put their guards down and become more honest.

Cocaine helps you keep partying. I do not know how anyone could be addicted to that, the few times I've done it it was the absolute last thing in the world I wanted the next day.

People who use the 'oh you smoke weed you are a dummy, because I've seen stoners...' argument are morons (funny 9erempiree is using it here) because people handle weed in as many ways as people manage alcohol.

09-04-2013, 11:13 PM
Instead of quoting a bunch of posts I will just drop ideas here.

I never touched weed until sophomore year of college so I think I avoided a lot of the developmental issues that people deal with. People who start in High School have a much great chance at becoming a burnout.

There are different kinds of stoners. There are the veg with your mouth open and giggle types and then there are the genuinely curious types who get high and get busy (kind of like Joe Rogan for lack of a better example).

I think all drugs have their use. I will smoke a cigarette occasionally at work because it will get me focused. Something about that awful stale tobacco puts things in perspective. If I was a daily smoker, I think this effect would wear off.

Alcohol helps business get done, people put their guards down and become more honest.

Cocaine helps you keep partying. I do not know how anyone could be addicted to that, the few times I've done it it was the absolute last thing in the world I wanted the next day.

People who use the 'oh you smoke weed you are a dummy, because I've seen stoners...' argument are morons (funny 9erempiree is using it here) because people handle weed in as many ways as people manage alcohol.

This is true. I used to smoke a lot during college. But I wouldn't usually veg and just zone out, used to write short stories and smoking always got me motivated. The ideas would come flooding out and it was coherent and some of my best work. I'd stay up for hours just typing nonstop.

Haven't smoked anything in like a year, working on a feature length screenplay, been stuck on page 40 for like 2 weeks. Maybe I should take a few puffs just to get the ole juices flowing again :D

09-04-2013, 11:46 PM
I used to smoke a lot in in college. We used to smoke from half an hour after waking up to 7-8 in the evening when we used to go out.
I don't know if i would have done even better in life than i am doing right now if not for the weed but i am sure i would have saved a lot of my dad's money in college as i only liked to go to expensive places when i was high.
Good thing is that i easily stopped smoking weed but had to work really hard to stop smoking cigarettes.

09-04-2013, 11:51 PM
interasting. Daily toker 1-3x a day past 4 years... see no reason to "quit" but once I start real world 9-5 gig next year I will cut it to once a day at night

09-05-2013, 12:04 AM
dresta, dondadda, jaytoizzy. :cheers:

09-05-2013, 06:41 AM
Instead of quoting a bunch of posts I will just drop ideas here.

I never touched weed until sophomore year of college so I think I avoided a lot of the developmental issues that people deal with. People who start in High School have a much great chance at becoming a burnout.

There are different kinds of stoners. There are the veg with your mouth open and giggle types and then there are the genuinely curious types who get high and get busy (kind of like Joe Rogan for lack of a better example).

I think all drugs have their use. I will smoke a cigarette occasionally at work because it will get me focused. Something about that awful stale tobacco puts things in perspective. If I was a daily smoker, I think this effect would wear off.

Alcohol helps business get done, people put their guards down and become more honest.

Cocaine helps you keep partying. I do not know how anyone could be addicted to that, the few times I've done it it was the absolute last thing in the world I wanted the next day.

People who use the 'oh you smoke weed you are a dummy, because I've seen stoners...' argument are morons (funny 9erempiree is using it here) because people handle weed in as many ways as people manage alcohol.
You probably had shit coke cut with speed or roids or something else. Coke is one of the easiest drugs to get hooked on.

And with cigs: the focus effect doesn't wear off if you smoke daily, the effects improve if anything.

09-05-2013, 02:22 PM
People who drink dont try to rationalize why its good for them because alcohol has no redeeming qualities at all :oldlol: People who snort cocaine and smoke cigarettes dont try and argue it either because is nothing redeeming about those drugs either.

There is nothing to argue..

- Drinking in moderation actually does have some redeeming qualities..

Moderate alcohol consumption may provide some health benefits. It may:

Reduce your risk of developing heart disease
Reduce your risk of dying of a heart attack
Possibly reduce your risk of strokes, particularly ischemic strokes
Lower your risk of gallstones
Possibly reduce your risk of diabetes

09-05-2013, 02:25 PM

09-05-2013, 02:31 PM
Another thing I noticed...

- when I was in the Military we had to run 3 miles quite often...My roommate smoked like a chimney.

- But he was by far the best Long distance Runner I ever seen.....seriously he ran like a deer.

Cigarette's had absolutely no effects on his Lungs or Cardiovascular system.... and he had been smoking for 6 years straight.

On the contrary....I seen Guy's who don't smoke but who are overweight and can't run for sh!t.....I would say being overweight is just as bad if not worse then smoking

- are cancer sticks bad?.....yes....just like sitting around and stuffing your face with no exercise....

09-05-2013, 02:41 PM
Another thing I noticed...

- when I was in the Military we had to run 3 miles quite often...My roommate smoked like a chimney.

- But he was by far the best Long distance Runner I ever seen.....seriously he ran like a deer.

Cigarette's had absolutely no effects on his Lungs or Cardiovascular system.... and he had been smoking for 6 years straight.

On the contrary....I seen Guy's who don't smoke but who are overweight and can't run for sh!t.....I would say being overweight is just as bad if not worse then smoking

- are cancer sticks bad?.....yes....just like sitting around and stuffing your face with no exercise....
Bringing smoke into your lungs isn't a positive thing for their function. Running in front of moving cars is bad too but that doesn't mean if i do it and survive it's a helpful part of my daily regimen.

09-05-2013, 07:07 PM
Bringing smoke into your lungs isn't a positive thing for their function. Running in front of moving cars is bad too but that doesn't mean if i do it and survive it's a helpful part of my daily regimen.

He didn't say it was helpful he said "Cigarette's had absolutely no effects on his Lungs or Cardiovascular system."

09-05-2013, 08:06 PM
- Drinking in moderation actually does have some redeeming qualities..

Moderate alcohol consumption may provide some health benefits. It may:

Reduce your risk of developing heart disease
Reduce your risk of dying of a heart attack
Possibly reduce your risk of strokes, particularly ischemic strokes
Lower your risk of gallstones
Possibly reduce your risk of diabetes
no one moderately consumes alcohol. Maybe 1% of people I know. :facepalm

09-05-2013, 08:06 PM
He didn't say it was helpful he said "Cigarette's had absolutely no effects on his Lungs or Cardiovascular system."
The point was that you could use cigarettes and be totally ok. Which is exactly the same as what I said, running in traffic and being ok. It's completely meaningless. For the vast majority smoking would be unhealthy.

People are trying to point out ways it's not unhealthy. Generally people are just full of shit and rationalizing. Breathing in smoke to your lungs is not a positive thing. It's just not. Rationalize away if it makes you sleep at night, but smoke interferes with your lung function in a negative way. PERIOD.

Am i saying don't smoke occasionally? No, more than likely its fine. Do what you want. But do we really need to try to say its healthy? Serious?

09-05-2013, 08:53 PM
- when I was in the Military we had to run 3 miles quite often...My roommate smoked like a chimney.

- But he was by far the best Long distance Runner I ever seen.....seriously he ran like a deer.

Cigarette's had absolutely no effects on his Lungs or Cardiovascular system.... and he had been smoking for 6 years straight...
he might have been in a perfect zone of sorts.

meaning, he got the full benefits of stress management via nicotine... which possibly even helped his running... but it was too early for his lungs to have taken much damage yet.

like a mild form of sports doping that would eventually catch up to you if you did it long enough.

09-05-2013, 08:54 PM
niko, when you go to japan, don't a huge number of people around you smoke? how do you deal with that kind of thing...?

09-05-2013, 09:39 PM
niko, when you go to japan, don't a huge number of people around you smoke? how do you deal with that kind of thing...?
I don't mind smoking. I'm just rolling my eyes at the people who not only want to smoke, but want to say it's healthy at the same time. I've drank far too much and smoked weed (not now) to be holier than thou but I never tried to explain the health benefits. My wife smoked when i met her.

Smoking is not really such a cool thing in Japan though anymore. It's more so than here but it's uncommon people smoke near you, there are smoking areas all over. The only thing that annoys me occasionally there (and people don't really do in the US) is people will smoke right next to little kids. I move. About 5,6 years ago it was much worse, they weren't really choosy about smoking sections, etc. so you'd go eat and there'd be smoke all over.

09-05-2013, 10:51 PM
I don't mind smoking. I'm just rolling my eyes at the people who not only want to smoke, but want to say it's healthy at the same time. I've drank far too much and smoked weed (not now) to be holier than thou but I never tried to explain the health benefits. My wife smoked when i met her.

Smoking is not really such a cool thing in Japan though anymore. It's more so than here but it's uncommon people smoke near you, there are smoking areas all over. The only thing that annoys me occasionally there (and people don't really do in the US) is people will smoke right next to little kids. I move. About 5,6 years ago it was much worse, they weren't really choosy about smoking sections, etc. so you'd go eat and there'd be smoke all over.
yea, i hear that. i drink because i'm an idiot, but at least the effect is more dramatic than smoking and lasts longer. i mean, i do love those black and mild mini-cigars, but can only stand to have them a couple times a year because everything reeks of ashy death afterwards. it's such a horrible smell to me.

anyway, thanks... i didn't realise japan had made progress with that stuff. that's good to hear.

09-05-2013, 11:41 PM
I don't mind smoking. I'm just rolling my eyes at the people who not only want to smoke, but want to say it's healthy at the same time. I've drank far too much and smoked weed (not now) to be holier than thou but I never tried to explain the health benefits. My wife smoked when i met her.

Smoking is not really such a cool thing in Japan though anymore. It's more so than here but it's uncommon people smoke near you, there are smoking areas all over. The only thing that annoys me occasionally there (and people don't really do in the US) is people will smoke right next to little kids. I move. About 5,6 years ago it was much worse, they weren't really choosy about smoking sections, etc. so you'd go eat and there'd be smoke all over.
As a daily user of weed past 4 yrs id say confidently SMOkInG weed is unhealthy w/o a doubt. However if one vaporizes weed it eliminates those unhealthy effects or if one just eats edibles. Smoking anything is unhealthy period! I smoke once a month max but vaporize daily and do edibles often.

09-05-2013, 11:57 PM
Man, as someone who is constantly increasing usage of weed, but to fair amounts of time or two a week is quite scary to read this topic. But what Im imagining a lot of guys who hate and havent tried are not the ones I should care about.

09-06-2013, 12:14 AM
It's obvious weed impacts people differently.
I have family that work in Drug Rehabilitation, and they would say you are stupid to smoke it at all. Others smoke it and advise of little ill effect.
You don't really know the journey you are starting with the first puff.
I've seen a guy that thinks he is an orange after a joint. That's funny, except that was 15 years ago and he still thinks he is an orange. Extreme case, but its shows the harm it can cause.
My ongoing philosophical observation is that weed has replaced religion for some people (in terms of bringing 'peace', opening the spirit, devotion, even just filling in time) - but I haven't completed my study.

09-06-2013, 01:19 AM
...My ongoing philosophical observation is that weed has replaced religion for some people (in terms of bringing 'peace', opening the spirit, devotion, even just filling in time) - but I haven't completed my study.
and religion is also a highly effective ward against depression. not to mention, OCD / ritualistic religious behaviors are highly effective wards against anxiety.

so weed has some big shoes to fill... big shoes to fill...


09-06-2013, 01:49 AM
really? i don't have any particular allegiance to that study, but what would you say were some of the design weaknesses?

also, if the bolded was really true, then wouldn't introverts and people with disassociative disorders tend to develop this kind of developmental brain damage also?

actually... come to think of it... i could indeed see that as being a possibility. my own disorders indeed seemed to dampen some critical development when i was a teen, creating a lot of 'homework' for me later in life. still, it's better to learn things in that prime growing phase IMO.

I'm not really familiar with that study, however I did watch a National Geographic documentary on marijuana. On the contrary it does 'damage' to the brain, in the sense that in the teenage years, the brain is still forming neurological connections and pathways throughout the brain. As we get older into our twenties, there is a process called pruning where the brain molds and shapes these pathways, similar to a gardener trimming trees.

What weed does in the teenage years is that it interferes with the burgeoning neuronal growth process. However according to the documentary there is no evidence of weed adversely effecting the brain in subjects in their twenties, however the optimal age is midtwenties, and thats when the brain is about fully formed.

09-06-2013, 11:33 AM
My ongoing philosophical observation is that weed has replaced religion for some people (in terms of bringing 'peace', opening the spirit, devotion, even just filling in time) - but I haven't completed my study.

Weed really helps some flakier people find their identity, it is their excuse or vehicle to let their freak flag fly, and while this person can be annoying, if it lasts more than a few years it is truly them.

09-06-2013, 11:59 AM
this isn't a response to any one post but...

Alcohol should NOT be compared to weed

Alcohol should NOT be compared to ANY DRUG

Alcohol is it's own beast...it is the exception in almost everything, not the rule

Prohibition didn't work? great that has nothing to do with other drugs...not that anyone brought up prohibition in here...just ranting

09-06-2013, 12:17 PM
this isn't a response to any one post but...

Alcohol should NOT be compared to weed

Alcohol should NOT be compared to ANY DRUG

Alcohol is it's own beast...it is the exception in almost everything, not the rule

Prohibition didn't work? great that has nothing to do with other drugs...not that anyone brought up prohibition in here...just ranting
The **** are you talking about.

09-06-2013, 12:20 PM
The **** are you talking about.
I'm talking about Alcohol shouldn't be compared to weed...or anything else for that matter

09-06-2013, 12:29 PM
I'm talking about Alcohol shouldn't be compared to weed...or anything else for that matter
Its a drug and i see no problem comparing alcohol to other drugs.

09-06-2013, 12:31 PM
Its a drug and i see no problem comparing alcohol to other drugs.
and apples and oranges are both fruits

alcohol is it's own beast, like I said...people need to stop pointing at it to justify things with other drugs...alcohol is extremely unique

weed is also very unique in comparison to other drugs

they shouldn't be treated the same...at all

09-06-2013, 12:37 PM
and apples and oranges are both fruits

alcohol is it's own beast, like I said...people need to stop pointing at it to justify things with other drugs...alcohol is extremely unique

weed is also very unique in comparison to other drugs

they shouldn't be treated the same...at all
Whats so unique about it? Slight increase in dopamine levels while slowing your brain down. :applause:


09-06-2013, 12:39 PM
you don't know anything about pot or alcohol if you can't see how very different they are...

09-06-2013, 12:45 PM
you don't know anything about pot or alcohol if you can't see how very different they are...
Get off the booze bro.

Styles p
09-06-2013, 12:54 PM
back when i used to sell bud i'd smoke about an 1/8th a day now i smoke about a gram a day and no wake and bakes unless it's the weekend. what i don't understand is how people smoke BHO all day every day, that shit is too intense and hurts my lungs too much to smoke all the time.

09-06-2013, 12:59 PM
back when i used to sell bud i'd smoke about an 1/8th a day now i smoke about a gram a day and no wake and bakes unless it's the weekend. what i don't understand is how people smoke BHO all day every day, that shit is too intense and hurts my lungs too much to smoke all the time.
3.5 grams per day?! Wtf

Styles p
09-06-2013, 01:44 PM
3.5 grams per day?! Wtf
it's really not that much 3 blunts and some bowl packs.

09-06-2013, 01:55 PM
As a daily user of weed past 4 yrs id say confidently SMOkInG weed is unhealthy w/o a doubt. However if one vaporizes weed it eliminates those unhealthy effects or if one just eats edibles. Smoking anything is unhealthy period! I smoke once a month max but vaporize daily and do edibles often.
Clearly the smoke part is very unhealthy. I laugh when people talk about it being natural, etc. burning something and breathing it in is hardly a natural process. The burning creates all kinds of problems, all kinds of chemicals, and suck it in. Think about when you burn something what happens to it. It's clearly not making it healthy.

My lungs suck and work very well now after strengthening and exercise for years and years when i was small. People breathing in smoke constantly and damaging those fibers that help you breathe is a bad idea. If you can't get enough oxygen, literally everything else is so much harder on your body.

09-06-2013, 01:58 PM
IMO if you aren't content just being sober the entire then that is an issue...

if you prefer being in an altered mind state at some point every day of your life...that is a BAD thing

I fully 100% agree with everyone who says smoking once every now and then is pretty harmless...but if you're getting high every single day of your life, then in my eyes something is wrong

09-06-2013, 02:04 PM
IMO if you aren't content just being sober the entire then that is an issue...

if you prefer being in an altered mind state at some point every day of your life...that is a BAD thing

I fully 100% agree with everyone who says smoking once every now and then is pretty harmless...but if you're getting high every single day of your life, then in my eyes something is wrong
Clearly. Anyone arguing against this is just being delusional. To me, one of the things that points to addiction as opposed to usage is when you are using it to alter your state at a normal every day moment. Me, I used to go out drinking to party, after work, with friends. I've had two close friends who were alcoholic, and they needed it when they got home, prior to dinner, wanted a little buzz before they watched TV, things that weren't social at all.

09-06-2013, 02:12 PM
IMO if you aren't content just being sober the entire then that is an issue...

if you prefer being in an altered mind state at some point every day of your life...that is a BAD thing

I fully 100% agree with everyone who says smoking once every now and then is pretty harmless...but if you're getting high every single day of your life, then in my eyes something is wrong

it's really not that much 3 blunts and some bowl packs.

Ive got hands on some 1/8ths smoking by myself it takes 2-3 days smoke almost hourly non stop. Ofc i was smoking small j's with a tad of tobacco. But thats a lot of stuff.

Styles p
09-06-2013, 02:22 PM

Ive got hands on some 1/8ths smoking by myself it takes 2-3 days smoke almost hourly non stop. Ofc i was smoking small j's with a tad of tobacco. But thats a lot of stuff.

i wasn't smoking that alone it was usually with another person, and i was selling at the time so the weed was pretty much free. i was also younger and thought smoking a lot of weed was cool now i realize what a waste it was. now i smoke bowls almost all the time of better weed so i don't need as much. during the week i only smoke a few bowls when i get off work during the weekend i smoke a lot more i smoke probably 5 or 6 grams a week now.

09-06-2013, 02:27 PM
i wasn't smoking that alone it was usually with another person, and i was selling at the time so the weed was pretty much free. i was also younger and thought smoking a lot of weed was cool now i realize what a waste it was. now i smoke bowls almost all the time of better weed so i don't need as much. during the week i only smoke a few bowls when i get off work during the weekend i smoke a lot more i smoke probably 5 or 6 grams a week now.
when is the last time you went an entire week sober?

Styles p
09-06-2013, 02:48 PM
when is the last time you went an entire week sober?
a few years ago when i was on probation for 6 months went the whole 6 months 100% completely sober from everything. there's also days here and there that i don't smoke.

09-06-2013, 02:57 PM
a few years ago when i was on probation for 6 months went the whole 6 months 100% completely sober from everything. there's also days here and there that i don't smoke.
do you accept or deny that you have a mental addiction and a problem?

Styles p
09-06-2013, 03:16 PM
do you accept or deny that you have a mental addiction and a problem?
i don't deny that i love weed everything about it growing it smoking it how many different strains, different types of hashes different smells and flavors. it's not a problem to me if it's one to you or anyone else so be it, i like it i'm going to keep on doing it no matter what anyone says. i'd rather have a "mental addiction" to marijuana than a physical addiction to other things such as tobacco, alcohol or pharmaceutical drugs.

09-06-2013, 03:17 PM
i don't deny that i love weed everything about it growing it smoking it how many different strains, different types of hashes different smells and flavors. it's not a problem to me if it's one to you or anyone else so be it, i like it i'm going to keep on doing it no matter what anyone says. i'd rather have a "mental addiction" to marijuana than a physical addiction to other things such as tobacco, alcohol or pharmaceutical drugs.
You can live your life without addictions to anything. You actually didn't answer his question.

Styles p
09-06-2013, 03:21 PM
You can live your life without addictions to anything. You actually didn't answer his question.
uhh yeah i did "i don't deny that i love smoking weed" "i'd rather have a mental addiction to marijuana than other things" you can gather from that using context clues that i'm aware of my "mental addiction" by the way everyone is addicted to something food, porn, internet, t.v, video games, exercising mine just happens to be a plant that i like to smoke.

09-06-2013, 03:26 PM
well, I agree that it isn't as bad as tobacco and booz...but I don't like comparing those...the fact that crack is worse doesn't mean much

you should try quitting for just one year of your life Styles...see what happens

just one year

going sober for a long time might open your mind up in ways that you aren't aware of...kind of like what happened here in the OP

09-06-2013, 03:30 PM
Was sober 23 years. Not the way to go.

Styles p
09-06-2013, 03:32 PM
well, I agree that it isn't as bad as tobacco and booz...but I don't like comparing those...the fact that crack is worse doesn't mean much

you should try quitting for just one year of your life Styles...see what happens

just one year

going sober for a long time might open your mind up in ways that you aren't aware of...kind of like what happened here in the OP

i'm not opposed to quitting most people eventually do lose their love for it, but i haven't reached that yet and don't see it in the near future. i see what you're saying though :cheers:

09-06-2013, 05:26 PM
Clearly the smoke part is very unhealthy. I laugh when people talk about it being natural, etc. burning something and breathing it in is hardly a natural process. The burning creates all kinds of problems, all kinds of chemicals, and suck it in. Think about when you burn something what happens to it. It's clearly not making it healthy.

My lungs suck and work very well now after strengthening and exercise for years and years when i was small. People breathing in smoke constantly and damaging those fibers that help you breathe is a bad idea. If you can't get enough oxygen, literally everything else is so much harder on your body.
Definitely 100%. Smoking ANYTHING is HORRIBLE for you. Period.

I smoke once a month like I said at the most, other wise vaporize every day to not ruin myself. As for the drug itself, it effects everyone differently and for me it's all positives pretty much and if I don't smoke it no negatives. That's just me though, I do not recommend weed for anyone - and I never will. You don't know what you are getting into until you try it for the first time, and for some people it starts a whole host of issues.

Over the past 4 years what I've seen in myself is:

- Much better cognitive thinking
- Much better critical thinking
- Much better creativity
- Much better in social settings
- Huge increase in GPA, was getting a 2.0 barely in high school as a completely sober "good" kid... Now 3.8 in University with a 4.0 past 4 terms
- Much better work rate in everything I do, strive for the best... physically never been in better shape weight training wise or cardio wise and I was a former intercollegiate soccer player. 100x better shape now than back then and train way harder

Basically everything has improved immensely in all walks of my life, the negative would be the poor health effects when I do smoke (I only smoke if friends provide - otherwise strictly vaporize)

However this is just me again, for anyone else it can ruin you... easily I've seen it

09-06-2013, 05:27 PM
Clearly. Anyone arguing against this is just being delusional. To me, one of the things that points to addiction as opposed to usage is when you are using it to alter your state at a normal every day moment. Me, I used to go out drinking to party, after work, with friends. I've had two close friends who were alcoholic, and they needed it when they got home, prior to dinner, wanted a little buzz before they watched TV, things that weren't social at all.

It's definitely not "BAD" to get high once a day and clear your mind... I think it's a great thing actually at the end of the day... great way to unwind that's when I typically do it. During summer when I had less to do I would sometimes get high 2-3 times a day, but it never got in the way of anything I was trying to accomplish. If it gets in the way of your duties and responsibilities whatever they may be, then I think you are trending towards an addiction.

09-06-2013, 05:30 PM
when is the last time you went an entire week sober?
For me 9.5 or 10 months ago. Took a 1 week break because I had to go to NYC for vacation and became violently ill. Could not sleep, and caught a stomach virus which was horrible and took 2-3 weeks to get over, started to finally get better when I got back to Cali and was able to medicate. Other than that little break I've had zero days off in the past 4 years from it.

09-06-2013, 05:34 PM
It's definitely not "BAD" to get high once a day and clear your mind... I think it's a great thing actually at the end of the day... great way to unwind that's when I typically do it. During summer when I had less to do I would sometimes get high 2-3 times a day, but it never got in the way of anything I was trying to accomplish. If it gets in the way of your duties and responsibilities whatever they may be, then I think you are trending towards an addiction.
I think anything that's a chemically required part of the day (and not needed for medical reasons) is something that it might be a good idea to not do from time to time. I think it's hard to say you don't need something if you always do it. Chemicals can be funny.

I also think 95% of the people who talk like you are addicted and making excuses. I don't think you are (i really don't - i believe what you are saying) but I think a lot of people just rationalize it away.

09-06-2013, 05:41 PM
B4L the fact that you view getting high as "clearing your mind" is bad IMO

being sober is a "clear mind"...being high is a "clouded mind"

and I've been high thousands of times, I know how you can perceive it as "mind clearing" or opening your mind up to new creative routes...and I also know it affects everyone differently but when you're doing it on a daily basis then it gets to the point where being high = normal for you and that is just unhealthy.

Just think about that for second, you get high every day because you feel like that is the only way you can relax and clear your head...

09-06-2013, 06:10 PM
B4L the fact that you view getting high as "clearing your mind" is bad IMO

being sober is a "clear mind"...being high is a "clouded mind"

and I've been high thousands of times, I know how you can perceive it as "mind clearing" or opening your mind up to new creative routes...and I also know it affects everyone differently but when you're doing it on a daily basis then it gets to the point where being high = normal for you and that is just unhealthy.

Just think about that for second, you get high every day because you feel like that is the only way you can relax and clear your head...
lol no

09-06-2013, 06:46 PM
I think anything that's a chemically required part of the day (and not needed for medical reasons) is something that it might be a good idea to not do from time to time. I think it's hard to say you don't need something if you always do it. Chemicals can be funny.

I also think 95% of the people who talk like you are addicted and making excuses. I don't think you are (i really don't - i believe what you are saying) but I think a lot of people just rationalize it away.

Well, I'm not sure... technically it's medicinal for me since I have a medical license here. If stress and insomnia count as medical reasons then that's what I'd say it helps me with the most... which is why like I say below I do it at midnight pretty much. Umm, I can easily afford it with the medical laws here, the dispensaries etc. It's very cheap for me, literally least costly thing I spend on right now. If it cost more I'd do it less of course. But right now really it's as if it's free for me, and if you can get high once a day late at night for free, and your not smoking the weed I don't see why I shouldn't. I do agree a ton of potheads will say all this trying to justify their addiction... I don't think I'm addicted if I wanted I could quit right now and go sober but like I said it costs me nothing at all - so why stop?

B4L the fact that you view getting high as "clearing your mind" is bad IMO

being sober is a "clear mind"...being high is a "clouded mind"

and I've been high thousands of times, I know how you can perceive it as "mind clearing" or opening your mind up to new creative routes...and I also know it affects everyone differently but when you're doing it on a daily basis then it gets to the point where being high = normal for you and that is just unhealthy.

Just think about that for second, you get high every day because you feel like that is the only way you can relax and clear your head...

Sometimes being sober there is too much on my mind from everything in life, so when I get high all those stresses and pressures are released mentally for a temporary period of time.

Being high is not "normal" for me. I'm basically high from midnight to 2 AM daily these days, every other time of day not high, for whatever that's worth.

lol no

What he said, there are many ways to clear your mind, vaporizing marijuana is just one of my favorites.

09-06-2013, 06:56 PM
okay you just vap every night before bed...that does sound better than spending all of your actual day time hours high

09-06-2013, 07:30 PM
okay you just vap every night before bed...that does sound better than spending all of your actual day time hours high

Yeah i've always thought about how it would be if you were high all day, but it would slow me down plus it's unneeded, maybe even a waste of weed even if it's cheap :cheers:

09-06-2013, 08:42 PM
I usually only get high with my cousin before we go see a movie. Makes action/sci fi films a lot more enjoyable on the big screen. Then I get home and play some video games. Getting high every other day isn't even fun, it makes you too mellow and laidback.

09-07-2013, 03:07 AM
I think the key thing being lost here is moderation.

I believe getting drunk once a week is healthy, but getting drunk 3 or 4 times a week is problematic.

I believe smoking weed to party is OK but smoking weed as a lifestyle can become problematic.

The reason I started this thread was how surprised I was that I went from smoking quite a bit, to barely any at all, and because I was busy and not hanging around my crew as much it was very easy to transition. I didn't jonze for weed, I didn't miss it, it just wasn't around. Had I still been with roommates and they were smoking nightly it would be different, but that wasn't the case, and cutting way back was easy.

In a weird way now, I almost enjoy weed more. Ran into an old head at a pub a few weeks back and we stepped out to blow a horn, got me mad stoned, and in the past I would have re-entered the bar slightly anti-social and chatted only with a couple of friendly faces, but now with the weed buzz being slightly unique I enjoyed it more, felt like I had to take the buzz on the road and used it much more positively and socially.

09-07-2013, 03:47 AM
Blazed around 6 days a week in highschool and college so practically every day. Still smoke 3 times a week but there are definite and immediate advantages to going cold turkey. Wake up with more energy and have more of an edge in everything you do. If you limit your smoking to evenings, eat right and get 8 consistent hours of sleep every night then you get all of the pros of smoking aka get lit every day with non of the cons ie fogginess or laziness

09-08-2013, 12:34 AM

i need to catch up with all the new replies. :S

09-08-2013, 12:56 AM
^^ lmao so true. I ALWAYS FEEL that way