View Full Version : Lebron isn't a killer, it isn't his personality.

Connor B
09-10-2013, 01:33 AM
You can post stats in here and tell me Lebron is clutch, you can say whatever you want. And I agree at this point in his career one could argue he is pretty clutch. 2011 Finals are more and more of a distant memory. That being said, Lebron isn't a killer. Clutch does not mean killer, and killer does not mean clutch. He isn't a terror on the court, talking trash, wanting to go out of his way to embarrass his opponents like Jordan or even Kobe. He may well end up being a better basketball player when all is said and done, but he will never be the ultra competitive asshole that made Jordan and Kobe so endearing. This is the only thing that could possibly take away from Lebron in people's eyes.

09-10-2013, 01:36 AM
He's more like Wilt Chamberlain. Jordan and Kobe are like Bill Russell.

Connor B
09-10-2013, 01:42 AM
He's more like Wilt Chamberlain. Jordan and Kobe are like Bill Russell.

Except Wilt was obsessed with stats and streaks rather than winning. Lebron is the ultimate team player.

09-10-2013, 01:48 AM
Except Wilt was obsessed with stats and streaks rather than winning. Lebron is the ultimate team player.

Bingo OP IS a idiot :roll: :roll: :roll:

Le Shaqtus
09-10-2013, 01:48 AM
Except Wilt was obsessed with stats and streaks rather than winning. Lebron is the ultimate team player.

LeBron is basically a one man team, he can do everything. And thats why he can carry a team of lesser players because he plays every single aspect of the game at an elite level.

09-10-2013, 01:58 AM
You say he isn't a killer like it lessens him in some way. If by killer you mean trash talker, he certainly isn't. But he certainly has had moments where he's been a KILLER on the court...see game 6 against Boston and game 5 against the Pistons (Cav) for instance.

09-10-2013, 02:01 AM
You say he isn't a killer like it lessens him in some way. If by killer you mean trash talker, he certainly isn't. But he certainly has had moments where he's been a KILLER on the court...see game 6 against Boston and game 5 against the Pistons (Cav) for instance.

09-10-2013, 02:05 AM
According to this magic wasn't a killer, bird was a killer well before mj was. Its just how certain players play, it doesn't neccesarily make them better or worse because of it.

09-10-2013, 02:08 AM
He's more like Wilt Chamberlain. Jordan and Kobe are like Bill Russell.
Wilt Chamberlain didn't want to physically hurt people, but he was just as competitive as the likes of Kobe, Jordan, and Bill Russell. He just had a line he wouldn't cross when it came to moments where he might actually put someone on a stretcher... he wouldn't say, break an opponents hand if they went up to contest his dunk, where as Russell (if he had the ability) might not have hesitated to do such a thing if he had Wilt's abilities. Shaq is a good example of a powerfull player that didn't care about hurting people, Shaq would try to hit people in the face with elbows, that's the kind of thing Wilt avoided. People who connect Wilt's lack of initiative to hurt people and competitiveness are mistaken though, they are two very different things, every single one of Wilt's teammates who have ever touched on the subject of his competitive drive have said he hated losing more than anyone they had ever met and would try to win at anything he ever did.

09-10-2013, 02:17 AM
Wilt Chamberlain didn't want to physically hurt people, but he was just as competitive as the likes of Kobe, Jordan, and Bill Russell. He just had a line he wouldn't cross when it came to moments where he might actually put someone on a stretcher... he wouldn't say, break an opponents hand if they went up to contest his dunk, where as Russell (if he had the ability) might not have hesitated to do such a thing if he had Wilt's abilities. Shaq is a good example of a powerfull player that didn't care about hurting people, Shaq would try to hit people in the face with elbows, that's the kind of thing Wilt avoided. People who connect Wilt's lack of initiative to hurt people and competitiveness are mistaken though, they are two very different things, every single one of Wilt's teammates who have ever touched on the subject of his competitive drive have said he hated losing more than anyone they had ever met and would try to win at anything he ever did.

My Wilt stanning stops when comparing him to Russell and Jordan in terms of needing to win. I don't see that Wilt had the same mentality. Not that Wilt wasn't competitive or didn't want to win, it's just that very few have it at that same level as those two. I'd add Bird and Magic to the list of ultra-competitors, along with Kobe. Isiah probably belongs on the short list as well.

So you have the insanely competitive like Jordan. And then you have supremely talented and physically dominating specimens like Wilt, Shaq or Lebron (as a perimeter player). But they don't have the same fire that's always on like with MJ or Russell or Kobe. It's not that Lebron isn't like that at times. It's just that there are times he's not like that. And from what I've read and heard about Wilt, it seems to be the same with him. Compare him to Shaq if you prefer.

09-10-2013, 02:19 AM
Marchesk why did you have to metion wilt CavaliersFTW has a reason to talk about wilt:facepalm

09-10-2013, 02:24 AM
Marchesk why did you have to metion wilt CavaliersFTW has a reason to talk about wilt:facepalm

To mess with Silk and the other Lebron stans who aren't so high on Wilt's playoff performances.

09-10-2013, 02:26 AM
My Wilt stanning stops when comparing him to Russell and Jordan in terms of needing to win. I don't see that Wilt had the same mentality. Not that Wilt wasn't competitive or didn't want to win, it's just that very few have it at that same level as those two. I'd add Bird and Magic to the list of ultra-competitors, along with Kobe. Isiah probably belongs on the short list as well.

So you have the insanely competitive like Jordan. And then you have supremely talented and physically dominating specimens like Wilt, Shaq or Lebron (as a perimeter player). But they don't have the same fire that's always on like with MJ or Russell or Kobe. It's not that Lebron isn't like that at times. It's just that there are times he's not like that. And from what I've read and heard about Wilt, it seems to be the same with him. Compare him to Shaq if you prefer.
It isn't black and white like that though. You may like to categorize that in your mind because it's simpler and easier, but it isn't the truth. I've heard enough interviews about a wide variety of players who have come and gone in the league and Wilt is easily one of the most competitive people to have ever played the sport, he HATED losing. He was no less intense about trying to win than any other player. The only reason people wouldn't put him in the company of others you mentioned is because they are judging him by a stigma of losing because of his resume of 2 titles next to Russell's 11 as if it reflects a lesser competitive drive in Wilt, but that is a big mistake. Titles don't define how competitive you were if your in the caliber of Wilt or Oscar or West, or Baylor, or Russell, they define how great your teams were, and how lucky you were. In that tier of player, you have to be INSANELY competitive just to be there, your not gifted a spot, or able to settle in with slightly less competitiveness just because your physically dominant. Not from what I can tell based on testimonials of these guys at least.

09-10-2013, 02:39 AM
You can post stats in here and tell me Lebron is clutch, you can say whatever you want. And I agree at this point in his career one could argue he is pretty clutch. 2011 Finals are more and more of a distant memory. That being said, Lebron isn't a killer. Clutch does not mean killer, and killer does not mean clutch. He isn't a terror on the court, talking trash, wanting to go out of his way to embarrass his opponents like Jordan or even Kobe. He may well end up being a better basketball player when all is said and done, but he will never be the ultra competitive asshole that made Jordan and Kobe so endearing. This is the only thing that could possibly take away from Lebron in people's eyes.
You can't hate on his game anymore, so you makeup some bullshit to hate on him?

Posts like show how great of player Lebron truly is.

Cali Syndicate
09-10-2013, 02:55 AM
This ain't a movie, this real life!

09-10-2013, 03:14 AM
Titles don't define how competitive you were if your in the caliber of Wilt or Oscar or West, or Baylor, or Russell, they define how great your teams were, and how lucky you were. In that tier of player, you have to be INSANELY competitive just to be there, your not gifted a spot, or able to settle in with slightly less competitiveness just because your physically dominant. Not from what I can tell based on testimonials of these guys at least.

So would you say that Shaq was just as competitive as Kobe is? Phil has said that Shaq should have gone down as the GOAT. Give Kobe Shaq's body and is there any question?

Does Lebron have the same will to win as MJ? MJ doesn't lose that series against the Mavs. He wouldn't let the Spurs take it to seven games.

Maybe competitive isn't the right word. Killer instinct would be better as the OP mentioned. In another thread, it was brought up that Russell would have run a hurting Reed into the ground, but Wilt was too nice.

Granted, it is speculation unless you have someone in the know on record stating that. But one does wonder why Wilt didn't take more advantage of that matchup. The thing is that Russell's teams always won. The Celtics winning against the Lakers in the 69 when they were big underdogs is just one more example of that. It's as if Russell had his team wanting it more.

09-10-2013, 03:24 AM
So would you say that Shaq was just as competitive as Kobe is? Does Lebron have the same will to win as MJ? Maybe competitive isn't the right word. Killer instinct would be better as mentioned earlier. In another thread, it was brought up that Russell would have run a hurting Reed into the ground, but Wilt was too nice.

Granted, it is speculation unless you have someone in the know on record stating that. But one does wonder why Wilt didn't take more advantage of that matchup.

I don't have a problem with considering West extremely competitive and clutch, despite his teams losing eight finals. I do sometimes wonder about Wilt and Oscar, though.
Oscars blood would boil at the sound of that, Oscar was tit for tat the MJ of his time mentally. He was the player of that generation that would give his TEAMMATES hell when they weren't competing the way he wanted them too, just like MJ. He just didn't play for a competitive franchise along side another superstar until his twilight. Imagine if Michael Jordan played for say, the Kings or the Grizzlies for 90% of his entire career and only in his twilight got traded to a franchise with the right pieces to contend? You'd be talking about him the same way, asking questions about his competitive drive that really shouldn't need to be asked. Just listen to Oscar talk in interviews, you can tell he was an intense, and I mean very intense competitor - he still talks that way. Shaq is also a competitor, any guys who were superstars, and I mean real superstars - faces of the league for over a decade, are the most competitive players to have every played the game. Even Lebron, and I hate the guy, is far far more competitive than the media paints him to be.

09-10-2013, 03:30 AM
. Jordan and Kobe are like Bill Russell.

Yeah your right, they all win championships because they play on stacked teams.

Haha @ kids acting like a Kobe/Jordan/Russell ring where they played on stacked teams counts as much as a LeBron/Wilt ring where they had to dominate ALL areas of the game and carry underwhelming casts to championships.

09-10-2013, 03:36 AM
Oscars blood would boil at the sound of that, Oscar was tit for tat the MJ of his time mentally. He was the player of that generation that would give his TEAMMATES hell when they weren't competing the way he wanted them too, just like MJ. He just didn't play for a competitive franchise along side another superstar until his twilight. Imagine if Michael Jordan played for say, the Kings or the Grizzlies for 90% of his entire career and only in his twilight got traded to a franchise with the right pieces to contend? You'd be talking about him the same way, asking questions about his competitive drive that really shouldn't need to be asked. Just listen to Oscar talk in interviews, you can tell he was an intense, and I mean very intense competitor - he still talks that way. Shaq is also a competitor, any guys who were superstars, and I mean real superstars - faces of the league for over a decade, are the most competitive players to have every played the game. Even Lebron, and I hate the guy, is far far more competitive than the media paints him to be.

I edited my post to remove Oscar after thinking about it a bit. I think the OP's point still stands. There is superstar level of competitiveness, and then there is MJ level. That's the biggest thing that set Jordan apart from his peers. The mentality to win at all costs. To always want the final shot. And it seems that Russell had that same will to win.

09-10-2013, 03:38 AM
Yeah your right, they all win championships because they play on stacked teams.

Haha @ kids acting like a Kobe/Jordan/Russell ring where they played on stacked teams counts as much as a LeBron/Wilt ring where they had to dominate ALL areas of the game and carry underwhelming casts to championships.

You mean like the Heat in 2011?

09-10-2013, 03:55 AM
Must be hard to win a championship when you have byes in the first and second rounds. :oldlol:

09-10-2013, 05:26 AM
Seems as if many people mistake competitiveness for demeanor.
Just because Jordan, Bird and Kobe were mean mofos on the outside, doesn't make them any more competitive than Shaq, Lebron, Wilt or Magic.

09-10-2013, 05:55 AM
Lebron is more like Magic and Nash. Man Nash used to wreck defenses all by himself.

09-10-2013, 09:21 AM
only on ISH is being a jerk equated to a winning mentality and being friendly is immediately labeled as beta mentality.

09-10-2013, 09:28 AM
only on ISH is being a jerk equated to a winning mentality and being friendly is immediately labeled as beta mentality.

MJ would never defer. I might like Lebron better in person, but when the chips are down, I'm taking Jordan on my team. And Russell would have exploited Reed's injury. That's what you do as a competitor. If the competition is going to play with an injury, you take advantage of that. You don't play nice.

09-10-2013, 10:25 AM
but he will never be the ultra competitive asshole that made Jordan and Kobe so endearing

:roll: :roll:

09-10-2013, 10:30 AM
LeBron is the best player in NBA history.

09-10-2013, 10:34 AM
So he has to be an egotistic asshole to be competitive? Ok got it. He can't just have a calm demeanor and play basketball. Just because he doesn't act like Jordan and Kobe doesn't mean he doesn't have their competitiveness.

09-10-2013, 10:37 AM
So he has to be an egotistic asshole to be competitive? Ok got it. He can't just have a calm demeanor and play basketball.

Back to back championships and 4 MVPs in 5 seasons. But he doesn't talk trash, gamble, sexually assault ugly hotel workers, etc so its a weakness.

09-10-2013, 10:42 AM
Back to back championships and 4 MVPs in 5 seasons. But he doesn't talk trash, gamble, sexually assault ugly hotel workers, etc so its a weakness.

I'm no LeBron stan, but these people are grasping at straws at this point.

09-10-2013, 10:47 AM
I'm no LeBron stan, but these people are grasping for straws at this point.

They really are getting desperate at this point. He just keeps adding to resume. All they will have left soon is hating on his hair line. Every time someone says he can't do something he does it. In 2012 it was he can only win in a lockout seasons with a stacked team. He goes out the next season and wins a ring with a hurt Wade and struggling Bosh while closing out a game 7. I mean it really must be for LeBron haters at this point. The three peat might cause certain people to hurt themselves. LeBron haters are at a passive-aggressive levels never seen before.

09-10-2013, 10:49 AM
They really are getting desperate at this point. He just keeps adding to resume. All they will have left soon is hating on his hair line. Every time someone says he can't do something he does it. In 2012 it was he can only win in a lockout seasons with a stacked team. He goes out the next season and wins a ring with a hurt Wade and struggling Bosh while closing out a game 7. I mean it really must be for LeBron haters at this point. The three peat might cause certain people to hurt themselves. LeBron haters are at a passive-aggressive levels never seen before.

Why do you think they always go after his mother, or his hairline, or anything he does off the court? They can't criticize his play on the basketball court anymore. He could retire now and still be a top 10 player all time, and he's only 28.

09-10-2013, 10:54 AM
Why do you think they always go after his mother, or his hairline, or anything he does off the court? They can't criticize his play on the basketball court anymore. He could retire now and still be a top 10 player all time, and he's only 28.

Exactly man. That finals series legit mind-****ed many posters on here. Im not even kidding either. Some people are still ruined after what happened in June.

09-10-2013, 10:54 AM
That's exactly right. Until Lebron learns to make the mamba face, he will always be an inferior player



09-10-2013, 11:05 AM
lol, highest ppg in history of basketball in elimination games, 37 points in game 7 of the finals.

but but but.. he's not a killer.

09-10-2013, 11:45 AM
I'm not buying this 'killer' mentality BS. He answered all his critics after that G7 performance.

09-10-2013, 12:39 PM
but he will never be the ultra competitive asshole that made Jordan and Kobe so endearing. This is the only thing that could possibly take away from Lebron in people's eyes.
the assholeness does nothing for me, and the lack of it doesn't make me think less of a player. i imagine i'm not the only one who feels this way

09-10-2013, 12:51 PM
You can post stats in here and tell me Lebron is clutch, you can say whatever you want. And I agree at this point in his career one could argue he is pretty clutch. 2011 Finals are more and more of a distant memory. That being said, Lebron isn't a killer. Clutch does not mean killer, and killer does not mean clutch. He isn't a terror on the court, talking trash, wanting to go out of his way to embarrass his opponents like Jordan or even Kobe. He may well end up being a better basketball player when all is said and done, but he will never be the ultra competitive asshole that made Jordan and Kobe so endearing. This is the only thing that could possibly take away from Lebron in people's eyes.

The game does the talking for him... the guys you consider more "killer" in this league today is the guys that get killed...

"You aint a killer if you cant kill".

09-10-2013, 12:57 PM
Even he knows he isn't a killer. Why do you guys think he made sure to hire/recruit so many "snipers"?

09-10-2013, 01:28 PM
After that game 6 against the Celtics in which is ripped their hearts outs all by himself, I don't care if he smiles and laughs and giggles and bites his nails and dances and wears 4 headbands and walks bowlegged and stretches out Hibbert.

That is one bad dude

09-10-2013, 01:38 PM
Even he knows he isn't a killer. Why do you guys think he made sure to hire/recruit so many "snipers"?

:roll: :roll: :roll:

09-10-2013, 03:03 PM
the assholeness does nothing for me, and the lack of it doesn't make me think less of a player. i imagine i'm not the only one who feels this way

Really though. Kevin Garnett had the "Asshole" shtick locked down, but still only managed to win one ring on a stacked team. Where as his counterpart, Tim "quiet video game Nerd" Duncan, managed to win 4 titles, and almost stole another one this past season.

As for Jordan, he usually kept his "assholeness" off the court, and would save it for during practices as a way to motivate his team. He didn't use it as an "attention whore" tactic to show how tough he was during games. He always stayed pretty much stoic, or "straight faced" when he played.

09-10-2013, 03:36 PM
We are running out of material arent we...

09-10-2013, 04:06 PM
Even he knows he isn't a killer. Why do you guys think he made sure to hire/recruit so many "snipers"?
I lol'd. :applause: :oldlol:

09-10-2013, 04:16 PM
You can post stats in here and tell me Lebron is clutch, you can say whatever you want. And I agree at this point in his career one could argue he is pretty clutch. 2011 Finals are more and more of a distant memory. That being said, Lebron isn't a killer. Clutch does not mean killer, and killer does not mean clutch. He isn't a terror on the court, talking trash, wanting to go out of his way to embarrass his opponents like Jordan or even Kobe. He may well end up being a better basketball player when all is said and done, but he will never be the ultra competitive asshole that made Jordan and Kobe so endearing. This is the only thing that could possibly take away from Lebron in people's eyes.

Lebron is way more endearing because he isn't like this but dominates anyway. It would really sear Jordan or Kobe to lose to someone like Lebron who obviously doesn't take things as seriously as they do... but is able to make his own style work for him.

09-10-2013, 05:06 PM
Back to back championships and 4 MVPs in 5 seasons. But he doesn't talk trash, gamble, sexually assault ugly hotel workers, etc so its a weakness.

Oh, snap.

09-10-2013, 07:09 PM
Westbrook has more of a killer mentality than durant, which one would you rather have leading your team?

09-10-2013, 08:26 PM
Westbrook has more of a killer mentality than durant, which one would you rather have leading your team?
Once again, other superstars come to Lebron's aid.:applause:

09-10-2013, 08:41 PM
Once again, other superstars come to Lebron's aid.:applause:
Do you understand how an analogy/comparison works?
Lol moron

09-10-2013, 11:36 PM
Do you understand how an analogy/comparison works?
Lol moron
Do you even know how to spell "sarcasm"? And don't say "lol" when you're mad as fcuk.

09-10-2013, 11:58 PM
Lol @ westbrook being more of a killer than Durant.

Durant has hit 5 game winning shots in these past 2 playoff runs. Media doesn't jam that down your throat like they do with LeBrons dick though.

Whens the last time Westbrook made a game winning shot let alone attempted one for OKC

This thread is pointless because you shouldnt have to tell people that LeBron isnt a killer. Having the biggest choke job ever and getting shut down by Boris ****ing Diaw is proof of that

09-11-2013, 12:07 AM
Do you even know how to spell "sarcasm"? And don't say "lol" when you're mad as fcuk.
Sarcasm can sometimes be hard to detect on the internet, especially when people post stuff like that on a regular basis.
I aint even mad boy LOL

09-11-2013, 02:10 AM
I'm no LeBron stan, but these people are grasping at straws at this point.

Their desperation is sad. They actually believe the non sense they say.

Their logic that if you aren't a shot jacker a$$hole teammate that blasts your teammate you are not a true winner. This means they are arguing that guys like Hakeem, Magic, and Duncan are not winners.

Duncan and Shaq destroying you in the post or Lebron slashing into the paint is a heck of a lot more killer than a 6-24 low percentage shooting fadeaway bricker like Kobe.

09-11-2013, 02:36 AM
killer? where would he be without ray allen now? :roll: :roll: :roll:

09-11-2013, 03:21 AM
Lebron already has hit more game winning shots than Kobe in the playoffs.

09-11-2013, 11:08 AM
LeBron is the best player in NBA history.
NBA is not 5 years old.

LBJ 23
09-11-2013, 11:24 AM
Lol @ westbrook being more of a killer than Durant.

Durant has hit 5 game winning shots in these past 2 playoff runs. Media doesn't jam that down your throat like they do with LeBrons dick though.

Whens the last time Westbrook made a game winning shot let alone attempted one for OKC

Your post is pointless and you just made yourself look stupid because what you wrote was actually the point of the poster you quoted. That if Durant is more of a quiet humble guy who doesn't show his emotions on the court as quickly and easily as Westbrook, doesn't necessarily mean that he is less of a ''killer''. Even though ''killer'' or ''killer instinct'' are the supidest terms I ever heard in basketball.

09-11-2013, 11:31 AM
WOAH!!! Such a new and insightful idea! Has anyone even really considered this before??

09-11-2013, 11:33 AM
Lebron is great and the best in the game at the moment, but one thing he ain't is clutch. The dude was missing in action for most of the Finals this year (again), and if not for a hailmary from Allen we would all be killing him for it. Although Lebron's averages for the series isn't all that bad, this is certainly the perfect example of the fact that stats can be misleading.

09-11-2013, 11:37 AM
Lebron is great and the best in the game at the moment, but one thing he ain't is clutch. The dude was missing in action for most of the Finals this year (again), and if not for a hailmary from Allen we would all be killing him for it. Although Lebron's averages for the series isn't all that bad, this is certainly the perfect example of the fact that stats can be misleading.

He hit the game winning shot in game 7. The moment is more clutch than anything Kobe has ever done

LBJ 23
09-11-2013, 11:56 AM
Lebron is great and the best in the game at the moment, but one thing he ain't is clutch. The dude was missing in action for most of the Finals this year (again), and if not for a hailmary from Allen we would all be killing him for it. Although Lebron's averages for the series isn't all that bad, this is certainly the perfect example of the fact that stats can be misleading.

Yea, Lebron's 16 points 4th quarter before Ray hit a 3 didn't happen nor was there a game 7 where lebron scored 37 points with a jumper to seal the game.

It was just Ray's 3 pointer which won them a chip.

09-11-2013, 12:05 PM
So in the LBJ v. Kobe debate LBJ fans bring in stats, advanced stats, etc. Kobe fans bring words like "Killer, Clutch", etc.

To prove your point you choose meaningless adjectives than cannot be validated or quantified and believe they matter. LeBron has been a straight up assassin in many of the biggest moments of his career. If you think he is a lesser player because his smack talk games is less than many of his predecessors you are an idiot.

09-11-2013, 12:18 PM
You can post stats in here and tell me Lebron is clutch, you can say whatever you want. And I agree at this point in his career one could argue he is pretty clutch. 2011 Finals are more and more of a distant memory. That being said, Lebron isn't a killer. Clutch does not mean killer, and killer does not mean clutch. He isn't a terror on the court, talking trash, wanting to go out of his way to embarrass his opponents like Jordan or even Kobe. He may well end up being a better basketball player when all is said and done, but he will never be the ultra competitive asshole that made Jordan and Kobe so endearing. This is the only thing that could possibly take away from Lebron in people's eyes.

A) Only followers who are desperate for an alpha male to make their panties wet care about "killer instinct". If you are a guy and this applies to you? Awkward..

B) Jordan was authentic with his competitive mania, possibly stemming initially from insecurities. Kobe just copied the personality and "acted" like he had killer instinct. Hogging the ball a lot is not "killer instinct", its low iq selfishness. Big difference.

Jordan wanted to win so he often felt t necessary to take the last shot in order to get that done, but he wasnt afraid to pass it off if thats what needed to be done.

Lebron wants to win so he creates the right play at the end of the game and either hitsthe open man or takes the shot. I agree he has been hesitant to take big shots at times, hes still ultimately trying to do whats best for the team.

Kobe is strictly about tryin to create artificial moments of glory for himself by always hogging hero shots and setting things up to make himself look "epic". Its contrived and annoying.

09-11-2013, 01:05 PM
Lebron is great and the best in the game at the moment, but one thing he ain't is clutch. The dude was missing in action for most of the Finals this year (again), and if not for a hailmary from Allen we would all be killing him for it. Although Lebron's averages for the series isn't all that bad, this is certainly the perfect example of the fact that stats can be misleading.
Game winner against the Pacers in Game 1.
18 points in the 4th quarter of game 6 and a clutch 3 pointer.
37 points in game 7 and a clutch jumper in the final seconds of the 4th.

Most Game-Tying/Go-Ahead FG in Playoffs
Final 24 Secs. of 4th Qtr/OT Since 2003-04

LeBron James 7-16
Kobe Bryant... 5-17
Kevin Durant.. 5-12
Dirk Nowitzki. 5-12

09-11-2013, 01:07 PM
Game winner against the Pacers in Game 1.
18 points in the 4th quarter of game 6 and a clutch 3 pointer.
37 points in game 7 and a clutch jumper in the final seconds of the 4th.

Most Game-Tying/Go-Ahead FG in Playoffs
Final 24 Secs. of 4th Qtr/OT Since 2003-04

LeBron James 7-16
Kobe Bryant... 5-17
Kevin Durant.. 5-12
Dirk Nowitzki. 5-12

:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:

09-11-2013, 11:18 PM
Game winner against the Pacers in Game 1.
18 points in the 4th quarter of game 6 and a clutch 3 pointer.
37 points in game 7 and a clutch jumper in the final seconds of the 4th.

Most Game-Tying/Go-Ahead FG in Playoffs
Final 24 Secs. of 4th Qtr/OT Since 2003-04

LeBron James 7-16
Kobe Bryant... 5-17
Kevin Durant.. 5-12
Dirk Nowitzki. 5-12
and how about all his disappearance acts?

finals 2012, celtics game 5, even 2013 finals he disappeared for quite a while and his stans quit on him, before ray allen saved his ass :oldlol:

09-11-2013, 11:28 PM
and how about all his disappearance acts?

finals 2012, celtics game 5, even 2013 finals he disappeared for quite a while and his stans quit on him, before ray allen saved his ass :oldlol:
Same could be said for Kobe. '04 Finals, '08 Finals, '06 Playoffs, '10 Finals game 7, '00 Finals,

Still has more game winners/clutch shots than Kobe.

09-11-2013, 11:41 PM
and how about all his disappearance acts?

finals 2012, celtics game 5, even 2013 finals he disappeared for quite a while and his stans quit on him, before ray allen saved his ass :oldlol:

and kobe is perfect:roll: :roll: :roll: