View Full Version : Kobe: "Reggie Miller is the hardest player to guard" followed by Carmelo

09-18-2013, 01:07 AM
He explains in the video.


09-18-2013, 01:10 AM
This is not gonna end well

09-18-2013, 01:11 AM
Having to focus while playing defense off the ball, without the immediate challenge of the ball in front of you is always difficult for anyone who has played. It also exerts a lot of energy running around, avoiding picks, or physically getting beat up going through picks. I feel the same as Kobe in this regard. Kobe's a lazy off ball defender, so this exploits that as well.

09-18-2013, 01:15 AM

Electric Slide
09-18-2013, 01:22 AM
further proof he sucks as a defender then

09-18-2013, 01:26 AM
I'm sure he's also said smush Parker is the hardest to guard.

09-18-2013, 03:30 AM
Kobe knows exactly what he is talking about.... Jordan said something similar aswell, he even said that Reggie is the greatest off-ball player ever.... In a team game guys like Reggie are the biggest nightmares to defend and he was by far the best at it.... this is because you actually dont defend Reggie technically, you chase him.... at least try.... As a defender you will be exhausted because Reggie had arguably the best stamina in NBA history, i am talking about olympics marathon runner type of stamina and he never stood still, he did NOTHING but run & shoot entire days... you will also be bruised up and frustrated because of his bag of tricks as you will run into nothing but a wall in example. Dale Davis or hell even Reggie himself with his typical sprint-full stop flop charge, he will be running around his screens over and over... and over and over... and over... stop... change his mind... run backwards... repeat... spin, hesitate, flailing his arms around, flopping, deliberately putting his leg up when he shoots so you foul him etc.... it was just nuts...

Many fans dont understand or dont pay attention to what he did.... he was an absulute genius off the ball.... a marathon running, trashtalking, flopping, screen abusing, ice cold TROLL, a true definition of a basketball troll :)... guys "like him" (Rip Hamilton / Ray Allen etc.) who play off-ball/use screens did even admit they studied Reggie very thoroughly.... he was the greatest off-ball player & screen abuser ever... the things he did to get open was amusing to watch especially when you pay attention to his defenders chasing him around being completely lost.... and actually extremly educational if you want to learn how to take jumpshots 24-7 without ever holding the ball for more than 0.01 seconds....

Its a completely lost art nowadays, at least to anywhere close to that magnitude HE was using it... players now just want to dribble out the clock, do one unnecessary crossover and chuck it up...

09-18-2013, 03:31 AM
further proof he sucks as a defender thenYeah, why don't we listen to your qualified opinion about this matter. I just love it when fools behind a keyboard claim to know better than professional basketball players themselves.

White Mamba
09-18-2013, 04:28 AM
Kobe is the hardest player to guard, but we already know :kobe:

09-18-2013, 04:31 AM

[I]NBA Africa: You played against some of the best players in NBA history. Who was the most difficult for you to play against?

Starks: The hardest player to guard was Reggie Miller because he ran a lot. Michael Jordan obviously was the toughest of the tough, but he was easy to guard from a standpoint that he was not going to run off a lot of picks. He was just going to pretty much get the ball, set you up and ask

09-18-2013, 10:52 AM
Kobe knows exactly what he is talking about.... Jordan said something similar aswell, he even said that Reggie is the greatest off-ball player ever.... In a team game guys like Reggie are the biggest nightmares to defend and he was by far the best at it.... this is because you actually dont defend Reggie technically, you chase him.... at least try.... As a defender you will be exhausted because Reggie had arguably the best stamina in NBA history, i am talking about olympics marathon runner type of stamina and he never stood still, he did NOTHING but run & shoot entire days... you will also be bruised up and frustrated because of his bag of tricks as you will run into nothing but a wall in example. Dale Davis or hell even Reggie himself with his typical sprint-full stop flop charge, he will be running around his screens over and over... and over and over... and over... stop... change his mind... run backwards... repeat... spin, hesitate, flailing his arms around, flopping, deliberately putting his leg up when he shoots so you foul him etc.... it was just nuts...

Many fans dont understand or dont pay attention to what he did.... he was an absulute genius off the ball.... a marathon running, trashtalking, flopping, screen abusing, ice cold TROLL, a true definition of a basketball troll :)... guys "like him" (Rip Hamilton / Ray Allen etc.) who play off-ball/use screens did even admit they studied Reggie very thoroughly.... he was the greatest off-ball player & screen abuser ever... the things he did to get open was amusing to watch especially when you pay attention to his defenders chasing him around being completely lost.... and actually extremly educational if you want to learn how to take jumpshots 24-7 without ever holding the ball for more than 0.01 seconds....

Its a completely lost art nowadays, at least to anywhere close to that magnitude HE was using it... players now just want to dribble out the clock, do one unnecessary crossover and chuck it up...

09-18-2013, 10:59 AM
As competent as Reggie was off the ball, running off screens, a deadeye shot with a split second release, should not be surprised at that comment. And bear in mind, Kobe is talking about an 'older' Reggie, because he would not have guarded him to any meaningful degree until around 2000 or so when Reggie was mid-thirties. What about his mid-90's prime circa 95? Kobe never saw that version of him, because he wasn't in the league yet.

And, pretty much what Pauk said :cheers:

Eric Cartman
09-18-2013, 11:00 AM
Kobe knows exactly what he is talking about.... Jordan said something similar aswell, he even said that Reggie is the greatest off-ball player ever.... In a team game guys like Reggie are the biggest nightmares to defend and he was by far the best at it.... this is because you actually dont defend Reggie technically, you chase him.... at least try.... As a defender you will be exhausted because Reggie had arguably the best stamina in NBA history, i am talking about olympics marathon runner type of stamina and he never stood still, he did NOTHING but run & shoot entire days... you will also be bruised up and frustrated because of his bag of tricks as you will run into nothing but a wall in example. Dale Davis or hell even Reggie himself with his typical sprint-full stop flop charge, he will be running around his screens over and over... and over and over... and over... stop... change his mind... run backwards... repeat... spin, hesitate, flailing his arms around, flopping, deliberately putting his leg up when he shoots so you foul him etc.... it was just nuts...

Many fans dont understand or dont pay attention to what he did.... he was an absulute genius off the ball.... a marathon running, trashtalking, flopping, screen abusing, ice cold TROLL, a true definition of a basketball troll :)... guys "like him" (Rip Hamilton / Ray Allen etc.) who play off-ball/use screens did even admit they studied Reggie very thoroughly.... he was the greatest off-ball player & screen abuser ever... the things he did to get open was amusing to watch especially when you pay attention to his defenders chasing him around being completely lost.... and actually extremly educational if you want to learn how to take jumpshots 24-7 without ever holding the ball for more than 0.01 seconds....

Its a completely lost art nowadays, at least to anywhere close to that magnitude HE was using it... players now just want to dribble out the clock, do one unnecessary crossover and chuck it up...

Pauk you have really come a long way since your early trolling days. Those Lebron rings got that gorilla off your back :applause:

09-18-2013, 11:26 AM
Kobe knows exactly what he is talking about.... Jordan said something similar aswell, he even said that Reggie is the greatest off-ball player ever.... In a team game guys like Reggie are the biggest nightmares to defend and he was by far the best at it.... this is because you actually dont defend Reggie technically, you chase him.... at least try.... As a defender you will be exhausted because Reggie had arguably the best stamina in NBA history, i am talking about olympics marathon runner type of stamina and he never stood still, he did NOTHING but run & shoot entire days... you will also be bruised up and frustrated because of his bag of tricks as you will run into nothing but a wall in example. Dale Davis or hell even Reggie himself with his typical sprint-full stop flop charge, he will be running around his screens over and over... and over and over... and over... stop... change his mind... run backwards... repeat... spin, hesitate, flailing his arms around, flopping, deliberately putting his leg up when he shoots so you foul him etc.... it was just nuts...

Many fans dont understand or dont pay attention to what he did.... he was an absulute genius off the ball.... a marathon running, trashtalking, flopping, screen abusing, ice cold TROLL, a true definition of a basketball troll :)... guys "like him" (Rip Hamilton / Ray Allen etc.) who play off-ball/use screens did even admit they studied Reggie very thoroughly.... he was the greatest off-ball player & screen abuser ever... the things he did to get open was amusing to watch especially when you pay attention to his defenders chasing him around being completely lost.... and actually extremly educational if you want to learn how to take jumpshots 24-7 without ever holding the ball for more than 0.01 seconds....

Its a completely lost art nowadays, at least to anywhere close to that magnitude HE was using it... players now just want to dribble out the clock, do one unnecessary crossover and chuck it up...

I'd also like the point out that Rip Hamilton used to be the same way with his midrange game. He and the Pistons wore Kobe out during their series when Kobe had to chase him everywhere and through some tough screens.

As far as Melo, people say his offensive arsenal rivals Kobe's. Add two inches of height and more strength, and you have a player that is punishing to guard.

09-18-2013, 11:36 AM
When people say this they typically mean "harder to prevent from shooting." Which doesnt mean they are a superior overall offensive player of course.

In theory, guys like MJ and Lebron are easy to prevent simply from scoring as an individual. Just guard them close, and when they blow by you on a drive have three guys collapse to help.

Of course, they can then simply pass to wide open teammates and thats how theyll beat you. Thats why theyre so good. But as an indivudual guarding matchup, its really no very complex. Because youre going to get help.

Guys like Miller and Anthony are harder to guard because you dont have help on the perimeter and their shots are less predictable.

Being harder to guard doesnt make you a superior offensive player. It just means youre tough to prevent from gettin a shot off.

09-18-2013, 11:46 AM
Was just looking up some of reggies numbers..

In 1991, he put up 23 ppg on an incomprehensible 65TS.. and had an offensive rating of 130.

Reggie has posted o ratings in the mid 120s and the highest TS's Ive ever seen for almost every year of his prime.. while scoring on signifigant volume and facing tough hard nosed defenses.

Seriously.. if you look at his numbers and combine it with his ability to wear defenders down hes got to be one of the most efficient offensive producers + best decoys(which opens up lanes for teammates) ever.

09-18-2013, 11:59 AM
When people say this they typically mean "harder to prevent from shooting." Which doesnt mean they are a superior overall offensive player of course.

In theory, guys like MJ and Lebron are easy to prevent simply from scoring as an individual. Just guard them close, and when they blow by you on a drive have three guys collapse to help.

Of course, they can then simply pass to wide open teammates and thats how theyll beat you. Thats why theyre so good. But as an indivudual guarding matchup, its really no very complex. Because youre going to get help.

Guys like Miller and Anthony are harder to guard because you dont have help on the perimeter and their shots are less predictable.

Being harder to guard doesnt make you a superior offensive player. It just means youre tough to prevent from gettin a shot off.

MJ? Your mean the guy with one of the sickest midrange jumpers of all time? The guy who could play off the ball nearly as well as he did with the ball in his hands? The guy whose go to move, the turnaround fadeaway, is considered right up there with Kareem's skyhook in terms of being unstoppable?

Lebron, I can understand. His strength isn't his scoring ability, it's his overall game. If you're playing Lebron honestly, he's going to score easily. If your game plan is to stop him from scoring, he's easier to stop than players like Reggie and Melo, as witnessed in many playoff series. However, Lebron is still capable of making incredible passes. So yes, if you just wanted to stop Lebron from scoring, he would be easier to stop than Reggie and Melo.

09-18-2013, 12:17 PM
When people say this they typically mean "harder to prevent from shooting." Which doesnt mean they are a superior overall offensive player of course.

In theory, guys like MJ and Lebron are easy to prevent simply from scoring as an individual. Just guard them close, and when they blow by you on a drive have three guys collapse to help.

Of course, they can then simply pass to wide open teammates and thats how theyll beat you. Thats why theyre so good. But as an indivudual guarding matchup, its really no very complex. Because youre going to get help.

Guys like Miller and Anthony are harder to guard because you dont have help on the perimeter and their shots are less predictable.

Being harder to guard doesnt make you a superior offensive player. It just means youre tough to prevent from gettin a shot off.

Being harder to guard still deals with how can you stop a player from scoring.

Carmelo jacking up low percentage shots from the outside is way easier than Lebron and MJ slashing to the hop for a high percentage shot in the paint. His terrible shot selection stops himself. As a defender who let him have those bad shots all day long.

Guarding Melo 1 on 1 vs guarding MJ or Lebron 1 on 1 is no contest. Lebron and MJ are far superior scorers and players meaning they are way higher to stop. With that said no one really guards Lebron or MJ 1 on 1 its a team thing while people can guard Melo 1 on 1 because he is nowhere as good.

09-18-2013, 12:19 PM
Lebron, I can understand. His strength isn't his scoring ability, it's his overall game. If you're playing Lebron honestly, he's going to score easily. If your game plan is to stop him from scoring, he's easier to stop than players like Reggie and Melo, as witnessed in many playoff series. However, Lebron is still capable of making incredible passes. So yes, if you just wanted to stop Lebron from scoring, he would be easier to stop than Reggie and Melo.

This is the most ridiculous paragraph I have read in a while. Lebron is a far superior scorer than Melo and Reggie in both the playoffs and regular season.....and Lebron is routinely doubled each time he has the ball. The entire defense schemes to stop Lebron. That is how good he is.

Melo and Reggie are much worse players and scorers, so they are just left to be guarded 1 and 1...and even then their scoring volume and scoring efficiency is far inferior to Lebron's.

09-18-2013, 12:56 PM
This is the most ridiculous paragraph I have read in a while. Lebron is a far superior scorer than Melo and Reggie in both the playoffs and regular season.....and Lebron is routinely doubled each time he has the ball. The entire defense schemes to stop Lebron. That is how good he is.

Melo and Reggie are much worse players and scorers, so they are just left to be guarded 1 and 1...and even then their scoring volume and scoring efficiency is far inferior to Lebron's.
What? Popovich had Lebron on an island with his defender sagging:oldlol: How ridiculous.. Lebron is almost NEVER doubled because of his ability to hit the open man. Defenders collapse in the paint on him, but doubling refers to sending an extra defender when a player first recieves the ball in order to get it out of his hands.

Lebron gets the rondo treatment with his scoring because its easier to poke holes in his arsenal. I wont argue melo because youre right he sucks, but Reggie is definitely a superior pure scoring threat.

09-18-2013, 01:06 PM
This is the most ridiculous paragraph I have read in a while. Lebron is a far superior scorer than Melo and Reggie in both the playoffs and regular season.....and Lebron is routinely doubled each time he has the ball. The entire defense schemes to stop Lebron. That is how good he is.

Melo and Reggie are much worse players and scorers, so they are just left to be guarded 1 and 1...and even then their scoring volume and scoring efficiency is far inferior to Lebron's.

Did you even read what I wrote?

When Lebron is doubled, he doesn't score well. He will make the right play and pass it to the open teammate, which makes him so dangerous.

When he is played honestly, he scores well. Pop put different defenders on Bron and dared him to shoot, having the defenders he put on Lebron sag (aside from Green). This makes Lebron uncomfortable because while he is a good shooter now, he's not usually sagged off of that much.

Jokes on Pop though, Lebron caught fire Game 7.

EDIT: Forgot about Reggie and Melo.

Reggie needs to have single coverage because he is mostly an off-ball player. If you have two players chasing him around, yes... he can be stopped but you'll be playing 4 on 3. No one doubles Reggie for this reason.

Melo will get a shot off, and possibly score at a higher rate with double coverage than Lebron would if you take out all other teammates on the court. Melo is kind of like Kobe in that regard. He can get the shot off and score at a reasonably good percentage (at least last season) despite taking bad shots with hands in his face.

09-18-2013, 01:17 PM
Reggie had arguably the best stamina in NBA history

Stopped reading crap after this sentence.

You forgot John Havlicek

09-18-2013, 01:26 PM
Stopped reading crap after this sentence.

You forgot John Havlicek

He said arguably and it definitely could be argued.

09-18-2013, 01:29 PM
Being harder to guard still deals with how can you stop a player from scoring.

Carmelo jacking up low percentage shots from the outside is way easier than Lebron and MJ slashing to the hop for a high percentage shot in the paint. His terrible shot selection stops himself. As a defender who let him have those bad shots all day long.

Guarding Melo 1 on 1 vs guarding MJ or Lebron 1 on 1 is no contest. Lebron and MJ are far superior scorers and players meaning they are way higher to stop. With that said no one really guards Lebron or MJ 1 on 1 its a team thing while people can guard Melo 1 on 1 because he is nowhere as good.

second2nun obviously has more experience guarding these guys than Kobe does. :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:

From this day on you are now the master when it comes to knowing how easy or hard it is to guard NBA players.

09-18-2013, 01:32 PM
Stopped reading crap after this sentence.

You forgot John Havlicek
Umm...did you just leave out the word arguable on purpose just to make your point? Reggie does have the highest stamina out of pretty much any player I've ever seen not named Jordan or Iverson.:confusedshrug:

09-18-2013, 01:33 PM
MJ? Your mean the guy with one of the sickest midrange jumpers of all time? The guy who could play off the ball nearly as well as he did with the ball in his hands? The guy whose go to move, the turnaround fadeaway, is considered right up there with Kareem's skyhook in terms of being unstoppable?

Lebron, I can understand. His strength isn't his scoring ability, it's his overall game. If you're playing Lebron honestly, he's going to score easily. If your game plan is to stop him from scoring, he's easier to stop than players like Reggie and Melo, as witnessed in many playoff series. However, Lebron is still capable of making incredible passes. So yes, if you just wanted to stop Lebron from scoring, he would be easier to stop than Reggie and Melo.

Youre right about MJ, I was reaching bc I wanted another example of an "obvious" dominant player people would be more inclined to think are harder to guard than a Miller or Carmelo. But youre right about MJs assortment of moves of course.

09-18-2013, 01:35 PM
Was just looking up some of reggies numbers..

In 1991, he put up 23 ppg on an incomprehensible 65TS.. and had an offensive rating of 130.

Reggie has posted o ratings in the mid 120s and the highest TS's Ive ever seen for almost every year of his prime.. while scoring on signifigant volume and facing tough hard nosed defenses.

Seriously.. if you look at his numbers and combine it with his ability to wear defenders down hes got to be one of the most efficient offensive producers + best decoys(which opens up lanes for teammates) ever.
Reggie would routinely have games where he scores 20-25 points on like 12-14 shots. He'd be like 7-14 with a few threes and some free throws...As a Pacer fan, I always felt Reggie could have averaged more points but he's a great team player and his efficiency was always top notch. I never felt like was gunning the Pacers out of the game like I do when I watch Melo or even Kobe sometimes. In fact, I'm pretty sure most Pacer fans never felt like Reggie shot the ball enough unless it was playoff time or the 4th quarter.

09-18-2013, 01:35 PM
second2nun obviously has more experience guarding these guys than Kobe does. :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:

From this day on you are now the master when it comes to knowing how easy or hard it is to guard NBA players.
I don't see much wrong with what he said...I think he made a good point..:confusedshrug:

09-18-2013, 01:40 PM
I don't see much wrong with what he said...I think he made a good point..:confusedshrug:

It's based on his opinion, and not based on having actually guarded them. It's idiotic for anyone to suggest they know more about basketball than actual NBA players.

09-18-2013, 01:55 PM
Hardest to guard, in terms of effort I can see the argument being made where Reggie makes you work harder on defense than Michael or LeBron.

With MJ, LeBron, Kobe. They catch the ball, read you and the defense and make a move. Within 3-5 seconds, your defensive assignment is over, with the majority of the time you failing.

With Reggie, you could successfully guard him, and yet still be absolutely exhausted by the time the game was over because you just ran/sprinted 5 miles in the span of 40 minutes, and got knocked down by a few hard screens. On top of that, you're mentally really to snap because when you do play good defense, Reggie flops and gets sent to the line where he shoots 90%+.

So yeah, just doing an overall job of staying on a guy who plays that style of basketball takes more effort than the GOAT scorer who just blows by you in a second.

09-18-2013, 03:22 PM
It's based on his opinion, and not based on having actually guarded them. It's idiotic for anyone to suggest they know more about basketball than actual NBA players.
Then why even have a discussion about it? This is a discussion forum and nobody on here has played against these players.

09-18-2013, 04:07 PM
Was just looking up some of reggies numbers..

In 1991, he put up 23 ppg on an incomprehensible 65TS.. and had an offensive rating of 130.

Reggie has posted o ratings in the mid 120s and the highest TS's Ive ever seen for almost every year of his prime.. while scoring on signifigant volume and facing tough hard nosed defenses.

Seriously.. if you look at his numbers and combine it with his ability to wear defenders down hes got to be one of the most efficient offensive producers + best decoys(which opens up lanes for teammates) ever.

The thing which made Reggie mostly so great is that he was used as a "secret" weapon and was so damn good at it... a weapon which was initiated in the 4th quarter / clutch.... Seeing his stats on paper you wouldnt think he was that great, except the obvious seeing his shooting percentages.... Yes he averaged only up to ~25 ppg, but most of those points would come in the 4th (if not all lol)... He wasnt much of a chucker either, the max amount of fieldgoal attempts Reggie ever took was 29.... and that time he scored 57 points.....

09-18-2013, 04:07 PM
Then why even have a discussion about it? This is a discussion forum and nobody on here has played against these players.

We can have a discussion about it. But it's just hilarious to see people tell Kobe he is wrong.

[ISH Poster meets Kobe in the street]: "Hey Kobe, I heard what you said about who the hardest player to guard in the NBA was, and I just wanted to tell you that you are wrong. You don't know what you are talkign about. The hardest player you ever guarded was not Reggie Miller. It was Lebron."

09-19-2013, 11:17 AM
Kobe knows exactly what he is talking about.... Jordan said something similar aswell, he even said that Reggie is the greatest off-ball player ever.... In a team game guys like Reggie are the biggest nightmares to defend and he was by far the best at it.... this is because you actually dont defend Reggie technically, you chase him.... at least try.... As a defender you will be exhausted because Reggie had arguably the best stamina in NBA history, i am talking about olympics marathon runner type of stamina and he never stood still, he did NOTHING but run & shoot entire days... you will also be bruised up and frustrated because of his bag of tricks as you will run into nothing but a wall in example. Dale Davis or hell even Reggie himself with his typical sprint-full stop flop charge, he will be running around his screens over and over... and over and over... and over... stop... change his mind... run backwards... repeat... spin, hesitate, flailing his arms around, flopping, deliberately putting his leg up when he shoots so you foul him etc.... it was just nuts...

Many fans dont understand or dont pay attention to what he did.... he was an absulute genius off the ball.... a marathon running, trashtalking, flopping, screen abusing, ice cold TROLL, a true definition of a basketball troll :)... guys "like him" (Rip Hamilton / Ray Allen etc.) who play off-ball/use screens did even admit they studied Reggie very thoroughly.... he was the greatest off-ball player & screen abuser ever... the things he did to get open was amusing to watch especially when you pay attention to his defenders chasing him around being completely lost.... and actually extremly educational if you want to learn how to take jumpshots 24-7 without ever holding the ball for more than 0.01 seconds....

Its a completely lost art nowadays, at least to anywhere close to that magnitude HE was using it... players now just want to dribble out the clock, do one unnecessary crossover and chuck it up...

great effing post. Bravo. :applause:

09-19-2013, 11:52 AM
Kobe knows exactly what he is talking about.... Jordan said something similar aswell, he even said that Reggie is the greatest off-ball player ever.... In a team game guys like Reggie are the biggest nightmares to defend and he was by far the best at it.... this is because you actually dont defend Reggie technically, you chase him.... at least try.... As a defender you will be exhausted because Reggie had arguably the best stamina in NBA history, i am talking about olympics marathon runner type of stamina and he never stood still, he did NOTHING but run & shoot entire days... you will also be bruised up and frustrated because of his bag of tricks as you will run into nothing but a wall in example. Dale Davis or hell even Reggie himself with his typical sprint-full stop flop charge, he will be running around his screens over and over... and over and over... and over... stop... change his mind... run backwards... repeat... spin, hesitate, flailing his arms around, flopping, deliberately putting his leg up when he shoots so you foul him etc.... it was just nuts...

Many fans dont understand or dont pay attention to what he did.... he was an absulute genius off the ball.... a marathon running, trashtalking, flopping, screen abusing, ice cold TROLL, a true definition of a basketball troll :)... guys "like him" (Rip Hamilton / Ray Allen etc.) who play off-ball/use screens did even admit they studied Reggie very thoroughly.... he was the greatest off-ball player & screen abuser ever... the things he did to get open was amusing to watch especially when you pay attention to his defenders chasing him around being completely lost.... and actually extremly educational if you want to learn how to take jumpshots 24-7 without ever holding the ball for more than 0.01 seconds....

Its a completely lost art nowadays, at least to anywhere close to that magnitude HE was using it... players now just want to dribble out the clock, do one unnecessary crossover and chuck it up...

Finally a post from pauk that doesnt mention lebron :applause:

09-19-2013, 03:03 PM
I have seen other guys say the same thing. And don't underestimate Miller's scoring ability. He has a career TS% of 61.4%.

I remember an announcer asking Miller how he handled Bruce Bowen's physical defense. Miller said "He can't hold what he can't catch".

09-19-2013, 03:14 PM
Pretty easy to score efficiently when you use your entire team as screens and just keep running until you get an open shot

Just like its pretty easy to score when youre 7"1 over 300lbs, stronger than everyone at your position, and mainly dunk on people

People are amazed at this efficiency yet they frown upon Iversons percentages when the shots he took were much more difficult....obviously his percentages would be lower

09-19-2013, 03:16 PM
Pretty easy to score when you use your entire team as screens and just keep running until you get an open shot

Just like its pretty easy to score when youre 7"1 over 300lbs, stronger than everyone at your position, and mainly dunk on people


Easy? Ever hear of the word fatigue?

09-19-2013, 03:22 PM

Easy? Ever hear of the word fatigue?

Reggie was in excellent aerobic shape.

My point is...although he has definitely hit some big time shots over the outstretched arms of defenders, he was mainly taking open jumpers

09-19-2013, 03:40 PM
Reggie was in excellent aerobic shape.

My point is...although he has definitely hit some big time shots over the outstretched arms of defenders, he was mainly taking open jumpers

The reason he got separation from his defender is because of the amount of effort he expended running around the court. It isn't like he was shooting standstill jumpers. He was shooting jumpers on the move which are much tougher shots to make.

If it was easy you would see a lot of guys doing it. The reality is that very few have the speed, stamina and shooting ability to play like Miller did.

09-19-2013, 03:53 PM
I would think it would be Lebron or Iverson but whatever

09-19-2013, 03:56 PM
I would think it would be Lebron or Iverson but whatever

Have you guarded all these guys, and have real world experience, or are you just talking out your ass?

Kobe has real life experiences guarding all of them. Something tells me that he knows who it's harder for him to guard, than you know who's harder for him to guard.

09-19-2013, 11:56 PM
Reggie was in excellent aerobic shape.

My point is...although he has definitely hit some big time shots over the outstretched arms of defenders, he was mainly taking open jumpers
This is false...I've seen almost every game he's ever played in and he has hit more than his fair share of contest jumpers.

09-20-2013, 01:33 AM
What? Popovich had Lebron on an island with his defender sagging:oldlol: How ridiculous.. Lebron is almost NEVER doubled because of his ability to hit the open man. Defenders collapse in the paint on him, but doubling refers to sending an extra defender when a player first recieves the ball in order to get it out of his hands.

Lebron gets the rondo treatment with his scoring because its easier to poke holes in his arsenal. I wont argue melo because youre right he sucks, but Reggie is definitely a superior pure scoring threat.

Lebron's defender was sagging because Lebron is an elite force in paint scoring, something that Melo and Miller can only dream of.

Lebron= much better PPG, much better PPS, and much better fg% all throughout his career than Melo and Miller all while facing much heavier coverage. Lebron is doubled because no one can stop him from going into the paint one on one and scoring with ease.

To say Miller and Melo are better scorers than Lebron is like saying Carson Palmer is a better passer than Tom Brady or Peyton Manning.

09-20-2013, 01:41 AM
Did you even read what I wrote?

When Lebron is doubled, he doesn't score well. He will make the right play and pass it to the open teammate, which makes him so dangerous.

When he is played honestly, he scores well. Pop put different defenders on Bron and dared him to shoot, having the defenders he put on Lebron sag (aside from Green). This makes Lebron uncomfortable because while he is a good shooter now, he's not usually sagged off of that much.

Jokes on Pop though, Lebron caught fire Game 7.

EDIT: Forgot about Reggie and Melo.

Reggie needs to have single coverage because he is mostly an off-ball player. If you have two players chasing him around, yes... he can be stopped but you'll be playing 4 on 3. No one doubles Reggie for this reason.

Melo will get a shot off, and possibly score at a higher rate with double coverage than Lebron would if you take out all other teammates on the court. Melo is kind of like Kobe in that regard. He can get the shot off and score at a reasonably good percentage (at least last season) despite taking bad shots with hands in his face.

No one doubled Reggie because he was not good enough to double.

Lebron scores well when he is doubled. In fact, he scores MUCH better when doubled than Melo or Miller when doubled. You pulled that statement out of thin air.

Pop sagged off of Lebron because of Lebron's elite paint scoring ability, not because of his passing. Maybe if Melo wasn't such a pathetic finisher at the rim teams would do the same to him.

To even compare Melo and Miller's scoring to Lebron's scoring is like comparing Chris Bosh's defense to Tim Duncan's defense.

Melo is an extremely overrated scorer when doubled, single covered, triple covered. He is a low efficiency shot jacker. Getting shots off means nothing if they are low percentage chucks from down town (unless of course you are an ACTUAL legit scorer like Durant, not some fraud like Melo).

09-20-2013, 03:32 AM
LeBronies need to have "off the ball play" explained to them. :lol

09-20-2013, 07:09 AM
Lebron= much better PPG, much better PPS, and much better fg% all throughout his career than Melo and Miller

Assuming that your PPS is points per shot:

Lebron 1.38 points per shot for his career
Miller 1.44

Millers career TS% is 61.4% compared to Lebron's 57.5%.

Obviously Lebron is a better scorer than Miller was but you are underestimating Miller's efficiency.