View Full Version : Derrick Rose doesnt recruit players and never will

09-19-2013, 02:51 AM


09-19-2013, 02:58 AM
And that's how it should be, enough of those weak superfriends joining teams.

09-19-2013, 03:12 AM
And that's how it should be, enough of those weak superfriends joining teams.
That's right. Derrick isn't a coward of a competitor.

09-19-2013, 03:24 AM
That's right. Derrick isn't a coward of a competitor.

True! If only the rest of the league were like him and not trying to be friends with everyone, there would be more rivalries and it would be more exciting.

Instead, they join in boring superteams :sleeping

09-19-2013, 03:26 AM

09-19-2013, 03:27 AM
I don't get this whole 'boring superteam' nonsense that people spit out.

Players have been coming together to win championships ever since the NBA started. This isn't a new phenomenon.

The goal of an NBA team is to win the championship, and is most players goal too.

09-19-2013, 03:30 AM
MJ and Kobe never recruited either (except for maybe Artest but he was dying to play in LA). D Rose has that same mentality.

The Bulls are good enough to win as is anyways. Look how good they did last year without their best player. They don't have the cap space to recruit anyone anyways.

09-19-2013, 03:33 AM
MJ and Kobe never recruited either (except for maybe Artest but he was dying to play in LA). D Rose has that same mentality.

The Bulls are good enough to win as is anyways. Look how good they did last year without their best player. They don't have the cap space to recruit anyone anyways.

To be fair though, the Lakers have always put a good team around Kobe and he hasn't had the need to recruit. He was in a good situation the moment he got drafted and later in his career, picked up Pau/Bynum for new teammates and even though it didn't work out Nash/Howard. Lakers did well to put a team around him.

Cleveland didn't do this well enough, which is why Lebron chose to leave.

09-19-2013, 03:47 AM
of course not, he will have someone else do that for him..........like he did in school

09-19-2013, 03:56 AM
of course not, he will have someone else do that for him..........like he did in school

Gotcha! LOL

09-19-2013, 04:10 AM
To be fair though, the Lakers have always put a good team around Kobe and he hasn't had the need to recruit. He was in a good situation the moment he got drafted and later in his career, picked up Pau/Bynum for new teammates and even though it didn't work out Nash/Howard. Lakers did well to put a team around him.

Cleveland didn't do this well enough, which is why Lebron chose to leave.
Where did I mention Lebron anywhere in my post?

09-19-2013, 04:31 AM
Where did I mention Lebron anywhere in my post?

You didn't, I mentioned Lebron because of the 'boring superteam' guy above you and to compare their situations.

09-19-2013, 04:46 AM
Well then he has a huge ego. Because let's get one thing straight, recruiting players and reaching out to them is a sign of welcoming them and making them feel wanted. By recruiting players he could help out his team and make his team much better. If Rose calling for example Kevin Love or LMA is what would make those guys decide to join Chicago then he's an idiot for not doing so.

09-19-2013, 04:48 AM
back in the days, players wanted to beat the competition... not recruit/join them

09-19-2013, 04:53 AM
Well then he has a huge ego. Because let's get one thing straight, recruiting players and reaching out to them is a sign of welcoming them and making them feel wanted. By recruiting players he could help out his team and make his team much better. If Rose calling for example Kevin Love or LMA is what would make those guys decide to join Chicago then he's an idiot for not doing so.
LMA already wants to go to Chicago without Rose recruiting him. Chicago can't get anyone anyways, unless they make a trade, so why are you bringing up Kevin Love and LMA who already wants to go there?

Did MJ get on his knees and beg Dennis Rodman to come join him? No. He was an MVP like Rose is, and figured others would be lucky to play with him and not the other way around.

09-19-2013, 05:02 AM
LMA already wants to go to Chicago without Rose recruiting him. Chicago can't get anyone anyways, unless they make a trade, so why are you bringing up Kevin Love and LMA who already wants to go there?

Did MJ get on his knees and beg Dennis Rodman to come join him? No. He was an MVP like Rose is, and figured others would be lucky to play with him and not the other way around.
It was an example, you could use any name. If Rose reaching out to Love, LMA or any other player would make them choose Chicago ahead of any other competitor.. that is a positive thing, not a bad thing. It would be good for the franchise, the fans, the city and everyone involved. It's not too much to ask from Rose.

Jesus, begging.. what do you think this is? Don't turn this into a stupid pride thing. Its about being a leader and showing appreciation and that you would welcome the player.

09-19-2013, 05:17 AM
It was an example, you could use any name. If Rose reaching out to Love, LMA or any other player would make them choose Chicago ahead of any other competitor.. that is a positive thing, not a bad thing. It would be good for the franchise, the fans, the city and everyone involved. It's not too much to ask from Rose.

Jesus, begging.. what do you think this is? Don't turn this into a stupid pride thing. Its about being a leader and showing appreciation and that you would welcome the player.

You are right. Kobe Bryant was in the room when the Lakers gave their sales pitch for Dwight Howard to stay at the Lakers.

09-19-2013, 05:19 AM
If your a good/unselfish player who wins games people should want to play with you no matter and look forward to it no need for you to go beg/manipulate other good players to join you. If I were Rose I'd do the same thing plus he's got a great team as it is so no need for him to go around trying to make a super team.

09-19-2013, 05:20 AM
It was an example, you could use any name. If Rose reaching out to Love, LMA or any other player would make them choose Chicago ahead of any other competitor.. that is a positive thing, not a bad thing. It would be good for the franchise, the fans, the city and everyone involved. It's not too much to ask from Rose.

Jesus, begging.. what do you think this is? Don't turn this into a stupid pride thing. Its about being a leader and showing appreciation and that you would welcome the player.
If Chicago had cap space, there would be no need for Derrick to recruit. Free agents would be lining up to play for the Bulls with their fantastic team defense, great coach and young, former MVP on the roster. Last time Chicago had cap space they didn't have their coach and how good D Rose would be was still an unknown, plus all the top free agents went to one team.

This is just D Rose's personality and I can respect that. And Rose said he would welcome new players to the team. He's just not going to start calling a bunch of guys and say to them "please come play with me", because he thinks they should be the ones asking "please can I come play with you?"

09-19-2013, 05:34 AM
I'm a Bulls fan, and a Rose fan. But let's keep it real here. In 20 years nobody is going to look at Lebron's resume and say, yeah he was good but he recruited other players to his team, (or even worse, he 'joined forces with 2 other superstars..') we'll just be looking at the MVPs, rings, FMVPs etc and say he was great. A guy like Melo who hasn't won much yet, and let's pretend like he won't win much in his entire career.. He'll most likely be forgotten or be called a loser who couldn't get it done. (Let's not get into whether he is or isn't that)

Basically what I'm saying is, this talk might sound great now, but it'll all be forgotten with time and then a player will be judged by his achievements. Which are a lot easier to get with a great team around you.

09-19-2013, 05:36 AM
If Chicago had cap space, there would be no need for Derrick to recruit. Free agents would be lining up to play for the Bulls with their fantastic team defense, great coach and young, former MVP on the roster. Last time Chicago had cap space they didn't have their coach and how good D Rose would be was still an unknown, plus all the top free agents went to one team.

This is just D Rose's personality and I can respect that. And Rose said he would welcome new players to the team. He's just not going to start calling a bunch of guys and say to them "please come play with me", because he thinks they should be the ones asking "please can I come play with you?"
Well then Rose has a huge ego and needs to stop taking himself so serious. Nobody is going to ask him if they can play for the Bulls, he's not the owner of that team.

There is nothing wrong with recruiting. Personally calling a player up, make them know that they are desired and that you'd welcome them with open arms is not something bad. It's a nice gesture and something the player himself would appreciate when it comes from the leader of the team. I can't understand why NOT doing this would be the right thing to do. Ray Allen has many times said that he very much appreciated Lebron's call.

09-19-2013, 05:56 AM
Well then Rose has a huge ego and needs to stop taking himself so serious. Nobody is going to ask him if they can play for the Bulls, he's not the owner of that team.

There is nothing wrong with recruiting. Personally calling a player up, make them know that they are desired and that you'd welcome them with open arms is not something bad. It's a nice gesture and something the player himself would appreciate when it comes from the leader of the team. I can't understand why NOT doing this would be the right thing to do. Ray Allen has many times said that he very much appreciated Lebron's call.
Of course Derrick Rose has a huge ego. We knew he had one of the biggest egos in the league when he came out and asked "Why can't I be MVP?" Nothing wrong with having a big ego.

MJ had the biggest ego of all time, he and Rodman hated eachother, but Rodman still came to play for the Bulls without needing to have MJ call him up and ask him to pretty please come play with me. D Rose has the same personality, and you can't really fault him when that personality of his is not hurting the team. They have no cap space, and reports have said LMA wants to play there. The Bulls are in good shape I think.

Real Men Wear Green
09-19-2013, 06:01 AM
I respect his pride but if the Bulls don't get at least one more superstar they won't take Miami in a series. And they may need two.

09-19-2013, 06:04 AM
not enough players like him.

09-19-2013, 06:17 AM
Of course Derrick Rose has a huge ego. We knew he had one of the biggest egos in the league when he came out and asked "Why can't I be MVP?" Nothing wrong with having a big ego.

MJ had the biggest ego of all time, he and Rodman hated eachother, but Rodman still came to play for the Bulls without needing to have MJ call him up and ask him to pretty please come play with me. D Rose has the same personality, and you can't really fault him when that personality of his is not hurting the team. They have no cap space, and reports have said LMA wants to play there. The Bulls are in good shape I think.
Stop mentioning Jordan as if he's the way to live your life. Use your head and you'll realize that calling a player up is a nice gesture and has nothing to do with begging. You're way too obsessed with pride, egos, begging, Jordan etc.. You're looking at it from the wrong angle.

09-19-2013, 06:31 AM
Aldrige will be in Chicago really soon

09-19-2013, 06:32 AM
Nash/Bosh dude, if you are trying to recruit players, especially in the cap situation the bulls have a trade is required. If he says right now he wants to recruit players in an interview he is insinuating his teammates aren't good enough.

09-19-2013, 06:36 AM
I respect his pride but if the Bulls don't get at least one more superstar they won't take Miami in a series. And they may need two.

I strongly believe that this year's team is good enough and I have my fingers crossed that everyone is fully healthy come the playoffs.

Big difference to 2011 when the Bulls last played the Heat fully healthy are a few things;

1. They needed a reliable floor spacer who will make good decisions in pressure situations. - Dunleavy

2. They needed a reliable defender on Lebron who can cause him problems on the defensive end, but also provide scoring. Deng IMO just doesn't defend Lebron well enough - Butler

3. They needed the core to get more experienced and to go through a playoff run. Great teams and players usually have to encounter defeat in playoffs before they show a deep playoff run. (No serious attempts since 2011)

4. Heat are playing their 4th consecutive finals. History is against them and Bulls will be hungry to avenge 2011, which was a close series in itself despite the 4-1 scoreline.

09-19-2013, 06:38 AM
Stop mentioning Jordan as if he's the way to live your life. Use your head and you'll realize that calling a player up is a nice gesture and has nothing to do with begging. You're way too obsessed with pride, egos, begging, Jordan etc.. You're looking at it from the wrong angle.
How am I obsessed? I simply said that I respect Derrick Rose's personality and the way he chooses to go about this. His way has worked fine for countless other star players, and it's not hurting his team, so I don't see the issue here. You are bringing up hypotheticals like if the Bulls had capspace and if LMA didn't already want to play there, and calling D Rose an idiot because of your hypothetical that has no connection to what's actually happening in the real world.

09-19-2013, 06:39 AM
I'm a Bulls fan, and a Rose fan. But let's keep it real here. In 20 years nobody is going to look at Lebron's resume and say, yeah he was good but he recruited other players to his team, (or even worse, he 'joined forces with 2 other superstars..') we'll just be looking at the MVPs, rings, FMVPs etc and say he was great. A guy like Melo who hasn't won much yet, and let's pretend like he won't win much in his entire career.. He'll most likely be forgotten or be called a loser who couldn't get it done. (Let's not get into whether he is or isn't that)

Basically what I'm saying is, this talk might sound great now, but it'll all be forgotten with time and then a player will be judged by his achievements. Which are a lot easier to get with a great team around you.I still don't think the way LBJ, Wade and Bosh went about things was the right way of doing it. I mean, that sort of a union, it was unprecedented, it has never happened before. It's a reason why people were so upset when it happened, and it wasn't all out of jealousy either. The fact that you have three allstars, already playing in a relatively weak conference, having talks for years about joining forces, and assuming they would win countless rings by doing so, was a copout - an easy way out IMO. Although we have all come to sort of accept it now, it doesn't mean we have to forget about it.

But I guess this is the new NBA, where anything goes in order to win a championship. Lebron has openly admitted that he thinks acting and flopping is okay as long as it produces a win, so I can totally understand why he thought it was a good idea to join two allstars in order to beat the Celtics. IMO it is cheapening the game, but I guess I'm more of a purist than most.

09-19-2013, 06:40 AM
Any definite time set for his return? I miss watching Rose play.

09-19-2013, 06:42 AM
As a Knick fan you never want to like anyone in a Bulls uniform but Rose is one of my favorite guys in the entire league.

Hes old school, a hard worker, and an independent thinker; i respect people like that.

Despite what the 10 year olds on this site say....hes all heart. He did the right thing waiting till he was completely healed; hes 24 years old and has another 10 years ahead of him. Why risk 10 productive years for a few weeks in a season that was all but over?

09-19-2013, 06:53 AM
Any definite time set for his return? I miss watching Rose play.

first game of preseason vs pacers.

09-19-2013, 07:04 AM
Any definite time set for his return? I miss watching Rose play.

Likely to return for the preseason opener on Oct 5 against the Pacers...

In all honesty, I just want to see him out there for the first game of the NBA season.

09-19-2013, 07:54 AM
i really enjoy reading the smart comments about rose and none of that troll garbage that use to fill up every rose thread a few months back. :cheers:

09-19-2013, 08:45 AM
I like his mentality to a certain extent, but I hope he enjoys smelling Lebron and Wade's farts for a couple more seasons

09-19-2013, 08:48 AM
I'm a Bulls fan, and a Rose fan. But let's keep it real here. In 20 years nobody is going to look at Lebron's resume and say, yeah he was good but he recruited other players to his team, (or even worse, he 'joined forces with 2 other superstars..') we'll just be looking at the MVPs, rings, FMVPs etc and say he was great. A guy like Melo who hasn't won much yet, and let's pretend like he won't win much in his entire career.. He'll most likely be forgotten or be called a loser who couldn't get it done. (Let's not get into whether he is or isn't that)

Basically what I'm saying is, this talk might sound great now, but it'll all be forgotten with time and then a player will be judged by his achievements. Which are a lot easier to get with a great team around you.


09-19-2013, 09:03 AM
I love how Rose fans applaud him for not recruiting but you damn well know if he would have been successful in recruiting wade or lebron to chicago in 2010 everybody would be applauding him for helping his franchise.

09-19-2013, 09:14 AM
As a Knick fan you never want to like anyone in a Bulls uniform but Rose is one of my favorite guys in the entire league.

Hes old school, a hard worker, and an independent thinker; i respect people like that.

Despite what the 10 year olds on this site say....hes all heart. He did the right thing waiting till he was completely healed; hes 24 years old and has another 10 years ahead of him. Why risk 10 productive years for a few weeks in a season that was all but over?

Because unlike the Shitty New York Knickersuxers. The Bulls won an NBA Series without Derrick Rose. You are an arrogant douche. You and Blueandorange *** are probably the same poster.

Dirk >>> Carmelo in scoring. He's the only elite player in his draft class who has zero rings and finals appearance.

09-19-2013, 09:26 AM
Kobe called Nash last off season and convinced Nash to come to LA doesn't make him any less competitive

09-19-2013, 09:27 AM
I still don't think the way LBJ, Wade and Bosh went about things was the right way of doing it. I mean, that sort of a union, it was unprecedented, it has never happened before. It's a reason why people were so upset when it happened, and it wasn't all out of jealousy either. The fact that you have three allstars, already playing in a relatively weak conference, having talks for years about joining forces, and assuming they would win countless rings by doing so, was a copout - an easy way out IMO. Although we have all come to sort of accept it now, it doesn't mean we have to forget about it.

But I guess this is the new NBA, where anything goes in order to win a championship. Lebron has openly admitted that he thinks acting and flopping is okay as long as it produces a win, so I can totally understand why he thought it was a good idea to join two allstars in order to beat the Celtics. IMO it is cheapening the game, but I guess I'm more of a purist than most.
Right now people haven't forgotten it yet, but how long do you think it'll take? Already we see topics pop up here on ISH claiming Lebron is on his way to becoming one of the GOATs and we're still right in the middle of it now.

09-19-2013, 09:33 AM
We'll see how he feels in a few years. LeBron wasn't recruiting players 3-4 years into his career either. At some point you recognize you are up against a clock and you do what you need to do to get a ring. I guess maybe Rose doesn't want it as bad as some other guys do.

And I don't want to hear about Rose's heart and determination any more. Noah was apoplectic about the possibilty of missing playoff games and willed himself through a nasty plantar fascia injury to play when no one else could/would (and went for 24/14 w 6 BL in G7). Deng got a spinal tap so he could get back on the court faster and it almost killed him. Literally. He almost died. And yet, the guy who was the best player on the floor in practice FOR MONTHS doesn't WANT to come back? THEN YOU ARE NOT A WARRIOR ANYMORE. You are just a marketing utensil. Don't ever tell me about your heart again.

Orlando Magic
09-19-2013, 09:33 AM
i really enjoy reading the smart comments about rose and none of that troll garbage that use to fill up every rose thread a few months back. :cheers:

You consistently post some of the absolute dumbest shit out of any poster on this board that is taking themselves seriously and not intentionally trolling.

You are bottom 5 all time on this board, fyi. Maybe even the WOAT.

09-19-2013, 09:38 AM
We'll see how he feels in a few years. LeBron wasn't recruiting players 3-4 years into his career either. At some point you recognize you are up against a clock and you do what you need to do to get a ring. I guess maybe Rose doesn't want it as bad as some other guys do.

And I don't want to hear about Rose's heart and determination any more. Noah was apoplectic about the possibilty of missing playoff games and willed himself through a nasty plantar fascia injury to play when no one else could/would (and went for 24/14 w 6 BL in G7). Deng got a spinal tap so he could get back on the court faster and it almost killed him. Literally. He almost died. And yet, the guy who was the best player on the floor in practice FOR MONTHS doesn't WANT to come back? THEN YOU ARE NOT A WARRIOR ANYMORE. You are just a marketing utensil. Don't ever tell me about your heart again.
You don't seem to realize the business side of things is extremely important as well. The Chicago Bulls franchise has much to lose when it comes to Rose's injury. He's going to make the money for the franchise the next 10 to 15 years, if things go well. Who knows what strings were pulled behind the scene, I sure as hell know the Bulls were not going to take a chance on his recovery.

09-19-2013, 09:40 AM
I still don't think the way LBJ, Wade and Bosh went about things was the right way of doing it. I mean, that sort of a union, it was unprecedented, it has never happened before. It's a reason why people were so upset when it happened, and it wasn't all out of jealousy either. The fact that you have three allstars, already playing in a relatively weak conference, having talks for years about joining forces, and assuming they would win countless rings by doing so, was a copout - an easy way out IMO. Although we have all come to sort of accept it now, it doesn't mean we have to forget about it.

But I guess this is the new NBA, where anything goes in order to win a championship. Lebron has openly admitted that he thinks acting and flopping is okay as long as it produces a win, so I can totally understand why he thought it was a good idea to join two allstars in order to beat the Celtics. IMO it is cheapening the game, but I guess I'm more of a purist than most.

Very well said. And lets not keep going with the LeBron has a great team. Without LeBron on the court in 2010-2011 Miami was outscored by its opponents. Without LeBron on the court in 2011-2012 the Heat were outscored by their opponents. Without LeBron in 2012-2013 Miami was outscored by their opponents. Without Rose (and several other guys), Chicago was a second round playoff team.

So this nonsense about how Rose doesn't recruit is comical. He doesn't have to recruit. He already plays on a team better than any LeBron has ever been on. I am a Bucks fan. My team has made it to the second round one time in the last 27 years.

09-19-2013, 09:43 AM
You don't seem to realize the business side of things is extremely important as well. The Chicago Bulls franchise has much to lose when it comes to Rose's injury. He's going to make the money for the franchise the next 10 to 15 years, if things go well. Who knows what strings were pulled behind the scene, I sure as hell know the Bulls were not going to take a chance on his recovery.

And you don't seem to understand ACL injuries. It is no stronger today than it was in June when his teammates were literally killing themselves and putting their careers at risk to play in games he was more suited to play in.

And don't put this on the Bulls. A lot of those leaks came from them because pretty much everyone thought he should be playing. Except for his publicist and PR folks.

09-19-2013, 09:46 AM
Because they are playing in a big market team. Neither Bosh and Amare wanted to play in Cleveland. Now that Lebron is playing with a big market team. It's now much easier for him to recruit players. He's gonna have more finals MVP than 18 yrs. veteran Kobe Bryant next season.

09-19-2013, 09:49 AM
And you don't seem to understand ACL injuries. It is no stronger today than it was in June when his teammates were literally killing themselves and putting their careers at risk to play in games he was more suited to play in.

And don't put this on the Bulls. A lot of those leaks came from them because pretty much everyone thought he should be playing. Except for his publicist and PR folks.
There was never officially said by the Bulls that they thought he should be playing, that's why I said, we just don't know what happened behind the scenes. And I take it you're an expert on ACL injuries then? I never claimed I was, but I do know some other players who f*cked up their promising careers because they came back too soon.

09-19-2013, 10:03 AM
I love how Rose fans applaud him for not recruiting but you damn well know if he would have been successful in recruiting wade or lebron to chicago in 2010 everybody would be applauding him for helping his franchise.

Huh? He never tried to recruit them. If either of them came over, it wouldn't have been Rose's doing.

09-19-2013, 10:38 AM
Rose doesn't want to shamelessly pimp himself out, and have to be a used car salesman like LeBron, or Wade begging for talent to join him. He isn't a competitive coward. He actually wants to beat those guys with his own team. That's true competitive spirit.

09-19-2013, 10:38 AM
Huh? He never tried to recruit them. If either of them came over, it wouldn't have been Rose's doing.

I know he didn't, i was saying hypothetically if he did nobody in chicago would be b*tching about it.

09-19-2013, 11:13 AM
Rose doesn't want to shamelessly pimp himself out, and have to be a used car salesman like LeBron, or Wade begging for talent to join him. He isn't a competitive coward. He actually wants to beat those guys with his own team. That's true competitive spirit.


Dat competitiveness.

09-19-2013, 11:15 AM
There was never officially said by the Bulls that they thought he should be playing, that's why I said, we just don't know what happened behind the scenes. And I take it you're an expert on ACL injuries then? I never claimed I was, but I do know some other players who f*cked up their promising careers because they came back too soon.

Well of course they aren't going to publicly blast their cornerstone player publicly but we got a lot of leaks that could only come from team personnel.

Expert? I haven't performed any of them. But I know plenty about them.

Who? What NBA player messed up their promising career coming back from an ACL injury? I mean a lot of guys never got their quickness back. There are PLENTY of other injuries you can decimate your career coming back to early from. As discussed earlier, the PF that Noah shot up so he could play is certainly among them. But an ACL a year post surgery? Nah.

09-19-2013, 11:41 AM
We'll see how he feels in a few years. LeBron wasn't recruiting players 3-4 years into his career either. At some point you recognize you are up against a clock and you do what you need to do to get a ring. I guess maybe Rose doesn't want it as bad as some other guys do.

And I don't want to hear about Rose's heart and determination any more. Noah was apoplectic about the possibilty of missing playoff games and willed himself through a nasty plantar fascia injury to play when no one else could/would (and went for 24/14 w 6 BL in G7). Deng got a spinal tap so he could get back on the court faster and it almost killed him. Literally. He almost died. And yet, the guy who was the best player on the floor in practice FOR MONTHS doesn't WANT to come back? THEN YOU ARE NOT A WARRIOR ANYMORE. You are just a marketing utensil. Don't ever tell me about your heart again.

A smart warrior fights the fight on his terms and when he can win. Do you think what Deng did was smart??? Only complete idiots fight just to fight when a brighter day is ahead. How smart would the whole think look if all three have lingering injuries - oh but they fought like hell to lose. Makes no sense what so ever. If you have something special preserve it for the right time. If you don't have something special you can fight all the time it won't make a difference of how much you are compromised.

Real Men Wear Green
09-19-2013, 11:44 AM
Well of course they aren't going to publicly blast their cornerstone player publicly but we got a lot of leaks that could only come from team personnel.

Expert? I haven't performed any of them. But I know plenty about them.

Who? What NBA player messed up their promising career coming back from an ACL injury? I mean a lot of guys never got their quickness back. There are PLENTY of other injuries you can decimate your career coming back to early from. As discussed earlier, the PF that Noah shot up so he could play is certainly among them. But an ACL a year post surgery? Nah.
Off the top of my head Tony Allen and Leon Powe should have/would have been much better players if they never messed their knees up. Both guys were monster athletes before injury. However they also both had multiple knee injuries, not just one.

Real Men Wear Green
09-19-2013, 11:48 AM
A smart warrior fights the fight on his terms and when he can win. Do you think what Deng did was smart??? Only complete idiots fight just to fight when a brighter day is ahead. How smart would the whole think look if all three have lingering injuries - oh but they fought like hell to lose. Makes no sense what so ever. If you have something special preserve it for the right time. If you don't have something special you can fight all the time it won't make a difference of how much you are compromised.
Or maybe Deng felt a responsibility to play if/when he could? You're disrespecting Deng with your unnecessarily dramatic "warrior" talk. Deng felt like he could help so he played, it's that simple. If players decided to only play when they had the best chance to win the only team that will be trying is the Miami Heat until James turns 35. Fortunately most players are actually competitive people that want to go out there and perform and don't meditate on the odds before they decide whether or not they should do the job they get paid millions for.

09-19-2013, 12:06 PM
And you don't seem to understand ACL injuries. It is no stronger today than it was in June when his teammates were literally killing themselves and putting their careers at risk to play in games he was more suited to play in.

And don't put this on the Bulls. A lot of those leaks came from them because pretty much everyone thought he should be playing. Except for his publicist and PR folks.

You take risk when you feel its right to take risk. Derrick Rose got cleared three times that year by doctors to play and his leg injuries kept getting worse - of course until the tear. Grant Hill, Tim Hardaway, and Penny Hardaway all came back too quick from knee surgeries. They were cleared but they all lost their HOF careers in doing so. All three of them said they should have waited in hind sight. Their doctors were much smarter than you are about knee recovery time. But we should stand here and believe your word of supreme deities on this matter. I'm sure your word versus his career is something we all should bet on.

09-19-2013, 12:07 PM
You take risk when you feel its right to take risk. Derrick Rose got cleared three times that year by doctors to play and his leg injuries kept getting worse - of course until the tear. Grant Hill, Tim Hardaway, and Penny Hardaway all came back too quick from knee surgeries. They were cleared but they all lost their HOF careers in doing so. All three of them said they should have waited in hind sight. Their doctors were much smarter than you are about knee recovery time. But we should stand here and believe your word of supreme deities on this matter. I'm sure your word versus his career is something we all should bet on.
Exactly. Besides, didn't Grant Hill even write an open letter to Rose telling him to be careful and patient? But I'm sure a couple of ISH posters know better.

09-19-2013, 12:10 PM
That's right. Derrick isn't a coward of a competitor.

Actually he is a coward. He left his team out to dry in the playoffs because he was too big of a ***** to play.

09-19-2013, 12:18 PM
Or maybe Deng felt a responsibility to play if/when he could? You're disrespecting Deng with your unnecessarily dramatic "warrior" talk. Deng felt like he could help so he played, it's that simple. If players decided to only play when they had the best chance to win the only team that will be trying is the Miami Heat until James turns 35. Fortunately most players are actually competitive people that want to go out there and perform and don't meditate on the odds before they decide whether or not they should do the job they get paid millions for.
The warrior talk was initiated by the poster I was having a conversation with (and he used it in life and death dramatic appeal but apparently you missed that) and not you. You weren't part of that conversation unless its your other screen-name. If me and your alternate personality are having a conversation using metaphors and hypotheticals don't jump in and think you know what is necessary and what isn't without your meds. The Deng hypothetical was based on hindsight in view of Rose's situation.

09-19-2013, 12:21 PM
Exactly. Besides, didn't Grant Hill even write an open letter to Rose telling him to be careful and patient? But I'm sure a couple of ISH posters know better.
Yes. Thanks he did. But the ACL recovery experts on ish don't count testimony of other basketball stars - it makes too much sense.

09-19-2013, 01:51 PM
You consistently post some of the absolute dumbest shit out of any poster on this board that is taking themselves seriously and not intentionally trolling.

You are bottom 5 all time on this board, fyi. Maybe even the WOAT.

ok, tell me 1.

09-19-2013, 01:52 PM
Because unlike the Shitty New York Knickersuxers. The Bulls won an NBA Series without Derrick Rose. You are an arrogant douche. You and Blueandorange *** are probably the same poster.

Dirk >>> Carmelo in scoring. He's the only elite player in his draft class who has zero rings and finals appearance.

A young Grant Hill also played injured in the 2000 playoffs, and i remember watching him crumble to the ground after attacking the basket. He was 27 years
Old if i remember correctly, and he was never the same ever again....even after missing the better part of the next 4 years.

Yes the 3 other stars from the 03 draft have gone to the finals...most of those appearances came after they all joined together. Wade needed Shaq and Bosh pre-tagging along never got out of the 1st round.

I am arrogant because Im better than you in life. All you LeBron fans are little ignorant kids who never saw Jordan, resent Kobe and desperately cling to the Ring Chaser as the poster boy of your skinny jean, glasses with no lenses, mohawk hair style having, internet tough guy, "its cool to be gay" generation.

09-19-2013, 02:07 PM
Fcuk recruiting. It's not like basketball is a team game or anything. :rolleyes:

I seriously don't understand how Bulls fans can stand this idiot. Oh sure Derrick, we don't want good players on our team. That's the ticket.

09-19-2013, 02:17 PM
Fcuk recruiting. It's not like basketball is a team game or anything. :rolleyes:

I seriously don't understand how Bulls fans can stand this idiot. Oh sure Derrick, we don't want good players on our team. That's the ticket.

right, because thats what derrick rose is saying that he doesnt want good players on his team? he just said in his statement that he would enjoy playing with anyone that wanted to be on the bulls but hes not going out of his way to recruit players. and youre the one calling him the idiot. d rose isnt thirsty, he treats everyone as their own man, he doesnt owe anyone anything or give anyone anything, you want to play for the bulls then come and earn it were not going to treat you like a god because we convinced you to play here.

btw anyone worth recruiting isnt worth recruiting anyway. your not going to play your best if you had to be recruited, youre going to play your best when you want to play for the team and its your ideal situation.

Go Getter
09-19-2013, 02:20 PM
How am I obsessed? I simply said that I respect Derrick Rose's personality and the way he chooses to go about this. His way has worked fine for countless other star players, and it's not hurting his team, so I don't see the issue here. You are bringing up hypotheticals like if the Bulls had capspace and if LMA didn't already want to play there, and calling D Rose an idiot because of your hypothetical that has no connection to what's actually happening in the real world.

09-19-2013, 02:26 PM
I don't care that rose said he doesn't believe in recruiting. He was a bitch this year when he didn't want to play yet shrumpet got injured the same time period and still played.

09-19-2013, 02:26 PM
btw anyone worth recruiting isnt worth recruiting anyway. your not going to play your best if you had to be recruited, youre going to play your best when you want to play for the team and its your ideal situation.

What does this even mean? Recruiting has been proven effective in the both in the business world and in the world of sports, but now we're going to pretend that being swayed by a recruiting pitch is a sign of weakness? Really?

09-19-2013, 02:32 PM
it's funny how people defend this clown. The guy always been a little bitch. We saw it when his college team completed he biggest choke in NCAA history. When he shot 6% against LeBron. And when he left his team hanging in the playoffs because he was too scared to play. The guy is a ****ing clown.

09-19-2013, 02:33 PM
A young Grant Hill also played injured in the 2000 playoffs, and i remember watching him crumble to the ground after attacking the basket. He was 27 years
Old if i remember correctly, and he was never the same ever again....even after missing the better part of the next 4 years.

Yes the 3 other stars from the 03 draft have gone to the finals...most of those appearances came after they all joined together. Wade needed Shaq and Bosh pre-tagging along never got out of the 1st round.

I am arrogant because Im better than you in life, all you LeBron fans are little ignorant kids who never saw Jordan, resent Kobe and desperately cling to the Ring Chaser as the poster boy of your skinny jean, glasses with no lenses, mohawk hair style having, internet tough guy, "its cool to be gay" generation.

All those tears won't stop LeBron from winning titles, son.

09-19-2013, 02:40 PM
All those tears won't stop LeBron from winning titles, son.

No tears just truth. Weak generation

09-19-2013, 02:45 PM
What does this even mean? Recruiting has been proven effective in the both in the business world and in the world of sports, but now we're going to pretend that being swayed by a recruiting pitch is a sign of weakness? Really?

ok. lets take your example by business. if a business is hiring, and their are motivated employees to prove themselves to be apart of the company, they would work harder and most likely out perform anyone that had no pre desire to work for your company but was convinced to do so.

look at dwight howard, steve nash, mike bibby. all was convinced to come to LA and Mia and look how they played. :lol

dwight was convinced to play for LA, inside he didnt want to play for LA. look how that turned out. LOL

09-19-2013, 03:39 PM
ok. lets take your example by business. if a business is hiring, and their are motivated employees to prove themselves to be apart of the company, they would work harder and most likely out perform anyone that had no pre desire to work for your company but was convinced to do so.

look at dwight howard, steve nash, mike bibby. all was convinced to come to LA and Mia and look how they played. :lol

dwight was convinced to play for LA, inside he didnt want to play for LA. look how that turned out. LOL

You are right. DH is a great example. If a person doesn't want to be there it doesn't matter. In your 20 and 30's if you have choices its always about wants. If you have to convince people that's when its trouble. The motivation can be questionable. Its bells and whistles as opposed to what one really wants. Eddie Curry wanted burgers more than a Bball career. Basketball was more accommodating and greeted him to teams but what happened? You think Ronald McDonald recruited him and his red colors woooed Curry?

What good player would put himself in a pressure situation of choices to go to a place who has the best recruiter as opposed to what he wants? Rose and Kobe are not naturals in greeting people. But if they wanted it bad enough they will change but is it really necessary?

09-19-2013, 03:42 PM
ok. lets take your example by business. if a business is hiring, and their are motivated employees to prove themselves to be apart of the company, they would work harder and most likely out perform anyone that had no pre desire to work for your company but was convinced to do so.
look at dwight howard, steve nash, mike bibby. all was convinced to come to LA and Mia and look how they played. :lol

dwight was convinced to play for LA, inside he didnt want to play for LA. look how that turned out. LOL

You really believe this? Truly? I was going to write up a detailed response, but I you're either a) blindly supporting your favorite player or b) too dumb to get it to make it worth my time.

09-19-2013, 03:46 PM
Funny how this new generation of fans look down on star players who don't collude with other star players to form super teams...

09-19-2013, 04:03 PM
Funny how this new generation of fans look down on star players who don't collude with other star players to form super teams...

Really? The way I see it the funny thing is how this new generation of posters believe that recruiting = colluding. Newsflash: most free agents consider how comfortable they will be playing for their new team as one of their top considerations when picking a team.

In a league where contracts are shorter than ever and thus players hit free agency more often than they ever have, its become more valuable than ever to use any advantage possible to convince good players to sign with you.

Maybe you have forgot; but the point of the game is to win. If a player is to proud/stubborn to recruit than he is not doing all he can to help his team win, period.

09-19-2013, 04:04 PM
I respect his pride but if the Bulls don't get at least one more superstar they won't take Miami in a series. And they may need two.

Two superstars? Nah, they only need one player who can make some shots. They could easily get rid of Deng and Boozer (if they could manage that.) Rose is gonna hold the ball and Noah is a star. They just need a real wing that can take some pressure off Rose. Who can we even think of? Maybe even a PF, I guess, that is a legit scorer. Just another person who can do some shit and maybe a shooter.

I doubt they can still get LAmarcus, but that would be all they needed. I can't think of any other stud they could pick up for what they have, that is available. Unless they could pry Cousins, but I doubt that even more than LMA.


09-19-2013, 04:16 PM
Two superstars? Nah, they only need one player who can make some shots. They could easily get rid of Deng and Boozer (if they could manage that.) Rose is gonna hold the ball and Noah is a star. They just need a real wing that can take some pressure off Rose. Who can we even think of? Maybe even a PF, I guess, that is a legit scorer. Just another person who can do some shit and maybe a shooter.

I doubt they can still get LAmarcus, but that would be all they needed. I can't think of any other stud they could pick up for what they have, that is available. Unless they could pry Cousins, but I doubt that even more than LMA.


They would still lose very badly with Aldridge. Heat kinda has their number when Rose is playing. Maybe he's raised his game though :confusedshrug:

09-19-2013, 04:23 PM
Maybe you have forgot; but the point of the game is to win. If a player is to proud/stubborn to recruit than he is not doing all he can to help his team win, period.
So Jordan, Bird, Hakeem, Shaq, Kobe, etc didn't do all they could to help their teams win because they weren't calling guys up and saying "pretty please come play with me. I need you. I can't do it without you"?

Maybe you're right though. Players from this new generation need to be coddled and made to feel wanted, and care more about being friends. There aren't a great deal of players left with that old school mentality that Rose, Kobe, Westbrook, and not many others have.

Chicago has several of those old school mentality guys though. Rose, Noah for sure, and I'd say Deng too. Maybe Rose wouldn't recruit (when they finally get some cap space) because he and his teammates aren't thrilled at the prospect of playing with someone who is weak minded and needs to be coddled.

09-19-2013, 04:33 PM
So Jordan, Bird, Hakeem, Shaq, Kobe, etc didn't do all they could to help their teams win because they weren't calling guys up and saying "pretty please come play with me. I need you. I can't do it without you"?

Maybe you're right though. Players from this new generation need to be coddled and made to feel wanted, and care more about being friends. There aren't a great deal of players left with that old school mentality that Rose, Kobe, Westbrook, and not many others have.

Chicago has several of those old school mentality guys though. Rose, Noah for sure, and I'd say Deng too. Maybe Rose wouldn't recruit (when they finally get some cap space) because he and his teammates aren't thrilled at the prospect of playing with someone who is weak minded and needs to be coddled.

lol at trying to sneak Kobe in there. Dude demanded a trade out of LA. Tossed Bynum under the bus even because they wouldn't trade for Jason Kidd. Straight up demanded a traded like a little b.itch

09-19-2013, 04:35 PM
So Jordan, Bird, Hakeem, Shaq, Kobe, etc didn't do all they could to help their teams win because they weren't calling guys up and saying "pretty please come play with me. I need you. I can't do it without you"?

Maybe you're right though. Players from this new generation need to be coddled and made to feel wanted, and care more about being friends. There aren't a great deal of players left with that old school mentality that Rose, Kobe, Westbrook, and not many others have.

Chicago has several of those old school mentality guys though. Rose, Noah for sure, and I'd say Deng too. Maybe Rose wouldn't recruit (when they finally get some cap space) because he and his teammates aren't thrilled at the prospect of playing with someone who is weak minded and needs to be coddled.

Couldnt have said it better myself. Bravo :applause:

09-19-2013, 04:38 PM
lol at trying to sneak Kobe in there. Dude demanded a trade out of LA. Tossed Bynum under the bus even because they wouldn't trade for Jason Kidd. Straight up demanded a traded like a little b.itch

Also funny how he implied Rose is not weak-minded in the last paragraph.

09-19-2013, 04:45 PM
They would still lose very badly with Aldridge. Heat kinda has their number when Rose is playing. Maybe he's raised his game though :confusedshrug:

LM is also soft as a tissue paper. Miami would easily shut him down in the playoffs.

Rose struggled against Miami in the post season.

09-19-2013, 05:11 PM
No tears just truth. Weak generation
We're not even 4 years into this decade, and the Heat already have the same amount of titles in the '10's as the Knicks do in franchise history.

09-19-2013, 05:23 PM
We're not even 4 years into this decade, and the Heat already have the same amount of titles in the '10's as the Knicks do in franchise history.

This thread isnt about the Knicks but because I spoke the truth of The Ring Chaser you come here trying to get under my skin....didnt work

The truth only hurts weak minded individuals such as yourself... LeBrons reality got you very upset.

09-19-2013, 06:49 PM
D rose took his time to recover well as a professional athlete.

He didnt come back early to play on a short stacked team that was the previous season bulls.

He don't ask any super stars to come help him in Chicago.

Aye haters, u mad?

Lebron left his hometown to publicly form a super team capable of winning rings on paper.

Yea u mad.

09-19-2013, 06:54 PM
So Jordan, Bird, Hakeem, Shaq, Kobe, etc didn't do all they could to help their teams win because they weren't calling guys up and saying "pretty please come play with me. I need you. I can't do it without you"?

Maybe you're right though. Players from this new generation need to be coddled and made to feel wanted, and care more about being friends. There aren't a great deal of players left with that old school mentality that Rose, Kobe, Westbrook, and not many others have.

Chicago has several of those old school mentality guys though. Rose, Noah for sure, and I'd say Deng too. Maybe Rose wouldn't recruit (when they finally get some cap space) because he and his teammates aren't thrilled at the prospect of playing with someone who is weak minded and needs to be coddled.


09-19-2013, 07:40 PM
I still don't think the way LBJ, Wade and Bosh went about things was the right way of doing it. I mean, that sort of a union, it was unprecedented, it has never happened before. It's a reason why people were so upset when it happened, and it wasn't all out of jealousy either. The fact that you have three allstars, already playing in a relatively weak conference, having talks for years about joining forces, and assuming they would win countless rings by doing so, was a copout - an easy way out IMO. Although we have all come to sort of accept it now, it doesn't mean we have to forget about it.

But I guess this is the new NBA, where anything goes in order to win a championship. Lebron has openly admitted that he thinks acting and flopping is okay as long as it produces a win, so I can totally understand why he thought it was a good idea to join two allstars in order to beat the Celtics. IMO it is cheapening the game, but I guess I'm more of a purist than most.

Boston started this The Miami join together because Boston eliminated wade, james, and Howard individually and almost defeated Kobe. How is that fair?

Real Men Wear Green
09-19-2013, 07:50 PM
Two superstars? Nah, they only need one player who can make some shots. They could easily get rid of Deng and Boozer (if they could manage that.) Rose is gonna hold the ball and Noah is a star. They just need a real wing that can take some pressure off Rose. Who can we even think of? Maybe even a PF, I guess, that is a legit scorer. Just another person who can do some shit and maybe a shooter.

I doubt they can still get LAmarcus, but that would be all they needed. I can't think of any other stud they could pick up for what they have, that is available. Unless they could pry Cousins, but I doubt that even more than LMA.

Label it whatever you want, I'm saying if they don't have a second guy capable of averaging 20 that can carry the offense when Rose is out of the game or in a slump they can't beat Miami. Especially if Wade is healthy this upcoming season.

09-20-2013, 02:35 AM
I love how Rose fans applaud him for not recruiting but you damn well know if he would have been successful in recruiting wade or lebron to chicago in 2010 everybody would be applauding him for helping his franchise.

I know what you're saying and I agree that a lot of fans would of done so in this fashion.

But for me, I never really wanted Lebron or Wade on the Bulls during that period. Well Wade I could live with, his health and age concerned me, but as far as Lebron "the decision" thing urked me and that in itself immediately turned me off the guy, that along with his other douche moments, so for me I really didn't know what I wanted for the team at that point. When I found out it was Boozer and the long contract he got, I was heavily disappointed although wasn't much available at the time in hindsight.