View Full Version : Can Lebron guard Centers from the 70s, 80s, and 90s?

TheReal Kendall
09-23-2013, 05:29 PM
I was just wondering cause it seems like everyone agrees that he can guard the Centers of this Era.

Can he guard these guys and what would they average on him?


Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
Wilt Chamberlain
Nate Thurmond
Artis Gilmore


Robert Parrish
Bill Laimbeer
Moses Malone


Patrick Ewing
David Robinson
Shaquille O

09-23-2013, 05:31 PM
inb4 shit storm

09-23-2013, 05:32 PM
I was just wondering cause it seems like everyone agrees that he can guard the Centers of this Era.

Can he guard these guys and what would they average on him?


Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
Wilt Chamberlain
Nate Thurmond
Artis Gilmore


Robert Parrish
Bill Laimbeer
Moses Malone


Patrick Ewing
David Robinson
Shaquille O’Neal
Alonzo Mourning
Vlade Divac

So how would Lebron fair against these guys?
:biggums: it would be a license to kill - he can't guard 90% of the centers in the league today what makes you think he'd guard some of the GREAT centers from eras when centers actually knew how to play?

09-23-2013, 05:35 PM
:biggums: it would be a license to kill - he can't guard 90% of the centers in the league today what makes you think he'd guard some of the GREAT centers from eras when centers actually knew how to play?

There's a video of him on youtube drawing an offensive foul on Pau Gasol.

TheReal Kendall
09-23-2013, 05:37 PM
:biggums: it would be a license to kill - he can't guard 90% of the centers in the league today what makes you think he'd guard some of the GREAT centers from eras when centers actually knew how to play?

He's tall, quick, and strong. He can guard anyone in the league today so he should be able to guard those Centers from the past.

People say the NBA and talent is on a higher level than back then:confusedshrug:

09-23-2013, 05:48 PM
There's a video of him on youtube drawing an offensive foul on Pau Gasol.

Woah I take everything I've ever said back. LeBron is the GOAT defender.

09-23-2013, 05:56 PM
Woah I take everything I've ever said back. LeBron is the GOAT defender.


09-23-2013, 06:04 PM
Woah I take everything I've ever said back. LeBron is the GOAT defender.
Duh. If a video exists on the internet, it is law of the land 100% of the time forevermore.

09-23-2013, 06:47 PM
Maybe some of the shitty ones :oldlol: Like he could guard some of the shitty centers today. But not these legends you're listing lol.

09-23-2013, 06:50 PM
The quote Spo uses is '1 to 5' when referring to Lebron and a few others defensive abilities. In fact many players are expected to guard 1-5 in the Heat's defensive system.
It's simply means that when you should be rotating you must rotate, regardless of position, and regardless of who you are guarding maximum effort and great defensive principles in action are expected.

No one with half a brain actually believes that Lebron can guard 7 foot centers one on one in the low post every time down the court.

However it is proven with results that the Heat's defence that relies on players playing bigger than their listed height is effective.

09-23-2013, 07:02 PM
Yeah he could.

He would change his approach to training and focus on bulking up and rebounding/defense rather than being quick/lean and ball handling/shooting.

Bill Russell: 6'9 225
Ben Wallace: 6'9 240
Dennis Rodman: 6'7 220

LeBron: 6'8 250

LeBron is a LEAN 250, and he has MUCH room on his frame to fill out if he really wanted to. He is one of the most freakish athletes in sports history.

TheReal Kendall
09-23-2013, 07:05 PM
Yeah he could.

He would change his approach to training and focus on bulking up and rebounding/defense rather than being quick/lean and ball handling/shooting.

Bill Russell: 6'9 225
Ben Wallace: 6'9 240
Dennis Rodman: 6'7 220

LeBron: 6'8 250

LeBron is a LEAN 250, and he has MUCH room on his frame to fill out if he really wanted to. He is one of the most freakish athletes in sports history.

So what would they average against Lebron?

09-23-2013, 07:10 PM
So what would they average against Lebron?

Well below their season averages.

This is assuming LeBrons role is to become a defensive bigman rather than the perimeter superstar that he is today. Cant be both though. He has all the tools necesary to dominate at whatever he wants.

09-23-2013, 07:11 PM
He can't even guard centers from this era. Fvck this thread.

09-23-2013, 07:12 PM
Just.. no

And I hope you weren't actually ranking those centers by decade lol

09-23-2013, 07:17 PM
If someone said "LeBron couldn't fly if he tried" some people on this site would come up with a way that through training, dedication and mental power he would actually be able to...

he can't guard centers, save in rotations as part of Miami's defensive scheme. moving on.

La Frescobaldi
09-23-2013, 07:50 PM
I was just wondering cause it seems like everyone agrees that he can guard the Centers of this Era.

Can he guard these guys and what would they average on him?


Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
KaJ can't keep Chamberlain from getting his 20 20 8 10s on the regular
Wilt Chamberlain
Wilt can't keep KaJ from getting his 35 12 3 3s on the regular
Nate Thurmond
Nate can guard anyone well, including those 2, or anyone else who ever played.
Artis Gilmore
A-Train can't keep any of the above from getting theirs.


Robert Parrish can't be stopped from his 20 15 by any of these guys
Hakeem can't either.
Bill Laimbeer why was lamebuttocks ever allowed on any court let alone get mentioned in a thread? This is a foul stench right here.
Moses Malone nobody ever stopped Moses from 28 15. Certainly not.


Patrick Ewing
David Robinson
Shaquille O’Neal
Alonzo Mourning
Vlade Divac

So how would Lebron fair against these guys?

you see my point? If the other centers of their own day couldn't stop these elite players, what makes you think LeBron James could do it?

Kareem would throw down 40 15 5 3 just like he did on every great center he ever met. Kareem never worried about numbers - just a steady, remorseless destruction of the opposing team. Chamberlain in the 70s cared even less about numbers than Kareem did - but you never saw such total domination when #13 decided it was time for a 30-30 game.
LeBron couldn't stop Shaquille O'Neal anymore than anyone else ever did. Only Father Time stopped the Mighty O'Neal.

09-23-2013, 08:47 PM
Duh. If a video exists on the internet, it is law of the land 100% of the time forevermore.


09-23-2013, 08:49 PM
Clearly just trying to have a anti-Lebron thread.

09-23-2013, 08:51 PM
I think LeBrons ability to play in the paint is super overrated. Reminds me of playing NBA 2k (haha sorry to bust out a video game reference, but I just thought of this the other day) when you have him at the PF on the Olympic team. You got him matched up against dudes like Karl Malone and he's destroying them on the boards. It's like ****in lord Bron is alright at rebounding and banging in general cuz he's huge, but those guys would absolutely crush him. He wouldn't even come in the paint vs some of those guys like Barkley or Malone. Can't imagine him going up against someone even like Kevin Willis.


09-23-2013, 08:53 PM
He could
Doesn't mean he could guard them effectively though

Skip Bayless
09-23-2013, 08:58 PM
Yeah he could.

He would change his approach to training and focus on bulking up and rebounding/defense rather than being quick/lean and ball handling/shooting.

Bill Russell: 6'9 225
Ben Wallace: 6'9 240
Dennis Rodman: 6'7 220

LeBron: 6'8 250

LeBron is a LEAN 250, and he has MUCH room on his frame to fill out if he really wanted to. He is one of the most freakish athletes in sports history.


09-23-2013, 09:05 PM
Lebron would bounce off Wilt like a fly. Dominated by the true greatest physical specimen to play the game.
Kareem would just shoot hooks over Lebron's outstretched arms. To no avail.
Thurmond would out hustle him. Probably hurt Lebron's feelings.
Artis field goal percentage would be higher.
All of these guys would be un phased for the most part.
I think Lebron would be the one having trouble being defended by them for the most part.

09-23-2013, 09:23 PM
you see my point? If the other centers of their own day couldn't stop these elite players, what makes you think LeBron James could do it?

Kareem would throw down 40 15 5 3 just like he did on every great center he ever met. Kareem never worried about numbers - just a steady, remorseless destruction of the opposing team. Chamberlain in the 70s cared even less about numbers than Kareem did - but you never saw such total domination when #13 decided it was time for a 30-30 game.
LeBron couldn't stop Shaquille O'Neal anymore than anyone else ever did. Only Father Time stopped the Mighty O'Neal.

Its hard to stop great players period. Lebron doesn't freak out trying to guard Durant who is at his own position. Durant is a great scorer. Mutombo is one of the greatest defensive centers ever. He doesn't stop Shaq. Shaq doesn't stop Hakeem, Hakeem doesn't stop Kareem, Kareem doesn't stop Malone... . But if you can guard 55 of the leagues 60 centers you can guard centers. There is only one great center now and it wouldn't surprise me if Lebron really slows that center down because Lebron is close in height and weight to DH.

Some people are hypnotized by words to the point that your use of the word "guard" is totally impractical: Rodman was a great versatile defender but he couldn't guard Worthy - Rodman can't guard his own position??? David Robinson couldn't guard 4 centers in his day. Robinson isn't a great defensive center??? There was never one player that could guard everybody.

09-23-2013, 09:50 PM
maybe, and thats a big maybe, he could guard chris dudley.

09-23-2013, 09:51 PM
Forget centers, he'd have trouble guarding guys from his own position.

Imagine him trying to guard Gus Johnson, Connie Hawkins or George McGinnis.

09-23-2013, 10:04 PM
Surprise surprise lebron wouldn't be able to guard some if the greatest big men to play the game... Please name one player that could stop any of these guys

Miller for 3
09-23-2013, 10:31 PM
Lol. I hope OP isn't a Heat fan. I remember LBJs first year with the Heat they played the Raps and he was on Bargs. Bargs posted him up and backed him down for an easy layup. Devlin nearly orgasmed and said it was the easiest basket of Bargs career.

Give me a break. Lebron would struggle to guard Dale Davis, let alone guys with real post move

09-23-2013, 10:35 PM
Lol. I hope OP isn't a Heat fan. I remember LBJs first year with the Heat they played the Raps and he was on Bargs. Bargs posted him up and backed him down for an easy layup. Devlin nearly orgasmed and said it was the easiest basket of Bargs career.

Give me a break. Lebron would struggle to guard Dale Davis, let alone guys with real post move
1 play must sum up everything.

09-23-2013, 10:36 PM
1 play must sum up everything.
you really think Lebron can guard centers?

Skip Bayless
09-23-2013, 10:36 PM
Surprise surprise lebron wouldn't be able to guard some if the greatest big men to play the game... Please name one player that could stop any of these guys

If your brain was of the functioning level you would understand that the sheep from your pro Lebrick camp has stated that LeBron could guard any position including Centers. Illiterate comments like that proceeds to invite insightful posters to set the moronic fan base of LeBron's straight.

TheReal Kendall
09-23-2013, 10:37 PM
Lol. I hope OP isn't a Heat fan. I remember LBJs first year with the Heat they played the Raps and he was on Bargs. Bargs posted him up and backed him down for an easy layup. Devlin nearly orgasmed and said it was the easiest basket of Bargs career.

Give me a break. Lebron would struggle to guard Dale Davis, let alone guys with real post move

I'm a Suns fan and I don't like Lebron.

I made this thread cause I seen in one thread that people was saying that he could guard/contain the centers and PFs of this era.

I really wanna know if people really believe that this guy can guard/contain Centers.

09-23-2013, 11:11 PM
Prime Lebron cant even guard old ass David West all game w/o getting gassed.

He miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight hold his own but won't be effective the other end of the court

09-23-2013, 11:52 PM
:oldlol: Good to know haters now have to resort to "but he can't guard legendary centers"

09-23-2013, 11:55 PM
:oldlol: Good to know haters now have to resort to "but he can't guard legendary centers"

I know who gives a **** these idiots are hella reaching now:oldlol:

Round Mound
09-24-2013, 12:04 AM
:facepalm :no:

09-24-2013, 12:17 AM
He can guard out of position for SMALL STRETCHES no one claimed he can do it for an entire game

Le Shaqtus
09-24-2013, 12:33 AM
LeBron ain't stopping no Sky Hook or the Big Shaqtus, thats for sure.

09-24-2013, 12:38 AM
:oldlol: Good to know haters now have to resort to "but he can't guard legendary centers"


09-24-2013, 12:41 AM
LeBron ain't stopping no Sky Hook or the Big Shaqtus, thats for sure.

No one said he could guard Elite Centers very good people He could guard multiple positions how is that saying he could guard Great Centers.

09-24-2013, 12:42 AM
I'm a Suns fan and I don't like Lebron.

I made this thread cause I seen in one thread that people was saying that he could guard/contain the centers and PFs of this era.

I really wanna know if people really believe that this guy can guard/contain Centers.
He can, just not all centers. For example, I think he can guard Joakim Noah and Andre Drummond fairly okay. Those are centers aren't they? From the past, I think he can guard perhaps Bill Laimbeer fairly well.

The Iron Fist
09-24-2013, 12:46 AM

lebronz is not guarding that in any lifetime.

09-24-2013, 12:48 AM
Sure Lebron can LOL this is a joke. You guy mentioned Kareem, Wilt, Jabbar but how about can Lebron guard Yao Ming?

TheReal Kendall
09-24-2013, 12:52 AM
He can, just not all centers. For example, I think he can guard Joakim Noah and Andre Drummond fairly okay. Those are centers aren't they? From the past, I think he can guard perhaps Bill Laimbeer fairly well.


oh the horror
09-24-2013, 01:13 AM
:oldlol: Good to know haters now have to resort to "but he can't guard legendary centers"

Some of your fanboy brethren brought that shit up in the first place.

Where do you think they got the idea?

09-24-2013, 01:19 AM
Yes Lebron just like anybody (even me) can guard any Center, but how well... :)

The point is that Lebron just like Pippen relative to their size did a better job than anybody not named Dennis Rodman at guarding big guys....

09-24-2013, 01:20 AM

lebronz is not guarding that in any lifetime.

I love to see your reaction once Lebron wins his 3rd Finals MVP.

Lebron is a small forward. Both Duncan and Shaq also out played Dennis Rodman. These guys are taller and some are bigger than Lebron.

09-24-2013, 02:09 AM
And in his spare time, he poops gold coins for starving pygmies in New Guinea :facepalm

Just because someone refutes a ridiculous premise, it doesn't make them a hater.

Lucidity seems to be hit or miss around here.

09-24-2013, 02:50 AM

09-24-2013, 03:15 AM
Some of your fanboy brethren brought that shit up in the first place.

Where do you think they got the idea?

I think it's your retarded brethren who had no reading comprehension skills

Being able to guard some centers in stretches successfully =/= being able to guard legendary centers full time effectively:facepalm

09-24-2013, 03:32 AM
I would like to hear reasons why people think a 6'8 250 athlete(maybe the most impressive in the sports history) would be incapable of guarding bigs when smaller/inferior athletes have seen successfull at it. If LeBron wanted to divert the majority of his energy to that craft there is nothing that suggests he wouldn't excel.

Frankly all I see are a bunch of uneducated morons posting nothing of substance.

09-24-2013, 03:41 AM
If the question is "can he?", the answer is "he can". Even Steve Nash "can" guard Shaq.

If the question is "can he do it effectively?" then we need to question what is the parameter for effective? Is it "as well as Joel Anthony?" If it is then yeah I think Lebron can guard many centers as well as or even better than Joel Anthony.

09-24-2013, 03:47 AM
I would like to hear reasons why people think a 6'8 250 athlete(maybe the most impressive in the sports history) would be incapable of guarding bigs when smaller/inferior athletes have seen successfull at it. If LeBron wanted to divert the majority of his energy to that craft there is nothing that suggests he wouldn't excel.

Frankly all I see are a bunch of uneducated morons posting nothing of substance.
What the **** are you talking about? Nobody stopped KAJ/Wilt/Shaq/Hakeem/etc. They couldn't stop each other. Just imagine Lebron trying to guard a 7 foot 300 pound Shaq.

09-24-2013, 03:51 AM
I'm a Suns fan and I don't like Lebron.

I made this thread cause I seen in one thread that people was saying that he could guard/contain the centers and PFs of this era.

I really wanna know if people really believe that this guy can guard/contain Centers.
It is not a secret that you don't like LeBron. actually that is the whole reason for this thread. Don't let me catch you crying about trolls on this forum because you made this thread just because some heat trolls wrote that he can guard all positions which is not true.

he can't gaurd anyone who has big weight-height advantage like hibbert. He would have to stop carrying so much offense and bulk up even more to even try guarding guys like hibbert.
He can guard guys like West though.

09-24-2013, 03:53 AM
What the **** are you talking about? Nobody stopped KAJ/Wilt/Shaq/Hakeem/etc. They couldn't stop each other. Just imagine Lebron trying to guard a 7 foot 300 pound Shaq.


Rodman is even smaller than LeBron and was the reason the Bulls won this series(and Horace Grants injury). The Bulls more than doubled the Magics rebounding.

Why would I not believe LeBron could play similar to Rodman if he developed the same mindset and made defense/rebounding his primary focus?

09-24-2013, 04:02 AM

Rodman is even smaller than LeBron and was the reason the Bulls won this series(and Horace Grants injury). The Bulls more than doubled the Magics rebounding.

Why would I not believe LeBron could play similar to Rodman if he developed the same mindset and made defense/rebounding his primary focus?
Shaq averaged 27/11/4/2 on 64% that series. 27/11 on 63% against the Pistons, one of the best defensive teams ever. And that was a 32 year old Shaq.

09-24-2013, 04:04 AM
Shaq averaged 27/11/4/2 on 64% that series. 27/11 on 63% against the Pistons, one of the best defensive teams ever. And that was a 32 year old Shaq.

Yes. And both of their teams won those series.

Noone said LeBron is going to shut down a guy like Shaq. Noone is. Hold him in check, dominate the boards, and help the team get the win. If guarding him was his number one focus(like it was for Rodman/Wallace) he could do it without getting embarrassed.

09-24-2013, 04:13 AM
He could guard any center of the 70s, 80s, and 90s. The thing is, he would not have been effective with defense on any of them. With regards to how would he do offensive wise against them, he would drop in scoring and field goal percentage. That physical pounding that he would endure would take its toll.

09-24-2013, 04:13 AM
Yes. And both of their teams won those series.

Noone said LeBron is going to shut down a guy like Shaq. Noone is. Hold him in check, dominate the boards, and help the team get the win. If guarding him was his number one focus(like it was for Rodman/Wallace) he could do it without getting embarrassed.
Watch the games dude. Shaq wasn't a player who guarded by one single player. They threw double and triple teams at him all the time. If Lebron guarded prime Shaq with the current Miami roster, Shaq would definitely average 30+ and 15+. If Hakeem and Robinson couldn't stop him, what makes you think Lebron can? Please just stop.

09-24-2013, 04:18 AM
I've always thought Lebron was a guy who can defend PG's to PF's for sure. Very good to great 6'11 or 7 footers with a great low post presence though was always a bit of stretch. Today's NBA doesn't feature many 7 footers who bring this to the table nowadays. So Bron can get away with it easier now than he could against the likes of Kareem, Hakeem, Wilt, Ewing, Robinson, Gilmore, Shaq, etc. But with great smaller centers like Reed, Zo, Cowens Unseld, etc. I feel Bron could defend legit and very well to great. They range from 6'7 to 6'10.

But I do concede, guys like Bron, Rodman, Pippen, KG, Bobby Jones, Marion, Cliff Robinson, or Kirilenko are the closest to being able to defend all five positions. And if I had to pick which one was the most equipped, I would probably say Rodman. And peak KG was a beast able to check big SG's or swingmen (6'8 and up) in addition to SF, PF, and center. But Bron is STILL in elite company for defensive versatility. Hell if you can defend three positions very good-great that's saying a lot. Being able to guard four or even five very well to great is epic.

09-24-2013, 04:20 AM
If Lebron guarded prime Shaq with the current Miami roster, Shaq would definitely average 30+ and 15+.

Yeah no shit. That's because LeBron is also going to be counted on to be the teams primary ball handler/playmaker/scorer on the other end. Theres a thing called fatigue

You have clearly never played competitive basketball in your life and thus have no clue how taxing it is to battle with big bodies play after play in the post. If LeBron had enough energy to do that on defense while doing everything he does offensively I'd be convinced he's from another planet.

In my scenario LeBron is replicating the role of Rodman, which he could certainly do if that was his goal. AKA he is going to have all the energy he needs since he's not going to need to score 30 PPG on the other end. Had to spell it out for you since you lack reading comprehension.

09-24-2013, 04:25 AM
He could guard any center of the 70s, 80s, and 90s. The thing is, he would not have been effective with defense on any of them. With regards to how would he do offensive wise against them, he would drop in scoring and field goal percentage. That physical pounding that he would endure would take its toll.

That's the key! How well can he guard those skilled 7 footers. 6'8 to 7'0 is a huge height difference. And u also gotta factor in reach as well. And guys like Kareem, Wilt, Shaq, Yao, Parish, Robinson, and Gilmore were listed as OVER 7 FOOT TALL. Defensive versatility means how well can u defend the different positions. U gotta be VERY GOOD TO GREAT to qualify as being able to guard the particular position. Bron I feel qualifies as a PG-PF kind of guy. Which is a hell of a feat in itself. Guys who he's compared to like MJ and Kobe can't say that because they are the size of natural swingmen. Let alone other perimeter alpha dog types like Wade, Drexler, Big O, Dr. J, Hondo, West, Magic, Bird, Gervin, etc.

09-24-2013, 04:25 AM
Yeah no shit. That's because LeBron is also going to be counted on to be the teams primary ball handler/playmaker/scorer on the other end. Theres a thing called fatigue

You have clearly never played competitive basketball in your life and thus have no clue how taxing it is to battle with big bodies play after play in the post. If LeBron had enough energy to do that on defense while doing everything he does offensively I'd be convinced he's from another planet.

In my scenario LeBron is replicating the role of Rodman, which he could certainly do if that was his goal. AKA he is going to have all the energy he needs since he's not going to need to score 30 PPG on the other end. Had to spell it out for you since you lack reading comprehension.
Even if he was allowed to not run back to the offensive end and just camp near the defensive end, Lebron is not slowing down Shaq. What basketball games, stan.I think you started watching a couple of years ago. Watch a couple of Shaq's games from his Lakers/Magic days.

Once again, since you're saying that Lebron is 6'8" and 250, how the hell is he slowing down a 7'1" 320 guy?

09-24-2013, 04:47 AM
Only LeBron could get criticized for hypothetically not being able to guard Kareem, Wilt, or Shaq as a 6-8 SF...

09-24-2013, 05:43 AM
He can, just not all centers. For example, I think he can guard Joakim Noah and Andre Drummond fairly okay. Those are centers aren't they? From the past, I think he can guard perhaps Bill Laimbeer fairly well.

People really let go of their common sense on this issue. We all see that centers today are ass....we all know Lebron is about Karl Malones size. But he has athletic ability rarely seen on this planet.

Lebron James.....is a power forward...who happens to have point guard athletic ability. There are hall of fame centers smaller than Lebron James. Seeing him outside for years has really let people forget his size.

Anyone about his size with hisathletic ability is not a likely mismatch placed against most current centers.

Of course hes gonna get owned by Kareem. Kareem owned all but like...2 people he ever played.

What is that even saying?

Lebron cant guard players who dont exist.

He can guard Byron Mullens, tyson Chandler, Perkins, Noah, Hawes, Anthony Davis, JJ Hickson, Sideshow bob, Joel Anthony/Bosh/Haslem/Birdman, Bismack Biyombo, Larry Sanders/Dalembert, Robin Lopez, Mcgee, Deandre Jordan, Amir Johnson, Vucevic and many other guys playing at the 5 a lot. The Celtics had Brandon ****ing Bass at the 5 quite a bit lately. Think Lebron cant defend his midrange jumpers and occasional putbacks?

The idea that Lebron cant defend most centers today is bred of one of two things....hate...or blindness.

Even the good centers barely get the ball. If you think that Marc Gasol guarded by Lebron is about to take 28 shots as a result you just dont watch that much basketball.

Now...Demarcus Cousins might...but he attacks. And the Kings would get blown out anyway.

Bynum has been hurt since Clinton was in office.

Yao Ming retired.

Dwight was having 9 point games guarded by people Lebrons size who are worse defenders.

Hibbert has had like 5 30 point games in the last 3-4 years and a lot of his production in big games is off offensive rebounds anyway.

This league does not have many scorers ANYONE needs to fear at the 5.

You point out to me one other person in NBA history who is 6'8'' or 9 and 250-270 who is half as athletic as him who would be considered likely to be lit up by the scum playing the 5 today.

Who you got for me?

Anyone at all?

What...Lebron is the only guy his size in NBA history who Bismack ****ing Biyombo is about to hang 36 on?

Use your head.

These dudes are garbage.

Larry Johnson could defend like...60% of this leagues centers at worst and he was 6'5''.

Could he defend Hakeem well? No. And Lebron wouldnt either.

But I dont see him around.

If Shaq, Drob, Wilt, Kareem, and Ewing were around Lebron would get worked.

They arent.

In the world that is...yes. Lebron can guard Byron Mullens and keep him shooting 38%.

In a world that isnt....someone would drop 40 on him.

I choose to worry about the world that actually exists. The world where most centers are ass and the good ones barely get the ball.

09-24-2013, 05:58 AM
People really let go of their common sense on this issue. We all see that centers today are ass....we all know Lebron is about Karl Malones size. But he has athletic ability rarely seen on this planet.

Lebron James.....is a power forward...who happens to have point guard athletic ability. There are hall of fame centers smaller than Lebron James. Seeing him outside for years has really let people forget his size.

Anyone about his size with hisathletic ability is not a likely mismatch placed against most current centers.

Of course hes gonna get owned by Kareem. Kareem owned all but like...2 people he ever played.

What is that even saying?

Lebron cant guard players who dont exist.

He can guard Byron Mullens, tyson Chandler, Perkins, Noah, Hawes, Anthony Davis, JJ Hickson, Sideshow bob, Joel Anthony/Bosh/Haslem/Birdman, Bismack Biyombo, Larry Sanders/Dalembert, Robin Lopez, Mcgee, Deandre Jordan, Amir Johnson, Vucevic and many other guys playing at the 5 a lot. The Celtics had Brandon ****ing Bass at the 5 quite a bit lately. Think Lebron cant defend his midrange jumpers and occasional putbacks?

The idea that Lebron cant defend most centers today is bred of one of two things....hate...or blindness.

Even the good centers barely get the ball. If you think that Marc Gasol guarded by Lebron is about to take 28 shots as a result you just dont watch that much basketball.

Now...Demarcus Cousins might...but he attacks. And the Kings would get blown out anyway.

Bynum has been hurt since Clinton was in office.

Yao Ming retired.

Dwight was having 9 point games guarded by people Lebrons size who are worse defenders.

Hibbert has had like 5 30 point games in the last 3-4 years and a lot of his production in big games is off offensive rebounds anyway.

This league does not have many scorers ANYONE needs to fear at the 5.

You point out to me one other person in NBA history who is 6'8'' or 9 and 250-270 who is half as athletic as him who would be considered likely to be lit up by the scum playing the 5 today.

Who you got for me?

Anyone at all?

What...Lebron is the only guy his size in NBA history who Bismack ****ing Biyombo is about to hang 36 on?

Use your head.

These dudes are garbage.

Larry Johnson could defend like...60% of this leagues centers at worst and he was 6'5''.

Could he defend Hakeem well? No. And Lebron wouldnt either.

But I dont see him around.

If Shaq, Drob, Wilt, Kareem, and Ewing were around Lebron would get worked.

They arent.

In the world that is...yes. Lebron can guard Byron Mullens and keep him shooting 38%.

In a world that isnt....someone would drop 40 on him.

I choose to worry about the world that actually exists. The world where most centers are ass and the good ones barely get the ball.
lebron can't guard nikola. just thought i'd correct you on that.

09-24-2013, 06:49 AM
People really let go of their common sense on this issue. We all see that centers today are ass....we all know Lebron is about Karl Malones size. But he has athletic ability rarely seen on this planet.

Lebron James.....is a power forward...who happens to have point guard athletic ability. There are hall of fame centers smaller than Lebron James. Seeing him outside for years has really let people forget his size.

Anyone about his size with hisathletic ability is not a likely mismatch placed against most current centers.

Of course hes gonna get owned by Kareem. Kareem owned all but like...2 people he ever played.

What is that even saying?

Lebron cant guard players who dont exist.

He can guard Byron Mullens, tyson Chandler, Perkins, Noah, Hawes, Anthony Davis, JJ Hickson, Sideshow bob, Joel Anthony/Bosh/Haslem/Birdman, Bismack Biyombo, Larry Sanders/Dalembert, Robin Lopez, Mcgee, Deandre Jordan, Amir Johnson, Vucevic and many other guys playing at the 5 a lot. The Celtics had Brandon ****ing Bass at the 5 quite a bit lately. Think Lebron cant defend his midrange jumpers and occasional putbacks?

The idea that Lebron cant defend most centers today is bred of one of two things....hate...or blindness.

Even the good centers barely get the ball. If you think that Marc Gasol guarded by Lebron is about to take 28 shots as a result you just dont watch that much basketball.

Now...Demarcus Cousins might...but he attacks. And the Kings would get blown out anyway.

Bynum has been hurt since Clinton was in office.

Yao Ming retired.

Dwight was having 9 point games guarded by people Lebrons size who are worse defenders.

Hibbert has had like 5 30 point games in the last 3-4 years and a lot of his production in big games is off offensive rebounds anyway.

This league does not have many scorers ANYONE needs to fear at the 5.

You point out to me one other person in NBA history who is 6'8'' or 9 and 250-270 who is half as athletic as him who would be considered likely to be lit up by the scum playing the 5 today.

Who you got for me?

Anyone at all?

What...Lebron is the only guy his size in NBA history who Bismack ****ing Biyombo is about to hang 36 on?

Use your head.

These dudes are garbage.

Larry Johnson could defend like...60% of this leagues centers at worst and he was 6'5''.

Could he defend Hakeem well? No. And Lebron wouldnt either.

But I dont see him around.

If Shaq, Drob, Wilt, Kareem, and Ewing were around Lebron would get worked.

They arent.

In the world that is...yes. Lebron can guard Byron Mullens and keep him shooting 38%.

In a world that isnt....someone would drop 40 on him.

I choose to worry about the world that actually exists. The world where most centers are ass and the good ones barely get the ball.


09-24-2013, 08:06 AM
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha (takes deep breath) ahahahahahahahahahahahaha.


09-24-2013, 08:50 AM
lebron can't guard nikola. just thought i'd correct you on that.

Lebron, Shawn Marion, Lamar Odom, Barkley, Clarenece Weatherspoon, Larry Johnson, Hotrod Williams, and 3 dozen other tweener forwards could defend him with nothing important happening.

Ive seen Toni Kukoc defend Mourning for a while and not get destroyed.

People are far too over the top on these things. People who arent scorers dont turn to them because of matchups like that.

Dude would have a great rebounding night and maybe add to his usual points because of it but if you think hes just gonna start operating in the post and the team plays through him like its 1982 you would be quite letdown when he has 16/12 and loses by 24.

Al Jefferson, Bynum, Brook Lopez, healthy Dwight, and Cousins....only centers I see a Lebron matchup leading to them just demanding the ball to try to take over. Pekovic could overwhelm Lebron too but who knows if they let him try.

And its not like Lebron woudl stay on them the whole game. No more than other bigmen lock onto one guy for the whole game. Subs....different sets.....they would each move around.

But nothing the heat need worry about would happen.

Saying Lebron could do it doesnt mean I think its terribly impressive.

Taj Gibson could guard 90% of the leagues centers right now too.

It means centers are nothing to worry about anymore.

As I said...if its 1993 and we have Shaq, hakeem, Drob, Ewing, Zo, Smits, Seikaly, Daugherty, and so on....


Im avoiding that matchup.

Im not worried about Spencer Hawes, Deandre Jordan, or whoever. 90% of the time the other teams center is on the pay no mind list. At least far as man to man post scoring or generally getting the ball in the basket in such a way as to hurt my teams chances of winning.

09-24-2013, 11:46 AM
He can guard Byron Mullens, tyson Chandler, Perkins, Noah, Hawes, Anthony Davis, JJ Hickson, Sideshow bob, Joel Anthony/Bosh/Haslem/Birdman, Bismack Biyombo, Larry Sanders/Dalembert, Robin Lopez, Mcgee, Deandre Jordan, Amir Johnson, Vucevic and many other guys playing at the 5 a lot. The Celtics had Brandon ****ing Bass at the 5 quite a bit lately. Think Lebron cant defend his midrange jumpers and occasional putbacks?

The idea that Lebron cant defend most centers today is bred of one of two things....hate...or blindness.

Even the good centers barely get the ball. If you think that Marc Gasol guarded by Lebron is about to take 28 shots as a result you just dont watch that much basketball.

Yeah you have to spell it out for them otherwise they are not going to get it. In this day and time Lebron can definitely guard centers. Lebron would definitely, ok likely, outscore every center if he was matched up against them today, there are no exceptions. I doubt that five would have more rebounds than Lebron in that same game. Now they would block shots better than him but that's it. That's just reality. The game has changed as speed has taken over.

Hakeem and David Robinson would frequently get outscored by Shaq/Ewing and one another. And out-rebounded as well. Lebron would have a better scoring advantage at center today than Hakeem, Robinson, Shaq or Ewing did in their day. Or better said, only one center is likely to get 30 and 10 on Lebron (tho DH will likely foul out guarding Lebron before he gets there) while 3 or 4 might get it on Dream, Admiral, Shaq, Ewing, Mourning. So either those five couldn't guard centers either or Lebron can be said to guard centers. Lebron just lead the league in points in the paint with his just developing post game. We seen in the playoffs he can adjust to 10 rebounds per game rather easily.

While I might have over-simplified the center to points and rebounds its because the center position today isn't a very skilled position when Duncan and KG aren't there. Lebron will be the highest scorer in the paint, the best passer out of the pivot, the best inside out game, the best set up offense without question. He won't clog up the middle or defend the rim but there are way too few who do that well anyway.

09-24-2013, 12:29 PM
Yes he could. Could he guard Shaq, Kareem, Hakeem etc. effectively? NO. Basically nobody can. But your random average center? He could do a decent job.

09-24-2013, 12:32 PM
It doesn't matter how many point Wilt scores, his team would still lose.

Wilt wasn't much of a winner.

09-24-2013, 12:44 PM
It doesn't matter how many point Wilt scores, his team would still lose.

Wilt wasn't much of a winner.
He won twice just like Lebron has. And Lebron had some real major mysterious behavior just before he won his two. If Lebron's teammates shot in the low 30 percentiles consistently his mysterious behavior would have been far worse than it was. People are always ready to throw stones... .

09-24-2013, 12:50 PM
He won twice just like Lebron has. And Lebron had some real major mysterious behavior just before he won his two. If Lebron's teammates shot in the low 30 percentiles consistently his mysterious behavior would have been far worse than it was. People are always ready to throw stones... .

LeBron is still in the prime of his career. Wilt's legacy is already set in stone. Out-dueled by his biggest competitor 11-2 in rings. That is absolutely ****ing pathetic. With Wilt, all you're getting is excuses.

09-24-2013, 12:54 PM
In a time when Commander Chuck (at around 6'6") can frustrate many 5's around the league, it's not news that LBJ would be similarly capable or better. Some decent points about today's centers, but I don't see that many claiming he would get owned by all of the current/recent crop of 5's, not to mention that this isn't the question posed by the OP (even if it was agenda-based).

Shame we don't have a time machine to see what would happen in these hypothetical matchups of players, teams, and eras.

I think of LBJ as a large, strong SF with excellent open court handles, that can be utilized (at times) for a wide variety of assignments. The Heat employ enough other bigs to throw at the opposition, so I don't see them needing to have LBJ spend much time worrying about the league's 5's and potentially taking away from his contributions at the other end of the floor. He's got more to worry about with the 3-ish players in the league.

At the same time, there's a reason you have never seen 7 footers hanging out on the perimeter and trying to guard speedy, quick 1's. They would get severely owned over the long haul, not to mention, it takes them away from their areas of strength.

I wish I could find a plausible reason why the 5 has become as impotent and irrelevant as it has compared to previous eras, but it's hard to make a case that it hasn't.

LeBron is still in the prime of his career. Wilt's legacy is already set in stone. Out-dueled by his biggest competitor 11-2 in rings. That is absolutely ****ing pathetic. With Wilt, all you're getting is excuses.

Which underscores the fact that at the end of the day, this is still a team game. Not to take away from Bill Russell, but the Celtics kicked butt because they played team ball with a group that all contributed. If Wilt had hooked up with the Lakers in the early 60's instead of at the end of their run, I think that stat would not have been as lopsided. But such is life and things don't always work out to their maximum potential.

09-24-2013, 02:04 PM
this thread.


09-24-2013, 05:35 PM
LeBron is still in the prime of his career. Wilt's legacy is already set in stone. Out-dueled by his biggest competitor 11-2 in rings. That is absolutely ****ing pathetic. With Wilt, all you're getting is excuses.
I'm sure Wilt could have won 9 rings if he joined Red Aurabach's system. Unfortunately, Wilt never played in the same system more than two years. If you don't stack the deck in basketball its hard to win. Lebron knows that too well. He couldn't beat the Celtic system either and it freaked him. Do you think if Kobe or Durant joined San Antonio after 2010 Lebron would have any rings??? And Kobe would be working on his 9th ring and Duncan's 8th? 2 rings isn't pathetic by any measure either. And its not written in stone Lebron will surpass that, and that was luck (voodoo trickology) and Ray Allen that got that last ring. While I think Lebron is the best player right now, he knows what you don't know. Health, luck and a stacked deck is the key to winning it all in basketball, football or baseball.

TheReal Kendall
09-24-2013, 06:21 PM
It is not a secret that you don't like LeBron. actually that is the whole reason for this thread. Don't let me catch you crying about trolls on this forum because you made this thread just because some heat trolls wrote that he can guard all positions which is not true.

he can't gaurd anyone who has big weight-height advantage like hibbert. He would have to stop carrying so much offense and bulk up even more to even try guarding guys like hibbert.
He can guard guys like West though.

I'm not trolling though.

I just want to know if people are serious when they make ridiculous statements like this.

La Frescobaldi
09-24-2013, 08:34 PM
I'm sure Wilt could have won 9 rings if he joined Red Aurabach's system. Unfortunately, Wilt never played in the same system more than two years. If you don't stack the deck in basketball its hard to win. Lebron knows that too well. He couldn't beat the Celtic system either and it freaked him. Do you think if Kobe or Durant joined San Antonio after 2010 Lebron would have any rings??? And Kobe would be working on his 9th ring and Duncan's 8th? 2 rings isn't pathetic by any measure either. And its not written in stone Lebron will surpass that, and that was luck (voodoo trickology) and Ray Allen that got that last ring. While I think Lebron is the best player right now, he knows what you don't know. Health, luck and a stacked deck is the key to winning it all in basketball, football or baseball.

I'm skeptical these Heat teams, great as they are, beat either of Wilt's championship teams. Real skeptical. I still to this day think about where Lucious Jackson would have gone if injuries hadn't ruined his career. That man was monstrous. Most monstrous. Nobody is stopping Chet the Jet in his rampaging, savage drives. Nor Hal Greer or Jerry freaking West, either. Happy Hairston crazy good rebounder. Of course the rules have changed, strategies and tactics and skillsets have 40 years of study... it is what it is as far as era. But it'd be amazing to watch

09-26-2013, 12:15 PM
I'm skeptical these Heat teams, great as they are, beat either of Wilt's championship teams. Real skeptical. I still to this day think about where Lucious Jackson would have gone if injuries hadn't ruined his career. That man was monstrous. Most monstrous. Nobody is stopping Chet the Jet in his rampaging, savage drives. Nor Hal Greer or Jerry freaking West, either. Happy Hairston crazy good rebounder. Of course the rules have changed, strategies and tactics and skillsets have 40 years of study... it is what it is as far as era. But it'd be amazing to watch

Yeah the way refs call games is so different that its hard to call cross decades ball. Wilt would always be tall and fast, West a great shooter, Chet aggressive, Happy going hard at the boards and Greer hard nosed and smart and those things are always effective parts of the game. Miami is a quick, fast athletic, shooting, unselfish team. Both teams would be good in all era's. Miami did show a weakness in height in an era where height shouldn't be an issue. But I think they burnt themselves out on that winning streak and never regained form. Jury is still out on them and how they will deal with height.

09-26-2013, 12:23 PM
Of course he can guard them. He can guard anyone. He just wouldn't do a good job of it. Hell, I can guard them. I would just be terrible at it.

deja vu
09-26-2013, 12:24 PM
Of course, LeBron could guard those guys. He would get killed though. Especially prime Shaq LMAO.

09-26-2013, 12:36 PM
everyone knows past eras are weak. today's athletes have better nutrition, better training, better equipment, etc. Wilt would be a poor man's Joel Anthony today, i tell you.

TheReal Kendall
09-26-2013, 05:54 PM
everyone knows past eras are weak. today's athletes have better nutrition, better training, better equipment, etc. Wilt would be a poor man's Joel Anthony today, i tell you.

:biggums: :biggums: :biggums: :biggums:
