View Full Version : new NBA delay of game rule is annoying as hell.

10-19-2013, 12:35 AM
called about 8 times in Clippers/Blazers preseason game. reallllllly making a point of emphasis that the offense players cant touch the ball after a made basket. i understand the rule clearly, but at least 6 or 7 of the 8 times called, the ball just fell into the player's lap which their first instinct is to catch it and then drop it or give it to the ref.

theres really nothing the player can do to adjust those times for when the ball just falls into their lap or hits them after a made basket.

and i know they wont call this shit on any of the superstars or on anyone in the playoffs to gift free throws to teams that may or may not decide games.

10-19-2013, 01:28 AM
NBA is getting way too picky about things.

10-19-2013, 01:30 AM
Are they trying to make the game unwatchable? :lol

10-19-2013, 01:49 AM
it's stupid when they call it on an unavoidable, unintended touch or catch. jesus. just call it when it truly is obviously a delaying tactic. don't be a ****ing robot.

10-19-2013, 01:54 AM
That and moving screens are the points of emphasis this year. There were at least 10 moving screens in the Thunder/Pelicans game last night, and that's being conservative. Which, I admit, I'd like to see them be a little more strict on moving screens, but I felt like they were going overboard last night. Has anyone else noticed that in other games or was it just me and that one game?

Big men, who are already bigger foul magnets than guards, are going to be in serious foul trouble a lot more often this year if they continue calling any and every thing that resembles a moving screen. Could really hurt the pick-n-roll game, too.

OKC got called for two delay of games, too. Neither one were anything big, but were still called.

10-19-2013, 02:20 AM
its gonna fade away as the season starts

10-19-2013, 02:34 AM
That and moving screens are the points of emphasis this year. There were at least 10 moving screens in the Thunder/Pelicans game last night, and that's being conservative. Which, I admit, I'd like to see them be a little more strict on moving screens, but I felt like they were going overboard last night. Has anyone else noticed that in other games or was it just me and that one game?

Big men, who are already bigger foul magnets than guards, are going to be in serious foul trouble a lot more often this year if they continue calling any and every thing that resembles a moving screen. Could really hurt the pick-n-roll game, too.

OKC got called for two delay of games, too. Neither one were anything big, but were still called.

Excellent point. This ****ing league is trying to put the big man out to pasture. Yeah, yeah, "seven footers don't sell shoes" and all that junk, but this is still super lame.

10-19-2013, 02:58 AM
agreed on all accounts.

NBA's popularity isn't going to shit simply because LeBron is no Jordan, but in large part due to the fact that the league is soft as hell now with a bunch of pointless ass rules

10-19-2013, 03:05 AM
TBH it's just another thing giving refs way too much power to be inconsistent as hell with.

LeBron with 2 fouls in the first half touches the ball after a fastbreak dunk? No call.

The other team is getting a run going and their best player is in foul trouble and touches the ball after a score? Delay of game.

I can see the power being abused already. Just another tool for manipulation for corrupt referees like Dan/Joey Crawford and Scott Foster.

10-19-2013, 05:08 AM
Will the NBA finally start calling traveling violations again..it's in the rule book. They also do this they are very strict during the preseason and than all of that goes out of the window once the season begins.

10-19-2013, 05:20 AM
I like it.

10-19-2013, 08:58 AM
TBH it's just another thing giving refs way too much power to be inconsistent as hell with.

LeBron with 2 fouls in the first half touches the ball after a fastbreak dunk? No call.

The other team is getting a run going and their best player is in foul trouble and touches the ball after a score? Delay of game.

I can see the power being abused already. Just another tool for manipulation for corrupt referees like Dan/Joey Crawford and Scott Foster.

So...you think delay of game is a personal foul?

10-19-2013, 09:01 AM
They will relax it once proper season starts, they just being over the top atm so teams clean it up a little no way the NBA allows refs to call this much bs during the regular season consistently.

robert de niro
10-19-2013, 09:25 AM
that rule is weak :facepalm

10-19-2013, 01:08 PM
As people have said...

The refs overemphasize changes or new areas of focus in pre-season. It then reduces in the actual season as:
a) Teams see it's getting called and stop doing it
b) The refs loosen up a bit.

If (big if) it actually does stop delays in the game then it's great, some games just go too long, with timeouts every play at the end of game. If it makes it even longer then it's annoying. By the regular season it should be the former.

10-19-2013, 01:19 PM
More referee instant replays, but a player can't touch the ball for half a second. Yeah that'll speed things up.

10-19-2013, 01:34 PM
I don't mind a little delay of game enforcement in the pre-season. But overall, NBA players keep it relatively reasonable.

It's nothing as comical as And1 players going on a 4 on 1 fastbreak. Then one of the offensive players will all but grab the ball and punt it into the crowd so all four guys can get back on defense before the other team can try and run a fast break.

get these NETS
10-19-2013, 06:48 PM
this might as well be called the kevin garnett rule

hope he costs his team a few Ws because of this

10-19-2013, 06:51 PM
Don't want to delay games? How about not having 2315624845567 timeouts for commercial breaks.

10-19-2013, 06:54 PM
The delay of game rule is almost as bad as the targeting rule in NCAA.

10-19-2013, 07:14 PM
they called a delay of game on Darren Collison after this DJ Dunk :facepalm


10-22-2013, 08:54 PM
its gonna fade away as the season starts

This is my hope. They're being obnoxious about it in the preseason in an effort to get players to focus on it so they don't have to call it as much in the regular season. I've seen it called on guys when the ball just happens to hit them.
But I just saw a spot in the Pistons Wiz game where a guy was heading back on d and was gonna back tap the ball that had careened toward the FT line after a dunk, and you could see him conciously decide not to touch it last second. That thought process is why they're doing this. Even though in that case his not punching the ball back technically delayed the game.