View Full Version : Derrick Rose shot against the Knicks WAS NOT "CLUTCH"

11-04-2013, 04:07 AM
Want to retroactively set the record straight on this since I was banned during the time it actually happened.

Down the stretch of that Knicks-Bulls game, Rose and Melo were basically taking turns chucking up ill advised hero bricks. Just because ONE of the times Rose heaved the ball up it went in does not make anything about it clutch. It just means that sometimes when you throw a ball at a basket its gonna go in, no matter how low the percentages are. When you throw the ball at the basket towards the end of the game, nothing about that changes. It will still go in some of the time by chance. This does not make anything "clutch."

This is the problem with idiot fans who live the hero fantasy. They celebrate guys for being "clutch" every time one of these shots goes in, even though any given "star" misses a lot more than he makes in these situations. There's a reason guys like Horry and Fisher and Allen do hit game winners with such a high frequency - BECAUSE THEY'RE OPEN.

But "fans" don't want just some average guy to hit a simple game winning shot. They want their HERO to hit an impossible shot so they can pretend he's the batman alpha dog first option killer instinct cold blooded assassin and get their panties all wet by adoring him and bragging about him to everyone else. Kind of awkward for grown men to be doing that? Hey, you're tellin me. But that's how most dudes on this site are.

So people never criticize the three out of four times a "hero" player takes a lousy shot and bricks it and the team loses - but every so often when the hero player hoists up a lousy shot and it HAPPENS to go in... they break out stupid buzzwords like "clutch" to add to the phony legend they're obsessed with creating.

That is all.

11-04-2013, 04:08 AM
Too bad you still aren't banned.


11-04-2013, 04:18 AM
Want to retroactively set the record straight on this since I was banned during the time it actually happened.

That's where I stopped reading.

11-04-2013, 04:21 AM
talking about a game that happened 5 days ago. desperate.

11-04-2013, 04:24 AM
Three hero-slobbering losers whose combined IQ doesn't crack double digits responding to my thread so far.

Anyone with a brain care to offer some input?

11-04-2013, 04:27 AM
Three hero-slobbering losers whose combined IQ doesn't crack double digits responding to my thread so far.

Anyone with a brain care to offer some input?

says the "enlightened" conspiracy theorist. how could you possibly know our IQs from a post. very enlightened my friend.

11-04-2013, 04:28 AM
Three hero-slobbering losers whose combined IQ doesn't crack double digits responding to my thread so far.

Anyone with a brain care to offer some input?

Nope. You're still a fa**ot.

11-04-2013, 04:31 AM
poor op. i called him stupid and his way to get back at me is to make a troll thread against d rose :roll: i am not phased by trolls. pathetic.

11-04-2013, 04:32 AM
Perma ban the fa*got OP already...brings nothing to the table but garbage.

11-04-2013, 04:35 AM
Perma ban the fa*got OP already...brings nothing to the table but garbage.

Garbage would be an upgrade to your diet

11-04-2013, 04:37 AM
Garbage would be an upgrade to your diet

garbage would be an upgrade on your thought process.

11-04-2013, 04:40 AM
Garbage would be an upgrade to your diet
You're a shit poster bruh, face it, your b ball knowledge is zero. You're not even a funny troll like some of these other guys. You just come off as a hateful pathetic nobody.

F*ck off, I'm done with you.

11-04-2013, 04:42 AM
You're a shit poster bruh, face it, your b ball knowledge is zero. You're not even a funny troll like some of these other guys. You just come off as a hateful pathetic nobody.

**** off, I'm done with you.

Did you just go emo on a basketball message board?? :facepalm

11-04-2013, 05:51 AM
OP is a f@ggot, but he has a point.

Rose usually crumbles at the line in these types of situations. Hes really not as clutch as hes made out to be. I guess since he hasn't lingered around long enough in the NBA, no one will say anything yet, but it will pick up. Kobe seems to be the only one that still has a clutch reputation despite missing several attempts, and actually having a horrendous % on those shots.

At the end of the day, its a shot like any other in the game. It goes in, or it doesn't.

11-04-2013, 06:24 AM
says the "enlightened" conspiracy theorist. how could you possibly know our IQs from a post. very enlightened my friend.
You're incredibly embarrassing.

A little self-awareness finally hits you at the age of 22 and you think it gives you the license to be confident around people much smarter than you.


Stop making a fool of yourself you ****ing peasant.

11-04-2013, 06:50 AM
op is still a moron.

11-04-2013, 07:54 AM
That shot was a case of a broken clock being rightrwice a day

11-04-2013, 07:59 AM
It's good to see rose back and hopefully shake some rust off soon. The only part of that clutch shot that makes it not as great was the so called competition. Knicks, just pathetic so far this season. Play some D you spastics...

And OP is a f@ggot.

11-04-2013, 09:35 AM
It's not even about being clutch, it's about taking the last shot in the game if you're one of the best basketball players in the world. It's about confidence. It's pathetic that a future hall of famer and some evem consider Lebron to be goat when he is too scared to shoot the damn ball in closing moments.

Fresh Kid
11-04-2013, 09:46 AM
i agree it definitely wasn't clutch, it was tha horrid defense by my knicks plus a lucky shot.

11-04-2013, 09:46 AM
You're incredibly embarrassing.

A little self-awareness finally hits you at the age of 22 and you think it gives you the license to be confident around people much smarter than you.


Stop making a fool of yourself you ****ing peasant.
remember the last time i posted your picture you had to act like you had a "party" to go to because the person in the pic doesnt look like he would be invited to any parties. that shit was pathetic.

11-04-2013, 10:48 AM
OP is a f@ggot, but he has a point.

Rose usually crumbles at the line in these types of situations. Hes really not as clutch as hes made out to be. I guess since he hasn't lingered around long enough in the NBA, no one will say anything yet, but it will pick up. Kobe seems to be the only one that still has a clutch reputation despite missing several attempts, and actually having a horrendous % on those shots.

At the end of the day, its a shot like any other in the game. It goes in, or it doesn't.

He definitely has his issues at the line at the end of games, but on FGAs at the end of games, he's been very clutch since his MVP year. And this has been even when he has a terrible shooting night like he did in this game. Its not like Thursday's game was just dumb luck or a coincidence for him. Its been relatively normal for him.

11-04-2013, 10:48 AM
i agree it definitely wasn't clutch, it was tha horrid defense by my knicks plus a lucky shot.

Huh? He had to shoot the ball over 2 defenders, including one of the best defenders in the league.

11-04-2013, 10:54 AM
it looked clutch to me. i just think the knicks had the wrong initial defender on him. would you trust felton on him, or shump? let me know woodson, you fckin idiot :facepalm

Fresh Kid
11-04-2013, 10:57 AM
it looked clutch to me. i just think the knicks had the wrong initial defender on him. would you trust felton on him, or shump? let me know woodson, you fckin idiot :facepalm

Le Shaqtus
11-04-2013, 11:32 AM
Rose with that clutch shot doeeeeeeeeeeee

11-04-2013, 11:37 AM
Of course, Carmelo Anthony is currently on an epic late-game brick binge right now, but as soon as he hits a game winner against the Toronto Raptors in the 24th game of the season, ESPN will talk about it all day, discuss what a clutch beast he is on all their shows, postulate whether he's now ready to lift this team to a title, and all the Knicks fans will be going nuts on this site talking about what a closer Carmelo is, best player in the game under 24 seconds, ice water in his veins etc. etc.

The week after that it might be Durant, or Kevin Love, or James Harden. Some star will hit a game winning shot and glorification of 'clutchness' will be ubiquitous.

The fantasy lives on.