View Full Version : Is Battlefield and Killzone better than COD?

11-09-2013, 02:52 PM
Which do you think is the best?

11-09-2013, 05:51 PM
Well is all up to you, I enjoy both because I'm a +2.00 Kd 500 SPM player in both. Battlefield is a game that I can play and chill, but I can't play COD without having my try hard on screaming at the TV.

So COD is a game thats easy to pick up, but a lot of bullshit happens, advise you to play with friends, make up strategies like spawn trapping so you can turn the game into your slaughterhouse. Battlefield is more of a war simulator, where in COD you can dominate a game by yourself, in Battlefield you need a large group of good people to win. And even then it's not like you dominate the game, you are nothing in the bigger scheme of what's going on(unless you have a vehicle)

Like I said it all comes down to you, do you want a war simulator? or an Arcade shooter that's easier to pick up?

Oh and IDK about killzone, I played it once and did not like it, the games looks to gray for my liking

11-10-2013, 09:46 AM
Right now? Battlefield is better than COD for sure. Ever since COD4, the franchise have been just milking money out of 12yr olds who persistently play it.

Battlefield on console is different to that on PC due to server sizes, a full scale 64 man conquest is some intense shiet. But you can dominate a game of battlefield by yourself... especially if you are a good jet pilot no one can kill you. And there are many other game modes that does not have vehicles etc...

11-10-2013, 03:58 PM
I prefer Battlefield.