View Full Version : Do you guys consider Kevin Love a player to build a franchise around?

11-13-2013, 02:36 PM
Is he talented enough where if you were a GM you would want to build your team around him?

Also do you think he is the best PF today?

11-13-2013, 03:06 PM

11-13-2013, 03:21 PM
No, but he's a good pairing for a star wing.

11-13-2013, 03:29 PM
It's easier to build around big men, and he can also shoot the 3PT so that would help a lot. I don't think is a franchise player but he can be a player to build around

11-13-2013, 03:40 PM
No. But he's a great as the second guy. He gets a lot of stats but they don't impact the game like other players that may not have the stats but they do things that win or help win games. He's a one way player. He brings absolutely nothing on the defensive side.

11-13-2013, 03:40 PM
Yes. One more big man and spread the floor.

11-13-2013, 03:41 PM
You could probably win a title with Kevin Love as your first option on offense, but it would be more difficult than with some other stars.

11-13-2013, 03:41 PM
If the healthy Love we've seen so far this season, is in fact the kevin love we'll see for the next few years, then absolutely

Not only is he putting up 25+ points and double digits boards a game, but hes close to putting up 5 assists a game.

11-13-2013, 03:44 PM
Guys like Kevin Love are great complimentary players.

Sure you can build around him, but it's easier in my opinion to build a team with him being the second guy

11-13-2013, 03:53 PM
Is he talented enough where if you were a GM you would want to build your team around him?Not him solely. He could probably be the leading scorer on a contending team, but he would need to be paired with a star guard. He's a very good player, but I don't think you can rely on him to create for himself and others consistently.

He doesn't have the physical tools to bully people in the post, or attack the basket. He doesn't have unblockable high percentage shots, like Dirk. He has a solid post game, but you can't always rely on it. He's not going to draw a lot of double teams. He's mostly an outside shooter, and will probably always need others to create space for him.

On the defensive end, he seems average. He doesn't have the size or athleticism to be a huge difference maker.

Also do you think he is the best PF today?It depends on what you need. I think if he was swapped with Blake Griffin, the Clippers would be much better. If he was swapped with Howard, I think the Rockets would be better. But the Timberwolves would also probably improve in those scenarios.

So, I think he could be considered the best, but he isn't clearly the best.

11-13-2013, 03:59 PM
No. But he's a great as the second guy. He gets a lot of stats but they don't impact the game like other players that may not have the stats but they do things that win or help win games. He's a one way player. He brings absolutely nothing on the defensive side.


11-13-2013, 04:04 PM
The guy is seriously underrated here. There is not 10 players better than him in the league atm. So obviously the answer is yes.

11-13-2013, 04:12 PM
dumb question.

Eric Cartman
11-13-2013, 04:15 PM
The guy is seriously underrated here. There is not 10 players better than him in the league atm. So obviously the answer is yes.

top 5 right now

11-13-2013, 04:29 PM
Probably not, if you look prior to this year he put up big numbers on teams that won at a 25% clip.

11-13-2013, 04:31 PM
No. But he's a great as the second guy. He gets a lot of stats but they don't impact the game like other players that may not have the stats but they do things that win or help win games. He's a one way player. He brings absolutely nothing on the defensive side.

Change the tape man...

11-13-2013, 04:38 PM
He is probably the best PF, but he is definitely not a franchise player. He puts up great stats but he doesn't impact the game like the true stars do. He is an 'all-star' but not a true franchise player/superstar.

Would be a very good 2nd/3rd option though, no doubt.

He is getting a bit overrated again

11-13-2013, 04:39 PM
I'd take Love 3rd out of everyone in the league.

11-13-2013, 04:45 PM
Honestly, this current Wolves team is only a few moves away from being a serious title contender. Love, Rubio and Pekovic is a pretty awesome core to build around. A nice scorer like Martin and another solid guard in Barea is legit.

If their bench was a little better, they'd be like 1 move away from being a serious title threat.

11-13-2013, 04:46 PM
Dude has a case of 3rd best player in the league right now. He just can't create for himself on the perimeter.

11-13-2013, 06:00 PM
Absolutely. Only morons wouldn't try to build around a 26/15/5 guy. God this forum is sooooo fckn stupid from reading this thread. Give me a list of players who can put those numbers up.

1. Kevin Love
2. ????

11-13-2013, 06:12 PM
Absolutely. Only morons wouldn't try to build around a 26/15/5 guy. God this forum is sooooo fckn stupid from reading this thread. Give me a list of players who can put those numbers up.

1. Kevin Love
2. ????
His numbers up until this year did not transfer into wins.

Honestly, I'd rather have Anthony Davis. He seems like more of a winning player.

11-13-2013, 06:17 PM
His numbers up until this year did not transfer into wins.

Honestly, I'd rather have Anthony Davis. He seems like more of a winning player.
Yeah, it's almost like, he was on a bad team or something. :hammerhead:

Believe it or not, 1 guy scoring 27 points is never enough to win a game.

11-13-2013, 06:30 PM
He would be a terrific second option

11-13-2013, 06:32 PM
Yes, I do believe you could build a franchise around him. But he's going to need 2 other big talents to be a title contender, not necessarily superstars but more than just a team of role player pieces - he needs 2 other solid players before that team is going to make serious noise with him as the anchor. But it can be done.

11-13-2013, 06:41 PM
Not at all. He puts up huge numbers, but if you watch the games. His impact isn't always actually there. Plus, I mean if he was that good he'd still influence the Wolves more in the win column than he actually does.

He's one of those ultimate beta, supplemental type pieces. Puts up the 2nd best best all around game on a team. But never THE guy. This much was evident in the FIBA 2010 games, and in the 2012 Olympics.

In a 2nd option, sidekick role? He'd be up there with the likes of: Pippen, Gasol, KG, Dumars, Worthy, Stockton, Westbrook, in that type of capacity on a championship level ball club. A perfect fit.

You're not winning a ring with Kevin Love as your absolute best player though. I think that much is for certain. Nothing anyone says about regular season numbers he puts up will change my mind about that.

11-13-2013, 07:02 PM
Dude has a case of 3rd best player in the league right now. He just can't create for himself on the perimeter.Have their been other legit PF's who created for themselves on the perimeter besides Dirk Nowitzki and Derrick Coleman ?

11-13-2013, 07:05 PM
On a good team off course he can if he's the #1 guy and the #2/#3 guy are not that far behind him with a good coach why not? The guys team's so far have been ravaged by injury or were not that good I see no reason why he can't be #1 guy.

11-13-2013, 07:27 PM
hes not going to take over games that way. hes the ultimate #2 option though. hes like westbrook. they both make a huge difference but people will always look at their negatives instead

11-13-2013, 07:50 PM
Not at all. He puts up huge numbers, but if you watch the games. His impact isn't always actually there. Plus, I mean if he was that good he'd still influence the Wolves more in the win column than he actually does.
In 2012 the Wolves were 24-31(.436) with him, and 2-9 (.182) without him.

In 2013 the Wolves were 9-9 (.500) with him, and 22-42(.344) without him. When he did play that season, he played with a broken hand.

Those are really the only years he's had as a star player. 2012 is the year he went on a diet, and got into shape.

Prior to that:

2009: 24-57(.296) with. 0-1(.000) without.
2010: 12-48(.200) with. 3-19(.136) without.
2011: 17-56 (.233) with. 0-9 (.000) without

11-13-2013, 08:11 PM
There's kind of a couple different questions going on here.

Some folks are saying he's not a guy you can win a championship with as your #1.

Is that the same thing as a player to build a franchise around? There are 30 NBA franchises.

How many franchise players do you have at any one time? 30? or is it less?

So I think you have to define what a franchise player is first before you answer this question.

He is obviously one the top 30 players in the NBA. Even a franchise player like Lebron needs other parts to win the ring.

11-13-2013, 10:49 PM
Lol Jesus this forum is soooooo dumb. Kevin love is easily a franchise player. Empty stats my ass. That's just the popular thing to say because you can't formulate your own opinions. Let's disregard his team structure entirely. Ish, the only place in the world where 27/15/5 isn't good enough for a franchise player and he's a 2nd option Lmao y'all would be fckn terrible gms.

11-13-2013, 10:53 PM
Damn, K-Love's ****ing underrated here :facepalm

Possibly because he's a white boy? Same still happens with Bird and he's pretty much as good as it gets when it comes to basketball, at his best.

11-13-2013, 11:50 PM
Dude is the best PF in the L currently. An epic rebounder AND stretch PF all in one. That's damn near unheard of in the modern NBA! U would have to go back to the days of Jerry Lucas for that shit. And Lucas's era was pre 3 point line. The only thing u can say about Love is that he's not a great defender. But I feel he plays damn heady good position defense at the same time. And he's a very good passer for a big with the best outlet passes in the business. So can he fill as many holes as a KG or Duncan at PF. NO. Is he as dynamic or versatile as Barkley NO. But K Love is K Love and YOU CAN BUILD AROUND HIM to win a ring. If u are the best PF in the world, u are a franchise player. It's just a matter of what level of franchise player he is. There are only about 8-1o franchise players in the L anyway. And K Love is one of them!

11-13-2013, 11:57 PM
Dude is the best PF in the L currently. An epic rebounder AND stretch PF all in one. That's damn near unheard of in the modern NBA! U would have to go back to the days of Jerry Lucas for that shit. And Lucas's era was pre 3 point line. The only thing u can say about Love is that he's not a great defender. But I feel he plays damn heady good position defense at the same time. And he's a very good passer for a big with the best outlet passes in the business. So can he fill as many holes as a KG or Duncan at PF. NO. Is he as dynamic or versatile as Barkley NO. But K Love is K Love and YOU CAN BUILD AROUND HIM to win a ring. If u are the best PF in the world, u are a franchise player. It's just a matter of what level of franchise player he is. There are only about 8-1o franchise players in the L anyway. And K Love is one of them!

I like how you always have a complimentary paragraph long summary for every player who catches flak on this board. :cheers:

11-13-2013, 11:58 PM
Dude is the best PF in the L currently. An epic rebounder AND stretch PF all in one. That's damn near unheard of in the modern NBA! U would have to go back to the days of Jerry Lucas for that shit. And Lucas's era was pre 3 point line. The only thing u can say about Love is that he's not a great defender. But I feel he plays damn heady good position defense at the same time. And he's a very good passer for a big with the best outlet passes in the business. So can he fill as many holes as a KG or Duncan at PF. NO. Is he as dynamic or versatile as Barkley NO. But K Love is K Love and YOU CAN BUILD AROUND HIM to win a ring. If u are the best PF in the world, u are a franchise player. It's just a matter of what level of franchise player he is. There are only about 8-1o franchise players in the L anyway. And K Love is one of them!
He reminds me of Jerry Lucas, but actually he reminds me a little MORE of Bob Pettit the more I watch him. He drives and moves off the ball more like Pettit. Pettit won a ring as the best player on his team, as part of a 'big 3' that included himself as the anchor, with Cliff Hagan and Clyde Lovellete being the other 2 big names on his team. They went to the Finals 4 or 5 times IIRC.

11-14-2013, 12:00 AM
Looking at the PF positon historically, how many of them were great or close to it scorers, great defenders, great rebounders, and very good to great passers all in one? The only ones I can think FOR SURE really are Duncan and KG. As great as Malone, Barkley, Dirk, Hayes, Pettit, etc. were, they didn't bring all of that to the table. But yet ALL OF THE PF'S I named are franchise HOF caliber players. The numbers K Love puts up are so SICK that it dicates being a franchise player. If he played in Malone and Barkley's era, or in the peak KG-Duncan-Dirk era, then he wouldn't be the best PF in those era's. But he would still be in the top 3-5. And keep in mind Timmy, Chuck, KG, Dirk, and Mailman are the top 5 GOAT PF's. So there is NO SHAME being behind them. And if K Love keeps up his production, he will be an HOFer and top 6-10 GOAT EVER!

11-14-2013, 12:06 AM
He reminds me of Jerry Lucas, but actually he reminds me a little MORE of Bob Pettit the more I watch him. He drives and moves off the ball more like Pettit. Pettit won a ring as the best player on his team, as part of a 'big 3' that included himself as the anchor, with Cliff Hagan and Clyde Lovellete being the other 2 big names on his team. They went to the Finals 4 or 5 times IIRC.

Great point! I can see some Pettit in his game too! I think Bob and K Love are more prolific, more creative scorers, and more pure franchise level players than Lucas. Pettit was for a long time the GOAT PF arguably and K Love looks to be on the path to being WAY UP THERE on GOAT PF charts if he keeps up his production. But Lucas was a beast and true HOFer himself!

11-14-2013, 12:12 AM
I'll be honest, still not sure if he's the guy you build around. He's definitely close, real close but somethings lacking.

Maybe it's because he's a developing talent, didn't come into the league as a dominant force but has evolved/improved over time. His injury history also haunts him.

11-14-2013, 12:22 AM
absolutely not.
#2 option at best
but i dunno, im not paying much attention to twolves

08-08-2014, 09:42 AM
No, but he's a good pairing for a star wing.


08-08-2014, 10:16 AM
he's one of the better specialist for the fact that he has size/rebounds can shoot the 3, and is average and or above average in terms of making passes.

you can have other specialized players to build around with him. Rubio's inability to shoot the ball makes him a bad pairing with Love, compared to athletic wings.

or you can have another star wing as other posters have mentioned.

08-08-2014, 01:06 PM
Everyone should read this piece:

Really dissects into the heart of what Love does well/his weaknesses and why perceptions about him exist.

08-08-2014, 01:15 PM
There's kind of a couple different questions going on here.

Some folks are saying he's not a guy you can win a championship with as your #1.

Is that the same thing as a player to build a franchise around? There are 30 NBA franchises.

How many franchise players do you have at any one time? 30? or is it less?

So I think you have to define what a franchise player is first before you answer this question.

He is obviously one the top 30 players in the NBA. Even a franchise player like Lebron needs other parts to win the ring.

that's a pretty good question, which is why I think listing players by where they rank in their position also puts things in better perspective in terms of building a team over ranking the MVP of the league.

I don't think you're gonna have 30 franchise players at once, just the fact there's not even that many all star players, and many times all star players come from the same team.

I think teams still try to build with mutiple players, and when one decides to leave, then there's really no "franchise" player left.

08-08-2014, 01:29 PM
I'm 100% sure people base him not being a #1 option based purely off aesthetics of play. 26 ppg On 59 ts% is 3rd option but 29ppg on 50 ts% is first option (iverson). Y'all definitely take asthetic of play to seriously

08-08-2014, 01:33 PM
I'm 100% sure people base him not being a #1 option based purely off aesthetics of play. 26 ppg On 59 ts% is 3rd option but 29ppg on 50 ts% is first option (iverson). Y'all definitely take asthetic of play to seriously

Aesthetic does matter to the extent that if you need a basket, Kevin Love isnt going to be able to get it for you as he lacks the scoring skillset. :confusedshrug: