View Full Version : How come Kobe only has one 50 pt game in the playoffs

11-14-2013, 04:12 PM
He has been playing since 96 and is one of the most prolific scorers ever. He only got it against the the Suns in OT.

11-14-2013, 04:17 PM
haven't seen this thread before.


11-14-2013, 04:18 PM
cause kobe's a noob.

11-14-2013, 04:19 PM
No Toronto Raptors or Charlotte Bobcats in the playoffs bruh.

11-14-2013, 04:19 PM
who has more since 2000?

11-14-2013, 04:20 PM
It's a sad life the OP lives


11-14-2013, 04:21 PM
because sam mitchell doesn't coach in the playoffs.

11-14-2013, 04:25 PM
How many 50pt games LeBron got in the playoffs?

11-14-2013, 04:27 PM
How many 50pt games LeBron got in the playoffs?

:wtf: What does Lebron have to do with this? Stick to the topic.

Mr Exlax
11-14-2013, 04:35 PM
I would think because Kobe's teams were good enough. When you have Shaq or Bynum and Gasol, why would you need to score 50 points? You choose any perimeter player you want and I bet you'd come up with the same thing. I hate Kobe, but come one bro don't try to knock the man's skills.

11-14-2013, 04:38 PM
How many does Kareem have? Hakeem? Shaq? Bird? LeBron? Oscar?

11-14-2013, 04:41 PM
how many players scored 50 pt in a playoff game?

11-14-2013, 04:44 PM
:wtf: What does Lebron have to do with this? Stick to the topic.

Not to bright are you?......U know what though, maybe I pulled this trigger too early, I should have waited untill some LeBron stans, Bird stans, Kareem stans, and Shaq stans entered this thread talking shit as if their guy ever had 50pt games in the playoffs. Silly me.

11-14-2013, 04:47 PM
How come some star players have never scored 50?

11-14-2013, 04:48 PM
How many does Kareem have? Hakeem? Shaq? Bird? LeBron? Oscar?

This. I really don't even understand the point of this thread. Is op saying players who don't have 50pt games in playoffs are garbage? That means most of the Top 10 players of All-Time must suck.

11-14-2013, 04:49 PM
I would think because Kobe's teams were good enough. When you have Shaq or Bynum and Gasol, why would you need to score 50 points? You choose any perimeter player you want and I bet you'd come up with the same thing. I hate Kobe, but come one bro don't try to knock the man's skills.


Part of the reason MJ put up so many 50+ point playoff games is because while his team was great defensively and could all hit shots, he was their only go-to scorer.

If you look at the sheer number of FGA/gm MJ has put up during the playoffs, it's hard to call Kobe a ball-hog. Kobe tops out at 26.4 FGA/gm while MJ topped that 5 times, going as high as 31.7 FGA/gm.

11-14-2013, 04:50 PM
How many does Kareem have? Hakeem? Shaq? Bird? LeBron? Oscar?
What does those players have to do with Kobe and the question.

11-14-2013, 04:52 PM
What does those players have to do with Kobe and the question.

Logic is the new rocket science

11-14-2013, 04:53 PM
What does those players have to do with Kobe and the question.

Are you a adult yet? Seems like u aren't. Anyway, wats ur point to the thread then?

11-14-2013, 04:54 PM
How come some star players have never scored 50?

Because it's a team game and then don't try as hard to show off as Kobe does.

11-14-2013, 04:55 PM

Part of the reason MJ put up so many 50+ point playoff games is because while his team was great defensively and could all hit shots, he was their only go-to scorer.

If you look at the sheer number of FGA/gm MJ has put up during the playoffs, it's hard to call Kobe a ball-hog. Kobe tops out at 26.4 FGA/gm while MJ topped that 5 times, going as high as 31.7 FGA/gm.
It just seems Kobe wasn't a good enough to do it honestly. He had no problem doing it in the regular season.

11-14-2013, 04:55 PM
I read about threads like this in the book "The Art of Trolling the Internet" it was in the chapter titled "Don't let this happen to you"

11-14-2013, 04:57 PM
How come Kobe gets more topics made about than any player in the league, when he hasn't even played a game this year?

You don't see Griff making Kobe topics, 9eer has been more focused on D12 (an active player) than Kobe etc etc.

Yet his haters still gotta get their fix in so they make topics about previous seasons as if we were still in the off season with nothing to talk about :roll:

11-14-2013, 04:58 PM
Are you a adult yet? Seems like u aren't. Anyway, wats ur point to the thread then?
Along with Mj he has been the most prolific guard scorer ever, but yet he only managed 1 50 or game against the suns in OT. Some claim he is the best scorer of the two.

11-14-2013, 04:59 PM
It just seems Kobe wasn't a good enough to do it honestly. He had no problem doing it in the regular season.


11-14-2013, 05:00 PM
I read about threads like this in the book "The Art of Trolling the Internet" it was in the chapter titled "Don't let this happen to you"

Yea, It's nothing wrong with trolling, but troll better. Then he says Kobe wasn't good enough to score 50, so by this logic, neither is LeBron, Shaq, Kareem, or Bird.....Then once the troll has to back paddel he says " this doesn't have nothing to do with those players"...But u just said....nvm, I digress....Juju is just retarded.

11-14-2013, 05:03 PM
Along with Mj he has been the most prolific guard scorer ever, but yet he only managed 1 50 or game against the suns in OT. Some claim he is the best scorer of the two.

Ohhh, so ur point to this thread is Jordan>>>Kobe, Bird, LeBron, Shaq (since none of those great scorers score 50 like Jordan)?. Ok, cool story bro. Did this make you feel better about urself big boy?

11-14-2013, 05:04 PM
Along with Mj he has been the most prolific guard scorer ever, but yet he only managed 1 50 or game against the suns in OT. Some claim he is the best scorer of the two.

Says alot when Kobe isn't held in the same criteria as Duncan, Lebron, Shaq, Magic, Bird, Hakeem

When your argument is "Durrr Kobe isn't better than the GOAT" then you've already lost the argument you're tryin to make.

11-14-2013, 05:05 PM
What does those players have to do with Kobe and the question.

Suppose I didn't see your agenda since the first second, here's an alternative answer: Kobe has one 50-point game in the playoffs because he's one of the greatest playoff scorers ever. After all, he has more than all the players I mentioned before combined. Happy?

11-14-2013, 05:05 PM
Because he doesn't have NONE 50pt games in the playoffs, like damn near everyone else in league history.

11-14-2013, 05:06 PM
Yea, It's nothing wrong with trolling, but troll better. Then he says Kobe wasn't good enough to score 50, so by this logic, neither is LeBron, Shaq, Kareem, or Bird.....Then once the troll has to back paddel he says " this doesn't have nothing to do with those players"...But u just said....nvm, I digress....Juju is just retarded.
You seem a little upset. :lol

11-14-2013, 05:06 PM
Number of players who have scored 50 or more in a playoff game more than once: 3

So it's a pretty rare occurrence. West did it twice and Iverson did it three times, but I wouldn't call them better scorers for it.

11-14-2013, 05:09 PM
Number of players who have scored 50 or more in a playoff game more than once: 3

So it's a pretty rare occurrence. West did it twice and Iverson did it three times, but I wouldn't call them better scorers for it.

4 actually. Add Wilt and Jordan.

11-14-2013, 05:11 PM
4 actually. Add Wilt and Jordan.

How many did Wilt have? I know of the one when he played for the Warriors.

11-14-2013, 05:13 PM
You seem a little upset. :lol

How so? Because you read it like that and u want me upset? Not upset kid, just confused as to how you could still be this retarded after all these years. I'm confused at the lack of logic behind ur thread.

Only legit trolls on this board is Dmavs and TonyM, because they know how to nitpick facts and turn them into a well thought out paragraph full of propaganda. They know how to bait u into serious long convo while getting you upset. But you? This thread is just dumb, and I feel bad for ur parents and any pets u have.

11-14-2013, 05:17 PM
How many did Wilt have? I know of the one when he played for the Warriors.

Wilt has 4, all of them for the Warrriors.

11-14-2013, 05:20 PM
I see the Lebron and Kobe stans are busy slinging shit at each other again.

11-14-2013, 05:21 PM
How so? Because you read it like that and u want me upset? Not upset kid, just confused as to how you could still be this retarded after all these years. I'm confused at the lack of logic behind ur thread.

Only legit trolls on this board is Dmavs and TonyM, because they know how to nitpick facts and turn them into a well thought out paragraph full of propaganda. They know how to bait u into serious long convo while getting you upset. But you? This thread is just dumb, and I feel bad for ur parents and any pets u have.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kd_AuUmAxTA on messed up wrist :lol

11-14-2013, 05:24 PM
No Toronto Raptors or Charlotte Bobcats in the playoffs bruh.
This is actually the truth, since the majority of Kobe's high scoring game, according to Phil Jackson comes against weak teams.

11-14-2013, 05:26 PM
Not to bright are you?......U know what though, maybe I pulled this trigger too early, I should have waited untill some LeBron stans, Bird stans, Kareem stans, and Shaq stans entered this thread talking shit as if their guy ever had 50pt games in the playoffs. Silly me.

No, I think the OP's point was that considering Kobe's reputation as a scorer, he doesn't have as many scoring outbursts in the playoffs as one would expect. Most of his high-scoring games have come in the regular season against shitty competition like the Raptors.

11-14-2013, 05:28 PM
No, I think the OP's point was that considering Kobe's reputation as a scorer, he doesn't have as many scoring outbursts in the playoffs as one would expect. Most of his high-scoring games have come in the regular season against shitty competition like the Raptors.
Exactly, these guys comparing regular season outbursts to playoffs because their god doesn't do it enough in the playoffs.

Yao Ming's Foot
11-14-2013, 05:36 PM
It's already been well established that Kobe faced more efficient defenses in a lower paced game than Jordan in the playoffs. :confusedshrug:

11-14-2013, 05:38 PM
It's already been well established that Kobe faced more efficient defenses in a lower paced game than Jordan in the playoffs. :confusedshrug:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kd_AuUmAxTA :lol but but the Drtg:lol :roll: :oldlol:

Yao Ming's Foot
11-14-2013, 05:42 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kd_AuUmAxTA :lol but but the Drtg:lol :roll: :oldlol:

54 pts/6 rebs/2 assts vs 99.7 DEF Rating


48 pts/16rebs/ 3 assts vs 99.6 DEF Rating


11-14-2013, 05:45 PM
54 pts/6 rebs/2 assts vs 99.7 DEF Rating


48 pts/16rebs/ 3 assts vs 99.6 DEF Rating

Show me the 50pt game man. Your in the wrong thread it seems. Go make another thread about Drtg and I'm sure you will get destroyed like usual, but this thread isn't about 40pt games. :lol

Yao Ming's Foot
11-14-2013, 05:52 PM
Show me the 50pt game man. Your in the wrong thread it seems. Go make another thread about Drtg and I'm sure you will get destroyed like usual, but this thread isn't about 40pt games. :lol

I already answered the question with my first post. :confusedshrug: Kobe didn't play creampuffs on the regular like Jordan. He faced them here and there (the Suns and Nuggets) and dropped 49 and 50 on them.

11-14-2013, 05:59 PM
No, I think the OP's point was that considering Kobe's reputation as a scorer, he doesn't have as many scoring outbursts in the playoffs as one would expect. Most of his high-scoring games have come in the regular season against shitty competition like the Raptors.

So we dissin Kobe for not having 50pt games in the playoffs? But LeBron, Shaq, and Bird never scored 50 either.....Do yawl understand how idiotic u sound?..:coleman:

11-14-2013, 06:06 PM
I already answered the question with my first post. :confusedshrug: Kobe didn't play creampuffs on the regular like Jordan. He faced them here and there (the Suns and Nuggets) and dropped 49 and 50 on them.
You didn't answer anything. Show me Kobe scoring 50+ in the playoffs against a elite defensive team. Those creampuff suns sure showed him thro. You still haven't showed me the game. Mj went up to 63 against top 3 team ever. Dtrg is pure shit, but I like to play your game tho. The funny thing is I don't even think that 50 or game against Starks was even that impressive. Mj didn't even look like he was working for it. He just took advantage of Starks and shot over him. Starks made no adjustments at all, but Drtg says that's Mj best game in the playoffs ever right?

11-14-2013, 06:08 PM
So we dissin Kobe for not having 50pt games in the playoffs? But LeBron, Shaq, and Bird never scored 50 either.....Do yawl understand how idiotic u sound?..:coleman:
LJ is considered to be a crazy scorer who goes on rediculous scoring streaks like Mj/Kobe. LJ is like a More athletic Magic.

11-14-2013, 06:08 PM
Not to bright are you?......U know what though, maybe I pulled this trigger too early, I should have waited untill some LeBron stans, Bird stans, Kareem stans, and Shaq stans entered this thread talking shit as if their guy ever had 50pt games in the playoffs. Silly me.

Pulled the trigger? LOL Lebron shoots nowhere as much as Kobe. Almost all of Kobe's 50 point games are in the regular season. Kobe's level of play drops in the playoffs and further drops in the finals. We all know this except stans.

11-14-2013, 06:11 PM
Kobe averages 19.6 fg attempts per game in the regular season and 20.5 in the playoffs so why all of the 50 point games in the regular season except one? :roll:

Lebron has only reached 50 points once I believe period regular season or playoffs because he doesn't take many FGs, but Kobe increases his FG attempts in the playoffs yet his 50 point games nearly disappear.

Lebron doesn't shoot the ball much regular season or playoffs unlike chucker Kobe whose fg attempts per game increases in the playoffs yet almost all of his 50 point games are in the regular season.

Kobe regular season:

25.5 ppg (19.6 fga), 5.3 rpg, 4.8 apg, 45.5% fg

Kobe playoffs:

25.6 ppg (20.5 fga), 5.1 rpg, 4.7 apg, 44.8% fg

Lebron regular season:

27.5 ppg (20 fga), 7.2 rpg, 6.9 apg, 49.1% fg

Lebron playoffs:

28.1 ppg (20 fga), 8.6 rpg, 6.7 apg, 47.2% fg

Young X
11-14-2013, 06:12 PM
Jordan had b2b 50 point games in ONE playoff series.

GOAT gonna GOAT :roll:

11-14-2013, 06:13 PM
Jordan had b2b 50 point games in ONE playoff series.


Yao Ming's Foot
11-14-2013, 06:29 PM
You didn't answer anything. Show me Kobe scoring 50+ in the playoffs against a elite defensive team. Those creampuff suns sure showed him thro. You still haven't showed me the game. Mj went up to 63 against top 3 team ever. Dtrg is pure shit, but I like to play your game tho. The funny thing is I don't even think that 50 or game against Starks was even that impressive. Mj didn't even look like he was working for it. He just took advantage of Starks and shot over him. Starks made no adjustments at all, but Drtg says that's Mj best game in the playoffs ever right?

I never said Kobe had 50+ against an elite defensive team. Though I fail to see whats magical about scoring 50 rather than 48.

Defensive rating is a metric of a team's regular season defensive efficiency.

For a best game ever you would want to know the opposition's defensive efficiency, the context of the game, the scoring, the pace of the game, did it go to overtime, assists numbers, scoring efficiency of the offensive player, his rebounding, did he turn the ball over, how was his defense....


11-14-2013, 06:32 PM
Lebron doesn't shoot the ball much regular season or playoffs unlike chucker Kobe

Kobe regular season:

25.5 ppg (19.6 fga), 5.3 rpg, 4.8 apg, 45.5% fg

Kobe playoffs:

25.6 ppg (20.5 fga), 5.1 rpg, 4.7 apg, 44.8% fg

Lebron regular season:

27.5 ppg (20 fga), 7.2 rpg, 6.9 apg, 49.1% fg

Lebron playoffs:

28.1 ppg (20 fga), 8.6 rpg, 6.7 apg, 47.2% fg

19.6, 20.5, 20, 20 FGA

Not exactly drastically varied.

11-14-2013, 06:33 PM
Why should he have more of these games? It's a team sport after all. Isn't that what LeFraud stans preach? :oldlol: :oldlol:

5 rings with one 50 point game = efficient.

Hate all you can, hate the world, the air you breathe, hate the name....hate at will....

11-14-2013, 06:35 PM
50 point playoff games aren't exactly common. "Only 1" is impressive enough.

11-14-2013, 06:37 PM
I never said Kobe had 50+ against an elite defensive team. Though I fail to see whats magical about scoring 50 rather than 48.

Defensive rating is a metric of a team's regular season defensive efficiency.

For a best game ever you would want to know the opposition's defensive efficiency, the context of the game, the scoring, the pace of the game, did it go to overtime, assists numbers, scoring efficiency of the offensive player, his rebounding, did he turn the ball over, how was his defense....

What you know about context.:lol Also I was talking about scoring wise. In your world that was the toughest game Mj ever played to score that much.

11-14-2013, 06:48 PM
Jordan had b2b 50 point games in ONE playoff series.

GOAT gonna GOAT :roll:

11-14-2013, 07:04 PM
I never said Kobe had 50+ against an elite defensive team. Though I fail to see whats magical about scoring 50 rather than 48.

Defensive rating is a metric of a team's regular season defensive efficiency.

For a best game ever you would want to know the opposition's defensive efficiency, the context of the game, the scoring, the pace of the game, did it go to overtime, assists numbers, scoring efficiency of the offensive player, his rebounding, did he turn the ball over, how was his defense....

I'm talking about scoring wise. That should of been his hardest gane scoring ever according to you. I don't think it's his best game but by your logic it should be. I think the 42 against the Knicks the previous year was way better and cane with stiffer defense, but that Knick team was garbage defensively according to you so that's not possible right?

Yao Ming's Foot
11-14-2013, 07:07 PM
What you know about context.:lol Also I was talking about scoring wise. In your world that was the toughest game Mj ever played to score that much.

Well considering he was 44 for 125 (35%) the other 5 games of that series. I imagine Jordan himself would consider it his best game. :confusedshrug:

11-14-2013, 07:10 PM
Because he's not the GOAT. Not fair to compare him to Jordan

11-14-2013, 07:14 PM
Well considering he was 44 for 125 (35%) the other 5 games of that series. I imagine Jordan himself would consider it his best game. :confusedshrug:
Best game of the series, I doubt he would claim that his best offensive game of his career through. Mj put that show on with a ****ed up wrist too. Anyways, like I said going by your logic that's the best game of his entire career scoringwise. Even tho Starks played him like garbage doesn't really matter the Drtg matters.

Yao Ming's Foot
11-14-2013, 07:19 PM
Best game of the series, I doubt he would claim that his best offensive game of his career through. Mj put that show on with a ****ed up wrist too. Anyways, like I said going by your logic that's the best game of his entire career scoringwise. Even tho Starks played him like garbage doesn't really matter the Drtg matters.

Did Starks play like garbage all series? Why was Jordan so inefficient for the other 5 games then? Did his wrist magically heal for just this one game? :confusedshrug:

You want to argue that since Jordan had one great game against the Knicks that year def rating isn't real and completely ignore the 5 other games. :facepalm

11-14-2013, 07:35 PM
Did Starks play like garbage all series? Why was Jordan so inefficient for the other 5 games then? Did his wrist magically heal for just this one game? :confusedshrug:

You want to argue that since Jordan had one great game against the Knicks that year def rating isn't real and completely ignore the 5 other games. :facepalm
What are you retarded? We are talking about that game in question not the series. His wrist didn't magically heal. He played through it you dumbass. A athlete playing through injury in the postseason. Omg unheard of:facepalm Smh Anyways, like I said that must be MJ greatest game ever scoringwise with your logic. I'm not arguing Drtg isn't real at all. I just want to know if that's Mj best gane ever scoringwise because that's the "Hardest" he ever had to wrk/ got defended.

Yao Ming's Foot
11-14-2013, 07:42 PM
What are you retarded? We are talking about that game in question not the series. His wrist didn't magically heal. He played through it you dumbass. A athlete playing through injury in the postseason. Omg unheard of:facepalm Smh Anyways, like I said that must be MJ greatest game ever scoringwise with your logic. I'm not arguing Drtg isn't real at all. I just want to know if that's Mj best gane ever scoringwise because that's the "Hardest" he ever had to wrk/ got defended.

Well considering how much you constantly whine about his wrist, It must be. Big numbers against a defense that shut him down all series and the league all season while injured. What could possibly be your problem with that?

11-14-2013, 07:48 PM
So we dissin Kobe for not having 50pt games in the playoffs? But LeBron, Shaq, and Bird never scored 50 either.....Do yawl understand how idiotic u sound?..:coleman:

The difference is that players like Lebron and Shaq affect the game in a lot more ways other than just scoring.

11-14-2013, 08:10 PM
Well considering how much you constantly whine about his wrist, It must be. Big numbers against a defense that shut him down all series and the league all season while injured. What could possibly be your problem with that?
Stop acting like this is our first time talking about this. I already posted the article on his wrist and gambling to you long ago when you denied it. I have no problem with it being your best game for him scoringwise. So all I have to do is look up dtrg and the players output to find their best game scoringwise. You have truly enlightened me know. So you think Starks played good defense along with his teammates that game. They didn't trap/double, force him into the bigs, change the player guarding him etc... like they did the rest of the seriesI see now what you consider a great defense and games. I'm about look up some all time great games against the best Drtg.

11-14-2013, 08:17 PM
Because defenses are better. It's not a coincidence that MJ is one of the very few that actually has a 50 point game (err, multiple 50 point games) in the playoffs.

11-14-2013, 08:27 PM
Because defenses are better. It's not a coincidence that MJ is one of the very few that actually has a 50 point game (err, multiple 50 point games) in the playoffs.
None of that really matters. Who cares if Mj is the only one of a select few who scored 50 in the postseason in 50+ years nba history. The only thing that matters is Dtrg:applause:

Greg Oden 50
11-14-2013, 08:34 PM
He has been playing since 96 and is one of the most prolific scorers ever. He only got it against the the Suns in OT.

how many leflop hv then ???? :roll:

Deuce Bigalow
11-14-2013, 09:01 PM
Kobe's scoring peak was 2005-06 to 2006-07. He has 17 of his career 24 regular season 50+ point games in those two seasons and of course his only 50+ point playoff game, along with his two highest ppg seasons of his career. He only played in 13 playoff games during those two years though.

2008 Playoffs Game 2 vs Denver: 49 points on 18-27 shots, 5-9 3pt, 8-9 ft, 79%TS, 76%eFG, also 10 assists. That is about as good as it gets as far as offensive dominance.

Deuce Bigalow
11-14-2013, 09:06 PM
how many players scored 50 pt in a playoff game?

50 point games (Playoffs)
Michael Jordan -- 8
Wilt Chamberlain -- 4
Allen Iverson -- 3
Jerry West -- 2
Elgin Baylor -- 1
Charles Barkley -- 1
Rick Barry -- 1
John Havlicek -- 1
Sam Jones -- 1
Eric Floyd -- 1
Ray Allen -- 1
Bob Pettit -- 1
Billy Cunningham -- 1
Bob McAdoo -- 1
Dominique Wilkins -- 1
Karl Malone -- 1
Vince Carter -- 1
Dirk Nowitzki -- 1
Kobe Bryant -- 1
Bob Cousy -- 1

Deuce Bigalow
11-14-2013, 09:20 PM
Kobe averages 19.6 fg attempts per game in the regular season and 20.5 in the playoffs so why all of the 50 point games in the regular season except one? :roll:

Lebron has only reached 50 points once I believe period regular season or playoffs because he doesn't take many FGs, but Kobe increases his FG attempts in the playoffs yet his 50 point games nearly disappear.

Lebron doesn't shoot the ball much regular season or playoffs unlike chucker Kobe whose fg attempts per game increases in the playoffs yet almost all of his 50 point games are in the regular season.

Kobe regular season:

25.5 ppg (19.6 fga), 5.3 rpg, 4.8 apg, 45.5% fg

Kobe playoffs:

25.6 ppg (20.5 fga), 5.1 rpg, 4.7 apg, 44.8% fg

Lebron regular season:

27.5 ppg (20 fga), 7.2 rpg, 6.9 apg, 49.1% fg

Lebron playoffs:

28.1 ppg (20 fga), 8.6 rpg, 6.7 apg, 47.2% fg
30+ FGA regular season games: 105
35+ FGA regular season games: 28
40+ FGA regular season games: 9

30+ FGA playoff games: 17
35+ FGA playoff games: 3
40+ FGA playoff games: 0

His FGA/game is higher in the playoffs, but his games of very high amount of FGA games are way down compared to the regular season. You fail again. Btw Lebron has 9 50-point regular season games, not one.

11-14-2013, 09:21 PM
Don't respond to obvious troll threads.

This has been a public service announcement.

11-14-2013, 09:25 PM
No Toronto Raptors or Charlotte Bobcats in the playoffs bruh.

And they say 81 against raptors are more impressive than 63 against the fk celtics in the playoffs:facepalm

11-14-2013, 10:47 PM
No Toronto Raptors or Charlotte Bobcats in the playoffs bruh.
that only happens when you play in the east.

Yao Ming's Foot
11-14-2013, 11:11 PM
Stop acting like this is our first time talking about this. I already posted the article on his wrist and gambling to you long ago when you denied it. I have no problem with it being your best game for him scoringwise. So all I have to do is look up dtrg and the players output to find their best game scoringwise. You have truly enlightened me know. So you think Starks played good defense along with his teammates that game. They didn't trap/double, force him into the bigs, change the player guarding him etc... like they did the rest of the seriesI see now what you consider a great defense and games. I'm about look up some all time great games against the best Drtg.

Yeah man I'm sure the Knicks drastically changed their defense in the middle of the series for one game for shits and giggles then went back to humiliating MJ afterwards. That sounds reasonable.

11-14-2013, 11:15 PM
that only happens when you play in the east.
Yeah, TONS of epic Raptors and Bobcats series in the East every year. :rolleyes:


11-14-2013, 11:16 PM
Yeah man I'm sure the Knicks drastically changed their defense in the middle of the series for one game for shits and giggles then went back to humiliating MJ afterwards. That sounds reasonable.
They did play him differently that game actually. He had way more one on one. Go watch the series you dumb****. This is the reason his asts went up those last two games Sith a triple double at the end.

11-15-2013, 07:09 PM
Kobe averages 19.6 fg attempts per game in the regular season and 20.5 in the playoffs so why all of the 50 point games in the regular season except one? :roll:

Lebron has only reached 50 points once I believe period regular season or playoffs because he doesn't take many FGs, but Kobe increases his FG attempts in the playoffs yet his 50 point games nearly disappear.

Lebron doesn't shoot the ball much regular season or playoffs unlike chucker Kobe whose fg attempts per game increases in the playoffs yet almost all of his 50 point games are in the regular season.

Kobe regular season:

25.5 ppg (19.6 fga), 5.3 rpg, 4.8 apg, 45.5% fg

Kobe playoffs:

25.6 ppg (20.5 fga), 5.1 rpg, 4.7 apg, 44.8% fg

Lebron regular season:

27.5 ppg (20 fga), 7.2 rpg, 6.9 apg, 49.1% fg

Lebron playoffs:

28.1 ppg (20 fga), 8.6 rpg, 6.7 apg, 47.2% fg

:facepalm So, ur post is about how LeBron doesn't shoot as much as Kobe and that is why he doesn't have 50pt games in the playoffs, yet you show me that LeBron shoots more fga per game than Kobe in the regular season, and basically the same amount in the playoffs?....Is you right in the head bruh?:coleman:

11-15-2013, 07:12 PM
Sleepy Floyd has the same number of playoff 50 point games as Kobe. He also has 1 more than LeBron. Who did he drop 50 on in the PLAYOFFS you ask? None other than resident horrible man defender, Magic Johnson. Yet apparently Bird was the worse defender of the two. Which is absolutely false.

11-15-2013, 11:14 PM
Wilt has 4, all of them for the Warrriors.

And, to add to that fact, Wilt "the choker" had THREE of them in "must-win" games (two of which occurred in the "absolute elimination" games), and another in a series tied 2-2 that would go to a seventh game (and in that game, Wilt hung a 39 point, 26 rebound, 10 block game...in a win.) And, one of those "must-win" performances was against Russell. Furthermore, Wilt also had "must-win" games of 46 and 45 points (in a Finals no less.)