View Full Version : What Went On in Cavs Locker Room

11-17-2013, 06:27 PM
Some juicy stuff...


11-17-2013, 06:42 PM
Damn that's a lot to read... Cleveland needs a old vet in the locker room... Kyrie is a good player but he's very young, maybe the cavs are asking too much of him in terms of leadership... Dion Waiters should train with a guy like Wes Matthews, a real professional that pays with heart and effort, maybe something will rub off...

And for the love of god keep team business out of the media that will destroy a team faster than anything else

11-17-2013, 06:48 PM
Damn that's a lot to read... Cleveland needs a old vet in the locker room... Kyrie is a good player but he's very young... Dion Waiters should train with a guy like Wes Matthews a real professional that pays with heart and effort maybe something will rub off...
Funny, that's exactly what was going through my mind as I read that. I think the Cavs hoped (and maybe still do) that Jarrett Jack would be that guy to show Kyrie the balancing act of leading a team and simultaneously being the best player, though Jarrett's never had to do it himself.

The best scenario would be getting a veteran in there who has actually held the position of "best player on the team" and "leader" at the same time. Lloyd does a good job of pointing out how it can be a difficult spot in this piece.

Chancey Billups would be an excellent mentor for Kyrie... Someone like that.

Unfortunately, this team is SO young, there are a lot of guys still trying to find their way. The Cavs have the second youngest roster in the entire NBA. The "veterans" on the team are Jack, Varejao, Bynum and... CJ Miles? Alonzo Gee?

This team needs two things right now... A veteran who knows what it takes to lead and mentor a big group of young talented guys and a couple dead-eye shooters. Although I still like the potential of this roster, those two things are sorely lacking right now.

All told, starting the season 4-7 isn't ideal, but it also isn't the end of the world either. They pulled off a big road win last night in a game where they were down with a few minutes left... showed some character.

11-17-2013, 06:49 PM
Y'all need some Kendrick Perkins in that locker room.

Perk + Thabo for Varejao


11-17-2013, 06:53 PM
Y'all need some Kendrick Perkins in that locker room.

Perk + Thabo for Varejao

Lol... You really want Perkins out... Fisher would do wonders for their lock room also

Perk+lamb+fisher for varejao+waiters

11-17-2013, 07:04 PM

11-17-2013, 07:26 PM
Lol... You really want Perkins out... Fisher would do wonders for their lock room also

Perk+lamb+fisher for varejao+waiters

11-17-2013, 07:30 PM
Y'all need some Kendrick Perkins in that locker room.

Perk + Thabo for Varejao

I think Thabo would actually be a pretty good fit on this team. He's struggled this year, but in the past he's been a reliable shooter and a pretty good all-around player.

No one wants Perkins, though. And, Varejao is worth more than just Thabo.

no pun intended
11-17-2013, 07:33 PM
This went on.


11-17-2013, 10:28 PM
Anthony Bennett demanded more minutes, more touches, and a starting spot.

La Frescobaldi
11-17-2013, 11:13 PM
team has a lot of potential maybe that little meeting will do the trick and get them turned around

11-17-2013, 11:49 PM

I like it. Dion + a filler for AA

Ship out Jarrett and have Jameer as 6th man depending if they buy him out or if ORL would consider taking Jack.../3 team trade.

Send off Gee or Miles for Francisco Garcia?

That would improve the locker room a ton with some seasoned vets :rockon: