View Full Version : Hakeem: Dwight Has Reverted To Old Habits

11-20-2013, 12:56 AM
Many years before he became mentor to the stars, teaching the fine art of his post moves to the likes of Kobe Bryant, LeBron James and Dwight Howard (among others), a young Hakeem Olajuwon was a Nigerian student who found answers on the basketball court. “The game was introduced at my school and I learned it from scratch,” Olajuwon said. “I learned about the rules and how to play basketball and I also learned about work ethic, teamwork and communication. Those are tools that are part of a successful life in or out of sports.”

The Hall of Famer was speaking Tuesday from Nigeria, where he was helping to launch a basketball initiative for youth. Even from half a world away, though, Olajuwon was thinking about the struggles of his current pupil, Howard, who he mentored in the offseason after the big man signed a four-year, $88-million free agent contract with the Rockets, Olajuwon’s former team.

“The truth is that I can’t wait to get back to Houston to do more work with Dwight,” said Olajuwon, who left Houston in early October to return to his home in Amman, Jordan and has been keeping track of his pupil on TV. “I wish he was doing a better job.

“Dwight has always been athletic and aggressive and he still is. But when I watch him, what I see are opportunities that he is missing. When he gets the ball, he seems to be taking his time to decide what move to make, where he should go.

“There should not be a delay for Dwight. He must be able to make a faster recognition of the situations and react immediately with a go-to move. You must move right away before the defense has a chance to set up. You must be the one making the first move so that you can force the defender to always be the one reacting.

“I thought we were doing a good job with this when we were working together over the summer and at the start of training camp. But what I see now is that when Dwight gets in competition, he has a tendency to go back to all of his old habits. He’s just doing all of the things that he did before. He needs a reminder.”

Olajuwon plans to return to Houston prior to the NBA All-Star break in February and will remain in Houston through the end of the season and the playoffs.

“Maybe if I am there with him all of the time we can reinforce new habits and make it all feel natural,” Olajuwon said.

Olajuwon, who was a .712 shooter on free throws through his 18-year NBA career, has cringed long distance while watching Howard make a career low .531 from the foul line this season.

“I think this is where a confident routines comes in,” Olajuwon said. “It’s not just putting in hours and hours of work. It’s getting a solid routine and staying with it. With Dwight right now, I think it’s more mental. Sometimes you just have to let it go. Don’t think. Don’t hesitate. Just trust your routine and let it go.

“I won’t say that you can’t ever win a championship as a big man if you don’t shoot free throws well, because Shaq did it four times. But it can be a deciding factor, so you want to fix it.”


Is Hakeem gonna have to apologize to Dwight again for down talking him and hurting his feeling's again?

11-20-2013, 01:00 AM
Sounds like Hakeem is saying Dwight is stupid. Maybe Kareem is right about Dwight having a very low basketball IQ.

Kobe 4 The Win
11-20-2013, 01:10 AM
I agree.

It sounds like Olajuwon is confirming all the stuff Kareem said.

oh the horror
11-20-2013, 01:11 AM
If this dudes athleticism erodes quick then Houston is going to be eating one hell of a contract.

11-20-2013, 01:18 AM
You hurt his feelings, Hakeem!


11-20-2013, 01:21 AM
OP is clearly a salty Lakers fan still butthurt over Dwight leaving LA.

11-20-2013, 01:23 AM
OP is clearly a salty Lakers fan still butthurt over Dwight leaving LA.
I'm not a Laker fan. :facepalm

11-20-2013, 01:24 AM
OP is clearly a salty Lakers fan still butthurt over Dwight leaving LA.
Hakeem is salty about Dwight not using his moves.

11-20-2013, 01:27 AM
OP is clearly a salty Lakers fan still butthurt over Dwight leaving LA.
:facepalm His username is KingLebronGOAT

It's clear to anyone watching the Rockets that Dwight has a lot of work to do if he wants to succeed in Houston long term. This article, and Hakeem's commentary - hell everyone in the media is saying these things- aren't all shitting on Dwight for last year's drama. It's about his play so far this season.

get these NETS
11-20-2013, 01:27 AM
waste of time having an nba vet who is not built like, nor has the agility of dream attempt to pattern his game after dream or even copy moves

11-20-2013, 01:28 AM
Didn't Dallas and Boston recently win the NBA Championship with defensive centers?

11-20-2013, 01:33 AM
Wow, two people actually took my post seriously. :lol

11-20-2013, 01:34 AM
Didn't Dallas and Boston recently win the NBA Championship with defensive centers?

Is Howard going to settle for just being a defensive center?

No he's not, isn't that why he left LA?

He wants his touches, he wants his shots. But he has zero post moves. If he settled for a Tyson Chandler type role and just focused on defence, put backs, dunks and rebounding, then Houston may have a chance.

Right now, they don't. And Howard is to blame for that.

11-20-2013, 01:35 AM
OP is clearly a salty Lakers fan still butthurt over Dwight leaving LA.

11-20-2013, 01:36 AM
I'm not a Laker fan. :facepalm
That was sarcasm:coleman:

oh the horror
11-20-2013, 01:38 AM
:facepalm His username is KingLebronGOAT

It's clear to anyone watching the Rockets that Dwight has a lot of work to do if he wants to succeed in Houston long term. This article, and Hakeem's commentary - hell everyone in the media is saying these things- aren't all shitting on Dwight for last year's drama. It's about his play so far this season.

Uh huh. Wait until Howard begins to unload his baggage dude.

He brought that shit with him to LA. When word came out about his locker room antics and complaining his lackluster play made it worse.

Right now his play is still fairly lackluster.

I mean the guy has been in the league 10 years. How much work is left to improve his game?

11-20-2013, 01:43 AM
I guess Hakeem salty too.:roll: :roll:

11-20-2013, 03:45 AM
I'm with laker fans, keep holding this piece of shit accountable. Dwight is garbage.

11-20-2013, 04:02 AM
Dwight doesn't like to learn from others, or at least, that's his reputation.

Maybe since Hakeem is out of the country, he feels he is safe from having to apologise. :lol

It's not about copying or cloning anyone's game.. it's just about expanding it and addressing weaknesses.

11-20-2013, 04:07 AM
You know you're good when you're averaging 17 and 14 with 2.5 blocks/game and people still think you're garbage.

Keep proving the haters wrong, Dwight.

11-20-2013, 04:08 AM
Dwight wasn't even garbage last season.. his numbers were fine. It's certain aspects of his game that are garbage.

11-20-2013, 04:14 AM
Uh huh. Wait until Howard begins to unload his baggage dude.

He brought that shit with him to LA. When word came out about his locker room antics and complaining his lackluster play made it worse.

Right now his play is still fairly lackluster.

I mean the guy has been in the league 10 years. How much work is left to improve his game?
Nah I actually agree that he's not going to improve and that this stint with the Rockets is going to be a failure. My point is that the criticism he's getting now isn't limited to mad Lakers fans still mad about last year. His flaws are plain to see, but that's the path that the Rockets have chosen. Sucks for them.

McHale and Hakeem are going to try to help this guy out, but there's only so much they can do.

11-20-2013, 04:16 AM
Wow, two people actually took my post seriously. :lol
I laughed :lol

Nick Young
11-20-2013, 04:29 AM
Hakeem, Shaq and Kareem both saying Dwight doesn't have what it takes mentally to win it all and has a low BBall IQ.


The elites in the games history can all see it? Why can't Houston fans and Dwight apologists?

Nick Young
11-20-2013, 04:35 AM
Also, Dwight is statistically the worst post player in the league:

Howard has shot 20-of-60, or 33 percent, on post-up attempts this season, per Synergy Sports. That would have ranked 88th out of 92 players who recorded at least 75 post-up plays last season. He has turned over the ball on an astonishing 24 percent of his post-up chances this season, per Synergy. That would have ranked last among those 92 players last season.

Someone needs to show him these stats on an ipad.

11-20-2013, 04:42 AM
His stats good doe derp:facepalm

11-20-2013, 04:49 AM
Dwight ain't garbage.

He just think he's a lot better than he is and because of how dominant he is on defense and on the boards, coaches pretty much let him believe what he wants to believe.

It's not his fault. Someone needs to come up and give him the hard news that he will NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER be a dominant offensive center.


11-20-2013, 04:57 AM
If Dwight stayed with the Lakers and the Lakers rehired Phil, Phil would make him his whipping boy and make him cry. Then Dwight would be thinking...."I made a mistake wanting Phil to come back to the Lakers and coach me." :cry:

11-20-2013, 05:12 AM
Dwight should accept that he's no back to the basket player and focus on his pick and roll game. He will be alright if he does.

11-20-2013, 05:19 AM
i can't believe how many idiot nba players try to copy all the moves of hakeem. Kobe and lebron both took moves that they can do. They didn't try to copy him fully because kobe doesn't have the hieght and lebron doesn't have the footwork to copy him fully.
This is what separates great players from good players. lebron and kobe knew what they can integrate into their game but guys like dwight have no idea what to do.

Nick Young
11-20-2013, 05:26 AM
Dwight should accept that he's no back to the basket player and focus on his pick and roll game. He will be alright if he does.
If only he knew how to set good screens and roll properly

Lakers Legend#32
11-20-2013, 05:48 AM
Houston you have a problem.
The Lakers don't anymore.

MJ(Mean John)
11-20-2013, 05:49 AM
Dwight can be very dominant on defense for stretches. On offense? His dunks and put backs. That's about it. He doesn't have a good post game or any post moves for that matter, he doesn't have a jump shot or is a good passer. I mean, 17 points a game is pretty good for a guy who doesn't have a post game or can't hit free throws.

Dwight thinks he's dominant. MotherF.ucker 30PTS/15 rebounds is dominant. Getting doubled and tripled and winning 3 rings in a row is f.ucken dominant. Back in the days, Kobe was like Harden. If this was 2001 kobe, he would still be the leader on the rockets.

I was upset we didn't keep dwight but at the same time, deep down i know that i was just upset because i felt that with dwight we could win championships because i felt the rest of the roster was going to be good enough. What I knew deep down was that giving dwight a max contract for 6 years was not a good idea FOR THE LAKERS. It was not a good investment. Giving a guy who isn't dominant and cannot lead you to a chip, is not good if i want the lakers to be successful for the future. A guy who already has injury concerns and isn't the youngest guy in the world and who needs so much more high level star talent to just be competing deep in the playoffs isn't worth it. With the max contract for a 28 year old big with back problems who doesn't have a post game, post moves, can't pass, can't shoot free throws, and who's ceiling is really 17 pts, AND IS seriously the NBA version of TO, is not worth it.

Id rather the lakers keep their cap and money and suck for 1 year, but have the rest of the 10 years be possibly much better and without drama.

The possibilities are really, endless. Say what you say about the lakers, but the fact remains that we get big talent, and often. Were blessed.


So let dwight leave because he really, truly isn't a great bargain. I WOULD rather keep the money and cap space and get quality young talent such as PGeorge, Lillard, Aldridge, LeBron(?), etc. The money can be used better and get a lot more bang for our buck.

11-20-2013, 06:47 AM
dwight sucks.. hell, if he just focus more on defense, houston will really be a threat..

Nick Young
11-20-2013, 07:03 AM
dwight sucks.. hell, if he just focus more on defense, houston will really be a threat..
I thought Kobe was a hallhog though and Lakers were bad because Dwight needed to get more touches a game, even though he got the most post up opportunities per game of any player in the NBA.

11-20-2013, 08:05 AM
Dwight can be very dominant on defense for stretches. On offense? His dunks and put backs. That's about it. He doesn't have a good post game or any post moves for that matter, he doesn't have a jump shot or is a good passer. I mean, 17 points a game is pretty good for a guy who doesn't have a post game or can't hit free throws.

Dwight thinks he's dominant. MotherF.ucker 30PTS/15 rebounds is dominant. Getting doubled and tripled and winning 3 rings in a row is f.ucken dominant. Back in the days, Kobe was like Harden. If this was 2001 kobe, he would still be the leader on the rockets.

I was upset we didn't keep dwight but at the same time, deep down i know that i was just upset because i felt that with dwight we could win championships because i felt the rest of the roster was going to be good enough. What I knew deep down was that giving dwight a max contract for 6 years was not a good idea FOR THE LAKERS. It was not a good investment. Giving a guy who isn't dominant and cannot lead you to a chip, is not good if i want the lakers to be successful for the future. A guy who already has injury concerns and isn't the youngest guy in the world and who needs so much more high level star talent to just be competing deep in the playoffs isn't worth it. With the max contract for a 28 year old big with back problems who doesn't have a post game, post moves, can't pass, can't shoot free throws, and who's ceiling is really 17 pts, AND IS seriously the NBA version of TO, is not worth it.

Id rather the lakers keep their cap and money and suck for 1 year, but have the rest of the 10 years be possibly much better and without drama.

The possibilities are really, endless. Say what you say about the lakers, but the fact remains that we get big talent, and often. Were blessed.


So let dwight leave because he really, truly isn't a great bargain. I WOULD rather keep the money and cap space and get quality young talent such as PGeorge, Lillard, Aldridge, LeBron(?), etc. The money can be used better and get a lot more bang for our buck.

Well said, couldnt agree more:applause:

11-20-2013, 08:50 AM
why hasn't kblaze typed some 500 word+ essay critcizing Hakeem's understanding of the game and citing Dwight's ppg as reason for why he's a top 10 scorer at his position?


11-20-2013, 09:05 AM
why hasn't kblaze typed some 500 word+ essay critcizing Hakeem's understanding of the game and citing Dwight's ppg as reason for why he's a top 10 scorer at his position?


Envious much? :confusedshrug:

11-20-2013, 10:44 AM
Houston you have a problem.
The Lakers don't anymore.

I thought the point was to win games? Your Lakers seem to be on pace to miss the playoffs for the first time in 8 or 9 years while the Rockets are currently 5th in the West this year after finishing last year 8th and you are saying they have a problem? Hilarious.

11-20-2013, 10:47 AM
you cant TEACH instincts, feel, touch, IQ, swagger, you can rehearse al the moves the want Dwight is who he is.

11-20-2013, 10:49 AM
So let dwight leave because he really, truly isn't a great bargain. I WOULD rather keep the money and cap space and get quality young talent such as PGeorge, Lillard, Aldridge, LeBron(?), etc. The money can be used better and get a lot more bang for our buck.

The problem is at the moment seems like you won't get Dwight or any of those top guys. Right now the summer of '14 seems to be Melo or bust for the Lakers; and while its undeniable that he's a star; he would be an awful running mate for Kobe.

11-20-2013, 11:10 AM
The problem is at the moment seems like you won't get Dwight or any of those top guys. Right now the summer of '14 seems to be Melo or bust for the Lakers; and while nobody its undeniable that he's a star he seems to be an awful fit for a running mate for Kobe.

If the Lakets brass has an ounce of Jerry West intellect remaining in their grasp, they'd pass on giving Melo, whose on coach has questioned his conditioning (which, amongst his other flaws, will only become exasperated into his 30s) a 4 year contract, and wait until 2015.

There's no franchise altering player available. There's no Shaq. There's no prime Kobe to pair a top 5 big in Gasol with and hold the organization down for 5 years.

The aim should be to build for the future. Not simply to salvage Kobe's remaining productive years, but to ensure sustained excellence 5-7 years down the road.

As for Dwight, he is what he is. Big man very rarely change their fundamentals and mechanics as players after years and years of playing organized basketball.

11-20-2013, 12:21 PM
Hakeem is mad Dwight is putting his business model of charging NBA players 50k for five dance moves in danger. At some point these idiots might figure out that you cannot learn basketball moves that you couldn

11-20-2013, 12:23 PM
[QUOTE=R.I.P.]Hakeem is mad Dwight is putting his business model of charging NBA players 50k for five dance moves in danger. At some point these idiots might figure out that you cannot learn basketball moves that you couldn

11-20-2013, 12:24 PM
[QUOTE=R.I.P.]Hakeem is mad Dwight is putting his business model of charging NBA players 50k for five dance moves in danger. At some point these idiots might figure out that you cannot learn basketball moves that you couldn

11-20-2013, 12:34 PM
You know you're good when you're averaging 17 and 14 with 2.5 blocks/game and people still think you're garbage.

Keep proving the haters wrong, Dwight.

All the while turning the ball over at a high rate, clogging the lane when you should move, putting your teammates in bad situations due to your inability to think a play through, oh, and Hack-a-Howard.

As long as your stats good, you should be golden.

derp derp derp.

11-20-2013, 12:40 PM
Didn't Dallas and Boston recently win the NBA Championship with defensive centers?

Yes. but those two teams also had an all world power forward who could make up for any offensive faults of the center. Houston has.... Omri Casspi

They also had a top tier coach

When the live bullets are fired, of course you are going to go to what you are comfortable with. Ask all the "QB Gurus" who've worked with Tebow's mechanics

11-20-2013, 12:50 PM
Teaching post moves to Howard has to be frustrating, similar to trying to teach him foul shooting. Some people you just can't reach.

11-20-2013, 01:42 PM
Dwight's not the athlete he used to be but he's still one of the most athletic centers in the game. Like Hakeem said, if he did a better job of using his quickness and speed to his advantage, he would be way more effective in the post. Instead of waiting for the defense to settle, he needs to immediately go into his "repertoire" of post moves.

11-20-2013, 01:53 PM
[QUOTE=R.I.P.]Hakeem is mad Dwight is putting his business model of charging NBA players 50k for five dance moves in danger. At some point these idiots might figure out that you cannot learn basketball moves that you couldn

11-20-2013, 03:04 PM
I know your joking; but your a fool if you really expected a player to become Hakeem Jr. just because he trains with Dream for a few days.


Lakers Legend#32
11-20-2013, 03:14 PM
Dwight=Whiney Little B1tch

11-20-2013, 03:16 PM
Dwight would probably be better off, if he worked on his FT problems with a psychologist/mental coach, if he really consistently shoots 80% in practice. Then it is a mental problem and for 50k you can pay a psychologist for a long time.

The FT thing could be in his head. Could be the fans rattling him. Could be a number of things.

But he is in practice shooting 100 FT's in a row and making 80 of em.

Last I checked you only get 2 in a row in the game. He gets into a rhythm standing there having someone rebound for him while he doesn't move. That isn't game situation that he's practicing. Thats some dave and busters type shit he's practicing

He needs to change the way he practices them. Shoot two at a time and run the length of the floor then shoot another two. Seems like the more practical way to me

11-20-2013, 03:58 PM

11-20-2013, 05:42 PM
Hakeem: "Dwight sucks."

Dwight better not cry about this.

11-20-2013, 06:05 PM
He's right. Dwight never makes a quick move when he's 1v1 on the post. It's like he's expecting a double team, and would rather just wait for it, and pass the ball... then actually attempt to score 1v1 on the box.

11-20-2013, 06:32 PM
Hakeem and Shaq repeatedly saying what Lakers fans have been saying for 2 years

11-20-2013, 06:38 PM
The FT thing could be in his head. Could be the fans rattling him. Could be a number of things.

But he is in practice shooting 100 FT's in a row and making 80 of em.

Last I checked you only get 2 in a row in the game. He gets into a rhythm standing there having someone rebound for him while he doesn't move. That isn't game situation that he's practicing. Thats some dave and busters type shit he's practicing

He needs to change the way he practices them. Shoot two at a time and run the length of the floor then shoot another two. Seems like the more practical way to me

You really think he hasn't tried that? or his coaches? Its in his head and he can't deal with it.

11-20-2013, 09:22 PM
All the while turning the ball over at a high rate, clogging the lane when you should move, putting your teammates in bad situations due to your inability to think a play through, oh, and Hack-a-Howard.

As long as your stats good, you should be golden.

derp derp derp.

You're right. His team is 8-4. Empty stats.

derp derp derp.

Take Your Lumps
11-20-2013, 09:36 PM

Take Your Lumps
11-21-2013, 09:04 AM
NBA Legion ‏
@MySportsLegion 3h
Vince Carter yelled "You're the biggest cry baby I know" to Dwight Howard.

Tim MacMahon @espn_macmahon
Vince Carter just now to Dwight Howard: "You're the biggest crybaby I know."


Mr Exlax
11-21-2013, 09:33 AM
Damn no comments about his performance last night? Not a single one huh?

11-21-2013, 09:42 AM
Damn no comments about his performance last night? Not a single one huh?

Last night's performance doesn't support an agenda.

11-21-2013, 09:51 AM
Damn no comments about his performance last night? Not a single one huh?

How many points did he score in the 4th? Please tell us how he dominated the paint and lead his team to the win... Oh wait:oldlol:

I think most people are just over it now, dwight is a fkn clown. All the best rockets fans:cheers:

Take Your Lumps
11-21-2013, 09:57 AM
Damn no comments about his performance last night? Not a single one huh?

He looked great against Samuel Dalembert. That's something, right?

11-21-2013, 10:07 AM
When he's not finishing alley oops or dunks, his offense can be cringeworthy at times.

Unfortunately for him... the playoffs, let alone regular season, is not a slam dunk competition.

11-21-2013, 10:14 AM
Lmao at all of these emotional laker fans and how butt hurt they still are over dwight.:oldlol:

Mr Exlax
11-21-2013, 10:18 AM
How many points did he score in the 4th? Please tell us how he dominated the paint and lead his team to the win... Oh wait:oldlol:

I think most people are just over it now, dwight is a fkn clown. All the best rockets fans:cheers:

So wait a sec, I'm talking about the entire game and then you only talk about the 4th? Was he just stinking it up or maybe it was because the Mavs finally started doubling him? He was making the correct basketball play by passing it to the open man. It's a team game. He's on a team with players that can actually score now. I'm not exactly sure how you can place the loss on him, but hey I'm one of the few that blames losses on the entire team and not just one player. Same thing with victories. For the record though, he dominated the paint. Even in the 4th. The amount of attention he got means he's dominating. That means something.

All in all I was pleased with his game though. This was a very very very good outing. I had pretty much given up on him because I noticed that he was posting too far from the block and all that. Hopefully the big fella keeps it up.

Mr Exlax
11-21-2013, 10:19 AM
He looked great against Samuel Dalembert. That's something, right?

I'm honestly just glad that he looked great against ANYBODY. The way he's described by ISH is that he can't score at all.

11-21-2013, 10:21 AM
Lmao at all of these emotional laker fans and how butt hurt they still are over dwight.:oldlol:

You a Rockets fan I'm assuming... You'll probably be in the same club in 2-3 years after Howard burns every bridge in Houston :oldlol:

Mr Exlax
11-21-2013, 10:28 AM
You a Rockets fan I'm assuming... You'll probably be in the same club in 2-3 years after Howard burns every bridge in Houston :oldlol:

The thing about that is that I don't think he burned any bridges. The Orlando Magic still wanted him. Remember the owner called him and begged him to stay. The LA Lakers put up billboards and shit to try and get him to stay. Just about every GM in the NBA went after him and voted him as the top Center in the NBA.

11-21-2013, 10:31 AM
You a Rockets fan I'm assuming... You'll probably be in the same club in 2-3 years after Howard burns every bridge in Houston :oldlol:

Highly unlikely... because unlike irrational laker fans, we aren't counting on Dwight to be the main cog and carry our water.. we actually have other young pieces built around him that can do that. We didn't count on him to be the "future".. he's just a piece to the puzzle


Nothing Hakeem said was anything remotely close to the idiot comments Kareem made. But whatever, keep hating Laker nation. :roll:

Mr Exlax
11-21-2013, 10:45 AM
Highly unlikely... because unlike irrational laker fans, we aren't counting on Dwight to be the main cog and carry our water.. we actually have other young pieces built around him that can do that. We didn't count on him to be the "future".. he's just a piece to the puzzle


Nothing Hakeem said was anything remotely close to the idiot comments Kareem made. But whatever, keep hating Laker nation. :roll:

Them hoes have made more Dwight related topics this season than us Rockets fans, but yet they claim they don't care about him lol

11-21-2013, 10:45 AM
Lmao at all of these emotional laker fans and how butt hurt they still are over dwight.:oldlol:

No one is butt hurt. It's just hard to support the guy when he continually turns everyone off by opening his mouth and whining.

11-21-2013, 10:46 AM
The thing about that is that I don't think he burned any bridges. The Orlando Magic still wanted him. Remember the owner called him and begged him to stay. The LA Lakers put up billboards and shit to try and get him to stay. Just about every GM in the NBA went after him and voted him as the top Center in the NBA.

Eh, the Lakers and Magic probably just didn't want to lose a great player for nothing in return (ie. trading Bynum away for nothing).

I think it's quite clear that Howard's relationships have soured with his previous teams. Howard and Kobe's relationship, for instance, was luke warm at best. They don't talk to each other anymore, were probably never friends, but surely it's not better now.

You know, I could understand being optimistic (why not, right), but to disregard Howard's proclivities is somewhat naive. If history is any indicator, Howard probably won't retire in Houston or leave on relatively good terms. Just a guess though :oldlol:

Mr Exlax
11-21-2013, 10:51 AM
Eh, the Lakers and Magic probably just didn't want to lose a great player for nothing in return (ie. trading Bynum away for nothing).

I think it's quite clear that Howard's relationships have soured with his previous teams. Howard and Kobe's relationship, for instance, was luke warm at best. They don't talk to each other anymore, were probably never friends, but surely it's not better now.

You know, I could understand being optimistic (why not, right), but to disregard Howard's proclivities is somewhat naive. If history is any indicator, Howard probably won't retire in Houston or leave on relatively good terms. Just a guess though :oldlol:

He's still good with the coach that he supposedly got fired. That means a ton if you really think about it. The Magic made promises about roster changes and he bought into it. They lied to him so he demanded a trade.

What other dominant big man has gotten along with Kobe? What dominant player has gotten along with him? That means 0 to me lol.

As far as retiring here I could care less. I just want him to play good while he's a Houston Rocket. If he demanded a trade tomorrow, we'd be an 8 seed in the West.

11-21-2013, 10:56 AM
Highly unlikely... because unlike irrational laker fans, we aren't counting on Dwight to be the main cog and carry our water.. we actually have other young pieces built around him that can do that. We didn't count on him to be the "future".. he's just a piece to the puzzle

Well the guy yall are "not counting on to be the main cog" is making the most money on the team (more than Lebron, Durant, or CP3) and taking a huge chunk of cap space

20.5 mill
21.4 mill
22.4 mill
23.2 mill

^ over then next 4 seasons including this one

"just a piece to the puzzle", sure, but you have to think Dwight will want it to be his team eventually (based on his past attitude). We'll see.

11-21-2013, 11:03 AM
He's still good with the coach that he supposedly got fired. That means a ton if you really think about it. The Magic made promises about roster changes and he bought into it. They lied to him so he demanded a trade.

What other dominant big man has gotten along with Kobe? What dominant player has gotten along with him? That means 0 to me lol.

As far as retiring here I could care less. I just want him to play good while he's a Houston Rocket. If he demanded a trade tomorrow, we'd be an 8 seed in the West.

versus the 7th seed that yall currently have?

and point taken about Kobe... but still, Dwight is a douche, put simply. Says all the wrong things and who knows what kind of insecure bia he is behind the scenes.

Mr Exlax
11-21-2013, 11:04 AM
Well the guy yall are "not counting on to be the main cog" is making the most money on the team (more than Lebron, Durant, or CP3) and taking a huge chunk of cap space

20.5 mill
21.4 mill
22.4 mill
23.2 mill

^ over then next 4 seasons including this one

"just a piece to the puzzle", sure, but you have to think Dwight will want it to be his team eventually (based on his past attitude). We'll see.

Nobody was anywhere near as good as him on any of his Orlando teams. Last season in LA I mean, what big man wants to play with a SG that thinks they should play from outside in? Here he's got an established star in James Harden. He wants touches. He's gonna get them here. We can still score if he goes out the game too though. I seriously don't think there will be too many problems here. Other than him calling the other players out on defense, but that won't be a problem. That's something that needs to happen.

11-21-2013, 11:06 AM
Nobody was anywhere near as good as him on any of his Orlando teams. Last season in LA I mean, what big man wants to play with a SG that thinks they should play from outside in? Here he's got an established star in James Harden. He wants touches. He's gonna get them here. We can still score if he goes out the game too though. I seriously don't think there will be too many problems here. Other than him calling the other players out on defense, but that won't be a problem. That's something that needs to happen.

Probably what Lakers fans and Magic fans thought, too. That's just my whole point. Agree to disagree...

Mr Exlax
11-21-2013, 11:07 AM
versus the 7th seed that yall currently have?

and point taken about Kobe... but still, Dwight is a douche, put simply. Says all the wrong things and who knows what kind of insecure bia he is behind the scenes.

Yep. We'd be ok in the grand scheme of things. We don't tank here. We've never had a star player who was held out a season to land the number 1 pick the next season. We go out and put a good product on the floor. We'd be fine is what I'm getting at.

Everything else you put is speculation. What you think he might be behind the scenes is pointless to me. I could think he's a great guy behind the scenes. No point in debating that one.

Mr Exlax
11-21-2013, 11:08 AM
Probably what Lakers fans and Magic fans thought, too. That's just my whole point. Agree to disagree...

He wanted better teammates in Orlando. I don't knock him for wanting that. The FO made some horrible signings. Why should he stick around for that? The LA thing I thought he never wanted to be there in the first place. Then look at the head coach and then look at the rest of their roster lol. That shit was doomed from the start.

Mr. Jabbar
11-21-2013, 11:11 AM
he played a good game yesterday but reverted to old habits in the 4th :roll:

Mr Exlax
11-21-2013, 11:14 AM
he played a good game yesterday but reverted to old habits in the 4th :roll:

Nothing about the double teams though? That's my whole thing. He tried and then he passed to the open man. Didn't miss a ton of freethrows. What else was he supposed to do? We needed stops don't you think?

Mr. Jabbar
11-21-2013, 11:19 AM
Nothing about the double teams though? That's my whole thing. He tried and then he passed to the open man. Didn't miss a ton of freethrows. What else was he supposed to do? We needed stops don't you think?

im just j/k he played well yesterday

Mr Exlax
11-21-2013, 11:28 AM
im just j/k he played well yesterday


I hope like hell this isn't the last time we both say this. This was the first game where I was impressed.

11-21-2013, 01:11 PM
Inside the NBA crew, Hakeem, Kareem . R some of you telling us that they are all wrong ? does MJ have to tell you Dwight sucks for you to believe it?

11-21-2013, 02:33 PM
People like Kareem,Shaq,Hakeem are right about Howard. However, Dwight isn't that type of offensive for they were.

He should stick with what he does best especially in season. Rebounds & defense, pick and rolls, put backs and such.

It's dumb to create something new from 28 year old basketball player.

He can try to improve some more post moves in offseason. If it was so easy everybody would have footwork of Duncan,Kareem,Jordan,Hakeem,Kobe.

When old timers speak, even though they might be right, they don't consider not everybody is capable of what they did.

For example some people learns dance moves faster than other and make it fluit. While others like me look like scarecrow on dance floor.