View Full Version : Can we all agree that Derrick Rose is a gutless coward now?

11-20-2013, 07:02 PM
Dude refused to come back last year because "he wasn't ready", "muscle memory", etc, etc.

During the off-season, he claims a bunch of nonsense how he's faster and is a better player than ever.

Now here we are, a month into a season, and the guy is the worst starting PG in the league. What does this tell us? That Derrick Rose is full of shit.

He was medically cleared to play months before last year's post-season even started. Yet he continued to sit on the sidelines in his suit and tie. Didn't even consider giving it a go for the playoffs. Why? Because he was a scared coward. He wanted absolutely no part of playing in the playoffs and having a rematch against LeBron in the Heat.

There's just not a chance in the world that Rose wasn't able to play towards the end of last season. How could he play any worse than he is now? The extra time that he took off probably hurt him rather than helped. I would be LIVID if I was a guy like Joakim Noah, absolutely livid.

Not that this should be news to anyone. The whole "muscle memory" nonsense really sealed the deal for me. A completely made up, outrageous excuse fabricated so that he could keep sitting his scared ass on the bench and wouldn't have to be humiliated by LeBron again.

The fact that Bulls fans are still defending this loser is mystifying. Denial is very powerful it seems.

11-20-2013, 07:09 PM
So he doesn't look good now and you still think he should have came back for the playoffs? If he came back then, he would have been even worse off then and made things worse for his team.

11-20-2013, 07:11 PM
So he doesn't look good now and you still think he should have came back for the playoffs? If he came back then, he would have been even worse off then and made things worse for his team.

Like I said in an other thread. Worry about your own teams ISHers, the Bulls are currently #3 in the east and they're not even playing that well yet.

11-20-2013, 07:11 PM
Being a baller myself and been injured before, i totally understand where Rose is coming from. Sometimes one injury is all it takes to ruin your life. You really don't want to rush back till you know you're ready.

How many posters here actually balled seriously in their life?

11-20-2013, 07:16 PM
I really don't like Derrick Rose but this is absolute bullshit. How is he a coward for coming back and playing poorly. Would playing well make him a brave hero? The only way you could call him a coward would be if he only played games versus shitty opponents and sat against anyone good.

11-20-2013, 07:17 PM
Yes, he's playing very poorly. But, how exactly does that make him a coward? I legitimately don't get it.

11-20-2013, 07:19 PM
In hindsight, seeing him struggle so far into the season... he SHOULD HAVE come back last year in that Miami series. YES he would have failed, but it would have gave him 4+ grueling games which he could have built on. AND then he improves during offseason. No one would have made fun of him for stinking it up against the Heat, outside of trolls, since we all expected it. He might have gained some respect too.

Gutless coward is too harsh, but I think he had the wrong people in his ear. Telling him to sit out, because the team was not good enough. Sure, no one can prove that is what his brother was saying, but he should have told his brother to shut the hell up. No one pays to hear his brother open his mouth.

11-20-2013, 07:20 PM
Yes, he's playing very poorly. But, how exactly does that make him a coward? I legitimately don't get it.
Did you not even read the OP? At all?

11-20-2013, 07:21 PM
Doranku, Ph. D. Alumnus of InsidePoops U.

11-20-2013, 07:21 PM
No, we can't.

11-20-2013, 07:22 PM
In hindsight, seeing him struggle so far into the season... he SHOULD HAVE come back last year in that Miami series. YES he would have failed, but it would have gave him 4+ grueling games which he could have built on. AND then he improves during offseason. No one would have made fun of him for stinking it up against the Heat, outside of trolls, since we all expected it. He might have gained some respect too.

Gutless coward is too harsh, but I think he had the wrong people in his ear. Telling him to sit out, because the team was not good enough. Sure, no one can prove that is what his brother was saying, but he should have told his brother to shut the hell up. No one pays to hear his brother open his mouth.
Yeah because there's nothing like taking a bunch of hard playoff fouls if you want to get your confidence back.

11-20-2013, 07:23 PM
No we can not agree, I don't see the connection between waiting till you're ready & being a gutless coward, sorry

Go Getter
11-20-2013, 07:24 PM
I don't understand why people harp on this so much. It has to have lost it's novelty by now.

11-20-2013, 07:28 PM
Yes, he's playing very poorly. But, how exactly does that make him a coward? I legitimately don't get it.
The point is this: He was always going to come back rusty. He's a coward for refusing to do it last year. He wanted to wait. Well, he waited, and got all the time he needed, and he's still rusty

It's clear he didn't need the extra time off to accomplish anything, because he hasn't. All he's done is delay his return for a time when there would be less pressure.

You could argue that because of this rust, coming back for the playoffs wouldn't have helped because he wouldn't have been able to contribute. But really... there was 0% chance of the Bulls doing anything important without Rose and he knew it. If there was 2% chance they could have beaten the Heat and challenged the Spurs because he came back and gave them just enough, the ONLY excuse not to do so was for fear of aggravating the injury. If there was no reason to suppose this would happen, if he was just delaying so he could come back and be athletic wonder he always was, well then he messed up, and I agree that his character is a bit suspect for it.

Personally I don't jump all over the guy for it... but some of the injuries guys like Kevin McHale, Isaiah Thomas, etc have played with... it's certainly not a credit to him that he sat, let's leave it there.

11-20-2013, 07:28 PM
Had he been playing well you would have been the first on his jock. Everyone knew he would be rusty and off coming back this year and it still hasnt even been two months into the season. His knee injury wasnt a joke. Not everyone is adrian peterson. Playing at the nba level if you are even 2% off your regular game then it is going be damn hard to produce at the level of an elite player

11-20-2013, 07:28 PM
Did you not even read the OP? At all?
Yes, but his point seems to be based on the idea that Roses current poor play is proof that Rose was a coward last year in the playoffs. What does one have to do with the other.

If its true that Rose was a coward last season, that would be true regardless of his current play. What if Rose was playing great right now? Would that make him not a coward now? How? Would him playing great prove his cowardice even more? If he was truly being a coward, wouldn't him playing well right now truly prove that he was fine all along and he just didn't play due to being a coward?

It doesn't make sense. His current play has nothing to do with him being or not being a coward 6 months ago.

Real Men Wear Green
11-20-2013, 07:32 PM
Sometimes I wonder why/how people can hate someone so hard and so much that they've never met and did nothing to them. I want to see the Lakers lose. I want to see the Knicks lose. I laugh at JR Smith and Bargs.A lot. But I do not hate them.

11-20-2013, 07:32 PM
The point is this: He was always going to come back rusty. He's a coward for refusing to do it last year. He wanted to wait. Well, he waited, and got all the time he needed, and he's still rusty

Why come back rusty in the playoffs and ruin team chemistry?

11-20-2013, 07:35 PM
Sometimes I wonder why/how people can hate someone so hard and so much that they've never met and did nothing to them. I want to see the Lakers lose. I want to see the Knicks lose. I laugh at JR Smith and Bargs.A lot. But I do not hate them.
It's just sad and childish.

11-20-2013, 07:37 PM
Sometimes I wonder why/how people can hate someone so hard and so much that they've never met and did nothing to them. I want to see the Lakers lose. I want to see the Knicks lose. I laugh at JR Smith and Bargs.A lot. But I do not hate them.
That's probably because this is the internet and exaggerations happen on a regular basis for entertainment value. No one hates Derrick Rose, except me of course. Dude is a socially awkward retard cheater.

11-20-2013, 07:37 PM
He will get it back, he has too many skills. He just needs to get his rhythm back.


11-20-2013, 07:40 PM
Being a baller myself and been injured before, i totally understand where Rose is coming from. Sometimes one injury is all it takes to ruin your life. You really don't want to rush back till you know you're ready.

How many posters here actually balled seriously in their life?

Where did you play?

Chicago Brawls
11-20-2013, 07:41 PM
Can we all agree that Derrick Rose is a gutless coward now?

Yes, yes we can.

If it pleases you sir, and your horde of archaic megalithic australopithecus trolls.

11-20-2013, 07:43 PM
He will get it back, he has too many skills. He just needs to get his rhythm back.

Hmmmm. I'm not too sure about that one. I've never viewed Rose as a particularly "skillful" player. Just extremely athletically gifted. I still see him on a regular basis jump up to take a shot and then change his mid and just throw the ball away. His shot selection sucks. He has like no understanding of his own shooting abilities. Either that or he's just careless.

IMO, he's the classic low IQ athlete.

che guevara
11-20-2013, 07:47 PM
So he doesn't look good now and you still think he should have came back for the playoffs? If he came back then, he would have been even worse off then and made things worse for his team.
No, he should've come back last January/February when he was medically cleared, and worked out the rust in the regular season.

11-20-2013, 07:53 PM
Hmmmm. I'm not too sure about that one. I've never viewed Rose as a particularly "skillful" player. Just extremely athletically gifted. I still see him on a regular basis jump up to take a shot and then change his mid and just throw the ball away. His shot selection sucks. He has like no understanding of his own shooting abilities. Either that or he's just careless.

IMO, he's the classic low IQ athlete.

I think you are right on some level. He doesnt have the fundamental skills of a Bird,Duncan, Magic or a Dirk but he has shown (pre-injury) a good amount of skill based on his athletic ability. The way he can control his body and get a shot off is something that I like to call "athletic-based skill"


11-20-2013, 07:55 PM
So he doesn't look good now and you still think he should have came back for the playoffs? If he came back then, he would have been even worse off then and made things worse for his team.
This pretty much shows the OP has no f*cking idea what he's talking about. :roll:

11-20-2013, 08:07 PM
I think you are right on some level. He doesnt have the fundamental skills of a Bird,Duncan, Magic or a Dirk but he has shown (pre-injury) a good amount of skill based on his athletic ability. The way he can control his body and get a shot off is something that I like to call "athletic-based skill"


I know what you mean :lol I would go as far as to say, 90% of his game is based on his athleticism, to me he hasn't taken advantage of other PG facets to the game. He doesn't pass the ball enough IMO, he drives to the basket erratically often without looking to pass when defense collapses on him, he doesn't post up yet(not all PG's do it, but its an advantage), distributing the ball is still second nature for him when it should be first.

I have refrained from criticising Rose too much, because after all he plays for the team I support.

However I will say, if he wants to be effective in the playoffs against the big boys, he needs to cut out the hero ball stuff(unless its a game winner)and just focus on distributing the ball first and foremost, unless of course there is an opening to the basket. He needs to play within the flow of the offense and learn to take over when it is needed and not overdo it. If he can do that, who knows where the Bulls will end up, but at least it won't because of Rose's 10 turnovers and poor shooting percentage causing it.

11-20-2013, 08:08 PM
I know what you mean :lol

I have refrained from criticising Rose too much, because after all he plays for the team I support.

However I will say, if he wants to be effective in the playoffs against the big boys, he needs to cut out the hero ball stuff(unless its a game winner)and just focus on distributing the ball first and foremost, unless of course there is an opening to the basket. He needs to play within the flow of the offense and learn to take over when it is needed and not overdo it. If he can do that, who knows where the Bulls will end up, but at least it won't because of Rose's 10 turnovers and poor shooting percentage causing it.


11-20-2013, 08:11 PM
Sometimes I wonder why/how people can hate someone so hard and so much that they've never met and did nothing to them. I want to see the Lakers lose. I want to see the Knicks lose. I laugh at JR Smith and Bargs.A lot. But I do not hate them.

immature, juvenile mentality.

11-21-2013, 04:10 AM
The point is this: He was always going to come back rusty. He's a coward for refusing to do it last year. He wanted to wait. Well, he waited, and got all the time he needed, and he's still rusty

It's clear he didn't need the extra time off to accomplish anything, because he hasn't. All he's done is delay his return for a time when there would be less pressure.

You could argue that because of this rust, coming back for the playoffs wouldn't have helped because he wouldn't have been able to contribute. But really... there was 0% chance of the Bulls doing anything important without Rose and he knew it. If there was 2% chance they could have beaten the Heat and challenged the Spurs because he came back and gave them just enough, the ONLY excuse not to do so was for fear of aggravating the injury. If there was no reason to suppose this would happen, if he was just delaying so he could come back and be athletic wonder he always was, well then he messed up, and I agree that his character is a bit suspect for it.

Personally I don't jump all over the guy for it... but some of the injuries guys like Kevin McHale, Isaiah Thomas, etc have played with... it's certainly not a credit to him that he sat, let's leave it there.

This guy gets it. :applause: This is exactly the point that I was trying to make but apparently it flew over some of your heads.

11-21-2013, 04:13 AM
This pretty much shows the OP has no f*cking idea what he's talking about. :roll:

Please read Clifton's post.

And I even addressed this in my initial post. How could he be any worse than he is now? He's the worst starting PG in the league currently. It doesn't get any worse than that.

The extra time he took clearly just made him even more rusty and hurt more than it helped.

11-21-2013, 06:16 AM
While its fun laughing at the Bulls and some of their "fans", Rose needs time to get back into the NBA rhythm. He's been out for a very long time and this is the major issue, not the injury itself, imo. Some people manage to come back as before, some have to reinvent their game and some wont make it back to the top. Its too soon to pass judgement when Rose is concerned. Those who say he sucks right now are right, though.

AI Thornton
11-21-2013, 06:17 AM

11-21-2013, 06:22 AM
The point is this: He was always going to come back rusty. He's a coward for refusing to do it last year. He wanted to wait. Well, he waited, and got all the time he needed, and he's still rusty

It's clear he didn't need the extra time off to accomplish anything, because he hasn't. All he's done is delay his return for a time when there would be less pressure.

You could argue that because of this rust, coming back for the playoffs wouldn't have helped because he wouldn't have been able to contribute. But really... there was 0% chance of the Bulls doing anything important without Rose and he knew it. If there was 2% chance they could have beaten the Heat and challenged the Spurs because he came back and gave them just enough, the ONLY excuse not to do so was for fear of aggravating the injury. If there was no reason to suppose this would happen, if he was just delaying so he could come back and be athletic wonder he always was, well then he messed up, and I agree that his character is a bit suspect for it.

Personally I don't jump all over the guy for it... but some of the injuries guys like Kevin McHale, Isaiah Thomas, etc have played with... it's certainly not a credit to him that he sat, let's leave it there.
your logic has many flaws.coming back during playoffs would be the worst for holim.perhaps they had 2% to win with him but the chances of him being injured again were also rising as well.imagine being able to walk again and have a freak like lebron guarding you and shoving you.he did the best for him and the team.other players got the spotlight and they saw they can take care of things on their own.as a result he can cruise in regular season and get the rust off him.don t forget that drose isn t a role player.he is the center piece of this team.cqn you imagine if he came back and reinjure himself?he would lose alot of money and cost his team the chance of being serious contenders the next years.nba is a business.its not like we play in the park and we go Rambo and deal with the pain.he has a family to think of.with basketball he earns his living.millions depend on him.he did the right thing

11-21-2013, 06:45 AM
So he doesn't look good now and you still think he should have came back for the playoffs? If he came back then, he would have been even worse off then and made things worse for his team.
He wouldn't have needed to look good back then.. all he'd have needed to do is come off the bench and relieve the PG's and give them some rest.. distribute the ball etc.

11-21-2013, 06:59 AM
Where was the Bulls without Rose last season? 7th seed and 1st round elimination.

Now Rose is back they are Top 3 in the east again.

11-21-2013, 09:51 AM
Where was the Bulls without Rose last season? 7th seed and 1st round elimination.

Now Rose is back they are Top 3 in the east again.
Do you even watch the NBA?
Ever heard of Nate Robinson? He happened. And the Bulls made it to the 2nd round as the 5th seed :facepalm

11-21-2013, 10:25 AM
contrary to popular belief, rose isnt playing as bad as the box score makes it to be. hes passing more often and finding open men often. hes still a threat in the clutch and teams are still double teaming him leaving an open play. if you watched the bobcats game you would have saw that.

rose has 50 million a year on the line. if he comes back early to play 2 months of basketball to risk 10 years and thats considered being a coward then go right on ahead. the real coward is the one that hides behind a computer screen