View Full Version : What's the difference between the sky hook and regular hook shot?

11-22-2013, 04:04 AM
They say the sky hook is a lost art and no one does it anymore. Lets look at this regular jump hook:


I was just wondering, what are some of the differences between a sky hook and a regular jump hook.

11-22-2013, 04:08 AM
They say the sky hook is a lost art and no one does it anymore. Lets look at this regular jump hook:


I was just wondering, what are some of the differences between a sky hook and a regular jump hook.

A sky hook is from further away. I don't know that there is a formal distinction as far as distance goes.

A baby hook is from close by.

11-22-2013, 04:09 AM

Name another player that can do this? :confusedshrug:

11-22-2013, 04:12 AM
A sky hook a full extended arm with with a wrist flick done off one leg. A regular hook shot is anything that is not that. The baby hook is what Lebron has been doing lately... and what Magic did to the Celtics. It could also be called a sweeping hook.

11-22-2013, 04:12 AM
The sky hook is done off of one leg and is usually a high-arch.

The jump hook is done off of two legs jumping straight up.

Bill Walton also wrote something on the creation of the hook shot and how it differs.


11-22-2013, 04:51 AM
^that article seems to say that both are equally effective.

I guess what confuses me is the notion of sky hook being a "lost art" and "kids today can benefit so much" like there's something so special about it.

Mr. Jabbar
11-22-2013, 04:54 AM
there was a 3rd variation introduced by dwight, the clank hook

11-22-2013, 04:58 AM
there was a 3rd variation introduced by dwight, the clank hook
So obvious. Still laughed.

La Frescobaldi
11-22-2013, 05:13 AM
All centers & most forwards in the '70s used the hook shot often. Styles changed in the '80s so that Kareem sometimes looked like a relic of a bygone era.
they called it 'sky-hook' when it became clear from studying film that as the ball was being released from his hand, the shot was starting from above the rim.
He had many variations, depending on who he lined up against, but early in his career, when Kareem still had his really good vertical leap, the skyhook often had a downward trajectory from hand to hoop. A skyhook especially later in Jabbar's career, as many of the famous pictures show, was a high arcing shot. But right to the very end, many of those shots are actually 'line drives' going down from his hand to the basket. At the end of his career, when he had no vertical worth talking about, the skyhook would sometimes clank off the front of the rim because Jabbar didn't have the 12 or 15 inch lift anymore to get the ball above the rim.

a "traditional" hook shot is actually a set shot, with one foot, or both, still on the ground, and the body is turned sideways, to keep the defender away from the ball. There's endless variations of course, since all of basketball is consumed with variations! But a jump hook is usually released the same way as a set-shot style hook.... just with some lift added.

Shaq's so-called "jump hook" was often not a hook shot at all, but was a one-handed push shot. He squares up to the basket much more than you saw with a regular 1970s style hook shot. Still, just as with a regular hook it was very difficult to block, not only because of his height, but because O'Neal placed his enormous girth between defender and ball.

The running hook shot has been making a big comeback these past few years, where a guy runs through the center of the key and shoots a hook as he races past the hoop. By all accounts, Tommy Heinsohn was devastating with that shot in the '50s & early '60s and if you watch old clips of his running hook shot back in the day, his trademark move looks perfectly modern.
Properly executed, a hook shot is unstoppable. One recent guy who has it in his arsenal is my current favorite NBA player, Nikola Pekovic, who has been getting lots of 20 point games with it. That other guy on the Wolves Kevin Love also has a terrific hook shot.

Kobe 4 The Win
11-22-2013, 05:19 AM
The Skyhook is different from the jump hook that is common today. As others have said it's done off one foot. You have to get your shoulders at the correct angle toward the hoop. Your raised leg and your off arm help to keep the defender off your body. Also the release is very important. Release it at the highest point snapping your wrist just like you would a jumper.

I shoot it all the time when I play at the park. First of all people don't expect it. Secondly, when you put a few of them in your defender gets pissed that he can't block it and starts overplaying you trying to get at it. Now you have a perfect opportunity for the McHale up-and-under. When you have both of those working your defender doesn't know whether to shit or go blind. It's fun.

11-22-2013, 05:42 AM
A regular hook shot is done by basketball players.

The sky hook is done by KAJ.

11-22-2013, 06:15 AM
yao's sky hook
