View Full Version : Why don't more NBA teams try to go big and play bully ball?

12-02-2013, 10:52 PM
Instead of flashy small ball teams that makes for entertaining basketball but minimal playoff success. I would build a bully team along this guidelines...

PG - Get a tall guard who can handle and pass

Past: Magic Johnson, Oscar Robertson, Penny Hardaway
Present: Lebron, Michael Carter Williams

SG- A prototypical SF with guard skills

Past: Clyde Drexler, Dominique Wilkins
Present: Durant, Paul George

SF- A tall guy who can is quick preferably can shoot from range

Past: Peja Stojakovic, Tom Chambers
Present: Nowitzki, Bosh, Garnett

PF- Get a typical big PF

Past: R.Wallace, Mchale
Present: Duncan, P.Gasol, Howard

C- Get a typical big C

Past: Shaq, KAJ, David Robinson
Present: Marc Gasol, Roy Hibbert

12-02-2013, 10:53 PM
:roll: :roll: :roll:
How do you plan on affording all that + a bench?

12-02-2013, 10:54 PM
So you're saying get a team like LeBron/Durant/Dirk/Duncan/MarcGasol? Good idea..

12-02-2013, 10:55 PM

12-02-2013, 10:58 PM
Because small ball teams rule the NBA today. Small ball teams like the Heat would destroy the Shaq Era Lakers. Shaq is too slow, Lebron and Wade would keep attacking the rim and foul out Shaq all the while getting easy fast break points while Shaq would be only at halfcourt.

12-02-2013, 11:00 PM
so op is sayin a line up of: lebron, durant, dirk, marc gasol, howard would be a bully? never thought that

12-02-2013, 11:00 PM
Because small ball teams rule the NBA today. Small ball teams like the Heat would destroy the Shaq Era Lakers. Shaq is too slow, Lebron and Wade would keep attacking the rim and foul out Shaq all the while getting easy fast break points while Shaq would be only at halfcourt.
lol. time to stop posting.

12-02-2013, 11:01 PM
Because small ball teams rule the NBA today. Small ball teams like the Heat would destroy the Shaq Era Lakers. Shaq is too slow, Lebron and Wade would keep attacking the rim and foul out Shaq all the while getting easy fast break points while Shaq would be only at halfcourt.
Like the Pacers series last year with Hibbert...?

12-02-2013, 11:01 PM
Because small ball teams rule the NBA today. Small ball teams like the Heat would destroy the Shaq Era Lakers. Shaq is too slow, Lebron and Wade would keep attacking the rim and foul out Shaq all the while getting easy fast break points while Shaq would be only at halfcourt.
Lmfao. Where's the dumbest things youve heard on Ish thread?

12-02-2013, 11:05 PM
Because small ball teams rule the NBA today. Small ball teams like the Heat would destroy the Shaq Era Lakers. Shaq is too slow, Lebron and Wade would keep attacking the rim and foul out Shaq all the while getting easy fast break points while Shaq would be only at halfcourt.

LOL, 2001 Shaq will destroy any heat center. Nice try.

12-02-2013, 11:06 PM
Because the best way to attack modern NBA defenses is by spreading the court with shooters and driving to the paint. NBA coaches have learned to combat the Def. 3 sec rule by stacking one side of the court... which is why you see so many offenses run P&R from the top of the key, and so many open corner 3's from the non-stacked side of the court.

Watch the Bulls defense, they are the master of this new strategy. As soon as the ball moves to one side of the court they essentially switch to a zone defense and bring another defender all the way across the paint.

12-02-2013, 11:06 PM
Like the Pacers series last year with Hibbert...?
Never mention Hibbert without David West. One without the other would get dominated by a team like Miami in the playoffs. West actually does perhaps more damage since he is far more versatile and dominates 85% of the 4s in the league. He makes players like shane battier and even Bosh look helpless.

12-02-2013, 11:08 PM
LOL, 2001 Shaq will destroy any heat center. Nice try.
Shaq would destroy any centre. Trouble is Wade and Bron is going to slash hard to put Shaq in early foul trouble. Without Shaq putting up 30-18-5 in 36mins of play, Miami wins it easy.

Another thing I would do is play someone like Bosh or Rashard on Shaq. Offensively, their job is to run around the court through screens and tire Shaq out. Force Shaq to chase you around and guard you out at the 3. Make Shaq too tired to run up and down the court all game and hack him if you have to.

12-02-2013, 11:22 PM
Shaq would destroy any centre. Trouble is Wade and Bron is going to slash hard to put Shaq in early foul trouble. Without Shaq putting up 30-18-5 in 36mins of play, Miami wins it easy.

Another thing I would do is play someone like Bosh or Rashard on Shaq. Offensively, their job is to run around the court through screens and tire Shaq out. Force Shaq to chase you around and guard you out at the 3. Make Shaq too tired to run up and down the court all game and hack him if you have to.

Lakers had other guys like Robert Horry, Horace Grant, Devean George which I would put on someone like Bosh, Lewis. Just keep Shaq for offense.

No one is completely stopping Lebron, but they can double team him with guys like Kobe/George/Fox, sames goes with Wade.

On offense, just feed shaq the ball. Who is going to stop him? Even Mutombo wasn't able to do anything

what about Bosh or Haslem? :roll:

12-02-2013, 11:25 PM
Because small ball teams rule the NBA today. Small ball teams like the Heat would destroy the Shaq Era Lakers. Shaq is too slow, Lebron and Wade would keep attacking the rim and foul out Shaq all the while getting easy fast break points while Shaq would be only at halfcourt.
Wow LeBron fans just keep throwing bricks of gold :oldlol: