View Full Version : jim brown just SHITTED on kobe

get these NETS
12-11-2013, 12:37 AM
Jim Brown is on the new Arsenio Hall show

just took a dump on kobe's toothbrush

Arsenio "what are your thoughts about Kobe"

JB"oh, he threw shaq under the bus'

awkward silence

JB"back in the day.when we as a group of athletes held a summit to discuss Ali's status..with the armed forces some athletes....we ....didn't even invite....kobe would be one of those athletes"

more awkward silence


I guess kobe's name came up because he just returned but wow...Arsenio sure regrets even bringing it up

12-11-2013, 12:40 AM
Jim Brown is on the new Arsenio Hall show

just took a dump on kobe's toothbrush

Arsenio "what are your thoughts about Kobe"

JB"oh, he threw shaq under the bus'

awkward silence

JB"back in the day.when we as a group of athletes held a summit to discuss Ali's status..some athletes....we didn't even invite....kobe would be one of those athletes"

more awkward silence


I guess kobe's name came up because he just returned but wow...Arsenio sure regrets een bringing it up

12-11-2013, 12:41 AM
:facepalm @ this militant afro centric "activist" stuck in the past with his outdated perspective

12-11-2013, 12:43 AM
Well, its true:confusedshrug:

get these NETS
12-11-2013, 12:45 AM


12-11-2013, 12:46 AM
Kobe has his faults but Jim Brown has always been a pile of shit. Great athlete, complete piece of garbage as a person.

get these NETS
12-11-2013, 12:46 AM
:facepalm @ this militant afro centric "activist" stuck in the past with his outdated perspective
stop writing..you're embarrassing yourself

12-11-2013, 12:58 AM

12-11-2013, 01:03 AM

12-11-2013, 01:05 AM

12-11-2013, 01:07 AM
He's right :confusedshrug:
But why does he need to be a hater about it

CJ Mustard
12-11-2013, 01:22 AM
He's right though.

12-11-2013, 01:25 AM
But why does he need to be a hater about it

not saying i necessarily agree but if someone has opposing values than they would naturally disagree with the opposing side. Nothing wrong with how JB feels especially when someone asks him a question. It would be different if he consistently brought it up on his own accord.

12-11-2013, 01:30 AM
He's right though.

12-11-2013, 01:30 AM
Jim Brown has been on Kobe's nuts for years.. Kobe, Tiger Woods MJ... Any Black athlete that makes big money and doesn't speak out against social norms is fair game in Jim Browns book

12-11-2013, 01:32 AM
Jim Brown has been on Kobe's nuts for years.. Kobe, Tiger Woods MJ... Any athlete that makes big money is fair game in Jim Browns book

He goes after MJ and Tiger Woods a lot. Guy is a supreme shithead.

12-11-2013, 01:33 AM

12-11-2013, 01:33 AM
He's right though.

12-11-2013, 01:39 AM
He goes after MJ and Tiger Woods a lot. Guy is a supreme shithead.

Wouldn't call him a shithead.. he's never been shy about supporting his views and he walks the walk so to speak.. you don't have to agree with him but he at least practices what he preaches.

I'm sure he'd do better for his causes if he wasn't so abrasive but at 80 years old i doubt he's going to change now

Kobe's a big boy I'm sure he can deal with this

12-11-2013, 01:40 AM
Wouldn't call him a shithead.. he's never been shy about supporting his views and he walks the walk so to speak.. you don't have to agree with him but he at least practices what he preaches.

I'm sure he'd do better for his causes if he wasn't so abrasive but at 80 years old i doubt he's going to change now

Kobe's a big boy I'm sure he can deal with this

He's also a woman beater... he's a shithead.

12-11-2013, 03:41 AM
Cant wait to hear Kobe's response

12-11-2013, 03:43 AM
Right though he's.

12-11-2013, 03:47 AM
Jim Brown has been on Kobe's nuts for years.. Kobe, Tiger Woods MJ... Any Black athlete that makes big money and doesn't speak out against social norms is fair game in Jim Browns book
Which raises the question. Every man has a different purpose in life. Just because they play a sport, and are great at it doesn't mean they need to have influence on social issues if they're not invested or truly passionate about it. Would we really want influential people talking about issues they really don't have great knowledge of and make themselves look like fools in the process? Ummm, no. Jim Brown is an all-time great athlete, but a complete tool bag.

12-11-2013, 08:12 AM
Which raises the question. Every man has a different purpose in life. Just because they play a sport, and are great at it doesn't mean they need to have influence on social issues if they're not invested or truly passionate about it. Would we really want influential people talking about issues they really don't have great knowledge of and make themselves look like fools in the process? Ummm, no. Jim Brown is an all-time great athlete, but a complete tool bag.
So if man happens to be a dick it's ok for him to be one? Especially when he's a stand out public figure?

I think you're a complete dipshit bag.

12-11-2013, 08:20 AM

"Last season's losers..."

Perfectly describes the 2013 Lakers

Stringer Bell
12-11-2013, 01:29 PM
"What a hothead"

Stringer Bell
12-11-2013, 01:33 PM
I respect Jim Brown for what he's done to try to stop gang violence.

However when it comes to his constant criticism of black athletes and their responsibilities, I think some people just aren't cut out to be more political and socially active.

I mean seriously, what the hell kind of murderous gang member is gonna listen to Tiger Woods if he says to stop living a life of crime?

Brown has done good things (including being in I'm Gonna Git You Sucka and The Running Man), but the guy has his own issues. He's been arrested and charged several times for his terrible treatment of women.

12-11-2013, 01:35 PM
Wouldn't call him a shithead.. he's never been shy about supporting his views and he walks the walk so to speak.. you don't have to agree with him but he at least practices what he preaches.

Brown didn't have any trouble cashing the check and accepting the attention that went along with being on Mike Tyson's recent tv show. Of course, Mike has long been a strong activist for the cause of racial equality and an exemplary role model for young black men.

Brown was one of the greatest football players and athletes this country has ever known. He is also a colossal doosh who thinks that anyone who doesn't think what he thinks is a fraud. He ignores his own bad behavior (ie assault charges against women) while missing no opportunity to castigate others for not being better role models.

Eric Cartman
12-11-2013, 01:36 PM
Jim Brown overtakes John Edwards as the biggest douche in the universe.

12-11-2013, 01:37 PM
Is it NOT true? :confusedshrug:

Stringer Bell
12-11-2013, 01:38 PM

Ex-Athlete Jim Brown Arrested in Rape Case
February 21, 1985

Jim Brown, the professional football star-turned actor, was arrested together with a woman companion Wednesday on suspicion of rape and sexual battery on a 33-year-old woman at Brown's Hollywood Hills home.

Police said Brown, 49, and Carol Moses, 22, were arrested just before noon at Brown's residence on fashionable Sunset Plaza Drive, where the attack was said to have occurred Tuesday night.

The alleged victim, who was not identified, complained to Hollywood Division detectives that Brown and Moses sexually assaulted her after Brown struck her several times, according to police.

A brief police statement said that the woman's complaint was under investigation and that no formal charges have been filed by the district attorney.

Brown posted $17,500 bail and was released seven hours after the arrest. Moses was freed from Sybil Brand Institute for Women on $1,000 bond. Neither could be reached for comment.

This is not Brown's first run-in with the law. In 1965, he was accused of beating and sexually molesting two teen-age girls. One later dropped the complaint and the other went to court and lost, then filed a paternity suit which she also lost.

Brown was arrested in June, 1968, and accused of assault with intent to murder when his 22-year-old girlfriend was found semi-conscious under the balcony of his Hollywood apartment.

That charge was dropped when the woman said she had fallen while trying to leave the apartment when the police appeared on the scene. Brown was charged with resisting a deputy and was fined $300.

In 1978, he was jailed for a day and fined $500 for beating up a pro at a Los Angeles golf course in an argument over the placement of a golf ball.

In court, the prosecutor denounced the sentence as "completely inappropriate" because Brown had several previous assault arrests, a record of "past assaultive conduct" and "many brushes with the law."

Last year, the former Cleveland Browns star talked of returning to professional football to add more distance to his 12,312-yard career rushing record and to keep former Pittsburgh Steeler Franco Harris from breaking the record. The matter became moot when the Chicago Bears' Walter Payton outran both Brown and Harris.


Despite all his laudable work in recent years trying to reform gang members and curb inner-city violence, Brown has always seemed threatening to some Americans. He has only bolstered that image with recurring displays of anger, especially against women. Brown was fined $500 and briefly jailed for beating up a male golf partner in 1978, and he has faced assault charges against women five times over the last four decades; in the first four cases the charges were either dropped or he was acquitted after his female accusers decided not to testify against him.

It was on March 12, as a result of his latest such episode, that Brown entered the Ventura County ( Calif.) Jail to serve a 180-day sentence for misdemeanor vandalism with domestic-violence conditions. Brown, 66, was arrested in June 1999 after his wife, Monique, then 25, called 911 from a neighbor's house in Hollywood Hills to report that her husband had smashed the windows of her car with a shovel after arguing with her. Though a jury acquitted Brown on the more serious charge of making a terrorist threat against his wife—Monique told the 911 operator that Jim had threatened to kill her, a claim she later retracted—it convicted him of vandalism, and Los Angeles Superior Court judge Dale Fischer fined him $1,800 and sentenced him to three years' probation, a year of domestic-violence counseling and his choice of 40 hours on a work crew or 400 hours of community service. When Brown refused to accept the counseling, Fischer imposed the jail sentence. Brown appealed—arguing that he had not committed an act of domestic violence and that Fischer had been biased against him—and lost.

Just days after he began serving time, a new 130-minute documentary about his life, by director Spike Lee, opened for a brief run in New York City. The film, entitled Jim Brown: All-American, will play in Los Angeles in mid-April and then be re-edited and shortened for airing on HBO in December. " Jim Brown is a complex and misunderstood man, and that's the type of person I like to make films about," says Lee. For the film, a wide-ranging examination of Brown's life, Lee chased down the central figure in one of the more celebrated events in Brown's past, former girlfriend Eva Bohn-Chin, a model whom Brown was long alleged to have pushed off a second-floor balcony during an argument in 1968. Brown claims the story is untrue and has said Bohn-Chin jumped from the balcony. In the documentary Bohn-Chin never says exactly what did happen, but she asks, "Why would I jump?"

Jim Brown overtakes John Edwards as the biggest douche in the universe.


South Park over the years has had so many classic moments.

12-11-2013, 01:42 PM
He's right. Kobe will forever be a hoe ass niqqa for name dropping and dry snitching on Shaq.

All time great baller. But a hoe ass niqqa.

12-11-2013, 01:44 PM
Sounds like typical "back in my day" athlete.

12-11-2013, 01:44 PM
He's right. Kobe will forever be a hoe ass niqqa for name dropping and dry snitching on Shaq.

All time great baller. But a hoe ass niqqa.

jim brown might be a wifebeater, but he's right here

12-11-2013, 01:45 PM



South Park over the years has had so many classic moments.

clearly Jim Brown is advancing the black cause
:applause: :facepalm

12-11-2013, 01:46 PM
Is it NOT true? :confusedshrug:

There's no way Jim Brown would know what's important to anyone else. But let's assume what he said is an accurate statement.

Jim Brown has been arrested for rape; sexual assault on two teenage girls; assault and battery; assault with intent to murder; and, if I'm not mistaken, other charges which didn't show up in my initial search.

Exactly nobody feels compelled to address his shortcomings in interviews, yet he can't keep his mouth shut about the problem's he sees in others.

He's just a doosh.

12-11-2013, 01:51 PM
There's no way Jim Brown would know what's important to anyone else. But let's assume what he said is an accurate statement.

Jim Brown has been arrested for rape; sexual assault on two teenage girls; assault and battery; assault with intent to murder; and, if I'm not mistaken, other charges which didn't show up in my initial search.

Exactly nobody feels compelled to address his shortcomings in interviews, yet he can't keep his mouth shut about the problem's he sees in others.

He's just a doosh.

Thanks for the perspective. I honestly didn't know that.

Kobe always seemed like a snaky ****, regardless what Jim Brown feels.

Stringer Bell
12-11-2013, 02:03 PM
One story I do like about Jim Brown is how he knew about O.J.'s true colors before the public did.

Ralph Wiley (RIP, great writer) was talking once with O.J. Jim Brown then told him "stay away from him, he's a f----- dangerous man!"

Of course, so is Jim.

get these NETS
12-11-2013, 02:52 PM
bit surprised....didn't think the ish generation even knew who jim brown was

but google searches aside.....there's a documentary about jim brown that leaves no stone unturned...called "jim brown all american" directed by spike lee

and speaking of OJ....jim brown criticized OJ for the same type of stuff that he criticized kobe and MJ for

only posted this because i saw it live last night and either Arsenio didn't do his homework or he has beef with Kobe because it was Arsenio who brought it up randomly.

12-11-2013, 02:55 PM
Interesting. Who's Jim Brown?

12-11-2013, 03:02 PM



that's what brown can do for you

12-11-2013, 03:57 PM
Yea Jim Brown isn't perfect, but he's right about this.

12-11-2013, 03:59 PM
Dude just hates on any black athlete more relevant than he ever was. It's pathetic.

12-11-2013, 04:08 PM
The thing is that a black man doesn't have much of a voice in this country unless he IS famous, either through acting, or music, sports, etc. So he feels that when you do have that platform, its your duty so to speak to try to uplift your race especially when that race has been and still is a victim of racism, being handed down poor social and environmental structures, and a million more disadvantages that a black man is inherently born into this world with.

I support and agree with that notion, although when you've been accused of some BS yourself, its a bad reflection but that doesn't change the prevailing message which I completely agree with it.

However, I agree with what somebody else said when they said that everybody's just not cut out to be a social/political figure. But that doesn't mean at SOME point, a black man who has managed to make it in this country should not at least SOME semblance or a least ONE comment trying to uplift his race at some point. Actually, I find it a bit odd when a famous black man in this country goes basically his entire life NEVER having given at least one piece of social commentary about issues in their community. But the reality about Kobe is, he didn't struggle growing up, he didn't even grow up in this country he doesn't relate to the average black youth in this country and they can't relate to him. I know plenty of my homeboys that are Kobe fans, but they are fans of his game. They can't relate to him on any level other than the fact they both enjoy the same sport.

So really, I guess Jim Brown should cut him some slack..I dunno..

12-11-2013, 04:39 PM
The thing is that a black man doesn't have much of a voice in this country unless he IS famous, either through acting, or music, sports, etc. So he feels that when you do have that platform, its your duty so to speak to try to uplift your race especially when that race has been and still is a victim of racism, being handed down poor social and environmental structures, and a million more disadvantages that a black man is inherently born into this world with.

I support and agree with that notion, although when you've been accused of some BS yourself, its a bad reflection but that doesn't change the prevailing message which I completely agree with it.

However, I agree with what somebody else said when they said that everybody's just not cut out to be a social/political figure. But that doesn't mean at SOME point, a black man who has managed to make it in this country should not at least SOME semblance or a least ONE comment trying to uplift his race at some point. Actually, I find it a bit odd when a famous black man in this country goes basically his entire life NEVER having given at least one piece of social commentary about issues in their community. But the reality about Kobe is, he didn't struggle growing up, he didn't even grow up in this country he doesn't relate to the average black youth in this country and they can't relate to him. I know plenty of my homeboys that are Kobe fans, but they are fans of his game. They can't relate to him on any level other than the fact they both enjoy the same sport.

So really, I guess Jim Brown should cut him some slack..I dunno..
Have Lebron, Wade, or any other superstars been doing this?

We arent in the 60s anymore.. Jim Brown's time called for different things. Its absolutely unnecessary for black athletes to speak out for the black community nowadays when they face waaaay less discrimination than what was seen in Brown's time.

get these NETS
12-11-2013, 04:45 PM
there's an hbo real sports episode with jim brown and bill russell from 2009 that covers everything that's being discussed.

if anybody could find a link to it or transcript....think it would benefit ish.


As we watch TV and see Mandela being buried....gotta go back and read about one of the first American athletes to publicize and protest apartheid....the late Arthur Ashe.

He could have just gone to South Africa.played his tourney and then come home and acted like nothing happened...but he didn't.

12-11-2013, 04:46 PM
Have Lebron, Wade, or any other superstars been doing this?

We arent in the 60s anymore.. Jim Brown's time called for different things. Its absolutely unnecessary for black athletes to speak out for the black community nowadays when they face waaaay less discrimination than what was seen in Brown's time.
While I agree with you about this point...Make no mistake, its still HEAVY. The country understates how much racism still goes on. Most of it is on a micromanaged basis, like little stuff here and there that goes a long way sometimes...Its embedded in some places in the upper part of society..Many things are blatantly racist in just the way they are setup/organized..But thats a COMPLETELY different topic. Thats just how it is and that will never change. Its just a natural, domino effect, chain reaction in which case, the past causes us to have to play catch up from the day we're born. Some of us catch up quickly, some of us catch up slowly, some of us never catch up,and some of us actually fall behind even further do to any number of reasons. Only a small, highly blessed percentage of us are born into this current world and not have to play catch up at ALL.

And no, I have never seen Wade or Lebron really do this either and I also find it strange, but then again, it would probably come off fake...:confusedshrug:

12-11-2013, 04:49 PM
Dro, you need to lay off the weed. You're living in the past.

12-11-2013, 04:51 PM
Dro, you need to lay off the weed. You're living in the past.
I know, and your point just proved it:cheers:

12-11-2013, 05:06 PM
There's no way Jim Brown would know what's important to anyone else. But let's assume what he said is an accurate statement.

Jim Brown has been arrested for rape; sexual assault on two teenage girls; assault and battery; assault with intent to murder; and, if I'm not mistaken, other charges which didn't show up in my initial search.

Exactly nobody feels compelled to address his shortcomings in interviews, yet he can't keep his mouth shut about the problem's he sees in others.

He's just a doosh.
Oh, so how many years did he serve for these crimes? Because, he was definitely guilty, right? :confusedshrug:

12-11-2013, 05:07 PM
The thing is that a black man doesn't have much of a voice in this country unless he IS famous, either through acting, or music, sports, etc. So he feels that when you do have that platform, its your duty so to speak to try to uplift your race especially when that race has been and still is a victim of racism, being handed down poor social and environmental structures, and a million more disadvantages that a black man is inherently born into this world with.

I support and agree with that notion, although when you've been accused of some BS yourself, its a bad reflection but that doesn't change the prevailing message which I completely agree with it.

However, I agree with what somebody else said when they said that everybody's just not cut out to be a social/political figure. But that doesn't mean at SOME point, a black man who has managed to make it in this country should not at least SOME semblance or a least ONE comment trying to uplift his race at some point. Actually, I find it a bit odd when a famous black man in this country goes basically his entire life NEVER having given at least one piece of social commentary about issues in their community. But the reality about Kobe is, he didn't struggle growing up, he didn't even grow up in this country he doesn't relate to the average black youth in this country and they can't relate to him. I know plenty of my homeboys that are Kobe fans, but they are fans of his game. They can't relate to him on any level other than the fact they both enjoy the same sport.

So really, I guess Jim Brown should cut him some slack..I dunno..

I don't disagree. However, I don't see how Jim Brown denigrating another black athlete serves to support or advance the black community.

You can't throw mud without first digging yourself a hole.

12-11-2013, 05:11 PM
I don't disagree. However, I don't see how Jim Brown denigrating another black athlete serves to support or advance the black community.

You can't throw mud without first digging yourself a hole.
I agree with you...I don't think what he said was that bad though, he didn't call him a POS, he just said he snitched on Shaq, lol...Actually, the context was random because he was on Arsenio and Arsenio makes jokes about everyone and he brought up Kobe. I think if Brown was another more serious show and someone asked, so what do you think about Kobe, he would have said something that was more substantial....whether it was negative or positive...:confusedshrug: I can't comment on anything else he may have said about Kobe or any other black athlete specifically...

12-11-2013, 05:12 PM
I don't disagree. However, I don't see how Jim Brown denigrating another black athlete serves to support or advance the black community.

You can't throw mud without first digging yourself a hole.
Where did Jim Brown say his problem was with Kobe not advancing the black community? You yourself are adding that into the equation.

Seems to me that his problem with Kobe is that Kobe is just in general a "sucka".

12-11-2013, 05:47 PM
Where did Jim Brown say his problem was with Kobe not advancing the black community? You yourself are adding that into the equation.


That in no way relates to the context of my post or the post to which I was replying.

Reading. It's FUN-damental.

12-11-2013, 05:53 PM
That in no way relates to the context of my post or the post to which I was replying.

Reading. It's FUN-damental.
Point is, why are you spouting off about all this black community shit? Sounds to me like Jim simply think Kobe is a chump. Da fck does all this black social issues come from? He didn't say nothing about that.

12-11-2013, 06:01 PM
Point is, why are you spouting off about all this black community shit? Sounds to me like Jim simply think Kobe is a chump. Da fck does all this black social issues come from? He didn't say nothing about that.

No, the point is that I was responding directly to someone's comments regarding that exact topic.

So why are you spouting off?

12-11-2013, 06:09 PM
No, the point is that I was responding directly to someone's comments regarding that exact topic.

So why are you spouting off?
No, you weren't. The first thing you said in this thread was criticizing Jim Brown for cashing a check from Mike Tyson who apparently isn't enough of a role model for young black men or a pillar of racial equality for your liking. I don't why this particular topic is all about race issues for you, but it is. You might wanna look into that.

He said Kobe threw Shaq under the bus and that he's basically a phony who only cares about money.

12-11-2013, 06:16 PM
No, you weren't. The first thing you said in this thread was criticizing Jim Brown for cashing a check from Mike Tyson who apparently isn't enough of a role model for young black men or a pillar of racial equality for your liking. I don't why this particular topic is all about race issues for you, but it is. You might wanna look into that.

He said Kobe threw Shaq under the bus and that he's basically a phony who only cares about money.

Which all has nothing to do with the post to which you responded.

My comments early in the thread about Brown are to his credibility. Kobe only cares about money, but Brown will take money to appear on a program with Mike Tyson... which was also in direct response to another post.

Throwing people under the bus? It's the thing Jim Brown has done best for a long time.

Now go find someone else who actually cares about Kobe to engage in your ridiculous little pissing match.

12-11-2013, 06:31 PM
Which all has nothing to do with the post to which you responded.

My comments early in the thread about Brown are to his credibility. Kobe only cares about money, but Brown will take money to appear on a program with Mike Tyson... which was also in direct response to another post.

Throwing people under the bus? It's the thing Jim Brown has done best for a long time.

Now go find someone else who actually cares about Kobe to engage in your ridiculous little pissing match.

And why attack his credibility? Why not argue the points he made on the merit? The statements he made are either true or untrue. Who cares WHO made them? His character or credibility has no impact on whether his statements are true or not. You seem more concerned with the person making the point than the actual point.

For arguments sake, let's say you're right. Jim Brown is a terrible person. That being said, is what he said about Kobe right or wrong?

12-11-2013, 06:32 PM
No, you weren't. The first thing you said in this thread was criticizing Jim Brown for cashing a check from Mike Tyson who apparently isn't enough of a role model for young black men or a pillar of racial equality for your liking. I don't why this particular topic is all about race issues for you, but it is. You might wanna look into that.

He said Kobe threw Shaq under the bus and that he's basically a phony who only cares about money.

Jim's objection to Kobe is that Kobe isn't 'black enough", guy is living in the past and has very narrow minded and outdated point of view

12-11-2013, 06:33 PM
Jim's objection to Kobe is that Kobe isn't 'black enough", guy is living in the past and has very narrow minded and outdated point of view
Based on?

12-11-2013, 06:34 PM
Based on?

based on the fact he stated that because Kobe grew up overseas, he doesn't grasp the african american culture

and that if he was holding some kind of pan African American athlete summit he wouldn't invite kobe

12-11-2013, 06:37 PM

And why attack his credibility? Why not argue the points he made on the merit? The statements he made are either true or untrue. Who cares WHO made them? His character or credibility has no impact on whether his statements are true or not. You seem more concerned with the person making the point than the actual point.

For arguments sake, let's say you're right. Jim Brown is a terrible person. That being said, is what he said about Kobe right or wrong?

This seems to mean alot to you.:lol

Would it make your week If I said "Jim Brown is right"? (Although who would wanna listen to a pedophile about relationships)..But yea, Brown is right...So what? None of us Hang with Kobe.:confusedshrug:

12-11-2013, 06:38 PM

And why attack his credibility? Why not argue the points he made on the merit? The statements he made are either true or untrue. Who cares WHO made them? His character or credibility has no impact on whether his statements are true or not. You seem more concerned with the person making the point than the actual point.

For arguments sake, let's say you're right. Jim Brown is a terrible person. That being said, is what he said about Kobe right or wrong?

To begin with, he directly attacked another's credibility. Glass houses and all that.

Honestly? The character of someone making an impugning statement about someone has no bearing on how the statement should be regarded? Really? That's the point you want to make? You seem more concerned that whatever point is made is anti-Bryant, regardless of any other factor.

Finally, there is no way Jim Brown knows what Kobe thinks, any more than you or I do. So he doesn't know what Kobe cares about. As for "snitching" on Shaq, my question would be whether Brown was there. But I already know the answer.

12-11-2013, 06:43 PM
based on the fact he stated that because Kobe grew up overseas, he doesn't grasp the african american culture

and that if he was holding some kind of pan African American athlete summit he wouldn't invite kobe
He didn't say Kobe was evil or that he's a bad guy. He said that if he were to call a summit of black athletes, Kobe is someone he wouldn't call. Ok. So what?

Y'all are saying that some people just aren't into social issues. Well, that seems like a perfectly good reason to not call him to a summit. He didn't say its because Kobe is bad. He's just not the type of guy for that kind of event.

You all act like he said Kobe was a terrible person or something.

12-11-2013, 06:44 PM
The thing is that a black man doesn't have much of a voice in this country unless he IS famous, either through acting, or music, sports, etc. So he feels that when you do have that platform, its your duty so to speak to try to uplift your race especially when that race has been and still is a victim of racism, being handed down poor social and environmental structures, and a million more disadvantages that a black man is inherently born into this world with.

I support and agree with that notion, although when you've been accused of some BS yourself, its a bad reflection but that doesn't change the prevailing message which I completely agree with it.

However, I agree with what somebody else said when they said that everybody's just not cut out to be a social/political figure. But that doesn't mean at SOME point, a black man who has managed to make it in this country should not at least SOME semblance or a least ONE comment trying to uplift his race at some point. Actually, I find it a bit odd when a famous black man in this country goes basically his entire life NEVER having given at least one piece of social commentary about issues in their community. But the reality about Kobe is, he didn't struggle growing up, he didn't even grow up in this country he doesn't relate to the average black youth in this country and they can't relate to him. I know plenty of my homeboys that are Kobe fans, but they are fans of his game. They can't relate to him on any level other than the fact they both enjoy the same sport.

So really, I guess Jim Brown should cut him some slack..I dunno..

:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:

I'm a Laker fan and this is actually true. I never thought about it but I don't relate to anything about Kobe off the basketball court.

12-11-2013, 06:45 PM
He didn't say Kobe was evil or that he's a bad guy. .

That's not what the other poster said, nor is it what you asked.

12-11-2013, 06:45 PM
To begin with, he directly attacked another's credibility. Glass houses and all that.
When did he say Kobe isn't credible? All he said was he's not the kind of guy he would call about african American social issues. I'm sure he wouldn't call Tony Parker either. Doesn't mean he thinks Parker isn't a credible person.

12-11-2013, 06:46 PM
Have Lebron, Wade, or any other superstars been doing this?

We arent in the 60s anymore.. Jim Brown's time called for different things. Its absolutely unnecessary for black athletes to speak out for the black community nowadays when they face waaaay less discrimination than what was seen in Brown's time.

Must be white...

12-11-2013, 06:47 PM
Have Lebron, Wade, or any other superstars been doing this?

We arent in the 60s anymore.. Jim Brown's time called for different things. Its absolutely unnecessary for black athletes to speak out for the black community nowadays when they face waaaay less discrimination than what was seen in Brown's time.
Actually yes. Around the time of the Trayvon Martin murder.

12-11-2013, 07:03 PM
See, told you guys Kobe is not from Philly! :lol

12-11-2013, 07:08 PM
When did he say Kobe isn't credible? All he said was he's not the kind of guy he would call about african American social issues. .

No, that's not all he said. He said specifically that he threw a teammate under the bus.

He also said "he doesn't quite fit what's happening in America" (as if Bryant showed up last week).

As for his comments about racial issues, he went out of his way to disparage Bryant. It wasn't part of the line of questioning.


get these NETS
12-11-2013, 07:16 PM
based on the fact he stated that because Kobe grew up overseas, he doesn't grasp the african american culture

and that if he was holding some kind of pan African American athlete summit he wouldn't invite kobe

I don't know if it's my fault for not posting an image on FIRST page that displays clearly but if the picture IS visible......are you kidding about your description?

that meeting was about Ali's decision to fight the draft.

Ali's stance made him extremely unpopular in some mainstream circles....sitting there and supporting his stance didn't make any of those other athletes popular to the mainstream(and certainly hurt them financially) but they did it anyway . there were definitely athletes that they called who were scared to be there.

If picture didn't display, it's my fault....if it does show and you wrote what you wrote anyway.....you need to educate yourself. not a quick google search
but speak to an older person or read a book.

not a personal attack....

12-11-2013, 07:28 PM
No, that's not all he said. He said specifically that he threw a teammate under the bus.
He did. Factually indisputable.

[quote]He also said "he doesn't quite fit what's happening in America" (as if Bryant showed up last week).

As for his comments about racial issues, he went out of his way to disparage Bryant. It wasn't part of the line of questioning.


Mr. Jabbar
12-11-2013, 07:29 PM
lol whos jim brown

12-11-2013, 07:33 PM
I don't know if it's my fault for not posting an image on FIRST page that displays clearly but if the picture IS visible......are you kidding about your description?

that meeting was about Ali's decision to fight the draft.

Ali's stance made him extremely unpopular in some mainstream circles....sitting there and supporting his stance didn't make any of those other athletes popular to the mainstream(and certainly hurt them financially) but they did it anyway . there were definitely athletes that they called who were scared to be there.

If picture didn't display, it's my fault....if it does show and you wrote what you wrote anyway.....you need to educate yourself. not a quick google search
but speak to an older person or read a book.

not a personal attack....

what was wrong with my description? was it not a summit for african american athletes across sports? hence pan african american athlete summit, I didn't include the purpose of the summit because it wasn't necessary. What was implied was that credible black leaders in respective sports would be invited and his stated omission of Kobe is what's relevant. Not the aim of the summitt.

12-11-2013, 07:35 PM
what was wrong with my description? was it not a summit for african american athletes across sports? hence pan african american athlete summit, I didn't include the purpose of the summit because it wasn't necessary. What was implied was that credible black leaders in respective sports would be invited and his stated omission of Kobe is what's relevant. Not the aim of the summitt.
What is you guys' obsession with credibility?

12-11-2013, 07:36 PM

12-11-2013, 07:38 PM
What is you guys' obsession with credibility?

:lol I only used the term cause it became a buzzword in this thread. Look he basically called Kobe a cornball brotha like that fool on ESPN tried to do RG3. Old militant black men in denial of the fact we more or less live in a post racial america

12-11-2013, 08:02 PM
:lol I only used the term cause it became a buzzword in this thread. Look he basically called Kobe a cornball brotha like that fool on ESPN tried to do RG3. Old militant black men in denial of the fact we more or less live in a post racial america
This is nowhere near a fact. Not going to get into it here....

12-11-2013, 08:17 PM
:applause: @ jim Brown..

he could have picked any black athlete from Mj to today. I can't think of one who has even an ounce of the courage those dudes had... I'm gonna add rappers and others in the mix too.. Jay Z? :facepalm f*cking disgrace.. The way he went back and forth with Bellafonte showed he simply doesnt get it.. Kanye? :roll: dont make me laugh... f*ckin egomaniac who thinks the world revolves around him

guys used to use their fame and celebrity to try and help make the world better for those who didnt have the voice and spotlight that they did.. But now? guys like Kobe, Jordan, Lebron, Jay Z and the rest only think of themselves and their "brand"..

it's their prerogative if they wanna be so self centered and myopic, but it is still a shame

12-11-2013, 08:46 PM
:applause: @ jim Brown..

he could have picked any black athlete from Mj to today. I can't think of one who has even an ounce of the courage those dudes had... I'm gonna add rappers and others in the mix too.. Jay Z? :facepalm f*cking disgrace.. The way he went back and forth with Bellafonte showed he simply doesnt get it.. Kanye? :roll: dont make me laugh... f*ckin egomaniac who thinks the world revolves around him

guys used to use their fame and celebrity to try and help make the world better for those who didnt have the voice and spotlight that they did.. But now? guys like Kobe, Jordan, Lebron, Jay Z and the rest only think of themselves and their "brand"..

it's their prerogative if they wanna be so self centered and myopic, but it is still a shame
I pretty much agree but prepare to be flamed...

Eric Cartman
12-11-2013, 08:54 PM
guys used to use their fame and celebrity to try and help make the world better for those who didnt have the voice and spotlight that they did.. But now? guys like Kobe, Jordan, Lebron, Jay Z and the rest only think of themselves and their "brand"..




12-11-2013, 09:12 PM



Every athlete and their mama has a charity.. Im not talking about charities... I'm talking about athletes who use their voice and their spotlight to take a stand on societal issues that affect people regardless of how popular the stand is

Alot of guys can have a charity, but they wont say a peep about a political or social issue because they fear it will make them unpopular, and god forbid if they harm their "brand"..

It doesnt even stop with just black athletes either.. If you think back to that era, America was full of public figures who stood up against big problems at great risk to themselves...

The JFKs and the Robert kennedys... The MLKs, Medgar evers.. Ali.. Malcolm X

Like I said, It is ultimately their decision what they will do with their spotlight when they get it, but it is a shame that so many do so little..

I dont even blame Kobe as much as some others.. Like Jim Brown said, Kobe grew up another country and his father was an NBA player, so he probably cant really relate to some issues..

A guy like Jay Z tho? :facepalm Jay is so full of himself that it is sad..

There arent many athletes or public figures with the courage Ali had.. Bill Russell was a real dude.. some of these guys were admirable as leaders as well as great athletes or celebrities, but you have to ignore the true life persona of many celebrities today in order to stomach them..

12-11-2013, 09:22 PM
Every athlete and their mama has a charity.. Im not talking about charities... I'm talking about athletes who use their voice and their spotlight to take a stand on societal issues that affect people regardless of how popular the stand is

Alot of guys can have a charity, but they wont say a peep about a political or social issue because they fear it will make them unpopular, and god forbid if they harm their "brand"..

It doesnt even stop with just black athletes either.. If you think back to that era, America was full of public figures who stood up against big problems at great risk to themselves...

The JFKs and the Robert kennedys... The MLKs, Medgar evers.. Ali.. Malcolm X

Like I said, It is ultimately their decision what they will do with their spotlight when they get it, but it is a shame that so many do so little..

I dont even blame Kobe as much as some others.. Like Jim Brown said, Kobe grew up another country and his father was an NBA player, so he probably cant really relate to some issues..

A guy like Jay Z tho? :facepalm Jay is so full of himself that it is sad..

There arent many athletes or public figures with the courage Ali had.. Bill Russell was a real dude.. some of these guys were admirable as leaders as well as great athletes or celebrities, but you have to ignore the true life persona of many celebrities today in order to stomach them..

Why should your's or anyone else's battles be theirs? Why should they support views they may not agree with? Just because they are Black doesn't mean they have to step in line and go against their own personal views for some cause. That's jut stupid..

Some of these guys do things that benefit all of humanity not just Blacks.

12-11-2013, 09:29 PM
Why should your's or anyone else's battles be theirs? Why should they support views they may not agree with? Just because they are Black doesn't mean they have to step in line and go against their own personal views for some cause. That's jut stupid..

Did you even read what I wrote? :lol doesnt seem like it

Im not picking their battles.. Im saying that alot of these people come from places where they have been a victim of situations that they now turn a blind eye to.. That is what stupid and it is also selfish..

what is the use of being a huge celebrity with the power to influence millions in a 1 moment if you dont have anything relevant to say about the world you live in?

Like i said... Jay Z? what's his excuse?

Some of these guys do things that benefit all of humanity not just Blacks.

Did I say it was all about blacks? I mentioned plenty of people who used their public face and their power for issues that went beyond "just blacks".. you obviously didnt read what i wrote... re read it and get back to me after you do..

12-11-2013, 09:40 PM
Did you even read what I wrote? :lol doesnt seem like it

Im not picking their battles.. Im saying that alot of these people come from places where they have been a victim of situations that they now turn a blind eye to.. That is what stupid and it is also selfish..

what is the use of being a huge celebrity with the power to influence millions in a 1 moment if you dont have anything relevant to say about the world you live in?

Like i said... Jay Z? what's his excuse?

Did I say it was all about blacks? I mentioned plenty of people who used their public face and their power for issues that went beyond "just blacks".. you obviously didnt read what i wrote... re read it and get back to me after you do..

That's YOUR view of what they should be doing.. maybe they don't give a shit, maybe they prefer to do their thing their own way.. you're trying to tell them what they should be doing because of their stature or where they grew up...

once again why should they do something they don't want to or believe in and what gives you or anyone the right to tell somebody else what they should be thinking or doing with their money, power and fame? Maybe they want to be selfish? Maybe they aren't interested in making the world a better place outside of their circle

Why does Jay Z have to have an excuse? I'll give you a clue, he doesn't have to have one other than I'm not interested in your problems...
Funny thing is you're always going on and on about how the government needs to stay out of everyone's lives but you're sure quick to start telling folks how they should be running theirs

12-11-2013, 09:46 PM
That's YOUR view of what they should be doing.. maybe they don't give a shit, maybe they prefer to do their thing their own way.. you're trying to tell them what they should be doing because of their stature or where they grew up...

once again why should they do something they don't want to or believe in and what gives you or anyone the right to tell somebody else what they should be thinking or doing with their money, power and fame? Maybe they want to be selfish? Maybe they aren't interested in making the world a better place outside of their circle

Why does Jay Z have to have an excuse? I'll give you a clue, he doesn't have to have one other than I'm not interested in your problems...
Funny thing is you're always going on and on about how the government needs to stay out of everyone's lives but you're sure quick to start telling folks how they should be running theirs

You reading comprehension is VERY poor GTS...

I said multiple times that it is THEIR prerogative to do as they please with their fame and fortune..

If you had actually bothered to read what I said, you would seen where i said that more than once...

they are entitled to do as they please and I am entitled to comment on it..I said it is a shame that so many have so much power and do so little with it.. That doesnt equate to me telling them how to run their lives... You need to go back and read what I actually said and then understand the difference..

12-11-2013, 09:53 PM
they are entitled to do as they please and I am entitled to comment on it..I said it is a shame that so many have so much power and do so little with it.. That doesnt equate to me telling them how to run their lives... You need to go back and read what I actually said and then understand the difference..

You're right. LeBron James and Jay-Z could change the world if they only tried!

12-11-2013, 09:55 PM
Every athlete and their mama has a charity.. Im not talking about charities... I'm talking about athletes who use their voice and their spotlight to take a stand on societal issues that affect people regardless of how popular the stand is

Alot of guys can have a charity, but they wont say a peep about a political or social issue because they fear it will make them unpopular, and god forbid if they harm their "brand"..

It doesnt even stop with just black athletes either.. If you think back to that era, America was full of public figures who stood up against big problems at great risk to themselves...

The JFKs and the Robert kennedys... The MLKs, Medgar evers.. Ali.. Malcolm X

Like I said, It is ultimately their decision what they will do with their spotlight when they get it, but it is a shame that so many do so little..

I dont even blame Kobe as much as some others.. Like Jim Brown said, Kobe grew up another country and his father was an NBA player, so he probably cant really relate to some issues..

A guy like Jay Z tho? :facepalm Jay is so full of himself that it is sad..

There arent many athletes or public figures with the courage Ali had.. Bill Russell was a real dude.. some of these guys were admirable as leaders as well as great athletes or celebrities, but you have to ignore the true life persona of many celebrities today in order to stomach them..

If this isn't taking a stand then I don't know what is.

Kobe has even made a documentary and very vocal about homeless people in L.A., raising awareness and calling out public officials.

Pick one and watch...he is doing today's equivalent of what Jim Brown or Ali was doing.


12-11-2013, 10:00 PM
You reading comprehension is VERY poor GTS...

I said multiple times that it is THEIR prerogative to do as they please with their fame and fortune..

If you had actually bothered to read what I said, you would seen where i said that more than once...

they are entitled to do as they please and I am entitled to comment on it..I said it is a shame that so many have so much power and do so little with it.. That doesnt equate to me telling them how to run their lives... You need to go back and read what I actually said and then understand the difference..
people are just saying your indignant comments are not justified. Stop with this tribal mentality that just because you share the same skin color as someone and perhaps same background or come from the same place that you are entitled to part of their success. These athletes and musicians aren't obligated to give back just cause that's where they come from. Empower yourself, don't hold back the ones that made it

12-11-2013, 10:09 PM
people are just saying your indignant comments are not justified. Stop with this tribal mentality that just because you share the same skin color as someone and perhaps same background or come from the same place that you are entitled to part of their success. These athletes and musicians aren't obligated to give back just cause that's where they come from. Empower yourself, don't hold back the ones that made it

:biggums: Another guy who cant read...

it's not simply a race issue.. Its not a "tribal" issue... Its about celebrities being engaged in the world around them and actually caring and being willing to step up and use their prestige to bring a positive change to parts of society that they have the power to affect..

Alot of times it is simply changing a mindset among a large group of people..

saying "Empower yourself, don't hold back the ones that made it" is simply a dumb comment :oldlol:

We are on a message board and I am hardly "holding anyone back" by agreeing with Jim Brown and commenting on it here..

These are public figures, so of course people will comment on what they do (and what they DONT do)

I think we have some butthurt posters here just arguing for the sake of arguing..

BTW, I actually watched some of those kobe videos, and I give him credit for at least visiting homeless people.. But if he truly cares? there are some more steps he can take.. Hopefully he will do that, because homelessness is a terrible problem that alot of people never think about

12-11-2013, 10:09 PM
people are just saying your indignant comments are not justified. Stop with this tribal mentality that just because you share the same skin color as someone and perhaps same background or come from the same place that you are entitled to part of their success. These athletes and musicians aren't obligated to give back just cause that's where they come from. Empower yourself, don't hold back the ones that made it
You're not required to contribute to society or to try to positively impact or improve things. That's true.

However, you can't complain if someone says that since you don't make an effort to improve things, you're not someone they would call in an effort to do so.

I personally don't give any money to charity. I wouldn't get all mad if some one said "he's not someone I would call to contribute to charity. That's not what he's about".

12-11-2013, 10:17 PM
You're not required to contribute to society or to try to positively impact or improve things. That's true.

However, you can't complain if someone says that since you don't make an effort to improve things, you're not someone they would call in an effort to do so.

I personally don't give any money to charity. I wouldn't get all mad if some one said "he's not someone I would call to contribute to charity. That's not what he's about".

but that's not the situation as it pertains to Kobe. All evidence seem to suggest that Kobe is a humanitarian, or at least contributes a lot to charities and engages in community service in a circumspect way. Yet it doesn't meet the standard of someone like Jim Brown because he's merely contributing to society as a whole and not some narrow minded black empowerment prism that Brown prescribes too.

It's absurd, if Kobe instead of trying to alleviate homelessness in LA and instead only directed his effort and made a stand on "black" homelessness in LA then all the sudden he would be more down with the people in Jim Brown's eye. That is a very antiquated perspective.

get these NETS
12-11-2013, 10:18 PM
Does anybody else remember Craig Hodges being blackballed/whiteballed from the NBA?

Think one year the bulls won the ring...visited the white house...Craig stepped to the prez about a couple of issues

either the next year or the next CH was gone from the league

when I say gone....one year he won the three point contest...the VERY next year....he defended the title as a non player wearing regular workout clothes

won three point contest one year ,contributed to ring..

next year he's out of the league....never plays another minute in the league

12-11-2013, 10:21 PM
but that's not the situation as it pertains to Kobe. All evidence seem to suggest that Kobe is a humanitarian, or at least contributes a lot to charities and engages in community service in a circumspect way. Yet it doesn't meet the standard of someone like Jim Brown because he's merely contributing to society as a whole and not some narrow minded black empowerment prism that Brown prescribes too.

It's absurd, if Kobe instead of trying to alleviate homelessness in LA and instead only directed his effort and made a stand on "black" homelessness in LA then all the sudden he would be more down with the people in Jim Brown's eye. That is a very antiquated perspective.
Nobody is talking about him being a humanitarian. Jim Brown is talking about not inviting him to a summit to discuss Ali being drafted. There would be no point in inviting him. Kobe is not going to take a public stance on that sort of thing.

He's not talking about any random situation that athletes speak out. He's talking a specific situation about a specific athlete. Who would you call for that??????? Athletes.:hammerhead:

12-11-2013, 10:24 PM
Does anybody else remember Craig Hodges being blackballed/whiteballed from the NBA?

Think one year the bulls won the ring...visited the white house...Craig stepped to the prez about a couple of issues

either the next year or the next CH was gone from the league

when I say gone....one year he won the three point contest...the VERY next year....he defended the title as a non player wearing regular workout clothes

won three point contest one year ,contributed to ring..

next year he's out of the league....never plays another minute in the league

never knew that.. Im going to look that up

12-11-2013, 10:30 PM
BTW, I actually watched some of those kobe videos, and I give him credit for at least visiting homeless people.. But if he truly cares? there are some more steps he can take.. Hopefully he will do that, because homelessness is a terrible problem that alot of people never think about

That right there is why we should put Kobe on the level of Jim Brown or Ali.

He took a stand on something that nobody cares about. Homlessness is a terrible problem and as a public figure, he's making a stand.

Just because he's not making a stand on war, government spending and police brutality doesn't mean it doesn't hold merit.

People are always going to complain. "Well, how come Kobe doesn't stand up to North Korea's dictatorship." -or- the religious wars in the middle east.

In Jim Brown's eyes, if you're not helping black folks then you are not helping.

12-11-2013, 10:32 PM
That right there is why we should put Kobe on the level of Jim Brown or Ali.


12-11-2013, 10:36 PM
Please tell me what Jim Brown has done?

12-11-2013, 10:37 PM

You are perfect example of the examples I mentioned, people criticizing Kobe because he didn't stop world hunger, find the cure for cancer.


get these NETS
12-11-2013, 10:38 PM
article about the lawsuit that hodges eventually filed against the nba


fans of the nba note that after the three point line began being used the way it was.......long range specialists have extended careers....even after their primes.

ricky pierce, dale ellis, eddie johnson, sam perkins,etc etc list goes on

kerr, horry are the names that modern fans would know

but he won 3 point contest, was on the nba champ team .....next year out of the league....

12-11-2013, 10:39 PM
That right there is why we should put Kobe on the level of Jim Brown or Ali.


12-11-2013, 10:40 PM
You are perfect example of the examples I mentioned, people criticizing Kobe because he didn't stop world hunger, find the cure for cancer.


:lol yeah because taking a walk down skid row is the equivalent of risking your career & your freedom by refusing to be drafted into a war..

I give kobe alot of credit for even caring enough to take on such an issue, but lets not get carried away..

12-11-2013, 10:42 PM
Does anybody else remember Craig Hodges being blackballed/whiteballed from the NBA?

Think one year the bulls won the ring...visited the white house...Craig stepped to the prez about a couple of issues

either the next year or the next CH was gone from the league

when I say gone....one year he won the three point contest...the VERY next year....he defended the title as a non player wearing regular workout clothes

won three point contest one year ,contributed to ring..

next year he's out of the league....never plays another minute in the league

Yeah I remember hearing his story when he came to the Lakers as a shooting coach

Jackson released him in Chicago as a player and hired in LA as a coach...

I read his story and then looked at his numbers... You figure it has to be more than a coincidence he was let go until you see he was playing less every year after a long career... in his last season he was playing hardly any minutes and averaging something like 4 pts a game, add in Jackson's love for small guards (he has none) and you can see a legitimate reason for him being released

12-11-2013, 10:43 PM
:lol yeah because taking a walk down skid row is the equivalent of risking your career & your freedom by refusing to be drafted into a war..

I give kobe alot of credit for even caring enough to take on such an issue, but lets not get carried away..

One guy helps homelessness, something that few people touched upon and raised awareness about.

The other guy risked his career and freedom? That's sounds more selfish than what Kobe is doing.

Kobe is helping while the other guy was worried more about his freedom and career.

Now that I have you bring up the difference, you are indirectly helping Kobe's case. He has impacted more people's lives.

Like I said, we shouldn't bring up how one helps society but since this is Jim Brown's agenda and many people on here, I will proceed to compare their causes and Kobe's cause has helped more people than Ali or JB.

12-11-2013, 10:49 PM
Kobe leading 13,000 people to raise awareness about the homeless but people will complain it's not the Million Man March. :facepalm


You guys may be right about other athletes and the ultimate corporate man, Michael Jordan, but there is no argument about Kobe.

He more similar with the JB's and Ali's then these people JB is dissing.

Now if we can make the above picture a black and white picture and proceed to compare it to the one below. It's very similar. Strong black man leading the way.

12-11-2013, 10:49 PM
One guy helps homelessness, something that few people touched upon and raised awareness about.

The other guy risked his career and freedom? That's sounds more selfish than what Kobe is doing.

Kobe is helping while the other guy was worried more about his freedom and career.

Now that I have you bring up the difference, you are indirectly helping Kobe's case. He has impacted more people's lives.

Like I said, we shouldn't bring up how one helps society but since this is Jim Brown's agenda and many people on here, I will proceed to compare their causes and Kobe's cause has helped more people than Ali or JB.

:oldlol: nice try

12-11-2013, 10:54 PM
There you go....


get these NETS
12-12-2013, 05:37 PM

Kobe responds on twitter


[B]A "Global" African American is an inferior shade to "American" African Americans?? #hmm.. that doesn't sound very #Mandela or #DrKing sir

get these NETS
12-12-2013, 05:38 PM
Kobe kept it classy but deflected what Brown was getting at.

12-12-2013, 05:39 PM
Jim Brown got shit on like the tool he is.

get these NETS
12-12-2013, 05:47 PM
Jim Brown got shit on like the tool he is.

you want smiling happy go lucky superstars......which is why modern superstars don't make controversial comments.

12-12-2013, 06:10 PM

Kobe responds on twitter


A "Global" African American is an inferior shade to "American" African Americans?? #hmm.. that doesn't sound very #Mandela or #DrKing sir—
Kobe Bryant (@kobebryant) December 12, 2013

Kobe owning as usual.

For those that say he doesn't want to be controversial? Well, check the tweet.

The funny thing Kobe is a progressive black man versus the stubborn blacks such as Jim Brown. Kobe is a global icon, speaks many languages and uses his influence to inspire other nations. The dud goes on tours of the world in the off season.

He is actually setting standards for blacks where JB actually holds them back with his rhetoric.

That is doing more than JB.

12-12-2013, 06:15 PM
you want smiling happy go lucky superstars......which is why modern superstars don't make controversial comments.

Being an archaic moron stuck in a extinct era is hardly controversial. Just an old senile man doing what he does best, being a dick.

12-12-2013, 06:23 PM
I also understand why people would be angry with Kobe. Let's be honest, he is the only black person in this world currently, that can inspire a generation of blacks. Kobe is an intellectual and with his popularity he can probably by himself change how blacks think, live and breathe.

12-12-2013, 06:27 PM
Kobe is an intellectual and with his popularity he can probably by himself change how blacks think, live and breathe.

I agree completely. His influence around the world, not just the US, is absolutely immeasurable. The way he carries himself and his actions just ooze the qualities of a generational human being. The type to get assassinated just for existing. We haven't seen this since Jesus, to be quite frank.

12-12-2013, 06:31 PM
That's a very good rebuttal by Kobe. Brown saying Kobe is less in touched because he spent 8 years in Italy, despite spending the most influential years for American youth...IN America.

Yeah, Kobe doesn't care about anyone but his brand. That's why he offered struggling players loans during the lockout.

Kobe's a prick but the character assassination being attempted both by Brown and posters in this thread is baseless and comical.

12-12-2013, 08:56 PM
I agree completely. His influence around the world, not just the US, is absolutely immeasurable. The way he carries himself and his actions just ooze the qualities of a generational human being. The type to get assassinated just for existing. We haven't seen this since Jesus, to be quite frank.
9ersempire, Are you fcuking kidding me?:roll:

He's a basketball player. Calm down. He literally doesn't have 1% of the influence your local congressman has.

People are so weird.

12-12-2013, 09:03 PM
9ersempire, Are you fcuking kidding me?:roll:

He's a basketball player. Calm down. He literally doesn't have 1% of the influence your local congressman has.

People are so weird.

It's called sarcasm. It was so potent, it was permeating through the computer screen.

12-12-2013, 09:05 PM
9ersempire, Are you fcuking kidding me?:roll:

He's a basketball player. Calm down. He literally doesn't have 1% of the influence your local congressman has.

People are so weird.


Most people can't name their congressman bro.

He has more influence than a congressman. Trust me.

Celebrities and athletes actually have more influence than public officials. Nobody trust their public officials but people will buy celebrity endorsed products. You are just dumb.

12-12-2013, 09:09 PM

Most people can't name their congressman bro.

He has more influence than a congressman. Trust me.

Celebrities and athletes actually have more influence than public officials. Nobody trust their public officials but people will buy celebrity endorsed products. You are just dumb.
Really kid? Your local congressman influences what you pay in taxes, how much your job might pay you, regulations for literally every detail of your life, what kind of health care you can get and how much you pay for it, etc...

What does Kobe influence? What game you watch on a Tuesday? Which pair of sneakers you buy?

Doesn't matter if you trust public officials. They still cast their votes.

Celebrities and athletes having influence is a myth. They have none.

12-12-2013, 09:17 PM
Really kid? Your local congressman influences what you pay in taxes, how much your job might pay you, regulations for literally every detail of your life, what kind of health care you can get and how much you pay for it, etc...

What does Kobe influence? What game you watch on a Tuesday? Which pair of sneakers you buy?

Doesn't matter if you trust public officials. They still cast their votes.

Celebrities and athletes having influence is a myth. They have none.


Most influential athletes of 2013:

Michael Phelps
Derek Jeter
David Beckham
Lebron James
Kobe Bryant
Peyton Manning
Gabby Douglas
Usain Bolt
Drew Brees
Tim Tebow

These are the top 10 most influential athletes in the USA.

I will be waiting for your congressman list.:facepalm

I love ISH, it makes me look smarter than I really am.

12-12-2013, 09:23 PM
Why are you arguing with 9erempiree?

12-12-2013, 09:24 PM
Why are you arguing with 9erempiree?

I think the real question is why am I arguing with him.

Anyways, I just ended any argument.

12-12-2013, 09:35 PM
Why are you arguing with 9erempiree?
This is an excellent point.

12-13-2013, 10:51 AM
He is 100% correct. Kobe on any kind of black summit is a joke. Wayne Brady would have honestly been a better choice.

12-13-2013, 11:04 AM
Jealous hater:lol

Why would he be jealous of a sidekick like Kobe? You know Jim Brown is historically more significant than Kobe, right?

12-13-2013, 11:14 AM
You're right. LeBron James and Jay-Z could change the world if they only tried!

The thing is, both those guys know more about having their finger on the black community than some rich kid that grew up in Italy.

12-13-2013, 11:19 AM

Most influential athletes of 2013:

Michael Phelps
Derek Jeter
David Beckham
Lebron James
Kobe Bryant
Peyton Manning
Gabby Douglas
Usain Bolt
Drew Brees
Tim Tebow

These are the top 10 most influential athletes in the USA.

I will be waiting for your congressman list.:facepalm

I love ISH, it makes me look smarter than I really am.

Those athletes have minimal cultural impact. All they do is slap their name on a brand and help sell products. There are definitely some people who will be impacted by people like Tebow because of his religious convictions, but those athletes aren't really influencing much.

Members of congress have less households notoriety but they help shape the political and legal environment of the country. Senate confirmation of judges and officials (like Fed Chairman) have a much greater influence than people realize.

12-13-2013, 11:35 AM
Those athletes have minimal cultural impact. All they do is slap their name on a brand and help sell products. There are definitely some people who will be impacted by people like Tebow because of his religious convictions, but those athletes aren't really influencing much.

Members of congress have less households notoriety but they help shape the political and legal environment of the country. Senate confirmation of judges and officials (like Fed Chairman) have a much greater influence than people realize.
Tebow has 0 impact on anybody. The only people that like him are the type of people that are already that way to begin with anyway. It's like kobe'tards agreeing with kobe'tards. Kobe'tards don't change minds or influence anyone. The only people who agree with them are other people who are already kobe'tards.

Tebow isn't creating new religious nuts. The people that flock to him were already religious nuts to begin with.

12-13-2013, 11:39 AM
The thing is that a black man doesn't have much of a voice in this country unless he IS famous, either through acting, or music, sports, etc. So he feels that when you do have that platform, its your duty so to speak to try to uplift your race especially when that race has been and still is a victim of racism, being handed down poor social and environmental structures, and a million more disadvantages that a black man is inherently born into this world with.

I support and agree with that notion, although when you've been accused of some BS yourself, its a bad reflection but that doesn't change the prevailing message which I completely agree with it.

However, I agree with what somebody else said when they said that everybody's just not cut out to be a social/political figure. But that doesn't mean at SOME point, a black man who has managed to make it in this country should not at least SOME semblance or a least ONE comment trying to uplift his race at some point. Actually, I find it a bit odd when a famous black man in this country goes basically his entire life NEVER having given at least one piece of social commentary about issues in their community. But the reality about Kobe is, he didn't struggle growing up, he didn't even grow up in this country he doesn't relate to the average black youth in this country and they can't relate to him. I know plenty of my homeboys that are Kobe fans, but they are fans of his game. They can't relate to him on any level other than the fact they both enjoy the same sport.

So really, I guess Jim Brown should cut him some slack..I dunno..
Maybe I'm wrong, but haven't guys like LeBron and Rose, who grew up in bad neighborhoods done a lot for their communities outside of the token charities? I know at least Rose has spoken often about the violence in Chicago. I know that's nothing like taking a controversial stance and hurting your image, it isn't risky, but that has to count for a lot.

I do agree with your general stance. While it is completely up to the players and it's their prerogative, it would be nice to see some of the more famous athletes taking a risk and speaking about the social issues. From what I've seen though, all the world over athletes shy away from taking a stance. It hurts your image, and in this day and age with corporate sponsorships it hurts more than ever to ruin your image with a political stance.

12-13-2013, 11:47 AM
Maybe I'm wrong, but haven't guys like LeBron and Rose, who grew up in bad neighborhoods done a lot for their communities outside of the token charities? I know at least Rose has spoken often about the violence in Chicago. I know that's nothing like taking a controversial stance and hurting your image, it isn't risky, but that has to count for a lot.

I do agree with your general stance. While it is completely up to the players and it's their prerogative, it would be nice to see some of the more famous athletes taking a risk and speaking about the social issues. From what I've seen though, all the world over athletes shy away from taking a stance. It hurts your image, and in this day and age with corporate sponsorships it hurts more than ever to ruin your image with a political stance.
Well said, I agree with you. Also, if anyone caught Stephen A on Arsenio, he spoke on the issue...At the end of it all, he was basically agreeing with Jim Brown....Ill try to find the clip...

Edit-I found it....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjlbA06NWQM

at the end, he was basically he was making the same point that I tried to make, the description says he disagreed with Jim Brown but it really didn't come off like that to me...

Edit again-actually, part of that clip is cut out...Stephen A goes on to explain why he thinks Jim Brown feels that way and pretty much said the same thing that I said in my first post. That most important part of the clip is cut out. You had to have seen it when he was on there...

Yao Ming's Foot
12-13-2013, 12:40 PM
Kobe's out of line for talking about Shaq but it's fair game for Jim Brown to talk about Kobe?


12-13-2013, 12:48 PM
'All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.'

12-13-2013, 12:53 PM
Well said, I agree with you. Also, if anyone caught Stephen A on Arsenio, he spoke on the issue...At the end of it all, he was basically agreeing with Jim Brown....Ill try to find the clip...

Edit-I found it....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjlbA06NWQM

at the end, he was basically he was making the same point that I tried to make, the description says he disagreed with Jim Brown but it really didn't come off like that to me...

Edit again-actually, part of that clip is cut out...Stephen A goes on to explain why he thinks Jim Brown feels that way and pretty much said the same thing that I said in my first post. That most important part of the clip is cut out. You had to have seen it when he was on there...

SAS has repeatedly said he doesn't agree with Brown's one track mind in regards to his comment on Kobe. Both yesterday, and this morning.

oh the horror
12-13-2013, 01:01 PM
If you'd like to argue that he threw Shaq under the bus that's fine

But, Jim brown is a bit out of line on the other point.

Growing up abroad doesn't mean you don't understand the culture. That isn't exclusive to blacks in America.

Magic 32
12-13-2013, 01:06 PM
The thing is, both those guys know more about having their finger on the black community than some rich kid that grew up in Italy.

So true, Lebron also has his finger on the poor white community.


12-13-2013, 01:11 PM
If you'd like to argue that he threw Shaq under the bus that's fine

But, Jim brown is a bit out of line on the other point.

Growing up abroad doesn't mean you don't understand the culture. That isn't exclusive to blacks in America.

I share the same sentiments. Out of line and a disappointing position taken by someone who has argued inclusion over the last several decades. But, again, he has been notorious for placing criticism, both warranted and unwarranted, on players he deems as "new blacks," so I can't say I am surprised.

Knoe Itawl
12-13-2013, 01:13 PM
I haven't looked through the whole thread, so if someone brought this up then ok but the craziest thing about this whole thing to me is that Jim Brown was on the Arsenio Hall show in the first place!

A lot of people might not know this but he was on the Arsenio Hall show during it's first run and Arsenio "went there" by jokingly referring to Browns' violence against women. Brown didn't like that and started talking about how he had proof that Eddie Murphy and Arsenio were lovers and he was dead serious. There was awkwardness between them afterwards.

And that episode NEVER aired again (as far as I know). So I wonder what happend that that whole thing was squashed.

get these NETS
12-13-2013, 01:27 PM
I haven't looked through the whole thread, so if someone brought this up then ok but the craziest thing about this whole thing to me is that Jim Brown was on the Arsenio Hall show in the first place!

A lot of people might not know this but he was on the Arsenio Hall show during it's first run and Arsenio "went there" by jokingly referring to Browns' violence against women. Brown didn't like that and started talking about how he had proof that Eddie Murphy and Arsenio were lovers and he was dead serious. There was awkwardness between them afterwards.

And that episode NEVER aired again (as far as I know). So I wonder what happend that that whole thing was squashed.

gonna have to call bull on this

there were numerous 'I seen't it on arsenio" rumors from that era...yeah...seen't it

reason why I doubt this one is

Jim Brown is NOT the one to clown.....not now not 20 some odd years ago..dude is 77 and you wouldn't know it until you saw how slow he moves around

20 years ago...Arsenio would have been shook to clown Jim Brown live while he's 3 feet away from him.....you would have read about the repercussions

in pre internet era......anybody could say they saw something in arsenio and then others repeat it like they saw it live....

just like people "seen't" Hilfiger on Oprah saying he didn't want Blacks wearing his clothes

I started this thread and only put it up because I knew that in today's climate that video of it was put online by somebody else

get these NETS
12-13-2013, 01:31 PM
Hey since all these experts on "Black issues" and who should be saying what to whom are on ISH.I'm gonna watch the NHL this season and next year I'll have full authority to speak on issues pertaining to Russian,Canadian, and Scandinavian people.


12-13-2013, 01:47 PM
jim brown was never on a slave ship. what does he know about the struggles of black people?

get these NETS
12-13-2013, 04:51 PM
ok..here is a clip from early 2013 where Smith and Arsenio are talking to Roland Martin about this topic
