View Full Version : College

12-16-2013, 07:18 PM
You guys have any tips and helpful guidance regarding colleges and the applying process? I'm currently in the middle of my Junior year in High School and I'm just kind of baffled by the whole thing. I have a 3.7 GPA, taking all AP classes, work hours, volunteer hours, Mock Trial team, etc. I'm looking into corporate law/marketing as my possible majors, but I don't know where I would be able to best do that and how to approach it. My parents have been in talks with a college counselor and I guess he's going to start working with me, but I just wanted to know your guys' opinions. I live in Ohio, so the obvious universities for me are OSU, Miami (Oxford), Indian University and something around North/South Carolina. Don't think I'll be applying to anything huge or Ivy League status for my undergrad, but will try to do that for grad school. We'll see how it goes. I mean I'm just a 17 year old kid and this whole process kind of seems scary and challenging.

12-16-2013, 07:21 PM
lol you're a lock for the schools you mentioned

12-16-2013, 07:22 PM
My parents have been in talks with a college counselor

You're off to a great start. You'll do well on your own.

12-16-2013, 07:23 PM
lol you're a lock for the schools you mentioned
This. Aim higher.

12-16-2013, 08:04 PM
there really is no corporate law major, if you wanna go to law school it really doesn't matter what your degree is.

However i think Econ is becoming the best business major. My sister in law got a B.S. in econ from OSU and was getting job offers before she graduated.

Let me give you a piece of advice I never had, my parents were off the boat and had 0 experience in anything related to higher education. H.S. teachers and counselors will bullshit you about how so and so college is so great because that's what they do. Nobody will tell you that blank is a bad school.

Do what the above posters said. Aim high. I went to the first public uni that offered me a scholarship. Ultimately i went to the grad school i wanted to go to so i didn't really matter, but i wonder where life would have taken me if i would have aimed high.

12-16-2013, 08:16 PM
there really is no corporate law major, if you wanna go to law school it really doesn't matter what your degree is.

I was thinking of taking something along the lines of financing, accounting and economics classes for my undegrad and then going to law school that way. Would that be efficient?

12-16-2013, 08:25 PM
I was thinking of taking something along the lines of financing, accounting and economics classes for my undegrad and then going to law school that way. Would that be efficient?

to get into law school you need 3 things:

1. Good grades
2. Good LSAT score
3. Good Exp. (work/extra curricular activities)

Between those three majors it doesn't necessarily matter which you choose but as i've said before Econ IMO is the most versatile business degree. It's difficult to get that Bachelor of Science though. Requires a lot of hard work.

FYI I was a political science major.

12-16-2013, 08:34 PM
to get into law school you need 3 things:

1. Good grades
2. Good LSAT score
3. Good Exp. (work/extra curricular activities)

Between those three majors it doesn't necessarily matter which you choose but as i've said before Econ IMO is the most versatile business degree. It's difficult to get that Bachelor of Science though. Requires a lot of hard work.

FYI I was a political science major.

In terms of completing law school and getting a license, would I be able to just take a test in every state to work there or how would I go about that?

12-16-2013, 08:40 PM
You're good, I got accepted to all my state schools and I had a GPA of 2 in my junior year. You should be aiming for scholarships for ivy schools.

12-16-2013, 09:03 PM
In terms of completing law school and getting a license, would I be able to just take a test in every state to work there or how would I go about that?

you can take the bar exam in any state. Some states offer reciprocity, where if you have a clean record after 5 years of practice in one state you can get licensed without taking a bar exam in another state. But you shouldn't even be worrying about this kinda thing now. You gotta worry about getting your undergrad degree.

12-16-2013, 09:15 PM
You guys have any tips and helpful guidance regarding colleges and the applying process? I'm currently in the middle of my Junior year in High School and I'm just kind of baffled by the whole thing. I have a 3.7 GPA, taking all AP classes, work hours, volunteer hours, Mock Trial team, etc. I'm looking into corporate law/marketing as my possible majors, but I don't know where I would be able to best do that and how to approach it. My parents have been in talks with a college counselor and I guess he's going to start working with me, but I just wanted to know your guys' opinions. I live in Ohio, so the obvious universities for me are OSU, Miami (Oxford), Indian University and something around North/South Carolina. Don't think I'll be applying to anything huge or Ivy League status for my undergrad, but will try to do that for grad school. We'll see how it goes. I mean I'm just a 17 year old kid and this whole process kind of seems scary and challenging.


Well good job...you sound like you're doing good in school and like you are looking at your future more than most high school juniors.

Other than that i have no comments, since law was not my field or even close to it.