View Full Version : Dwyane Wade- "This team is going to go as far as me and Lebron take it"...

12-18-2013, 12:29 PM
"I think everyone understands that". - Wade
Poor Bosh...so underappreciated.....No mention of Bosh anywhere. Colin Cowherd was just talking about this on his show and he played the whole quote...Wade doesn't mention Bosh anywhere. Bosh will get the max from somebody and I would leave if I were him. Plus he's not playing the style he enjoys playing. He doesn't like playing Center but he does it for the good of the team yet he's always the fall guy and one who gets sh*tted on things go wrong because apparently Wade and Lebron can do no wrong:rolleyes:

And the Heat beat Indiana with a gimpy Wade but they are NOT beating Indiana without Bosh. This guy should get more respect. He's capable of putting up 20 and 10.

12-18-2013, 12:33 PM
I'd leave two. Bosh got his rings. Go be a star again somewhere else. See if a broke down Wade and Lebron can win without him.

12-18-2013, 12:33 PM
"I think everyone understands that". - Wade
Poor Bosh...so underappreciated.....No mention of Bosh anywhere. Colin Cowherd was just talking about this on his show and he played the whole quote...Wade doesn't mention Bosh anywhere. Bosh will get the max from somebody and I would leave if I were him. Plus he's not playing the style he enjoys playing. He doesn't like playing Center but he does it for the good of the team yet he's always the fall guy and one who gets sh*tted on things go wrong because apparently Wade and Lebron can do no wrong:rolle

And the Heat beat Indiana with a gimpy Wade but they are NOT beating Indiana without Bosh. This guy should get more respect. He's capable of putting up 20 and 10.

They beat the pacers without bosh tho

12-18-2013, 12:34 PM
Oh yeah, didn't Bosh and Ray Allen save Wade and Lebron's ass last year in the finals?

12-18-2013, 12:34 PM
And the Heat beat Indiana with a gimpy Wade but they are NOT beating Indiana without Bosh. This guy should get more respect. He's capable of putting up 20 and 10.

They beat Indiana with Bosh averaging 11 ppg on 38% and 4.3 rpg. Wade's right in the sense that he and Lebron are obviously the two most important players.

12-18-2013, 12:34 PM
They beat the pacers without bosh tho
I know..I mean THIS Pacers team..I don't think they can beat them without Bosh...

12-18-2013, 12:35 PM
They beat Indiana with Bosh averaging 11 ppg on 38% and 4.3 rpg. Wade's right in the sense that he and Lebron are obviously the two most important players.
Again, this Pacer team is better....

12-18-2013, 12:35 PM
They beat Indiana with Bosh averaging 11 ppg on 38% and 4.3 rpg. Wade's right in the sense that he and Lebron are obviously the two most important players.

Yeah, but they don't win without some help along the way. And you remove the only quality big they have? Indiana would rape them inside all day long. Bosh didn't have a good series, but replace him with Joel Anthony? Was the Birdman going to be able to give you starter minutes. LOL

12-18-2013, 12:36 PM
Again, this Pacer team is better....

True but Bosh has never been the key to beating them in a series. The Heat beat them in 2012 without Bosh for the most part and in 2013 with him playing well below average.

12-18-2013, 12:37 PM
They beat Indiana with Bosh averaging 11 ppg on 38% and 4.3 rpg. Wade's right in the sense that he and Lebron are obviously the two most important players.
Of course everyone knows they are the 2 best players on the team but Spoelstra constantly says how much they need Bosh. Thats not something that a player usually comes out and says(Wade). Its usually something thats said from others.

12-18-2013, 12:38 PM
Stop reaching.

12-18-2013, 12:38 PM
I'd hate to be on a team with them, making you feel so inadequate.

12-18-2013, 12:40 PM
It's like if Pippen had come out and said that the Bulls go as far as he and Mike take them, which would be ignoring the important role that Horace and Dennis played in winning titles.

It's yet another reason to despise the Heat, and mainly those two. I'm actually feeling sympathy for Bosh.

12-18-2013, 12:42 PM
Stop reaching.
Don't get defensive...You obviously didn't hear the interview. If I find it, Ill post it. This is the topic that is being discussed on air right now. They are the ones that brought up the Bosh factor. I just happen to agree with it and I made a thread about it. Why are SOME Heat fans so defensive? Your team has won 2 titles in a row.:confusedshrug: Its like nobody can question the great Miami Heat...

12-18-2013, 12:44 PM
Yeah, but they don't win without some help along the way. And you remove the only quality big they have? Indiana would rape them inside all day long. Bosh didn't have a good series, but replace him with Joel Anthony? Was the Birdman going to be able to give you starter minutes. LOL

Well of course, everyone needs help. What's your point? I'm just saying Bosh hasn't had much of an impact against the Pacers so I don't see why anyone would argue the Heat can't win without him. Bosh himself said he didn't play well at all against them last year. I'd argue that role players hitting their outside shots are a bigger factor than Bosh against them.

12-18-2013, 12:44 PM
True but Bosh has never been the key to beating them in a series. The Heat beat them in 2012 without Bosh for the most part and in 2013 with him playing well below average.
You make a good point here. However, he was still there and had to be accounted for. Regardless what percentage he shot, our bigs had to pay attention to him when he's spotting up which opens the lane for Lebron and Wade. A player's stats do not always measure his impact. You could argue that opponents have to pay more attention to Bosh when he's spotting up than you do Wade or Lebron when they are spotting up because his jump shot is almost automatic.

If Bosh were not on the floor and the Heat had Joel Anthony or Chris Anderson out there for 48 minutes, the Pacers would have a field day in the paint on offense and defense.

K Xerxes
12-18-2013, 12:50 PM
Wade's impact on the team is closer to Bosh's than it is to LeBron's. So it'd be fair for him to either say 'This team is going to go as far as LeBron takes it' or "This team is going to go as far as me, LeBron and Bosh take it"

Didn't Wade put up 15ppg in the playoffs and they still won? He is clearly delusional now, clinging on to the remnants of the alpha still left in him.

12-18-2013, 12:53 PM
I like how he mentioned him first before Lebron

K Xerxes
12-18-2013, 12:57 PM
I like how he mentioned him first before Lebron

The sentence should be "This team is going to go as far as LeBron and I take it" anyway, if we're looking at it from a strict grammatical standpoint.

But the common usage is "me and X", even if people know how it should be grammatically. This a moot point really as it's just everyday language he's using.

No surprise you were the one to bring it up.

12-18-2013, 12:58 PM
Lebron is the one who gets all the shit from the media, not Bosh. I wouldn't mind Bosh leaving the Heat. Would rather have a Lamarcus Aldridge type player, who can play with his back against the basket.

12-18-2013, 12:59 PM
The sentence should be "This team is going to go as far as LeBron and I take it" anyway, if we're looking at it from a strict grammatical standpoint.

But the common usage is "me and X", even if people know how it should be grammatically. This a moot point really as it's just everyday language he's using.

No surprise you were the one to bring it up.

Doesnt matter, that seems like he is putting himself at the level of importance as Lebron doesnt it, its just as incorrect.... not mentioning Bosh at all either who is just as important if not more important than Wade is not so smart aswell...

I just disagree somewhat with Wade here....

K Xerxes
12-18-2013, 01:01 PM
Lebron is the one who gets all the shit from the media, not Bosh. I wouldn't mind Bosh leaving the Heat. Would rather have a Lamarcus Aldridge type player, who can play with his back against the basket.

LOL, you want LMA, LeBron and Wade on the same team?

I'm sure you'd also like a Dwight Howard type player, or maybe even a Kevin Durant type player? No biggie, just shift Bosh and all these players will be lining up to stack the team even more.

Doesnt matter, that seems like he is putting himself at the level of importance as Lebron doesnt it.... not mentioning Bosh at all either who is just as important if not more important than Wade is not so smart aswell...

I just disagree somewhat with Wade here....

Of course that's how it seems to you. You're just ignoring common use of language, i.e. reaching reaching reaching.

12-18-2013, 01:02 PM
You make a good point here. However, he was still there and had to be accounted for. Regardless what percentage he shot, our bigs had to pay attention to him when he's spotting up which opens the lane for Lebron and Wade. A player's stats do not always measure his impact. You could argue that opponents have to pay more attention to Bosh when he's spotting up than you do Wade or Lebron when they are spotting up because his jump shot is almost automatic.

You're right, but in this case they did and Bosh himself said so during the series. If he was making his jump shots, the series would have never gone to 7.

If Bosh were not on the floor and the Heat had Joel Anthony or Chris Anderson out there for 48 minutes, the Pacers would have a field day in the paint on offense and defense.

That's a very low standard you're setting for Bosh. If you put it like that, Bosh is the best big the Heat have, but the Pacers were still having a field day in the paint with Bosh there.

12-18-2013, 01:04 PM
Lebron is the one who gets all the shit from the media, not Bosh. I wouldn't mind Bosh leaving the Heat. Would rather have a Lamarcus Aldridge type player, who can play with his back against the basket.
Do you think LMA could humble himself and play center and play a diminished role, basically a spot up jump shooter like Bosh has? Bosh should get more credit for this...

12-18-2013, 01:06 PM
You're right, but in this case they did and Bosh himself said so during the series. If he was making his jump shots, the series would have never gone to 7.

That's a very low standard you're setting for Bosh. If you put it like that, Bosh is the best big the Heat have, but the Pacers were still having a field day in the paint with Bosh there.
Thats kind of my point though....I mean, imagine if Bosh weren't there. The Pacers would probably have won the series in 6 games...Only reason I don't say 5 is because of Lebron....Also, this is assuming everything else was the same(gimpy Wade)..If Wade were healthy and there was no Bosh at all..I still feel like the Pacers probably would have won in 6 last year.

12-18-2013, 01:07 PM
Don't get defensive...You obviously didn't hear the interview. If I find it, Ill post it. This is the topic that is being discussed on air right now. They are the ones that brought up the Bosh factor. I just happen to agree with it and I made a thread about it. Why are SOME Heat fans so defensive? Your team has won 2 titles in a row.:confusedshrug: Its like nobody can question the great Miami Heat...

Nobody is getting defensive. I'm chilling brah. Just said stop reaching(which you are reaching).

I heard the Cowherd segment. I listen to his show almost every other day. And that segment was nothing more than in his typical shock jock nature, trying to blow up something out of nothing. He even had resident Heat Hater and Cleveland fan Brian Windhorst to come on and talk about it. :oldlol:

It's literally nothing. Wade has CONSISTENTLY acknowledged the importance of Bosh on the Heat. He is consistently given him props. As has LeBron.

But if you want carry on and make something out of nothing too, be my guest. :confusedshrug:

12-18-2013, 01:08 PM
He's right.

Bosh has been borderline irrelevant the last 2 years on the Heat.

Bosh makes almost no impact on defense, and on offense...the Heat have been much better without him in 13.

In the 13 playoffs...the Heat were 7 points better per 100 possessions without Bosh.

In the 12 playoffs...the Heat were pretty much the same on both ends with and without Bosh.

It's all about Wade and lebron...at least it was in 12. Last year Wade was awful as well, but he did step up in key moments/games in a way Bosh didn't.

12-18-2013, 01:09 PM
People forget Bosh played worse than wade last years playoffs.

Bosh is a good player, but he is not a goto guy, someone you will expect raising his play level when things go bad, someone who will carry a team. He has never done it for this whole career, and on top of that, he is too inconsistent.

How can a guy who is 6

12-18-2013, 01:11 PM
Nobody is getting defensive. I'm chilling brah. Just said stop reaching(which you are reaching).

I heard the Cowherd segment. I listen to his show almost every other day. And that segment was nothing more than in his typical shock jock nature, trying to blow up something out of nothing. He even had resident Heat Hater and Cleveland fan Brian Windhorst to come on and talk about it. :oldlol:

It's literally nothing. Wade has CONSISTENTLY acknowledged the importance of Bosh on the Heat. He is consistently given him props. As has LeBron.

But if you want carry on and make something out of nothing too, be my guest. :confusedshrug:
Yet, you're the only one in this thread who thinks its nothing...:confusedshrug: And Windhorst didn't really say it was a non-issue. He also agreed that Wade should NOT have come out and said that, unless we're listening to 2 different segments.

12-18-2013, 01:13 PM
[QUOTE=Frozen1]People forget Bosh played worse than wade last years playoffs.

Bosh is a good player, but he is not a goto guy, someone you will expect raising his play level when things go bad, someone who will carry a team. He has never done it for this whole career, and on top of that, he is too inconsistent.

How can a guy who is 6

Mass Debator
12-18-2013, 01:17 PM
Lebron is the most important player on the offensive end.
Bosh is the most important player on the defensive end.

On the other hand, Wade is important because you don't know what you're going to get. It's a negative thing too but mostly a positive. He's the explosive game changer on both sides and is the aggressor. I'm surprised he didn't mention Bosh anywhere, but maybe his intent was regarding the offensive side where he and Lebron are the primary ball handlers. It starts with them. Wade and Bosh have a great relationship.

12-18-2013, 01:20 PM
Lebron is the most important player on the offensive end.
Bosh is the most important player on the defensive end.

On the other hand, Wade is important because you don't know what you're going to get. It's a negative thing too but mostly a positive. He's the explosive game changer on both sides and is the aggressor. I'm surprised he didn't mention Bosh anywhere, but maybe his intent was regarding the offensive side where he and Lebron are the primary ball handlers. It starts with them. Wade and Bosh have a great relationship.
It is very weird he didn't mention Bosh. I mean, he even went on and addressed the question further and still didn't mention Bosh. He said something like that doesn't mean everybody has to listen to him and Lebron and that they still do what the coach tells them. I just figured, if they're so close, how could he not mention Bosh? How is Bosh supposed to feel about that? I'm sure he would give the PC answer but inside, that has to bother him...

12-18-2013, 01:21 PM
Wade won a ring as the clear leader of his team.
Lebron dragged a team of scrubs to the finals before teaming up.
How far did Bosh get as team leader?

12-18-2013, 01:22 PM
LOL, you want LMA, LeBron and Wade on the same team?

I'm sure you'd also like a Dwight Howard type player, or maybe even a Kevin Durant type player? No biggie, just shift Bosh and all these players will be lining up to stack the team even more.

Of course that's how it seems to you. You're just ignoring common use of language, i.e. reaching reaching reaching.

you criticize for grammar yet fail to acknowledge he said a LMA "style" player...didn't mention LMA, many bigs can play back to the back ball like LMA does.

as far as your second statement...not reaching, Wade is making himself as important as LeBron in this instance...Wade truly believes this, when in reality he is more equal to Bosh (if not lesser IMO) than to LeBron. Bosh is main reason that the lane is clear a lot of the times as the opposing bigs have to step out to defend his jump-shot.

12-18-2013, 01:22 PM
Wade won a ring as the clear leader of his team.
Lebron dragged a team of scrubs to the finals before teaming up.
How far did Bosh get as team leader?
Name the 2nd best player Bosh ever played with...Hurry and no googling...Name the best coach he's ever played for...Hurry and no googling....How many sorry Raptor teams did Bosh produce for....thats an easy answer...

12-18-2013, 01:23 PM
you criticize for grammar yet fail to acknowledge he said a LMA "style" player...didn't mention LMA, many bigs can play back to the back ball like LMA does.

as far as your second statement...not reaching, Wade is making himself as important as LeBron in this instance...Wade truly believes this, when in reality he is more equal to Bosh (if not lesser IMO) than to LeBron. Bosh is main reason that the lane is clear a lot of the times as the opposing bigs have to step out to defend his jump-shot.
Huge point that some seem to be overlooking. Nobody respects Wade's jumpshot anymore..they're more than happy to give him that shot instead of him going to the basket, same with Lebron even though his shot has improved...

12-18-2013, 01:37 PM
Huge point that some seem to be overlooking. Nobody respects Wade's jumpshot anymore..they're more than happy to give him that shot instead of him going to the basket, same with Lebron even though his shot has improved...

How would you rank the top 5 Heat players in terms of impact?

12-18-2013, 01:38 PM
Yet, you're the only one in this thread who thinks its nothing...

Because it is nothing.

“We always appreciate Chris,” Dwyane Wade said. “It is you guys who don’t appreciate him.”

“He’s such an impact to our team, so efficient,” James said. “He gets his points so quietly, makes jumpshots, gets to the free throw line, makes things happen for our team and we all feed off of that. And I tried to feed off of that as well.”

Seriously, this Heat team has some of the greatest team chemistry you will ever see. Harlem Shake video. Post game video bombs. Guys always hanging around each other, cracking jokes etc etc.

There is no friction. There is nothing to see here. They play as unselfish of a brand of basketball as you can play.

There's nothing to see here. But you can over analyze and dissect some throw away comment in an interview with Stephen A. Smith if you'd like.

12-18-2013, 01:40 PM
How would you rank the top 5 Heat players in terms of impact?
1. Lebron
2. Wade
3. Bosh
4. Chalmers
5. Battier

But really, I don't think the gap between Wade and Bosh is that big at all. I don't think they can win this year without Bosh, whether he plays well or poorly, I think they need him for floor spacing, chemistry and defense. He's the only quality big they have. I don't count Oden until he proves he can stay healthy..

Edit-also, I made a mistake with the quote, he did say "Lebron and myself"..they just played the quote again...However, I don't really care who's name he said first. My point is still that he seems to dismiss Bosh.

Mass Debator
12-18-2013, 01:42 PM
It is very weird he didn't mention Bosh. I mean, he even went on and addressed the question further and still didn't mention Bosh. He said something like that doesn't mean everybody has to listen to him and Lebron and that they still do what the coach tells them. I just figured, if they're so close, how could he not mention Bosh? How is Bosh supposed to feel about that? I'm sure he would give the PC answer but inside, that has to bother him...
I didn't have a chance to catch the conversation, but I think 99% of Bosh doesn't really care. Wade has given him lots of praise before and I'm pretty sure they both are on the same page on and off the court. I believe this is a non-story. However, this is pretty strange of Wade to say though, but again, I didn't get to listen to the thing and really pay attention to the tone of how he's saying it all.

12-18-2013, 01:44 PM
How would you rank the top 5 Heat players in terms of impact?


really, Chalmers/Allen/Beasley/Battier/Cole can swap on imact on any given night. "stacked" as many would call it here but known to the Heat as taking chances on players who just need direction (Patriots/Belichek method)

longtime lurker
12-18-2013, 01:45 PM
SMH at the overreaction on this quote. I'm sure Bosh wants to leave a chance to win rings over not being "appreciated" :oldlol:

12-18-2013, 01:46 PM
Because it is nothing.

Seriously, this Heat team has some of the greatest team chemistry you will ever see. Harlem Shake video. Post game video bombs. Guys always hanging around each other, cracking jokes etc etc.

There is no friction. There is nothing to see here. They play as unselfish of a brand of basketball as you can play.

There's nothing to see here. But you can over analyze and dissect some throw away comment in an interview with Stephen A. Smith if you'd like.
You can say whatever you want. Whether he intended it that way or not, thats how it came off. For anybody who saw the entire interview..Did you see the entire interview or did you just hear the snippets on Colin's show? It was dismissive bro, don't really care if you want to admit it or not...

They're called the big 3, everybody knows that. He says "This team is only going to go as far as Lebron and myself take it, I think everyone knows that"..First thing he said. Its dismissive, how do you not include Bosh in an interview with Stephen A. that you know will played everywhere. Ill tell you why, because he honestly didn't think about Bosh. You know why, because he meant what he said. Its him and Lebron. I'm aware that he's acknowledged Bosh in the past. What else is he supposed to do when he's directly asked about Bosh? Is he supposed to say, nah Bosh aint shit. Of course he'll give him credit when he's asked about it. But in this interview, he was not asked about Bosh, he was asked about his team in general and he told you how he felt...Him and Lebron...Oh, and Wade used to be my favorite player so it aint about hating on him..I thought it was crazy to not include all of the big 3...

12-18-2013, 01:46 PM
I didn't have a chance to catch the conversation, but I think 99% of Bosh doesn't really care. Wade has given him lots of praise before and I'm pretty sure they both are on the same page on and off the court. I believe this is a non-story. However, this is pretty strange of Wade to say though, but again, I didn't get to listen to the thing and really pay attention to the tone of how he's saying it all.
Trust me bro, if you saw the interview or even heard snippets, you would find it weird how he said it.

Mass Debator
12-18-2013, 01:47 PM

really, Chalmers/Allen/Beasley/Battier/Cole can swap on imact on any given night. "stacked" as many would call it here but known to the Heat as taking chances on players who just need direction (Patriots/Belichek method)
I think Battier has more impact than Chalmers/Allen/Beasley. Maybe not on production scale but his wisdom/IQ and fearlessness. The little things he does goes unnoticed.

12-18-2013, 01:50 PM
SMH at the overreaction on this quote. I'm sure Bosh wants to leave a chance to win rings over not being "appreciated" :oldlol:
If you had 2 rings already, were playing a style that you do NOT like to play, constantly being marginalized and being made the scapegoat. And you know you have the ability to be a 20/10 player. If another team throws max dollars at you, you wouldn't think about it? Please, lol. Bosh has made comments in the past that would lead you to believe that he feels underappreciated..He's also a very professional dude so he would never do anything to ruin the chemistry so he keeps it PC in interviews...

K Xerxes
12-18-2013, 01:51 PM
you criticize for grammar yet fail to acknowledge he said a LMA "style" player...didn't mention LMA, many bigs can play back to the back ball like LMA does..

If I say I want a 'LeBron style' player, does that mean I want Batum?

Yeah right, LMA is putting up like 25-11 now with solid D. He could have mentioned many back to the basket type players apart from LMA that's more sensible or realistic. Some Heat fans just have a ridiculous sense of entitlement.

as far as your second statement...not reaching, Wade is making himself as important as LeBron in this instance...Wade truly believes this, when in reality he is more equal to Bosh (if not lesser IMO) than to LeBron. Bosh is main reason that the lane is clear a lot of the times as the opposing bigs have to step out to defend his jump-shot

Even though Wade basically gave the reigns to LeBron and said YOU take us to the promised land 2 years ago? I agree that he is closer to Bosh's importance, but his statement says nothing about how he views himself compared to LeBron. It's just stupid overanalysing.

Mass Debator
12-18-2013, 01:51 PM
Trust me bro, if you saw the interview or even heard snippets, you would find it weird how he said it.
You have a link?

12-18-2013, 01:56 PM
Do people hear realize that Miami can actually sign a proper center who can rebound with the ~15M+, if Bosh leaves?

I'm pretty sure that r15mohd is TonyMontana.

12-18-2013, 01:57 PM
I find this to be a non-story. Bosh knows his role and he's not outraged over this quote. Wade and LeBron have acknowledged Bosh many times.

12-18-2013, 01:59 PM
Lebron always acknowledged Bosh's rule.

Wade also.

I think the comment is taken to the wrong side, Wade's 2nd best player on that roster, so normally if both Lebron and Wade playing at their best (which is achieved by Bosh being on the floor as spacer) then yes the Heat can go as far as they will.

longtime lurker
12-18-2013, 01:59 PM
If you had 2 rings already, were playing a style that you do NOT like to play, constantly being marginalized and being made the scapegoat. And you know you have the ability to be a 20/10 player. If another team throws max dollars at you, you wouldn't think about it? Please, lol. Bosh has made comments in the past that would lead you to believe that he feels underappreciated..He's also a very professional dude so he would never do anything to ruin the chemistry so he keeps it PC in interviews...

I swear posters constantly crack me up with this shit. Bosh is a two time champ, possibly 3 time champ and he's still getting paid. I don't see how he's constantly marginalized, sure he doesn't get enough credit for saving Lebron's ass in the finals, but that's how it usually goes. The superstar gets the credit. If Bosh leaves it will be for more money, not because he's underappreciated or some bull shit.

12-18-2013, 02:00 PM
This is being blown out of proportion... They always show each other love

12-18-2013, 02:03 PM
I swear posters constantly crack me up with this shit. Bosh is a two time champ, possibly 3 time champ and he's still getting paid. I don't see how he's constantly marginalized, sure he doesn't get enough credit for saving Lebron's ass in the finals, but that's how it usually goes. The superstar gets the credit. If Bosh leaves it will be for more money, not because he's underappreciated or some bull shit.
And the blame as well. I don't see too many people blaming Bosh for his piss poor play against the Pacers and the Spurs. Lebron won the damn Finals are people still hate on him for not playing well in a couple of games. Bosh, Games 1, 3 & 7?

Also, did Wade actually say that? Source?

12-18-2013, 02:17 PM
And the blame as well. I don't see too many people blaming Bosh for his piss poor play against the Pacers and the Spurs. Lebron won the damn Finals are people still hate on him for not playing well in a couple of games. Bosh, Games 1, 3 & 7?

Also, did Wade actually say that? Source?
I don't have a link. He interviewed with Stephen A. I can't find the entire interview anywhere...

12-18-2013, 02:37 PM
I don't have a link. He interviewed with Stephen A. I can't find the entire interview anywhere...
u didn't answer his full quote though. why doesn't bosh get blamed as much as lebron even though he takes the same amount of money from heat?

Answer me this and i would take you seriously.
I have always known that wade and lebron are arrogant but that doesn't mean that people try to hate him as a player for no reason. Jordan and kobe were far worse. there have been players who are worse than these guys as players and are even more arrogant but this board never hates on them like they hate lebron.

it is no surprise that you have a lot of heat "fans" who troll a lot(still less than lakers fans). no one wants heat fans to celebrate the win.fans of big market teams hate them because they pulled the impossible and something only big market teams have been able to do in the past.

You can't blame lebron for every small thing and at the same time try to give bosh props for grabbing a rebound. Lebron was 90% of the reason behind heat come back in the 4th quarter of game 6. he was a beast on both side of the floor but all i see being talked about is his couple turnovers and allen's 3 to save lebron's ass(not the team's).
I can understand applauding ray allen for that 3 as he gets paid a lot less but bosh gets paid a lot. he should be getting 13-14 rebounds a game given that everyone thinks that he doesn't have much responsibility on the offensive side other than hitting a few mid range jumpers to keep defense a little honest.

12-18-2013, 02:39 PM
Link to the interview: http://espn.go.com/video/clip?id=10155219


12-18-2013, 02:43 PM
[QUOTE=Frozen1]Link to the interview: http://espn.go.com/video/clip?id=10155219


12-18-2013, 02:47 PM
u didn't answer his full quote though. why doesn't bosh get blamed as much as lebron even though he takes the same amount of money from heat?

Answer me this and i would take you seriously.
I have always known that wade and lebron are arrogant but that doesn't mean that people try to hate him as a player for no reason. Jordan and kobe were far worse. there have been players who are worse than these guys as players and are even more arrogant but this board never hates on them like they hate lebron.

it is no surprise that you have a lot of heat "fans" who troll a lot(still less than lakers fans). no one wants heat fans to celebrate the win.fans of big market teams hate them because they pulled the impossible and something only big market teams have been able to do in the past.

You can't blame lebron for every small thing and at the same time try to give bosh props for grabbing a rebound. Lebron was 90% of the reason behind heat come back in the 4th quarter of game 6. he was a beast on both side of the floor but all i see being talked about is his couple turnovers and allen's 3 to save lebron's ass(not the team's).
I can understand applauding ray allen for that 3 as he gets paid a lot less but bosh gets paid a lot. he should be getting 13-14 rebounds a game given that everyone thinks that he doesn't have much responsibility on the offensive side other than hitting a few mid range jumpers to keep defense a little honest.
I haven't claimed any of these points. I don't know why OTHERS blame Lebron all the time. I haven't said anything about Ray Allen or who's to blame for what or whatever...I said Bosh has been blamed in the past and he has, especially on this forum. I never blamed Lebron or said that he shouldn't be be blamed for anything so I'm not sure why you're asking me to speak on this. In fact, I haven't talked about Lebron at all in this thread. You should be asking the posters that said that stuff..I'm talking about this interview and this interview only. Wade didn't mention Bosh and I thought it was strange and I backed up my statement with reasons why. I don't get into all that trolling and nonsense....

12-18-2013, 02:47 PM
u didn't answer his full quote though. why doesn't bosh get blamed as much as lebron even though he takes the same amount of money from heat?

Answer me this and i would take you seriously.
I have always known that wade and lebron are arrogant but that doesn't mean that people try to hate him as a player for no reason. Jordan and kobe were far worse. there have been players who are worse than these guys as players and are even more arrogant but this board never hates on them like they hate lebron.

it is no surprise that you have a lot of heat "fans" who troll a lot(still less than lakers fans). no one wants heat fans to celebrate the win.fans of big market teams hate them because they pulled the impossible and something only big market teams have been able to do in the past.

You can't blame lebron for every small thing and at the same time try to give bosh props for grabbing a rebound. Lebron was 90% of the reason behind heat come back in the 4th quarter of game 6. he was a beast on both side of the floor but all i see being talked about is his couple turnovers and allen's 3 to save lebron's ass(not the team's).
I can understand applauding ray allen for that 3 as he gets paid a lot less but bosh gets paid a lot. he should be getting 13-14 rebounds a game given that everyone thinks that he doesn't have much responsibility on the offensive side other than hitting a few mid range jumpers to keep defense a little honest.

This post will be avoided like the plague.

12-18-2013, 02:50 PM
This post will be avoided like the plague.
The trolls that he's addressing should answer it..I haven't claimed anything in his post...Seems like he made that post to address what others are saying cause I didn't say any of it...

12-18-2013, 02:53 PM
The trolls that he's addressing should answer it..I haven't claimed anything in his post...Seems like he made that post to address what others are saying cause I didn't say any of it...

I'm aware. I wasn't referring to you specifically.

12-18-2013, 02:55 PM
I'm aware. I wasn't referring to you specifically.
Ok, my bad then....He quoted my post so I figured you were referring to me also..

12-18-2013, 03:06 PM
The trolls that he's addressing should answer it..I haven't claimed anything in his post...Seems like he made that post to address what others are saying cause I didn't say any of it...

You already know ISH works..everyone leaves the thread as soon as they're called out on it.

12-18-2013, 03:17 PM
Do people hear realize that Miami can actually sign a proper center who can rebound with the ~15M+, if Bosh leaves?

I'm pretty sure that r15mohd is TonyMontana.

lmao...you only say that because I don't froth at the mouth with other Heat fans on Wade. it's becoming repetitive now in every thread I oppose you on regarding Wade...you clearly stated he's the reason you're a Heat fan. I on the other hand am a Heat fan before any player, fan. If you want to label me anything...especially a stan, it would be to MJ because aint no one topping His Airness.

if Bosh were to leave...Miami would probably look at younger, more cost efficient players. doubt they'd jump to sing one player at the 15mil contract, as to save on that lux tax penalty

12-18-2013, 03:22 PM
Bosh is a girl he plays better if hes called out. If they always said how he is the man. He would just relax and not play like he has something to prove. Bosh doesn't have that mentality on his own.

longtime lurker
12-18-2013, 03:28 PM
And the blame as well. I don't see too many people blaming Bosh for his piss poor play against the Pacers and the Spurs. Lebron won the damn Finals are people still hate on him for not playing well in a couple of games. Bosh, Games 1, 3 & 7?

Also, did Wade actually say that? Source?

Bosh's piss poor play is a direct result of what the OP was alluding to, him being put in a position and role that isn't best suited for his abilities. Lebron was shook the first 5 games of the finals and Bosh doesn't get credit for literally saving the Heat's season.

12-18-2013, 03:28 PM
Why ISH been such Bosh dickriders lately?

12-18-2013, 03:44 PM
Bosh's piss poor play is a direct result of what the OP was alluding to, him being put in a position and role that isn't best suited for his abilities. Lebron was shook the first 5 games of the finals and Bosh doesn't get credit for literally saving the Heat's season.
Bosh went 0-5 in Game 7 of the NBA Finals. Dude is as soft as they come. He does play good defense, but the dude has become a scrub on the offensive and rebounding departments. 11/4 on 38% against the Pacers? The guy is making ~19M. Unless he's playing injured, there's no reason for him to play like that.

You're talking about Bosh saving the Heat (the rebound?)? How about his play putting them in that crappy position in the first place? Dude scored like 12/8 on 45% against 37 year old Timmy.

lmao...you only say that because I don't froth at the mouth with other Heat fans on Wade. it's becoming repetitive now in every thread I oppose you on regarding Wade...you clearly stated he's the reason you're a Heat fan. I on the other hand am a Heat fan before any player, fan. If you want to label me anything...especially a stan, it would be to MJ because aint no one topping His Airness.

Dude, you said that Wade doesn't deserve anything more than $6M per year. A 20+/5/5/2/1 on 50%+ player for $6M? Come on, man.

Why ISH been such Bosh dickriders lately?
Anything to hate on Lebron.

12-18-2013, 03:57 PM
They beat the pacers without bosh tho

And they nearly got beat last year WITH Bosh. If Vogel didn't screw up in Game 1 and the rest of the series had the same results, it would have been a Pacers / Spurs showdown.

God damn, Miami has got one BIG asterisk next them in both their championship runs.

All Net
12-18-2013, 03:58 PM
They beat Indiana with Bosh averaging 11 ppg on 38% and 4.3 rpg. Wade's right in the sense that he and Lebron are obviously the two most important players.

True but Miami aren't beating this Pacer team with bosh doing that.

Mr. Incredible
12-18-2013, 03:59 PM
No he should have said this team is going as far as LeBron takes us.

12-18-2013, 04:01 PM
True but Miami aren't beating this Pacer team with bosh doing that.

Too many other factors come into play here, particularly on how well the role players are shooting from 3-point land and how healthy Wade is during the series.

12-18-2013, 04:05 PM
No he should have said this team is going as far as LeBron takes us.

So, ECF and thats it, right? Because the dude cannot go anywhere without surrounding himself with all stars.

12-18-2013, 04:13 PM
So, ECF and thats it, right? Because the dude cannot go anywhere without surrounding himself with all stars.
Good god, you're a ******. Can you go a single minute without thinking about LeBron?

12-18-2013, 04:30 PM
Bosh went 0-5 in Game 7 of the NBA Finals. Dude is as soft as they come. He does play good defense, but the dude has become a scrub on the offensive and rebounding departments. 11/4 on 38% against the Pacers? The guy is making ~19M. Unless he's playing injured, there's no reason for him to play like that.

You're talking about Bosh saving the Heat (the rebound?)? How about his play putting them in that crappy position in the first place? Dude scored like 12/8 on 45% against 37 year old Timmy.

Dude, you said that Wade doesn't deserve anything more than $6M per year. A 20+/5/5/2/1 on 50%+ player for $6M? Come on, man.

Anything to hate on Lebron.

He does this playing part-time, mostly...sure, he's had a great few games recently but that's few and far between for my personal liking. It even goes into the playoffs when he’s needed most. I, personally, have issues with paying him 15mil a year to always be “injured” at least 2 games in every playoff series…it just puts more weight on LeBron and Bosh, and they’ve done great so far in picking up his slack at times (LeBron more so than Bosh) but it’s just a bad investment in my eyes by having Wade.

In the 3 playoff runs of late, he’s probably had 5-10 superstar caliber performances (and I’m probably being modest)…Bosh is excused because the offensive scheme Spo runs needs an outside big that is a threat. Bosh does need to pull his weight more, but the defense respects him…they’ve lost that for Wade.

Agree with me or not, I just feel we could use the money on other players that will give consistent value rather than sporadic performances like Wade does. His 15 mil can easily account for another quality SG and a descent quality big, rather than a 50-55 gamer we have now who has declined.

and how ironic you would say this about Bosh...but Wade, because you're a fan of him, he gets a pass:

The guy is making ~19M. Unless he's playing injured, there's no reason for him to play like that.

12-18-2013, 04:35 PM
Good god, you're a ******. Can you go a single minute without thinking about LeBron?

******? really? is this the best you've got, an elementary grade homophobic zinger used primarily by internet keyboard jockeys?

Come on, make a relevant insult, don't be a stooge.

12-18-2013, 04:35 PM
He does this playing part-time, mostly...sure, he's had a great few games recently but that's few and far between for my personal liking. It even goes into the playoffs when he’s needed most. I, personally, have issues with paying him 15mil a year to always be “injured” at least 2 games in every playoff series…it just puts more weight on LeBron and Bosh, and they’ve done great so far in picking up his slack at times (LeBron more so than Bosh) but it’s just a bad investment in my eyes by having Wade.

In the 3 playoff runs of late, he’s probably had 5-10 superstar caliber performances (and I’m probably being modest)…Bosh is excused because the offensive scheme Spo runs needs an outside big that is a threat. Bosh does need to pull his weight more, but the defense respects him…they’ve lost that for Wade.

Agree with me or not, I just feel we could use the money on other players that will give consistent value rather than sporadic performances like Wade does. His 15 mil can easily account for another quality SG and a descent quality big, rather than a 50-55 gamer we have now who has declined.
and that is why bosh should be top 5 rebounder in the league given that he is not giving that much on the offensive side. he is not a great player in the post and that is his big weakness. when heat lost in 2011, james went and worked on his post moves but bosh never did that. i can show you plenty of examples where bosh was given ball in the post a lot of times in the start of the game and he failed badly.
Heat have tried putting bosh in the post against big teams at start of the games to test if it works and he never finishes. he is worse than both wade and james in that department even though he is taller.

12-18-2013, 04:43 PM
and that is why bosh should be top 5 rebounder in the league given that he is not giving that much on the offensive side. he is not a great player in the post and that is his big weakness. when heat lost in 2011, james went and worked on his post moves but bosh never did that. i can show you plenty of examples where bosh was given ball in the post a lot of times in the start of the game and he failed badly.
Heat have tried putting bosh in the post against big teams at start of the games to test if it works and he never finishes. he is worse than both wade and james in that department even though he is taller.

i don't disagree with you here in what Bosh should be doing given his position and size (though a bit underwight). they did think about bulking him up to compete and crash those boards more, but the downside was taking away his quickness when he stretches the floor.

the benefit of a bigger Bosh couldn't out-weigh the quickness/speed of current Bosh, per Miami's mgmt. the Heat get by with Bosh as he is, I would have preferred if he gained some size because his offensive threat is fed off of drives and dishes for that elbow shot majority of the time. maybe 25% of his plays actually has him creating for himself.

12-18-2013, 04:47 PM
Yeah, but they don't win without some help along the way. And you remove the only quality big they have? Indiana would rape them inside all day long. Bosh didn't have a good series, but replace him with Joel Anthony? Was the Birdman going to be able to give you starter minutes. LOL
Yes. It's a team game. Congrats on figuring out the most obvious thing.

12-18-2013, 04:58 PM
He does this playing part-time, mostly...sure, he's had a great few games recently but that's few and far between for my personal liking. It even goes into the playoffs when he’s needed most. I, personally, have issues with paying him 15mil a year to always be “injured” at least 2 games in every playoff series…it just puts more weight on LeBron and Bosh, and they’ve done great so far in picking up his slack at times (LeBron more so than Bosh) but it’s just a bad investment in my eyes by having Wade.
Bosh picked up Wade's slack? When?

In the 3 playoff runs of late, he’s probably had 5-10 superstar caliber performances (and I’m probably being modest)…Bosh is excused because the offensive scheme Spo runs needs an outside big that is a threat. Bosh does need to pull his weight more, but the defense respects him…they’ve lost that for Wade.
vs the Sixers - 22/8/5/2/2
vs the Celtics - 30/7/5/2/1
vs the Mav's - 27/7/5/2/1
vs the Pacers - 26/6/3/2/1
vs the Thunder - 23/6/5/1.5/1
vs the Spurs - 20/4/5/2/1
If you're talking about individual games, he had a LOT more than 5-10..

Agree with me or not, I just feel we could use the money on other players that will give consistent value rather than sporadic performances like Wade does. His 15 mil can easily account for another quality SG and a descent quality big, rather than a 50-55 gamer we have now who has declined.
:facepalm Wade played 69 games last season, 61 (adjusted to 82 games) the year before that and 76 in '11. He'll play ~65+ again at the pace he's going.

and how ironic you would say this about Bosh...but Wade, because you're a fan of him, he gets a pass:

The guy is making ~19M. Unless he's playing injured, there's no reason for him to play like that.
Also, Wade averaged 20/4/5/2/1 in the Finals. Not 12 and 8. Also, I don't remember Bosh singlehandedly winning a game for the Heat. I don't remember Bosh scoring 23/10 in Game 7 as well.

12-18-2013, 05:13 PM
yulp it's not a team game at all Dwayne is it? What about Battier in the first Lebron and Wade ring? What about Ray Allen and Birdman in the second? What about Bosh? Yulp it's all you and Lebron you arrogant douchebag.

I never understood why people hate Lebron so much when Wade is a legit d-bag who flops as much as anyone in the league without even looking to get the ball in the basket and then doesn't run back on defence because he's too busy waving his arms and crying to the ref. Plus his clothing labels logo is the same as the anus flag from community but he hasn't noticed.

12-18-2013, 05:23 PM
The sentence should be "This team is going to go as far as LeBron and I take it" anyway, if we're looking at it from a strict grammatical standpoint.

But the common usage is "me and X", even if people know how it should be grammatically. This a moot point really as it's just everyday language he's using.

No surprise you were the one to bring it up.
Yes and no. Language isn't static. You could easily argue that "me and X" is an evolution of a new dialect. Look at the history of west germanic languages and you'll see how the current English grammatical structure itself is an evolution of past word oder in phrases.

If you look at old English, it's almost completely unrecognizable to modern English speakers, even after the adoption of latin script.

There really is no right or wrong with language. 100 years from now, people might think the current english "him and I" sounds as weird as we currently think the middle english "ye shall be taken as thou expede unto thine own selves" sounds.

12-18-2013, 05:24 PM
Bosh is probably gone after this season...

12-18-2013, 06:34 PM
It sounds bad if you don't get the context. The interview with SAS was mainly about his relationship with Lebron. On First Take today, their entire discussion was about the Lebron-Wade Batman/Robin crap and how Wade is Lebron's best friend, etc.

So it wasn't a jab at Bosh, who I agree is underrated by the media.

12-18-2013, 07:41 PM
Any Heat fan would know that Bosh just bought a new house and spoke regularly about how much he wants to spend the rest of his career in Miami. Bosh and Wade are Miami Heat for life (unless management trades them) but Lebron is the one that is still in question. Will see at the end of this year. P.S Wade also stated that he will not take the max next time in order to keep the team together.

12-18-2013, 07:44 PM
he knew what he was getting into and Im sure he doesnt mind when he looks at his rings or when he is put on the ballot for HOF

12-18-2013, 07:46 PM
This team goes as far as LeBron James is healthy and takes them.

12-19-2013, 07:49 PM
Doesnt matter, that seems like he is putting himself at the level of importance as Lebron doesnt it, its just as incorrect.... not mentioning Bosh at all either who is just as important if not more important than Wade is not so smart aswell...

I just disagree somewhat with Wade here....

I wish you'd never post on here again. You're like the herpes of Insidehoops.

12-20-2013, 10:21 AM
What will they ever do without Bosh's 0 points in Game 7? Or how about his defense on Roy Hibbert and Duncan the last two rounds? :oldlol:

12-20-2013, 10:31 AM
Name the 2nd best player Bosh ever played with...Hurry and no googling...Name the best coach he's ever played for...Hurry and no googling....How many sorry Raptor teams did Bosh produce for....thats an easy answer...

Wade won a title with past prime Shaq and a bunch of role players. LeBron carried a team of crap to the Finals. Bosh won like 3 whole playoff game his time in Toronto. What a star :oldlol:

12-20-2013, 10:33 AM
Why ISH been such Bosh dickriders lately?

It's all to hate on LeBron. I don't know what Bosh they saw, but the one I saw in the playoffs got abused in the post by Hibbert/Duncan. Put the same amount of points I did in Game 7 of the Finals. And like I said, Birdman had more impact for most of the playoffs. Miami made their run in game 6 with Bosh on the bench during the comeback for a good amount.

12-20-2013, 02:28 PM
It's all to hate on LeBron. I don't know what Bosh they saw, but the one I saw in the playoffs got abused in the post by Hibbert/Duncan. Put the same amount of points I did in Game 7 of the Finals. And like I said, Birdman had more impact for most of the playoffs. Miami made their run in game 6 with Bosh on the bench during the comeback for a good amount.

Bosh does not even box out. It's pathetic.

Bosh being raped in the ECF and finals is what caused Miami to be pushed to the brink both series, yet Bosh gets non stop praise. He is overpaid.

12-20-2013, 03:21 PM
Oh yeah, didn't Bosh and Ray Allen save Wade and Lebron's ass last year in the finals?

wtf are you talking about?

did ray allen scored 6 points on that 3pointer?

fisher and horry should be licked on their balls 24/7 if someone sane follows your logic, they would be bigger heroes than batman.

12-20-2013, 03:49 PM
Bosh does not even box out. It's pathetic.

Bosh being raped in the ECF and finals is what caused Miami to be pushed to the brink both series, yet Bosh gets non stop praise. He is overpaid.

Yep. This is the only place where I see people crying about how underrated Bosh is. He had a shit playoff run. The only thing underrated about it is how its never brought up. He was garbage, plain and simple. And he almost made Duncan Finals MVP on his own.

12-20-2013, 03:50 PM
wtf are you talking about?

did ray allen scored 6 points on that 3pointer?

fisher and horry should be licked on their balls 24/7 if someone sane follows your logic, they would be bigger heroes than batman.

Funny part is that guy is a Wilt stan. :oldlol: