View Full Version : Paul George being a superstar is the only thing that matters.

Connor B
12-18-2013, 11:02 PM
Unless Paul George can consistently play like a top 5 maybe even top 3 player, the Pacers will not beat the Heat. Everyone always talk about the advantage the bigs on the Pacers have over Miami, but I've yet to see that be the thing that puts the over the top. As long as Lebron plays like Lebron, and D Wade has his moments, the Pacers will not beat the Heat.

It is all up to George. Star power is more important than match ups.

Magic 32
12-18-2013, 11:05 PM
Unless Paul George can consistently play like a top 5 maybe even top 3 player, the Pacers will not beat the Heat. Everyone always talk about the advantage the bigs on the Pacers have over Miami, but I've yet to see that be the thing that puts the over the top. As long as Lebron plays like Lebron, and D Wade has his moments, the Pacers will not beat the Heat.

It is all up to George. Star power is more important than match ups.

They need a PG.

PG is doing fine.

Le Shaqtus
12-18-2013, 11:09 PM
They need a PG that play makes, Hill can't even make open 3's.

He's the weak link.

12-18-2013, 11:10 PM
Their point guard play is terrible

Magic 32
12-18-2013, 11:13 PM
They need a PG that play makes, Hill can't even make open 3's.

He's the weak link.

Hill for Dragic.

Mr. Incredible
12-18-2013, 11:16 PM
People need to stop calling this dude a superstar

TheReal Kendall
12-18-2013, 11:17 PM
Hill for Dragic.


Pacers will be fine. PG got Granger coming back to take some of the load of him so they really don't have anything to worry about.

I'm more worried about the turnovers which is a team thing.

They just beat the Heat last week with the same pg while turning the ball over 20+ times

12-18-2013, 11:17 PM
Hill for Dragic.

hill for lin

12-18-2013, 11:19 PM
People need to stop calling this dude a superstar

12-18-2013, 11:20 PM
People need to stop calling this dude a superstar

People need to stop calling LeBron* greater than MJ.

12-18-2013, 11:21 PM
People need to stop calling LeBron* greater than MJ.
still closer to the truth

12-18-2013, 11:22 PM
Against Miami, Hibbert matters a lot more than George does. George is containable.

97 bulls
12-18-2013, 11:23 PM
Sometimes I wonder if the Pacers are really good enough. The same logic used to be applied every year to those Knicks teams vs the Bulls rivalry. The Bulls wouldn't be able the beat them due to the Knicks having Patrick Ewing. And we all know how that turned out.

12-18-2013, 11:23 PM
Against Miami, Hibbert matters a lot more than George does. George is containable.


12-18-2013, 11:25 PM
Unless Paul George can consistently play like a top 5 maybe even top 3 player, the Pacers will not beat the Heat. Everyone always talk about the advantage the bigs on the Pacers have over Miami, but I've yet to see that be the thing that puts the over the top. As long as Lebron plays like Lebron, and D Wade has his moments, the Pacers will not beat the Heat.

It is all up to George. Star power is more important than match ups.


The Pacers need a point guard, just ONE point guard on the roster, that isn't a ****ing idiot. They need someone that can, you know, actually do the things a point guard is supposed to do. Like facilitate the offense, make competent passes to the post. Find the open man. Not be a ****ing hinderance on offense :facepalm

Le Shaqtus
12-18-2013, 11:26 PM
Against Miami, Hibbert matters a lot more than George does. George is containable.

Hibbert is definitely the difference maker, his defense was sorely missed in the 4th...

PG still got an impressive statline though, he's not as easy to guard as everyone thinks.

Mr. Incredible
12-18-2013, 11:27 PM
Stop stalking me.

12-18-2013, 11:28 PM
Hibbert is definitely the difference maker, his defense was sorely missed in the 4th...

PG still got an impressive statline though, he's not as easy to guard as everyone thinks.
No he isn't, but Paul George isn't what makes it a tough match up for Miami. Paul George is actually the exact kind of player that Miami can handle. Hibbert and West are not.

12-18-2013, 11:31 PM

The Pacers need a point guard, just ONE point guard on the roster, that isn't a ****ing idiot. They need someone that can, you know, actually do the things a point guard is supposed to do. Like facilitate the offense, make competent passes to the post. Find the open man. Not be a ****ing hinderance on offense :facepalm

They also need fair officiating.

12-18-2013, 11:37 PM
They also need fair officiating.

Refs were shitty both ways. Yeah that was a foul on George's shot, but it should have never came to that.

Hill is not a starting quality point guard. It's simple. Find a way to get Lowry and either regulate Hill to the bench or trade him. Doesn't matter, just make sure he isn't in the game in crucial moments against Miami in the playoffs.

The Spurs fleeced the Pacers on that trade. Borderline robbery.

12-18-2013, 11:38 PM
I must admit. I am impressed with PG this year. I really don't think Miami is going to beat them in a series. They play too well together and can go through rough stretches because of their style of play.

Indiana vs OKlahoma City in the championship

12-18-2013, 11:39 PM
I agree with OP.. NBA needs a new superstar...

12-18-2013, 11:39 PM
Refs were shitty both ways.

Yeah, and I want them to be fair both ways.

12-18-2013, 11:40 PM
Yes they need an allstar pg, along side a line up that's sporting a league-best record

12-18-2013, 11:52 PM
May I register complete, one-hundred-percent disagreement with the OP?

Team play, defense, and Roy Hibbert's presence in the middle on both ends are what got the Pacers so far last year.

And if they're going to get farther this year, George upping his PPG a bit won't be what does it. He doesn't have the talent to be Lebron or Kobe; the best he can do is put a bit more pressure on the defense as a scorer than he did last year.

The difference will be can they control the game on offense in crucial moments and keep the turnovers down. Last year, they lost because they started coughing the ball up and the Heat, stymied in the halfcourt, got out in transition.

Paul George will never be the type of player who can control the tempo like that on offense, so the Pacers' success is not riding on him, but on their point guard play and coaching. If he can make Lebron's life very hard and give them a fairly reliable 20 ppg, that will be enough.

12-19-2013, 11:33 AM
Against Miami, Hibbert matters a lot more than George does. George is containable.


J Shuttlesworth
03-08-2014, 06:53 PM
:lol :lol :lol